In all of Mike’s posts over the years, where is honor and glory given to Jesus Christ, the head of the church? Where? I see honor and glory given to the cult leader he heaps praise and adulation upon. But, what about Jesus Christ? Where does he fit in your “Way Box”.
What I see like so many others who were mesmerized by the cult leader(s) is there is no room at all for the active presence of Jesus Christ.
Right? Wrong? What?
I deliberately changed "TWI Box" to "Way Box" to honor the only way to the Father, Jesus Christ. The legal 5-senses corporation is TWI, while the Way is Jesus Christ.It's always been that Way for me.
I just ordered it on a Kindle. I've never done that before, but I wanted to be able to size up the font size. Now I've got to research (hard to get away from that word) how to do a Kindole on my PC and how is Amazon going to deliver it. Just when I thought I knew it all.
I accept "tell the research department what he believes to passage means and it was the research departments job to find the verses to back it up."
You are also right about this not being like the scientific method. It's not supposed to be.
So essentially your telling me all Saint Vic's research is bull. After all, if there's no scientific method, then all you have is superstition.
Without scientific method, every statement is just as valid as every other statement, as you never have to prove anything.
Believing equals recieving is just as valid as Saint Vic is a Keebler elf
So tell me, if all you have is superstition, what gives any validity to Saint Vic's claims? God spoke through him? Sorry, that's superstition, too.
Reminds me of a Tick quote:
This kind of research is how a college professor writes a book with grad students assisting. The thesis is the professor's only. The grad students are assisting only, but gaining experienc e for when they conduct their own research. This is a time honored tradition in academia. It's well known that with many academic books the actual dog work and most writing is done by the grad students and the OFTEN get no credit. The thesis of the book is the sole property of the professor. This is the way it was in the 1960s. It may havbe changed some.
So your telling me all those people whose work he stole were grad students? And he was the college professor?
First off, college professors cite their sources, he didn't.
Second, any college freshman can tell you what the penalty for stealing someones work and claiming it as your own is. You either got an F in the course or you resigned your tenure.
So essentially your telling me all Saint Vic's research is bull.
It looks to me that maybe you did not read or understand my splitting up the idea of research into three types. Maybe you find it better to ignore it. If you understand my division here, tell me to which type of research you are referring to?
It looks to me that maybe you did not read or understand my splitting up the idea of research into three types. Maybe you find it better to ignore it. If you understand my division here, tell me to which type of research you are referring to?
All research.
Your the one claiming there's no scientific method, therefore its all superstion.
Perhaps you don't understand what stepping away from scientific method, logic and reason, implies.
What an amazing way to keep the propaganda going ... with more propaganda! With posts like these, you keep yourself and others from climbing outside the TWI box and learning new things, like what research really means. Your spouting off about VP's so-called research would be funny if it weren't for the fact that it shows how some people are still very delusional when it comes to understanding what VPW did. To me, this is a sad reminder of the damage he caused.
It looks to me that maybe you did not read or understand my splitting up the idea of research into three types. Maybe you find it better to ignore it. If you understand my division here, tell me to which type of research you are referring to? looks to me like you've passed thru the cult skeletal corridors, into the inner sanctum of mystic-delusion, and found the lockbox of the psychopath's papers. Clearly, no one is going to understand the depth of your discovery. Your grasp of the secret codes of research is a three-dimensional chess paradigm that few will ever understand, let alone accept. Rest assured that you are one of wierwille's truest disciples.........and bestowed with honor, the Bullshcittery Maximus Award.
In all of Mike’s posts over the years, where is honor and glory given to Jesus Christ, the head of the church? Where? I see honor and glory given to the cult leader he heaps praise and adulation upon. But, what about Jesus Christ? Where does he fit in your “Way Box”.
What I see like so many others who were mesmerized by the cult leader(s) is there is no room at all for the active presence of Jesus Christ.
Right? Wrong? What?
Jay, good question!! I think followers of TWI, worshipped VPW, more than they worshipped Jesus Christ. Perhaps if we had worshipped Jesus Christ, instead of VPW, life would have been so more meaningful, and less stressful. Just my opinion. looks to me like you've passed thru the cult skeletal corridors, into the inner sanctum of mystic-delusion, and found the lockbox of the psychopath's papers. Clearly, no one is going to understand the depth of your discovery. Your grasp of the secret codes of research is a three-dimensional chess paradigm that few will ever understand, let alone accept. Rest assured that you are one of wierwille's truest disciples.........and bestowed with honor, the Bullshcittery Maximus Award.
