Yeah, "nailed it" when you exited the corps program on your interim year. Smart move.
I don't know what all you saw on your interim year to cause that change........but I was assigned to headquarters and 1979 was the year of major transition. Headquarters was transitioning from the BRC to the OSC........and the rock of ages grounds was being repaved along with the trenching for pipelines and electrical lines. All activity was full speed ahead for the annual two week gatherings of corps week and rock of ages.
All those corps letters that wierwille was writing could not overcome the hardships and burdens that the corps encountered each year.
THE REASON MORE WAVES OF CORPS KEPT EXITING..........more rapidly by 1980......... was hardships and burdens. The burden to attend corps week and roa each year was unsustainable. Anyone with a modicum of empathy for these increasing burdens could SEE THIS. As more corps married........more pregnancies, more babies, more bills, more responsibilities. Life, for them, was rapidly changing and husbands needed to focus on a career path. The corps could not take a 3-week absence from their jobs each year. Full Stop. It was that simple.
No longer could these corps acquire menial jobs or seasonal work. The corps was growing up.
Yet, wierwille in all his "patriarchal wisdom" (cough, cough).........refused to comprehend this. Wierwille was fossilized in his ideology. He expressed no empathy for those corps who'd been faithful for 6 years, 8 years, or 10 years. It was wierwille's way........or the highway.
wierwille was INCAPABLE of FEELING empathy. Psychopaths in general don't feel ANY empathy, and don't see people as seperate people. To them, it's like when you're a SMALL CHILD and the whole world is based on what it means to YOU. Psychopaths look at people and see RESOURCES or OBSTACLES, not people. When the cameras were on, vpw could FAKE empathy like any competent actor. When the cameras were off, we were all just tools to him. The death of a wayfer meant the loss of resources and related loss of gain.
Some people were aware that vpw's decision to run the LEAD program by having everyone BREAK THE LAW by hitchhiking (it wasn't tightly enforced, but it was still the law) led to some women getting raped. He didn't reduce risk in the beginning and make the kids safer. When it actually happened and people complained, vpw's response PRIVATELY to the corps was quite telling. He announced that LEAD wasn't going to change for ANY reason. He MENTIONED concerns about women getting raped. He followed that up by saying " You could be raped down in the green valley here." In other words, he didn't care that his program was causing women to get raped because he was forcing them to get into cars with strangers. He decided it, everyone was to OBEY.
Someone once tried to defend this RIDICULOUS position. "He wanted to teach us to believe and to rely on God." Was vpw really that STUPID that he was UNABLE, even calling in his top people, to come up with a method to teach people that was equally effective but did NOT get women raped?
vpw used hitchhiking because it was FREE. ALL of vpw's plans involved being INCREDIBLY CHEAP. When he filmed pfal, he "bought" the furniture, and immediately sent it back after for a refund, claiming it was defective. When he wanted a SALES PROGRAM, he PLAGIARIZED the Dale Carnegie program and never paid them for it. He bought used stuff at auctions all the time, for all things for regular usage. He had staff work on repairing OLD, USED thngs he bought cheaply and had them struggle with, rather than buy new anything that would see a lot of use (like the printers and so on.) All his programs were based on what he could do for little or no money- which was then DRESSED UP with PIOUS PLATITUDES about how that would please God for other reasons.
vpw TALKED about caring about wayfers all the time. He never showed he cared about them when it came time to do something to make them SAFE or SAFER.
I am somewhat fascinated about how the deluded mind of a cult leader (with a long suit in hypocrisy ) can twist things around…wierwille expected and demanded so much from the corps and set himself up as THE example of how to believe and rely on God - yet all he seemed to believe in was his own delusional bull$hit...relied upon criminal instincts... ... forget about all the demands of honesty and hard work that real scholarship requires - - instead he plagiarized…he lied…he stole… he cheated…he embellished and fabricated stories to build a facade of greatness around himself – “the man of god for this day and time and hour”…now let’s let’s review the “hypocritical oath” which states “When in the public’s eye I swear I will act as if I have higher standards and noble beliefs.”
Now let’s look at: “He announced that LEAD wasn't going to change for ANY reason. He MENTIONED concerns about women getting raped. He followed that up by saying " You could be raped down in the green valley here." …by using the secret-sexual-predator-guilt-leaks-decoder-ring the following decryption is provided: “Why worry about being raped while hitchhiking to or from LEAD when you could be raped in my motor coach right here on grounds.”
Edited by T-Bone revision to the nth degree...somebody stop me!
I'm sure that he didn't think rape was a big deal, and thought that too much of a fuss was made about it.
