Revival? Made me think of a parody of Robin Mark's song. Prepare ye The Way, Prepare ye The Way of the Lord Wierwille.Sorry if he is offended by this. Country-Western with Irish jig.Robin's songs are from Integrity Music(now part of David C. Cook Ministries).
And it brought to mind Ross & Kessler's 5 stages of grief and loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
I tend to think in some cases - many folks may never "totally recover", "totally heal" , "fully resolve" or whatever you want to call it - from a destructive experience - such as being in a cult for a number of years....that's NOT to say one cannot bounce back, move on, rehabilitate, be on the mend...whatever once they leave a cult...I broke my left hand in a really bad rollover in a work truck; I am right handed - but when Tonto wants a stubborn jar lid opened she calls on old Fiddler Crab T-Bone and his left claw of death to open it; so maybe there's some strengthening in the recovery process - like having stronger critical thinking skills.
I consider my recovery as a work in progress until the day I die...maybe still have a few bouts with denial, anger, etc. but I really work toward acceptance as an overall step in the right direction. I think that's a healthy approach - and if I'm not mistaken by your online presence - you seem to have a healthy attitude in your take on things.
T-Bone, thank you!! I think I have a "healthy attitude" in most aspects of my life, but sometimes I get upset with some of the posts I read. However, I know that many of us here at the GSC, had vastly different experiences with TWI. Some of us had good, and bad experiences with it; some of us got messed over by TWI, and may never recover from it. I really learn a lot by coming here; there is a lot of good information here. However, I also realize that not everyone thinks like I do; I think there has to be some give-and-take in a forum like this. But, I try to think before I post. Some axxhole hurt my feelings over some petty BS; I pray that I don't do that to others. But, I must admit coming here as been an eye-opener for me. I didn't know how corrupt TWI was until I came here; wow! As I continue to post, and learn, I continue to heal, in all areas of my life. Again T-Bone, thank you for your kind post! Shalom!
Grace, you're ok in my book...just keep being who you are.....Even though Grease Spot is a cyber-world and at times we all can get on each other's nerves - I still prefer this wonderful divergency any day over that homogenized sugarcoated phoniness of TWI.
Grace, you're ok in my book...just keep being who you are.....Even though Grease Spot is a cyber-world and at times we all can get on each other's nerves - I still prefer this wonderful divergency any day over that homogenized sugarcoated phoniness of TWI.
It's like Zeno's Paradox. The groups shrink in half, then in half again, then in half again..... 100 people in a splinter becomes 50 which becomes 25 and so on.
WordWolf, I think you may have zeroed in on the Way's outreach plan. Zeno's Paradox. I mean why waste all of that paper on Vision and Direction when you could sum it all up in one paragraph?
Why I left The Way International Structure (TWIS)
(I didn’t leave the Body of Christ!)
History with TWIS:
In 1976, when I was 17 years old, I became involved with TWIS. I took a foundational class on the Bible that was full of knowledge and zeal and answered so many questions that I had in my heart. I knew I had found what I had been searching for. I continued to attend home fellowships and with my natural leadership ability, I started my own home fellowship 6 months later in Hialeah FL. Back then, the home fellowships were “Self-governing, Self-supporting, and Self-propagating.” It was patterned after the Book of Acts and I really loved and appreciated that this was a non-denominational ministry, not another religion, but a place where I could learn more about God, His Word, and help others to do the same.
I entered a leadership training program called The Way Corps, met my husband there, and upon graduating, we married and went to our first “assignment”. For the next 33 years, we were given assignments all around the states. Some we asked for, most were recommended to us. We had one fellowship to coordinate in many instances (GA, WA, NJ ) and we also coordinated an entire state (ID). Other places, started out with one fellowship and grew into 3. Each move was costly and we paid for each move ourselves except when we were on staff as state coordinators – then TWIS gave us $ for the move – but it didn’t cover everything. God still supplied as He always does.
But after seeing the TWIS go through many leaders and becoming more religious with manmade policies, and mandates, and feeling the spirit of God being squelched on many levels, I wrote letters to the Board of Directors year after year of things I felt were not right, not according to God’s Word. More policies came out and when it was convenient, policies changed according to the desires of the top leadership and I no longer saw the top leadership as examples I wanted to follow, but as corrupt leaders with an agenda of their own. When the Way Corps were asked to go full time – they were told they could not have any pets – because they didn’t think it was right to use the tithe money to pay for our pets, yet it was found out that the President had a pet. When the leadership were told they could not smoke, there were some at the top that still smoked. Then more policies like the DEBT policy – which we were told was not a “policy” came out – and no one with any type of debt, including owning a home with a mortgage, any medical debts, etc… could be a part of any leadership role. Nor could they take an advanced class on biblical research that would teach them more about the manifestations of holy spirit in the categories of : gifts of healing, faith, miracles, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.
WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO??? Why are they all up in everyone’s financial business anyway??? Many, and I mean MANY of us wrote letters and talked personally to the Board of Directors to show them that this is unbiblical to withhold teachings from people who had debt, and also to deprive them of serving when they had the desire to do so. Many people left the ministry because they began to see the overarching leadership and unbiblical behavior, and rightfully so.
I was indoctrinated with this and taught it to others at one point but it never felt right. I apologize to those I may have hurt in pushing this unbiblical “debt policy” trying to get you to drink the Koolaid. I finally saw the light and stood up for what was right.
So on August 12, 2016 – 12 couples (which included my husband and me) signed a letter that was sent to the Board of Directors of TWI (with a courtesy copy sent to all the Way Corps leadership) – rebuking the unbiblical behavior we had been confronting for years. Because of the internet and the availability to share files and letters, we saw how so many of us had written letters through the years confronting the top leadership to no avail. So this was a collective effort trying to revive and restore TWI and get it back to The Word of God. Some letters that had been previously sent by anonymous believers to the Board of Directors were destroyed – The president actually told the other leadership that had received these letters to destroy the letters or return them to her. These letters confronted many of the things we were confronting in our August 12th letter.
I had observed that there were many Vice Presidents that seemed to come and go on a regular basis. I knew something was wrong. I also observed that the Board of Directors (BODs) were becoming a self appointed Board with no input from the clergy or The Way Corps on the field, and no term limits. Things were getting out of hand.
It was imperative that our letter go to all the leadership so that the top leadership could not just sweep this under the rug and drop those or fire those who wrote the letter as had been done many times in the past.
Instead of any humbleness to address the things we were confronting, a leaders meeting conference call was planned immediately and the letter was dismissed as divisive and devilish and then a belittling of the characters of the signers. It is so very expectant of “the subtle power of spiritual abuse” - (which is an enlightening book, by the way.)
For a year – we did our best to expose the unbiblical behavior at the Top levels of leadership so that we could bring about revival and restoration. Many saw that we were doing this The Words Way by all the confrontation, then the rebuking, then the exposure to the Church. Three of the couples that were long standing ministers were excommunicated from the ministry – another tactic of spiritual abuse. This instills fear into the believers and keeps them from contacting those who have been shunned. And many of the rest of us left our assignments because TWI would not give us the assignment we requested , they would not allow us to retire after 30+ years, or for other reasons. My husband and I for example – asked to move somewhere to run a fellowship. We were told that one fellowship would not be considered an assignment because it was only one fellowship. Therefore we would have to drop ourselves. Yet as I shared before, we had many assignments that started with one fellowship. But of course the policies change… We had asked for years to retire from The Way Corps when Kevin was 60 – but alas, a new policy came out after my letter to the BODs in 2007, stating that you could not even request to go Emeritus until you were 65. WOW!! Yet another policy!!! So when the top leadership last year decided that they were going to change the Emeritus status to Retired status – they wanted to get those that were retired to sign up for things like writing articles, or doing certain projects…etc…. many said – retired means retired. Stop micromanaging me!