I just ordered it on a Kindle. I've never done that before, but I wanted to be able to size up the font size. Now I've got to research (hard to get away from that word) how to do a Kindole on my PC and how is Amazon going to deliver it. Just when I thought I knew it all. looks to me like you've passed thru the cult skeletal corridors, into the inner sanctum of mystic-delusion, and found the lockbox of the psychopath's papers. Clearly, no one is going to understand the depth of your discovery. Your grasp of the secret codes of research is a three-dimensional chess paradigm that few will ever understand, let alone accept. Rest assured that you are one of wierwille's truest disciples.........and bestowed with honor, the Bullshcittery Maximus Award.
I think I'm getting a bead on the crux of the whole stealing others work difficulty for Mike
When people here at GS reference plagerism, Mike, they are NOT, repeat NOT, refering to themes.
Romeo And Juliet and West Side Story have the same theme. Every yuletide some sitcom does a variation of the A Christmas Carol theme. Themes are not copyrighted and fair game for anyone wanting to use them.
However, where Saint Vic went off the rails was by copying other peoples work word-for-word. Those words are copyrighted and it is plagerism.
I've seen side by sides of others and Saint Vic's works. Someone would write sentences ABCD and Saint Vic would write exactly the same sentences BDAC.
If he had put the themes in his own words there would be no problem, but no00000000!, he had to steal the work word-for-word.
Think about it, if he had cited those works, word-for-word, he had stolen, he may have gained even more street cred as the person who put it all together. But, mores the pity, it was more important to steal other words.
What an amazing way to keep the propaganda going ... with more propaganda! With posts like these, you keep yourself and others from climbing outside the TWI box and learning new things, like what research really means. Your spouting off about VP's so-called research would be funny if it weren't for the fact that it shows how some people are still very delusional when it comes to understanding what VPW did. To me, this is a sad reminder of the damage he caused.
P.s. My real name is Charlene Edge and my personal story of being on the research team in The Way can be found in my book, Undertow.
6 hours ago, DontWorryBeHappy said:
Well put Penworks! I've been waiting for a comment from you! You are so good at courteously stating the obvious about TWIt propaganda as spread by delusional wierwille sycophants. If anyone here at GSC is experientially and intellectually qualified to accurately review and critique dictor's "research" principles and "techniques" (private interpretation by drambuie revelation) from a firsthand POV, it is you! We've written tons here regarding the actual FACTS of dictor's "research" principles, how "his" books were actually put together, what the sourcing was, and how it was forced to be handled professionally and academically as the highly educated linguists, and textual critics began arriving in the research dept. as they finished their REAL degrees at accredited universities of international repute. Dic's sloppy, vapid, anti-intellectual, baseline provided nothing of genuine value in the field of textual criticism or MS research. It was ALL plagiarized from the sources repeatedly documented here at the GSC. ALL OF IT!
I try not to write much on Mike threads, because it's like debating the reality of a My Little Pony episode, or a particularly disturbing episode of Criminal Minds, where the unsub is disconcertingly weird. If looked at substantively, what he says is like reading a bad translation of C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe. It is increasingly annoying with each post. So, rather than posting a sarcastic, cynical NYer 'tude comment, I just read and see how others respond. After 15 years, I have finally concluded that Mike is totally meshuggene with his verkackte wierwille-worship. That's a Yiddish way of saying it nicely.
Thanks to all who take the time to post in response to Mike's delusional propaganda. It protects newbies and lurkers from the insanity of wierwille drunken delusional, self-aggrandizing Bible fairy tales. Mike lives in a reality of his own making. I knew him back in the day, both in NY, and at HQ. He is a harmless, good-natured, gentle and kind soul imo. But, he got stuck in a bad batch of kult koolaid because of some 14 year old hippies (who I also know) who were electrified by Jesus Christ as they knew him for the first time. They were in the midst of a genuine Christian revival that dictor paul was lucky enough to grab a piece of and make his P.T. Barnum fortune, and service the needs of his perverted sexual compulsions. They escaped eventually. Mike loves it in the briar patch with the tares. He's happy and comfortable in his delusions. He is a physical threat to no one. He is just a lost pilgrim on the dpw .... road who loves the journey to nowhere. Not even Narnia. Peace Mike.
