Thanks for posting that, CD. I watched it so's you-all here don't have to. But go ahead if you want to bore yourselves silly! There was a lot of laughs and tittering going on; all good pals together, how nice we all are Their remarks in ordinary text, my comments in blue.
We think it's inappropriate for one - or sometimes two - people to make the decision to drop someone from the Corps. Seriously? How many people have been kicked out over the many years these people say they've been part of TWI? And they only just noticed?? Some of those M&A'd have been dumped by members of this very group of "reformers."
Next, it's Biblical to confront, and then if "there's no appropriate response to this inquiry, the next step we'll need to take it is to bring to the Way Corps household"? (12m18s) - and quotes scripture (1 Tim 1:19-21) to support this?? Yes, the man said this!
Way Corps calling is one of the gifts and callings of God and is without repentence (Eeeekkk!) (about 16m)
We would publish our letter [to the BoD] for all the believers to see if God told us to and if there was no response (so far the response is non-repentance) (23m)
Acts 15 is a good precedent for a meeting to discuss things (26m) - well, not quite, that was a discussion about doctrine; these people's dispute is about leadership, Rosalie's in particular.
Why should we have to monitor our actions because our Biblical ministers(!) might get mad at us? (32m) - good question! Especially from someone who did just that and monitored (spied on) the in-rez Corps relentlessly! Can't speak for later years - the spying got significantly worse (after I got M&A'd) with the mandated time plans everyone had to submit.
The word will always need to be researched to make sure we get to the integrity and accuracy of God's word. To think we've arrived at the final answer on every topic in the word of God is erroneous. There will always need to be filters to make sure there's no PI. (36m) ... well now... hmm... how about researching by doing and - you know what? God invites us to test him out. We're not going to do that by sticking our heads in concordances or whatever. We get out there and serve people. Did Jesus "research" to find out whether he could feed huge crowds? Is "research" how he walked on water? (I can't recall any kind of precedent for that.) Or did he just do by committing his action in prayer to his Father?
"It's about the body of Christ working together" - ie, working from within to change TWI and not joining a splinter group. mmm. how about finding out about the body of Christ? It's more than just TWI (is it even TWI??) - there are some awesome and doing Christians out and about who most certainly are part of the body of Christ. Some of these humble individuals, just ordinary folks, no degrees or fancy titles, no great research skills, have achieved more than all the "leaders" in TWI put together.
Eye witness accounts are valuable (48m) - so please listen to what people have been saying for years. Try this forum!!
The joy of being a fellowship coordinator is that you get to work with God! God works in the fellowship coord'r (49m) - wow! explosive stuff. God in Christ in the fellowship coordinator! Note: not in the individual believers. Sad.
And they seem to have difficulty dealing with having been M&A'd (51m). Doncha feel sorry for them?
We're part of the new, dynamic church (52m) and it's okay to disagree (54m) - yeah yeah yeah. Does that include other Christians, and other understandings of the Bible?
I am not impressed, nor lured into thinking I want to go back, be a part of this, be a chosen one.
I don't doubt for a moment that these folks are sincere, but as we all have been told, that's no guarantee for truth.
Thanks CD! I could not find it. What an incredible and huge crock of shit! LMAO! These lying HYPOCRITES and WHITED SEPULCHERS are stinking up the place. I say bye bye and fuck em all! LOL!
Collateral D, thanks for posting the video…you know, I’ve seen some exciting things in my lifetime…like the birth of our 2 kids – Tonto had them both naturally – praise be to strong women! A few years ago we went to a stargazing party at the McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis, Texas – got to look through a powerful telescope and gaze upon a distant nebula – the birthplace of stars!....watching the video – and what looks like the birth of another TWI offshoot….boring.
And Twinky, thanks for your post of highlights and comments – I could only take so much of the video.
Don't recognize whoever was on the far right (I presume some here do), but to say (about 5 min in) that "without the why, there is no believing" probably pins the tail on the donkey of what that whole dog & pony show was up to. Is it not clear, and plainly enough written in scripture, that it's love (not our intellect) that energizes believing?
Well, that was it. I heard enough, and shut it off...
(It's no different than it was 30 some years ago. Trying to live "the more abundant life"... not even realizing that it's his life, and not ours, that it's referring to.)
