I left in '86 so I missed all dem fawg years and then the crazed Nazi years under da forehead. From what I heard it was just a smaller freaking zoo. You guys provide an extremely important perspective that many of us here do not. You sound like you were "Junior" corpses in the family corpse at the TWIt Vatican in RC. Man, that must have sucked big time! I've talked to several jcs and the accounts are really awful! Especially the ones where the parents are still in! Thanks for posting your experiences.
I was never corps/jc. It is my understanding that LCM, in his righteous dance-off against the invisible, ripped the veil top to bottom. He made no distinction between jew and gentile, corps and non-corps, human beings and slime molds.
It was a wonderfully exciting time being in rez with that awesome President, Craig, to teach us the ways of a man of God. I learned some amazing things.
Like, what a 40 year old man looks like when he's having a serious tantrum.
Like, lots of interesting ways to curse other people. Lots of swear-words that were new to me.
Like, how pozzest and ungodly were homosexuals.
Like, how unworthy I was, and how gracious the tantrum-thrower was in allowing me to stay in rez and learn even more from him. How weak I was in not coping with 20 hr days. How sinful it was to talk to staff members.
Like, how unworthy practically all of my in rez Corps was. How gracious he was in allowing us to stay and be guided by him.
It was a wonderfully exciting time being in rez with that awesome President, Craig, to teach us the ways of a man of God. I learned some amazing things.
Like, what a 40 year old man looks like when he's having a serious tantrum.
Like, lots of interesting ways to curse other people. Lots of swear-words that were new to me.
Like, how pozzest and ungodly were homosexuals.
Like, how unworthy I was, and how gracious the tantrum-thrower was in allowing me to stay in rez and learn even more from him. How weak I was in not coping with 20 hr days. How sinful it was to talk to staff members.
Like, how unworthy practically all of my in rez Corps was. How gracious he was in allowing us to stay and be guided by him.
Hey Twinky - after reading your post i remembered the way we were "encouraged" to have just that kind of thankful attitude while in residence - kinda reminds me of the "thank you sir may i have another" scene from Animal House
(edited for typo: i originally had it "kinda reminds me of the "thank you sire may i have another" - while probably a little more accurate in terms of my status compared to LCM - in my former frame of mind, anyway - it did not reflect what was said in the movie)
It is my understanding that LCM, in his righteous dance-off against the invisible, ripped the veil top to bottom. He made no distinction between jew and gentile, corps and non-corps, human beings and slime molds.
Seriously.....da forehead is one of the most densely self-deluded malignant paranoid narcissists I've ever met in my life. He had the critical thinking skills of a salted slug. He had the personality of a redneck thug, as easily put down as Joe Pesci put down the same in My Cousin Vinny......LOL!
The boy was simply a really dopey, Southern Baptist wannabe athlete with a subpar intellect and the personality of a Pamploma bull. He allowed a drunken, malignant paranoid narcissist to frame loy-boy's identity as the bumbling stumbling fumbling jock doofus moggie that he turned out to be. A knuckle-dragging Prince with no redeeming value of any kind....social, intellectual, or spiritual. The dope is an entire package of LOSER. He is a very ill RWCNJ, with a chip on his shoulder the size of Anatacrtica, and twice as cold. He is a self-consumed Shskespearan tragedy in real time. A miserable ghost of a subhuman mutatation. EEWWWWWWWW!
I left in '86 so I missed all dem fawg years and then the crazed Nazi years under da forehead. From what I heard it was just a smaller freaking zoo. ....
It was a time where 'Men in Tights' was doing the seed of the serpent lady, to speak of the top level of the menagerie. You know - athletes of the scarlet letter?
I remember when little kids used to watch that flick seeing those 2 grind on each other..... TWIT Family Values folks....
It was a time where 'Men in Tights' was doing the seed of the serpent lady, to speak of the top level of the menagerie. You know - athletes of the scarlet letter?
I remember when little kids used to watch that flick seeing those 2 grind on each other..... TWIT Family Values folks....
