I continue to posit that TLTF and jally francencough teach and practice anti(against)-Christ Pauline dominated spiritualism. Again, words carefully and purposefully chosen for clarity and context for this thread. Counterpoint opinions and snide remarks welcome........lol.
I firmly believe that exposure of the self-serving VPW offshoot minustrays is necessary. They are every bit the destructive cults that dictor's Way was. Jallyroll, "rev" gerry wrenn, "rev" earl burton, "rev" joooorrrrge hendley, Jim melton, geer, seed, professor von schoenheit, "Dr." dale sides, "levitical rabbi" michael rood awakening, maurice goulet, dandy don alexander, sha-na-nandra higgins, franco bottley, JP Wierwille and super-secret-double-agent "rev" douggie macmullan at SOWERS, "rev" beence finnegan and his fake kingdom cult, living hope ministries int'l, "rev" charlie "bless patrol" quillen in IL, "rev" franklin smith, and the scores of other waybrained wierwille worshippers with their own slimeball minustrays to beg for their retirement of easy donation living......LOL.
That's the purpose of these offshoot subforums. Inform, expose, drain donations. These megalomaniacs and paranoid narcissists need to held to account. Thankfully, GSC provides an extremely important venue for exposing these cults.
Well.....it is finished! And what a feat of personal believing and commitment it is. One for the ages ya know. JCDOA is in the can! Here's jally francencough's version of how great jallyroll was and is:
"My heartfelt thanks goes to each of these stalwart saints, with whom I now have a special bond. And when you see the finished product, which we hope to have by sometime in early November, I think you will agree that, by the abundant grace and mercy of our Father and our Lord, we succeeded. Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages looks to be about 18 hours of priceless truth presented dynamically, poignantly, and humorously, while being enhanced by Franco Bottleyās heart-grabbing graphics and versatile use of state-of-the-art technology. I think you will love it!"
"We began each day with prayer, manifestations, and inspiring music (which JCDA will contain LOTS of). We prayed for each person who was praying for us, and if you are among them, and if you are among those who contributed financially to this project, THANK YOU! We could not have done what we did without the prayer support we had.We had an absolute riot! The blood test I had on July 20, the day after I got home, showed that my numbers (RBC, WBC, Platelets) are all down, meaning I have less energy, so I know it was their love, plus God, Jesus, your prayers, two oxygen tanks (free, courtesy of Marcās doctor friend) the Bemer electromagnetic circulation stimulator (courtesy of Daniel), a throat steamer (courtesy of Christina), MRET water, Marigold bars, Epic meat bars, and Danaās foot rubs that energized me to get through a rather grueling endeavor. THANK YOU for praying for Franco and me as we put the finishing touches on this vivid portrayal of the most unique man ever."
WOW! What a faithful moggie! Even better than his faddah-in-da-woid. What a hero ! What a fantastic bible salesmen to the glory of his own narcissistic personality disorder. I knew it would be self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, but it has far exceeded my expectations. More of the same old cult tripe that's going on 50 years old now. Is this gonna be it? I sure hope so! There are already enough destructive JBS, right wing "Christian" nutjob cults out there. Does jeeezus really need or want yet another one? Your opinions, comments, or snide remarks are welcome.
in my humble opinion - applying the title Diameter of the Ages to Jesus Christ - always sounded kinda clunky or suggesting something high tech - with a sprig of new age thrown in to boot....maybe i'm just old fashioned - i prefer sticking to the titles applied to Jesus Christ that are given in the Bible....anyway i have no interest in his seminar - even though i noticed it was on itunes.
Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and inĀ between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!"Ā
The entire context of jally'sĀ new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His.Ā
Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO.
That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?
Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and inĀ between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!"Ā
The entire context of jally'sĀ new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His.Ā
Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO.
