I have never heard of TWI or Mr. Wierwille, until about 3 weeks ago, when I stumbled onto a MP3 of a teaching that seems to have been done in the early 70's. So I am a total novice, and idiot compared to all of you here. So please allow me to pose some thoughts and questions.
I listened to the MP3 and loved it. I thought "man who is this guy"... So I googled him and found tons of bad news, some equally good news, and thought "Man could it be". Or maybe it's just a bunch of people attacking his followers (leadership who came later), and the followers were, maybe not even truly born of God.
Even if Mr. Wierwille fell of the narrow path, is it possible that the early teachings were right on, and that is why some many of you followed him?
Never the less it seems as in all moves of God, when the Spirit lifts "It's all over" (for you can do nothing without me). Then what's left, just the organization, and empty shell of it's former self. Like the ark of the covenant, without God, it is just a wooden box.
VPW borrowed/plagarized teachings from Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, Clark, Daily, Lamsa(maybe Errico), Jones, Torrery, Watchman Nee, Austin-Sparks, JW, Armstrongs, etc. He did not come up with an original thought.
I have never heard of TWI or Mr. Wierwille, until about 3 weeks ago, when I stumbled onto a MP3 of a teaching that seems to have been done in the early 70's. So I am a total novice, and idiot compared to all of you here. So please allow me to pose some thoughts and questions.
I listened to the MP3 and loved it. I thought "man who is this guy"... So I googled him and found tons of bad news, some equally good news, and thought "Man could it be". Or maybe it's just a bunch of people attacking his followers (leadership who came later), and the followers were, maybe not even truly born of God.
Even if Mr. Wierwille fell of the narrow path, is it possible that the early teachings were right on, and that is why some many of you followed him?
Never the less it seems as in all moves of God, when the Spirit lifts "It's all over" (for you can do nothing without me). Then what's left, just the organization, and empty shell of it's former self. Like the ark of the covenant, without God, it is just a wooden box.
*wades through several pages of personal testimony that had nothing to do with TWI but with God and the Jesus People*
God bless. You really should have put this in a section relevant to it, either "New Members" or "My Story." People expect biographies in those. It's really not relevant to this thread.
Concerning the second post..... The short of it, from someone who's spent decadeS going over historical records from all sides and personal accounts from all sides, is that vpw was a man who could deliver a convincing sermon- but any good actor could deliver a convincing sermon. The content of the sermons were plagiarized from REAL men of God- people he did not credit. He would plagiarize their material and claim he received it by revelation from God Almighty. Nearly everything wholesome he ever said has been tracked from older sources he rarely credited, or were supplied later when there was a Research Department who could "do the heavy lifting." This man had a bland ministry with bland material- until he found better sources to plagiarize. When he plagiarized BG Leonard's classes and JE Stiles' book on the Holy Spirit, his ministry began to show more success. He added work from EW Bullinger and EW Kenyon and found out about the Jesus People. He went over to them, convinced some that he was a genuine minister, then subverted them from working for God to working for him and promoting the PFAL class. Almost everyone who ever logged in here who HAS taken PFAL can trace their "lineage" from a handful of Jesus People (one who taught someone else, who taught someone else...etc until that last person heard.)
VPW made up accounts of things that he claimed happened- he dreamed up imaginary snowstorms decades after they happened, never imagining the internet would make it possible to check the weather reports of bygone decades. He claimed-often-that he was getting direct revelation for things that were later traced directly to a Christian writer or some obscure source (like the John Birch Society). He was a chain-smoker who drank alcohol daily (and often each day.) He set up a rather elaborate network that allowed him to target young women he molested, raped, or drugged THEN molested or raped. He himself admitted that he was a minister on a church payroll for about 2 years before he ever believed the Bible was The Word of God despite preaching weekly sermons ON that Bible.
The time would fail for me to tell of all his felonies, his deceptions, his sins, and so on. He cultivated a public persona that was SO pious, and in private taught that you could do whatever you wanted and it was OK with God (the same things he was teaching publickly were totally wrong, in fact.) The disconnect was so complete between the 2 that it is difficult for people who NEVER met him, often, to accept that the same man who taught ONE thing on tape would say and do the exact OPPOSITE in private. However, we have eyewitnesses and his PERSONAL victims who have stepped forward. The man was brilliant at being a fraud. He spoke God's Word, but so did Balaam's @$$, and I'm not going to revere THAT, either.
