One little napolean, we can call him panasmello - hops a plane and shows up to personally prostrate himself at the feet of Men in Tights loytoy to say "you - I stand with you". Presto chango - tadaa - we now have a new Trunk coordinator. And a particularly sycophantic one too - responsible for the 250 mile radius travel edict forcing people in that radius to drive in for the STS. Not only that but his personal boxing sh1zzzle and workout equipment takes up an entire aisle in the warehouse building.
Omg, that's how that pathetic worm rose to prominence?
Rupp called me to his office one sunny morning during an advanced class at hq. I was accused of not being on top of my spiritual responsibilities. He decided to try the intimidation route and yelled at me up one side and down the other. in order to avoid kicking the crap outta him on the spot, I excused myself. I drove out to a remote part of twi's property where I consulted with my ex-wife, and a couple close friends. I calmed down quite a bit.
I called Rupp back and requested a meeting, he accepted. After going back to his office I let him know to never raise his voice to me or talk to me in such a disrespectful manner, in no uncertain terms. I was not nice and neither did I speak in a quiet tone. The worm was afraid and it showed in his eyes and body language.
Once they lose their edge intimidating those they try to control, they have nothing left.
Times are a bit strange. Corps assignments are with supposed headcount that isn't there - everybody has scattered. 20% remain. Acts teachings turn into a new Rise and Expansion class. Things are good for loytoy. teaching, traveling on a motorcoach across the country. unbeknownst to us at the time, these elements also add up to something similar to a reality TV re-run of Brett Michaels + a bunch of girls on a bus. Don't think the Drambouie plus rufees is in play here - loytoy is loosening himself up to be the man of god his fodder in the verd brought him up to be in a different fashion.
No, instead of rufees , we have "..... a procuress.......".
what pray tell is a procuress? never heard of it. well, later we find out this is some kind of legal term for a lady who after having an extended adulterous affair with loytoy, resulting in her husband killing himself after being heard saying "I can't compete with that", goes on to bring in many other ladies into this menagerie of adulterous action.
the best of times. the worst of times. all depending on who you were and what you were allowed to see.
Omg, that's how that pathetic worm rose to prominence?
Rupp called me to his office one sunny morning during an advanced class at hq. I was accused of not being on top of my spiritual responsibilities. He decided to try the intimidation route and yelled at me up one side and down the other. in order to avoid kicking the crap outta him on the spot, I excused myself. I drove out to a remote part of twi's property where I consulted with my ex-wife, and a couple close friends. I calmed down quite a bit.
I called Rupp back and requested a meeting, he accepted. After going back to his office I let him know to never raise his voice to me or talk to me in such a disrespectful manner, in no uncertain terms. I was not nice and neither did I speak in a quiet tone. The worm was afraid and it showed in his eyes and body language.
Once they lose their edge intimidating those they try to control, they have nothing left.
Yeah that's a bit later in the story. Rupp. What a chode.
Little worm napolean Rupp first was Asst. Trunk Coordinator while the Trunk Coordinator was Panasmello, the prostrated. Rupp perfected his two-faced sycophantic mentorship under Larry, then rising up to power amassing his oh-so-impressive generic resume posted up somewhere.
This might be a good place to mention that for me, the lifting of (waybrain) fog happened with years of self-reflection while working on developing critical thinking and analysis skills including working during the mid-1980s on a degree in accounting (focus on accountability) and in the early 1990s learning to (begin) being honest with myself with insights in M. Scott Peck's books, (first one I read was People of the Lie, followed by The Road Less Traveled).
So things cruise along like such for a while, chicks on a bus, cabin 12 rockin', Acts, R& E. Word in Business too. loytoy becoming more and more "free" unopposed. i mean the names on the list of conquests we learn later are climbing pretty steadily. this isn't a 60 yr old man with waning libido here we are talking about. This is "Men in Tights" tm in all of his virile glory. his peers are off doing all the work to found their VP based ministries so are pretty quiet. loyalty purges are mostly over.
Panasmello, the prostrated. Rupp perfected his two-faced sycophantic mentorship under Larry, then rising up to power amassing his oh-so-impressive generic resume posted up somewhere.
Panasmello was in the 4th corpse when I was. His second year, he started bangin' Connie Em:r$0n, Spayshull corpse I, spouse of the ultimate dickhead Doug Em:r$0n, a notorious 4 time corpse loser! Dougie-pooh banged everything in sight. When they graduated the spayshull corpse (name changed to FC I), they returned to NC. In a month, Dougie ran off with one Karen Ca5mac€k, a favorite slut from ECU who banged her way through a bunch of TWIt and ECU "leaders". She eventually wound up in the 7th corpse and married Bill Ma€#arg, who was originally from Long Island, NY, Nassau County Area. That was a complete joke.
