's the latest manufactured "need" for "rev" gerry to meet. A couple of interesting changes from the last one of these I posted.
"NO CHARGE"! That's a switch. Little gerry used to charge a "registration fee" of $25-35 per person made payable to whatever poor sucker was laundering the "fees" straight into little gerry's wallets.
Now, it looks like little Gerry had to straighten that out after we pointed it out to him here at the GSC. His pal Joe Block lets little gerry know what his enemies are sharing about gerry and his minustray. I suppose "rev" gerry just does the professional begging abundant sharing "teaching" for an hour or so on Sunday, and just takes the cash for himself. "The laborer is worthy of his hire" dontchya know!
"Great Treasures (.org) and Bible(in Facebook) are dedicated to helping people read and study the Scriptures.
This site is a quiet, theologically-neutral safe haven for reading the Scriptures, chapter by chapter, and book by book. It is provided as a service to the body of Christ at large, to the glory of God.
Rev. Walter J. Cummins, Working Translation: A Journey through the Acts and Epistles (2013) is given on this site". This blurb appears at little gerry's "speaktomefather" site under the category of "resource materials". That used to be where little Gerry posted all of bullinger's stuff along with dic wierwille's stuff, and little gerry's letters to the in-Rez corpse at emporia, George Muehler's book, a Grace Bliss bio, and a number of audio tapes by dictor Paul himself. Don't know where he hid all those.
Birds of a feather, or birds of their faddah-in-da-woid, dictor paul wierwille. Cummins, Wrenn, Crouch, and others teach at JP's son's (V2P2) cult in MS, SOWERS. Cummins is still "working" with the busdriver geer on the advanced class redux that dictor commissioned them to do on his deathbed(sic!). Little gerry is hooked into his ECU pirate buddies earl "the pearl" burton, geoooooorrrrge hendley, "rev" Dougie super-secret-double-probation-security-killer-guy macmullan at SOWERS which sits on dougie's old family farm, jallyroll francencough's TLTF, and their old 1st corpse brutha, Bo Reahard, Bruce Mahone, professor ludwig Von schoenheit, Jim Melton, Maurice goulet, Lester Wiley carver, and a dozen other offshoot cults.
These are the REAL corpses ya know! Faithful to their dead, waterlogged, cancerous idol under da fountain. They're all just so socially proper yet remain deluded by their right-wing JBS-rooted theology. They NEED TO RULE! No matter how big or small, they need to tell the world what's right. A bunch of pompous, self-important spoiled brats like the old landed Confederate Aristocracy, with very similar political beliefs.
It's hard to miss the redundant emphasis on financial prosperity... as if that's a key aspect of having and believing the truth, knowing the Lord, and/or living a Christian life.
But then, if the adherents to the message have "the abundant life," well... then all the easier it is to teach and talk about sharing that abundance, eh? It's so easy to quote Christ and say that the laborer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7), and to say that it applies to a minister of Christ... but what does the example of Paul, who was plainly made a minister, attest to? Did he take wages of or from others? Does he, anywhere in all of his writings, teach (or implicitly condone) such a thing? I think not. To live a quiet and peaceable life (in all godliness and honesty) seems to be a far, far cry from the "prosperity" that is (and so often was) promoted elsewhere...
Ah, but who is Paul, that anyone should ever think or want to follow his example?
If there's any doubt concerning the emphasis on financial prosperity, this is the pic (below the ad for selling his own book) on said website that actually stirred up a few thoughts on the matter...
Jesus freaks? They talk about Jesus now? (not "Christ"?) Hmm. In the words of the song, Do you (they) know my Jesus? Or are they still preaching "another" Jesus - NOT the one most Christians know? Anyway... new thread to discuss this. It's not about Wrenn.
Welcome, Sastian. As you say, perhaps not a great thread to start with! DontWorryBeHappy doesn't pull his punches. There are less challenging places to start.
Do tell us about yourself in New Members. Somebody will offer you a coffee soon, no doubt. Waiter here doesn't seem to like me and thinks I've ordered too much coffee already.
"Great Treasures (.org) and Bible(in Facebook) are dedicated to helping people read and study the Scriptures.
