So tell me, sky... which of the three categories of "scathing crapola" of booze, sex, or finances did any of these incidents fall into?
Well.....despite the long-known fact that wierwille drank his Drambuie from a coffee cup at 1) night owls and 2) meetings with corps.......all three of those documented "incidents" encompass those two elements. Now, did I go up front and check for Drambuie in his coffee cup? No....I didn't.
But.......I can tell you that wierwille came off as a stark, raving lunatic on all THREE occasions. Plus, the fact that wierwille CLAIMED the corps guy was possessed.....and yet, allowed him to walk out of the BRC, back to his trailer and re-join all the corps training and graduate from the 8th corps. If he was "possessed" like wierwille claimed, then he allowed a possessed man to graduate the corps program and serve on LEAD staff for years. LOL
But.......I can tell you that wierwille came off as a stark, raving lunatic on all THREE occasions. Plus, the fact that wierwille CLAIMED the corps guy was possessed.....and yet, allowed him to walk out of the BRC, back to his trailer and re-join all the corps training and graduate from the 8th corps. If he was "possessed" like wierwille claimed, then he allowed a possessed man to graduate the corps program and serve on LEAD staff for years. LOL
So.....with the ONE vivid, eye-witness account of wierwille, I had SEVERAL QUESTIONS:
Why didn't wierwille cast out the spirit(s)......if this guy was, indeed, "possessed?"
Why would wierwille, twi-president, allow a possessed guy to continue in the corps program?
If this was a bogus claim from the head guy, what does that say about his lieutenants?
Was this simply the Drambuie talking? If so, how often was this happening?
How many other times thru the years has this "possessed-label" been absolutely bogus?
What about the other 8 manifestation claims was wierwille NOT able to do?
With wierwille's eye removal & cancer......what about ministering healing, as well?
Not ONE time, ever, in all my years of twi-tenure did I see wierwille or martindale do the big SIX MANIFESTATIONS. Why?
Could it be possible that these guys were fabricating all NINE of them? Were they frauds?
So.....with the ONE vivid, eye-witness account of wierwille, I had SEVERAL QUESTIONS:
Why didn't wierwille cast out the spirit(s)......if this guy was, indeed, "possessed?"
Why would wierwille, twi-president, allow a possessed guy to continue in the corps program?
If this was a bogus claim from the head guy, what does that say about his lieutenants?
Was this simply the Drambuie talking? If so, how often was this happening?
How many other times thru the years has this "possessed-label" been absolutely bogus?
What about the other 8 manifestation claims was wierwille NOT able to do?
With wierwille's eye removal & cancer......what about ministering healing, as well?
Not ONE time, ever, in all my years of twi-tenure did I see wierwille or martindale do the big SIX MANIFESTATIONS. Why?
Could it be possible that these guys were fabricating all NINE of them? Were they frauds?
Ever since I’ve been coming to Grease Spot I periodically find myself so flabbergasted over the blinders I wore in my way-daze. So many things stuck out like a sore thumb but I never addressed it back then – ah yes , the power of a mindset. Like the absence of the power and knowledge manifestations in a ministry that made such a big deal over them!
I never experienced them in my own life and just chalked it up to my lack of believing / spiritual immaturity. Maybe it had something to do with the way vp got folks to focus on themselves in order to make PFAL "work"….so I never concerned myself with questioning the validity of PFAL and never realized that “the teacher” was just all talk and hype.
After you mentioned never witnessing the operation of power/knowledge manifestations by vp or LCM, I remembered a lady in our twig confided in me of the time she went to vp while at some camp – to see him about healing for a longtime problem she had with one of her feet. vp didn’t do anything for her of course – no ministering, no healing – but the way she related the incident to me - as I recall now – she must have suppressed the ache of shattered hopes – with that stiff-upper-lip teary-eyed manner of a determined PFAL grad foiled again - she told me vp said something along the lines of “it’s still god’s word even if no one believes it”. Reflecting on that now I can only imagine how vp’s callous and dismissive words must have lodged a ticking time-bomb of disillusionment in her heart.
i just finally caught Leah Remini's first 2 episodes of the Scientology expose.
