Why did wierwille jump to SEX as his first example? Why were the first three examples.......sex, drugs, and robbery?
Is there a connection, a pattern as to WHY NOW THESE PERSONAL ACCOUNTINGS?........when, a month before [April 25, 1979], wierwille assures everyone that the "lock box" of his mind is sealed and then, acknowledges that people are leaving the "corps household." Why are people leaving? Are these women who've been sexually assaulted on the motor coach? Are these two corps letters.......April, then May's corps letter......tandem inner-workings of a sexual predator?
And, as has been clarified here at GSC.........how many women did wierwille EXPLOIT because of this "idea to write these papers?"
Then.......when MANY, MANY corps do not send in these papers, wierwille sends a manipulating letter [November 6, 1979] and even takes a swipe at those who DID send in their life's account of "Birth to the Corps." Anyhoo, it just shows how vpw took swipes at ALL the corps no matter the issue. Always, wierwille gauged their "commitment" as a group.... never on an individual basis. The underpinnings of a cult..........group-identity and group-confrontation !!
I think wierwille planned on exploiting any perceived weaknesses he saw in those life stories.....
who knows - maybe he wasn’t just keeping an eye out () for women he could prey upon - maybe he could score some roofies from an old drug dealer (if he still had his connections - invite them to a public ex while they’re at it). The guy who robbed a liquor store might possibly have the potential for double duty - put him in charge of finances and keeping up the inventory on Drambui.
....seriously though - there’s something about submitting a tell-all story to wierwille that reminds me of going to confession in the Roman Catholic Church.....as a Christian I think that’s something reserved for THE high priest alone - Jesus Christ....uhm... oh yeah .....I forgot.... wierwille takes the place of the absent Christ.
you know - it’s fascinating to consider how vpw viewed the corps - in that group identity thing! That’s a big deal to grasp - and I believe that’s how he looked at folks .as a cult-leader that’s very efficient- - why waste time and energy getting to really know folks one-on-one and help in their personal development - when you can just pigeon hole them....shove them into a few standard cookie-cutter templates so they can shape up for the various needs of the cult.
These corps letters are of interest to me.......because they give insight into wierwille's mindset, without being edited to death. It seems to me, wierwille's unfiltered ramblings were left, basically, intact by his secretaries [who didn't want any confrontation by correcting/editing his ramblings].
Also........these letters document, time and time again, that CORPS WERE LEAVING......and wierwille's only response was to play the "woe is me, I'm doing my best to love them" card.......ALL THE WHILE he is still sexually preying on corps women. He continued to BLATANTLY LIE thru his teeth. Here at GSC, we've got the documentation and first-hand accounts of sexual predation!
Those who defend wierwille TO THIS DAY.........are sycophants and opportunists.
And, what about those in R&R Group? Are they, too, going to simply take their fight against Rivenbark......and give wierwille a pass? Another wave of wierwille-apologists splintering from the mother-ship......BUT heralding the praises of wierwille? Probably so. Another wave of splinter sycophants.
I think wierwille planned on exploiting any perceived weaknesses he saw in those life stories.....
who knows - maybe he wasn’t just keeping an eye out () for women he could prey upon - maybe he could score some roofies from an old drug dealer (if he still had his connections - invite them to a public ex while they’re at it). The guy who robbed a liquor store might possibly have the potential for double duty - put him in charge of finances and keeping up the inventory on Drambui.
....seriously though - there’s something about submitting a tell-all story to wierwille that reminds me of going to confession in the Roman Catholic Church.....as a Christian I think that’s something reserved for THE high priest alone - Jesus Christ....uhm... oh yeah .....I forgot.... wierwille takes the place of the absent Christ.
you know - it’s fascinating to consider how vpw viewed the corps - in that group identity thing! That’s a big deal to grasp - and I believe that’s how he looked at folks .as a cult-leader that’s very efficient- - why waste time and energy getting to really know folks one-on-one and help in their personal development - when you can just pigeon hole them....shove them into a few standard cookie-cutter templates so they can shape up for the various needs of the cult.