He also spoke horrible error. When his sources made mistakes, he made them lockstep behind them. He also taught the "Word-Faith" thing, where you can believe things into happening, or fear them into happening. This meant he blamed people who were unable to obtain deliverance-it was "their fault" since it was always "available." And he himself died of cancer. After decades of giving into his vices as well as raping God's women, he actually told someone, in his final hours, that he was searching through his memory, trying to find some single thing he'd done that displeased God and was interfering with his healing. We could go on all day. But "his" ministry was organized to ALWAYS turn a profit, and lacked the support measures common sense would require of them-those would cost money. The only actual "professional" training in his organization wasn't counseling or anything, but Dale Carnegie SALES training-which shows his priorities. Help people? No,. Sell his classes and collect 10% of the income of more people? Yes...and he didn't even pay the licensing fee. A grad of the Carnegie program plagiarized the material to save the cost of licensing the thing-which is a felony, and he knew that.
And so on, and so on. Myself, I think the men who WERE of God included those he plagiarized, and those Jesus People he stole from God. Himself, no. His "god" was his own lusts..and this is coming from someone who once bought into vpw's illusions when he was young and naive.
VPW borrowed/plagarized teachings from Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, Clark, Daily, Lamsa(maybe Errico), Jones, Torrery, Watchman Nee, Austin-Sparks, JW, Armstrongs, etc. He did not come up with an original thought.
Actually, when he said God Almighty was fine with orgies, I think that was an original thought. That was when he tried to get a disgusted J1m D00p to tell him about what orgies were like- and D00p said he was thankful to be free of all that. vpw said it was all "available", and that God would have used different words in the Bible if He meant we weren't supposed to mess around with women. He also said (in private) that it was better to have an abortion than leave one his his programs because
1) you "vowed a vow unto the Lord", and
2) he said that the baby wasn't an actual person until delivered and they took their first breath.
(A Scripture check showed the last trimester kid is called a "baby" in Scripture and it is said to respond-none of which should surprise any woman who's delivered a baby.)
So, it was how he justified recommending ABORTIONS if the alternative was missing out on all that tuition from the woman.
Don't forget his motto when addressing Corps students- "You can stay as long as your money holds!"- as his successor, LCM, personally documented while writing his paean to the memory of VPW.
I don't think he had an original thought THAT WOULDN'T DISGUST GOD ALMIGHTY. That's an important distinction.
*wades through several pages of personal testimony that had nothing to do with TWI but with God and the Jesus People*
God bless. You really should have put this in a section relevant to it, either "New Members" or "My Story." People expect biographies in those. It's really not relevant to this thread.
Concerning the second post..... The short of it, from someone who's spent decadeS going over historical records from all sides and personal accounts from all sides, is that vpw was a man who could deliver a convincing sermon- but any good actor could deliver a convincing sermon. The content of the sermons were plagiarized from REAL men of God- people he did not credit. He would plagiarize their material and claim he received it by revelation from God Almighty. Nearly everything wholesome he ever said has been tracked from older sources he rarely credited, or were supplied later when there was a Research Department who could "do the heavy lifting." This man had a bland ministry with bland material- until he found better sources to plagiarize. When he plagiarized BG Leonard's classes and JE Stiles' book on the Holy Spirit, his ministry began to show more success. He added work from EW Bullinger and EW Kenyon and found out about the Jesus People. He went over to them, convinced some that he was a genuine minister, then subverted them from working for God to working for him and promoting the PFAL class. Almost everyone who ever logged in here who HAS taken PFAL can trace their "lineage" from a handful of Jesus People (one who taught someone else, who taught someone else...etc until that last person heard.)
VPW made up accounts of things that he claimed happened- he dreamed up imaginary snowstorms decades after they happened, never imagining the internet would make it possible to check the weather reports of bygone decades. He claimed-often-that he was getting direct revelation for things that were later traced directly to a Christian writer or some obscure source (like the John Birch Society). He was a chain-smoker who drank alcohol daily (and often each day.) He set up a rather elaborate network that allowed him to target young women he molested, raped, or drugged THEN molested or raped. He himself admitted that he was a minister on a church payroll for about 2 years before he ever believed the Bible was The Word of God despite preaching weekly sermons ON that Bible.
