Not in my state: The more martindale yelled, the more resistance I mounted. That period between January 1994 - July 1994 was "Insanity on Steroids" headquarters. My world was some 900 miles away. And, just because there was a "homo purge" in craig's mind.......didn't mean there was one in mine. When we had our annual limb meeting at the end of May........we went to the lake.
My independence of thought was diverging, once again.......and I loathed the authoritarian "teaching" from afar. How did they know anything about the needs in my state? How does this shotgun-yelling into the night help anybody? The droning on of weekly corps nights, the sunday could this possibly be "ministering" to the people? Clearly, in my mind......the answer was no. I was so far from lockstep loyalty, I wasn't even in the same platoon. Everything in my past was crying out for "Fresh Air"..........growing up on a farm, motorcycle riding with the wind in my face, pheasant hunting with my 12-guage over my shoulder, or those 3 years as Canada's country coordinator in the '80s........just don't fence me in. I loathed going to any more corps weeks/roa. I found myself Loathing the Overlords.
Heck......July 1994 would have, also, been a good time to jump off the train.
Old Wineskins: The intensity of clinging (reverting) to "old ministry" stuff was NO LONGER PERMITTED. Whether it was Pressed Down, Joyful Noise Takit, music....or "Will the Real You please stand up" by Lynn....or old ministry songbooks with songs of Jesus.....or even wierwille's old teaching tapes....NOPE.
The fall of 1994.......the "old-wineskins purge" was throttled forward.
Not was it only "no longer permitted" could get you possessed. Those devil spirits are really, really sneaky and they can jump from that music tape into your brain cells. Once there, that pesky spirit has found a home. Stay vigilant, damnit. Music, teachings, songbooks, jewelry, old corps buddies who left, etc. etc.........martindale mandated that all in twi "sanctify ourselves." Much of the corps/sunday teachings were rooted in OT scripture. Those who had family/relatives in splinter groups were TOLD to mark and avoid them. Hanging out with your ex-corps brother or sister could get you possessed.
Repressed Memory: Now I know why it's taken me all these years to piece this timeline together repressed memory......
I've been blocking out those years of trauma and stress to protect my identity, my sanity. Piecing this timeline together grueling. It's painful. With each memory, comes more memories.....and I find myself only skimming the high points (ie...the low points) of this turbulent time. I could name names, I could give more examples......but does it really matter? If I hadn't thrown away all my corps notes and way mags.....they would have triggered a mountain of repressed memory.
Laced throughout these 174 pages on "About the Way" forum......I've been starting lots of threads, but never connected all those dots. Well, this thread is the concluding summary of nearing 18 years of posting on Waydale/GSC. From my childhood roots to brushing shoulders with all four twi-presidents......1) wierwille, 2) martindale, 3) rivenbark, and 4) JYDL.......I'm connecting the dots.
And, still there's more.....that I'm leaving out. My spouse was/is deeply connected in all this, as well. She started working at hq in the fall of 1970. My wife is a corps grad, from an earlier corps than me.....and yes, at this point, I still choose to speak in anonymous terms regarding her involvement. From her years of involvement and insight, I've got dozens and dozens of things I've never posted........yet.
Even though I'm well aware that WayGB and dozens of staffers know who I am (and many GSC posters know me as well) .......I still covet internet anonymity. I'm sure many of you feel the same way.
But the "trustees" of this evil.......need to be exposed.
So now – a lot of years since I left TWI – I’m back to the live and let live philosophy…and life is simple again…now I’m more concerned about my immediate world than what’s going on “out there”…it took me a long time to realize how hypocritical I was in the Way. I used to put on “Twig face” and was nice to everyone in the Way – yet being such an azzhole to my wife and kids at home. Talk about a relationship that needs improving! We’ve be at it for 40 years now – I’m still crazy about Tonto – and I’m thankful she puts up with me…I work on trying to be less of an azzhole on a regular basis now…I started out small - just while on vacations, mother’s day, our anniversary, her birthday…but now I try to dial down my azzhole-ness throughout the week….it’s just a walk, people.
wow ... what sweet humility here (don't want to embarrass you by that ... just writing what I saw/felt as I read this!) There's something so damn attractive and endearing to me about a humble man! Your wife and you sound like beautiful folks. : ) (I liked the "I started out small -- on vacation, mother's day, etc".!) Funny. Thanks for such refreshing honesty -- great to read!
Funny -- I also have shed the twit indoctrination re: homosexuality ... actually, I'm somewhat ashamed I held it for quite a few years. It was so sickeningly judgmental. And when you consider that Twinkle Toes w/ the enormous forehead was a massive adulterer, it really infuriates beyond anything that he led the homo purges and messed up so many people's lives in the process!
Mitigating the damage: Thanks to all the GSC posters for telling your experiences and thoughts of twi. Thanks to the book authors of The Cult that Snapped, Losing the Way, and Undertow. Thanks to all you brave souls who are coming to GSC....and, perhaps, will someday post too. Thanks to all you parents who have warned your kids about twi. A special thanks to Pawtucket for keeping the doors open.
I'd like to join in on these thank-yous as well. Especially to Pawtucket for making this important and necessary site available. The good it does for many is clear and provable!
Damage Control: Woe to those who conceal evil. Woe to the twi-leadership who swoop into states and areas to spread lies and mount a character-assassinate of the reputation of good, solid leaders who chose to exit. Woe to the hq-staffers who hide behind their desks for a pittance paycheck. Woe to the splinter groups who feed from the wierwille-mog trough.
Even though I'm well aware that WayGB and dozens of staffers know who I am (and many GSC posters know me as well) .......I still covet internet anonymity. I'm sure many of you feel the same way.
Well......I have come to an impasse. Unless I divulge more specifics, this whole timeline.....and the importance of why its so deep and personal.....will fall short of the "strike zone." So, hopefully I've got some fast balls, curves and sliders to keep the crowd involved.
But.......with Christmas in sight and joy in the air, I've got dinner and evening plans.