Not only is it "like" an RC confessional.........it is written documentation.
Who knows how many times wierwille passes these around for others to read.............
These corps letters are of interest to me.......because they give insight into wierwille's mindset, without being edited to death. It seems to me, wierwille's unfiltered ramblings were left, basically, intact by his secretaries [who didn't want any confrontation by correcting/editing his ramblings].
Also........these letters document, time and time again, that CORPS WERE LEAVING......and wierwille's only response was to play the "woe is me, I'm doing my best to love them" card.......ALL THE WHILE he is still sexually preying on corps women. He continued to BLATANTLY LIE thru his teeth. Here at GSC, we've got the documentation and first-hand accounts of sexual predation!
Those who defend wierwille TO THIS DAY.........are sycophants and opportunists.
And, what about those in R&R Group? Are they, too, going to simply take their fight against Rivenbark......and give wierwille a pass? Another wave of wierwille-apologists splintering from the mother-ship......BUT heralding the praises of wierwille? Probably so. Another wave of splinter sycophants.
I agree - these corps letters from wierwille are self-incriminating ! It’s a partial peek inside his criminal mind ! You get to see the means and opportunity he had at his disposal - - the only thing hidden is his motive....but I guaren-damn-tee ya it was not love ....any wierwille sycophant who disagrees just compare the way he handled anything with the way love is defined in I Corinthians 13 !!!!!!! I rest my case.
What if someone wrote that they'd been born into a Christian household, with loving caring parents, normal sibling relationships, average schooling (not too bright, not thick either), played some kind of team sport but only at inter-school level, got a job (or jobs) - okay but not stellar. Went to Sunday school and church, but didn't find it particularly enthralling. Interested in knowing and understanding a bit more. Perhaps you could add in sorrow at a grandparent dying, failed driving test at first attempt but did well second time around. An uneventful life, a well-behaved kid.
In other words, not much "ammunition."
I wonder what VPW would make of that? Would he send it back, saying Give us the bad stuff you did? Would someone want to embroider their past with indiscretions, make themselves seem naughtier than they were?
What if someone wrote that they'd been born into a Christian household, with loving caring parents, normal sibling relationships, average schooling (not too bright, not thick either), played some kind of team sport but only at inter-school level, got a job (or jobs) - okay but not stellar. Went to Sunday school and church, but didn't find it particularly enthralling. Interested in knowing and understanding a bit more. Perhaps you could add in sorrow at a grandparent dying, failed driving test at first attempt but did well second time around. An uneventful life, a well-behaved kid.
In other words, not much "ammunition."
I wonder what VPW would make of that? Would he send it back, saying Give us the bad stuff you did? Would someone want to embroider their past with indiscretions, make themselves seem naughtier than they were?
Twinky, I think T-Bone hit the nail on the head; why would VPW need that information?? But, you have a very good question; did people make up stuff that never happened?? I don't think I would have made up anything, but I would not have discussed, my past either. I would have told VPW, that my childhood was miserable, and left it at that. If he didn't like it, he could eat sand.
These corps letters give insight into the unfiltered, pathological mindset of wierwille.........
May 24, 1979........... "An idea has been working in my heart that I would like to get started among our Corps. I want a sharing by you---an honest and truthful account of your life. It should be systematically laid out, from your birth to the time you entered The Way Corps training. Entitle your sharing 'The Way For Me: From Birth to the Corps.' I want the where, what, who, when, why and how regarding every major decision point in your life from birth that brought you to the point of entering The Way Corps. For example: I got into sex in the sixth grade; I started drugs when I was 12; I robbed the local liquor store; I was in the Baptist Church; my basketball coach taught me something that changed my life. Paint the picture of what you were in, and vividly relate how you were delivered."
Why did wierwille jump to SEX as his first example? Why were the first three examples.......sex, drugs, and robbery?