The time would fail for me to tell of all his felonies, his deceptions, his sins, and so on. He cultivated a public persona that was SO pious, and in private taught that you could do whatever you wanted and it was OK with God (the same things he was teaching publickly were totally wrong, in fact.) The disconnect was so complete between the 2 that it is difficult for people who NEVER met him, often, to accept that the same man who taught ONE thing on tape would say and do the exact OPPOSITE in private. However, we have eyewitnesses and his PERSONAL victims who have stepped forward. The man was brilliant at being a fraud. He spoke God's Word, but so did Balaam's @$$, and I'm not going to revere THAT, either.
He also spoke horrible error. When his sources made mistakes, he made them lockstep behind them. He also taught the "Word-Faith" thing, where you can believe things into happening, or fear them into happening. This meant he blamed people who were unable to obtain deliverance-it was "their fault" since it was always "available." And he himself died of cancer. After decades of giving into his vices as well as raping God's women, he actually told someone, in his final hours, that he was searching through his memory, trying to find some single thing he'd done that displeased God and was interfering with his healing. We could go on all day. But "his" ministry was organized to ALWAYS turn a profit, and lacked the support measures common sense would require of them-those would cost money. The only actual "professional" training in his organization wasn't counseling or anything, but Dale Carnegie SALES training-which shows his priorities. Help people? No,. Sell his classes and collect 10% of the income of more people? Yes...and he didn't even pay the licensing fee. A grad of the Carnegie program plagiarized the material to save the cost of licensing the thing-which is a felony, and he knew that.
And so on, and so on. Myself, I think the men who WERE of God included those he plagiarized, and those Jesus People he stole from God. Himself, no. His "god" was his own lusts..and this is coming from someone who once bought into vpw's illusions when he was young and naive.
Man... I'm so sorry for you guys and what you went thru... Guess I'll not listen to anymore of his mp3's.... I guess this is good for me, what you wrote... For I have been struggling for a few months now, because I always wanted to be a student of the scriptures, and the truth be known I was being like Israel wanting a human king. You see God has been really faithful over the last 42 years to teach me himself, and keep me from organized Christianity, or so-called Christianity. Meaning to say "God hates religion even if you call it church". ANYWAY, guess I won't post anymore here, so sad that so many people got hurt, including you. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my testimony and question. I hope that you know, the hurt was from men, Jesus is still there and always has loved you... God Bless.
Actually, when he said God Almighty was fine with orgies, I think that was an original thought. That was when he tried to get a disgusted J1m D00p to tell him about what orgies were like- and D00p said he was thankful to be free of all that. vpw said it was all "available", and that God would have used different words in the Bible if He meant we weren't supposed to mess around with women. He also said (in private) that it was better to have an abortion than leave one his his programs because
1) you "vowed a vow unto the Lord", and
2) he said that the baby wasn't an actual person until delivered and they took their first breath.
(A Scripture check showed the last trimester kid is called a "baby" in Scripture and it is said to respond-none of which should surprise any woman who's delivered a baby.)
So, it was how he justified recommending ABORTIONS if the alternative was missing out on all that tuition from the woman.
Don't forget his motto when addressing Corps students- "You can stay as long as your money holds!"- as his successor, LCM, personally documented while writing his paean to the memory of VPW.
I don't think he had an original thought THAT WOULDN'T DISGUST GOD ALMIGHTY. That's an important distinction.
Lastly... I heard of this. I met Lonnie Frisbee years ago. (He was right on, read my mail... Secrets in my heart no one new except God)... If I'm not mistaken Doop was with Lonnie at the beginning, and said they met Wierwille, but didn't follow him to his farm.
Actually, when he said God Almighty was fine with orgies, I think that was an original thought. That was when he tried to get a disgusted J1m D00p to tell him about what orgies were like- and D00p said he was thankful to be free of all that. vpw said it was all "available", and that God would have used different words in the Bible if He meant we weren't supposed to mess around with women. He also said (in private) that it was better to have an abortion than leave one his his programs because
1) you "vowed a vow unto the Lord", and
2) he said that the baby wasn't an actual person until delivered and they took their first breath.
(A Scripture check showed the last trimester kid is called a "baby" in Scripture and it is said to respond-none of which should surprise any woman who's delivered a baby.)
So, it was how he justified recommending ABORTIONS if the alternative was missing out on all that tuition from the woman.