Later, in the late 1990's, she was bangin' John Lynn the great. She was the one whose sexual tryst with jallyroll got him fired from CES for moral turpitude. She was quite the slut in her day! And, she single handledly took down jally's presidency of CES/STFI prior to him getting fired by Schoenheit and Graesers. A better, more lurid soap opera could not have been scripted. And, Ca5ma€k took down a whole slew of ECU legends in her time, plus Ma€#arg. Bill was killed in a car crash which conveniently left Ca5ma€k free to return to her slutty ways. IMO, they all earned each other and the interpersonal disasters they inflicted upon themselves.
Ca5ma€k was a longtime sidekick of Karla An@€rson and Karla's sister was her BFF back then. There's plenty more lurid garbage she was involved with throughout her TWIt career, but it's not relevant to this thread.
So, Panasmello winds up marrying €m€rson's first reject, and later becomes Trunk guy after sticking his head so far up da forehead's butt that he got a raging case of chronic octarectalitis! After being a happy hit man for da Boyz in da hoods during the 1990s, Panasmello eventually drifted off to Toledo, OH, where he started his own cult after being shit-canned by Rosie the Riveter. He remains there to this day running his TWIt-lite wierwille-worshipping cult. LOSER!
i knew both panasmello and Connie. Panasmello was from Nassau County Area of the early 70s Long Island revival. I spent my interim year in NC, while Dougie-pooh and Connie were in the spayshull corpse at NK with the 5th corpse, interim 4th corpse who did their interim year on staff at NK, and the 1st corpse who were back at HQ doing the first returning corpse "sabbatical" reprogramming year. It was a complete zoo of pathological dysfunction and sexual promiscuity that set the tone for all the following TWIt history from 1974 forward.
Panasmello and his smarmy Connie still run some kind of wierwille offshoot in Toledo. They have a small group of waynutz that are still stuck on wierwille stupid, preaching the same useless garbage their faddah in da woid programmed into their shallow identities.
Panasmello is a wierwille pimp. He's a Rivenbark whore now trying to redeem himself for all the anti-Christ crap he's been teaching and living since 1977. I have no more respect for them than I do for da forehead and his lesbian lovers Rosie and Lombardi. Lying, thieving, hypocrites and whited sepulchers all. Their "bema time" is gonna be like Marie Antoinette at the guillotine. Rewards???? Bwaaaaahahahaha!
It is preferred that those named in these lurid accusations not be searchable via search engines. Especially those who are likely not still part of TWI. Thank you.
They are NOT "lurid allegations" Modgellan! They are LURID FACTS! However if you insist on changing the names to protect the guilty..... so be it. I have less concern for the unrepentant, morally deficient criminals than you, apparently........peace.
Yep DWBH that's the guy. Thanks for all the back story - didn't know much of it.
What I did know is his sycophantic legacy included "making Ohio and that region a spiritual buffer for HQ". He got the 250 mile radius rule instituted where to fix the empty auditorium seats now once a month every branch within 250 miles has to schedule a trip to HQ. So - 2-4 hour drive each way, fill in those rows, try and get back home at a reasonable hour before work Monday. And he was a sycophantic hard-@$$ that dropped a bunch of people from the Corps and kicked a bunch of people out of TWI.
I think a lot of those guys anybody who was buddies with loytoy was under scrutiny and fired later.
And I really don't want to single out any one sycophant here when there were so many others to go around. I mean we have Al@n L1chtenstein here also, the Lallyo 6ft 2 screamfest pair, amongst that crowd. There were better eggs around too, like IMO J0hn and W@yne that started cffm and others.
But overall, most of the ministry leadership advanced according the the tried and true adages taught in "VP n Me" - whoever blew the most sunshine up those tights did well.
Oh I forgot to add in to this section "the legend of Holy Michael".
So during all this fog lifting section and the running of the Galatians and the R & E, cowterds son-in-law Michael F0rt gets called up from being the resident comedian on the mic and Corps Coordinator at Emporia to be the Trunk Coordinator. He bebopped along until one of loytoys rants brought him up on Corps night. Apparently he had missed some things. We had shared with us a vision, a vision of revelation. There was Michael, and there was a breeze. Michael was blowing in the breeze like a flag, except the flag had holes in it, and there was the breeze just blowing through Michael.