Damage Control: Woe to those who conceal evil. Woe to the twi-leadership who swoop into states and areas to spread lies and mount a character-assassinate of the reputation of good, solid leaders who chose to exit. Woe to the hq-staffers who hide behind their desks for a pittance paycheck. Woe to the splinter groups who feed from the wierwille-mog trough.
For those interested in further exploring these sociological issues, here's a website about another bible-based group dealing with those who conceal evil...
People of the Lie, Malignant Narcissism: Excerpts from M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie
After the Irons left the Geftakys ministry in March, 1990, we dug into George's teaching, his character and his abusive behavior. We wrote articles about it over the years, based on the facts we had at the time. But after George's excommunication from the Fullerton Assembly in January, 2003, it became evident to us that things were a lot worse than we had ever thought. The revelations of his immorality and the cover-up of David's domestic violence were shocking.
George's behavior since then of complete denial and scornful impunity, and the devastation we have seen in people's lives, bring to mind parallels with The People of the Lie, a study of malignant narcissism by Dr. M. Scott Peck. In the course of his career as a psychiatrist, Dr. Peck encountered several clients whose malignant narcissism didn't quite fit the categories of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. In People of the Lie he looks in depth at the characteristics of these individuals.
Although a professing Christian, Peck's purpose is not to present a biblical study of evil. Rather, he proposes evil as a diagnosis of pathology for these people. His concept of evil clarifies the nature of malignant narcissism and offers a useful paradigm for understanding George Geftakys and other abusive leaders. Here are quotations from the book, organized under the main characteristics of the people Dr. Peck calls "evil". (continued)
Not just any limb assignment: In August 1992, my wife and I were assigned to the Oklahoma Limb. This was not just another limb, this was Craig Martindale's home state. His roots. His pride. His family. And, was a special limb assignment. We were the Oklahoma limb coordinators for 6 years.....August 1992 - August 1998. And, by 1993......craig's parents, rod and joann, decided to move from the Denver area back to Stillwater, OK. So, along with limb responsibilities......we were entrusted with the whole martindale family and the special protocol to one and all......rod, jo, craig, kirk, kent, and kerry.
When I said that I've "brushed shoulders" with all four twi-presidents........that is an understatement. Most notably from 1994-1998, I had a couple dozen or more intricate workings with craig.......personally and ministry-wise. Anytime that I assisted his parents, craig would express his gratitude. For nearly 10 months, we didn't have an established twig in I'd drive the 60 miles from Oklahoma City to Stillwater, with two or three corps and/or advanced class grads and I'd teach the "fellowship" in rod and jo's living room. They always expressed thankfulness and appreciation for our efforts. I was their "twig coordinator."
Numerous situations......numerous communications.
In March 1994, craig's grandmother passed away. Rod called me and asked if I'd come to Blackwell, OK to help. Several hours before the funeral service, craig and I did a few errands together and talked about the service. I had recently done a funeral and shared with him several of the verses of scripture that I highlighted at that time. did amaze me somewhat as I sat several pews back in that church and heard craig read and emphasize a couple of those same verses [not the normal standard ones] that I'd just given to him. I don't know why he did it.......but he did.
When the "Rise and Expansion" series became a hot item.....martindale assigned for each limb coordinator to teach it in their state. Not sure if this was Sep/Oct 1994 or whenever.......but it took lots of prep time to teach those 8 "great statements." With charts, itineraries, expansion......we were to detail how the word prevailed in the first century. During that Fri/Sat/Sun weekend, I taught six of the sessions and my wife taught two.....and I must admit that we did a fine job of it. At the close of Sunday's final session, Rod M. came forward to shake my hand and thank me. He was slightly teary-eyed. And, the next week he called craig and signed up for the advanced class. Needless to say, craig martindale was very moved by this.......and sent me a hand-written note.
On April 19, wife and I were on our way to an apprentice corps couple's home. It was his birthday.....and we stopped at a nearby store near 60th street on the north side of Oklahoma City. While my wife was inside the store, there was this big BOOM.....and my car jostled side to side. What the heck was THAT? I stepped out of my car looking to the skies.....expecting to see the skytrails of a fighter jet that had broken the sound barrier (an air force base not far away). But wasn't that. Another 10 seconds go by before this white plume of smoke arose in downtown OKC. Must have been an explosion......a bomb.
The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building became a crime scene. Within 90 minutes, McVeigh was implicated in the Oklahoma City bombing. I was less than six miles from the explosion and my car shook side-to-side. One of our advanced class grads had just left that building to walk three blocks to another building to run an errand. Lots of disinformation hit the airwaves. I could write a short thesis of what unfurled and what the public was never told. The building was demolished in 5 days and all the debris was hauled away to an undisclosed forensics. Lots of witnesses saw varying details. Some had reported of two seismograph readings (two blasts!) in Norman, OK.....a geological center just 28 miles south. A state representative in Oklahoma lost his job trying to expose the details. Martindale asked my region coordinator to keep him updated.
One time, in 1996......craig was in Stillwater visiting his folks. He invited me to meet up with he and his dad at this sandwich/brewery OSU college-campus hot spot. A casual, light-hearted, good-to-see-you, get-together. A simple gesture to thank me for "being there" for his folks.
Prior to the finished recording The Way of Abundance and Power class (foundational)......communication from the trunk/region had gone out to each limb coordinator to present a special gift to craig in a token of this class. For weeks, I'd pondered what would help to convey our appreciation for his efforts......and then, it hit me. Craig had highlighted at certain points in this class his love of baseball with his dad, and sports in general. just seemed fitting to present craig with a new top-of-the-line baseball mitt with a baseball personally autographed by his dad. Craig, again......wrote me a nice, hand-written note of thanks. The next sunday teaching, craig showed the ball and glove for all to see.