Is there a connection, a pattern as to WHY NOW THESE PERSONAL ACCOUNTINGS?........when, a month before [April 25, 1979], wierwille assures everyone that the "lock box" of his mind is sealed and then, acknowledges that people are leaving the "corps household." Why are people leaving? Are these women who've been sexually assaulted on the motor coach? Are these two corps letters.......April, then May's corps letter......tandem inner-workings of a sexual predator?
And, as has been clarified here at GSC.........how many women did wierwille EXPLOIT because of this "idea to write these papers?"
Then.......when MANY, MANY corps do not send in these papers, wierwille sends a manipulating letter [November 6, 1979] and even takes a swipe at those who DID send in their life's account of "Birth to the Corps." Anyhoo, it just shows how vpw took swipes at ALL the corps no matter the issue. Always, wierwille gauged their "commitment" as a group.... never on an individual basis. The underpinnings of a cult..........group-identity and group-confrontation !!
4 hours ago, Twinky said:
Wow, Birth to Corps papers.
What if someone wrote that they'd been born into a Christian household, with loving caring parents, normal sibling relationships, average schooling (not too bright, not thick either), played some kind of team sport but only at inter-school level, got a job (or jobs) - okay but not stellar. Went to Sunday school and church, but didn't find it particularly enthralling. Interested in knowing and understanding a bit more. Perhaps you could add in sorrow at a grandparent dying, failed driving test at first attempt but did well second time around. An uneventful life, a well-behaved kid.
In other words, not much "ammunition."
I wonder what VPW would make of that? Would he send it back, saying Give us the bad stuff you did? Would someone want to embroider their past with indiscretions, make themselves seem naughtier than they were?
Twinky & Skyrider,
How ironic - - I bet wierwille so wanted to hear how folks going into the corps were delivered from all the evil of this world by his ministry - - and here we are ex-corps sharing about being delivered from all the evil of his ministry…that’s gotta be some kind of poetic flip-flop of his delusion…an ego-shattering catastrophic kittywampus-episode or something.
How ironic - - I bet wierwille so wanted to hear how folks going into the corps were delivered from all the evil of this world by his ministry - - and here we are ex-corps sharing about being delivered from all the evil of his ministry…that’s gotta be some kind of poetic flip-flop of his delusion…an ego-shattering catastrophic kittywampus-episode or something.
How ironic - - I bet wierwille so wanted to hear how folks going into the corps were delivered from all the evil of this world by his ministry - - and here we are ex-corps sharing about being delivered from all the evil of his ministry…that’s gotta be some kind of poetic flip-flop of his delusion…an ego-shattering catastrophic kittywampus-episode or something.
T-Bone........it comes across as a narcissist wanting to gain background knowledge and leverage over others to lord over them [sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, or blackmail/silence those who exited]. Whatever wierwille's motives.......it stems from a pathological need that served him.
By 1979, approximately 2,000 corps were grads/family corps/in-residence......plus a couple hundred corps spouse [who would also need to write this "From Birth to Corps" paper. Did he even read them? Why do I get the impression that wierwille skimmed over most all of them and set the "juicy" ones aside?
Grace, a lot of the content of those Birth to Corps papers was used to manipulate the Corps one way or another, and to ascerrtain and exploit vulnerable young women. If someone disclosed an abusive (esp sexually) background - hey presto, VPW knew which buttons to press. No doubt others also used these papers this way, if they'd been granted access.
But note these papers were written in the second in-rez year, that is, after some years of mental pressure to conform whilst in rez etc. Papers from beaten down people. Remind me of the fake confessions so vaunted in courts with inadequate judicial systems. Victims are so desperate that they'll sign or agree to anything.
There's a whole thread on B to C papers somewhere.
To bring this back to topic a little, I'm sure that if any B to C paper had been written in the style of VPW's letters, it wouldn't have been acceptable. His style of alternately expressing disappointment and then haranguing his readers isn't communicative so much as yet a further assault on people's sense of self.
