Hi Raf, glad you enjoyed my story. And JayDee, too. There's a professor of "Extreme Religions" who has assigned Undertow this term for his students to read before I speak with them about my experience. This teacher has said this story does what you pointed out - shows how recruitment works and the gradual way people become enmeshed in a high-control group. That was one of the intentions I had when writing it...bring some understanding to the table about that.
P.S. if anyone wants to ask me questions about my story "offline," there's a Contact page on my website for that. http://charlenedge.com.
I aim to respond within 24 hours. Cheers.
Speaking of extreme religions, I just read this news story about Word of Faith in North Carolina ... LOTS of PTSD among the congregants and escapees there.
Speaking of extreme religions, I just read this news story about Word of Faith in North Carolina ... LOTS of PTSD among the congregants and escapees there.
Nauseating, sure is. More violent than TWI but still the emotional scarring for the victims.
The strange thing about this cult is that it was started by a woman.
Hey, you guys, it's fine to have freedom of religion. But freedom to abuse? Abuse individuals by these wicked acts? Abuse the Lord by taking his name in vain, using it as a disguise for the works of the devil?
There's a lot to be said for more organised, mainstream religious entities. Not saying the mainstream churches are without fault (noted the abuse by the RC church over decades) but at least there are some checks on more obviously egregious behavior.
Firstly I'd like to publicly thank Penworks for this mind and heart blowing book.I received it on March 1st and have completed reading it as of today.Purpose of purchasing this book was to expand my knowledge of this cult called the way.Here is a small re view so here goes....
Boyyy, was I blown away by the content in the book.Now I'm a big fan of true story documentries, this book related to me in so many ways.It felt like I was watching myself with Charlene navigating from start to finish.My heart was pounding as I could relate to alot of the scenarios she had used in the book.Examples include the witnessing fears I had publicly for a while and being zealous for the word.Quotes and manipulation tactics used by Weirwille were drummed into me from a young age.A big one was 'When it comes to the word,no one is your friend,To see real life how Charlene describes in her book what,where,how,why and when it all happened is so navigated perfectly.From the reviews right to page 448
I said to myself hey I've been there too,I have experienced what she had went through and I had lived through that, but to read it from this book just confirms 'even more' I wasn't alone in this whole cult ordeal
Note: I personally didn't know and wasnt around Weirwille,and I'm glad I didn't.This book gives personal upfront details on him that had me fuming I see now even more what a he was...
Two people in the book mentioned are people I knew personally and to hear there names shocked me.I thought what a small world and how Charlene was up on the front line of it all..but to hear those that i know personally involvement said it all..book contains all
It is interesting to note that when Charlene had exited the cult I was born in 87' So my era was when martindale and rivenbark ran the cult show,it was very refreshing to embark on a journey back in time before my time to see how things were, i can tell you know i have seen and heard.I was left reflecting and relating to certain scenarios contained in book
Am I promoting this book? HELL YEAH! Maybe could send JYDL a copy for his birthday
In all seriousness this great book deserves 10/10 from me not only because it's true and relating, it can literally save lives and get people to carefully consider before joining a cult/church.In our case/s The Way International
Penworks, you are a legend I'm glad I read your book thanks once again for taking the time to share your life experience
Here's a picture with the book itself with the helpful cookies which accompanied me along the journey
And finally a link which delivered this book to me here in Australia took 7 days maximum
Hi everyone, and thanks, higherground30, for reading Undertow and sharing your response here. I want you all to know I often mention this website to "outsiders" when I give talks because I want them to know so many people are still sharing and caring about their TWI experience even after so many years. It affected many of us profoundly. The healing continues ... I am getting emails and notes through my website Contact page from people I knew many years ago who say the book is helping them in one way or other. That is my reward.
Cheers to the courageous ones who speak their truth here and everywhere. You inspire me.
Just a follow-up to the last post. Undertow in e-book format is now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other places, like Kobo. Note: On Kobo they put the book designer's name, Duane Stapp, alongside my name, which makes it appear as if we were co-authors. We are not. He designed the cover and the book's interior. He had nothing to do with writing the book.