At the Dallas Advanced Class Special in November 1997, we presented craig martindale with a Will Rogers miniature stature [Will on his horse].....only three in existence. The Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore, OK had two in their possession [one on display]......and this one had a price tag on it for sale. The Oklahoma believers chipped in and we bought it for around $1,250. [Amazed that they wanted to part with it.] For sure, this gift was very special to craig. For those who don't know......craig martindale was born on November 4th, the same day as will rogers.....and when craig was a little kid, his mom often called him "little will." I was, in the midst of this psychodynamic personality fluctuating between super-ego and fits of yelling rage........and a guy who yukked it up while having a beer near the osu campus. He could be a raging terror on stage.....and an average guy in Oklahoma. But still..... all the purges, the directives, the reporting back, the micromanagement of full-time corps, the extreme expense cutting, the pregnancy and pet policies, the "present-truth" revelations.............(and yet, I still did not know of his rampant sexual predation)......... was all so dizzying and I knew, deep down, that I wanted to jump from this train.
........I told myself to stay patient and look for a soft spot to roll.
Skyrider, I'd love to hear about some of "what unfurled and what the public was never told" about the Murrah building bombing (please). Perhaps in a new thread in the open forum.
What I'd heard was LCM had family in the building and the bombing was a personal attack on LCM by The Adversary. Therefore the attack was on The Household.
What I'd heard was LCM had family in the building and the bombing was a personal attack on LCM by The Adversary. Therefore the attack was on The Household.
That man truly was the center of his own universe.
Skyrider, I'd love to hear about some of "what unfurled and what the public was never told" about the Murrah building bombing.....
Okay.......I'll give you the "cliff notes" of findings done by a state representative (lawyer background) and his team who spent weeks collecting data, facts, and eye-witness accounts. He put together a vhs-cassette tape (two hours) and gave ample time of local news coverage and how many factors were incongruous with eye-witnesses that day. This was a fast, ever-changing domestic terrorist crime scene....with local and national coverage, and undercurrents of conspiracy theories.
Disclaimer: I am not advancing this state representative's investigation, nor am I refuting it. Today, there is Wikipedia, articles and books if anyone wants to delve into all the varying issues, the FBI unit on 9th floor, the background noise of Ruby Ridge, the 1993 Waco siege of David Koresh and Branch Davidians, Timothy McVeigh, etc. etc. At the time, I was very interested and this man's investigation was asking questions that were not being covered in the national I purchased this videotape. I loaned it to someone 15 years ago and she never returned it.
A retired brigadier general with 18 years of experience in munitions said that there was no way a truck bomb, parked on the street, could have knocked out those interior pillars of the Murrah Federal Building.
At the Oklahoma University in Norman, OK (some 28 miles south of OKC) -- the geological seismic readings charted two blips in rapid sequence. The seismic activity on that morning of April 19, 1995 indicated two explosions in rapid succession.
Several people in Stillwater, OK (60 miles north of OKC) came forward and stated that they had heard two separate, distinct explosions. With sound waves traveling at 1,100 feet/second.....the farther one was away, sound waves registered into two flashpoints.
Within the first 15 minutes after the initial explosion, police and emergency personnel were warning people to get blocks away because the danger of more bomb explosions was imminent. Three or four eye-witnesses said that the bomb squad guys were seen loading stuff into the trucks that was never mentioned on local or national news coverage.
Within 5 days.....the building was hastily demolished and debris was hauled away to an undisclosed dumpsite. No extensive forensic work was done as is usually seen in crime scenes of this magnitude. The McVeigh story highlighted the news; the building left one with many questions.
Claim: Having ample stockpiling of FBI ammunition in a federal building was illegal.....six children died, the death toll reached 168 confirmed dead. Parents of the deceased children were incensed by lack of government security and procedures.
Conspiracy theories abounded regarding McVeigh/Nichols/Fortier......and its lengthy pursuit of involvement and/or co-conspirators.
The Findings: This state representative's investigative analysis was that the FBI unit, on the 9th floor, had stockpiled thousands of rounds of ammunition in storage lockers in this Murrah Federal Building. With the brigadier general's expert opinion and analysis, he strongly believed that there was no way pillar 3 would have collapsed from this ammonium nitrate truck bomb on the curb. Therefore, when the McVeigh bomb detonated a second, fierce, interior blast from all the FBI stockpiled ammo that immensely concaved the face of the Murrah Building. And, those eye-witness accounts that testified they'd seen bomb squad guys loading stuff into the bomb trucks.......that was some of the FBI ammunition on the 9th floor that didn't detonate.
Again.....these are not my findings or stated beliefs. My reason for bringing this up is that it fell into my timeline and heaped further communication and reports to martindale. The back story of the 1993 Waco siege with David Koresh, the compound, the cult, the isolation.........had some similarity touchstones to twi's hq and questions I harbored.
This April 1995 episode disappeared in my rear view mirror rather quickly......within months, all active corps were going full-time.
One more side-topic.......before getting back to timeline.
Funerals: It comes with the territory: There are just some things that you cannot plan into your monthly calendar......and funerals are one of them. For clergy, they come with the territory of helping others. They are untimely matters that add abruptness, inconvenience, necessity, sorrow and devastation.....depending who it is and who it affects. For me, it was a time to stop all else and embrace those who were hurting. Each funeral service is unique......the deceased have left love-imprints on the hearts of those who sorrow.
A string of significant funerals had found their way to my door:
John Reyn0lds's mom.......................May 1997
Rod & Jo's twig coord, Peggy...........Sept 1997
When Peggy died, her brother in Florida was on probationary status in lieu of twi-mandates. Bob Moneyhands phoned me to let me know, in his stern opinion, that this guy should NOT be allowed at the funeral or around the believers. This brother would be calling me within the hour, he said. And.....he did. We talked for about 5 minutes and I told him.....absolutely, he should come and attend his sister's funeral and call me when he arrived in OKC.
The days passed quickly as we scurried around with all the details of the funeral.
Four days later, and this brother called me. He had arrived in town. We made every effort to ease his depth of hurt and sorrow. After the funeral, I invited him to the limb home to join several of us at supper, snacks, a movie and/or just hang out. He nearly cried when I offered this invitation. Nothing was really planned.....just kickin' back and living life was on the evening's agenda. Keeping. It. Simple. And. Loving. -------before leaving that evening, this brother gave me a big bear hug. He left OKC a changed man.