I'm also sure he never considered what he did as "rape" when he raped the women. He described it as them "taking care of his needs" as if they weren't coerced, and as if he wasn't already married and supposed to take care of that with his Mrs. I mean, if the Bible is your standard, this is not difficult- unless you decide to MAKE it difficult by torturing verses and claiming they mean what they obviously don't mean. (Like when he claimed a verse meant God was fine with orgies.)
It's not that I think he's that fine a person. I'm looking at the strategy at the top. Rosalie and Donna have conspired to put themselves at the top, if not in the most visible role. They were fine with lcm cheating and possibly molesting or raping- as vpw taught him he HAD to do. This kept him busy while they did whatever they wanted. They conspired to put Rosalie in the $2 seat. Then, when lcm was caught, they used the opportunity and handed him over, claiming he was the sole culprit. This also satisfied the lawyers.
Since then, they've needed to avoid lawsuits, and they needed "leaders" who DID AS THEY WERE TOLD. So, the Board was filled with loyal "yes men" who wouldn't think to disobey anything Rosalie- and thus, also Donna- handed down. So, he's propped up and does as he's told, and he keeps a cushy job. If he opens them up to a lawsuit, they'll shove him out so fast his ears will pop.
Of course, I could be wrong, and he could be brilliant at covering his tracks- or did so long ago. It's a lot harder NOW than it once was, so I doubt he's doing it now and just hasn't been caught.
wierwille was INCAPABLE of FEELING empathy. Psychopaths in general don't feel ANY empathy, and don't see people as seperate people. To them, it's like when you're a SMALL CHILD and the whole world is based on what it means to YOU. Psychopaths look at people and see RESOURCES or OBSTACLES, not people. When the cameras were on, vpw could FAKE empathy like any competent actor. When the cameras were off, we were all just tools to him. The death of a wayfer meant the loss of resources and related loss of gain.
When it comes to giving descriptive terms regarding wierwille..........quite often, I gravitate to words like 1) narcissist, 2) plagiarist, 3) false prophet/teacher, 4) opportunist, 5) misogynist, 6) paranoid personality disorder, and 7) sexual predator. I do not claim to have any expertise in psychological evaluations or clinical study. Clearly, there is lots of overlap in these complex fields of psychological study. Therefore, I usually hesitate to say with any certainty that wierwille was a psychopath .....
But what I did see in wierwille's dominant character pattern was the unique alignment with narcissistic personality disorder ...... where *lack of empathy* is one of the nine criteria listed. And, jokingly........I refer to these 9 criteria as wierwille's "all nine all the time."
Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
Continually demeaning, bullying and belittling others
Exploiting others to achieve personal gain
Lack of empathy for the negative impact they have on the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
Need for continual admiration from others
Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
And then, there's the moral/spiritual hypocrisy aspect of wierwille.......that takes much of this entitlement to a whole new level. Wierwille utilized the bureaucratic levers of religion to exploit a mass following. In this deception, wierwille was NOT anti-social, crazy or a nut-job. He was methodical and cunning in manipulating others. Wierwille built a pyramid by exploiting youth labor. He was the classic, modern-day Pharisee.......embracing a sacrosanct demeanor of himself (over others).
That which is sacrosanct is doubly sacred: the two Latin components underlying the word, "sacro" and "sanctus," were combined long ago to form a phrase meaning "hallowed by a sacred rite." Sacro means "by a sacred rite" and comes from "sacrum," a Latin noun that lives on in English anatomy as the name for our pelvic vertebrae-a shortening of "os sacrum," which literally means "holy bone." Sanctus means "sacred" and gave us "saint" and obvious words like "sanctimony," "sanctify," and "sanctuary."
Those last 8 years of wierwille's life (1977-1985) .......he amplified his ancestry, his stedfastness, his calling and his legacy to the corps, repeatedly. Not only did he need the continual admiration of his corps and followers.......he wanted his legacy to be elevated in the pantheon of great men.
Obviously, I can't speak to your motivations (and I know you didn't ask me to), but there hasn't been anyone that matched your insight and communication skill to more effectively spell out the problems as well as you.
Yes, others have told their stories. That's just as important. But your insight has been incredibly valuable and important. Had you not stayed in as long as you had, your story would not be as rich and robust as it is.
So, thank you (on behalf of many others beside just me).
Because of personal stress I'm currently enduring, I've been thinking a lot today about John 16:33.
Rocky.......thanks for your kind words.