Penworks and DWBH, great posts regarding wierwille’s so-called research and the wealth of info posted at Grease Spot that exposes the biased and misleading info put forth by some…I think that when even one small insignificant question or doubt is given enough air to breathe it can be like a flame to ignite an important quest.
In ’86 it only took a few doubts and questions for me to begin checking out commentaries and systematic theologies by non-TWI authors. This is while I was still in TWI – and I wasn’t even making a conscious effort to shoot holes in TWI-doctrine. I discovered a trove of commentaries / theological studies at an estate sale just down the block from our home -it was the home of a pastor …all books just 50 cents each !!!! After skimming through the books I had purchased that day - I went back the next day - many were reduced to a quarter - so I bought more... …It blew my mind to see one author question the viewpoint or interpretation of a verse by some other author and give their reasons for differing…I mean - - this was revolutionary to a mind that never questioned anything that wierwille taught.
I was just trying to figure out what went wrong. But the more I read the works of others and could tell they didn’t have some ax to grind, and was so fascinated on how easy it was to track their line of reasoning – the more my mind came up with even more questions and doubts about TWI – it was like adding fuel to the fire. And the bigger the fire grew the more I could see through the darkness of TWI’s propaganda.
And like I said – intellectually I was still trapped in the TWI-mindset - - but by this time maybe there was also some sense of there being a box – and I was stuck inside it…a mental prison…the only image I can think of right now that best describes the intensity of investigation I had back then is the velociraptor testing the cage in Jurassic Park – you know eventually it’s going to find a way out.
Penworks and DWBH, great posts regarding wierwille’s so-called research and the wealth of info posted at Grease Spot that exposes the biased and misleading info put forth by some…I think that when even one small insignificant question or doubt is given enough air to breathe it can be like a flame to ignite an important quest.
In ’86 it only took a few doubts and questions for me to begin checking out commentaries and systematic theologies by non-TWI authors. This is while I was still in TWI – and I wasn’t even making a conscious effort to shoot holes in TWI-doctrine. I discovered a trove of commentaries / theological studies at an estate sale just down the block from our home -it was the home of a pastor …all books just 50 cents each !!!! After skimming through the books I had purchased that day - I went back the next day - many were reduced to a quarter - so I bought more... …It blew my mind to see one author question the viewpoint or interpretation of a verse by some other author and give their reasons for differing…I mean - - this was revolutionary to a mind that never questioned anything that wierwille taught.
I was just trying to figure out what went wrong. But the more I read the works of others and could tell they didn’t have some ax to grind, and was so fascinated on how easy it was to track their line of reasoning – the more my mind came up with even more questions and doubts about TWI – it was like adding fuel to the fire. And the bigger the fire grew the more I could see through the darkness of TWI’s propaganda.
And like I said – intellectually I was still trapped in the TWI-mindset - - but by this time maybe there was also some sense of there being a box – and I was stuck inside it…a mental prison…the only image I can think of right now that best describes the intensity of investigation I had back then is the velociraptor testing the cage in Jurassic Park – you know eventually it’s going to find a way out.
Penworks, DWBH, and T-Bone, wow! All three of you have great posts, so I will address all three of you. Penworks, thank God, I can get your book at Barnes&Noble. I have, have to read it! I know you knew VPW first-hand, and have much to say about him, and TWI. DWBH, I knew in time you would have something kind, but funny to day about Mike's Dreck here on the GSC. You never fail to disappoint. Dreck is Dreck; it could be Dreck from the early 1970' s, or Dreck from 2017, it is still Dreck. T-Bone, I too was caught in a mental prison while in TWI. Finally, after 10 years, I got out of it, through the mercy of God. But, this is what I really want to say. I know this is off Topic, but to me it is important. My Gentleman friend, and I saw the movie "The Post" this afternoon, and it was great. It was about the Pentagon Papers, and how the "Washington Post" stuck it's neck out to bring people the truth about the Viet Nam war. The truth isn't always pretty, but we as a nation need to know the truth, about what happens in society, and throughout the world. To me, the purpose of the GSC is to tell the truth, about VPW, and the TWI. If people want to hear, the truth about TWI, they will. If they want to BS, about TWI, they can, and will, here at the GSC. It is up to them, to do what they want about the information they receive from this Website. I live in DC, and I think 2018 will bring a lot of changes to the American Presidentcy, and the nation. Shalom.