Where I see the ministry has gone wrong and this brings us to why I left TWIS:
1. TWI became very corporate and religious. The Book of Acts, which is our pattern, our paradigm, does not support a Top Down leadership structure. But rather local home fellowships that are Self-governing (which, by the way, TWIS took out the part about Self-governing a while back.) TWI became micromanagers of each and every fellowship telling them what to teach, how long to teach, that they must listen to the Sunday teaching Service tapes coming from HQ and teach from them (which many have stopped listening to because they lack inspiration, zeal, and the meat of God’s Word – again because the teachers are told what to teach and how to teach it.) Sounds a lot like religion to me… The Book of Acts does not support a headquarters type of structure with 3 or more leading the entire ministry from the top. Jerusalem was not the HQ for the church in the Book of Acts. It was a local fellowship where things got started and it moved out from there. If you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
2. Tithing – is not in the Grace Administration. There is no amount given in the Grace administration, only things like "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”Ephesians 4:28 or "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7 / I was led to believe that the giving of the Corinthians was Paul coming to get their tithe to bring it to the HQ in Jerusalem. If you really read this account – it has nothing to do with bringing tithe money to a HQ location or to a central bank there, but rather the believers wanted to help the saints in Jerusalem because there was a famine. WOW! That takes on a whole new dimension. They wanted to give to those who were in need. Not to those who were on staff. Again, I apologize to all those I tried to persuade to buy into the tithe/abundant sharing doctrine taught by TWI. I understand it from a corporate point of view. You can’t have a corporation without funds. So you have to indoctrinate your people to constantly give so they have a constant inflow of funds. But that is corporate logic, not biblical logic. God blesses giving regardless and He has blessed us in so many ways. But even more so now that I have researched this topic more and see the heart of giving for the Grace Administration. Again, if you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
3. No Research Department, man-made policies became the norm and the spirit of God was being squelched.
a. When I realized there was no longer a Research department at TWI, I was shocked. This is a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. But when you realize that further research could upset the apple cart and show Top leadership that they are not operating according to God’s Word, well then, you must stifle any further research.
b. Colossians 2 is enlightening regarding doctrines of men.
c. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body – not the Board of Directors. Being micromanaged by Top leadership has felt like a noose around my neck. Here is an example: my daughter and I were going to one of the root locations for a weekend fellowship and relaxing time. We were asked to sing. My daughter writes incredible music and we sang some of her songs at a Region meeting just 2 years before and it blessed a lot of people. Well, we received instruction that we were only allowed to sing from the Sing Along the Way songbooks. I said, “WHAAAAAT????” Are you kidding me? So we declined to sing at all. This is Top Down leadership squelching the spirit of God and thus denying the believers the joy of our abilities.
I will end here by saying that this is MY STORY – of why I left TWIS. This was not a decision I made lightly. For 40 years of my life, I ran a fellowship in my home, and for 33 years have taken assignments all over the united states. My husband and I still have fellowship in our home in Cheyenne Wyoming. No one tells us what to teach and how to teach and how long to teach. We allow God to direct us. We feel quite liberated and have seen God do many wonderful things for us. Our liberty in Christ with Christ as our head is refreshing and invigorating. I have many friends and some family still with TWI and I have not separated myself from them. They are part of the Body of Christ just like I am. I only separated myself from TWI Structure. Thanks for reading. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours.
Gene and Sherry Slavit met while studying the Bible at college and have built their love on that foundation ever since. Married for over 35 years, they’ve traveled the world sharing God’s Word in places such as Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Saipan, the Philippines, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Israel, and Ireland.
They have established and confirmed home fellowships in the United States as well, having lived in California, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, New York, Ohio, and Washington. They now live in San Pedro, California and share God’s Word with “whosoever will come,” helping others to follow Jesus Christ our lord (Mark 8:34). And they are very thankful for all their brothers and sisters in Christ in every place who have become great friends.
For many years, Gene has enjoyed reading his Greek New Testament and teaching God’s Word from it. In fact, he loves the Word in many languages, often sharing Romans 10:9 and 10 or other verses in Spanish with new Spanish-speaking friends. Sherry has often been found at dinner or over a cup of coffee with a few close friends discussing the meaning of life–straight out of God’s Word, of course. Together, they love to bring the world closer to our heavenly Father, one person at a time.
Gene and Sherry have one son, Elijah. They chose this name of the Old Testament prophet because it means “God is Lord.” It serves as a reminder that as the Creator, our God is able to do all things for us; and that as our loving Lord and heavenly Father, He is willing to care for us.
As we continue walking together in the light of God’s Word, we’ll share of His grace and goodness in this life and the freedom we have in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Why I left The Way International Structure (TWIS)
(I didn’t leave the Body of Christ!)
History with TWIS:
In 1976, when I was 17 years old, I became involved with TWIS. I took a foundational class on the Bible that was full of knowledge and zeal and answered so many questions that I had in my heart. I knew I had found what I had been searching for. I continued to attend home fellowships and with my natural leadership ability, I started my own home fellowship 6 months later in Hialeah FL. Back then, the home fellowships were “Self-governing, Self-supporting, and Self-propagating.” It was patterned after the Book of Acts and I really loved and appreciated that this was a non-denominational ministry, not another religion, but a place where I could learn more about God, His Word, and help others to do the same.
I entered a leadership training program called The Way Corps, met my husband there, and upon graduating, we married and went to our first “assignment”. For the next 33 years, we were given assignments all around the states. Some we asked for, most were recommended to us. We had one fellowship to coordinate in many instances (GA, WA, NJ ) and we also coordinated an entire state (ID). Other places, started out with one fellowship and grew into 3. Each move was costly and we paid for each move ourselves except when we were on staff as state coordinators – then TWIS gave us $ for the move – but it didn’t cover everything. God still supplied as He always does.
But after seeing the TWIS go through many leaders and becoming more religious with manmade policies, and mandates, and feeling the spirit of God being squelched on many levels, I wrote letters to the Board of Directors year after year of things I felt were not right, not according to God’s Word. More policies came out and when it was convenient, policies changed according to the desires of the top leadership and I no longer saw the top leadership as examples I wanted to follow, but as corrupt leaders with an agenda of their own. When the Way Corps were asked to go full time – they were told they could not have any pets – because they didn’t think it was right to use the tithe money to pay for our pets, yet it was found out that the President had a pet. When the leadership were told they could not smoke, there were some at the top that still smoked. Then more policies like the DEBT policy – which we were told was not a “policy” came out – and no one with any type of debt, including owning a home with a mortgage, any medical debts, etc… could be a part of any leadership role. Nor could they take an advanced class on biblical research that would teach them more about the manifestations of holy spirit in the categories of : gifts of healing, faith, miracles, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.
WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO??? Why are they all up in everyone’s financial business anyway??? Many, and I mean MANY of us wrote letters and talked personally to the Board of Directors to show them that this is unbiblical to withhold teachings from people who had debt, and also to deprive them of serving when they had the desire to do so. Many people left the ministry because they began to see the overarching leadership and unbiblical behavior, and rightfully so.
I was indoctrinated with this and taught it to others at one point but it never felt right. I apologize to those I may have hurt in pushing this unbiblical “debt policy” trying to get you to drink the Koolaid. I finally saw the light and stood up for what was right.
So on August 12, 2016 – 12 couples (which included my husband and me) signed a letter that was sent to the Board of Directors of TWI (with a courtesy copy sent to all the Way Corps leadership) – rebuking the unbiblical behavior we had been confronting for years. Because of the internet and the availability to share files and letters, we saw how so many of us had written letters through the years confronting the top leadership to no avail. So this was a collective effort trying to revive and restore TWI and get it back to The Word of God. Some letters that had been previously sent by anonymous believers to the Board of Directors were destroyed – The president actually told the other leadership that had received these letters to destroy the letters or return them to her. These letters confronted many of the things we were confronting in our August 12th letter.
I had observed that there were many Vice Presidents that seemed to come and go on a regular basis. I knew something was wrong. I also observed that the Board of Directors (BODs) were becoming a self appointed Board with no input from the clergy or The Way Corps on the field, and no term limits. Things were getting out of hand.
It was imperative that our letter go to all the leadership so that the top leadership could not just sweep this under the rug and drop those or fire those who wrote the letter as had been done many times in the past.
Instead of any humbleness to address the things we were confronting, a leaders meeting conference call was planned immediately and the letter was dismissed as divisive and devilish and then a belittling of the characters of the signers. It is so very expectant of “the subtle power of spiritual abuse” - (which is an enlightening book, by the way.)