This site is a quiet, theologically-neutral safe haven for reading the Scriptures, chapter by chapter, and book by book. It is provided as a service to the body of Christ at large, to the glory of God.
Rev. Walter J. Cummins, Working Translation: A Journey through the Acts and Epistles (2013) is given on this site". This blurb appears at little gerry's "speaktomefather" site under the category of "resource materials". That used to be where little Gerry posted all of bullinger's stuff along with dic wierwille's stuff, and little gerry's letters to the in-Rez corpse at emporia, George Muehler's book, a Grace Bliss bio, and a number of audio tapes by dictor Paul himself. Don't know where he hid all those.
Birds of a feather, or birds of their faddah-in-da-woid, dictor paul wierwille. Cummins, Wrenn, Crouch, and others teach at JP's son's (V2P2) cult in MS, SOWERS. Cummins is still "working" with the busdriver geer on the advanced class redux that dictor commissioned them to do on his deathbed(sic!). Little gerry is hooked into his ECU pirate buddies earl "the pearl" burton, geoooooorrrrge hendley, "rev" Dougie super-secret-double-probation-security-killer-guy macmullan at SOWERS which sits on dougie's old family farm, jallyroll francencough's TLTF, and their old 1st corpse brutha, Bo Reahard, Bruce Mahone, professor ludwig Von schoenheit, Jim Melton, Maurice goulet, Lester Wiley carver, and a dozen other offshoot cults.
These are the REAL corpses ya know! Faithful to their dead, waterlogged, cancerous idol under da fountain. They're all just so socially proper yet remain deluded by their right-wing JBS-rooted theology. They NEED TO RULE! No matter how big or small, they need to tell the world what's right. A bunch of pompous, self-important spoiled brats like the old landed Confederate Aristocracy, with very similar political beliefs.
Final thoughts? CAVEAT EMPTOR.
DWBH, I had enough JBS at the AC back in 1985; I hated it then, and I hate it now. I personally do not want to waste my time on anyone who is a VPW "Wannabe." If others want to support them, and listen to their Donkey Dung, so be it. Ten years in TWI, was more than enough for me.
wow, probably not the best thread to read first. there's a lot of venom here.
Sastian, you must be a new member. If there is "a lot of venom here," its because a lot of people "here," got hurt so badly in TWI. I love coming to this site, because I see a lot of hope, and healing. I hope your time here, is a hopeful, and helpful one for you.
Did you ever graduate from Elementary School? Just wondering. Have a great day storming the castle. Bye bye now. Please get the medical and/or psychological help you obviously need. Thank you, and good luck!
People it has been like 30 years since most of this stuff went down
what the hell are you people doing here still discussing VPW and the rest
[I noticed you "necro'd" a thread inactive more than a decade, just to say your peace on a long-dead discussion. If you cared about the subject, 30 years would be no barrier to you. But people were hurt, people died, and people are processing all the information NOW to get their healing and move on. Last of all, new people hear about twi, and they come here to learn about it- then steer clear. We help people by discussing all of this.]
I see someone here mentioned this a place for healing - you are kidding right
[Just as diabetes medication doesn't help someone who doesn't have diabetes, perhaps the help here is not useful to you- but it can mean life-or-death to another. You can choose to respect that and just let things run their course.]
Ralph damn man revengence is mine dairy the Lord (why am I quoting scripture to you Oh My Gosh !!!) you have swallowed the bitter pill and I know you will just rationalize some argument to show I am wrong
remember the scripture
whatsoever things are pure
of good report etc
of course you do
[Alexander the coopersmith did me much evil- The Lord reward him according to his works. There's warning about evildoers in Scripture. It's not all just shiny "sing Kumbayah and ignore those seeking to harm the flock."]
damn you make me angry and VERY sad
thwre is still time brother forgive forgive forgive
the warning has been sounded long ago!
[And it still needs sounding, as long as twi and its clones still exist. People are still arriving and seeking answers-and getting them. This allows them to heal, grow, and get on with their lives.]
you are no helping anyone most of all Christ by continuing in this manner
[Hundreds of people have posted to say the opposite. We don't know the numbers of those who never signed up to do that- but we know there have been plenty.]
Recommended Posts
DontWorryBeHappy's the latest manufactured "need" for "rev" gerry to meet. A couple of interesting changes from the last one of these I posted.