Time for Holy Michael to step down, and be replaced by Panasmello the Prostrated
NOTE: these stories aren't all chronological, like this one is before....
It is preferred that those named in these lurid accusations not be searchable via search engines. Especially those who are likely not still part of TWI. Thank you.
LOL. I wouldn't worry about search engines. With the loss of the documents section we're almost on the dark web here.
Yes, I'll still obfuscate names.
w/r to those likely not still a part of TWI, whenever you're speaking about TWI history you are talking like 95% of all the names involved there, statistically.
Panasmello was in the 4th corpse when I was. His second year, he started bangin' Connie Em:r$0n, Spayshull corpse I, spouse of the ultimate dickhead Doug Em:r$0n, a notorious 4 time corpse loser! Dougie-pooh banged everything in sight. When they graduated the spayshull corpse (name changed to FC I), they returned to NC. In a month, Dougie ran off with one Karen Ca5mac€k, a favorite slut from ECU who banged her way through a bunch of TWIt and ECU "leaders". She eventually wound up in the 7th corpse and married Bill Ma€#arg, who was originally from Long Island, NY, Nassau County Area. That was a complete joke.
Later, in the late 1990's, she was bangin' John Lynn the great. She was the one whose sexual tryst with jallyroll got him fired from CES for moral turpitude. She was quite the slut in her day! And, she single handledly took down jally's presidency of CES/STFI prior to him getting fired by Schoenheit and Graesers. A better, more lurid soap opera could not have been scripted. And, Ca5ma€k took down a whole slew of ECU legends in her time, plus Ma€#arg. Bill was killed in a car crash which conveniently left Ca5ma€k free to return to her slutty ways. IMO, they all earned each other and the interpersonal disasters they inflicted upon themselves.
Ca5ma€k was a longtime sidekick of Karla An@€rson and Karla's sister was her BFF back then. There's plenty more lurid garbage she was involved with throughout her TWIt career, but it's not relevant to this thread.
So, Panasmello winds up marrying €m€rson's first reject, and later becomes Trunk guy after sticking his head so far up da forehead's butt that he got a raging case of chronic octarectalitis! After being a happy hit man for da Boyz in da hoods during the 1990s, Panasmello eventually drifted off to Toledo, OH, where he started his own cult after being dang-canned by Rosie the Riveter. He remains there to this day running his TWIt-lite wierwille-worshipping cult. LOSER!
i knew both panasmello and Connie. Panasmello was from Nassau County Area of the early 70s Long Island revival. I spent my interim year in NC, while Dougie-pooh and Connie were in the spayshull corpse at NK with the 5th corpse, interim 4th corpse who did their interim year on staff at NK, and the 1st corpse who were back at HQ doing the first returning corpse "sabbatical" reprogramming year. It was a complete zoo of pathological dysfunction and sexual promiscuity that set the tone for all the following TWIt history from 1974 forward.
Panasmello and his smarmy Connie still run some kind of wierwille offshoot in Toledo. They have a small group of waynutz that are still stuck on wierwille stupid, preaching the same useless garbage their faddah in da woid programmed into their shallow identities.
Panasmello is a wierwille pimp. He's a Rivenbark whore now trying to redeem himself for all the anti-Christ crap he's been teaching and living since 1977. I have no more respect for them than I do for da forehead and his lesbian lovers Rosie and Lombardi. Lying, thieving, hypocrites and whited sepulchers all. Their "bema time" is gonna be like Marie Antoinette at the guillotine. Rewards???? Bwaaaaahahahaha!
Mod, tell us how you really feel honey!! No seriously, I didn't know all this sheet. No wonder why TWI folded; so many people were doing things so off the Word.
Mod, tell us how you really feel honey!! No seriously, I didn't know all this sheet. No wonder why TWI folded; so many people were doing things so off the Word.
They are NOT "lurid allegations" Modgellan! They are LURID FACTS! However if you insist on changing the names to protect the guilty..... so be it. I have less concern for the unrepentant, morally deficient criminals than you, apparently........peace.
DWBH, I had no idea that so much garbage went on behind the scenes in Way World. Silly me, I thought we were supposed to act like God-fearing Christians. Some of us did, while others acted like they had never heard of God.
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Omg, that's how that pathetic worm rose to prominence?