For a year – we did our best to expose the unbiblical behavior at the Top levels of leadership so that we could bring about revival and restoration. Many saw that we were doing this The Words Way by all the confrontation, then the rebuking, then the exposure to the Church. Three of the couples that were long standing ministers were excommunicated from the ministry – another tactic of spiritual abuse. This instills fear into the believers and keeps them from contacting those who have been shunned. And many of the rest of us left our assignments because TWI would not give us the assignment we requested , they would not allow us to retire after 30+ years, or for other reasons. My husband and I for example – asked to move somewhere to run a fellowship. We were told that one fellowship would not be considered an assignment because it was only one fellowship. Therefore we would have to drop ourselves. Yet as I shared before, we had many assignments that started with one fellowship. But of course the policies change… We had asked for years to retire from The Way Corps when Kevin was 60 – but alas, a new policy came out after my letter to the BODs in 2007, stating that you could not even request to go Emeritus until you were 65. WOW!! Yet another policy!!! So when the top leadership last year decided that they were going to change the Emeritus status to Retired status – they wanted to get those that were retired to sign up for things like writing articles, or doing certain projects…etc…. many said – retired means retired. Stop micromanaging me!
Where I see the ministry has gone wrong and this brings us to why I left TWIS:
1. TWI became very corporate and religious. The Book of Acts, which is our pattern, our paradigm, does not support a Top Down leadership structure. But rather local home fellowships that are Self-governing (which, by the way, TWIS took out the part about Self-governing a while back.) TWI became micromanagers of each and every fellowship telling them what to teach, how long to teach, that they must listen to the Sunday teaching Service tapes coming from HQ and teach from them (which many have stopped listening to because they lack inspiration, zeal, and the meat of God’s Word – again because the teachers are told what to teach and how to teach it.) Sounds a lot like religion to me… The Book of Acts does not support a headquarters type of structure with 3 or more leading the entire ministry from the top. Jerusalem was not the HQ for the church in the Book of Acts. It was a local fellowship where things got started and it moved out from there. If you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
2. Tithing – is not in the Grace Administration. There is no amount given in the Grace administration, only things like "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”Ephesians 4:28 or "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7 / I was led to believe that the giving of the Corinthians was Paul coming to get their tithe to bring it to the HQ in Jerusalem. If you really read this account – it has nothing to do with bringing tithe money to a HQ location or to a central bank there, but rather the believers wanted to help the saints in Jerusalem because there was a famine. WOW! That takes on a whole new dimension. They wanted to give to those who were in need. Not to those who were on staff. Again, I apologize to all those I tried to persuade to buy into the tithe/abundant sharing doctrine taught by TWI. I understand it from a corporate point of view. You can’t have a corporation without funds. So you have to indoctrinate your people to constantly give so they have a constant inflow of funds. But that is corporate logic, not biblical logic. God blesses giving regardless and He has blessed us in so many ways. But even more so now that I have researched this topic more and see the heart of giving for the Grace Administration. Again, if you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
3. No Research Department, man-made policies became the norm and the spirit of God was being squelched.
a. When I realized there was no longer a Research department at TWI, I was shocked. This is a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. But when you realize that further research could upset the apple cart and show Top leadership that they are not operating according to God’s Word, well then, you must stifle any further research.
b. Colossians 2 is enlightening regarding doctrines of men.
c. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body – not the Board of Directors. Being micromanaged by Top leadership has felt like a noose around my neck. Here is an example: my daughter and I were going to one of the root locations for a weekend fellowship and relaxing time. We were asked to sing. My daughter writes incredible music and we sang some of her songs at a Region meeting just 2 years before and it blessed a lot of people. Well, we received instruction that we were only allowed to sing from the Sing Along the Way songbooks. I said, “WHAAAAAT????” Are you kidding me? So we declined to sing at all. This is Top Down leadership squelching the spirit of God and thus denying the believers the joy of our abilities.
I will end here by saying that this is MY STORY – of why I left TWIS. This was not a decision I made lightly. For 40 years of my life, I ran a fellowship in my home, and for 33 years have taken assignments all over the united states. My husband and I still have fellowship in our home in Cheyenne Wyoming. No one tells us what to teach and how to teach and how long to teach. We allow God to direct us. We feel quite liberated and have seen God do many wonderful things for us. Our liberty in Christ with Christ as our head is refreshing and invigorating. I have many friends and some family still with TWI and I have not separated myself from them. They are part of the Body of Christ just like I am. I only separated myself from TWI Structure. Thanks for reading. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours.
Kevin and Melody Carter were, among a group of other leadership, key to keeping me involved in TWI as a questioning teenager.
Very nice people that I wish I had never been forced to meet.
Why I left The Way International Structure (TWIS)
(I didn’t leave the Body of Christ!)
History with TWIS:
In 1976, when I was 17 years old, I became involved with TWIS. I took a foundational class on the Bible that was full of knowledge and zeal and answered so many questions that I had in my heart. I knew I had found what I had been searching for. I continued to attend home fellowships and with my natural leadership ability, I started my own home fellowship 6 months later in Hialeah FL. Back then, the home fellowships were “Self-governing, Self-supporting, and Self-propagating.” It was patterned after the Book of Acts and I really loved and appreciated that this was a non-denominational ministry, not another religion, but a place where I could learn more about God, His Word, and help others to do the same.
I entered a leadership training program called The Way Corps, met my husband there, and upon graduating, we married and went to our first “assignment”. For the next 33 years, we were given assignments all around the states. Some we asked for, most were recommended to us. We had one fellowship to coordinate in many instances (GA, WA, NJ ) and we also coordinated an entire state (ID). Other places, started out with one fellowship and grew into 3. Each move was costly and we paid for each move ourselves except when we were on staff as state coordinators – then TWIS gave us $ for the move – but it didn’t cover everything. God still supplied as He always does.
But after seeing the TWIS go through many leaders and becoming more religious with manmade policies, and mandates, and feeling the spirit of God being squelched on many levels, I wrote letters to the Board of Directors year after year of things I felt were not right, not according to God’s Word. More policies came out and when it was convenient, policies changed according to the desires of the top leadership and I no longer saw the top leadership as examples I wanted to follow, but as corrupt leaders with an agenda of their own. When the Way Corps were asked to go full time – they were told they could not have any pets – because they didn’t think it was right to use the tithe money to pay for our pets, yet it was found out that the President had a pet. When the leadership were told they could not smoke, there were some at the top that still smoked. Then more policies like the DEBT policy – which we were told was not a “policy” came out – and no one with any type of debt, including owning a home with a mortgage, any medical debts, etc… could be a part of any leadership role. Nor could they take an advanced class on biblical research that would teach them more about the manifestations of holy spirit in the categories of : gifts of healing, faith, miracles, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.
WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO??? Why are they all up in everyone’s financial business anyway??? Many, and I mean MANY of us wrote letters and talked personally to the Board of Directors to show them that this is unbiblical to withhold teachings from people who had debt, and also to deprive them of serving when they had the desire to do so. Many people left the ministry because they began to see the overarching leadership and unbiblical behavior, and rightfully so.
I was indoctrinated with this and taught it to others at one point but it never felt right. I apologize to those I may have hurt in pushing this unbiblical “debt policy” trying to get you to drink the Koolaid. I finally saw the light and stood up for what was right.
So on August 12, 2016 – 12 couples (which included my husband and me) signed a letter that was sent to the Board of Directors of TWI (with a courtesy copy sent to all the Way Corps leadership) – rebuking the unbiblical behavior we had been confronting for years. Because of the internet and the availability to share files and letters, we saw how so many of us had written letters through the years confronting the top leadership to no avail. So this was a collective effort trying to revive and restore TWI and get it back to The Word of God. Some letters that had been previously sent by anonymous believers to the Board of Directors were destroyed – The president actually told the other leadership that had received these letters to destroy the letters or return them to her. These letters confronted many of the things we were confronting in our August 12th letter.
I had observed that there were many Vice Presidents that seemed to come and go on a regular basis. I knew something was wrong. I also observed that the Board of Directors (BODs) were becoming a self appointed Board with no input from the clergy or The Way Corps on the field, and no term limits. Things were getting out of hand.