That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?
thanks for that post, Don't Worry - very incisive! For some reason that made me think of Luke 9: 49 & 50 - where John came to Jesus Christ and said they (John and some other disciples) saw someone casting out demons in Jesus' name -Ā we tried to stop him because he wasn't affiliated with our group (T-Bone paraphrase); Jesus responded with saying don't hinder him - whoever is not against us is for us.
edited: wanted to tack on a clarification - i did not intend to convey the idea that any offshoots of TWI are doing some form of service for Jesus Christ that is similar to other groups; i merely wanted to criticize the snobbish exclusivity of offshoots - i.e. "you can't do jack-squat unless you're with us and know what we know."....and to cut everyone "some slack" - i'll speak very broadly now and say it another way: whoever is not antagonistic to Jesus Christ can't be all that bad.Ā
Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and inĀ between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!"Ā
The entire context of jally'sĀ new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His.Ā
Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO.
That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?
Good stuff DWBH. Ā Works-based so-called christianity will always leave a person empty and unsatisfied. Ā The genuine article puts the capital "C" back in Christ, makes him Lord in reality and is all about living a relationship with Him. Ā
Something these antichrists know nothing about flapping their jaws in the breeze and setting themselves up to be the mediator to cure your works problem, which of course will involve sending them money, because all that hot air making is hard work and deserves compensation, don-cha-know....
Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again!Ā And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!!Ā Hehehe.Ā It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me!Ā
Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me.Ā It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside.Ā His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way!Ā I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions.Ā Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me.Ā All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years!Ā Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer.Ā Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal!Ā "Get a chart - get a life"?Ā I don't think so!
Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again!Ā And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!!Ā Hehehe.Ā It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me!Ā
Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me.Ā It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside.Ā His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way!Ā I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions.Ā Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me.Ā All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years!Ā Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer.Ā Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal!Ā "Get a chart - get a life"?Ā I don't think so!
I think you were describing Animatronics. And I probably couldn't come up with a better description of JAL. I've thought for a long time that he has seemed inauthentic.
Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again!Ā And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!!Ā Hehehe.Ā It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me!Ā
Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me.Ā It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside.Ā His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way!Ā I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions.Ā Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me.Ā All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years!Ā Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer.Ā Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal!Ā "Get a chart - get a life"?Ā I don't think so!
my aunt took me to the 1964 World's Fair....only two things come out of distant memories: my aunt bought me a beret (i loved hats) - which i also lost later that day; and i saw a Sea Hunt themed detective show - in one of the halls they had a giant water tank with a huge viewing window - Loyd Bridges' voice over the speakers and a "detective" with a trench coat over his slim line air tank is in his underwater office with a desk, filing cabinet, etc. going through the motions of working on a case in sync with the voice-over - really dorky but i thought it was the craziest coolest thing back then since i watched the TV show....
Anyway - i know exactly what you mean about JAL's stiff manner; i've seen him teach several times and went to some corps promos he did; at the time i thought it was entertaining - but now consider his gig as nothing but all hype.....reminds me of a person i knew in high school who would launch into doing some stand up comic's routine - he'd have the lines, inflections, and gestures down pat - kinda funny and yet kinda not since it was an imitation...this guy wasn't naturally funny either - so it came across as just an act....when i think of JAL now i imagine he may think of himself as a consummate salesman for god. (intentional lower case on God spelling)
I think you were describing Animatronics. And I probably couldn't come up with a better description of JAL. I've thought for a long time that he has seemed inauthentic.
Yikes !!!!!!! years ago I was a security technician and was tasked with installing systems in all the Chuck E. Cheeses opening up in our area....do you know how long it takes for several technicians to run wire, make door and wall penetrations for the alarm devices, mount the devices, program and test and verify good operation of everything with our monitoring company? some installations took over two weeks...i'm talking two weeks of listening to the animatronics techs setting up and testing all their rat & company robots!!!!! I think we've taken our kids only one or two times to those pizza joints cuz that's what they wanna see....and even with their much arm-twisting on meĀ Ā Ā that's about all dad could handle.
There's nothing I'd rather do than go sit through multiple hours of an Animatronics version of Don Knotts teaching Jesus Christ - DOA and send him money
You can take the guy out of the cult...nah, no you can't.