Former Trunk Coordinator during LCM years. Was banished by Craig, moved to Indiana, and now works for a way person there. Wife is Howard Allen's daughter. Has been a branch coordinator in Indianapolis since late 90s.
I also suffered through the entire hour of this video. And let me tell you, sticking with Ed Horn3y's 3rd grade rhetoric explained over and over again different ways real slow certainly convinced me I got off the short bus years ago when I left the Way.
All dubious repeated accounts of how the BOD has been confronted and hasn't responded. Or they did respond, but not in an Acts 15 council way, they wanted to meet with couples alone. Boob didn't want to subject themselves to this. When a question was asked "what specific details" complained about, Shelton says he was a VP and as such was under an NDA so can't discuss the specifics. They vaguely refer to the letter, which as you can read has about one point. Rosalie is usurping authority, needs to step down. Democracy in the ministry I guess is the underlying point. Which has never been there in any format since the Youth Caravan Chimes Hour chimes player asked VP if he could play a solo and VP told him no.
Next, all sorts of crapola about how they are working within the Way to reform and revitalize, and haven't even thought of the next step, but they will all be believers. Then Doody quoted the "I know who holds tomorrow" poem and I just about tossed cookies.
Again, like the paper, have never seen so many people speaking while saying so little. They closed out with someone asking Boob how they were planning to do reform after he was marked and avoided. They all laughed. Then they closed observing they couldnt' do reform while marked and avoided, and this was the first step.
All in all, apparently nothing they covered all the Corpse didn't complain about 10 years ago. It didn't change.
Thankfully, I've now only lost an hour of my life, not 10 years.
Former Trunk Coordinator during LCM years. Was banished by Craig, moved to Indiana, and now works for a way person there. Wife is Howard Allen's daughter. Has been a branch coordinator in Indianapolis since late 90s.
That’s a blast from the past. I remember Michael Fort.
I remember Fort. He was selling some kind of fuel or oil additive called Steed. He was a twig area coordinator in Wooster, Ohio in the early 1970's. There were 2 small twigs. One was a college twig and the other was comprised of local believers. He was rarely there, though, because he spent all his free time at Int. HQ with his wife-to-be, Cindy (daughter of Howard Allen).
I was once researching the location of the research in TWI. I was directed to Ed H@rney. I asked Mr. Ed about some guy named Mueller. He sat there with his finger on his chin for like two minutes, thinking. I just walked away.
Now he can't seem to grasp "filter" and "dispensationalism". Derp . . I just see The Word . . .I don't filter . . . um . . . Derp
Not a big cognitive leap to know there's different views to see the things by. You know, like renewing your mind to see thing VPW's way and not the old man common sense way?
I was once researching the location of the research in TWI. I was directed to Ed H@rney. I asked Mr. Ed about some guy named Mueller. He sat there with his finger on his chin for like two minutes, thinking. I just walked away.
yeahp, there were a number of barf moments in the 3 minutes I watched lol...thanks Twinky & others for watching all of it, I looked outside and the grass was growing faster, you know what I mean ....there is no way in 'h' they were going to turn up at a bod meeting singularly or even in twosies, they know how it rolls, they knew what they'd cop COZ they've ALL been on the other side of the table when reeming the pee-on's thoughts are pretty much summed up in this song
yeahp, there were a number of barf moments in the 3 minutes I watched lol...thanks Twinky & others for watching all of it, I looked outside and the grass was growing faster, you know what I mean .
I know exactly what you mean. I have never been more thankful for the last decade without the Way than I was watching this circle.
The issues are exactly the same. And they have been frozen in time for 10 years. Missing out on the more abundant life they thought they were pursuing all while running on a hamster wheel controlled by a sycophant.
More input after reading the Q & A comments on the live feed.
I'm figuring out what bothers me most about this live feed. I think it is the lack of authenticity. What I mean by that is they are all coming off like they are working within the ministry, confronting things with scripture according to the Word, sending in their ABS to HQ and all. That is 100% a lie.