Great stuff there. One of the things very interesting to me is how the cult invents their own language to increase control. Phrases that sound benign to the public, but carry devastating effects, like hearing Amy's mom say "I don't care if they declare me" with stage 4 cancer. "Declaring" means labeling a person as a "SP" or suppressive person. This means their family will "disconnect" from them.
The unspoken expectation. The framing of conversation.
It's not what appears out front that is the problem with cults. It is what lies underneath.
T-bone, I can't imagine how she must have felt about that. I do know that being in the area I was in, worked to my advantage as I had lots of support from gentle coaches who helped me learn a few things in the beginning.
I also know that, later, when some of the lovingness began to evaporate, the so called "leadership" would have sternly reproved me for having bothered the man for something like that. After all, I had such a response coming since I bothered the man......didn't I know he was too busy holding the world together to be concerned about my measly foot problem.
After you mentioned never witnessing the operation of power/knowledge manifestations by vp or LCM, I remembered a lady in our twig confided in me of the time she went to vp while at some camp – to see him about healing for a longtime problem she had with one of her feet. vp didn’t do anything for her of course – no ministering, no healing – but the way she related the incident to me - as I recall now – she must have suppressed the ache of shattered hopes – with that stiff-upper-lip teary-eyed manner of a determined PFAL grad foiled again - she told me vp said something along the lines of “it’s still god’s word even if no one believes it”. Reflecting on that now I can only imagine how vp’s callous and dismissive words must have lodged a ticking time-bomb of disillusionment in her heart.
I've heard variations of this story repeated with people seeking healing from several top TWI members. Loytoy, R@pp, VP, and 1 or 2 others.
I'm glad you brought this up. There is a great life disillusionment when you find out the mogfodt ain't. It's less devastating when you see more of their stupidity. But the Way instilled false hopes and visions in people, then blamed them when they were not fulfilled.
The only other option would be to openly admit they didn't have the power or abundance to help the person.
i just finally caught Leah Remini's first 2 episodes of the Scientology expose.
Great stuff there. One of the things very interesting to me is how the cult invents their own language to increase control. Phrases that sound benign to the public, but carry devastating effects, like hearing Amy's mom say "I don't care if they declare me" with stage 4 cancer. "Declaring" means labeling a person as a "SP" or suppressive person. This means their family will "disconnect" from them.
The unspoken expectation. The framing of conversation.
It's not what appears out front that is the problem with cults. It is what lies underneath.
Yeah.......the coded language of cults.
Remember how wierwille set the stage in pfal for us versus them, believer vs unbeliever........."empties floating by." But then, as one ventures further with classes, programs, indoctrination........there was this whole caste system structure. Levels to lord over sub-levels. Corps vs non-corps. Everyone was striving to get to the next level to "better serve God." Long gone were the buzzwords of "empties floating by".........we were then lost in a maze of the twi-light zone.
Prior to this scientology documentary and listing of "20 reasons why scientology is a cult and a fraud".....I don't think I fully acknowledged how purging was so effective in the psychodynamics in human behavior and manipulation. If the cult-charismatic leader dangles the prize as something to be purging the "disloyal or undesirable" people, others strive to show their allegiance.
Wierwille purged the corps program, i.e. the zero corps......and loyalty to the fringe training program increased.
i just finally caught Leah Remini's first 2 episodes of the Scientology expose.
Great stuff there. One of the things very interesting to me is how the cult invents their own language to increase control. Phrases that sound benign to the public, but carry devastating effects, like hearing Amy's mom say "I don't care if they declare me" with stage 4 cancer. "Declaring" means labeling a person as a "SP" or suppressive person. This means their family will "disconnect" from them.
The unspoken expectation. The framing of conversation.
It's not what appears out front that is the problem with cults. It is what lies underneath.
I’ve put that Scientology expose on my watch list/Amazon Fire Stick. After reading several books on Scientology and then Undertow I think I need a little break from cult stuff – maybe I should watch a sci-fi movie like Battlefield Earth to get my mind off of all this .
