LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horseshit after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
Grief! 46 years of the same old boring lockstep routines. Nothing new or innovative, nothing exciting. Scarcely any people, either. Well escaped, DWBH.
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horsedang after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
Automatons.............on a cult train.
The twit-cult is going to keep running this freak show as long as in-breds pay homage and fill the seats. Good golly, Miss Molly........can't they summon up some brain cells to connect enough thoughts together to see the sham? And, in reference to what would have been "the 46th freaking time" of anniversary attendance............seemingly, ole Mr. Moneyhands will NOT be attending his 47th (or 48th?) one this year.....since they slapped him with that deadly m/a label.
Hey, Mr. Necromancer.........would you please get Victor shined, shaved and dressed in his Sunday-best. The directors want him center-stage at this Anniversary's "75th" (cough, cough) Celebration. Yeah, summoning the dead continues to be the staple ingredient of cult worship......and this is the auditorium that bears his name.
So, he gathers together a few kids to sing some songs as a prelude to his teaching a radio broadcast.......whooptee do
Wierwille patterned his radio teachings from Rev. Charles Fuller.......wierwille copied/plagiarized all thru his life.
Old man wierwille paid for wierwille's education and degree mill doctorate.......and 1948 new car.
Vpw stayed on Van Wert payroll until August 1957.......and twi "officially" started in December 1957.
No originality, no vision, no risk-taking, no "founder" of anything...........all manufactured/fabricated image.
The conjuring of the wierwille ghost will be heralded during twi's anniversary weekend.......count on it. The mystique of wierwille will be glorified throughout the auditorium and sounded forth on the sunday teaching tapes for all the sycophant followers to relish this manufactured marvel. They will, once again, hear of this "man of God's" life.......his relentless devotion to research and rightly divided the word of truth, the pfal class, the corps program........and how he blazed a trail of glory that, still, is beyond comprehension. I mean, heck........God had to wait for nearly 2,000 years before a man like wierwille would rise and follow in the pattern of the Great Apostle Paul. Praise be the name, wierwille. sarc/
The cult will laud his name to the rafters........for he, and he alone, set the cult in motion.
But.......who's gonna ask........why, if wierwille was SO GREAT, did some 510 clergy leave twi? Why have some 3,100 corps abandoned and/or splintered away from the mother-cult? Why were the wierwille-corps letters lamenting the fact that notable leaders were abandoning ship as early as 1975? Or, why are things so pathetic and boring.....IF the spirit of the living God is 100% behind "the faithful remnant"....the "true household of God.?"
Could it possibly be............that conjuring of the cult's ghost is the ONLY FORM of cohesion that the group has?
The manufacturing of the wierwille-mystique gives the cult a semblance of relevance?
The ghost of wierwille's past..........will be the "present truth" roaming thru the cult house.
Bewitched.........and they don't even know it.
Sky, I feel sorry for some of them. They think VPW was a great MOG; if they only knew what he was really was; they would have nightmares dreaming about him!
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horsedang after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
DWBH, I think decades ago, Alice Cooper did a song "Welcome To My Nightmare!" Not being an Alice Cooper, fan, I never listened to the song. However, I think people still in TWI, are brain-dead walking Zombies. Today, people have the Internet, and can Google TWI. There is a ton of information about "our" favorite cult, and they can read for themselves about TWI. Why people stay in TWI, is a mystery to me.
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horsedang after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
LOL! Zombie Jesus Nazis! This really inspires the real theme for the 75th anniversary:
DWBH, I think decades ago, Alice Cooper did a song "Welcome To My Nightmare!" Not being an Alice Cooper, fan, I never listened to the song. However, I think people still in TWI, are brain-dead walking Zombies. Today, people have the Internet, and can Google TWI. There is a ton of information about "our" favorite cult, and they can read for themselves about TWI. Why people stay in TWI, is a mystery to me.
The whole premise of "anniversary weekend, 75th Anniversary, or anniversary sunday" skewed from the get-go.
It centers the attention around its founding......and founder.
Then, the cult deems it necessary to expound on its founding/founder.
Attention is drawn to when wierwille "left his church".......and started the twit-cult.
Divisive in subtly points followers to stay with twi and avoid churches.
Do churches have anniversary weekends to signify their origin?
Of course, cults do what cults gotta promotion.
How many in the New Knoxville community are going to come out and help celebrate this "60th Anniversary"???...........(1957-2017)
I mean, c'mon...........twi is grandstanding the whole event. What say the New Knoxville community?
Sky, good question. I bet a lot of people in NK will not celebrate TWI's Anniversary. However, I bet a lot of people in NK would celebrate, if TWI closed it's doors, and left the area.
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horsedang after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
Don’t Worry,
I love your phrasing in this post!
After a recent vacation of Tonto and I tooling around Washington State listening to alternative rock station - I’m thinking some grunge band worth their weight in decibels could whip up a good tune about Zombie Jesus Nazis.
So, he gathers together a few kids to sing some songs as a prelude to his teaching a radio broadcast.......whooptee do
Wierwille patterned his radio teachings from Rev. Charles Fuller.......wierwille copied/plagiarized all thru his life.
Old man wierwille paid for wierwille's education and degree mill doctorate.......and 1948 new car.
Vpw stayed on Van Wert payroll until August 1957.......and twi "officially" started in December 1957.
No originality, no vision, no risk-taking, no "founder" of anything...........all manufactured/fabricated image.