(SNIP)... I too was caught in a mental prison while in TWI. Finally, after 10 years, I got out of it, through the mercy of God. But, this is what I really want to say. I know this is off Topic, but to me it is important. My Gentleman friend, and I saw the movie "The Post" this afternoon, and it was great. It was about the Pentagon Papers, and how the "Washington Post" stuck it's neck out to bring people the truth about the Viet Nam war. The truth isn't always pretty, but we as a nation need to know the truth, about what happens in society, and throughout the world. To me, the purpose of the GSC is to tell the truth, about VPW, and the TWI. If people want to hear, the truth about TWI, they will. If they want to BS, about TWI, they can, and will, here at the GSC. It is up to them, to do what they want about the information they receive from this Website. I live in DC, and I think 2018 will bring a lot of changes to the American Presidentcy, and the nation. Shalom.
Grace - your post is very much right on topic !!!
I've seen the ads for "The Post" and definitely want to catch that movie!!!!
I've seen the ads for "The Post" and definitely want to catch that movie!!!!
T-Bone, and Rocky, please go see it, it is a really good movie. T-Bone, I didn't think it was good as "All The President's Men", but it was quite good.
Mike lives in a reality of his own making. I knew him back in the day, both in NY, and at HQ. He is a harmless, good-natured, gentle and kind soul imo. But, he got stuck in a bad batch of kult koolaid because of some 14 year old hippies (who I also know) who were electrified by Jesus Christ as they knew him for the first time. They were in the midst of a genuine Christian revival that dictor paul was lucky enough to grab a piece of and make his P.T. Barnum fortune, and service the needs of his perverted sexual compulsions. They escaped eventually. Mike loves it in the briar patch with the tares. He's happy and comfortable in his delusions. He is a physical threat to no one. He is just a lost pilgrim on the dpw .... road who loves the journey to nowhere. Not even Narnia. Peace Mike.
Good to see you stop by. I’d only like to address one paragraph of your post for now.
You wrote: “Mike lives in a reality of his own making.”
Oh PLEASE. If I lived in a reality of someone else's would THAT be better? Doesn’t everyone do both to some degree? Does this sound like a college Philosophy dialog? It does to me.
I carefully construct what I believe, and both positive and negative emotions are not trusted guidance in that careful construction. I saw many grads fly on positive emotions in the 70s, and I now see many grads fly on negative emotions.
I don’t deny the validity of the emotions; deny I do their guidance trustworthiness. It took me 11 years to go out WOW because I was not going to drop everything until I was sure it was worth it.
The mindset I adopted around 1998 and demonstrated here is not at all like the Way brain of the 1980s, but that’s pretty much how you look at it.
In a micro nutshell I research and embrace knowledge that explains (1) what went right? (2) what went wrong? and (3) what can we do about it?
The main difference in our worlds is you (most posters collectively) have a Pure Evil model to explain what went wrong. You, for the most part, deny the existence of what went right.
I spend most of my time focusing on what went right and what to do about it now. I do NOT live in a Pollyanna Pseudo Reality where I am insensitive to the hurts that happened. I was massively hurt in a lot of non-obvious ways by all that went wrong. I come here and constantly hear of the hurt of others. I do not ignore what went wrong. It’s just not my main focus.
You wrote: “I knew him back in the day, both in NY, and at HQ. He is a harmless, good-natured, gentle and kind soul imo.”
Thank you for that.It might bring some relief to others here to see that.
At times posters here can (understandably) think I am defending the attitudes and the system that caused such harm.Some have even thought I was building for myselfa harem of devotees, trying to duplicate the past problems.
I’m not trying to cause any harm here.
I realize there is a mission here to rescue people who genuinely are trapped in the latest TWI-4 Box, as well as refugees from TWI structures of previous decades.I realize that many conversations with me here are NOT really conversations in your eyes, but are “Influence Dialogs” aimed at those refugees.