Revelation: He Said God Said The announcement came at the end of the 1995 Placement Meetings.......was explosive: BOOM! All active way corps would be going full-time ministers in August. This was revelation from God, martindale claimed. Don Wierwille and Howard Allen were in agreement. This was God's will. For five years, the field corps had been dialing into headquarters via phone hook-up.......but never heard anything so earth-shattering as THIS.
Each year, the annual staff and corps placement meetings were cause for varying amounts of uncertainty and apprehension. For 20-some years, the repetition was the early February, corps were interviewed and reports were funneled thru limb/region/trunk to the Holy See-We-Only-Give-A-Damn-About-What's-Best-For-Twi. These meetings included the region couples, president's cabinet members, select individuals......and the cult elites. This group of "leaders" sat in the BRC and made decisions that changed lives. It was The CABAL.........C-orps A-ssignments B-y A-llusive L-eaders.
Anyways, THAT ANNOUNCEMENT........all active corps would be going full-time was mind-numbing. Did I hear what I thought I heard? Martindale spend 20-30 minutes elaborating on this "revelation" and the implications of the "rise and expansion" that would follow. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.......if you doubt, be honest and drop yourself from the ranks of the salted and committed corps household now. Get your life in order. You've got four months. When you come to corps week, you'll be filling out paperwork to get you on twi's payroll. Need-basis.....just like rhoda, dr. wierwille's secretary. carpenters, plumbers, whoever.......sell your tools. Don't leave any room for doubt; when you go full-time.....don't look back.
After the phone hook-up was over, I put on a good face of support.......but my gut was churning. I had to beat back the dozens of questions that came rushing forth. My wife went silent.....and quickly went to check on our boys in bed. The other corps left within another ten minutes. That explosive announcement changed everything...... and three weeks later, was the other explosion in my world: The Murrah Federal Building in OKC.
No one that night could imagine how devastating that "full-time corps announcement" would rock the corps......
The Next Corps Meeting: The Purge Those weekly corps phone hook-ups were mandatory. Martindale was able to "teach and converse" with all in-residence corps and active corps grads across the nation. So, it only took seven days from The Announcement.......and the purging had begun. Apparently, some corps grad in Arizona [martindale called him out by name] did NOT want to quit his job and go into full-time, twi-ministry work. He was employed at a nice, country club with promotions and perks and, at his age, didn't want to quit and jump into the unknown. How dare that corps grad have his own life!
This public berating was common practice in twi. Not only with the corps "training" program, but during lunchtimes at headquarters. Seemingly, it had metastasized into the whole of twi.....that few even acknowledged its existence, let alone wielding power. I really thought that I'd escaped its foreboding grip when I was on the field.....but, alas, twi had found another way to extend their reach via these corps phone hook-ups. Now, active corps grad would be submitting to this verbal harassment for decades to come? Who would willingly subject themselves to this? Those who Hold the microphone.....Hold the power.
In a cascading series of purges, this "full-time corps" purge had begun.
Corps: The Leash Gets Shorter: Week after week, martindale hammered on this "revelation." The momentum of twi hinged on corps grads going full-time......but some were dissenting. One corps grad worked was a pilot for American Airlines......was he going to resign, forego his pension? Are there any exceptions?
Martindale was convinced that this was the next step to "rise and expansion" in twi. He was in no mood to back down. I had too much on my plate to ponder all the ramifications of all corps full-time.....and, looking back, clearly martindale didn't either. The psychological, social and financial implications were staggering
The time for choosing had arrived. One could easily be excused for failing to see it.....but for the Corps: The Leash Gets Shorter.
Another Corps Meeting: Another Confrontation: It was bound to happen.......the corps started asking questions about being full-time? about insurance, and pensions, and retirement? Supposedly, a corps grad (wife, mother) had written craig martindale a lengthy letter to ask pertinent questions. Questions were percolating throughout the regions.....obviously. And, in craig's mind, how does one address this? A full-frontal attack on ALL the corps in a blistering response....that's how. He'd learned the lessons well from wierwille.........these wide-brush corps confrontations were classic wierwille.
Guilt, shame and fear were used to cower any more dissent. But.....why couldn't they just stop trivializing our futures ??
Chockfull, Shortfuse, Bueller?No doubt, there are others here at GSC who could add more examples and insight to this timeframe. April-July 1995 was a crazy, wild ride.....and the OKC bombing had brought a strong measure of disruption to plenty of believers in the city.
I desperately needed a day off. I should have pulled a Bueller.
Skipping School, Skipping Lunchtime: Nope, I couldn't pull a Bueller.......I had too much to do. Four month out......quickly became three......and three became two. The thought of going back on twi-payroll caused a reflexive recoil. It had been over 11 years since I'd been at hq, on staff.........its micromanaged schedule, even mandatory lunchtimes. I wasn't the same person that I was back then, I had grown up. I grew to despise the manipulation. I disliked the herding routine. And, I detested singing children's songs and treated like children.
Bueller pulled a "fast one" over the school administrator. I liked his attitude and style.
T-Ball and Baseball: Child's Play: In the Summer of '95, our two boys were at that age where swimming, t-ball and baseball bring smiles and fun. Although my wife carried this "burden" gleefully......I, too, took time to slip away and just be dad. Screw the guilt that would, at times, build in the back of my mind. I wasn't like I was in some kind of hardcore cult (sarcasm intended) or anything. Spending quality times with your kids, making family memories and honoring one's heritage traditions was taught extensively at the advanced class and corps program......ppffffftt.
For about 16 months, our boys were involved in karate classes. They learned the respect, honor and discipline in the sport as the different colored belts signified their growing achievements. Definitely brown belts....not sure either made it to black.
Little did we realize that much of their little world would be "clawed back by the cult" when we went full-time. That "need-basis" thing was a b!tch on children/family when it raised its ugly head during the "major expense cutting measures" on the horizon. But......I'm getting ahead of myself. So, the summer of ' was a treasure to our family album of memories. Screw whatever the cult thought.