Don't forget his motto when addressing Corps students- "You can stay as long as your money holds!"- as his successor, LCM, personally documented while writing his paean to the memory of VPW.
I don't think he had an original thought THAT WOULDN'T DISGUST GOD ALMIGHTY. That's an important distinction.
Man... I'm so sorry for you guys and what you went thru... Guess I'll not listen to anymore of his mp3's.... I guess this is good for me, what you wrote... For I have been struggling for a few months now, because I always wanted to be a student of the scriptures, and the truth be known I was being like Israel wanting a human king. You see God has been really faithful over the last 42 years to teach me himself, and keep me from organized Christianity, or so-called Christianity. Meaning to say "God hates religion even if you call it church". ANYWAY, guess I won't post anymore here, so sad that so many people got hurt, including you. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my testimony and question. I hope that you know, the hurt was from men, Jesus is still there and always has loved you... God Bless.
I wouldn't say you CAN'T listen to the mp3's. I'd be cautious because he spoke such error in one breath and the opposite in the next. There's plenty of Christians out there. Personally, I'm doubly suspicious about every Christian who still reveres vpw.
vpw once claimed that God Almighty spoke to him aloud decades before, and said that He (God) would teach him (vpw) God's Word like it hadn't been known since the 1st Century AD if he (vpw) would teach it to others, and confirmed it with an instant blizzard. (One account, the blizzard was the same day, the other account, it was the next day. One account, the sky was black in the blizzard, in the other account, it was a white-out.) This account has been discredited for several reasons, starting with the 1st Century claim and continuing through his teachings diverging wildly FROM the Book of Acts and so on. There's still people who quote it, however. These people say to themselves "Well, since I've heard some good Bible, vpw must have told the complete truth and I HAVE TO trust him 100%- to say otherwise is to discard the entire Bible." When you find these people, RUN AWAY!
Many posters (and more ex-posters) still believe God- but a large number have become non-Christians with many or most becoming atheists or agnostics. After being exposed to vpw, I can understand that as a possible consequence. God has had many loyal servants- and some people whose actions make them his enemies. IMHO, vpw did more to make an enemy of God than probably every agnostic out there, and at least many of the atheists.
BTW, feel free to remain and read and post. But don't be surprised that many posters are non-Christians and will tell you so.
I wouldn't say you CAN'T listen to the mp3's. I'd be cautious because he spoke such error in one breath and the opposite in the next. There's plenty of Christians out there. Personally, I'm doubly suspicious about every Christian who still reveres vpw.
vpw once claimed that God Almighty spoke to him aloud decades before, and said that He (God) would teach him (vpw) God's Word like it hadn't been known since the 1st Century AD if he (vpw) would teach it to others, and confirmed it with an instant blizzard. (One account, the blizzard was the same day, the other account, it was the next day. One account, the sky was black in the blizzard, in the other account, it was a white-out.) This account has been discredited for several reasons, starting with the 1st Century claim and continuing through his teachings diverging wildly FROM the Book of Acts and so on. There's still people who quote it, however. These people say to themselves "Well, since I've heard some good Bible, vpw must have told the complete truth and I HAVE TO trust him 100%- to say otherwise is to discard the entire Bible." When you find these people, RUN AWAY!
Many posters (and more ex-posters) still believe God- but a large number have become non-Christians with many or most becoming atheists or agnostics. After being exposed to vpw, I can understand that as a possible consequence. God has had many loyal servants- and some people whose actions make them his enemies. IMHO, vpw did more to make an enemy of God than probably every agnostic out there, and at least many of the atheists.
BTW, feel free to remain and read and post. But don't be surprised that many posters are non-Christians and will tell you so.
Keep in mind that a lot of twi survivors don't post here anymore! One way or another, they get on with their lives. (Some form little vpw/pfal appreciation societies that get smaller every year, some get involved in local churches or pray with their families, etc.) Not everyone exposed to vpw and twi ends up burning their Bibles or whatever.
Also, many of us who still post are younger than you, although few of us indeed qualify as "young." :) So, your generation's mostly checking in here sporadically or not at all. However, I consider those who moved on to be GSC success stories BECAUSE they moved on.
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Now concerning the present.
I have never heard of TWI or Mr. Wierwille, until about 3 weeks ago, when I stumbled onto a MP3 of a teaching that seems to have been done in the early 70's. So I am a total novice, and idiot compared to all of you here. So please allow me to pose some thoughts and questions.