Rupp called me to his office one sunny morning during an advanced class at hq. I was accused of not being on top of my spiritual responsibilities. He decided to try the intimidation route and yelled at me up one side and down the other. in order to avoid kicking the crap outta him on the spot, I excused myself. I drove out to a remote part of twi's property where I consulted with my ex-wife, and a couple close friends. I calmed down quite a bit.
I called Rupp back and requested a meeting, he accepted. After going back to his office I let him know to never raise his voice to me or talk to me in such a disrespectful manner, in no uncertain terms. I was not nice and neither did I speak in a quiet tone. The worm was afraid and it showed in his eyes and body language.
Once they lose their edge intimidating those they try to control, they have nothing left.
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Times are a bit strange. Corps assignments are with supposed headcount that isn't there - everybody has scattered. 20% remain. Acts teachings turn into a new Rise and Expansion class. Things are good for loytoy. teaching, traveling on a motorcoach across the country. unbeknownst to us at the time, these elements also add up to something similar to a reality TV re-run of Brett Michaels + a bunch of girls on a bus. Don't think the Drambouie plus rufees is in play here - loytoy is loosening himself up to be the man of god his fodder in the verd brought him up to be in a different fashion.
No, instead of rufees , we have "..... a procuress.......".
what pray tell is a procuress? never heard of it. well, later we find out this is some kind of legal term for a lady who after having an extended adulterous affair with loytoy, resulting in her husband killing himself after being heard saying "I can't compete with that", goes on to bring in many other ladies into this menagerie of adulterous action.
the best of times. the worst of times. all depending on who you were and what you were allowed to see.
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Winning through Intimidation (1984) by Robert J Ringer
I remember this book from 32 years ago. I wonder how many TWI clergy read and embraced the notion.
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Yeah that's a bit later in the story. Rupp. What a chode.
Little worm napolean Rupp first was Asst. Trunk Coordinator while the Trunk Coordinator was Panasmello, the prostrated. Rupp perfected his two-faced sycophantic mentorship under Larry, then rising up to power amassing his oh-so-impressive generic resume posted up somewhere.
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This might be a good place to mention that for me, the lifting of (waybrain) fog happened with years of self-reflection while working on developing critical thinking and analysis skills including working during the mid-1980s on a degree in accounting (focus on accountability) and in the early 1990s learning to (begin) being honest with myself with insights in M. Scott Peck's books, (first one I read was People of the Lie, followed by The Road Less Traveled).
I apologize for going off on a tangent.
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It's all good Rocky - I'll check out those books when I get a chance.
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So things cruise along like such for a while, chicks on a bus, cabin 12 rockin', Acts, R& E. Word in Business too. loytoy becoming more and more "free" unopposed. i mean the names on the list of conquests we learn later are climbing pretty steadily. this isn't a 60 yr old man with waning libido here we are talking about. This is "Men in Tights" tm in all of his virile glory. his peers are off doing all the work to found their VP based ministries so are pretty quiet. loyalty purges are mostly over.
What would change this next?
1. The Word Going Over The World
2. Sex
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Oh, now I see, says the blindman.
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Panasmello was in the 4th corpse when I was. His second year, he started bangin' Connie Em:r$0n, Spayshull corpse I, spouse of the ultimate dickhead Doug Em:r$0n, a notorious 4 time corpse loser! Dougie-pooh banged everything in sight. When they graduated the spayshull corpse (name changed to FC I), they returned to NC. In a month, Dougie ran off with one Karen Ca5mac€k, a favorite slut from ECU who banged her way through a bunch of TWIt and ECU "leaders". She eventually wound up in the 7th corpse and married Bill Ma€#arg, who was originally from Long Island, NY, Nassau County Area. That was a complete joke.
Later, in the late 1990's, she was bangin' John Lynn the great. She was the one whose sexual tryst with jallyroll got him fired from CES for moral turpitude. She was quite the slut in her day! And, she single handledly took down jally's presidency of CES/STFI prior to him getting fired by Schoenheit and Graesers. A better, more lurid soap opera could not have been scripted. And, Ca5ma€k took down a whole slew of ECU legends in her time, plus Ma€#arg. Bill was killed in a car crash which conveniently left Ca5ma€k free to return to her slutty ways. IMO, they all earned each other and the interpersonal disasters they inflicted upon themselves.
Ca5ma€k was a longtime sidekick of Karla An@€rson and Karla's sister was her BFF back then. There's plenty more lurid garbage she was involved with throughout her TWIt career, but it's not relevant to this thread.