On the eve of this momentous election day, I am having flashbacks to life in a cult that demanded loyalty to one man's perverted view of the world. After 17 years in it, I finally woke up and figured out a way to escape.
My memoir of that experience is still on special sale for only $17 until Dec. 31, 2020. It includes some real names of leaders many of you knew, especially around the time of the Passing of the Patriarch in 1986. As a member of the biblical research team at that time, I witnessed what got swept under the carpet.
I am having flashbacks to life in a cult that demanded loyalty to one man's perverted view of the world. After 17 years in it, I finally woke up and figured out a way to escape.
That has so bothered me about what I see in the US, and I wonder about some people that I know from TWI who are so adamantly loyal to a certain person. I wonder if mind-healing will take as long for the USA and for the individuals concerned, as it's taken for some of us TWI escapees.
Well done all those who've escaped TWI. May the lord give you a sound mind and sharpen your thinking abilities. Keep calm and carry on; the next few weeks may be turbulent.
On 11/3/2020 at 3:06 AM, Grace Valerie Claire said:
Twinky, I think the next few months will be very turbulent, but also very interesting. I think the US is going to have a great 2021, with a new President. Que sera sera.
Just a note to let you know my blog post today is a special report on QAnon and whether it is a cult. The research was done by a long-time cult researcher, author, and counselor.
Just a note to let you know my blog post today is a special report on QAnon and whether it is a cult. The research was done by a long-time cult researcher, author, and counselor.
Thanks Penworks – that’s a great article by Langone.
Funny you should post that today (maybe it’s got something to do with synchronicity - I don’t know ) last night Tonto and I started watching a six-part documentary on HBO called Q: Into the Storm
It's easy to look from across the pond and think how bizarre all this Q stuff is.
Very hard for people who have "lost" relatives to this online cultish thing. Just as it was hard for our relatives when we disappeared into TWI. Hopefully there will be post-Q help sites set up by escapees.
Twinky, yes, I hope they get help, too, and I think the International Cultic Studies Association can help. I cite that organization in my blog post (linked above) because the author of the article is Michael Langone, PhD, the Executive Director. I know him and have worked with him at conferences, etc. His endorsement of Undertow is on the back cover.
Also, for anyone wondering about Undertow:
Get the first chapter of my award-winning cult memoir, Undertow, for FREE on my website. Go to the Home page, look for "FREE" and click the link, Chapter 1, "Hiding in Plain Sight." Happy Monday! https//charleneedge.com/
Speaking of extreme religions, I just read this news story about Word of Faith in North Carolina ... LOTS of PTSD among the congregants and escapees there.
What a gruesome report. I feel sorry for these poor beguiled people. I pray they'll come to their senses, and that this wretched abusive "minister" is quickly made to face justice for her behaviour.
Ever think about how being regularly faced with symbols in TWI like the old official logo of a globe with PFAL written on it, and hearing slogans such as "The Word over the World" and "The accuracy of God's Word" over and over and over ... helped VPW gain power over us? I have.
A few years ago, I thought about this so much that I submitted it as a topic for a paper I could present at an annual cultic studies conference sponsored by ICSA (mentioned above): their international conference, 2017, in Bordeaux, France. They accepted it, and I delivered it.
After my session, you can be sure I totally enjoyed a wine tour through the countryside with my husband :-)
To read my paper, "Breaking the Power of Cult Symbols" click here.
I don't know about symbols, but the slogan The Word of God is The Will of God makes me want to run away fast. Can't stand it. I am not sure that even now I can cope with the Bible being called "The Word o God." Parts of it are clearly not the will of God, and some parts have been added in - and some omitted from some versions.
The expression "the Corps" also got me running away. It's been hard to overcome - especially since my mum has now joined the Salvation Army and its officers and more dedicated followers are known as the Corps. (Happily, they do seem a dedicated-to-the-Lord lot, and do a lot of good work in the community. Totally different from that other "corps.")
Lots of other symbols too. And buzz words. There's a whole thread here somewhere concerning that.