Grace, a lot of the content of those Birth to Corps papers was used to manipulate the Corps one way or another, and to ascerrtain and exploit vulnerable young women. If someone disclosed an abusive (esp sexually) background - hey presto, VPW knew which buttons to press. No doubt others also used these papers this way, if they'd been granted access.
But note these papers were written in the second in-rez year, that is, after some years of mental pressure to conform whilst in rez etc. Papers from beaten down people. Remind me of the fake confessions so vaunted in courts with inadequate judicial systems. Victims are so desperate that they'll sign or agree to anything.
There's a whole thread on B to C papers somewhere.
To bring this back to topic a little, I'm sure that if any B to C paper had been written in the style of VPW's letters, it wouldn't have been acceptable. His style of alternately expressing disappointment and then haranguing his readers isn't communicative so much as yet a further assault on people's sense of self.
Twinky, I think you are a Smart lady, who knew the real reasons why VPW wanted people to write those B to C letters.
So was VPW the source of these ridiculous salutations? (God Bless in the most powerfully abundantly blessed name that is above all blah blah blah . . . )
"I thank you Dr. Weirwille, for never attaching a single string to my life" February 17, 1981
Actually, the salutations trace back to the new testament, specifically the letters the apostles wrote. Like everything else in his life, Saint Vic stole--(errrrr) paid homage to the epistles.
Interestingly, if VPW was alive today with all the sexual accusations by Hollywood and political, there would be investigations into Wierwille and Martindale by the media
Interestingly, if VPW was alive today with all the sexual accusations by Hollywood and political, there would be investigations into Wierwille and Martindale by the media
Yeah......and possibly, with mounting evidence and similar experiences with such men, these women would have been heard and believed.
Amazing ain't it?........the lewd acts of sexual harassment when men have authoritative power over women
GSC posters have detailed accounts of wierwille walking around naked at a women's way home, groping/raping women in motor coach.
......"Uncle" Harry groping a corps woman's breast and commenting on how firm it was.
......a young WOW Ambassador girl invited to wierwille's motor coach. Then, thrown off WOW field because she refused him.
......sex porn video of two women and a dog shown to the in-residence corps, a "Christian" training program.
......and martindale, proclaiming that vpw told him that sex outside of marriage ministers to these women's needs.
......and Rosalie deposed in a court of law, stating that she KNEW martindale was having sexual relations as early as 1995.
......then martindale, stating that he has "blessed" hundreds of women (via sex) thru the years.
Rotten, sexual predation has been coursing thru wierwille's minus-tree since its inception......
Wierwille's last corps letter in this collection..................Spring 1982
Embedded in the middle is this........
"The 'programming' of the minds of the world has been materialistic idolatry. The world will always make you feel like you have less than you need with the many 'gods' it offers. As the minds of the leadership go, so will go the minds of the people. The temptation: settling into a comfortable job or position and a socially acceptable life-style."
"What are you claiming and evidencing in your life? Having food and raiment let us be therewith content; and unalterable commitment to move the Word over the world; a need to lead; a yearning for more laborers for the harvest; the heart of the doulos, Jesus Christ."
Well, the reason some of us felt like we had less than we needed.....is because we HAD LESS than we needed. We had no health insurance, no equity, no savings, no IRA-retirement accruement, jumped from menial job in one state to another menial job in another state......we were driving broken-down cars, our marriages were being strained, our kids needed attending, and we didn't know that the next leader's confrontation might just nix 15-20 years of twi-involvement.
Another rambling letter dripping with a sanctimonious lecture on "one's commitment to hock his classes." And, "as the minds of the leadership go"........and......"The temptation: settling into a comfortable job or position and a socially acceptable life-style".................MEANING, many of his lieutenants / corps leaders were ABANDONING WIERWILLE AND HIS CULT LIFESTYLE and getting a real job.
Gawd........it all seems so surreal, knowing that wierwille had the soft, comfortable chair throughout life and stayed on Van Wert church payroll all during his 6-month India itinerary and until August 1957. And, if he wanted to claim martyrdom of his eye......well, that was his own damn fault. He plowed ahead with intense lighting and refused technical advise.