So, Panasmello winds up marrying €m€rson's first reject, and later becomes Trunk guy after sticking his head so far up da forehead's butt that he got a raging case of chronic octarectalitis! After being a happy hit man for da Boyz in da hoods during the 1990s, Panasmello eventually drifted off to Toledo, OH, where he started his own cult after being shit-canned by Rosie the Riveter. He remains there to this day running his TWIt-lite wierwille-worshipping cult. LOSER!
i knew both panasmello and Connie. Panasmello was from Nassau County Area of the early 70s Long Island revival. I spent my interim year in NC, while Dougie-pooh and Connie were in the spayshull corpse at NK with the 5th corpse, interim 4th corpse who did their interim year on staff at NK, and the 1st corpse who were back at HQ doing the first returning corpse "sabbatical" reprogramming year. It was a complete zoo of pathological dysfunction and sexual promiscuity that set the tone for all the following TWIt history from 1974 forward.
Panasmello and his smarmy Connie still run some kind of wierwille offshoot in Toledo. They have a small group of waynutz that are still stuck on wierwille stupid, preaching the same useless garbage their faddah in da woid programmed into their shallow identities.
Panasmello is a wierwille pimp. He's a Rivenbark whore now trying to redeem himself for all the anti-Christ crap he's been teaching and living since 1977. I have no more respect for them than I do for da forehead and his lesbian lovers Rosie and Lombardi. Lying, thieving, hypocrites and whited sepulchers all. Their "bema time" is gonna be like Marie Antoinette at the guillotine. Rewards???? Bwaaaaahahahaha!
Edited by ModgellanSpelling of various names
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It is preferred that those named in these lurid accusations not be searchable via search engines. Especially those who are likely not still part of TWI. Thank you.
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They are NOT "lurid allegations" Modgellan! They are LURID FACTS! However if you insist on changing the names to protect the guilty..... so be it. I have less concern for the unrepentant, morally deficient criminals than you, apparently........peace.
Edited by DontWorryBeHappySpelling
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Yep DWBH that's the guy. Thanks for all the back story - didn't know much of it.
What I did know is his sycophantic legacy included "making Ohio and that region a spiritual buffer for HQ". He got the 250 mile radius rule instituted where to fix the empty auditorium seats now once a month every branch within 250 miles has to schedule a trip to HQ. So - 2-4 hour drive each way, fill in those rows, try and get back home at a reasonable hour before work Monday. And he was a sycophantic hard-@$$ that dropped a bunch of people from the Corps and kicked a bunch of people out of TWI.
I think a lot of those guys anybody who was buddies with loytoy was under scrutiny and fired later.
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And I really don't want to single out any one sycophant here when there were so many others to go around. I mean we have Al@n L1chtenstein here also, the Lallyo 6ft 2 screamfest pair, amongst that crowd. There were better eggs around too, like IMO J0hn and W@yne that started cffm and others.
But overall, most of the ministry leadership advanced according the the tried and true adages taught in "VP n Me" - whoever blew the most sunshine up those tights did well.
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Oh I forgot to add in to this section "the legend of Holy Michael".
So during all this fog lifting section and the running of the Galatians and the R & E, cowterds son-in-law Michael F0rt gets called up from being the resident comedian on the mic and Corps Coordinator at Emporia to be the Trunk Coordinator. He bebopped along until one of loytoys rants brought him up on Corps night. Apparently he had missed some things. We had shared with us a vision, a vision of revelation. There was Michael, and there was a breeze. Michael was blowing in the breeze like a flag, except the flag had holes in it, and there was the breeze just blowing through Michael.
Time for Holy Michael to step down, and be replaced by Panasmello the Prostrated
NOTE: these stories aren't all chronological, like this one is before....
Edited by chockfullLink to comment
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LOL. I wouldn't worry about search engines. With the loss of the documents section we're almost on the dark web here.
Yes, I'll still obfuscate names.
w/r to those likely not still a part of TWI, whenever you're speaking about TWI history you are talking like 95% of all the names involved there, statistically.
Lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid, lurid.
I did that for the search engines ;)
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Letter from Martindale doing the purge - one of the various.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Mod, tell us how you really feel honey!! No seriously, I didn't know all this sheet. No wonder why TWI folded; so many people were doing things so off the Word.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Excuse me, I meant to address my last post to DWBH.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, I had no idea that so much garbage went on behind the scenes in Way World. Silly me, I thought we were supposed to act like God-fearing Christians. Some of us did, while others acted like they had never heard of God.
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Wasn't an accident. 100mph straight into a tree. But you probably knew that already...
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