Chockfull, Shortfuse, Bueller?No doubt, there are others here at GSC who could add more examples and insight to this timeframe. April-July 1995 was a crazy, wild ride.....and the OKC bombing had brought a strong measure of disruption to plenty of believers in the city.
I desperately needed a day off. I should have pulled a Bueller.
Let me dig around for that time period and I will post on it after I gather a few details.
Sign on the Line: In Blood: At the 1995 Corps Week, every active corps grad....who jumped every hoop, survived all the purges, passed thru the fire and crossed the alligator pit (scratch that comment about the alligators).....was sanctioned to meet with B. Th0rpe, the gatekeeper of twi's need-basis employment. Corps couples and single corps each came with their "monthly budget list" that was cross-referenced with certain parameters that twi was willing to accept. If certain categories were too high, then Brad helped to trim those projected costs off one's list. Twi held there, seemingly, wasn't much to negotiate.
After a 30-minute meeting, my wife and I signed a couple of forms. Next.
I would guesstimate that some 325-375 corps grads signed the papers and, as of September 1st, were deemed salaried employees of twi. Perhaps, the numbers exceeded over 400......but I certainly wasn't privy to the numbers, nor was I counting heads. Seemed like there was excitement in the air, but looking back.....I now would say it was "nervous anxiety." What lie ahead? Nobody knew......not even the trunk personnel.
Note: "Blood" is being used figuratively, not literally.......but it might as well have been (literal).
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Skyrider Thank you very much for sharing these hardhitting personal life stories. Im ready to give my background in the next couple of days in the new member area Oh and btw Happy new year
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skyrider, thanks for sharing all of this. 1989 was the year TWI sucked me in, although I'd taken PFAL in 1985. I was advanced class grad twice over by mid-90s, and the later 90s were such a nightmare.
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Not in my state: The more martindale yelled, the more resistance I mounted. That period between January 1994 - July 1994 was "Insanity on Steroids" headquarters. My world was some 900 miles away. And, just because there was a "homo purge" in craig's mind.......didn't mean there was one in mine. When we had our annual limb meeting at the end of May........we went to the lake.
My independence of thought was diverging, once again.......and I loathed the authoritarian "teaching" from afar. How did they know anything about the needs in my state? How does this shotgun-yelling into the night help anybody? The droning on of weekly corps nights, the sunday could this possibly be "ministering" to the people? Clearly, in my mind......the answer was no. I was so far from lockstep loyalty, I wasn't even in the same platoon. Everything in my past was crying out for "Fresh Air"..........growing up on a farm, motorcycle riding with the wind in my face, pheasant hunting with my 12-guage over my shoulder, or those 3 years as Canada's country coordinator in the '80s........just don't fence me in. I loathed going to any more corps weeks/roa. I found myself Loathing the Overlords.
Heck......July 1994 would have, also, been a good time to jump off the train.
Everything at hq.......had lost its mystique.
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Old Wineskins: The intensity of clinging (reverting) to "old ministry" stuff was NO LONGER PERMITTED. Whether it was Pressed Down, Joyful Noise Takit, music....or "Will the Real You please stand up" by Lynn....or old ministry songbooks with songs of Jesus.....or even wierwille's old teaching tapes....NOPE.
The fall of 1994.......the "old-wineskins purge" was throttled forward.
Not was it only "no longer permitted" could get you possessed. Those devil spirits are really, really sneaky and they can jump from that music tape into your brain cells. Once there, that pesky spirit has found a home. Stay vigilant, damnit. Music, teachings, songbooks, jewelry, old corps buddies who left, etc. etc.........martindale mandated that all in twi "sanctify ourselves." Much of the corps/sunday teachings were rooted in OT scripture. Those who had family/relatives in splinter groups were TOLD to mark and avoid them. Hanging out with your ex-corps brother or sister could get you possessed.
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Repressed Memory: Now I know why it's taken me all these years to piece this timeline together repressed memory......
I've been blocking out those years of trauma and stress to protect my identity, my sanity. Piecing this timeline together grueling. It's painful. With each memory, comes more memories.....and I find myself only skimming the high points (ie...the low points) of this turbulent time. I could name names, I could give more examples......but does it really matter? If I hadn't thrown away all my corps notes and way mags.....they would have triggered a mountain of repressed memory.
Laced throughout these 174 pages on "About the Way" forum......I've been starting lots of threads, but never connected all those dots. Well, this thread is the concluding summary of nearing 18 years of posting on Waydale/GSC. From my childhood roots to brushing shoulders with all four twi-presidents......1) wierwille, 2) martindale, 3) rivenbark, and 4) JYDL.......I'm connecting the dots.
And, still there's more.....that I'm leaving out. My spouse was/is deeply connected in all this, as well. She started working at hq in the fall of 1970. My wife is a corps grad, from an earlier corps than me.....and yes, at this point, I still choose to speak in anonymous terms regarding her involvement. From her years of involvement and insight, I've got dozens and dozens of things I've never posted........yet.
Even though I'm well aware that WayGB and dozens of staffers know who I am (and many GSC posters know me as well) .......I still covet internet anonymity. I'm sure many of you feel the same way.
But the "trustees" of this evil.......need to be exposed.
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wow ... what sweet humility here (don't want to embarrass you by that ... just writing what I saw/felt as I read this!) There's something so damn attractive and endearing to me about a humble man! Your wife and you sound like beautiful folks. : ) (I liked the "I started out small -- on vacation, mother's day, etc".!) Funny. Thanks for such refreshing honesty -- great to read!
Funny -- I also have shed the twit indoctrination re: homosexuality ... actually, I'm somewhat ashamed I held it for quite a few years. It was so sickeningly judgmental. And when you consider that Twinkle Toes w/ the enormous forehead was a massive adulterer, it really infuriates beyond anything that he led the homo purges and messed up so many people's lives in the process!