Let us not forget - JAL NEVER wanted to leave. Not TWI, Not STFI
Everything. Absolutely everything he does is to desperately try to bring back the feeling he had when it was all working. Never realizing it never worked.
Happy to be alive at such an interesting time in the human story. I am enjoying being a grandparent, and breathing fresh mountain air all day long. Yes.....many varied challenges, but, at heart, still a cock-eyed optimist a la Rogers and Hammerstein. Great to see you here at the spot. Thanks for saying hi!
DWBH,Glad you share,people listen.All these guys got their hand out,has to be ego,they are all up in years.I know I am.Ya want to make a few bucks do something,flip something,help someone.The gospel is supposed to be freely shared.People ask me if I go to church?No been down that road...Like my friends here,real life fb.
I too enjoy my life..Every damn day..It is a gift.Nice to see heading down the stretch of life,God really does provide.I can say the scripture Been young now old,have not seen God's bunch not havin'what they need.God stands behind his promises.Have fun all
Thanks for reading frank123. Glad to know there are some who get helpful info from what I post. I loveĀ this place, and I'm sure glad it's still open for business! Great coffee and food for thought.
I only met JAL once or twice so I really have no opinion on the man but am not excited by his current teachings.Ā So JAL is TLF but my major concern is STF since I appreciate and enjoy readingĀ the REV version (redundant) of the Bible.Ā I have asked this question prior and not gotten a good answer about the REV: is it well constructed?Ā I have gotten opinions on folks but none on the validity of the REV itself.Ā Hey, I realize that any past affiliation with TWI will paint a target on a back but dang, I want opinion on the stuff in the REV - Yes, I have gotten some hyperbole about the folks involved in it but NEVER received anything regarding the REV itself.
Hey, past TWI involvement does not make a person bad, otherwise, we are all bad.
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So, to sum things up..... <sarcasm> There's nothing I'd rather do than go sit through multiple hours of an Animatronics version of Don Knotts teaching Jesus Christ - DOA and send him m
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MRAP, what is it going to take to get you to roll over for another long winter's nap? Ā Another 3 or 4 months would be good.
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I continue to posit that TLTF and jally francencough teach and practice anti(against)-Christ Pauline dominated spiritualism. Again, words carefully and purposefully chosen for clarity and context for this thread. Counterpoint opinions and snide remarks welcome........lol.
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I firmly believe that exposure of the self-serving VPW offshoot minustrays is necessary. They are every bit the destructive cults that dictor's Way was. Jallyroll, "rev" gerry wrenn, "rev" earl burton, "rev" joooorrrrge hendley, Jim melton, geer, seed, professor von schoenheit, "Dr." dale sides, "levitical rabbi" michael rood awakening, maurice goulet, dandy don alexander, sha-na-nandra higgins, franco bottley, JP Wierwille and super-secret-double-agent "rev" douggie macmullan at SOWERS, "rev" beence finnegan and his fake kingdom cult, living hope ministries int'l, "rev" charlie "bless patrol" quillen in IL, "rev" franklin smith, and the scores of other waybrained wierwille worshippers with their own slimeball minustrays to beg for their retirement of easy donation living......LOL.
That's the purpose of these offshoot subforums. Inform, expose, drain donations. These megalomaniacs and paranoid narcissists need to held to account. Thankfully, GSC provides an extremely important venue for exposing these cults.
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Well.....it is finished! And what a feat of personal believing and commitment it is. One for the ages ya know. JCDOA is in the can! Here's jally francencough's version of how great jallyroll was and is:
"My heartfelt thanks goes to each of these stalwart saints, with whom I now have a special bond. And when you see the finished product, which we hope to have by sometime in early November, I think you will agree that, by the abundant grace and mercy of our Father and our Lord, we succeeded. Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages looks to be about 18 hours of priceless truth presented dynamically, poignantly, and humorously, while being enhanced by Franco Bottleyās heart-grabbing graphics and versatile use of state-of-the-art technology. I think you will love it!"