It was imperative that our letter go to all the leadership so that the top leadership could not just sweep this under the rug and drop those or fire those who wrote the letter as had been done many times in the past.
Instead of any humbleness to address the things we were confronting, a leaders meeting conference call was planned immediately and the letter was dismissed as divisive and devilish and then a belittling of the characters of the signers. It is so very expectant of “the subtle power of spiritual abuse” - (which is an enlightening book, by the way.)
For a year – we did our best to expose the unbiblical behavior at the Top levels of leadership so that we could bring about revival and restoration. Many saw that we were doing this The Words Way by all the confrontation, then the rebuking, then the exposure to the Church. Three of the couples that were long standing ministers were excommunicated from the ministry – another tactic of spiritual abuse. This instills fear into the believers and keeps them from contacting those who have been shunned. And many of the rest of us left our assignments because TWI would not give us the assignment we requested , they would not allow us to retire after 30+ years, or for other reasons. My husband and I for example – asked to move somewhere to run a fellowship. We were told that one fellowship would not be considered an assignment because it was only one fellowship. Therefore we would have to drop ourselves. Yet as I shared before, we had many assignments that started with one fellowship. But of course the policies change… We had asked for years to retire from The Way Corps when Kevin was 60 – but alas, a new policy came out after my letter to the BODs in 2007, stating that you could not even request to go Emeritus until you were 65. WOW!! Yet another policy!!! So when the top leadership last year decided that they were going to change the Emeritus status to Retired status – they wanted to get those that were retired to sign up for things like writing articles, or doing certain projects…etc…. many said – retired means retired. Stop micromanaging me!
Where I see the ministry has gone wrong and this brings us to why I left TWIS:
1. TWI became very corporate and religious. The Book of Acts, which is our pattern, our paradigm, does not support a Top Down leadership structure. But rather local home fellowships that are Self-governing (which, by the way, TWIS took out the part about Self-governing a while back.) TWI became micromanagers of each and every fellowship telling them what to teach, how long to teach, that they must listen to the Sunday teaching Service tapes coming from HQ and teach from them (which many have stopped listening to because they lack inspiration, zeal, and the meat of God’s Word – again because the teachers are told what to teach and how to teach it.) Sounds a lot like religion to me… The Book of Acts does not support a headquarters type of structure with 3 or more leading the entire ministry from the top. Jerusalem was not the HQ for the church in the Book of Acts. It was a local fellowship where things got started and it moved out from there. If you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
2. Tithing – is not in the Grace Administration. There is no amount given in the Grace administration, only things like "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”Ephesians 4:28 or "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7 / I was led to believe that the giving of the Corinthians was Paul coming to get their tithe to bring it to the HQ in Jerusalem. If you really read this account – it has nothing to do with bringing tithe money to a HQ location or to a central bank there, but rather the believers wanted to help the saints in Jerusalem because there was a famine. WOW! That takes on a whole new dimension. They wanted to give to those who were in need. Not to those who were on staff. Again, I apologize to all those I tried to persuade to buy into the tithe/abundant sharing doctrine taught by TWI. I understand it from a corporate point of view. You can’t have a corporation without funds. So you have to indoctrinate your people to constantly give so they have a constant inflow of funds. But that is corporate logic, not biblical logic. God blesses giving regardless and He has blessed us in so many ways. But even more so now that I have researched this topic more and see the heart of giving for the Grace Administration. Again, if you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
3. No Research Department, man-made policies became the norm and the spirit of God was being squelched.
a. When I realized there was no longer a Research department at TWI, I was shocked. This is a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. But when you realize that further research could upset the apple cart and show Top leadership that they are not operating according to God’s Word, well then, you must stifle any further research.
b. Colossians 2 is enlightening regarding doctrines of men.
c. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body – not the Board of Directors. Being micromanaged by Top leadership has felt like a noose around my neck. Here is an example: my daughter and I were going to one of the root locations for a weekend fellowship and relaxing time. We were asked to sing. My daughter writes incredible music and we sang some of her songs at a Region meeting just 2 years before and it blessed a lot of people. Well, we received instruction that we were only allowed to sing from the Sing Along the Way songbooks. I said, “WHAAAAAT????” Are you kidding me? So we declined to sing at all. This is Top Down leadership squelching the spirit of God and thus denying the believers the joy of our abilities.
I will end here by saying that this is MY STORY – of why I left TWIS. This was not a decision I made lightly. For 40 years of my life, I ran a fellowship in my home, and for 33 years have taken assignments all over the united states. My husband and I still have fellowship in our home in Cheyenne Wyoming. No one tells us what to teach and how to teach and how long to teach. We allow God to direct us. We feel quite liberated and have seen God do many wonderful things for us. Our liberty in Christ with Christ as our head is refreshing and invigorating. I have many friends and some family still with TWI and I have not separated myself from them. They are part of the Body of Christ just like I am. I only separated myself from TWI Structure. Thanks for reading. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours.
Guy, ,why did it take you, and your wife so many years, to leave TWI?? I don't have a dog in this fight; but I don't understand why you didn't leave TWI sooner.
I will say this is the first time I've ever heard the term "TWIS" - The Way International Structure. This seems to be a new acronym and term that this woman has made up.
To me it is TWISted.
I mean I'm a part of the body of Christ, as are the church-going folks in my neighborhood, city, community, on TV, etc. So are TWI members. They are the elevated nose of the body of Christ. Oh wait, Christ didn't elevate his nose.
So functionally, these people are starting a church, in their own home, with a Way brain, a Way background, and probably mostly Way materials. Anyone can come! Will anyone? Well, let's see. When you called it a twig and were still accepted in the Way, did anyone come then? Not really? OK. Well that's kind of a really good indicator there.
The state of TWIS.
BTW I've known of old Corpse grads who did this right after the fog years. Then they had a family Bible fellowship for 20 years. A couple outside people came for a while. I mean with this approach and home schooling, you could live completely off the grid like the Unabomber. Not real sure what this has to do with Christianity though.
Gene and Sherry Slavit met while studying the Bible at college and have built their love on that foundation ever since. Married for over 35 years, they’ve traveled the world sharing God’s Word in places such as Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Saipan, the Philippines, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Israel, and Ireland.
They have established and confirmed home fellowships in the United States as well, having lived in California, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, New York, Ohio, and Washington. They now live in San Pedro, California and share God’s Word with “whosoever will come,” helping others to follow Jesus Christ our lord (Mark 8:34). And they are very thankful for all their brothers and sisters in Christ in every place who have become great friends.
For many years, Gene has enjoyed reading his Greek New Testament and teaching God’s Word from it. In fact, he loves the Word in many languages, often sharing Romans 10:9 and 10 or other verses in Spanish with new Spanish-speaking friends. Sherry has often been found at dinner or over a cup of coffee with a few close friends discussing the meaning of life–straight out of God’s Word, of course. Together, they love to bring the world closer to our heavenly Father, one person at a time.
Gene and Sherry have one son, Elijah. They chose this name of the Old Testament prophet because it means “God is Lord.” It serves as a reminder that as the Creator, our God is able to do all things for us; and that as our loving Lord and heavenly Father, He is willing to care for us.
As we continue walking together in the light of God’s Word, we’ll share of His grace and goodness in this life and the freedom we have in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Those two suffered more abuse at the hands of the Way than a lot. I guess that is their website. I don't know their whole end story with TWI but I knew he was working with D@vid Ch@voustie as his assistant in what was supposed to be the Research department or something like that. DC part time, GS assistant part time or something.
I'm sure the wizard of Roz didn't approve of his continual smile and pleasant demeanor, and probably asking if they could like do some actual research or something, and they got dropped from Corpse, fired, stripped of clergy title, etc. Disclaimer - no knowledge of what this actually was over. Had to move from cult HQ to California. This is like after a whole fiasco that involved going thru the Corpse a 2nd time I think. Just can't even believe it. Loyalty to remain true to ordination even after all that abuse from the Way, stuck with the group till a year or two ago. Rewarded thusly.
Maybe I should react differently, but seeing stuff like this just makes me hope for Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff somewhere so nobody else's life gets devastated.