Sorry to hear that you are enduring some personal stress. Life certainly gives most of us its share of challenges.......just today, I learned that my nephew in Nashville, TN had his place of business destroyed by that tornado. Smashed up roof, shredded screen-printing equipment, destroyed material and customer orders............but thankfully, this tornado cut its deadly swath in the dark of night when businesses and schools were closed.
Take care Rocky........and March 4th with the sunshine on your face.
Sorry to hear that you are enduring some personal stress. Life certainly gives most of us its share of challenges.......just today, I learned that my nephew in Nashville, TN had his place of business destroyed by that tornado. Smashed up roof, shredded screen-printing equipment, destroyed material and customer orders............but thankfully, this tornado cut its deadly swath in the dark of night when businesses and schools were closed.
Take care Rocky........and March 4th with the sunshine on your face.
All the best to you, skyrider
Indeed, I remember March Fo(u)rth every year.
So glad your nephew only lost property, hopefully he had insurance.
THE REASON MORE WAVES OF CORPS KEPT EXITING..........more rapidly by 1980......... was hardships and burdens. The burden to attend corps week and roa each year was unsustainable. Anyone with a modicum of empathy for these increasing burdens could SEE THIS. As more corps married........more pregnancies, more babies, more bills, more responsibilities. Life, for them, was rapidly changing and husbands needed to focus on a career path. The corps could not take a 3-week absence from their jobs each year. Full Stop. It was that simple.
And now, each year............more corps exit because the blatant hypocrisy and discrepancies cannot be avoided.
What the heck does "way corps" even mean anymore? Does anybody know what time it is?
The time for *choosing* has come and gone................and most corps have GONE.
Hypocrisy everywhere.......vying over the uppermost seats in the "marketplace" and merchandizing of others.
Hq-leadership sit at their cozy desks week after week, year after one inside the closed circle confronts this?
Seems like one of the major reasons for moving corps to another city is DAMAGE CONTROL.....another corps couple left.
What are the hardships and burdens today? Well.......the constant traveling to meetings and events is enough to keep them jumping thru hoops. The board of directors has nothing of relevance to do but time to sit around and scheme more involvement. Travel here, travel there......burn the tires off your car. All time and labor given to the cult is time stolen from your life, family, equity and retirement. It may not seem a big deal when you are in your 20s........just wait till you are in your 60s.
With each passing year......the cult eats away at the fruit of your labor. They store it away into THEIR STOREHOUSE.
The theft of YOUR labor is anti-Christian. All those years of running their classes, sponsoring their programs, involvement in "leadership" programs, sales force as wow ambassadors, teaching rehashed material at twigs and coerced to go witnessing at the local mall......was THEFT of your labor. And further.....when you realize the depth of twi's deception, you realize that even giving them your tithe (or abundant sharing - 15%) was not acceptable.
Also.....the burden of stress/anxiety of keeping up with BOD demands. Paperwork. Reporting back. Public confrontation in front of your peers. Or, character assassination when you are not there. All the while....there's the burden of defending The Way International's reputation and motive. If they know anything about the other side of the wierwille-equation do they defend that? How do they square that circle.......of ethics, proper boundaries, plagiarism, theft, revisionist history, etc? When corps go witnessing (cough, cough) do they withstand the questions when someone goes on the internet and brings forth the DEPTH OF DISCREPANCIES?
Hardships and burdens and lies...............OH MY.
At tomorrow’s STService (March 8, 2020) The Way will announce that they are replacing Jean-Yves De Lisle as President of TWI.
As many of you know, 4-ish years ago there was a huge push back against Rosalie and she “stepped down” as President, but retained a new position, she controlled everything from this shadow office. She had hand picked De Lisle to do her bidding, but she has been upset that he’s spineless with others (he’s only supposed to be that way with her). This week Rosalie instructed him to resign and he will be leaving HQ for another role. They will, of course, spin this differently during the announcement.
Well, Jean-Yves...........hopefully, you will start to see what we warned you about years ago.
You and Michele have been nestled in at twi's headquarters for over 31 years..........and now, change is coming. The corps program indoctrinated you to succumb to twi-allegiance rather than obey God's Truth......and your Canadian background and resume' played well to their "international outreach" marketing ploy.
If there is validity to this announcement, then you are being knocked off a seemingly high perch. But in wasn't a perch at all. You were simply the front man.......the power behind that "position" was off-stage, preparing for Act 5 [ the 5th "president" of twi ]. Rosalie and her accomplices, Donna and Marcia G. .......are the shadow manipulators pushing and pulling the levers of control. And, if Vern Ed-wards is chosen as the next president......why is John Rupp and Bill Greene being passed over?