IN MY OPINION.........This thread is in the top 5 of exposing wierwille and his cult tactics. These letters show wierwille's deceptive tactics and shenanigans to keep lock-box secrets in place as his "ministry" was crumbling around him 1976-1982. He uses manipulation to try and get corps to feel guilty that "they are abandoning him and not keeping their vow".......letter after letter, one can see how he uses corps, against their better judgment, to sell his soap. This thread should be pinned.
Bump.........."writings of wierwille"
The last manipulative letter in this collection.............full of salt-dipped daggers thrusting at the gut instinct to leave this cult.
In my view, even though it's often revolting to read VPW's own incriminating words that illustrate how deranged he was, it's a valuable way to gain understanding of how he used classic cult leader tactics to keep us Corps from thinking independently and to make himself appear blameless in the face of evidence to the contrary.
Hi Penworks - in Buzzard's archive of doc's there's a letter from October 1978 covering events involving Marty McCrae, John Fanning and Peter Bernegger and they're involvement in some research project(s)....what's your take on all that? I vaguely remember some details but think we were traveling a lot at that point. You can message me too if that works better.
Edited by socks ...cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is....
I am very familiar with that letter. I quote part of it in my book, Undertow.
In 1978 when VPW mailed the letter to Way Corps, I did not personally know any of the individuals mentioned in the letter. I knew them from afar. At the time, I was not involved with research, I was out on the field far away from HQ, and it would be five more years before I returned to HQ to work on the research team. So when I read the letter, I swallowed the party line and asked no questions. I accepted that these guys were disloyal and tricked by the Devil into questioning VP's research and disagreeing with how the Corps was being run in Emporia.
I suspect that the guys who challenged VPW mistakenly believed his claim, as many of us did, that TWI was a "research" ministry open to correcting mistakes and "changing as we learned more." From my experience, I don't believe it was. I think it was an organization VPW used to promote himself and his views on the Bible, including plagiarized materials.
To me, in the letter VPW sounds very paranoid that anyone might know a thing or two that he doesn't. He's mad to find out he might be wrong.
In 1984, when I returned to HQ to work on the Aramaic Concordance with the research team, that letter's contents came back to haunt me. In Undertow, I portray my own discoveries of corruption, Scripture twisting, etc.
I just discovered that someone hosts a website of TWI information, including letters Victor Paul Wierwille wrote to Way Corps members during the 1970s and 1980s. I received those letters and have kept many of them in my own files.
Is it my imagination or do many of these letters have the same specificity of a daily horoscope? Vague missives designed just for you. Well, you and roughly 1/12 of the entire planet.
Is it my imagination or do many of these letters have the same specificity of a daily horoscope? Vague missives designed just for you. Well, you and roughly 1/12 of the entire planet.
that gave me a good laugh this morning, thanks JustThinking !
Is it my imagination or do many of these letters have the same specificity of a daily horoscope? Vague missives designed just for you. Well, you and roughly 1/12 of the entire planet.
Totally lol! We too can develop this kind of in-depth spiritual perception and awareness all we need is the 1942 promise and a daily diet of regurgitated PLAF. Because it's the new protein
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What interests me is how people can or cannot change, how willing people are (or not) to adapt to a changing situation. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes. This is a fact of life known since the
In my view, even though it's often revolting to read VPW's own incriminating words that illustrate how deranged he was, it's a valuable way to gain understanding of how he used classic cult leader ta
And further........not only was it accepted as "normal" by young corps...........but most splinter group leaders are STILL singing the praises of wierwille and promoting his doctrines, methods, tactic
Posted Images
I think wierwille planned on exploiting any perceived weaknesses he saw in those life stories.....
who knows - maybe he wasn’t just keeping an eye out (
) for women he could prey upon - maybe he could score some roofies from an old drug dealer (if he still had his connections - invite them to a public ex while they’re at it). The guy who robbed a liquor store might possibly have the potential for double duty - put him in charge of finances and keeping up the inventory on Drambui.