Board of D@mn Pharisee Dolt Directors plus girlfriend
Bet Gene wanders into some hippie Chistian outfit and they sell beads and tie dye on Venice beach. LOL. While speaking from a Greek text.
i call bullshit on them and their whole bullshit "restoration and revival" offshoot scheme. All they really want to restore and revive is their own bank accounts, and the minus-tray of a waterlogged, dead, Nazi drunk, malignant, paranoid, narcissist, serial rapist and sexual batterer, misogynist, racist, mentally ill fraud. What a holy calling! A mission in depraved futility. Pfffffttttttt!
I will say this is the first time I've ever heard the term "TWIS" - The Way International Structure. This seems to be a new acronym and term that this woman has made up.
To me it is TWISted.
I mean I'm a part of the body of Christ, as are the church-going folks in my neighborhood, city, community, on TV, etc. So are TWI members. They are the elevated nose of the body of Christ. Oh wait, Christ didn't elevate his nose.
So functionally, these people are starting a church, in their own home, with a Way brain, a Way background, and probably mostly Way materials. Anyone can come! Will anyone? Well, let's see. When you called it a twig and were still accepted in the Way, did anyone come then? Not really? OK. Well that's kind of a really good indicator there.
The state of TWIS.
BTW I've known of old Corpse grads who did this right after the fog years. Then they had a family Bible fellowship for 20 years. A couple outside people came for a while. I mean with this approach and home schooling, you could live completely off the grid like the Unabomber. Not real sure what this has to do with Christianity though.
i call .... on them and their whole .... "restoration and revival" offshoot scheme. All they really want to restore and revive is their own bank accounts, and the minus-tray of a waterlogged, dead, Nazi drunk, malignant, paranoid, narcissist, serial rapist and sexual batterer, misogynist, racist, mentally ill fraud. What a holy calling! A mission in depraved futility. Pfffffttttttt!
DWBH, you always make me laugh, when you catch people trying to Bullsheet us here!! Good for you, and Chock!!!
As much as I empathize with the crowds of individuals who have been hurt and exploited by twi across the decades, I have to cast a suspicious eye here. These were people who were in during the 70s. They saw it get worse into the 80s. They lived through the confrontations at the top and the firings. They lived through Geer's power-grab and "Passing of the Patriarch"-when some of the top leaders left because the BOT was deaf to criticism,They lived through lcm's demand for an oath of loyalty-when 4/5 of the ministry either left because they were fed up (or outraged someone would make such an unBiblical request), or were kicked out because they simply refused to take such an oath (or left because others were kicked out for refusing to take such an oath.) They were in a leadership position at the time and retained it- which tells us that when lcm demanded that people make an oath of loyalty to HIM PERSONALLY, they SWORE THAT OATH. (Others were kicked out of twi immediately for refusing.) They stayed through the next year, when more people trickled out as the completely new (more blatant) direction of twi was made plain.
They stayed all through the 90s, when lcm kicked people out for "suspicion" or for refusing to hand over more of their salary to twi. They stayed through all the slanders at respected leaders who left. They stayed when lcm ADMITTED to abusing his office and committing adulterous acts with members of the congregation. They stayed when rfr tightened things so much that people on-grounds were required to sign in and out when going to use the toilet. They stayed when the SNS tapes were expected to be listened to live when they were recorded, then again privately, and yet again with the local groups (rather than teach something new.) They stayed through all the orders to bleach teachings clean of anything approaching originality, and enforcement of that across the country. They stayed through all that, all while across the DECADES, others left and did just fine without twi. In fact, some local groups just drifted off and did exactly what they people claimed they wanted to do- be self-governing and self-propagating and just teach some Bible. This happened lots of times, across the country, across the DECADES. These people stayed with twi all through that. In fact, in this account, they stayed through virtually their entire adult life, *counts* a FORTY-YEAR journey that was just FINE staying in twi while virtually everyone else who was ever in twi got sick of it and left, even if it was to go off and teach more Bible without the fascism and venom. That's more time in twi than some ex-twi'ers have been ALIVE.
NOW they're jumping ship. Obviously, something has changed NOW, something that they care about. Is it a sudden absence of Bible, or a sudden wave of directives? No- those were all more severe in the past, and these people stayed. What changed NOW is that this is their personal opportunity to leave. Not just "keep doing what God wants"-they could have done that anytime, most of us did just that when we left- but to leave WITH A STRUCTURE IN PLACE AND A POSITION OF AUTHORITY. They're leaving with their whole new DENOMINATION and their elder's hat, leaving to step into authority. It wasn't enough to just teach some Bible and pray. They waited until they had an organic structure of exactly who they wanted, AND a chance to leave with an OFFICE in that structure. (It wasn't enough to just run a local Bible fellowship, or they would have drifted off decades ago.)
So, yes, the timing is, to say the least, peculiar- not for when it IS, but for when it ISN'T. Anyone think there's a mid-life crisis or two in there?
As much as I empathize with the crowds of individuals who have been hurt and exploited by twi across the decades, I have to cast a suspicious eye here. These were people who were in during the 70s. They saw it get worse into the 80s. They lived through the confrontations at the top and the firings. They lived through Geer's power-grab and "Passing of the Patriarch"-when some of the top leaders left because the BOT was deaf to criticism,They lived through lcm's demand for an oath of loyalty-when 4/5 of the ministry either left because they were fed up (or outraged someone would make such an unBiblical request), or were kicked out because they simply refused to take such an oath (or left because others were kicked out for refusing to take such an oath.) They were in a leadership position at the time and retained it- which tells us that when lcm demanded that people make an oath of loyalty to HIM PERSONALLY, they SWORE THAT OATH. (Others were kicked out of twi immediately for refusing.) They stayed through the next year, when more people trickled out as the completely new (more blatant) direction of twi was made plain.
They stayed all through the 90s, when lcm kicked people out for "suspicion" or for refusing to hand over more of their salary to twi. They stayed through all the slanders at respected leaders who left. They stayed when lcm ADMITTED to abusing his office and committing adulterous acts with members of the congregation. They stayed when rfr tightened things so much that people on-grounds were required to sign in and out when going to use the toilet. They stayed when the SNS tapes were expected to be listened to live when they were recorded, then again privately, and yet again with the local groups (rather than teach something new.) They stayed through all the orders to bleach teachings clean of anything approaching originality, and enforcement of that across the country. They stayed through all that, all while across the DECADES, others left and did just fine without twi. In fact, some local groups just drifted off and did exactly what they people claimed they wanted to do- be self-governing and self-propagating and just teach some Bible. This happened lots of times, across the country, across the DECADES. These people stayed with twi all through that. In fact, in this account, they stayed through virtually their entire adult life, *counts* a FORTY-YEAR journey that was just FINE staying in twi while virtually everyone else who was ever in twi got sick of it and left, even if it was to go off and teach more Bible without the fascism and venom. That's more time in twi than some ex-twi'ers have been ALIVE.
NOW they're jumping ship. Obviously, something has changed NOW, something that they care about. Is it a sudden absence of Bible, or a sudden wave of directives? No- those were all more severe in the past, and these people stayed. What changed NOW is that this is their personal opportunity to leave. Not just "keep doing what God wants"-they could have done that anytime, most of us did just that when we left- but to leave WITH A STRUCTURE IN PLACE AND A POSITION OF AUTHORITY. They're leaving with their whole new DENOMINATION and their elder's hat, leaving to step into authority. It wasn't enough to just teach some Bible and pray. They waited until they had an organic structure of exactly who they wanted, AND a chance to leave with an OFFICE in that structure. (It wasn't enough to just run a local Bible fellowship, or they would have drifted off decades ago.)
So, yes, the timing is, to say the least, peculiar- not for when it IS, but for when it ISN'T. Anyone think there's a mid-life crisis or two in there?
WW, very well said!! I think it's all about money. They have been in TWI for forty years, and are now reaching retirement age. They want to run fellowships, and collect the $$$$. I have no respect for them, for the reasons you stated so well. If others want to give them money, and listen to their nonsense, that's their business. Me, I think they are parasites.
I just wanted to clear up another piece of official TWIt disinformation. All the BS about how the "Way tree structure" was taken completely and only from "the Book of Acts". That is a complete fabrication from the inebriated and meshuggeneh"mind" of dictor paul. The ENTIRE "self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating" "revelation" is taken VERBATIM from AA's book, "The 12 Traditions" which was first published in 1935!! Check it out for yourself. Totally predictable and habitual unethical and dishonest thinking and behavior from a lazy, intellectually vapid wannabe mog.