On July 19, 2016 at 1:56 AM, DontWorryBeHappy said:
"(And no one has mentioned yet anything about this great "research" they did uncovered and/or taught others. I guess that don't matter one whit. They MUST have been right, given how wrong VP was on everything else...)".....TLC.
Well let's get that cleared up then. Dr. Bernegger and Dr.McRae had come up with the working manuscript of what was to be "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed". They had worked for months on this. Peter on the astronomy and astronomical events, and Marty on the MSS and texts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac. John worked on Greek textual criticism, and later, as the pre-emptive wierwille attack began to mount, fanning confronted the entire psychodynamic of the corpse program, and had it nailed, which of course nailed not only dictor, but da forehead, wally cummins, gerald wrenn, John crouch, Gary Curtis and beence finnegan to boot! And he was spot on then.
Then, da forehead and wally took the manuscript from them saying it was "ministry property" and would be copyrighted under Vic's name, since it was dictor who gave them the assignment as well as "all the resources of the research department". And, more importantly, their work "did not line up with the word as Dr. Wierwille knew it and would be published according to his and the research department's final edit. When the three refused to edit out accurate textual and scientific evidence and references to martin's and Bullinger's works on the same subject, which the 3 amigos had thouroughly examined and had airtight evidence of where they were wrong, or right, or not privy to the most recent knowledge and/or research on the subject from various sources. Then, the 3 Amigos demanded the intellectual rights to their manuscript so they could work on it themselves without pressure to prove Vic right, as well as attribute all the research to himself and the faceless research department. Vic refused and the "possession" accusations began to fly along with verbal threats. The three threatened to sue, and then the banishment and disinformation and cover-up were thrown into full steam ahead.
So, the original biblical and scientific research and the manuscript were stolen from them by dictor and wally, and then given to wally and his keedz in the research dept., including von schoenheit and crouch among others, to edit and rewrite according to Vic's specifications. It was published by American Christian Press as "Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed" by Victor Paul Wierwille. He took full credit for a book he purposely stole and had re-written for himself, and then took the credit for writing the whole thing himself. That's where that oh-so-"great" research wound up TLC!
And, this was absolutely not in any way new. This was how every book dictor "wrote" was written. The techniques of intellectual theft and plagiarism, and taking credit for everything you never did as if it was part of gawd's calling and minus-tray given only to you. Another perfect example.... "Jesus Christ Our Passover", again, by dictor paul wierwille and no one else. The pattern for what was in store for the three amigos had been well-practiced
and well executed many times before the three ever ran into vic's research buzz saw. I'm glad they did not buckle under. They were right back then, and they made their post-TWIt lives meaningful to themselves and helpful to others. All dictor accomplished with his life was wind up drunk, possessed by cancer spirits, an unconfessed and never convicted serial rapist and sexual assaulter, a pathological malignant paranoid narcissist, and sociopathic liar to the second he died. The three amigos are alive and helping people daily. Dictor is dead and rotten in his waterlogged shrine at the farm. Thank god.
Holy Sheet DWBH!!! I remember
when JCOPS came out in the early 80's (?). It was such a well-written, and intelligent book, that somehow I knew that VPW and Company could never have written it. Now, I know who wrote it, and I thank- you for that DWBH!
i do remember that it was a huge deal for TWI to have such a book.
The love for God, and the amount of work that obviously went into it, made me realize that VPW could never have done it. Now I know who wrote it, and I thank-you for that DWBH. The nerve of VPW claiming to have written such am outstanding book sickens me. I knew even than, that It had to have been written by someone other VPW. I did not know that it took three men to write it, but I can well understand now why it did. DWBH, I think you made an excellent point when you mentioned how VPW ended up; whereas the young men who wrote it ended up "with meaningful lives." Thank-you DWBH for posting this!!
Similar situations arose with other books, meaning the real authors and worker bees never got credit for their work. You can read about the behind-the-scenes story of publishing the Aramaic concordance in my upcoming book, Undertow. I was on the team of people who worked with Bernita J*ss on that project.
Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for f---ing [mod edit for profanity] us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters.