Ever think about how being regularly faced with symbols in TWI like the old official logo of a globe with PFAL written on it, and hearing slogans such as "The Word over the World" and "The accuracy of God's Word" over and over and over ... helped VPW gain power over us? I have.
A few years ago, I thought about this so much that I submitted it as a topic for a paper I could present at an annual cultic studies conference sponsored by ICSA (mentioned above): their international conference, 2017, in Bordeaux, France. They accepted it, and I delivered it.
After my session, you can be sure I totally enjoyed a wine tour through the countryside with my husband :-)
To read my paper, "Breaking the Power of Cult Symbols" click here.
Thanks for the link, Penworks that is a very engrossing paper you wrote; I think you still have an overstuffed quiver of arrows to arm folks against harmful cults – if we were talking a superhero franchise your Undertow book is like an origin story, only the beginning – so hopefully more books are in the works .
Here’s a few of the things your paper got me thinking about...You wrote:
“…cult leaders use symbols to control followers and how we can break the power of those symbols. As an example, I’ll use The Way International,™ the fundamentalist cult I escaped in 1987. High-control groups like The Way use insignias, catch-phrases, and other imagery to recruit, manipulate, and retain believers. These emotionally charged symbols contribute to how hard it is for followers to leave the cults that captured them. Understanding what a cult’s symbols mean, and the ways they affect followers, can contribute to cult recovery.”
I’ve never really given much thought to the power of symbolism – so your paper inspired me to look further into it. One thing I found was an article titled “Symbols are short cuts for our brain” which starts off “We are surrounded by symbols, they are woven into society so inextricably that we don’t even notice them. And yet everyday we see them, understand them and they guide our behaviour. Tricky little devils. The Changing Minds Organisation explains, “Symbols are communications that have specific meaning. Usually visual, symbols act as communication short-cuts that convey one or more messages that have been previously learned by both the sender and the recipient.”
You talked about traditional religions use of symbols compared to what cults use – like the cross, reminding Christians of Jesus’ sacrificial death. I remember one TWI leader explaining why the ministry doesn’t have any crucifixes around – he said the cross focused on the means of Jesus’ death and went on to ridicule that notion by saying what if he was killed by a machine gun – would everyone wear a little golden machine gun around their neck? Thinking back on that now is a real mindblower of how cults can treacherously subvert traditional symbols – because it ignores and minimizes the meaning of his death.
Another point you made resonated profoundly with me. You wrote:
“Emotions and creativity were abused. Emotions were constricted and creativity was enlisted for propaganda. Emotional and sexual abuse often proliferated because we were told our feelings did not matter and could not be trusted; only The Word mattered.”
I’ve shared this on Grease Spot elsewhere - before I went into the way corps I was fairly involved with a band made up of way believers – we wrote most of our own songs, made cassette tapes and played at ministry coffee houses. Fast forward to when I was in residence at Rome City and allowed to pick up my instruments again. I submitted for approval a song to the assistant way corps coordinator that I hoped our in-residence band could perform in the chapel. Admittedly my song was already chock-full of TWI-propaganda – but the assistant corps coordinator with a knack for moving the goalpost critiqued my song in front of the rest of the band all the verses that needed revising – I guess it wasn’t propaganda-enough for him... I was so flabbergasted and never did comply and so I dropped the whole thing...Oh well… but ultimately this incident led to their loss and my gain. I never attempted to write another song promoting TWI’s ideology. I think the incident caused one of the biggest rifts in my TWI-belief system…perhaps the beginning of the end to cult tyranny in my life. If it was made into a cheesy music video – it would be like one of those stories about a musician who refused to sellout to commercialism.
Ever think about how being regularly faced with symbols in TWI like the old official logo of a globe with PFAL written on it, and hearing slogans such as "The Word over the World" and "The accuracy of God's Word" over and over and over ... helped VPW gain power over us? I have.