So, all the bullshit in all these R'n'R asslickers' smarmy posts which brags about "Da woid", and how dictor paul (and now these morons) got EVERYTHING by "revelation", or by "rightly-dividing Da woid", documents the fact that ALL these phony whited sepulchers remain "throughly" TWIt-brained, and self-deluded. They STILL worship dictor paul and they want HIS minus-tray and it's illicit income back. They are hapless, feckless cultists now having to accept the fact that they have wasted their entire lives, and now they're stuck with just their "rewards at the bema", with zero cash in the bank, no homes, no cars, no training or education in any other fields of endeavor besides the perpetual snake-turd "christianity" peddled by their beloved, dead, drunk, waterlogged moggie-pooh. Talk about a bunch of LOSERS, LOW-LIFES, and LIARS. These guys make the Keystone Cops look like Navy Seal Team 6! Bwaaaahahahaha!.......peace.
I remember one corps meeting or nightowl sharing where wierwille stated that if he had it to do all over again.......he would have TAKEN as many Van Wert Church people with him as he could. Looks like the cult apple hasn't fallen far from the Way Tree.
I'm not even going to bother listening/watching to the R&R presentations you all are talking about. I remember when we got the boot writing a four-page letter explaining our situation to the Reverend Mr. Fort. We felt we had been unfairly treated by D*&e M1ln$r, the branch coordinator, and wished to clarify what we saw as his sarcastic, legalistic, unreasonable attitude. The Most Exceedingly Great and Mighty Man of God the Reverend Mr. Fort wrote a snide, snarky sarcastic little note on the last page of our letter and sent it back. Something like "Amazing that you take four pages to explain what D.M. could explain clearly in four sentences in a phone call. Don't bother trying to come back." I did figure out where D.M. learned his nasty, sarcastic ways, though.
The Moneyhands as you call them were limb leaders in a state we lived in. They were, to my humble observation, very very very very superior to us mere peasants. The Mrs. did offer to administer some kind of a personality test to me, which I declined. "Don't you want to know how you think?" she asked me. "I believe I'm supposed to think the Word of God." I replied. I don't have a terribly good impression of her brand of psychology. Didn't trust her then or now.
I don't remember meeting any of the other people on the list. Sad, though, to think they are setting themselves up to delude, degrade, and destroy even more hapless souls than they already have. Not a single one of them is worth a penny of my money or a second of my time.
WG, you sound like an intelligent woman to me. The people you mentioned in your post, sound like axxholes to me. They knew all the Manure that went on in Way World for years, and years, and did nothing about it??!! Nuts to them!!
Ok, received this letter via email from a rnr insider.
Dear Beloved of God,
We are aware this closed Facebook group, “Revival and Restoration,” has become a safe haven for
some. For others perhaps, a place to debate. Many have been awaiting information concerning, "What
are our next steps?” This entry is humbly put forth to provide answers for this question.
After much prayer, time in the Word, heart searching, and full-sharing discussion among those who
originally undertook this mission, we have determined that we will no longer focus on reviving and
restoring The Way International. We instead are choosing to continue to function in our gifts and calling
of God, which are irrevocable (Romans 11:29 NIV). This means that many of us are now functioning
independent of The Way International, while others may still be moving in and out among the disciples
who fellowship with The Way International. All of us have resolved in our hearts that our focus is on God
first and walking in our freedom in Christ.
This year has been a year of deliverance and growth for all of us. We have seen God’s Word more alive
in our personal lives and in the lives of many others who have shared our passion. We have also seen,
more clearly, that God does not divide the One Body into small portions such as Baptists, Roman
Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, or followers of The Way International. Instead, He sees sons and
daughters of His. We do not want to build fences, separating “us” from “them.” We have shaken the
dust off our feet and anticipate moving ahead with vigor, teaching and training according to Colossians
1:27 through 29 and focusing on local fellowships as Acts patterns.
27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
28 Whom we preach [kataggellō], warning [noutheteō] every man, and teaching every man in all
wisdom; that we may present every man perfect [mature] in Christ Jesus:
29 Whereunto I (we) also labour striving [agōnizomai] according to his working, which worketh in me
(us) mightily.
We have no desire to exclude anyone, including those who still fellowship with The Way International or
for that matter, any Christian who feels benefitted by the teachings we are providing. In Acts 19, Paul
reached a point where, in order to answer God’s call, he had to separate from those who rejected his
ministry and move forward with those who earnestly desired his ministry. (II Corinthians 4:5) We are
grateful for the mutual believing that is helping us to realize revival and restoration is not about man’s
“fences,” but rather about God’s people loving Him and each other with Christ as the head.
With love and respect,
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Hi All! Well....I actually finished forcing myself to listen to those lying, sanctimonious, self-deluded fools. I could only take it in 8-10 minute segments, once a day. I felt as if I was watchi
Watered Garden
I'm not even going to bother listening/watching to the R&R presentations you all are talking about. I remember when we got the boot writing a four-page letter explaining our situation to the Rever
I never served at any of the top levels of the Way, but I did graduate from the corpse. I did hold some leadership positions. When I finally left twi, I told God I didn't want to lead again because I
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Revival? Made me think of a parody of Robin Mark's song. Prepare ye The Way, Prepare ye The Way of the Lord Wierwille
.Sorry if he is offended by this. Country-Western with Irish jig.Robin's songs are from Integrity Music(now part of David C. Cook Ministries).
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, thank you!! I think I have a "healthy attitude" in most aspects of my life, but sometimes I get upset with some of the posts I read. However, I know that many of us here at the GSC, had vastly different experiences with TWI. Some of us had good, and bad experiences with it; some of us got messed over by TWI, and may never recover from it. I really learn a lot by coming here; there is a lot of good information here. However, I also realize that not everyone thinks like I do; I think there has to be some give-and-take in a forum like this. But, I try to think before I post. Some axxhole hurt my feelings over some petty BS; I pray that I don't do that to others. But, I must admit coming here as been an eye-opener for me. I didn't know how corrupt TWI was until I came here; wow! As I continue to post, and learn, I continue to heal, in all areas of my life. Again T-Bone, thank you for your kind post! Shalom!
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Grace, you're ok in my book...just keep being who you are.....Even though Grease Spot is a cyber-world and at times we all can get on each other's nerves - I still prefer this wonderful divergency any day over that homogenized sugarcoated phoniness of TWI.
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Grace Valerie Claire

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WordWolf, I think you may have zeroed in on the Way's outreach plan. Zeno's Paradox. I mean why waste all of that paper on Vision and Direction when you could sum it all up in one paragraph?
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T-Bone, you really crack me up!
Oops, that's not "crack" as in what one does with crab claws...!
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Or to crab claws.
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Twinky, don't make me come over there and pinch you !
this time it's personal
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Melody Ann Carter's FaceBook post August 25, 2017
Why I left The Way International Structure (TWIS)
(I didn’t leave the Body of Christ!)
History with TWIS:
In 1976, when I was 17 years old, I became involved with TWIS. I took a foundational class on the Bible that was full of knowledge and zeal and answered so many questions that I had in my heart. I knew I had found what I had been searching for. I continued to attend home fellowships and with my natural leadership ability, I started my own home fellowship 6 months later in Hialeah FL. Back then, the home fellowships were “Self-governing, Self-supporting, and Self-propagating.” It was patterned after the Book of Acts and I really loved and appreciated that this was a non-denominational ministry, not another religion, but a place where I could learn more about God, His Word, and help others to do the same.
I entered a leadership training program called The Way Corps, met my husband there, and upon graduating, we married and went to our first “assignment”. For the next 33 years, we were given assignments all around the states. Some we asked for, most were recommended to us. We had one fellowship to coordinate in many instances (GA, WA, NJ ) and we also coordinated an entire state (ID). Other places, started out with one fellowship and grew into 3. Each move was costly and we paid for each move ourselves except when we were on staff as state coordinators – then TWIS gave us $ for the move – but it didn’t cover everything. God still supplied as He always does.