As this news travels throughout the ex-twi only substantiates, again, that twi is a mess! Built on a plagiarist foundation, wierwille gathered a following of zealous youth by masking his character and intentions. In truth, twi is not just another man-made religion......based on its methods, twi is a cult. It's a modern-day Pharisaic rule of corruption. False teachers, past and present, who have fleeced the congregants and hoarded some $68 million.......may God have mercy on their souls.
It gives me no joy to hear of this news.......other than the fact that it *might* be the kick in the butt you need to get you out the door AWAY FROM TWI. But I am resigned to hold out much hope.......seeing that even the newly-exited way corps climb aboard new splinter groups and ride that train. Choo-choo.
Indoctrination is a bi+ch..........and it takes a hellava lot of work to shake it.
Call me, Jean-Yves. Or private message me. My door is open to you.
If there is validity to this announcement, then you are being knocked off a seemingly high perch. But in wasn't a perch at all. You were simply the front man.......the power behind that "position" was off-stage, preparing for Act 5 [ the 5th "president" of twi ]. Rosalie and her accomplices, Donna and Marcia G. .......are the shadow manipulators pushing and pulling the levers of control. And, if Vern Ed-wards is chosen as the next president......why is John Rupp and Bill Greene being passed over?
Clearly, Rosalie was cunning in her strategy and the tactical advantage of adding a 4th individual to the board of directors. Thus, when Rosalie brought Bill Greene on-board, she knew that Bill would ALWAYS side with her......since Bill's wife, Marcia, is best buds with Rosalie. It seems apparent that everything Rosalie did....when she "stepped-down" (cough, cough) to vice-president AND added Bill to the board......was to diminish the power and effectiveness of the January 2017 president, Jean-Yves.
president [the front man in the revolving door]
vice-president [Rosalie]
vice-chairman (Bill Greene - whatever title given]]
secretary-treasurer [John Rupp]
Who would ever want to be the NEXT president......with 3 back-stabbing officers with long knives?
Why isn't John Rupp or Bill Greene installed as the next "leader?" If not, why not?
What the hell is this.......LEADING FROM BEHIND BUSINESS? It is the seedy, Pharisee-hypocrisy that Jesus confronted. The whole packaging of the twit-cult is in the business of making money.......selling tapes and magazines and programs and events. But.....most of all......selling **cult control from afar** wherein followers are REQUIRED to abundantly share 15% (minimum) each paycheck of their hard-earned money. The cult confiscates it with the heavy hand of spiritual abuse!!!
Was this announcement given to set the tempo for those annual ..............Corps and Staff Placement Meetings in March?
Things at twi's hq must be downright ugly the past 15 years........hearing the update from Moynihan/Fort/Horney letter in March 2017 that "in the past 10 years over 150 way corps have left twi." And many more corps got booted (m/a) after that May 2017 meeting? Another 80-100 corps?
How many corps are in a position to even want to move to fill some damage-control branch position in another state?
Wouldn't the field corps, the few who still are around, have leverage to simply tell Rosalie and co. to "go pound sand".......we ain't moving?
Years was reported that Rosalie was really frustrated with how things had changed after martindale's two lawsuits. Changes in work hours, regulating the amount of overtime staffers worked (without compensation). Changes in retirement age and "benefits." Changes where twi could NOT dictate if a staffer wanted to have a side-business on nights and weekends (which allowed Linder to pursue a real estate representative opportunity).
So......Rosalie lashes out at Jean-Yves for being "spineless"......but what does THAT even mean? Is he supposed to rule with heavy hand on policies that are restricted? Or, is he just supposed to bully corps and followers into submission?
Maybe, just maybe...........Rosalie YOU have egg on your face, because you chose a replacement that faltered........just like wierwille chose martindale and he crashed and burned. Martindale walked into a buzz saw-lawsuit from a pi$$ed-off husband who had the savvy and resources to finish the job.
Put Bill Greene in there as president...........or Chandler. Naw, you wouldn't do that would you? The perks of rulership are to grant favors to your friends and punish those you despise. It stokes fear in the queendom. And, just before those placement a good time for fear.
But maybe not. More corps might just decide to stand up.......and walk out. do realize that Rosalie is handing you a wretched appointment, a non-profit corporation in freefall? Every baseline is failing......momentum, involvement, classes, programs, staffing, sunday service attendance.....and that's just the generic numbers. The internals? You know......the spiritual zeal and fervency has been on the dismal-dial for two decades. It ain't a pretty picture.
So.......why allow Rosalie to be the "mog-whisperer?"