As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation.
Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week.
I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better".
Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
DWBH, I didn't know you were ordained!! Good for you!! For once, VPW did something right in his life!
As a woman in the 2nd Corps, I was offered this opportunity but declined it because I was married to a 2nd Corps man who Wierwille had already ordained and that "was good enough for me."
Pen, I always thought you were a smart lady, know I know you are!!
Translation: You idiots are so pathetic that I've been forced to get out of bed and use a typewriter to make words on paper for you to hang yourselves on. It does take my mind off this hangover, though.
Bol, if you hear laughter, it's only me!! Your post IMO, is wickly funny!
DWBH.....here's my perspective on your writing, input and delivery, never dial it back.
I absolutely enjoy your posts. Your bold and descriptive exposure/confrontation of mogs/mogettes and their lieutenants
reminds me of Matthew 23 when Jesus "laid it all out there" concerning the Pharisees (whited sepulchers, etc.).
No one on these boards has seen what you've witnessed up close and personal. No one. And, where are the other 420 clergy
that were once a part of the wierwille-deceptive-machine? A few dozen of them are in splinter groups living off the façade
of the wierwille "foundation."
Personally, I come to Greasespot to hear the OTHER SIDE.....and DWBH, you indeed shout it from the rooftops!!
Sky, I try to stay out of arguments, because I usually find them non-productive, but I think you are right about DWBW. He was in the front row, watching all the S--t go down in TWI, so he knows more about it, than most of us. Personally, I am happy that I don't know all that he knows about the inner workings of Way World. If I did, I think I might have to be on some super-strong medication!! And as he says, if you don't like his posts, don't read them!! One thing about DWBH, he doesn't Bullsheet in his posts; you know where he stands on the issues. Besides, I think his posts are funnier than h--l!! God bless you, and yours DWBH!!
DWBH you do a great job of exposing this insipid bunch of self-serving sociopaths past and present. Your language doesn't tweak me because to me language is barely able to capture the evil these megalomaniacs caused in people's lives or the difficulty there is in escaping these systems. Although I do see how it would tweak various Wierwille apologists in whatever stage of apology they may be in.
Thank you JayDee and Chockfull. I'm thankful that the info I have posted here at GSC has helped you spot the haters, liars, and thieves, many of who continue this perverted cult in their own "way ministries" of various names and all founded on the "great truths" dictor paul inveigled into their very identities. I'm glad for every single person who reads what I've written about TWIt-n-vic and sees it is factually accurate and puts the pieces of TWIt-n-Vic's pathological impact upon all who were exposed. That is the most rewarding thing for me.
Thank you both for your encouragement. Enjoy your freedom, and........peace.
DWBH, great post!! I love coming to the GSC, because I find out the truth of what really happened in TWI. In my various Twigs, I always heard the sunny side of life in TWI. I was shocked, and saddened when I came to the GSC, and learned the true nature of TWI, and how evil VPW, LCM, and RR were. I felt like I had been lied to for a number of years, and I was!! If I had know all the Bulls--t that was going on in Way World, I would have left sooner, and taken my ABS with me. Nuts, DWBH, I wish I had discovered the GSC years before I did. Thanks for telling us the real story of what happened in TWI, and giving us your unique perspective on it. TTFN!!
After meeting you at the Texas BBQ a few years ago I just have to say your posts pretty much reflect the way you are in person – and that's fine by me!
Due to the fact that the insidious nature of TWI's top leadership is exceedingly abundantly above what other egomaniacs could ask or think - I believe it's going to take whistle blowers who have almost a "righteous" chutzpah (i apologize if that's not the correct word to use) commensurate with the size of the maniacs' egos....So don't feel like you have to adjust the volume or EQ knobs on my account.
I consider you and a few other men and women on Grease Spot who have shared what goes on behind the scenes, almost like a bittersweet treasure; I am sorry for your pain and experiences but I appreciate your insight and compassion to help others. The inner workings of TWI are like black ops of all that is immoral, deceitful and spiritually dark; and perhaps Grease Spot is fortunate to have some tripped out Jason Bournes who now expose TWI's "Operation Treadstone" and their agenda of assassinating the soul.