An enlightening and very legitimate inquiry. From wikipedia,
"Asymbolis a mark, sign, orwordthat indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing anidea,object, orrelationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what isknownor seen by creating linkages between otherwise very differentconceptsandexperiences. Allcommunication(anddata processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Symbols take the form of words, sounds,gestures, ideas, or visualimagesand are used to convey other ideas and beliefs. For example, a red octagon is a common [virtually universal] symbol for "STOP"; onmaps, blue lines often represent rivers; and a redroseoften symbolizes love and compassion.Numeralsare symbols fornumbers;lettersof analphabetmay be symbols for certainphonemes; and personalnamesare symbols representing individuals. Thevariable'x', in a mathematicalequation, may symbolize the position of a particle in space."
For understanding cults, it's important to understand that HUMANS, no matter how discerning and thoughtful any of us can or might be, we ALL take shortcuts. For example, when driving to work or home, if we take the same route all the time, we may get to our destination and NOT be able to consciously remember every time we shifted gears (if we drive a vehicle with standard transmission) or remember having passed any given intersection along the way.
That's because we were essentially on autopilot, which is akin to habits we no longer have to think about, we just do.
Regarding our cult experience, we (repeatedly) took the PFLAP class, the first major mind control mechanism we (almost always willingly) subjected ourselves to in twi. Even the first time, if we had questions, we were not allowed to ask them (ostensibly until the end of session 12). But how many people forgot about those questions in the meantime?
Therefore, when we heard catch phrases like those Penworks included in her paper, we didn't think consciously about whether we agreed with them or not. We simply accepted them as legitimate and truthful and moved on.
This actually may be exactly how we were BRAINWASHED.
The important question to ask yourself may be, well, WHY did you (I) get hooked in the first place?
Again, Charlene at least partially answers the question in her paper when she says we were hungry to know God. Wierwille (and his agents, those who "got us in the Word") claimed and made an argument that HE (VeePee) alone had the key to getting that fulfilled. But was it really that alone?
I say that no, it wasn't. The bottom line is that we needed to belong. We found a group of people with whom we believed we belonged. The "hunger for God" was the ongoing hook that got us to donate more of our earnings than they deserved and to buy more classes, books, and study materials all designed to validate Wierwille as the Great One... even though they didn't dare use that expression, which was reserved for God and the Bible. Hence, the symbols triggered compliance and took the place of our conscious thought and critical analysis.
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This sort of thing is what happened to me. One day, in FellowLaborers, I found myself all alone in the house for some reason. I happened to look in a full length mirror and, just like that, like a bol
Some of you know that in 1987, I escaped the fundamentalism and cult control of The Way International when I drove away from TWI headquarters in New Knoxville, Ohio, and never went back. I don't
Thank you, chockfull. It's a very humbling experience. Whenever anyone trusts you, you feel honored, right? Today, I'm looking through old files and just found this little piece I wrote in 2008.
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Speaking of extreme religions, I just read this news story about Word of Faith in North Carolina ... LOTS of PTSD among the congregants and escapees there.
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Nauseating, sure is. More violent than TWI but still the emotional scarring for the victims.
The strange thing about this cult is that it was started by a woman.
Hey, you guys, it's fine to have freedom of religion. But freedom to abuse? Abuse individuals by these wicked acts? Abuse the Lord by taking his name in vain, using it as a disguise for the works of the devil?
There's a lot to be said for more organised, mainstream religious entities. Not saying the mainstream churches are without fault (noted the abuse by the RC church over decades) but at least there are some checks on more obviously egregious behavior.
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Firstly I'd like to publicly thank Penworks for this mind and heart blowing book.I received it on March 1st and have completed reading it as of today.Purpose of purchasing this book was to expand my knowledge of this cult called the way.Here is a small re view so here goes....