To gain any headway, you are going to have to discard all "administrative-types" from your cabinet.......and find those who have a fervor for walking by the spirit. I know, I know......that is a TALL order seeing how twi has institutionalized wayfers for a generation or two. But,,,, you'd have to unshackle yourself and the "grooming" that's taken place for the past 28 years to turn the ship around.
The only way you, Jean-Yves, are going to make a "road to Damascus" experience. [Acts 9:8ff]
A wretched appointment.......INDEED.
And now, 3 years later...........hundreds more corps and followers have broken free from the chains of the institutionalized doctrine.
On 2/13/2020 at 10:58 AM, Thomas Loy Bumgarner said:
Raymo speaks of how much time in PFAL we spent talking about the cross. Except for 4 crucified section, very little was on the cross. More time was Wierwille talking about holy spirit
Thomas, thanks for pointing that out - that’s a HUGE credibility gap!
Hi Allan
It's Gabriel from way back to TW in New Zealand
Yes- I have no idea why i stuck on to The Way for 5 long years
All i can say is I had been totally brain washed by a devious VPW
and in my opinion TW traps people and makes them feel guilty
if they ever wanted to leave. Apart from a few people like you
I never saw love in TW and it felt like a gestapo- I dont know why
i never spoke up and why I never got out of it.
I know that when Alan was in the way corps with his family,
TW had already been bad mouthing so badly about Alan among
the people in NZ so that nobdy would believe him when he opened
up on the truth
- It was all control, force and compliance
and they always use scriptures that backed up what TW and
the enforcers wanted- TW interpretation of scriptures for instance
how a good soldier of The Lord is always validated when you
follow what they want- Because if you don't then you miss out on
salvation- Get that logic- Thats why it's a dangerous cult and once
you opt to live in a way household then you are further mind controlled
The instructions come from the top and filters down and I think behind
your back, they keep tabs on you.
If anyone has got allan's contact details- I believe he is currently in Australia.
I would appreciate if you
could let him know that I can be contacted via greasespot or through
my face book- just type in Gabe Doraisamy or let me know how I can get in
touch with Allan
Yeah, T-Bone........if followers would only scrutinize [ aka - research ] ..... 1) wierwille's background and 2) the plagiarized work.
Ain't it ironic.........folks who CLAIM to cleave to wierwille's research will not research wierwille's background and deception!!
Yes i agree -This is the big mistake that most twi followers made- we should have researched VW and TW1 much earlier and we might have not
gone through the heartach of clinging on to this clown.
TW is a sinful cult that keeps you in bondage to a false ministry and it keeps you distracted with so many interesting things
.e 4 crucified, 3 days and 3 nights etc
that "wows" us and furthermore vw gives us scriptures like: Acts 17:11[Full Chapter]
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word
with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
We follow the logic that vw is full of integrity and because he is asking us to check
the scriptures out. vw is a true wolf in sheep's clothing. He is falsely "attaching" his cleverly
disguised falseness and plagiarism to the rock solid scriptures of God's word so we never the question the
man who so "bravely" and "fearlessly" asking us to check the scriptures to check if it is true.
There is nothing wrong with the scriptures- it's the spiritual idiot hiding behind the scriptures that stinks
Matthew 7:20King James Version (KJV)
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
By the time the rotten fruit of vw was known anywhere from 5-15 years, it would have shattered countless lives
and left deep wounds and scars
vw is a classic con artist- the devil would be so proud of him
He makes steve martin and michael caine in the movie "dirty rotten scoundrels" look
like amateurs
Yes i agree -This is the big mistake that most twi followers made- we should have researched VW and TW1 much earlier and we might have not
gone through the heartach of clinging on to this clown.
Except that most of the time, people who took the PFLAP class and clung to him and his organization did so primarily because of the illusion that he projected and the fact that they (we) wanted to BELONG to a social CULTure that had such noble ideas and "practices."
Hi Gabriel ! yes we have finally connected !!! I will contact you via your FB page and thanks for the validation that I managed to keep my Agape and Phileo intact during and after TWI...such a shame many didn't and still don't ! talk soon brother LNB, much love too Hazel xx !!!!
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The announcement that you, Jean-Yves, will be twi's next president has reached GreaseSpot Café. Knowing you from those early days in Quebec City, and your WOW year in Toronto.......I am not surpr
Thanks Skyrider! Another tremendous series of posts from a long-time GSC stalwart. Honest and forthright with volumes of FACTS to substantiate your every word. A reason your continued presence he
And that would be God being kind to them... Chocky, your "news footage" well represents the wreck of Wayfers' lives after TWI and the "road to Damascus" that opened our eyes to the evil of TWI.