Behind the scenes they have already planned out a coup. They have already started a splinter group. They already have a website up at the link I posted earlier. Allison Horn3y will give out the password to it if people PM her. They all pretty much know they are going to be marked and avoided, and have known this from the 7 page letter they sent last year in August. And they have already planned out a new splinter ministry, with those folks sitting in the circle as the new leadership of the new splinter group. There were other folks in the audience that signed that letter, like Jason Cart3r's parents.
What they are planning right now is the exact same thing people leaving have planned for the last 50 years. Take as many people with you that are conditioned to give 15% of their income as you can. Try and make it as seamless and transparent to the people moving from the Way to your splinter as you can.
Yes. Another exodus.
We can even gauge the impact of this one. Invitations to the Q and A session went out to approximately 1800 people. There are now about 180 people in the R&R splinter. So they will probably peel off about maybe 10% of remaining Way followers. Maybe 20%. The Way probably has about that many on its rolls (1800) in the United States, including a whole bunch of people who are on the list but not really into it. So you can't really split people off that don't really care - let's put the potential influence at 70% of that - because there really aren't that many new people that have joined over the last 20 years. That puts Way numbers at about 1200 - maybe they will pull 20 - 30% of people left.
So to sum up, the Way with all of its forced outreach, doctrinal error teaching about how the Word moved because people followed a systematic outreach plan, has an overall measurable impact in the country it was founded in that is about parallel in numbers to a medium-large community church in a city. But in impact it would be measurably less because the momentum a 1200 person church gives you in a community is substantial.
The Way's retention numbers are abysmal. On a basic human level, that is completely foreseeable and logical. It is proportional to how they treat people throughout their time in the Way. The Way treats people who have given their lives to the cause like dung. Always has.
These people have no business founding a ministry.
If they were genuine and honest about it, rather than doing the power grab run, they would leave, go to a seminary somewhere for a couple years, then graduate and do a church plant with someone not from their background so they could have practical experience with getting over that "household of God" lie. They can't even see that lie when they are directly affected by it with JYDL declaring the household boundaries as outside their group.
Does this justify the Way in this scenario? H3ll no. 100% of the stupid one point they are making is correct. Rosalie is a deluded cult leader who at 77 isn't going to change, and the two John's she has seduced are under her thumb and not leaving because of her Communist Stalin Hitler like tactics of sending dissenters to Siberia. God, the scriptures, revelation, the body of Christ, none of that functions freely under that kind of oppressive onerous lording over people leadership.
We are witnessing the birth of one more stupid cult. YASC. Yet Another Stupid Cult.
How will we know who's a True Faithful Standing Believing Believer of the Household of Believers of The Way and who's just a True Faithful Standing Believer of the Household of Believers of The Way R&R?
We can't scream at them, we're gonna have to think up some new rules.
Inconvenient, trivial, Biblical, rules.
Okay, if someone checks their cell phone during a Fellowship, that is clearly idolatry. They are not completely completely thoroughly threwly convinced. Everyone keep a sharp eye out for that sort of thing.
A few years ago a friend of Brian M’hands told us that he and his family were planning something of a coup. Years later , here it is apparently. I don’t think they wanted to go the splitter route. They wanted to revive and restore as far back as 4 years ago. That’s the exact term they used. Wow.
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Hi All! Well....I actually finished forcing myself to listen to those lying, sanctimonious, self-deluded fools. I could only take it in 8-10 minute segments, once a day. I felt as if I was watchi
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Posted Images
Thanks for posting that, CD. I watched it so's you-all here don't have to. But go ahead if you want to bore yourselves silly!
There was a lot of laughs and tittering going on; all good pals together, how nice we all are
Their remarks in ordinary text, my comments in blue.
I am not impressed, nor lured into thinking I want to go back, be a part of this, be a chosen one.
I don't doubt for a moment that these folks are sincere, but as we all have been told, that's no guarantee for truth.
Edited by TwinkyGrumpiness
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Better stop editing my long post above. I could get really mad and pick lots of holes in their arguments.
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Thanks for taking the time to listen and post!
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No thanks. I'm done with cults, splinters, fakers, takers, and pontificators.
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Thanks CD! I could not find it. What an incredible and huge crock of shit! LMAO! These lying HYPOCRITES and WHITED SEPULCHERS are stinking up the place. I say bye bye and fuck em all! LOL!