But after seeing the TWIS go through many leaders and becoming more religious with manmade policies, and mandates, and feeling the spirit of God being squelched on many levels, I wrote letters to the Board of Directors year after year of things I felt were not right, not according to God’s Word. More policies came out and when it was convenient, policies changed according to the desires of the top leadership and I no longer saw the top leadership as examples I wanted to follow, but as corrupt leaders with an agenda of their own. When the Way Corps were asked to go full time – they were told they could not have any pets – because they didn’t think it was right to use the tithe money to pay for our pets, yet it was found out that the President had a pet. When the leadership were told they could not smoke, there were some at the top that still smoked. Then more policies like the DEBT policy – which we were told was not a “policy” came out – and no one with any type of debt, including owning a home with a mortgage, any medical debts, etc… could be a part of any leadership role. Nor could they take an advanced class on biblical research that would teach them more about the manifestations of holy spirit in the categories of : gifts of healing, faith, miracles, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.
WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO??? Why are they all up in everyone’s financial business anyway??? Many, and I mean MANY of us wrote letters and talked personally to the Board of Directors to show them that this is unbiblical to withhold teachings from people who had debt, and also to deprive them of serving when they had the desire to do so. Many people left the ministry because they began to see the overarching leadership and unbiblical behavior, and rightfully so.
I was indoctrinated with this and taught it to others at one point but it never felt right. I apologize to those I may have hurt in pushing this unbiblical “debt policy” trying to get you to drink the Koolaid. I finally saw the light and stood up for what was right.
So on August 12, 2016 – 12 couples (which included my husband and me) signed a letter that was sent to the Board of Directors of TWI (with a courtesy copy sent to all the Way Corps leadership) – rebuking the unbiblical behavior we had been confronting for years. Because of the internet and the availability to share files and letters, we saw how so many of us had written letters through the years confronting the top leadership to no avail. So this was a collective effort trying to revive and restore TWI and get it back to The Word of God. Some letters that had been previously sent by anonymous believers to the Board of Directors were destroyed – The president actually told the other leadership that had received these letters to destroy the letters or return them to her. These letters confronted many of the things we were confronting in our August 12th letter.
I had observed that there were many Vice Presidents that seemed to come and go on a regular basis. I knew something was wrong. I also observed that the Board of Directors (BODs) were becoming a self appointed Board with no input from the clergy or The Way Corps on the field, and no term limits. Things were getting out of hand.
It was imperative that our letter go to all the leadership so that the top leadership could not just sweep this under the rug and drop those or fire those who wrote the letter as had been done many times in the past.
Instead of any humbleness to address the things we were confronting, a leaders meeting conference call was planned immediately and the letter was dismissed as divisive and devilish and then a belittling of the characters of the signers. It is so very expectant of “the subtle power of spiritual abuse” - (which is an enlightening book, by the way.)
For a year – we did our best to expose the unbiblical behavior at the Top levels of leadership so that we could bring about revival and restoration. Many saw that we were doing this The Words Way by all the confrontation, then the rebuking, then the exposure to the Church. Three of the couples that were long standing ministers were excommunicated from the ministry – another tactic of spiritual abuse. This instills fear into the believers and keeps them from contacting those who have been shunned. And many of the rest of us left our assignments because TWI would not give us the assignment we requested , they would not allow us to retire after 30+ years, or for other reasons. My husband and I for example – asked to move somewhere to run a fellowship. We were told that one fellowship would not be considered an assignment because it was only one fellowship. Therefore we would have to drop ourselves. Yet as I shared before, we had many assignments that started with one fellowship. But of course the policies change… We had asked for years to retire from The Way Corps when Kevin was 60 – but alas, a new policy came out after my letter to the BODs in 2007, stating that you could not even request to go Emeritus until you were 65. WOW!! Yet another policy!!! So when the top leadership last year decided that they were going to change the Emeritus status to Retired status – they wanted to get those that were retired to sign up for things like writing articles, or doing certain projects…etc…. many said – retired means retired. Stop micromanaging me!
Where I see the ministry has gone wrong and this brings us to why I left TWIS:
1. TWI became very corporate and religious. The Book of Acts, which is our pattern, our paradigm, does not support a Top Down leadership structure. But rather local home fellowships that are Self-governing (which, by the way, TWIS took out the part about Self-governing a while back.) TWI became micromanagers of each and every fellowship telling them what to teach, how long to teach, that they must listen to the Sunday teaching Service tapes coming from HQ and teach from them (which many have stopped listening to because they lack inspiration, zeal, and the meat of God’s Word – again because the teachers are told what to teach and how to teach it.) Sounds a lot like religion to me… The Book of Acts does not support a headquarters type of structure with 3 or more leading the entire ministry from the top. Jerusalem was not the HQ for the church in the Book of Acts. It was a local fellowship where things got started and it moved out from there. If you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
2. Tithing – is not in the Grace Administration. There is no amount given in the Grace administration, only things like "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”Ephesians 4:28 or "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7 / I was led to believe that the giving of the Corinthians was Paul coming to get their tithe to bring it to the HQ in Jerusalem. If you really read this account – it has nothing to do with bringing tithe money to a HQ location or to a central bank there, but rather the believers wanted to help the saints in Jerusalem because there was a famine. WOW! That takes on a whole new dimension. They wanted to give to those who were in need. Not to those who were on staff. Again, I apologize to all those I tried to persuade to buy into the tithe/abundant sharing doctrine taught by TWI. I understand it from a corporate point of view. You can’t have a corporation without funds. So you have to indoctrinate your people to constantly give so they have a constant inflow of funds. But that is corporate logic, not biblical logic. God blesses giving regardless and He has blessed us in so many ways. But even more so now that I have researched this topic more and see the heart of giving for the Grace Administration. Again, if you want more information on this, I can direct you to a few places.
3. No Research Department, man-made policies became the norm and the spirit of God was being squelched.
a. When I realized there was no longer a Research department at TWI, I was shocked. This is a biblical research, teaching, and fellowship ministry. But when you realize that further research could upset the apple cart and show Top leadership that they are not operating according to God’s Word, well then, you must stifle any further research.
b. Colossians 2 is enlightening regarding doctrines of men.
c. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body – not the Board of Directors. Being micromanaged by Top leadership has felt like a noose around my neck. Here is an example: my daughter and I were going to one of the root locations for a weekend fellowship and relaxing time. We were asked to sing. My daughter writes incredible music and we sang some of her songs at a Region meeting just 2 years before and it blessed a lot of people. Well, we received instruction that we were only allowed to sing from the Sing Along the Way songbooks. I said, “WHAAAAAT????” Are you kidding me? So we declined to sing at all. This is Top Down leadership squelching the spirit of God and thus denying the believers the joy of our abilities.
I will end here by saying that this is MY STORY – of why I left TWIS. This was not a decision I made lightly. For 40 years of my life, I ran a fellowship in my home, and for 33 years have taken assignments all over the united states. My husband and I still have fellowship in our home in Cheyenne Wyoming. No one tells us what to teach and how to teach and how long to teach. We allow God to direct us. We feel quite liberated and have seen God do many wonderful things for us. Our liberty in Christ with Christ as our head is refreshing and invigorating. I have many friends and some family still with TWI and I have not separated myself from them. They are part of the Body of Christ just like I am. I only separated myself from TWI Structure. Thanks for reading. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours.
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Gene and Sherry Slavit met while studying the Bible at college and have built their love on that foundation ever since. Married for over 35 years, they’ve traveled the world sharing God’s Word in places such as Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Saipan, the Philippines, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Israel, and Ireland.
They have established and confirmed home fellowships in the United States as well, having lived in California, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, New York, Ohio, and Washington. They now live in San Pedro, California and share God’s Word with “whosoever will come,” helping others to follow Jesus Christ our lord (Mark 8:34). And they are very thankful for all their brothers and sisters in Christ in every place who have become great friends.
For many years, Gene has enjoyed reading his Greek New Testament and teaching God’s Word from it. In fact, he loves the Word in many languages, often sharing Romans 10:9 and 10 or other verses in Spanish with new Spanish-speaking friends. Sherry has often been found at dinner or over a cup of coffee with a few close friends discussing the meaning of life–straight out of God’s Word, of course. Together, they love to bring the world closer to our heavenly Father, one person at a time.