I am somewhat fascinated about how the deluded mind of a cult leader (with a long suit in hypocrisy ) can twist things around…wierwille expected and demanded so much from the corps and set himself up as THE example of how to believe and rely on God - yet all he seemed to believe in was his own delusional bull$hit...relied upon criminal instincts... ... forget about all the demands of honesty and hard work that real scholarship requires - - instead he plagiarized…he lied…he stole… he cheated…he embellished and fabricated stories to build a facade of greatness around himself – “the man of god for this day and time and hour”…now let’s let’s review the “hypocritical oath” which states “When in the public’s eye I swear I will act as if I have higher standards and noble beliefs.”
Now let’s look at: “He announced that LEAD wasn't going to change for ANY reason. He MENTIONED concerns about women getting raped. He followed that up by saying " You could be raped down in the green valley here." …by using the secret-sexual-predator-guilt-leaks-decoder-ring the following decryption is provided: “Why worry about being raped while hitchhiking to or from LEAD when you could be raped in my motor coach right here on grounds.”
Edited by T-Bonerevision to the nth degree...somebody stop me!
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I'm sure that he didn't think rape was a big deal, and thought that too much of a fuss was made about it.
I'm also sure he never considered what he did as "rape" when he raped the women. He described it as them "taking care of his needs" as if they weren't coerced, and as if he wasn't already married and supposed to take care of that with his Mrs. I mean, if the Bible is your standard, this is not difficult- unless you decide to MAKE it difficult by torturing verses and claiming they mean what they obviously don't mean. (Like when he claimed a verse meant God was fine with orgies.)
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Just to bring this slightly back on track: Does anyone have any tales of JYdeL assaulting women?
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That would be mostly newbies, who could answer this, if whisper ever got out at HQ.
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I suspect not, but I don't know that.
It's not that I think he's that fine a person. I'm looking at the strategy at the top. Rosalie and Donna have conspired to put themselves at the top, if not in the most visible role. They were fine with lcm cheating and possibly molesting or raping- as vpw taught him he HAD to do. This kept him busy while they did whatever they wanted. They conspired to put Rosalie in the $2 seat. Then, when lcm was caught, they used the opportunity and handed him over, claiming he was the sole culprit. This also satisfied the lawyers.
Since then, they've needed to avoid lawsuits, and they needed "leaders" who DID AS THEY WERE TOLD. So, the Board was filled with loyal "yes men" who wouldn't think to disobey anything Rosalie- and thus, also Donna- handed down. So, he's propped up and does as he's told, and he keeps a cushy job. If he opens them up to a lawsuit, they'll shove him out so fast his ears will pop.
Of course, I could be wrong, and he could be brilliant at covering his tracks- or did so long ago. It's a lot harder NOW than it once was, so I doubt he's doing it now and just hasn't been caught.
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I know that, WW, that's why I asked if newbies had information.
What you (and I) know is decades out of date; I don't doubt that he's aware of the background and has to some extent colluded in what was going on.
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When it comes to giving descriptive terms regarding wierwille..........quite often, I gravitate to words like 1) narcissist, 2) plagiarist, 3) false prophet/teacher, 4) opportunist, 5) misogynist, 6) paranoid personality disorder, and 7) sexual predator. I do not claim to have any expertise in psychological evaluations or clinical study. Clearly, there is lots of overlap in these complex fields of psychological study. Therefore, I usually hesitate to say with any certainty that wierwille was a psychopath .....
But what I did see in wierwille's dominant character pattern was the unique alignment with narcissistic personality disorder ...... where *lack of empathy* is one of the nine criteria listed. And, jokingly........I refer to these 9 criteria as wierwille's "all nine all the time."
And then, there's the moral/spiritual hypocrisy aspect of wierwille.......that takes much of this entitlement to a whole new level. Wierwille utilized the bureaucratic levers of religion to exploit a mass following. In this deception, wierwille was NOT anti-social, crazy or a nut-job. He was methodical and cunning in manipulating others. Wierwille built a pyramid by exploiting youth labor. He was the classic, modern-day Pharisee.......embracing a sacrosanct demeanor of himself (over others).
Those last 8 years of wierwille's life (1977-1985) .......he amplified his ancestry, his stedfastness, his calling and his legacy to the corps, repeatedly. Not only did he need the continual admiration of his corps and followers.......he wanted his legacy to be elevated in the pantheon of great men.
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Rocky.......thanks for your kind words.
Sorry to hear that you are enduring some personal stress. Life certainly gives most of us its share of challenges.......just today, I learned that my nephew in Nashville, TN had his place of business destroyed by that tornado. Smashed up roof, shredded screen-printing equipment, destroyed material and customer orders............but thankfully, this tornado cut its deadly swath in the dark of night when businesses and schools were closed.