Chockfull, you really got me thinking about a few things...Scientology like any cult does have its own jargon – “suppressive, auditing, clear”…but way-world’s special vocabulary often sounded very biblical to me - - it appeared innocuous…maybe that functioned like an additional layer of concealment. Buying into vp’s accuracy-and-integrity-of-the-word-bull-$hit allowed him to write an alternate lexicon in my head. To break free of TWI as well as being mission critical to the revival of your gray matter it is important that you see the shape-shifting (or is that $hit-shaping?) ability of way-jargon. Remember vp’s noble and courageous sounding statement on standing up for the truth “when it comes to the word, I have no friends”…I now understand that to mean “if you don’t agree with my interpretation of the bible you can just take a hike.”
I think one of the biggest challenges for a person leaving TWI is getting past the loaded language that reinforces a certain mindset and thwarts critical thinking. Grease Spot is a good antidote – you listen to other viewpoints – and sometimes step back and re-analyze your own perspective – maybe even realize you have a bias or two... or three. And that’s ok – I believe part of developing critical thinking skills is being aware of your own bias.
Just wanted to revisit this thread.............and say again......
Thank you, DWBH..........
For the past 18 years......i.e. Waydale/ have shown impeccable integrity towards spotlighting twit's doctrines of error, their culpability, and vehement resistance to come clean. And, to me,'ve offered support, strength and kindness in every possible way. I have no words but to deeply thank you for it. At every step along the way, you've never divulged my identity or confidences....unless I provided it.
IMO.....YOU are "the real deal." You stand head-and-shoulders above any of those listed in your post (below).....OR all the others in that 1985 clergy listing.......and I knew most everyone of them. Some of those men (and women) Dr. L0nnell J0hnson and others......exited rather quickly and moved into lives and careers that, if they'd spoken out, it would have been of great detriment to their careers,.....thus, for them, I understand. And, according to my count.....22 of these clergy have deceased. But OTHERS ........would coward away and/or used their positions to further exploit the deception for filth lucre sake and donned the mantle to lord over others.
But you, DWBH.......are NOT like them. To me, you are likened unto those who heralded the days that would come.....yielding a rise unto David, a righteous Branch, and a King that would reign in the eternities. You are STILL standing tall.....still in there, giving "jeremiah-esque" warnings like the likes of Monsieur de Liar.
I commend you far, far greater than my own brother-in-law who, to this day, STILL holds to wierwille-doctrine and has been instrumental for over 20 years in a top-tier role as wierwillite-clergy in a splinter group. May the Lord have mercy on those corps/clergy who have not turned from this wickedness and, thus, have blood on their hands.
With most humbled thanks,
On 12/9/2016 at 1:38 PM, DontWorryBeHappy said:
I watched the first three episodes also Skyrider. Very compelling. Though specifics, jargon, doctrine, and social structure differ, the psychodynamic of all totalist cults is the same. Simply change names, locations, and intimidation styles, and you can place one cult after another in this series' lineup and the chilling similarities will ring true for all those ever involved in any type of cult........<snip>
Where are the following on Greasespot?
John Lynn, Gerald Wrenn, Vince Finnegan, Bo Reahard, Walter Cummins, Bruce Mahone, John Crouch, Ken Brown, John Townsend, Ricardo Caballero, Earl Burton, Art Poling, Larry Panarello, Tom and Barbara Kally, Michael Fort, Bill and Marsha Greene, Harvey Platig, Claudettee Royal, Bob Winegarner, Bill Winegarner, Gary Curtis, Randy Anderson, George Hendley, Tom Jenkinson, Bruce Mahone, John Schoenheit, Brian and Alison Heaney, Duke Clarke, Randy Feese, Barry Jones, Tim Bishop, Alan Licht, Dale Sides, Michael Rood, Franklin Smith, Doug Seed, Chuck LaMattina, Charlie Quillen, Doug MacMullan, Paul Metkel, David Turk, Wayne Merrill, Steve Sann, Jerry Carr, Terry Wilson, Bob Lindfelt, Maurice Goulet, Dave Standage, Mosqueda, Lewis Lind, Koetteritz, and on and on and on.
There are as many wayfers and ex-way "leadership" with blood on their hands and stolen money in their pickets as there are Scientoligists and Moonies. Looking forward to the day they all come clean and finally tell the truth about TWIt and themselves. Don't hold your breath!