"We began each day with prayer, manifestations, and inspiring music (which JCDA will contain LOTS of). We prayed for each person who was praying for us, and if you are among them, and if you are among those who contributed financially to this project, THANK YOU! We could not have done what we did without the prayer support we had.We had an absolute riot! The blood test I had on July 20, the day after I got home, showed that my numbers (RBC, WBC, Platelets) are all down, meaning I have less energy, so I know it was their love, plus God, Jesus, your prayers, two oxygen tanks (free, courtesy of Marcās doctor friend) the Bemer electromagnetic circulation stimulator (courtesy of Daniel), a throat steamer (courtesy of Christina), MRET water, Marigold bars, Epic meat bars, and Danaās foot rubs that energized me to get through a rather grueling endeavor. THANK YOU for praying for Franco and me as we put the finishing touches on this vivid portrayal of the most unique man ever."
WOW! What a faithful moggie! Even better than his faddah-in-da-woid. What a hero ! What a fantastic bible salesmen to the glory of his own narcissistic personality disorder. I knew it would be self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, but it has far exceeded my expectations. More of the same old cult tripe that's going on 50 years old now. Is this gonna be it? I sure hope so! There are already enough destructive JBS, right wing "Christian" nutjob cults out there. Does jeeezus really need or want yet another one? Your opinions, comments, or snide remarks are welcome.
Edited by DontWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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in my humble opinion - applying the title Diameter of the Ages to Jesus Christ - always sounded kinda clunky or suggesting something high tech - with a sprig of new age thrown in to boot....maybe i'm just old fashioned - i prefer sticking to the titles applied to Jesus Christ that are given in the Bible....anyway i have no interest in his seminar - even though i noticed it was on itunes.
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"Hey, gang! We have a new class and it's D.O.A.!"
Heh. How much more appropriate can it get?
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yeah you could say that about the old class too - PFAL.....man oh man let me count how many times i went to that funeral...
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"Diameter of the Ages," what the heck is that?
This class sounds like "Die-a-Minute" - the excerpt that DWBH posted is more than enough for me. :confused:/>
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Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and inĀ between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!"Ā
The entire context of jally'sĀ new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His.Ā
Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO.
That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?
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thanks for that post, Don't Worry - very incisive! For some reason that made me think of Luke 9: 49 & 50 - where John came to Jesus Christ and said they (John and some other disciples) saw someone casting out demons in Jesus' name -Ā we tried to stop him because he wasn't affiliated with our group (T-Bone paraphrase); Jesus responded with saying don't hinder him - whoever is not against us is for us.
edited: wanted to tack on a clarification - i did not intend to convey the idea that any offshoots of TWI are doing some form of service for Jesus Christ that is similar to other groups; i merely wanted to criticize the snobbish exclusivity of offshoots - i.e. "you can't do jack-squat unless you're with us and know what we know."....and to cut everyone "some slack" - i'll speak very broadly now and say it another way: whoever is not antagonistic to Jesus Christ can't be all that bad.Ā
Edited by T-Boneto clarify my statements
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Good stuff DWBH. Ā Works-based so-called christianity will always leave a person empty and unsatisfied. Ā The genuine article puts the capital "C" back in Christ, makes him Lord in reality and is all about living a relationship with Him. Ā
Something these antichrists know nothing about flapping their jaws in the breeze and setting themselves up to be the mediator to cure your works problem, which of course will involve sending them money, because all that hot air making is hard work and deserves compensation, don-cha-know....
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Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again!Ā And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!!Ā Hehehe.Ā It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me!Ā
Edited by LanikaigalAlso, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me.Ā It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside.Ā His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way!Ā I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions.Ā Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me.Ā All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years!Ā Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer.Ā Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal!Ā "Get a chart - get a life"?Ā I don't think so!
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I think you were describing Animatronics. And I probably couldn't come up with a better description of JAL. I've thought for a long time that he has seemed inauthentic.