Take care Rocky........and March 4th
with the sunshine on your face.
All the best to you, skyrider
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Indeed, I remember March Fo(u)rth every year.
Edited by RockySo glad your nephew only lost property, hopefully he had insurance.
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And now, each year............more corps exit because the blatant hypocrisy and discrepancies cannot be avoided.
What are the hardships and burdens today? Well.......the constant traveling to meetings and events is enough to keep them jumping thru hoops. The board of directors has nothing of relevance to do but time to sit around and scheme more involvement. Travel here, travel there......burn the tires off your car. All time and labor given to the cult is time stolen from your life, family, equity and retirement. It may not seem a big deal when you are in your 20s........just wait till you are in your 60s.
With each passing year......the cult eats away at the fruit of your labor. They store it away into THEIR STOREHOUSE.
The theft of YOUR labor is anti-Christian. All those years of running their classes, sponsoring their programs, involvement in "leadership" programs, sales force as wow ambassadors, teaching rehashed material at twigs and coerced to go witnessing at the local mall......was THEFT of your labor. And further.....when you realize the depth of twi's deception, you realize that even giving them your tithe (or abundant sharing - 15%) was not acceptable.
Also.....the burden of stress/anxiety of keeping up with BOD demands. Paperwork. Reporting back. Public confrontation in front of your peers. Or, character assassination when you are not there. All the while....there's the burden of defending The Way International's reputation and motive. If they know anything about the other side of the wierwille-equation do they defend that? How do they square that circle.......of ethics, proper boundaries, plagiarism, theft, revisionist history, etc? When corps go witnessing (cough, cough) do they withstand the questions when someone goes on the internet and brings forth the DEPTH OF DISCREPANCIES?
Hardships and burdens and lies...............OH MY.
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Well, Jean-Yves...........hopefully, you will start to see what we warned you about years ago.
You and Michele have been nestled in at twi's headquarters for over 31 years..........and now, change is coming. The corps program indoctrinated you to succumb to twi-allegiance rather than obey God's Truth......and your Canadian background and resume' played well to their "international outreach" marketing ploy.
If there is validity to this announcement, then you are being knocked off a seemingly high perch. But in wasn't a perch at all. You were simply the front man.......the power behind that "position" was off-stage, preparing for Act 5 [ the 5th "president" of twi ]. Rosalie and her accomplices, Donna and Marcia G. .......are the shadow manipulators pushing and pulling the levers of control. And, if Vern Ed-wards is chosen as the next president......why is John Rupp and Bill Greene being passed over?
As this news travels throughout the ex-twi only substantiates, again, that twi is a mess! Built on a plagiarist foundation, wierwille gathered a following of zealous youth by masking his character and intentions. In truth, twi is not just another man-made religion......based on its methods, twi is a cult. It's a modern-day Pharisaic rule of corruption. False teachers, past and present, who have fleeced the congregants and hoarded some $68 million.......may God have mercy on their souls.
It gives me no joy to hear of this news.......other than the fact that it *might* be the kick in the butt you need to get you out the door AWAY FROM TWI. But I am resigned to hold out much hope.......seeing that even the newly-exited way corps climb aboard new splinter groups and ride that train. Choo-choo.
Indoctrination is a bi+ch..........and it takes a hellava lot of work to shake it.
Call me, Jean-Yves. Or private message me. My door is open to you.
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Clearly, Rosalie was cunning in her strategy and the tactical advantage of adding a 4th individual to the board of directors. Thus, when Rosalie brought Bill Greene on-board, she knew that Bill would ALWAYS side with her......since Bill's wife, Marcia, is best buds with Rosalie. It seems apparent that everything Rosalie did....when she "stepped-down" (cough, cough) to vice-president AND added Bill to the board......was to diminish the power and effectiveness of the January 2017 president, Jean-Yves.
Who would ever want to be the NEXT president......with 3 back-stabbing officers with long knives?
Why isn't John Rupp or Bill Greene installed as the next "leader?" If not, why not?
What the hell is this.......LEADING FROM BEHIND BUSINESS? It is the seedy, Pharisee-hypocrisy that Jesus confronted. The whole packaging of the twit-cult is in the business of making money.......selling tapes and magazines and programs and events. But.....most of all......selling **cult control from afar** wherein followers are REQUIRED to abundantly share 15% (minimum) each paycheck of their hard-earned money. The cult confiscates it with the heavy hand of spiritual abuse!!!
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"At tomorrow’s STService (March 8, 2020) The Way will announce that they are replacing Jean-Yves De Lisle as President of TWI."