Edited by DontWorryBeHappySpelling
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Collateral D, thanks for posting the video…you know, I’ve seen some exciting things in my lifetime…like the birth of our 2 kids – Tonto had them both naturally – praise be to strong women! A few years ago we went to a stargazing party at the McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis, Texas – got to look through a powerful telescope and gaze upon a distant nebula – the birthplace of stars!....watching the video – and what looks like the birth of another TWI offshoot….boring.
And Twinky, thanks for your post of highlights and comments
– I could only take so much of the video.
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WTF J@son C@rter. I kinda assumed you'd have figured it out by now.
I HOPE you are just f'ing with the old people. That's what I'm going to believe. Yep. Just amusing yourself.
That's awesome.
You do have a better mastery of plain English than they do.
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Don't recognize whoever was on the far right (I presume some here do), but to say (about 5 min in) that "without the why, there is no believing" probably pins the tail on the donkey of what that whole dog & pony show was up to. Is it not clear, and plainly enough written in scripture, that it's love (not our intellect) that energizes believing?
Well, that was it. I heard enough, and shut it off...
(It's no different than it was 30 some years ago. Trying to live "the more abundant life"... not even realizing that it's his life, and not ours, that it's referring to.)
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This is true.
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They introduced him as Michael Fort.
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Former Trunk Coordinator during LCM years. Was banished by Craig, moved to Indiana, and now works for a way person there. Wife is Howard Allen's daughter. Has been a branch coordinator in Indianapolis since late 90s.
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I also suffered through the entire hour of this video. And let me tell you, sticking with Ed Horn3y's 3rd grade rhetoric explained over and over again different ways real slow certainly convinced me I got off the short bus years ago when I left the Way.
All dubious repeated accounts of how the BOD has been confronted and hasn't responded. Or they did respond, but not in an Acts 15 council way, they wanted to meet with couples alone. Boob didn't want to subject themselves to this. When a question was asked "what specific details" complained about, Shelton says he was a VP and as such was under an NDA so can't discuss the specifics. They vaguely refer to the letter, which as you can read has about one point. Rosalie is usurping authority, needs to step down. Democracy in the ministry I guess is the underlying point. Which has never been there in any format since the Youth Caravan Chimes Hour chimes player asked VP if he could play a solo and VP told him no.
Next, all sorts of crapola about how they are working within the Way to reform and revitalize, and haven't even thought of the next step, but they will all be believers. Then Doody quoted the "I know who holds tomorrow" poem and I just about tossed cookies.
Again, like the paper, have never seen so many people speaking while saying so little. They closed out with someone asking Boob how they were planning to do reform after he was marked and avoided. They all laughed. Then they closed observing they couldnt' do reform while marked and avoided, and this was the first step.
All in all, apparently nothing they covered all the Corpse didn't complain about 10 years ago. It didn't change.
Thankfully, I've now only lost an hour of my life, not 10 years.
Carry on.
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Junior Corps Surviver
That’s a blast from the past. I remember Michael Fort.
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How very true.
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Or 20 years ago.....
Or 30 years ago.....
Or 40 years ago.....
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Apparently, he got a hair cut. See. Wayfers ARE capable of change.
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I remember Fort. He was selling some kind of fuel or oil additive called Steed. He was a twig area coordinator in Wooster, Ohio in the early 1970's. There were 2 small twigs. One was a college twig and the other was comprised of local believers. He was rarely there, though, because he spent all his free time at Int. HQ with his wife-to-be, Cindy (daughter of Howard Allen).
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I was once researching the location of the research in TWI. I was directed to Ed H@rney. I asked Mr. Ed about some guy named Mueller. He sat there with his finger on his chin for like two minutes, thinking. I just walked away.
Now he can't seem to grasp "filter" and "dispensationalism". Derp . . I just see The Word . . .I don't filter . . . um . . . Derp
Not a big cognitive leap to know there's different views to see the things by. You know, like renewing your mind to see thing VPW's way and not the old man common sense way?
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Now that is some seriously funny shizzle.
Researching the location of the research in TWI.
And Mr. Ed.