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my aunt took me to the 1964 World's Fair....only two things come out of distant memories: my aunt bought me a beret (i loved hats) - which i also lost later that day; and i saw a Sea Hunt themed detective show - in one of the halls they had a giant water tank with a huge viewing window - Loyd Bridges' voice over the speakers and a "detective" with a trench coat over his slim line air tank is in his underwater office with a desk, filing cabinet, etc. going through the motions of working on a case in sync with the voice-over - really dorky but i thought it was the craziest coolest thing back then since i watched the TV show....
Anyway - i know exactly what you mean about JAL's stiff manner; i've seen him teach several times and went to some corps promos he did; at the time i thought it was entertaining - but now consider his gig as nothing but all hype.....reminds me of a person i knew in high school who would launch into doing some stand up comic's routine - he'd have the lines, inflections, and gestures down pat - kinda funny and yet kinda not since it was an imitation...this guy wasn't naturally funny either - so it came across as just an act....when i think of JAL now i imagine he may think of himself as a consummate salesman for god. (intentional lower case on God spelling)
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Yikes !!!!!!! years ago I was a security technician and was tasked with installing systems in all the Chuck E. Cheeses opening up in our area....do you know how long it takes for several technicians to run wire, make door and wall penetrations for the alarm devices, mount the devices, program and test and verify good operation of everything with our monitoring company? some installations took over two weeks...i'm talking two weeks of listening to the animatronics techs setting up and testing all their rat & company robots!!!!! I think we've taken our kids only one or two times to those pizza joints cuz that's what they wanna see....and even with their much arm-twisting on meĀ Ā
Ā that's about all dad could handle.
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So, to sum things up.....
There's nothing I'd rather do than go sit through multiple hours of an Animatronics version of Don Knotts teaching Jesus Christ - DOA and send him money
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Yes, Animatronics, Rocky.Ā Thanks!Ā That's what I was describing.Ā Here's a good example: Walt Disney's "Carousel of Progress" display:Ā
Edited by LanikaigalLink to comment
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You can take the guy out of the cult...nah, no you can't.
Let us not forget - JAL NEVER wanted to leave. Not TWI, Not STFI
Everything. Absolutely everything he does is to desperately try to bring back the feeling he had when it was all working. Never realizing it never worked.
It's sad. He's sad.
Oh, well...
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Hi Tzaia!Ā
Always great to read you! Succinct, to the point, and wry. How's everything in your interesting life?Ā
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Wry to the point of being bread. Life has gotten more
interestingchallenging, if that's possible. Et toi?Link to comment
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Happy to be alive at such an interesting time in the human story. I am enjoying being a grandparent, and breathing fresh mountain air all day long. Yes.....many varied challenges, but, at heart, still a cock-eyed optimist a la Rogers and Hammerstein. Great to see you here at the spot. Thanks for saying hi!
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DWBH,Glad you share,people listen.All these guys got their hand out,has to be ego,they are all up in years.I know I am.Ya want to make a few bucks do something,flip something,help someone.The gospel is supposed to be freely shared.People ask me if I go to church?No been down that road...Like my friends here,real life fb.
I too enjoy my life..Every damn day..It is a gift.Nice to see heading down the stretch of life,God really does provide.I can say the scripture Been young now old,have not seen God's bunch not havin'what they need.God stands behind his promises.Have fun all
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Thanks for reading frank123. Glad to know there are some who get helpful info from what I post. I loveĀ this place, and I'm sure glad it's still open for business! Great coffee and food for thought.
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I only met JAL once or twice so I really have no opinion on the man but am not excited by his current teachings.Ā So JAL is TLF but my major concern is STF since I appreciate and enjoy readingĀ the REV version (redundant) of the Bible.Ā I have asked this question prior and not gotten a good answer about the REV: is it well constructed?Ā I have gotten opinions on folks but none on the validity of the REV itself.Ā Hey, I realize that any past affiliation with TWI will paint a target on a back but dang, I want opinion on the stuff in the REV - Yes, I have gotten some hyperbole about the folks involved in it but NEVER received anything regarding the REV itself.
Hey, past TWI involvement does not make a person bad, otherwise, we are all bad.
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