So was VPW the source of these ridiculous salutations? (God Bless in the most powerfully abundantly blessed name that is above all blah blah blah . . . )
"I thank you Dr. Weirwille, for never attaching a single string to my life" February 17, 1981
So was VPW the source of these ridiculous salutations? (God Bless in the most powerfully abundantly blessed name that is above all blah blah blah . . . )
"I thank you Dr. Weirwille, for never attaching a single string to my life" February 17, 1981
I have many of these in my own files at home in hardcopy, the originals that were mailed to us Corps people. It is highly probable VPW had help writing them, just as he had an assistant, Allis*n Hean*y, write his articles titled, By The Way, that were published in the St. Mary's Evening Leader newspaper during the 1970s and 1980s.
it's late - and i just posted something then saw your thread here - oh my! I showed it to Tonto - we're tired and going to bed - but i will definitely check out the link to a treasure trove of nonsense.
it's late - and i just posted something then saw your thread here - oh my! I showed it to Tonto - we're tired and going to bed - but i will definitely check out the link to a treasure trove of nonsense.
thanks for sharing !!!
There are 30 letters posted in that archive on google docs. One has to be a translator of sorts to understand them. I suspect that you, T-Bone, will be able to do a fabulous job ferreting out the ironic "truths" in them.
I'm trying to sort them in chronological order (not sure those posted are the only ones he wrote to the WC).
Here's a gem from the December 2, 1977 letter that holds glaring irony.
Wierwille wrote, "A comment on scripture is one thing, but inserting that comment in the body of the scripture text as scripture is Biblical immorality and forgery. This has happened not infrequently regarding one God and other fields in the Word."
Isn't that just a rewrite of his definition of the expression "literal translation according to usage?"
When HE did it, it was justified, because as he got us to believe, if HE said it, it was as if God had said it. But when someone else said it (outside of TWI, or anyone on his research team who determined Wierwille's pronouncements were wrong) it was forgery.
Anyone have any examples handy to help lurking innies grasp the significance of Wierwille's deception?
I have many of these in my own files at home in hardcopy, the originals that were mailed to us Corps people. It is highly probable VPW had help writing them, just as he had an assistant, Allis*n Hean*y, write his articles titled, By The Way, that were published in the St. Mary's Evening Leader newspaper during the 1970s and 1980s.
Yeah, and there were numerous others written earlier that are not posted there.
But somewhere (I forget where) in one of these threads there was a discussion and/or comments on ordination, and whether they were (not always, but largely) requested by the individual. Perhaps this letter (from among those that were posted there) will add some clarity and/or credibility to what as said concerning the matter.
Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for f---ing [mod edit for profanity] us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters.
As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation.
Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week.
I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better".
Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for .... us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological [see edit in original post] haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters.
As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation.
Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week.
I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better".
Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
Quite frankly, it's rather difficult for me to read through or beyond the vitriolic spew you start off with DWBH.
However (as it had my moniker mentioned later in the post), I read it anyway. But contrary to your self aggrandized projection, I never said the process or procedures of ordination were mysterious to me. (Though, back in the day, why some number of folk like you were tapped for such "lofty recognition" and adulation from so many may indeed have seemed rather mysterious. Since then, and since realizing the "less than spiritual" aspect of a great many things of that day and time, much of the enigma has dissipated.) It just so happens that was one of the first links I clicked on and read, and it stirred up a thought or two of something that had been talked about elsewhere here at GSC. By the way, you failed to mention that certain earlier corps were invited to be ordained, but for reasons that might elude others, simply chose not to.
Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for .... us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters.
Yep. Pretty much.
The letters mostly lack coherence, mostly were rambling bulls*it. Mostly, if not exclusively "poor me" for the failures of the WC.
By the way, you failed to mention that certain earlier corps were invited to be ordained, but for reasons that might elude others, simply chose not to.
As a woman in the 2nd Corps, I was offered this opportunity but declined it because I was married to a 2nd Corps man who Wierwille had already ordained and that "was good enough for me."
"Quite frankly, it's rather difficult for me to read through or beyond the vitriolic spew you start off with DWBH.
However (as it had my moniker mentioned later in the post), I read it anyway. But contrary to your self aggrandized projection, I never said the process or procedures of ordination were mysterious to me. (Though, back in the day, why some number of folk like you were tapped for such "lofty recognition" and adulation from so many may indeed have seemed rather mysterious. Since then, and since realizing the "less than spiritual" aspect of a great many things of that day and time, much of the enigma has dissipated.) It just so happens that was one of the first links I clicked on and read, and it stirred up a thought or two of something that had been talked about elsewhere here at GSC. By the way, you failed to mention that certain earlier corps were invited to be ordained, but for reasons that might elude others, simply chose not to."