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yeahp, there were a number of barf moments in the 3 minutes I watched lol...thanks Twinky & others for watching all of it, I looked outside and the grass was growing faster, you know what I mean
....there is no way in 'h' they were going to turn up at a bod meeting singularly or even in twosies, they know how it rolls, they knew what they'd cop COZ they've ALL been on the other side of the table when reeming the pee-on's thoughts are pretty much summed up in this song
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I know exactly what you mean. I have never been more thankful for the last decade without the Way than I was watching this circle.
The issues are exactly the same. And they have been frozen in time for 10 years. Missing out on the more abundant life they thought they were pursuing all while running on a hamster wheel controlled by a sycophant.
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More input after reading the Q & A comments on the live feed.
I'm figuring out what bothers me most about this live feed. I think it is the lack of authenticity. What I mean by that is they are all coming off like they are working within the ministry, confronting things with scripture according to the Word, sending in their ABS to HQ and all. That is 100% a lie.
Behind the scenes they have already planned out a coup. They have already started a splinter group. They already have a website up at the link I posted earlier. Allison Horn3y will give out the password to it if people PM her. They all pretty much know they are going to be marked and avoided, and have known this from the 7 page letter they sent last year in August. And they have already planned out a new splinter ministry, with those folks sitting in the circle as the new leadership of the new splinter group. There were other folks in the audience that signed that letter, like Jason Cart3r's parents.
What they are planning right now is the exact same thing people leaving have planned for the last 50 years. Take as many people with you that are conditioned to give 15% of their income as you can. Try and make it as seamless and transparent to the people moving from the Way to your splinter as you can.
Yes. Another exodus.
We can even gauge the impact of this one. Invitations to the Q and A session went out to approximately 1800 people. There are now about 180 people in the R&R splinter. So they will probably peel off about maybe 10% of remaining Way followers. Maybe 20%. The Way probably has about that many on its rolls (1800) in the United States, including a whole bunch of people who are on the list but not really into it. So you can't really split people off that don't really care - let's put the potential influence at 70% of that - because there really aren't that many new people that have joined over the last 20 years. That puts Way numbers at about 1200 - maybe they will pull 20 - 30% of people left.
So to sum up, the Way with all of its forced outreach, doctrinal error teaching about how the Word moved because people followed a systematic outreach plan, has an overall measurable impact in the country it was founded in that is about parallel in numbers to a medium-large community church in a city. But in impact it would be measurably less because the momentum a 1200 person church gives you in a community is substantial.
The Way's retention numbers are abysmal. On a basic human level, that is completely foreseeable and logical. It is proportional to how they treat people throughout their time in the Way. The Way treats people who have given their lives to the cause like dung. Always has.
These people have no business founding a ministry.
If they were genuine and honest about it, rather than doing the power grab run, they would leave, go to a seminary somewhere for a couple years, then graduate and do a church plant with someone not from their background so they could have practical experience with getting over that "household of God" lie. They can't even see that lie when they are directly affected by it with JYDL declaring the household boundaries as outside their group.
Does this justify the Way in this scenario? H3ll no. 100% of the stupid one point they are making is correct. Rosalie is a deluded cult leader who at 77 isn't going to change, and the two John's she has seduced are under her thumb and not leaving because of her Communist Stalin Hitler like tactics of sending dissenters to Siberia. God, the scriptures, revelation, the body of Christ, none of that functions freely under that kind of oppressive onerous lording over people leadership.
We are witnessing the birth of one more stupid cult. YASC. Yet Another Stupid Cult.
Edited by chockfullLink to comment
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There's no non-corps signatures?
How will we know who's a True Faithful Standing Believing Believer of the Household of Believers of The Way and who's just a True Faithful Standing Believer of the Household of Believers of The Way R&R?
We can't scream at them, we're gonna have to think up some new rules.
Inconvenient, trivial, Biblical, rules.
Okay, if someone checks their cell phone during a Fellowship, that is clearly idolatry. They are not completely completely thoroughly threwly convinced. Everyone keep a sharp eye out for that sort of thing.
Lack of Belief in grammar
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Junior Corps Surviver
A few years ago a friend of Brian M’hands told us that he and his family were planning something of a coup. Years later , here it is apparently. I don’t think they wanted to go the splitter route. They wanted to revive and restore as far back as 4 years ago. That’s the exact term they used. Wow.
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