T-Bone, what a wonderful post!! I think we are blessed to have DWBH, and others here at the GSC, exposing all the garbage behind the TWI facade. I too wonder how DWBH functions knowing what he knows about TWI, but he seems to me, to be at peace about it. God bless him, and his family!!
Way, thanks for the link!! I heard it some time ago, and I figured out who DWBH is! But, it was a great broadcast in MHO, because DWBH didn't tap dance around; he said what he meant, and meant what he said. But, I was appalled by the way DWBH and his family were treated by TWI!! All that he did for TWI, and they treated him like he was a Criminal!! I am so happy that DWBH is doing well these days, and wish the best for him, and his loved ones.
There are a number of ex-wayfers, and of course, the $$-grubbing "leaders and elders", ex-TWIt clergy and way corpse sycophants, who delude themselves into thinking that TWIt-n-vic "wasn't always rotten from the beginning". That the gathering of money, followers, properties and hyperbolic adulation, particularly from the 1970's until 1985 when he croaked due to occular melanoma with metastatic disease to the liver. This is simply NOT true. In actuality, dictor was rotten from the womb, but his sociopathic narcissistic behavior began acting out in his early teens. Just ask ANYONE who has ever lived in or around new Knoxville. While alive, you could have even asked his own brothers, sisters, spouse and his oldest son, Donnie, along with a long list of extended family and most of the native new knoxville population!
Dictor was an "ordained clergyman" by 1942, when he claims he and gawd started TWIt. He was an ordained clergyman when he had an extra-marital affair with Rosalind Rinker, a well-known evangelist and speaker back in the mid to late 1940's. She is the author of the title, "Power For Abundant Living", which was the name of a pamphlet she wrote and one of her lecture topics. She also was the author of dic's favorite phrase, "the word of God is the will of God". Vic mentions her departure from him in the 1940's, and how it was a grave sin between them which caused him to repent and her to leave.
Then, dictor hired a young pianist/music director for his chimes hour youth caravan. She was a young Mennonite from western NY. Her name was Rhoda Becker. She later went on to be vic's church and "personal" secretary in Van Wert. After using her up, dictor passed her off to his brother Reuben who was married to her until he died. Thank you Rhoda.
So, dictor was nowhere near starting to "break bad" when the free-spirited, sexually active hippies started thronging to da farm in OH. He'd been raping and sexually assaulting women at least 20 years previously. He was an unabashed, sexual assaulter and flagrant adulterer for 20 years already by the summer of '69. This was nothing new! Dic probably thought it was another miraculous answer to prayer.......LOL!
Plagiarizing others and sexually abusing women are what Vic built his minus-tray on. He was breaking bad from high school already, and NEVER broke good. It never had much to do with God or Jesus. It was just an easy way to make money and get laid. Try to put a timeline to "the founding" of TWIt. Was it 1942? Was it after Rosalind Rinker left Van Wert? Was it the blizzard in OK in 1951, when J.E. Stiles "led him into tongues"? Was it when he first took B.G.'s "Gifts of the Spirit" class in 1952? Was it when he taught B.G.'s class on his own and called it power for abundant living? Was that in honor of his hot love for Rosalind or her Bible? Was it on the trip to India in '56? Was it when he was fired by the Evangelical and Reformed Church for "misconduct"? Was it when Harry bought him the family farm and ACTUALLY started The Way Inc.? Was it when they dedicated the BRC? And, most interestingly, was it the snowy gas pumps apparition (or hallucination) and the audible voice "commission" from God himself? What year was that??? He never says does he? Sounds like it was in Van Wert, but WHEN?? IF, it happened at all before dic told his legendary pile of "miracles" to Elena Whiteside in 1971. Ahhh......the blissful delusions of malignant paranoid narcissism and alcohol! That's the gawd who pulled off all the various foundings and iterations of Vic-n-twit.