Ralph, you were referring to this when you wrote: “Thanks to all who take the time to post in response to Mike's delusional propaganda. It protects newbies and lurkers from the insanity of wierwille drunken delusional, self-aggrandizing Bible fairy tales.”
One of the reasons I’m staying put in one thread is to make that job less complicated for you all.
Of course, you guys who are trying to influence and educate those coming out of TWI. I want to influence leaders of TWI who abandoned their true mission over 30 years ago.
But I also like to have conversations when possible.
You wrote: “But, he got stuck in a bad batch of kult koolaid because of some 14 year old hippies (who I also know) who were electrified by Jesus Christ as they knew him for the first time. They were in the midst of a genuine Christian revival that dictor paul was lucky enough to grab…”
What I experienced in 1971 on Long Island was definitely “a genuine Christian revival” and I did my best to maintain in my own life that genuineness, and I think I’ve succeeded. Sorry to hear you failed. Please don’t project your failure onto me.
Maybe if I had jumped headlong into the Corps and WOW then I too would have failed to maintain my Groovy Christian zeal and purity. There were plenty of other areas in which I did fail, and miserably, but this one I held tight onto.
What went right for me centered on the PFAL film class, and all else in the ministry was of questionable benefit. I focused on the film class, and then in 1998 I graduated to the writings.
I eventually did go WOW, but I was always suspicious of the Corps. I suppressed it and tried to work along as best as possible, but by 1984 I realized I was going to be systematically defying a lot of “orders” that a few drifting Reverends were handing out. In 3 or 4 years that deliberate defiance had to escalate to confrontation. I had no paycheck or Corps status to lose, so I spoke up.
It’s hard for you all to imagine a fellowship that is not encumbered by ANY of the TWI machinery, and it’s just PFAL books and magazine articles that set the tone. That’s the reality I’ve constructed for myself, and I think it’s safer than devotion to an activity centered around a long past manifestation of pure evil.
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I deliberately changed "TWI Box" to "Way Box" to honor the only way to the Father, Jesus Christ. The legal 5-senses corporation is TWI, while the Way is Jesus Christ.It's always been that Way for me.
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I just ordered it on a Kindle. I've never done that before, but I wanted to be able to size up the font size. Now I've got to research (hard to get away from that word) how to do a Kindole on my PC and how is Amazon going to deliver it. Just when I thought I knew it all.
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So essentially your telling me all Saint Vic's research is bull. After all, if there's no scientific method, then all you have is superstition.
Without scientific method, every statement is just as valid as every other statement, as you never have to prove anything.
Believing equals recieving is just as valid as Saint Vic is a Keebler elf
So tell me, if all you have is superstition, what gives any validity to Saint Vic's claims? God spoke through him? Sorry, that's superstition, too.
Reminds me of a Tick quote:
So your telling me all those people whose work he stole were grad students? And he was the college professor?
First off, college professors cite their sources, he didn't.
Second, any college freshman can tell you what the penalty for stealing someones work and claiming it as your own is. You either got an F in the course or you resigned your tenure.
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It looks to me that maybe you did not read or understand my splitting up the idea of research into three types. Maybe you find it better to ignore it. If you understand my division here, tell me to which type of research you are referring to?
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All research.
Your the one claiming there's no scientific method, therefore its all superstion.
Perhaps you don't understand what stepping away from scientific method, logic and reason, implies.
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Thanks Penworks.......succinctly well said.
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skyrider looks to me like you've passed thru the cult skeletal corridors, into the inner sanctum of mystic-delusion, and found the lockbox of the psychopath's papers. Clearly, no one is going to understand the depth of your discovery. Your grasp of the secret codes of research is a three-dimensional chess paradigm that few will ever understand, let alone accept. Rest assured that you are one of wierwille's truest disciples.........and bestowed with honor, the Bullshcittery Maximus Award.
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It was Mike who tipped off Geraldo Rivera to Al Capone's vault and all that was in it! Geraldo was a piffle grad. LOL!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Let us give Mike the Flying Finger of Fate Award from Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In. Wierwille did not use Funk and Wagnall for his research.