The telltale signs of a cult are being exposed, once again, on a series of documentary episodes on scientology. Last night, having dvr'd it from an earlier showing.....I watched the hour episode hosted by Leah Remini as ex-scientologists grapple with the repercussions of lies, guilt, betrayal, fraud, spiritual abuse and loss of family connections. The details of the scientology cult seem to be exponentially worse that even that of twi, it seems..........1) "the hole" --- a detention building for dissenters [ 2 years, for some? ], 2) Aggressive, public slander on websites and at person's place of employment, 3) Targeted 24/7 surveillance of top-level exitees, 4) Strong-arm family members in cult to blatantly lie/slander the one who leaves, 5) Required to sign "kidnap contracts".......etc. etc.
Yet, many similarities are found in twi..........1) The hallmark of a cult is that one person wields the power, 2) No internal checks and balances, 3) Clawed his way to power in a series of purges, 4) False representation to IRS as a non-profit corp., 5) Fraud and Deception: lying to their followers, 6) Character assassinations, smears, slanders [mostly, clergy & corps who dissent --- and know the inner secrets], 7) WOW Ambassador program was highly exploitive and exclusionary, 8) Brutal confrontations and interrogations, 9) Ex-communication and savage retribution for disobedience, 10) No financial transparency.......etc. etc.
I've heard variations of this story repeated with people seeking healing from several top TWI members. Loytoy, R@pp, VP, and 1 or 2 others.
I'm glad you brought this up. There is a great life disillusionment when you find out the mogfodt ain't. It's less devastating when you see more of their stupidity. But the Way instilled false hopes and visions in people, then blamed them when they were not fulfilled.
The only other option would be to openly admit they didn't have the power or abundance to help the person.
Chock, bingo! God forbid if TWI had openly admitted they didn't have power to help people. I think many of us would have left, and taken our ABS with us. I strongly believe that money was the reason why VPW started TWI; he wanted an organization that would provide him with a lot of money; in that way I believe VPW was successful. He didn't care if people were used, or exploited; as long as he had their money.
Prior to this scientology documentary and listing of "20 reasons why scientology is a cult and a fraud".....I don't think I fully acknowledged how purging was so effective in the psychodynamics in human behavior and manipulation. If the cult-charismatic leader dangles the prize as something to be purging the "disloyal or undesirable" people, others strive to show their allegiance.
Wierwille purged the corps program, i.e. the zero corps......and loyalty to the fringe training program increased.
Never underestimate.....the power of the purge.
Sky, wow!! I did not know this; thanks for the information. So that's why Craig had all those purges!!! Now I understand why. The evil that men do, in the name of God, is sickening.
Chock, bingo! God forbid if TWI had openly admitted they didn't have power to help people. I think many of us would have left, and taken our ABS with us. I strongly believe that money was the reason why VPW started TWI; he wanted an organization that would provide him with a lot of money; in that way I believe VPW was successful. He didn't care if people were used, or exploited; as long as he had their money.
Humans can be such strange animals. The power of WANTING to believe is very strong. IMO, that's an underlying issue with cult susceptibility.
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Just wanted to revisit this thread.............and say again...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you, DWBH.......... For the past 18 years......i.e. Waydale/ have shown impe
I’ve put that Scientology expose on my watch list/Amazon Fire Stick. After reading several books on Scientology and then Undertow I think I need a little break from cult stuff – maybe I should watch
Where are the rest? Well......we certainly know where about Lynn, Schoenheit, Finnegan, Panarello, Clapp, Seed, and others who splintered from wierwille-org......yet, retained vast swaths of its
So tell me, sky... which of the three categories of "scathing crapola" of booze, sex, or finances did any of these incidents fall into?
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I don't think Sky ever implied that the problems at HQ were limited to these three categories alone.
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Well.....despite the long-known fact that wierwille drank his Drambuie from a coffee cup at 1) night owls and 2) meetings with corps.......all three of those documented "incidents" encompass those two elements. Now, did I go up front and check for Drambuie in his coffee cup? No....I didn't.