The letters linked by Penworks are indeed "evidence" of dictor's pathological alcoholic rollercoaster ride through psychoemotional terrorism. The consumers of the worst of dictor's "righteous wrath" we're his corpse. There are dozens who carry on his pathologies in their own names with their own minustrays. Volume does not turn lies into truth or evil into good. Serial rape and sexual assault are not fruit of the spirit. Sociopathic malignant paranoid narcissism is the stuff of genocidal dictators and wide-eyed, smiling cult leaders. None of those destructive illnesses and addictions to hateful behavior teach of Jesus Christ nor His Heavenly Father. They raise up and maintain Satan, Da Debbil to his rightful place in TWIt......the center of all power, influence, authority, calling, and purpose of all Vic-n-twit were and hoped to be. Rosie, Donna, and Howard are no less self-deluded and mentally ill. There's nothing new or different at or about TWIt today. It remains the fulminating infection of wicked people and sick minds with no good intent or good will toward their fellow humans. They are all destined to join dictor paul on the dungheap of the dark side of human nature. What a minustry!!!
DWBH, how sad!! So many members of the Way Corps were smart, and had much to offer the world. If VPW had been a real MOG, so much good could have been done for His people!! Such a waste of talent, and the lives of so many people!! How sickening!!
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What interests me is how people can or cannot change, how willing people are (or not) to adapt to a changing situation. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes. This is a fact of life known since the
In my view, even though it's often revolting to read VPW's own incriminating words that illustrate how deranged he was, it's a valuable way to gain understanding of how he used classic cult leader ta
And further........not only was it accepted as "normal" by young corps...........but most splinter group leaders are STILL singing the praises of wierwille and promoting his doctrines, methods, tactic
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I left in '86 so I missed all dem fawg years and then the crazed Nazi years under da forehead. From what I heard it was just a smaller freaking zoo. You guys provide an extremely important perspective that many of us here do not. You sound like you were "Junior" corpses in the family corpse at the TWIt Vatican in RC. Man, that must have sucked big time! I've talked to several jcs and the accounts are really awful! Especially the ones where the parents are still in! Thanks for posting your experiences.
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I was never corps/jc. It is my understanding that LCM, in his righteous dance-off against the invisible, ripped the veil top to bottom. He made no distinction between jew and gentile, corps and non-corps, human beings and slime molds.
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It was a wonderfully exciting time being in rez with that awesome President, Craig, to teach us the ways of a man of God. I learned some amazing things.
Like, what a 40 year old man looks like when he's having a serious tantrum.
Like, lots of interesting ways to curse other people. Lots of swear-words that were new to me.
Like, how pozzest and ungodly were homosexuals.
Like, how unworthy I was, and how gracious the tantrum-thrower was in allowing me to stay in rez and learn even more from him. How weak I was in not coping with 20 hr days. How sinful it was to talk to staff members.
Like, how unworthy practically all of my in rez Corps was. How gracious he was in allowing us to stay and be guided by him.
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Hey Twinky - after reading your post i remembered the way we were "encouraged" to have just that kind of thankful attitude while in residence - kinda reminds me of the "thank you sir may i have another" scene from Animal House
(edited for typo: i originally had it "kinda reminds me of the "thank you sire may i have another" - while probably a little more accurate in terms of my status compared to LCM - in my former frame of mind, anyway - it did not reflect what was said in the movie)
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Great concluding summary statement, bro.
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Seriously.....da forehead is one of the most densely self-deluded malignant paranoid narcissists I've ever met in my life. He had the critical thinking skills of a salted slug. He had the personality of a redneck thug, as easily put down as Joe Pesci put down the same in My Cousin Vinny......LOL!
The boy was simply a really dopey, Southern Baptist wannabe athlete with a subpar intellect and the personality of a Pamploma bull. He allowed a drunken, malignant paranoid narcissist to frame loy-boy's identity as the bumbling stumbling fumbling jock doofus moggie that he turned out to be. A knuckle-dragging Prince with no redeeming value of any kind....social, intellectual, or spiritual. The dope is an entire package of LOSER. He is a very ill RWCNJ, with a chip on his shoulder the size of Anatacrtica, and twice as cold. He is a self-consumed Shskespearan tragedy in real time. A miserable ghost of a subhuman mutatation. EEWWWWWWWW!