Do you have problems with what I posted, TLC? Pray tell, what are they besides old tired wierwilleism and refried Bullinger hyperdispensationalism and TWIt Paulianity which you still seem to hold dear?
. . . My heart from a man's point of view is heavy and yet I know that the Word of God is the Will of God. But I must write a part of my heart today because you are my Corps.
Translation: You idiots are so pathetic that I've been forced to get out of bed and use a typewriter to make words on paper for you to hang yourselves on. It does take my mind off this hangover, though.
Translation: You idiots are so pathetic that I've been forced to get out of bed and use a typewriter to make words on paper for you to hang yourselves on. It does take my mind off this hangover, though.
Given that you claim to have never met the man, you appear to be treading where angels might fear to go...
Ever consider or remember the meaning and/or implications of Philippians 4:8?
Thanks for your input and advice WordWolf. I always enjoy your posts.
I said nothing nasty or antagonistic to or about TLC in my first post. Certainly nothing that warranted the nasty stuff from him I reposted when asking him what his "problen" was with my post? Never got an answer from him. What got your TWIt panties in such a bunch TLC? Did mean old dwbh recount FACTS about dictor paul in a way which upset poor little thin-skinned-for-vic-and-Ethelbert's-hyperdispensationalismTLC? Awwww..............:)/>
I choose my words carefully and purposefully when writing about dic'n'TWIt. Are they graphic at times? You bet! But NOTHING I have ever written or spoken about dictor or his sycophantic followers and corpse, is anywhere nearly as graphic as the crimes dictor and his Twustees committed during the entire history of TWIt, and all roads lead back to "The Teacher". Let's see.....what were those crimes and pathological illnesses which caused that graphic horror upon hundreds and hundreds of TWIt victims?.......1)malignant paranoid narcissist. 2)delusional sociopath. 3)racist. 4)misogynist. 5)neo-Nazi fascist. 6)Aryan Supremacist. 7)serial rapist. 8)serial sexual assault which included drugging his victims. 9)pathological liar. 10)alcoholic, and from 1982 until he died, opioid addicted (codeine and oral MS04).
Now, ANYONE can pick up a good dictionary and look up these words, again, chosen carefully and purposely, (sorry if you take that as a "homework assignment" WordWolf....LOL). Look at what they mean! THAT's what and who dictor paul, da forehead, coward, ding-dong, rosie and donna and TWIt were all about. Tell me where that's wrong, ANYONE!
You're correct WordWolf. I am an adult. I am 65 years old and I certainly will dial nothing back now! If it crosses lines the mods think are uncrossable, which is THEIR responsibility, I am faithful to my commitment as an active member here, to allow them to censor me according to their best judgement. That doesn't happen very often, but I have given Raf carte Blanche to censor or edit any post of mine for which he thinks such action is necessary. He does an excellent job, and all volunteer. I trust him, but I don't want to tie him up judging what I post. He's got enough to do, but, as I said, I gave him that license and he lets me post. TY. So, again, thanks for the input WordWolf. Have a great night, and...........peace.
[mod statement: Thank you for your trust. Now PLEASE knock off the namecalling. There are ways to imply TLC is too sympathetic toward VPW without calling him "thin-skinned for vic," etc. Argue against the position, not the man]
DWBH, the problem for me with some of your posts is that in TWI we got so used to bile and vile spewings and name-calling that when someone starts up with this line of speech, it moves me (at least) into "closed ears" position. It washes over me and just leaves me feeling annoyed, and disappointed at the person yelling. So I miss whatever pearls there might be. That's whether it's someone physically shouting, or "shouting" via written material. The shouting makes it seem too personal - an "I don't like you" kids' name-calling.
Whereas Charlene, for example, has a more dispassionate (ie, detached, not that she's not passionate!) approach. She can be just as excoriating, but does it quietly and very pointedly: no name-calling but lots of facts. And I "pin back my ears" to hear what she has to say.
You have a lot to say and to share about the inner workings of TWI. A calmer, more reasonable, factual, approach just might get you heard more, by some people who lurk and post here.
Be quietly deadly. It's more painful Revenge, as the saying goes, is best served cold. Deadly cold. You can still be a clarion call, a wise warning. Heh heh.