Gene and Sherry have one son, Elijah. They chose this name of the Old Testament prophet because it means “God is Lord.” It serves as a reminder that as the Creator, our God is able to do all things for us; and that as our loving Lord and heavenly Father, He is willing to care for us.
As we continue walking together in the light of God’s Word, we’ll share of His grace and goodness in this life and the freedom we have in His Son, Jesus Christ.
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Kevin and Melody Carter were, among a group of other leadership, key to keeping me involved in TWI as a questioning teenager.
Very nice people that I wish I had never been forced to meet.
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So when R&R folks leave TWI, they get a bunch of likes on Facebook? How many have they cursed at for leaving in the years prior?
Why not grovel in shame?
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Grace Valerie Claire
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I will say this is the first time I've ever heard the term "TWIS" - The Way International Structure. This seems to be a new acronym and term that this woman has made up.
To me it is TWISted.
I mean I'm a part of the body of Christ, as are the church-going folks in my neighborhood, city, community, on TV, etc. So are TWI members. They are the elevated nose of the body of Christ. Oh wait, Christ didn't elevate his nose.
So functionally, these people are starting a church, in their own home, with a Way brain, a Way background, and probably mostly Way materials. Anyone can come! Will anyone? Well, let's see. When you called it a twig and were still accepted in the Way, did anyone come then? Not really? OK. Well that's kind of a really good indicator there.
The state of TWIS.
BTW I've known of old Corpse grads who did this right after the fog years. Then they had a family Bible fellowship for 20 years. A couple outside people came for a while. I mean with this approach and home schooling, you could live completely off the grid like the Unabomber. Not real sure what this has to do with Christianity though.
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Those two suffered more abuse at the hands of the Way than a lot. I guess that is their website. I don't know their whole end story with TWI but I knew he was working with D@vid Ch@voustie as his assistant in what was supposed to be the Research department or something like that. DC part time, GS assistant part time or something.
I'm sure the wizard of Roz didn't approve of his continual smile and pleasant demeanor, and probably asking if they could like do some actual research or something, and they got dropped from Corpse, fired, stripped of clergy title, etc. Disclaimer - no knowledge of what this actually was over. Had to move from cult HQ to California. This is like after a whole fiasco that involved going thru the Corpse a 2nd time I think. Just can't even believe it. Loyalty to remain true to ordination even after all that abuse from the Way, stuck with the group till a year or two ago. Rewarded thusly.
Maybe I should react differently, but seeing stuff like this just makes me hope for Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff somewhere so nobody else's life gets devastated.
Board of D@mn Pharisee Dolt Directors plus girlfriend
Bet Gene wanders into some hippie Chistian outfit and they sell beads and tie dye on Venice beach. LOL. While speaking from a Greek text.
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i call bullshit on them and their whole bullshit "restoration and revival" offshoot scheme. All they really want to restore and revive is their own bank accounts, and the minus-tray of a waterlogged, dead, Nazi drunk, malignant, paranoid, narcissist, serial rapist and sexual batterer, misogynist, racist, mentally ill fraud. What a holy calling! A mission in depraved futility. Pfffffttttttt!
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Grace Valerie Claire

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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, you always make me laugh, when you catch people trying to Bullsheet us here!! Good for you, and Chock!!!

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As much as I empathize with the crowds of individuals who have been hurt and exploited by twi across the decades, I have to cast a suspicious eye here. These were people who were in during the 70s. They saw it get worse into the 80s. They lived through the confrontations at the top and the firings. They lived through Geer's power-grab and "Passing of the Patriarch"-when some of the top leaders left because the BOT was deaf to criticism,They lived through lcm's demand for an oath of loyalty-when 4/5 of the ministry either left because they were fed up (or outraged someone would make such an unBiblical request), or were kicked out because they simply refused to take such an oath (or left because others were kicked out for refusing to take such an oath.) They were in a leadership position at the time and retained it- which tells us that when lcm demanded that people make an oath of loyalty to HIM PERSONALLY, they SWORE THAT OATH. (Others were kicked out of twi immediately for refusing.) They stayed through the next year, when more people trickled out as the completely new (more blatant) direction of twi was made plain.
They stayed all through the 90s, when lcm kicked people out for "suspicion" or for refusing to hand over more of their salary to twi. They stayed through all the slanders at respected leaders who left. They stayed when lcm ADMITTED to abusing his office and committing adulterous acts with members of the congregation. They stayed when rfr tightened things so much that people on-grounds were required to sign in and out when going to use the toilet. They stayed when the SNS tapes were expected to be listened to live when they were recorded, then again privately, and yet again with the local groups (rather than teach something new.) They stayed through all the orders to bleach teachings clean of anything approaching originality, and enforcement of that across the country. They stayed through all that, all while across the DECADES, others left and did just fine without twi. In fact, some local groups just drifted off and did exactly what they people claimed they wanted to do- be self-governing and self-propagating and just teach some Bible. This happened lots of times, across the country, across the DECADES. These people stayed with twi all through that. In fact, in this account, they stayed through virtually their entire adult life, *counts* a FORTY-YEAR journey that was just FINE staying in twi while virtually everyone else who was ever in twi got sick of it and left, even if it was to go off and teach more Bible without the fascism and venom. That's more time in twi than some ex-twi'ers have been ALIVE.
NOW they're jumping ship. Obviously, something has changed NOW, something that they care about. Is it a sudden absence of Bible, or a sudden wave of directives? No- those were all more severe in the past, and these people stayed. What changed NOW is that this is their personal opportunity to leave. Not just "keep doing what God wants"-they could have done that anytime, most of us did just that when we left- but to leave WITH A STRUCTURE IN PLACE AND A POSITION OF AUTHORITY. They're leaving with their whole new DENOMINATION and their elder's hat, leaving to step into authority. It wasn't enough to just teach some Bible and pray. They waited until they had an organic structure of exactly who they wanted, AND a chance to leave with an OFFICE in that structure. (It wasn't enough to just run a local Bible fellowship, or they would have drifted off decades ago.)
So, yes, the timing is, to say the least, peculiar- not for when it IS, but for when it ISN'T. Anyone think there's a mid-life crisis or two in there?
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Grace Valerie Claire
WW, very well said!! I think it's all about money. They have been in TWI for forty years, and are now reaching retirement age. They want to run fellowships, and collect the $$$$. I have no respect for them, for the reasons you stated so well. If others want to give them money, and listen to their nonsense, that's their business. Me, I think they are parasites.
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Hi Greasespotters!
I just wanted to clear up another piece of official TWIt disinformation. All the BS about how the "Way tree structure" was taken completely and only from "the Book of Acts". That is a complete fabrication from the inebriated and meshuggeneh"mind" of dictor paul. The ENTIRE "self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating" "revelation" is taken VERBATIM from AA's book, "The 12 Traditions" which was first published in 1935!! Check it out for yourself. Totally predictable and habitual unethical and dishonest thinking and behavior from a lazy, intellectually vapid wannabe mog.
So, all the bullshit in all these R'n'R asslickers' smarmy posts which brags about "Da woid", and how dictor paul (and now these morons) got EVERYTHING by "revelation", or by "rightly-dividing Da woid", documents the fact that ALL these phony whited sepulchers remain "throughly" TWIt-brained, and self-deluded. They STILL worship dictor paul and they want HIS minus-tray and it's illicit income back. They are hapless, feckless cultists now having to accept the fact that they have wasted their entire lives, and now they're stuck with just their "rewards at the bema", with zero cash in the bank, no homes, no cars, no training or education in any other fields of endeavor besides the perpetual snake-turd "christianity" peddled by their beloved, dead, drunk, waterlogged moggie-pooh. Talk about a bunch of LOSERS, LOW-LIFES, and LIARS. These guys make the Keystone Cops look like Navy Seal Team 6! Bwaaaahahahaha!.......peace.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, same Bullsheet, different day.
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Grace Valerie Claire
WG, you sound like an intelligent woman to me. The people you mentioned in your post, sound like axxholes to me. They knew all the Manure that went on in Way World for years, and years, and did nothing about it??!! Nuts to them!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
OS, Bullsheet!
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