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Grace Valerie Claire
Jay, good question!! I think followers of TWI, worshipped VPW, more than they worshipped Jesus Christ. Perhaps if we had worshipped Jesus Christ, instead of VPW, life would have been so more meaningful, and less stressful. Just my opinion.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, bingo! LMAO!
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Grace Valerie Claire
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Grace Valerie Claire
Penworks, I think you would probably know what when on in Way World decades ago.
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I gave Mike the link a couple of days ago. When he acts like he doesn't know, it's a demonstration of disingenous play acting.
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Kindle app for PC. Piece of cake?
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I think I'm getting a bead on the crux of the whole stealing others work difficulty for Mike
When people here at GS reference plagerism, Mike, they are NOT, repeat NOT, refering to themes.
Romeo And Juliet and West Side Story have the same theme. Every yuletide some sitcom does a variation of the A Christmas Carol theme. Themes are not copyrighted and fair game for anyone wanting to use them.
However, where Saint Vic went off the rails was by copying other peoples work word-for-word. Those words are copyrighted and it is plagerism.
I've seen side by sides of others and Saint Vic's works. Someone would write sentences ABCD and Saint Vic would write exactly the same sentences BDAC.
If he had put the themes in his own words there would be no problem, but no00000000!, he had to steal the work word-for-word.
Think about it, if he had cited those works, word-for-word, he had stolen, he may have gained even more street cred as the person who put it all together. But, mores the pity, it was more important to steal other words.
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Penworks and DWBH, great posts regarding wierwille’s so-called research and the wealth of info posted at Grease Spot that exposes the biased and misleading info put forth by some…I think that when even one small insignificant question or doubt is given enough air to breathe it can be like a flame to ignite an important quest.
In ’86 it only took a few doubts and questions for me to begin checking out commentaries and systematic theologies by non-TWI authors. This is while I was still in TWI – and I wasn’t even making a conscious effort to shoot holes in TWI-doctrine. I discovered a trove of commentaries / theological studies at an estate sale just down the block from our home -it was the home of a pastor …all books just 50 cents each !!!! After skimming through the books I had purchased that day - I went back the next day - many were reduced to a quarter - so I bought more... …It blew my mind to see one author question the viewpoint or interpretation of a verse by some other author and give their reasons for differing…I mean - - this was revolutionary to a mind that never questioned anything that wierwille taught.
I was just trying to figure out what went wrong. But the more I read the works of others and could tell they didn’t have some ax to grind, and was so fascinated on how easy it was to track their line of reasoning – the more my mind came up with even more questions and doubts about TWI – it was like adding fuel to the fire. And the bigger the fire grew the more I could see through the darkness of TWI’s propaganda.
And like I said – intellectually I was still trapped in the TWI-mindset - - but by this time maybe there was also some sense of there being a box – and I was stuck inside it…a mental prison…the only image I can think of right now that best describes the intensity of investigation I had back then is the velociraptor testing the cage in Jurassic Park – you know eventually it’s going to find a way out.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Penworks, DWBH, and T-Bone, wow! All three of you have great posts, so I will address all three of you. Penworks, thank God, I can get your book at Barnes&Noble. I have, have to read it! I know you knew VPW first-hand, and have much to say about him, and TWI. DWBH, I knew in time you would have something kind, but funny to day about Mike's Dreck here on the GSC. You never fail to disappoint. Dreck is Dreck; it could be Dreck from the early 1970' s, or Dreck from 2017, it is still Dreck. T-Bone, I too was caught in a mental prison while in TWI. Finally, after 10 years, I got out of it, through the mercy of God. But, this is what I really want to say.
I know this is off Topic, but to me it is important. My Gentleman friend, and I saw the movie "The Post" this afternoon, and it was great. It was about the Pentagon Papers, and how the "Washington Post" stuck it's neck out to bring people the truth about the Viet Nam war. The truth isn't always pretty, but we as a nation need to know the truth, about what happens in society, and throughout the world. To me, the purpose of the GSC is to tell the truth, about VPW, and the TWI. If people want to hear, the truth about TWI, they will. If they want to BS, about TWI, they can, and will, here at the GSC. It is up to them, to do what they want about the information they receive from this Website. I live in DC, and I think 2018 will bring a lot of changes to the American Presidentcy, and the nation. Shalom.