"NO CHARGE"! That's a switch. Little gerry used to charge a "registration fee" of $25-35 per person made payable to whatever poor sucker was laundering the "fees" straight into little gerry's wallets.
Now, it looks like little Gerry had to straighten that out after we pointed it out to him here at the GSC. His pal Joe Block lets little gerry know what his enemies are sharing about gerry and his minustray. I suppose "rev" gerry just does the professional begging abundant sharing "teaching" for an hour or so on Sunday, and just takes the cash for himself. "The laborer is worthy of his hire" dontchya know!
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"Great Treasures (.org) and Bible(in Facebook) are dedicated to helping people read and study the Scriptures.
This site is a quiet, theologically-neutral safe haven for reading the Scriptures, chapter by chapter, and book by book. It is provided as a service to the body of Christ at large, to the glory of God.
Rev. Walter J. Cummins, Working Translation: A Journey through the Acts and Epistles (2013) is given on this site". This blurb appears at little gerry's "speaktomefather" site under the category of "resource materials". That used to be where little Gerry posted all of bullinger's stuff along with dic wierwille's stuff, and little gerry's letters to the in-Rez corpse at emporia, George Muehler's book, a Grace Bliss bio, and a number of audio tapes by dictor Paul himself. Don't know where he hid all those.
Birds of a feather, or birds of their faddah-in-da-woid, dictor paul wierwille. Cummins, Wrenn, Crouch, and others teach at JP's son's (V2P2) cult in MS, SOWERS. Cummins is still "working" with the busdriver geer on the advanced class redux that dictor commissioned them to do on his deathbed(sic!). Little gerry is hooked into his ECU pirate buddies earl "the pearl" burton, geoooooorrrrge hendley, "rev" Dougie super-secret-double-probation-security-killer-guy macmullan at SOWERS which sits on dougie's old family farm, jallyroll francencough's TLTF, and their old 1st corpse brutha, Bo Reahard, Bruce Mahone, professor ludwig Von schoenheit, Jim Melton, Maurice goulet, Lester Wiley carver, and a dozen other offshoot cults.
These are the REAL corpses ya know! Faithful to their dead, waterlogged, cancerous idol under da fountain. They're all just so socially proper yet remain deluded by their right-wing JBS-rooted theology. They NEED TO RULE! No matter how big or small, they need to tell the world what's right. A bunch of pompous, self-important spoiled brats like the old landed Confederate Aristocracy, with very similar political beliefs.
Final thoughts? CAVEAT EMPTOR.
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It's hard to miss the redundant emphasis on financial prosperity... as if that's a key aspect of having and believing the truth, knowing the Lord, and/or living a Christian life.
But then, if the adherents to the message have "the abundant life," well... then all the easier it is to teach and talk about sharing that abundance, eh? It's so easy to quote Christ and say that the laborer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7), and to say that it applies to a minister of Christ... but what does the example of Paul, who was plainly made a minister, attest to? Did he take wages of or from others? Does he, anywhere in all of his writings, teach (or implicitly condone) such a thing? I think not. To live a quiet and peaceable life (in all godliness and honesty) seems to be a far, far cry from the "prosperity" that is (and so often was) promoted elsewhere...
Ah, but who is Paul, that anyone should ever think or want to follow his example?
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There is no need to purposely stir up a hornet's nest.
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The truth... stir up a hornet's nest? Never.
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If there's any doubt concerning the emphasis on financial prosperity, this is the pic (below the ad for selling his own book) on said website that actually stirred up a few thoughts on the matter...
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This is Braker's website:
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The Way has become a bickering drama of Jesus freaks
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Welcome to GSC. What's a drama without snacks?
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Hello, Signals. Welcome to the Cafe!
Jesus freaks? They talk about Jesus now? (not "Christ"?) Hmm. In the words of the song, Do you (they) know my Jesus? Or are they still preaching "another" Jesus - NOT the one most Christians know? Anyway... new thread to discuss this. It's not about Wrenn.
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Might make a good soap opera
“As the Jesus Freaks”
No wait...that sounds like the Messiah has issues
How about “As the Jesus Freaks Freak”
…well anyway, welcome to Grease Spot, Signals2112 !