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I'd like to join in on these thank-yous as well. Especially to Pawtucket for making this important and necessary site available. The good it does for many is clear and provable!
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Preach it, Baby!
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Well......I have come to an impasse. Unless I divulge more specifics, this whole timeline.....and the importance of why its so deep and personal.....will fall short of the "strike zone." So, hopefully I've got some fast balls, curves and sliders to keep the crowd involved.
But.......with Christmas in sight and joy in the air, I've got dinner and evening plans.
More to come..........
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For those interested in further exploring these sociological issues, here's a website about another bible-based group dealing with those who conceal evil...
People of the Lie, Malignant Narcissism: Excerpts from M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie
After the Irons left the Geftakys ministry in March, 1990, we dug into George's teaching, his character and his abusive behavior. We wrote articles about it over the years, based on the facts we had at the time. But after George's excommunication from the Fullerton Assembly in January, 2003, it became evident to us that things were a lot worse than we had ever thought. The revelations of his immorality and the cover-up of David's domestic violence were shocking.
George's behavior since then of complete denial and scornful impunity, and the devastation we have seen in people's lives, bring to mind parallels with The People of the Lie, a study of malignant narcissism by Dr. M. Scott Peck. In the course of his career as a psychiatrist, Dr. Peck encountered several clients whose malignant narcissism didn't quite fit the categories of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. In People of the Lie he looks in depth at the characteristics of these individuals.
Although a professing Christian, Peck's purpose is not to present a biblical study of evil. Rather, he proposes evil as a diagnosis of pathology for these people. His concept of evil clarifies the nature of malignant narcissism and offers a useful paradigm for understanding George Geftakys and other abusive leaders. Here are quotations from the book, organized under the main characteristics of the people Dr. Peck calls "evil". (continued)
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Not just any limb assignment: In August 1992, my wife and I were assigned to the Oklahoma Limb. This was not just another limb, this was Craig Martindale's home state. His roots. His pride. His family. And, was a special limb assignment. We were the Oklahoma limb coordinators for 6 years.....August 1992 - August 1998. And, by 1993......craig's parents, rod and joann, decided to move from the Denver area back to Stillwater, OK. So, along with limb responsibilities......we were entrusted with the whole martindale family and the special protocol to one and all......rod, jo, craig, kirk, kent, and kerry.
When I said that I've "brushed shoulders" with all four twi-presidents........that is an understatement. Most notably from 1994-1998, I had a couple dozen or more intricate workings with craig.......personally and ministry-wise. Anytime that I assisted his parents, craig would express his gratitude. For nearly 10 months, we didn't have an established twig in I'd drive the 60 miles from Oklahoma City to Stillwater, with two or three corps and/or advanced class grads and I'd teach the "fellowship" in rod and jo's living room. They always expressed thankfulness and appreciation for our efforts. I was their "twig coordinator."
Numerous situations......numerous communications.
In March 1994, craig's grandmother passed away. Rod called me and asked if I'd come to Blackwell, OK to help. Several hours before the funeral service, craig and I did a few errands together and talked about the service. I had recently done a funeral and shared with him several of the verses of scripture that I highlighted at that time. did amaze me somewhat as I sat several pews back in that church and heard craig read and emphasize a couple of those same verses [not the normal standard ones] that I'd just given to him. I don't know why he did it.......but he did.
When the "Rise and Expansion" series became a hot item.....martindale assigned for each limb coordinator to teach it in their state. Not sure if this was Sep/Oct 1994 or whenever.......but it took lots of prep time to teach those 8 "great statements." With charts, itineraries, expansion......we were to detail how the word prevailed in the first century. During that Fri/Sat/Sun weekend, I taught six of the sessions and my wife taught two.....and I must admit that we did a fine job of it. At the close of Sunday's final session, Rod M. came forward to shake my hand and thank me. He was slightly teary-eyed. And, the next week he called craig and signed up for the advanced class. Needless to say, craig martindale was very moved by this.......and sent me a hand-written note.
On April 19, wife and I were on our way to an apprentice corps couple's home. It was his birthday.....and we stopped at a nearby store near 60th street on the north side of Oklahoma City. While my wife was inside the store, there was this big BOOM.....and my car jostled side to side. What the heck was THAT? I stepped out of my car looking to the skies.....expecting to see the skytrails of a fighter jet that had broken the sound barrier (an air force base not far away). But wasn't that. Another 10 seconds go by before this white plume of smoke arose in downtown OKC. Must have been an explosion......a bomb.
The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building became a crime scene. Within 90 minutes, McVeigh was implicated in the Oklahoma City bombing. I was less than six miles from the explosion and my car shook side-to-side. One of our advanced class grads had just left that building to walk three blocks to another building to run an errand. Lots of disinformation hit the airwaves. I could write a short thesis of what unfurled and what the public was never told. The building was demolished in 5 days and all the debris was hauled away to an undisclosed forensics. Lots of witnesses saw varying details. Some had reported of two seismograph readings (two blasts!) in Norman, OK.....a geological center just 28 miles south. A state representative in Oklahoma lost his job trying to expose the details. Martindale asked my region coordinator to keep him updated.
One time, in 1996......craig was in Stillwater visiting his folks. He invited me to meet up with he and his dad at this sandwich/brewery OSU college-campus hot spot. A casual, light-hearted, good-to-see-you, get-together. A simple gesture to thank me for "being there" for his folks.
Prior to the finished recording The Way of Abundance and Power class (foundational)......communication from the trunk/region had gone out to each limb coordinator to present a special gift to craig in a token of this class. For weeks, I'd pondered what would help to convey our appreciation for his efforts......and then, it hit me. Craig had highlighted at certain points in this class his love of baseball with his dad, and sports in general. just seemed fitting to present craig with a new top-of-the-line baseball mitt with a baseball personally autographed by his dad. Craig, again......wrote me a nice, hand-written note of thanks. The next sunday teaching, craig showed the ball and glove for all to see.