Boyyy, was I blown away by the content in the book.Now I'm a big fan of true story documentries, this book related to me in so many ways.It felt like I was watching myself with Charlene navigating from start to finish.My heart was pounding as I could relate to alot of the scenarios she had used in the book.Examples include the witnessing fears I had publicly for a while and being zealous for the word.Quotes and manipulation tactics used by Weirwille were drummed into me from a young age.A big one was 'When it comes to the word,no one is your friend,To see real life how Charlene describes in her book what,where,how,why and when it all happened is so navigated perfectly.From the reviews right to page 448
I said to myself hey I've been there too,I have experienced what she had went through and I had lived through that, but to read it from this book just confirms 'even more' I wasn't alone in this whole cult ordeal
Note: I personally didn't know and wasnt around Weirwille,and I'm glad I didn't.This book gives personal upfront details on him that had me fuming I see now even more what a
he was...
Two people in the book mentioned are people I knew personally and to hear there names shocked me.I thought what a small world and how Charlene was up on the front line of it all..but to hear those that i know personally involvement said it all..book contains all
It is interesting to note that when Charlene had exited the cult I was born in 87' So my era was when martindale and rivenbark ran the cult show,it was very refreshing to embark on a journey back in time before my time to see how things were, i can tell you know i have seen and heard.I was left reflecting and relating to certain scenarios contained in book
Am I promoting this book? HELL YEAH! Maybe could send JYDL a copy for his birthday
In all seriousness this great book deserves 10/10 from me not only because it's true and relating, it can literally save lives and get people to carefully consider before joining a cult/church.In our case/s The Way International
Penworks, you are a legend I'm glad I read your book thanks once again for taking the time to share your life experience
Here's a picture with the book itself with the helpful cookies which accompanied me along the journey
And finally a link which delivered this book to me here in Australia took 7 days maximum
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Hi everyone, and thanks, higherground30, for reading Undertow and sharing your response here. I want you all to know I often mention this website to "outsiders" when I give talks because I want them to know so many people are still sharing and caring about their TWI experience even after so many years. It affected many of us profoundly. The healing continues ... I am getting emails and notes through my website Contact page from people I knew many years ago who say the book is helping them in one way or other. That is my reward.
Cheers to the courageous ones who speak their truth here and everywhere. You inspire me.
Penworks a.k.a. Charlene L. Edge at http://charleneedge.com
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FYI - for those interested, on Amazon, the "Look Inside" feature is now active for Undertow.
Also, the e-book is finished being converted by IngramSpark and should show up on booksellers' websites in one or two weeks.
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Just a follow-up to the last post. Undertow in e-book format is now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other places, like Kobo. Note: On Kobo they put the book designer's name, Duane Stapp, alongside my name, which makes it appear as if we were co-authors. We are not. He designed the cover and the book's interior. He had nothing to do with writing the book.
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I love it. Working on my second Kindle reading. Thanks Charlene!
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Oldiesman, you're welcome!
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Hi Grease spotters,
Happy to say I can offer, while supplies last, signed copies of Undertow at a student discount of $17.00. Read more here.
Stay well. Wear masks. And may your tribe increase!
Edited by penworksitalicize book title
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On the eve of this momentous election day, I am having flashbacks to life in a cult that demanded loyalty to one man's perverted view of the world. After 17 years in it, I finally woke up and figured out a way to escape.
My memoir of that experience is still on special sale for only $17 until Dec. 31, 2020. It includes some real names of leaders many of you knew, especially around the time of the Passing of the Patriarch in 1986. As a member of the biblical research team at that time, I witnessed what got swept under the carpet.
For an insider's story of how a person is slowly pulled into a damaging world view without realizing it, give the book Undertow a chance. Visit https://charleneedge.com/undertow-on-sale-signed-copies/
I want to thank so many of you Greasespotters for having supported Undertow by reading it and sharing it. This month, we celebrate its 4th birthday!
Cheers. Stay safe and carry on!
added adjective & specific website link
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That has so bothered me about what I see in the US, and I wonder about some people that I know from TWI who are so adamantly loyal to a certain person. I wonder if mind-healing will take as long for the USA and for the individuals concerned, as it's taken for some of us TWI escapees.
Well done all those who've escaped TWI. May the lord give you a sound mind and sharpen your thinking abilities. Keep calm and carry on; the next few weeks may be turbulent.
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Undertow rocks. Buy it and read it if you haven’t.
I’m looking forward to a better 2021.