The conjuring of the wierwille ghost will be heralded during twi's anniversary weekend.......count on it. The mystique of wierwille will be glorified throughout the auditorium and sounded forth on the sunday teaching tapes for all the sycophant followers to relish this manufactured marvel.......
Okay......I decided to dig out Mrs. Wierwille's book, [BATS].....and give you the specifics.
........................"While we were preparing to leave the Van Wert pastorate, we had found new housing for our family, as well as for The Way Ministry, at 649 South Washington Street, still in Van Wert. This house was an outstanding example of the Queen Anne style of architecture, with its three-story round tower, fretted windows, elaborate bay windows, and distinctive pillared and balustered front porch. And we had all the room we needed."
"Parking space was readily available along one side of the street, as well as in our large backyard. The location and house were perfectly suited to use as our family home, Dr. Wierwille's and Rhoda's offices, and a meeting place for the many Way activities."
......snip......."We moved into this home the week after the final Sunday service at St. Peter's. Dr. Wierwille was now free [emphasis added]from all denominational responsibilities and pressure."
"Uncle Harry said, 'The in-depth teaching really got going in 1957 when he [Dr. Wierwille] resigned from the organized church. It wasn't a surprise, but then, really it was. I became vitally interested in his work at that point. I wanted him to succeed in his venture.'"
"We began our independent undertaking by having meetings in this Washington Street home on Thursday evenings and late Sunday afternoons. The first Thursday evening fellowship was held on December 19, and the first Sunday meeting, on December 29, 1957."
Therefore.........according to the most-detailed accounting of The Way International's beginnings, Mrs. Wierwille documents the timeline AND the exact day and date of their INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKING...............December 19, 1957.
So, one last time........twi has not yet arrived at their 60th anniversary.
Now.......who wants to "trust" them to do honest research?
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Well, that and conjuring up the fear of death resulting from "leaving the Household."
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The ghost of wierwille's past..........will be the "present truth" roaming thru the cult house.
Bewitched.........and they don't even know it.
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Or they fear acknowledging skeletons falling head over heals, ribs, femurs and everything else out of the closet.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
or to quote Dana Carvey's Church Lady "Could it be Satan?"
Edited by Thomas Loy BumgarnerLink to comment
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LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL.
How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horseshit after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL!
75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL!
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Grief! 46 years of the same old boring lockstep routines. Nothing new or innovative, nothing exciting. Scarcely any people, either. Well escaped, DWBH.
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Automatons.............on a cult train.
The twit-cult is going to keep running this freak show as long as in-breds pay homage and fill the seats. Good golly, Miss Molly........can't they summon up some brain cells to connect enough thoughts together to see the sham? And, in reference to what would have been "the 46th freaking time" of anniversary attendance............seemingly, ole Mr. Moneyhands will NOT be attending his 47th (or 48th?) one this year.....since they slapped him with that deadly m/a label.
Hey, Mr. Necromancer.........would you please get Victor shined, shaved and dressed in his Sunday-best. The directors want him center-stage at this Anniversary's "75th" (cough, cough) Celebration. Yeah, summoning the dead continues to be the staple ingredient of cult worship......and this is the auditorium that bears his name.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Bingo Sky!!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
yeah, get his skeleton buffed and gold spray painted.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, I feel sorry for some of them. They think VPW was a great MOG; if they only knew what he was really was; they would have nightmares dreaming about him!
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It is impossible that anyone does not know.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Bol, you would be surprised at what people know, and what they comprehend.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, I think decades ago, Alice Cooper did a song "Welcome To My Nightmare!" Not being an Alice Cooper, fan, I never listened to the song. However, I think people still in TWI, are brain-dead walking Zombies. Today, people have the Internet, and can Google TWI. There is a ton of information about "our" favorite cult, and they can read for themselves about TWI. Why people stay in TWI, is a mystery to me.
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LOL! Zombie Jesus Nazis! This really inspires the real theme for the 75th anniversary:
Season 76
New episodes available at The Way
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Grace Valerie Claire
Chock, bingo!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rocky, thanks!!
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The whole premise of "anniversary weekend, 75th Anniversary, or anniversary sunday" skewed from the get-go.
Of course, cults do what cults gotta promotion.
How many in the New Knoxville community are going to come out and help celebrate this "60th Anniversary"???...........(1957-2017)
I mean, c'mon...........twi is grandstanding the whole event. What say the New Knoxville community?
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, good question. I bet a lot of people in NK will not celebrate TWI's Anniversary. However, I bet a lot of people in NK would celebrate, if TWI closed it's doors, and left the area.
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Don’t Worry,
I love your phrasing in this post!
After a recent vacation of Tonto and I tooling around Washington State listening to alternative rock station - I’m thinking some grunge band worth their weight in decibels could whip up a good tune about Zombie Jesus Nazis.
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What happened on the other side of the camera.........during the filming of pfal?
How wise WAS the wise-one? Or, rather......blow up lots of balloons for this blunder-fest.![:spy: :spy:](
The filming of pfal.....and blunders
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Okay......I decided to dig out Mrs. Wierwille's book, [BATS].....and give you the specifics.
Therefore.........according to the most-detailed accounting of The Way International's beginnings, Mrs. Wierwille documents the timeline AND the exact day and date of their INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKING...............December 19, 1957.
So, one last time........twi has not yet arrived at their 60th anniversary.
Now.......who wants to "trust" them to do honest research?![:anim-smile: :anim-smile:](
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