As I said before, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. If you prefer Charlene's style of writing more than mine, then don't bother reading anything I post. She's a great writer and has plenty of info on the early years of TWIt-n-vic. She was there for 17 years. She's spent years collecting and collating lots of material about it all. Her book, "Undertow" will be terrific I'm sure. I plan on buying it.
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I will repay." I seek no revenge Twinky. No fruit in or from that. I don't "serve it hot or cold". That's the Lord's prerogative, not mine. I ascribe rather to the adage, "The best revenge is a well-lived life."
I've posted my thoughts and opinions about all this kerfuffel often here at GSC. I'm not doing it again. If what I write and how I choose to express myself bothers you, the resolution is simple......don't read them. That's simple and it's completely within your ability to choose what you want to read.
As I mentioned to WordWolf, I'm old enough now, imo, to not dial back anymore on anything I choose not to. I am sorry if that disappoints you. I respect your input Twinky. Thank you. Have a great day, and.........peace.
I've posted my thoughts and opinions about all this kerfuffel often here at GSC. I'm not doing it again. If what I write and how I choose to express myself bothers you, the resolution is simple......don't read them. That's simple and it's completely within your ability to choose what you want to read.
As I mentioned to WordWolf, I'm old enough now, imo, to not dial back anymore on anything I choose not to. I am sorry if that disappoints you. I respect your input Twinky. Thank you. Have a great day, and.........peace.'s my perspective on your writing, input and delivery, never dial it back.
I absolutely enjoy your posts. Your bold and descriptive exposure/confrontation of mogs/mogettes and their lieutenants
reminds me of Matthew 23 when Jesus "laid it all out there" concerning the Pharisees (whited sepulchers, etc.).
No one on these boards has seen what you've witnessed up close and personal. No one. And, where are the other 420 clergy
that were once a part of the wierwille-deceptive-machine? A few dozen of them are in splinter groups living off the façade
of the wierwille "foundation."
Personally, I come to Greasespot to hear the OTHER SIDE.....and DWBH, you indeed shout it from the rooftops!!
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In my view, even though it's often revolting to read VPW's own incriminating words that illustrate how deranged he was, it's a valuable way to gain understanding of how he used classic cult leader ta
And further........not only was it accepted as "normal" by young corps...........but most splinter group leaders are STILL singing the praises of wierwille and promoting his doctrines, methods, tactic
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So was VPW the source of these ridiculous salutations? (God Bless in the most powerfully abundantly blessed name that is above all blah blah blah . . . )
"I thank you Dr. Weirwille, for never attaching a single string to my life" February 17, 1981
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I have many of these in my own files at home in hardcopy, the originals that were mailed to us Corps people. It is highly probable VPW had help writing them, just as he had an assistant, Allis*n Hean*y, write his articles titled, By The Way, that were published in the St. Mary's Evening Leader newspaper during the 1970s and 1980s.
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wow wee wow Penworks !!!!!
it's late - and i just posted something then saw your thread here - oh my! I showed it to Tonto - we're tired and going to bed - but i will definitely check out the link to a treasure trove of nonsense.
thanks for sharing !!!
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There are 30 letters posted in that archive on google docs. One has to be a translator of sorts to understand them. I suspect that you, T-Bone, will be able to do a fabulous job ferreting out the ironic "truths" in them.
I'm trying to sort them in chronological order (not sure those posted are the only ones he wrote to the WC).
Here's a gem from the December 2, 1977 letter that holds glaring irony.
Wierwille wrote, "A comment on scripture is one thing, but inserting that comment in the body of the scripture text as scripture is Biblical immorality and forgery. This has happened not infrequently regarding one God and other fields in the Word."
Isn't that just a rewrite of his definition of the expression "literal translation according to usage?"
When HE did it, it was justified, because as he got us to believe, if HE said it, it was as if God had said it. But when someone else said it (outside of TWI, or anyone on his research team who determined Wierwille's pronouncements were wrong) it was forgery.
Anyone have any examples handy to help lurking innies grasp the significance of Wierwille's deception?
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Yeah, and there were numerous others written earlier that are not posted there.
But somewhere (I forget where) in one of these threads there was a discussion and/or comments on ordination, and whether they were (not always, but largely) requested by the individual. Perhaps this letter (from among those that were posted there) will add some clarity and/or credibility to what as said concerning the matter.
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Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for f---ing [mod edit for profanity] us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters.
As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation.
Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week.
I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better".
Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
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Quite frankly, it's rather difficult for me to read through or beyond the vitriolic spew you start off with DWBH.