Was this announcement given to set the tempo for those annual ..............Corps and Staff Placement Meetings in March?
Years was reported that Rosalie was really frustrated with how things had changed after martindale's two lawsuits. Changes in work hours, regulating the amount of overtime staffers worked (without compensation). Changes in retirement age and "benefits." Changes where twi could NOT dictate if a staffer wanted to have a side-business on nights and weekends (which allowed Linder to pursue a real estate representative opportunity).
So......Rosalie lashes out at Jean-Yves for being "spineless"......but what does THAT even mean? Is he supposed to rule with heavy hand on policies that are restricted? Or, is he just supposed to bully corps and followers into submission?
Maybe, just maybe...........Rosalie YOU have egg on your face, because you chose a replacement that faltered........just like wierwille chose martindale and he crashed and burned. Martindale walked into a buzz saw-lawsuit from a pi$$ed-off husband who had the savvy and resources to finish the job.
Put Bill Greene in there as president...........or Chandler. Naw, you wouldn't do that would you? The perks of rulership are to grant favors to your friends and punish those you despise. It stokes fear in the queendom. And, just before those placement a good time for fear.
But maybe not. More corps might just decide to stand up.......and walk out.
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A wretched appointment.......INDEED.
And now, 3 years later...........hundreds more corps and followers have broken free from the chains of the institutionalized doctrine.
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Thomas, thanks for pointing that out - that’s a HUGE credibility gap!
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This reminds me to be thankful it's March and I don't have that Corps Evaluation that I dreaded. Nor do I have to justify where I want to live. Yay!
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Hi Allan
It's Gabriel from way back to TW in New Zealand
Yes- I have no idea why i stuck on to The Way for 5 long years
All i can say is I had been totally brain washed by a devious VPW
and in my opinion TW traps people and makes them feel guilty
if they ever wanted to leave. Apart from a few people like you
I never saw love in TW and it felt like a gestapo- I dont know why
i never spoke up and why I never got out of it.
I know that when Alan was in the way corps with his family,
TW had already been bad mouthing so badly about Alan among
the people in NZ so that nobdy would believe him when he opened
up on the truth
- It was all control, force and compliance
and they always use scriptures that backed up what TW and
the enforcers wanted- TW interpretation of scriptures for instance
how a good soldier of The Lord is always validated when you
follow what they want- Because if you don't then you miss out on
salvation- Get that logic- Thats why it's a dangerous cult and once
you opt to live in a way household then you are further mind controlled
The instructions come from the top and filters down and I think behind
your back, they keep tabs on you.
If anyone has got allan's contact details- I believe he is currently in Australia.
I would appreciate if you
could let him know that I can be contacted via greasespot or through
my face book- just type in Gabe Doraisamy or let me know how I can get in
touch with Allan
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Gabriel! Check your private messages.
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Yes i agree -This is the big mistake that most twi followers made- we should have researched VW and TW1 much earlier and we might have not
gone through the heartach of clinging on to this clown.
TW is a sinful cult that keeps you in bondage to a false ministry and it keeps you distracted with so many interesting things
.e 4 crucified, 3 days and 3 nights etc
that "wows" us and furthermore vw gives us scriptures like:
Acts 17:11 [Full Chapter]
with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
We follow the logic that vw is full of integrity and because he is asking us to check
the scriptures out. vw is a true wolf in sheep's clothing. He is falsely "attaching" his cleverly
disguised falseness and plagiarism to the rock solid scriptures of God's word so we never the question the
man who so "bravely" and "fearlessly" asking us to check the scriptures to check if it is true.
There is nothing wrong with the scriptures- it's the spiritual idiot hiding behind the scriptures that stinks
Matthew 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
By the time the rotten fruit of vw was known anywhere from 5-15 years, it would have shattered countless lives
and left deep wounds and scars
vw is a classic con artist- the devil would be so proud of him
He makes steve martin and michael caine in the movie "dirty rotten scoundrels" look
like amateurs
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Except that most of the time, people who took the PFLAP class and clung to him and his organization did so primarily because of the illusion that he projected and the fact that they (we) wanted to BELONG to a social CULTure that had such noble ideas and "practices."
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Hi Gabriel ! yes we have finally connected !!! I will contact you via your FB page and thanks for the validation that I managed to keep my Agape and Phileo intact during and after TWI...such a shame many didn't and still don't ! talk soon brother LNB, much love too Hazel xx !!!!
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So Skyrider, do you want to start a new "Open Letter to Vern Edwards" now?
New broom sweeps clean, and all that. Yeah, right.
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