But.......I can tell you that wierwille came off as a stark, raving lunatic on all THREE occasions. Plus, the fact that wierwille CLAIMED the corps guy was possessed.....and yet, allowed him to walk out of the BRC, back to his trailer and re-join all the corps training and graduate from the 8th corps. If he was "possessed" like wierwille claimed, then he allowed a possessed man to graduate the corps program and serve on LEAD staff for years. LOL
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Sounds about right Skyrider! LOL!
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So.....with the ONE vivid, eye-witness account of wierwille, I had SEVERAL QUESTIONS:
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Ever since I’ve been coming to Grease Spot I periodically find myself so flabbergasted over the blinders I wore in my way-daze. So many things stuck out like a sore thumb but I never addressed it back then – ah yes , the power of a mindset. Like the absence of the power and knowledge manifestations in a ministry that made such a big deal over them!
I never experienced them in my own life and just chalked it up to my lack of believing / spiritual immaturity. Maybe it had something to do with the way vp got folks to focus on themselves in order to make PFAL "work"….so I never concerned myself with questioning the validity of PFAL and never realized that “the teacher” was just all talk and hype.
After you mentioned never witnessing the operation of power/knowledge manifestations by vp or LCM, I remembered a lady in our twig confided in me of the time she went to vp while at some camp – to see him about healing for a longtime problem she had with one of her feet. vp didn’t do anything for her of course – no ministering, no healing – but the way she related the incident to me - as I recall now – she must have suppressed the ache of shattered hopes – with that stiff-upper-lip teary-eyed manner of a determined PFAL grad foiled again - she told me vp said something along the lines of “it’s still god’s word even if no one believes it”. Reflecting on that now I can only imagine how vp’s callous and dismissive words must have lodged a ticking time-bomb of disillusionment in her heart.
Edited by T-Boneclarity
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i just finally caught Leah Remini's first 2 episodes of the Scientology expose.
Great stuff there. One of the things very interesting to me is how the cult invents their own language to increase control. Phrases that sound benign to the public, but carry devastating effects, like hearing Amy's mom say "I don't care if they declare me" with stage 4 cancer. "Declaring" means labeling a person as a "SP" or suppressive person. This means their family will "disconnect" from them.
The unspoken expectation. The framing of conversation.
It's not what appears out front that is the problem with cults. It is what lies underneath.
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T-bone, I can't imagine how she must have felt about that. I do know that being in the area I was in, worked to my advantage as I had lots of support from gentle coaches who helped me learn a few things in the beginning.
I also know that, later, when some of the lovingness began to evaporate, the so called "leadership" would have sternly reproved me for having bothered the man for something like that. After all, I had such a response coming since I bothered the man......didn't I know he was too busy holding the world together to be concerned about my measly foot problem.
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I've heard variations of this story repeated with people seeking healing from several top TWI members. Loytoy, R@pp, VP, and 1 or 2 others.
I'm glad you brought this up. There is a great life disillusionment when you find out the mogfodt ain't. It's less devastating when you see more of their stupidity. But the Way instilled false hopes and visions in people, then blamed them when they were not fulfilled.
The only other option would be to openly admit they didn't have the power or abundance to help the person.
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Neither did I. But apparently some number of you didn't bother to actually read what I wrote.
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Yeah.......the coded language of cults.
Remember how wierwille set the stage in pfal for us versus them, believer vs unbeliever........."empties floating by." But then, as one ventures further with classes, programs, indoctrination........there was this whole caste system structure. Levels to lord over sub-levels. Corps vs non-corps. Everyone was striving to get to the next level to "better serve God." Long gone were the buzzwords of "empties floating by".........we were then lost in a maze of the twi-light zone.
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The power of The Purge.
Prior to this scientology documentary and listing of "20 reasons why scientology is a cult and a fraud".....I don't think I fully acknowledged how purging was so effective in the psychodynamics in human behavior and manipulation. If the cult-charismatic leader dangles the prize as something to be purging the "disloyal or undesirable" people, others strive to show their allegiance.
Wierwille purged the corps program, i.e. the zero corps......and loyalty to the fringe training program increased.
Never underestimate.....the power of the purge.