I listened to the MP3 and loved it. I thought "man who is this guy"... So I googled him and found tons of bad news, some equally good news, and thought "Man could it be". Or maybe it's just a bunch of people attacking his followers (leadership who came later), and the followers were, maybe not even truly born of God.
Even if Mr. Wierwille fell of the narrow path, is it possible that the early teachings were right on, and that is why some many of you followed him?
Never the less it seems as in all moves of God, when the Spirit lifts "It's all over" (for you can do nothing without me). Then what's left, just the organization, and empty shell of it's former self. Like the ark of the covenant, without God, it is just a wooden box.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Did you meet Wierwille or take PFAL? How does your post relate to TWI? I am confused
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
VPW borrowed/plagarized teachings from Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, Clark, Daily, Lamsa(maybe Errico), Jones, Torrery, Watchman Nee, Austin-Sparks, JW, Armstrongs, etc. He did not come up with an original thought.
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*wades through several pages of personal testimony that had nothing to do with TWI but with God and the Jesus People*
God bless. You really should have put this in a section relevant to it, either "New Members" or "My Story." People expect biographies in those. It's really not relevant to this thread.
Concerning the second post..... The short of it, from someone who's spent decadeS going over historical records from all sides and personal accounts from all sides, is that vpw was a man who could deliver a convincing sermon- but any good actor could deliver a convincing sermon. The content of the sermons were plagiarized from REAL men of God- people he did not credit. He would plagiarize their material and claim he received it by revelation from God Almighty. Nearly everything wholesome he ever said has been tracked from older sources he rarely credited, or were supplied later when there was a Research Department who could "do the heavy lifting." This man had a bland ministry with bland material- until he found better sources to plagiarize. When he plagiarized BG Leonard's classes and JE Stiles' book on the Holy Spirit, his ministry began to show more success. He added work from EW Bullinger and EW Kenyon and found out about the Jesus People. He went over to them, convinced some that he was a genuine minister, then subverted them from working for God to working for him and promoting the PFAL class. Almost everyone who ever logged in here who HAS taken PFAL can trace their "lineage" from a handful of Jesus People (one who taught someone else, who taught someone else...etc until that last person heard.)
VPW made up accounts of things that he claimed happened- he dreamed up imaginary snowstorms decades after they happened, never imagining the internet would make it possible to check the weather reports of bygone decades. He claimed-often-that he was getting direct revelation for things that were later traced directly to a Christian writer or some obscure source (like the John Birch Society). He was a chain-smoker who drank alcohol daily (and often each day.) He set up a rather elaborate network that allowed him to target young women he molested, raped, or drugged THEN molested or raped. He himself admitted that he was a minister on a church payroll for about 2 years before he ever believed the Bible was The Word of God despite preaching weekly sermons ON that Bible.
The time would fail for me to tell of all his felonies, his deceptions, his sins, and so on. He cultivated a public persona that was SO pious, and in private taught that you could do whatever you wanted and it was OK with God (the same things he was teaching publickly were totally wrong, in fact.) The disconnect was so complete between the 2 that it is difficult for people who NEVER met him, often, to accept that the same man who taught ONE thing on tape would say and do the exact OPPOSITE in private. However, we have eyewitnesses and his PERSONAL victims who have stepped forward. The man was brilliant at being a fraud. He spoke God's Word, but so did Balaam's @$$, and I'm not going to revere THAT, either.
He also spoke horrible error. When his sources made mistakes, he made them lockstep behind them. He also taught the "Word-Faith" thing, where you can believe things into happening, or fear them into happening. This meant he blamed people who were unable to obtain deliverance-it was "their fault" since it was always "available." And he himself died of cancer. After decades of giving into his vices as well as raping God's women, he actually told someone, in his final hours, that he was searching through his memory, trying to find some single thing he'd done that displeased God and was interfering with his healing. We could go on all day. But "his" ministry was organized to ALWAYS turn a profit, and lacked the support measures common sense would require of them-those would cost money. The only actual "professional" training in his organization wasn't counseling or anything, but Dale Carnegie SALES training-which shows his priorities. Help people? No,. Sell his classes and collect 10% of the income of more people? Yes...and he didn't even pay the licensing fee. A grad of the Carnegie program plagiarized the material to save the cost of licensing the thing-which is a felony, and he knew that.