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wow, probably not the best thread to read first. there's a lot of venom here.
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Welcome, Sastian. As you say, perhaps not a great thread to start with! DontWorryBeHappy doesn't pull his punches. There are less challenging places to start.
Do tell us about yourself in New Members. Somebody will offer you a coffee soon, no doubt. Waiter here doesn't seem to like me and thinks I've ordered too much coffee already.
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Welcome, Sastian.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, I had enough JBS at the AC back in 1985; I hated it then, and I hate it now. I personally do not want to waste my time on anyone who is a VPW "Wannabe." If others want to support them, and listen to their Donkey Dung, so be it. Ten years in TWI, was more than enough for me.
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Grace Valerie Claire
2112, it was like that 40 years ago, or more. BS is still BS; no matter what year it is.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sastian, you must be a new member. If there is "a lot of venom here," its because a lot of people "here," got hurt so badly in TWI. I love coming to this site, because I see a lot of hope, and healing. I hope your time here, is a hopeful, and helpful one for you.
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People it has been like 30 years since most of this stuff went down
what the hell are you people doing here still discussing VPW and the rest
I see someone here mentioned this a place for healing - you are kidding right
Ralph damn man revengence is mine dairy the Lord (why am I quoting scripture to you Oh My Gosh !!!)
you have swallowed the bitter pill and I know you will just rationalize some argument to show I am wrong
remember the scripture
whatsoever things are pure
of good report etc
of course you do
damn you make me angry and VERY sad
thwre is still time brother
the warning has been sounded long ago!
you are no helping anyone most of all Christ
by continuing in this manner
peace out
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Grace Valerie Claire
Guy, WTF are you talking about??!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Guy, WTF are you talking about??!!
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Hey Guy:
Did you ever graduate from Elementary School? Just wondering. Have a great day storming the castle. Bye bye now. Please get the medical and/or psychological help you obviously need. Thank you, and good luck!
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For the sake of discussion, let me ask, "still time for what?"

What warning has been sounded? Is the madness continuing in TWI?
Who are you to be throwing stones?
Have you pondered why and at whom you are very angry and sad?
Are the complexities of life ever resolved by invoking platitudes?
Peace dude!
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People it has been like 30 years since most of this stuff went down
what the hell are you people doing here still discussing VPW and the rest
[I noticed you "necro'd" a thread inactive more than a decade, just to say your peace on a long-dead discussion. If you cared about the subject, 30 years would be no barrier to you. But people were hurt, people died, and people are processing all the information NOW to get their healing and move on. Last of all, new people hear about twi, and they come here to learn about it- then steer clear. We help people by discussing all of this.]
I see someone here mentioned this a place for healing - you are kidding right
[Just as diabetes medication doesn't help someone who doesn't have diabetes, perhaps the help here is not useful to you- but it can mean life-or-death to another. You can choose to respect that and just let things run their course.]
Ralph damn man revengence is mine dairy the Lord (why am I quoting scripture to you Oh My Gosh !!!) you have swallowed the bitter pill and I know you will just rationalize some argument to show I am wrong
remember the scripture
whatsoever things are pure
of good report etc
of course you do
[Alexander the coopersmith did me much evil- The Lord reward him according to his works. There's warning about evildoers in Scripture. It's not all just shiny "sing Kumbayah and ignore those seeking to harm the flock."]
damn you make me angry and VERY sad
thwre is still time brother forgive forgive forgive
the warning has been sounded long ago!
[And it still needs sounding, as long as twi and its clones still exist. People are still arriving and seeking answers-and getting them. This allows them to heal, grow, and get on with their lives.]
you are no helping anyone most of all Christ by continuing in this manner
[Hundreds of people have posted to say the opposite. We don't know the numbers of those who never signed up to do that- but we know there have been plenty.]
peace out
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I'm am shocked :( about all the things I'm reading.
My "guts" kept telling me some things were wrong...
I never went to the Corps but I heard about things that were tough.
Then heard about the sexual abuse.
Then a few things about Geer that one day pushed me violently because someone did something he didn't like and I was in his way...
He was about money someone told me.
What happened to Gartmore? Where's the money? Who collected it? Houses in Maine are expensive...
I understand why our country co wanted to protect us. We were so young...
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