The change in administration will be good. It keeps our country from becoming a monarchy.
Some idiots should learn from that but they won’t.
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You sure got that right.
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Hi GreaseSpotters,
Hope you are doing well!
Just a note to let you know my blog post today is a special report on QAnon and whether it is a cult. The research was done by a long-time cult researcher, author, and counselor.
To read it, click here.
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Grace Valerie Claire
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Thanks Penworks – that’s a great article by Langone.
Funny you should post that today (maybe it’s got something to do with synchronicity - I don’t know
) last night Tonto and I started watching a six-part documentary on HBO called Q: Into the Storm
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It's easy to look from across the pond and think how bizarre all this Q stuff is.
Very hard for people who have "lost" relatives to this online cultish thing. Just as it was hard for our relatives when we disappeared into TWI. Hopefully there will be post-Q help sites set up by escapees.
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Twinky, yes, I hope they get help, too, and I think the International Cultic Studies Association can help. I cite that organization in my blog post (linked above) because the author of the article is Michael Langone, PhD, the Executive Director. I know him and have worked with him at conferences, etc. His endorsement of Undertow is on the back cover.
Also, for anyone wondering about Undertow:
Get the first chapter of my award-winning cult memoir, Undertow, for FREE on my website. Go to the Home page, look for "FREE" and click the link, Chapter 1, "Hiding in Plain Sight." Happy Monday! https//charleneedge.com/
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What a gruesome report. I feel sorry for these poor beguiled people. I pray they'll come to their senses, and that this wretched abusive "minister" is quickly made to face justice for her behaviour.
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Ever think about how being regularly faced with symbols in TWI like the old official logo of a globe with PFAL written on it, and hearing slogans such as "The Word over the World" and "The accuracy of God's Word" over and over and over ... helped VPW gain power over us? I have.
A few years ago, I thought about this so much that I submitted it as a topic for a paper I could present at an annual cultic studies conference sponsored by ICSA (mentioned above): their international conference, 2017, in Bordeaux, France. They accepted it, and I delivered it.
After my session, you can be sure I totally enjoyed a wine tour through the countryside with my husband :-)
To read my paper, "Breaking the Power of Cult Symbols" click here.
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I don't know about symbols, but the slogan The Word of God is The Will of God makes me want to run away fast. Can't stand it. I am not sure that even now I can cope with the Bible being called "The Word o God." Parts of it are clearly not the will of God, and some parts have been added in - and some omitted from some versions.
The expression "the Corps" also got me running away. It's been hard to overcome - especially since my mum has now joined the Salvation Army and its officers and more dedicated followers are known as the Corps. (Happily, they do seem a dedicated-to-the-Lord lot, and do a lot of good work in the community. Totally different from that other "corps.")
Lots of other symbols too. And buzz words. There's a whole thread here somewhere concerning that.
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Thanks for the link, Penworks that is a very engrossing paper you wrote; I think you still have an overstuffed quiver of arrows to arm folks against harmful cults – if we were talking a superhero franchise your Undertow book is like an origin story, only the beginning – so hopefully more books are in the works .
Here’s a few of the things your paper got me thinking about...You wrote:
“…cult leaders use symbols to control followers and how we can break the power of those symbols. As an example, I’ll use The Way International,™ the fundamentalist cult I escaped in 1987. High-control groups like The Way use insignias, catch-phrases, and other imagery to recruit, manipulate, and retain believers. These emotionally charged symbols contribute to how hard it is for followers to leave the cults that captured them. Understanding what a cult’s symbols mean, and the ways they affect followers, can contribute to cult recovery.”
I’ve never really given much thought to the power of symbolism – so your paper inspired me to look further into it. One thing I found was an article titled “Symbols are short cuts for our brain” which starts off “We are surrounded by symbols, they are woven into society so inextricably that we don’t even notice them. And yet everyday we see them, understand them and they guide our behaviour. Tricky little devils. The Changing Minds Organisation explains, “Symbols are communications that have specific meaning. Usually visual, symbols act as communication short-cuts that convey one or more messages that have been previously learned by both the sender and the recipient.”