And so on, and so on. Myself, I think the men who WERE of God included those he plagiarized, and those Jesus People he stole from God. Himself, no. His "god" was his own lusts..and this is coming from someone who once bought into vpw's illusions when he was young and naive.
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Actually, when he said God Almighty was fine with orgies, I think that was an original thought. That was when he tried to get a disgusted J1m D00p to tell him about what orgies were like- and D00p said he was thankful to be free of all that. vpw said it was all "available", and that God would have used different words in the Bible if He meant we weren't supposed to mess around with women. He also said (in private) that it was better to have an abortion than leave one his his programs because
1) you "vowed a vow unto the Lord", and
2) he said that the baby wasn't an actual person until delivered and they took their first breath.
(A Scripture check showed the last trimester kid is called a "baby" in Scripture and it is said to respond-none of which should surprise any woman who's delivered a baby.)
So, it was how he justified recommending ABORTIONS if the alternative was missing out on all that tuition from the woman.
Don't forget his motto when addressing Corps students- "You can stay as long as your money holds!"- as his successor, LCM, personally documented while writing his paean to the memory of VPW.
I don't think he had an original thought THAT WOULDN'T DISGUST GOD ALMIGHTY. That's an important distinction.
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Man... I'm so sorry for you guys and what you went thru... Guess I'll not listen to anymore of his mp3's.... I guess this is good for me, what you wrote... For I have been struggling for a few months now, because I always wanted to be a student of the scriptures, and the truth be known I was being like Israel wanting a human king. You see God has been really faithful over the last 42 years to teach me himself, and keep me from organized Christianity, or so-called Christianity. Meaning to say "God hates religion even if you call it church". ANYWAY, guess I won't post anymore here, so sad that so many people got hurt, including you. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my testimony and question. I hope that you know, the hurt was from men, Jesus is still there and always has loved you... God Bless.
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Lastly... I heard of this. I met Lonnie Frisbee years ago. (He was right on, read my mail... Secrets in my heart no one new except God)... If I'm not mistaken Doop was with Lonnie at the beginning, and said they met Wierwille, but didn't follow him to his farm.
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Whatever happened to Heefner and Dopp
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I wouldn't say you CAN'T listen to the mp3's. I'd be cautious because he spoke such error in one breath and the opposite in the next. There's plenty of Christians out there. Personally, I'm doubly suspicious about every Christian who still reveres vpw.
vpw once claimed that God Almighty spoke to him aloud decades before, and said that He (God) would teach him (vpw) God's Word like it hadn't been known since the 1st Century AD if he (vpw) would teach it to others, and confirmed it with an instant blizzard. (One account, the blizzard was the same day, the other account, it was the next day. One account, the sky was black in the blizzard, in the other account, it was a white-out.) This account has been discredited for several reasons, starting with the 1st Century claim and continuing through his teachings diverging wildly FROM the Book of Acts and so on. There's still people who quote it, however. These people say to themselves "Well, since I've heard some good Bible, vpw must have told the complete truth and I HAVE TO trust him 100%- to say otherwise is to discard the entire Bible." When you find these people, RUN AWAY!
Many posters (and more ex-posters) still believe God- but a large number have become non-Christians with many or most becoming atheists or agnostics. After being exposed to vpw, I can understand that as a possible consequence. God has had many loyal servants- and some people whose actions make them his enemies. IMHO, vpw did more to make an enemy of God than probably every agnostic out there, and at least many of the atheists.
BTW, feel free to remain and read and post. But don't be surprised that many posters are non-Christians and will tell you so.
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Thank You...Man, oh man... So sad....Sad for my generation. I love you all, I am so sorry.
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J1m D00p passed away in 2006.
As of last year, Steve (and Sandi) were living in Santa Rosa, CA. If you want to look for them, I'd start there.
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Keep in mind that a lot of twi survivors don't post here anymore! One way or another, they get on with their lives. (Some form little vpw/pfal appreciation societies that get smaller every year, some get involved in local churches or pray with their families, etc.) Not everyone exposed to vpw and twi ends up burning their Bibles or whatever.
Also, many of us who still post are younger than you, although few of us indeed qualify as "young." :) So, your generation's mostly checking in here sporadically or not at all. However, I consider those who moved on to be GSC success stories BECAUSE they moved on.
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