Edited by DontWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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It was a time where 'Men in Tights' was doing the seed of the serpent lady, to speak of the top level of the menagerie. You know - athletes of the scarlet letter?
I remember when little kids used to watch that flick seeing those 2 grind on each other..... TWIT Family Values folks....
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Yikes! Chockfull.....men in tights....LOL! Sounds Shakespearean.
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You got it TBone exactly. Semi-Shakespearean ;)
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Grace Valerie Claire
Holy Sheet DWBH!!! I remember
when JCOPS came out in the early 80's (?). It was such a well-written, and intelligent book, that somehow I knew that VPW and Company could never have written it. Now, I know who wrote it, and I thank- you for that DWBH!
i do remember that it was a huge deal for TWI to have such a book.
The love for God, and the amount of work that obviously went into it, made me realize that VPW could never have done it. Now I know who wrote it, and I thank-you for that DWBH. The nerve of VPW claiming to have written such am outstanding book sickens me. I knew even than, that It had to have been written by someone other VPW. I did not know that it took three men to write it, but I can well understand now why it did. DWBH, I think you made an excellent point when you mentioned how VPW ended up; whereas the young men who wrote it ended up "with meaningful lives." Thank-you DWBH for posting this!!
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Similar situations arose with other books, meaning the real authors and worker bees never got credit for their work. You can read about the behind-the-scenes story of publishing the Aramaic concordance in my upcoming book, Undertow. I was on the team of people who worked with Bernita J*ss on that project.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, I didn't know you were ordained!! Good for you!! For once, VPW did something right in his life!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Pen, I always thought you were a smart lady, know I know you are!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Bol, if you hear laughter, it's only me!! Your post IMO, is wickly funny!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Way, great post!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, I try to stay out of arguments, because I usually find them non-productive, but I think you are right about DWBW. He was in the front row, watching all the S--t go down in TWI, so he knows more about it, than most of us. Personally, I am happy that I don't know all that he knows about the inner workings of Way World. If I did, I think I might have to be on some super-strong medication!! And as he says, if you don't like his posts, don't read them!! One thing about DWBH, he doesn't Bullsheet in his posts; you know where he stands on the issues. Besides, I think his posts are funnier than h--l!! God bless you, and yours DWBH!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Bol, yes!! H--l yes!!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, great post!! I love coming to the GSC, because I find out the truth of what really happened in TWI. In my various Twigs, I always heard the sunny side of life in TWI. I was shocked, and saddened when I came to the GSC, and learned the true nature of TWI, and how evil VPW, LCM, and RR were. I felt like I had been lied to for a number of years, and I was!! If I had know all the Bulls--t that was going on in Way World, I would have left sooner, and taken my ABS with me. Nuts, DWBH, I wish I had discovered the GSC years before I did. Thanks for telling us the real story of what happened in TWI, and giving us your unique perspective on it. TTFN!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, what a wonderful post!! I think we are blessed to have DWBH, and others here at the GSC, exposing all the garbage behind the TWI facade. I too wonder how DWBH functions knowing what he knows about TWI, but he seems to me, to be at peace about it. God bless him, and his family!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Way, thanks for the link!! I heard it some time ago, and I figured out who DWBH is! But, it was a great broadcast in MHO, because DWBH didn't tap dance around; he said what he meant, and meant what he said. But, I was appalled by the way DWBH and his family were treated by TWI!! All that he did for TWI, and they treated him like he was a Criminal!! I am so happy that DWBH is doing well these days, and wish the best for him, and his loved ones.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, how sad!! So many members of the Way Corps were smart, and had much to offer the world. If VPW had been a real MOG, so much good could have been done for His people!! Such a waste of talent, and the lives of so many people!! How sickening!!
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Grace Valerie Claire
DL, me thinks at that price, it will not be read by me!!
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