At the Dallas Advanced Class Special in November 1997, we presented craig martindale with a Will Rogers miniature stature [Will on his horse].....only three in existence. The Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore, OK had two in their possession [one on display]......and this one had a price tag on it for sale. The Oklahoma believers chipped in and we bought it for around $1,250. [Amazed that they wanted to part with it.] For sure, this gift was very special to craig. For those who don't know......craig martindale was born on November 4th, the same day as will rogers.....and when craig was a little kid, his mom often called him "little will." I was, in the midst of this psychodynamic personality fluctuating between super-ego and fits of yelling rage........and a guy who yukked it up while having a beer near the osu campus. He could be a raging terror on stage.....and an average guy in Oklahoma. But still..... all the purges, the directives, the reporting back, the micromanagement of full-time corps, the extreme expense cutting, the pregnancy and pet policies, the "present-truth" revelations.............(and yet, I still did not know of his rampant sexual predation)......... was all so dizzying and I knew, deep down, that I wanted to jump from this train.
........I told myself to stay patient and look for a soft spot to roll.
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Skyrider, I'd love to hear about some of "what unfurled and what the public was never told" about the Murrah building bombing (please). Perhaps in a new thread in the open forum.
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What I'd heard was LCM had family in the building and the bombing was a personal attack on LCM by The Adversary. Therefore the attack was on The Household.
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That man truly was the center of his own universe.
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Okay.......I'll give you the "cliff notes" of findings done by a state representative (lawyer background) and his team who spent weeks collecting data, facts, and eye-witness accounts. He put together a vhs-cassette tape (two hours) and gave ample time of local news coverage and how many factors were incongruous with eye-witnesses that day. This was a fast, ever-changing domestic terrorist crime scene....with local and national coverage, and undercurrents of conspiracy theories.
Disclaimer: I am not advancing this state representative's investigation, nor am I refuting it. Today, there is Wikipedia, articles and books if anyone wants to delve into all the varying issues, the FBI unit on 9th floor, the background noise of Ruby Ridge, the 1993 Waco siege of David Koresh and Branch Davidians, Timothy McVeigh, etc. etc. At the time, I was very interested and this man's investigation was asking questions that were not being covered in the national I purchased this videotape. I loaned it to someone 15 years ago and she never returned it.
The Findings: This state representative's investigative analysis was that the FBI unit, on the 9th floor, had stockpiled thousands of rounds of ammunition in storage lockers in this Murrah Federal Building. With the brigadier general's expert opinion and analysis, he strongly believed that there was no way pillar 3 would have collapsed from this ammonium nitrate truck bomb on the curb. Therefore, when the McVeigh bomb detonated a second, fierce, interior blast from all the FBI stockpiled ammo that immensely concaved the face of the Murrah Building. And, those eye-witness accounts that testified they'd seen bomb squad guys loading stuff into the bomb trucks.......that was some of the FBI ammunition on the 9th floor that didn't detonate.
Again.....these are not my findings or stated beliefs. My reason for bringing this up is that it fell into my timeline and heaped further communication and reports to martindale. The back story of the 1993 Waco siege with David Koresh, the compound, the cult, the isolation.........had some similarity touchstones to twi's hq and questions I harbored.
This April 1995 episode disappeared in my rear view mirror rather quickly......within months, all active corps were going full-time.
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One more side-topic.......before getting back to timeline.
Funerals: It comes with the territory: There are just some things that you cannot plan into your monthly calendar......and funerals are one of them. For clergy, they come with the territory of helping others. They are untimely matters that add abruptness, inconvenience, necessity, sorrow and devastation.....depending who it is and who it affects. For me, it was a time to stop all else and embrace those who were hurting. Each funeral service is unique......the deceased have left love-imprints on the hearts of those who sorrow.
A string of significant funerals had found their way to my door:
When Peggy died, her brother in Florida was on probationary status in lieu of twi-mandates. Bob Moneyhands phoned me to let me know, in his stern opinion, that this guy should NOT be allowed at the funeral or around the believers. This brother would be calling me within the hour, he said. And.....he did. We talked for about 5 minutes and I told him.....absolutely, he should come and attend his sister's funeral and call me when he arrived in OKC.
The days passed quickly as we scurried around with all the details of the funeral.
Four days later, and this brother called me. He had arrived in town. We made every effort to ease his depth of hurt and sorrow. After the funeral, I invited him to the limb home to join several of us at supper, snacks, a movie and/or just hang out. He nearly cried when I offered this invitation. Nothing was really planned.....just kickin' back and living life was on the evening's agenda. Keeping. It. Simple. And. Loving. -------before leaving that evening, this brother gave me a big bear hug. He left OKC a changed man.
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Oh my........I've got to get out the door for a last bit of Christmas shopping. I'll need help, for sure.'s getting "nipple-y" out there. LOL
Have a Merry Little Christmas !!
Click Here -- Shopping Scene
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Part II
BOOM: Everything Changed
Revelation: He Said God Said The announcement came at the end of the 1995 Placement Meetings.......was explosive: BOOM! All active way corps would be going full-time ministers in August. This was revelation from God, martindale claimed. Don Wierwille and Howard Allen were in agreement. This was God's will. For five years, the field corps had been dialing into headquarters via phone hook-up.......but never heard anything so earth-shattering as THIS.
Each year, the annual staff and corps placement meetings were cause for varying amounts of uncertainty and apprehension. For 20-some years, the repetition was the early February, corps were interviewed and reports were funneled thru limb/region/trunk to the Holy See-We-Only-Give-A-Damn-About-What's-Best-For-Twi. These meetings included the region couples, president's cabinet members, select individuals......and the cult elites. This group of "leaders" sat in the BRC and made decisions that changed lives. It was The CABAL.........C-orps A-ssignments B-y A-llusive L-eaders.