....seriously though - there’s something about submitting a tell-all story to wierwille that reminds me of going to confession in the Roman Catholic Church.....as a Christian I think that’s something reserved for THE high priest alone - Jesus Christ....uhm... oh yeah .....I forgot.... wierwille takes the place of the absent Christ.
you know - it’s fascinating to consider how vpw viewed the corps - in that group identity thing! That’s a big deal to grasp - and I believe that’s how he looked at folks .as a cult-leader that’s very efficient- - why waste time and energy getting to really know folks one-on-one and help in their personal development - when you can just pigeon hole them....shove them into a few standard cookie-cutter templates so they can shape up for the various needs of the cult.

Edited by T-BoneWent over into prophecy
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Grace / T-Bone......thanks for your replies.
These corps letters are of interest to me.......because they give insight into wierwille's mindset, without being edited to death. It seems to me, wierwille's unfiltered ramblings were left, basically, intact by his secretaries [who didn't want any confrontation by correcting/editing his ramblings].
Also........these letters document, time and time again, that CORPS WERE LEAVING......and wierwille's only response was to play the "woe is me, I'm doing my best to love them" card.......ALL THE WHILE he is still sexually preying on corps women. He continued to BLATANTLY LIE thru his teeth. Here at GSC, we've got the documentation and first-hand accounts of sexual predation!
Those who defend wierwille TO THIS DAY.........are sycophants and opportunists.
And, what about those in R&R Group? Are they, too, going to simply take their fight against Rivenbark......and give wierwille a pass? Another wave of wierwille-apologists splintering from the mother-ship......BUT heralding the praises of wierwille? Probably so. Another wave of splinter sycophants.
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Not only is it "like" an RC confessional.........it is written documentation.
Who knows how many times wierwille passes these around for others to read.............
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I agree - these corps letters from wierwille are self-incriminating ! It’s a partial peek inside his criminal mind ! You get to see the means and opportunity he had at his disposal - - the only thing hidden is his motive....but I guaren-damn-tee ya it was not love ....any wierwille sycophant who disagrees just compare the way he handled anything with the way love is defined in I Corinthians 13 !!!!!!! I rest my case.
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Wow, Birth to Corps papers.
What if someone wrote that they'd been born into a Christian household, with loving caring parents, normal sibling relationships, average schooling (not too bright, not thick either), played some kind of team sport but only at inter-school level, got a job (or jobs) - okay but not stellar. Went to Sunday school and church, but didn't find it particularly enthralling. Interested in knowing and understanding a bit more. Perhaps you could add in sorrow at a grandparent dying, failed driving test at first attempt but did well second time around. An uneventful life, a well-behaved kid.
In other words, not much "ammunition."
I wonder what VPW would make of that? Would he send it back, saying Give us the bad stuff you did? Would someone want to embroider their past with indiscretions, make themselves seem naughtier than they were?
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Grace Valerie Claire
Twinky, I think T-Bone hit the nail on the head; why would VPW need that information?? But, you have a very good question; did people make up stuff that never happened?? I don't think I would have made up anything, but I would not have discussed, my past either. I would have told VPW, that my childhood was miserable, and left it at that. If he didn't like it, he could eat sand.
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Twinky & Skyrider,
How ironic - - I bet wierwille so wanted to hear how folks going into the corps were delivered from all the evil of this world by his ministry - - and here we are ex-corps sharing about being delivered from all the evil of his ministry…that’s gotta be some kind of poetic flip-flop of his delusion…an ego-shattering catastrophic kittywampus-episode or something.
Edited by T-Boneclarity and formatting
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, Bingo!
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T-Bone........it comes across as a narcissist wanting to gain background knowledge and leverage over others to lord over them [sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, or blackmail/silence those who exited]. Whatever wierwille's motives.......it stems from a pathological need that served him.
By 1979, approximately 2,000 corps were grads/family corps/in-residence......plus a couple hundred corps spouse [who would also need to write this "From Birth to Corps" paper. Did he even read them? Why do I get the impression that wierwille skimmed over most all of them and set the "juicy" ones aside?