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Grace - your post is very much right on topic !!!
I've seen the ads for "The Post" and definitely want to catch that movie!!!!
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Me too!
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, and Rocky, please go see it, it is a really good movie. T-Bone, I didn't think it was good as "All The President's Men", but it was quite good.
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Good to see you stop by. I’d only like to address one paragraph of your post for now.
You wrote: “Mike lives in a reality of his own making.”
Oh PLEASE. If I lived in a reality of someone else's would THAT be better? Doesn’t everyone do both to some degree? Does this sound like a college Philosophy dialog? It does to me.
I carefully construct what I believe, and both positive and negative emotions are not trusted guidance in that careful construction. I saw many grads fly on positive emotions in the 70s, and I now see many grads fly on negative emotions.
I don’t deny the validity of the emotions; deny I do their guidance trustworthiness. It took me 11 years to go out WOW because I was not going to drop everything until I was sure it was worth it.
The mindset I adopted around 1998 and demonstrated here is not at all like the Way brain of the 1980s, but that’s pretty much how you look at it.
In a micro nutshell I research and embrace knowledge that explains (1) what went right? (2) what went wrong? and (3) what can we do about it?
The main difference in our worlds is you (most posters collectively) have a Pure Evil model to explain what went wrong. You, for the most part, deny the existence of what went right.
I spend most of my time focusing on what went right and what to do about it now. I do NOT live in a Pollyanna Pseudo Reality where I am insensitive to the hurts that happened. I was massively hurt in a lot of non-obvious ways by all that went wrong. I come here and constantly hear of the hurt of others. I do not ignore what went wrong. It’s just not my main focus.
You wrote: “I knew him back in the day, both in NY, and at HQ. He is a harmless, good-natured, gentle and kind soul imo.”
Thank you for that. It might bring some relief to others here to see that.
At times posters here can (understandably) think I am defending the attitudes and the system that caused such harm. Some have even thought I was building for myself a harem of devotees, trying to duplicate the past problems.
I’m not trying to cause any harm here.
I realize there is a mission here to rescue people who genuinely are trapped in the latest TWI-4 Box, as well as refugees from TWI structures of previous decades. I realize that many conversations with me here are NOT really conversations in your eyes, but are “Influence Dialogs” aimed at those refugees.
Ralph, you were referring to this when you wrote: “Thanks to all who take the time to post in response to Mike's delusional propaganda. It protects newbies and lurkers from the insanity of wierwille drunken delusional, self-aggrandizing Bible fairy tales.”
One of the reasons I’m staying put in one thread is to make that job less complicated for you all.
Of course, you guys who are trying to influence and educate those coming out of TWI. I want to influence leaders of TWI who abandoned their true mission over 30 years ago.
But I also like to have conversations when possible.
You wrote: “But, he got stuck in a bad batch of kult koolaid because of some 14 year old hippies (who I also know) who were electrified by Jesus Christ as they knew him for the first time. They were in the midst of a genuine Christian revival that dictor paul was lucky enough to grab…”
What I experienced in 1971 onLong Island was definitely “a genuine Christian revival” and I did my best to maintain in my own life that genuineness, and I think I’ve succeeded. Sorry to hear you failed. Please don’t project your failure onto me.
Maybe if I had jumped headlong into the Corps and WOW then I too would have failed to maintain my Groovy Christian zeal and purity. There were plenty of other areas in which I did fail, and miserably, but this one I held tight onto.
What went right for me centered on the PFAL film class, and all else in the ministry was of questionable benefit. I focused on the film class, and then in 1998 I graduated to the writings.
I eventually did go WOW, but I was always suspicious of the Corps. I suppressed it and tried to work along as best as possible, but by 1984 I realized I was going to be systematically defying a lot of “orders” that a few drifting Reverends were handing out. In 3 or 4 years that deliberate defiance had to escalate to confrontation. I had no paycheck or Corps status to lose, so I spoke up.
It’s hard for you all to imagine a fellowship that is not encumbered by ANY of the TWI machinery, and it’s just PFAL books and magazine articles that set the tone. That’s the reality I’ve constructed for myself, and I think it’s safer than devotion to an activity centered around a long past manifestation of pure evil.
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