Anyways, THAT ANNOUNCEMENT........all active corps would be going full-time was mind-numbing. Did I hear what I thought I heard? Martindale spend 20-30 minutes elaborating on this "revelation" and the implications of the "rise and expansion" that would follow. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.......if you doubt, be honest and drop yourself from the ranks of the salted and committed corps household now. Get your life in order. You've got four months. When you come to corps week, you'll be filling out paperwork to get you on twi's payroll. Need-basis.....just like rhoda, dr. wierwille's secretary. carpenters, plumbers, whoever.......sell your tools. Don't leave any room for doubt; when you go full-time.....don't look back.
After the phone hook-up was over, I put on a good face of support.......but my gut was churning. I had to beat back the dozens of questions that came rushing forth. My wife went silent.....and quickly went to check on our boys in bed. The other corps left within another ten minutes. That explosive announcement changed everything...... and three weeks later, was the other explosion in my world: The Murrah Federal Building in OKC.
No one that night could imagine how devastating that "full-time corps announcement" would rock the corps......
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The Next Corps Meeting: The Purge Those weekly corps phone hook-ups were mandatory. Martindale was able to "teach and converse" with all in-residence corps and active corps grads across the nation. So, it only took seven days from The Announcement.......and the purging had begun. Apparently, some corps grad in Arizona [martindale called him out by name] did NOT want to quit his job and go into full-time s, twi-ministry work. He was employed at a nice, country club with promotions and perks and, at his age, didn't want to quit and jump into the unknown. How dare that corps grad have his own life!This public berating was common practice in twi. Not only with the corps "training" program, but during lunchtimes at headquarters. Seemingly, it had metastasized into the whole of twi.....that few even acknowledged its existence, let alone wielding power. I really thought that I'd escaped its foreboding grip when I was on the field.....but, alas, twi had found another way to extend their reach via these corps phone hook-ups. Now, active corps grad would be submitting to this verbal harassment for decades to come? Who would willingly subject themselves to this? Those who Hold the microphone.....Hold the power.
In a cascading series of purges, this "full-time corps" purge had begun.
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Corps: The Leash Gets Shorter: Week after week, martindale hammered on this "revelation." The momentum of twi hinged on corps grads going full-time......but some were dissenting. One corps grad worked was a pilot for American Airlines......was he going to resign, forego his pension? Are there any exceptions?
Martindale was convinced that this was the next step to "rise and expansion" in twi. He was in no mood to back down. I had too much on my plate to ponder all the ramifications of all corps full-time.....and, looking back, clearly martindale didn't either. The psychological, social and financial implications were staggering
The time for choosing had arrived. One could easily be excused for failing to see it.....but for the Corps: The Leash Gets Shorter.
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Another Corps Meeting: Another Confrontation: It was bound to happen.......the corps started asking questions about being full-time? about insurance, and pensions, and retirement? Supposedly, a corps grad (wife, mother) had written craig martindale a lengthy letter to ask pertinent questions. Questions were percolating throughout the regions.....obviously. And, in craig's mind, how does one address this? A full-frontal attack on ALL the corps in a blistering response....that's how. He'd learned the lessons well from wierwille.........these wide-brush corps confrontations were classic wierwille.
Guilt, shame and fear were used to cower any more dissent. But.....why couldn't they just stop trivializing our futures ??
Cults never do. It's not in their nature
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Chockfull, Shortfuse, Bueller? No doubt, there are others here at GSC who could add more examples and insight to this timeframe. April-July 1995 was a crazy, wild ride.....and the OKC bombing had brought a strong measure of disruption to plenty of believers in the city.
I desperately needed a day off. I should have pulled a Bueller.
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Skipping School, Skipping Lunchtime: Nope, I couldn't pull a Bueller.......I had too much to do. Four month out......quickly became three......and three became two. The thought of going back on twi-payroll caused a reflexive recoil. It had been over 11 years since I'd been at hq, on staff.........its micromanaged schedule, even mandatory lunchtimes. I wasn't the same person that I was back then, I had grown up. I grew to despise the manipulation. I disliked the herding routine. And, I detested singing children's songs and treated like children.
Bueller pulled a "fast one" over the school administrator. I liked his attitude and style.
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T-Ball and Baseball: Child's Play: In the Summer of '95, our two boys were at that age where swimming, t-ball and baseball bring smiles and fun. Although my wife carried this "burden" gleefully......I, too, took time to slip away and just be dad. Screw the guilt that would, at times, build in the back of my mind. I wasn't like I was in some kind of hardcore cult (sarcasm intended) or anything. Spending quality times with your kids, making family memories and honoring one's heritage traditions was taught extensively at the advanced class and corps program......ppffffftt.
For about 16 months, our boys were involved in karate classes. They learned the respect, honor and discipline in the sport as the different colored belts signified their growing achievements. Definitely brown belts....not sure either made it to black.
Little did we realize that much of their little world would be "clawed back by the cult" when we went full-time. That "need-basis" thing was a b!tch on children/family when it raised its ugly head during the "major expense cutting measures" on the horizon. But......I'm getting ahead of myself. So, the summer of ' was a treasure to our family album of memories. Screw whatever the cult thought.
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Let me dig around for that time period and I will post on it after I gather a few details.
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Sign on the Line: In Blood: At the 1995 Corps Week, every active corps grad....who jumped every hoop, survived all the purges, passed thru the fire and crossed the alligator pit (scratch that comment about the alligators).....was sanctioned to meet with B. Th0rpe, the gatekeeper of twi's need-basis employment. Corps couples and single corps each came with their "monthly budget list" that was cross-referenced with certain parameters that twi was willing to accept. If certain categories were too high, then Brad helped to trim those projected costs off one's list. Twi held there, seemingly, wasn't much to negotiate.
After a 30-minute meeting, my wife and I signed a couple of forms. Next.
I would guesstimate that some 325-375 corps grads signed the papers and, as of September 1st, were deemed salaried employees of twi. Perhaps, the numbers exceeded over 400......but I certainly wasn't privy to the numbers, nor was I counting heads. Seemed like there was excitement in the air, but looking back.....I now would say it was "nervous anxiety." What lie ahead? Nobody knew......not even the trunk personnel.
Note: "Blood" is being used figuratively, not literally.......but it might as well have been (literal).
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