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Grace, a lot of the content of those Birth to Corps papers was used to manipulate the Corps one way or another, and to ascerrtain and exploit vulnerable young women. If someone disclosed an abusive (esp sexually) background - hey presto, VPW knew which buttons to press. No doubt others also used these papers this way, if they'd been granted access.
But note these papers were written in the second in-rez year, that is, after some years of mental pressure to conform whilst in rez etc. Papers from beaten down people. Remind me of the fake confessions so vaunted in courts with inadequate judicial systems. Victims are so desperate that they'll sign or agree to anything.
There's a whole thread on B to C papers somewhere.
To bring this back to topic a little, I'm sure that if any B to C paper had been written in the style of VPW's letters, it wouldn't have been acceptable. His style of alternately expressing disappointment and then haranguing his readers isn't communicative so much as yet a further assault on people's sense of self.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Twinky, I think you are a Smart lady, who knew the real reasons why VPW wanted people to write those B to C letters.
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Actually, the salutations trace back to the new testament, specifically the letters the apostles wrote. Like everything else in his life, Saint Vic stole--(errrrr) paid homage to the epistles.
Edited by So_cratesspelling epistles
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
You know the epistles were the wives of the apostles, don't you?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Interestingly, if VPW was alive today with all the sexual accusations by Hollywood and political, there would be investigations into Wierwille and Martindale by the media
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Yeah......and possibly, with mounting evidence and similar experiences with such men, these women would have been heard and believed.
Rotten, sexual predation has been coursing thru wierwille's minus-tree since its inception......
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Bump.........."writings of wierwille"
The last manipulative letter in this collection.............full of salt-dipped daggers thrusting at the gut instinct to leave this cult.
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I remember one of his letters said "As for the do-nothing Way Corps, I guess God was just wasting his time". Talk about a guilt trip!
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Bump .....
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In my view, even though it's often revolting to read VPW's own incriminating words that illustrate how deranged he was, it's a valuable way to gain understanding of how he used classic cult leader tactics to keep us Corps from thinking independently and to make himself appear blameless in the face of evidence to the contrary.
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Hi Penworks - in Buzzard's archive of doc's there's a letter from October 1978 covering events involving Marty McCrae, John Fanning and Peter Bernegger and they're involvement in some research project(s)....what's your take on all that? I vaguely remember some details but think we were traveling a lot at that point. You can message me too if that works better.
Edited by socks...cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is....
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Hi Socks,
I am very familiar with that letter. I quote part of it in my book, Undertow.
In 1978 when VPW mailed the letter to Way Corps, I did not personally know any of the individuals mentioned in the letter. I knew them from afar. At the time, I was not involved with research, I was out on the field far away from HQ, and it would be five more years before I returned to HQ to work on the research team. So when I read the letter, I swallowed the party line and asked no questions. I accepted that these guys were disloyal and tricked by the Devil into questioning VP's research and disagreeing with how the Corps was being run in Emporia.
I suspect that the guys who challenged VPW mistakenly believed his claim, as many of us did, that TWI was a "research" ministry open to correcting mistakes and "changing as we learned more." From my experience, I don't believe it was. I think it was an organization VPW used to promote himself and his views on the Bible, including plagiarized materials.
To me, in the letter VPW sounds very paranoid that anyone might know a thing or two that he doesn't. He's mad to find out he might be wrong.
In 1984, when I returned to HQ to work on the Aramaic Concordance with the research team, that letter's contents came back to haunt me. In Undertow, I portray my own discoveries of corruption, Scripture twisting, etc.
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Is it my imagination or do many of these letters have the same specificity of a daily horoscope? Vague missives designed just for you. Well, you and roughly 1/12 of the entire planet.
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that gave me a good laugh this morning, thanks JustThinking !
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Totally lol! We too can develop this kind of in-depth spiritual perception and awareness all we need is the 1942 promise and a daily diet of regurgitated PLAF. Because it's the new protein
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