(from Thoughts drawn out website – symbols are short cuts for our brains )
You talked about traditional religions use of symbols compared to what cults use – like the cross, reminding Christians of Jesus’ sacrificial death. I remember one TWI leader explaining why the ministry doesn’t have any crucifixes around – he said the cross focused on the means of Jesus’ death and went on to ridicule that notion by saying what if he was killed by a machine gun – would everyone wear a little golden machine gun around their neck? Thinking back on that now is a real mindblower of how cults can treacherously subvert traditional symbols – because it ignores and minimizes the meaning of his death.
Another point you made resonated profoundly with me. You wrote:
“Emotions and creativity were abused. Emotions were constricted and creativity was enlisted for propaganda. Emotional and sexual abuse often proliferated because we were told our feelings did not matter and could not be trusted; only The Word mattered.”
I’ve shared this on Grease Spot elsewhere - before I went into the way corps I was fairly involved with a band made up of way believers – we wrote most of our own songs, made cassette tapes and played at ministry coffee houses. Fast forward to when I was in residence at Rome City and allowed to pick up my instruments again. I submitted for approval a song to the assistant way corps coordinator that I hoped our in-residence band could perform in the chapel. Admittedly my song was already chock-full of TWI-propaganda – but the assistant corps coordinator with a knack for moving the goalpost critiqued my song in front of the rest of the band all the verses that needed revising – I guess it wasn’t propaganda-enough for him... I was so flabbergasted and never did comply and so I dropped the whole thing...Oh well… but ultimately this incident led to their loss and my gain. I never attempted to write another song promoting TWI’s ideology. I think the incident caused one of the biggest rifts in my TWI-belief system…perhaps the beginning of the end to cult tyranny in my life.
If it was made into a cheesy music video – it would be like one of those stories about a musician who refused to sellout to commercialism.
Edited by T-Boneformatting and typos
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An enlightening and very legitimate inquiry. From wikipedia,
"A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences. All communication (and data processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual images and are used to convey other ideas and beliefs. For example, a red octagon is a common [virtually universal] symbol for "STOP"; on maps, blue lines often represent rivers; and a red rose often symbolizes love and compassion. Numerals are symbols for numbers; letters of an alphabet may be symbols for certain phonemes; and personal names are symbols representing individuals. The variable 'x', in a mathematical equation, may symbolize the position of a particle in space."
For understanding cults, it's important to understand that HUMANS, no matter how discerning and thoughtful any of us can or might be, we ALL take shortcuts. For example, when driving to work or home, if we take the same route all the time, we may get to our destination and NOT be able to consciously remember every time we shifted gears (if we drive a vehicle with standard transmission) or remember having passed any given intersection along the way.
That's because we were essentially on autopilot, which is akin to habits we no longer have to think about, we just do.
Regarding our cult experience, we (repeatedly) took the PFLAP class, the first major mind control mechanism we (almost always willingly) subjected ourselves to in twi. Even the first time, if we had questions, we were not allowed to ask them (ostensibly until the end of session 12). But how many people forgot about those questions in the meantime?
Therefore, when we heard catch phrases like those Penworks included in her paper, we didn't think consciously about whether we agreed with them or not. We simply accepted them as legitimate and truthful and moved on.
This actually may be exactly how we were BRAINWASHED.
The important question to ask yourself may be, well, WHY did you (I) get hooked in the first place?
Again, Charlene at least partially answers the question in her paper when she says we were hungry to know God. Wierwille (and his agents, those who "got us in the Word") claimed and made an argument that HE (VeePee) alone had the key to getting that fulfilled. But was it really that alone?
I say that no, it wasn't. The bottom line is that we needed to belong. We found a group of people with whom we believed we belonged. The "hunger for God" was the ongoing hook that got us to donate more of our earnings than they deserved and to buy more classes, books, and study materials all designed to validate Wierwille as the Great One... even though they didn't dare use that expression, which was reserved for God and the Bible. Hence, the symbols triggered compliance and took the place of our conscious thought and critical analysis.
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