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I’ve put that Scientology expose on my watch list/Amazon Fire Stick. After reading several books on Scientology and then Undertow I think I need a little break from cult stuff – maybe I should watch a sci-fi movie like Battlefield Earth to get my mind off of all this .
Battlefield Earth
Chockfull, you really got me thinking about a few things...Scientology like any cult does have its own jargon – “suppressive, auditing, clear”…but way-world’s special vocabulary often sounded very biblical to me - - it appeared innocuous…maybe that functioned like an additional layer of concealment. Buying into vp’s accuracy-and-integrity-of-the-word-bull-$hit allowed him to write an alternate lexicon in my head. To break free of TWI as well as being mission critical to the revival of your gray matter
it is important that you see the shape-shifting (or is that $hit-shaping?) ability of way-jargon. Remember vp’s noble and courageous sounding statement on standing up for the truth “when it comes to the word, I have no friends”…I now understand that to mean “if you don’t agree with my interpretation of the bible you can just take a hike.”
I think one of the biggest challenges for a person leaving TWI is getting past the loaded language that reinforces a certain mindset and thwarts critical thinking. Grease Spot is a good antidote – you listen to other viewpoints – and sometimes step back and re-analyze your own perspective – maybe even realize you have a bias or two... or three. And that’s ok – I believe part of developing critical thinking skills is being aware of your own bias.
Edited by T-Boneto add more goodies
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Insightful observations T-Bone. thanks for sharing.
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Just wanted to revisit this thread.............and say again......
Thank you, DWBH..........
For the past 18 years......i.e. Waydale/ have shown impeccable integrity towards spotlighting twit's doctrines of error, their culpability, and vehement resistance to come clean. And, to me,'ve offered support, strength and kindness in every possible way. I have no words but to deeply thank you for it. At every step along the way, you've never divulged my identity or confidences....unless I provided it.
IMO.....YOU are "the real deal." You stand head-and-shoulders above any of those listed in your post (below).....OR all the others in that 1985 clergy listing.......and I knew most everyone of them. Some of those men (and women) Dr. L0nnell J0hnson and others......exited rather quickly and moved into lives and careers that, if they'd spoken out, it would have been of great detriment to their careers,.....thus, for them, I understand. And, according to my count.....22 of these clergy have deceased. But OTHERS ........would coward away and/or used their positions to further exploit the deception for filth lucre sake and donned the mantle to lord over others.
But you, DWBH.......are NOT like them. To me, you are likened unto those who heralded the days that would come.....yielding a rise unto David, a righteous Branch, and a King that would reign in the eternities. You are STILL standing tall.....still in there, giving "jeremiah-esque" warnings like the likes of Monsieur de Liar.
I commend you far, far greater than my own brother-in-law who, to this day, STILL holds to wierwille-doctrine and has been instrumental for over 20 years in a top-tier role as wierwillite-clergy in a splinter group. May the Lord have mercy on those corps/clergy who have not turned from this wickedness and, thus, have blood on their hands.
With most humbled thanks,
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TY for those overly kind words Skyrider. "The Arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it bends towards Justice." MLK Jr. 3/18/65.
So very glad you're still ridin' around here. On that freedom trail with ya man!
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Leah Remini is going to further expose the Scientology Cult in season 2........starting August 15th.
Season 2.......Stories You Should Hear
You go, girl.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, frauds and hucksters for sure! Both men were garbage in MHO.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Chock, bingo! God forbid if TWI had openly admitted they didn't have power to help people. I think many of us would have left, and taken our ABS with us. I strongly believe that money was the reason why VPW started TWI; he wanted an organization that would provide him with a lot of money; in that way I believe VPW was successful. He didn't care if people were used, or exploited; as long as he had their money.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, wow!! I did not know this; thanks for the information. So that's why Craig had all those purges!!! Now I understand why. The evil that men do, in the name of God, is sickening.
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Humans can be such strange animals. The power of WANTING to believe is very strong. IMO, that's an underlying issue with cult susceptibility.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rocky, I believe you are right.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Way, I love a good laugh!! You old poop!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Rocky, I didn't know that about flax seed. Thanks for the information. Whoops, I have to go!!
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