However (as it had my moniker mentioned later in the post), I read it anyway. But contrary to your self aggrandized projection, I never said the process or procedures of ordination were mysterious to me. (Though, back in the day, why some number of folk like you were tapped for such "lofty recognition" and adulation from so many may indeed have seemed rather mysterious. Since then, and since realizing the "less than spiritual" aspect of a great many things of that day and time, much of the enigma has dissipated.) It just so happens that was one of the first links I clicked on and read, and it stirred up a thought or two of something that had been talked about elsewhere here at GSC. By the way, you failed to mention that certain earlier corps were invited to be ordained, but for reasons that might elude others, simply chose not to.
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Yep. Pretty much.
The letters mostly lack coherence, mostly were rambling bulls*it. Mostly, if not exclusively "poor me" for the failures of the WC.
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As a woman in the 2nd Corps, I was offered this opportunity but declined it because I was married to a 2nd Corps man who Wierwille had already ordained and that "was good enough for me."
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Now, now,
all the gentlemen and ladies here can post like gentlemen and ladies here, we know that.
(For those who might have considered otherwise-for the rest, carry on being genteel, folks...)
Someone asked about discussions on "ordination", as twi saw it.
Here's what my google-fu skills turned up:
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"Quite frankly, it's rather difficult for me to read through or beyond the vitriolic spew you start off with DWBH.
However (as it had my moniker mentioned later in the post), I read it anyway. But contrary to your self aggrandized projection, I never said the process or procedures of ordination were mysterious to me. (Though, back in the day, why some number of folk like you were tapped for such "lofty recognition" and adulation from so many may indeed have seemed rather mysterious. Since then, and since realizing the "less than spiritual" aspect of a great many things of that day and time, much of the enigma has dissipated.) It just so happens that was one of the first links I clicked on and read, and it stirred up a thought or two of something that had been talked about elsewhere here at GSC. By the way, you failed to mention that certain earlier corps were invited to be ordained, but for reasons that might elude others, simply chose not to."
Do you have problems with what I posted, TLC? Pray tell, what are they besides old tired wierwilleism and refried Bullinger hyperdispensationalism and TWIt Paulianity which you still seem to hold dear?
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I didn't consult him at all. However, I think his "problem" with what you posted was what he said.
He claimed that he had to get through "vitriolic spew you start off with" to get to your point.
Perhaps that's overstating the case, but your first paragraph really DID go off on a tear with
the colorful language you used to describe vpw's felonies and misdemeanors. It was a bit of work
to get through it- and that's coming from someone who agreed with every word but might not
have piled all of them together in that particular post.
It's one thing to be antagonistic towards vpw who did all those things. It's another to be
antagonistic towards other posters. I don't fault you for having strong feelings but the people
who disagree with you have them also, and there's no need to descend into name-calling
(from anyone.) You're an adult and can choose to dial it back a bit whenever you want.
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Didn't someone want to translate snippets?
October 1977
Translation: You idiots are so pathetic that I've been forced to get out of bed and use a typewriter to make words on paper for you to hang yourselves on. It does take my mind off this hangover, though.
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Well said.
Thank you.
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Given that you claim to have never met the man, you appear to be treading where angels might fear to go...
Ever consider or remember the meaning and/or implications of Philippians 4:8?
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“The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones.”
William Shakespeare---- Julius Caesar (Act 3/Scene 2)
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So TLC, what you're saying is, "Don't go chasing waterfalls."
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Thanks for your input and advice WordWolf. I always enjoy your posts.
I said nothing nasty or antagonistic to or about TLC in my first post. Certainly nothing that warranted the nasty stuff from him I reposted when asking him what his "problen" was with my post? Never got an answer from him. What got your TWIt panties in such a bunch TLC? Did mean old dwbh recount FACTS about dictor paul in a way which upset poor little thin-skinned-for-vic-and-Ethelbert's-hyperdispensationalismTLC? Awwww..............:)/>
I choose my words carefully and purposefully when writing about dic'n'TWIt. Are they graphic at times? You bet! But NOTHING I have ever written or spoken about dictor or his sycophantic followers and corpse, is anywhere nearly as graphic as the crimes dictor and his Twustees committed during the entire history of TWIt, and all roads lead back to "The Teacher". Let's see.....what were those crimes and pathological illnesses which caused that graphic horror upon hundreds and hundreds of TWIt victims?.......1)malignant paranoid narcissist. 2)delusional sociopath. 3)racist. 4)misogynist. 5)neo-Nazi fascist. 6)Aryan Supremacist. 7)serial rapist. 8)serial sexual assault which included drugging his victims. 9)pathological liar. 10)alcoholic, and from 1982 until he died, opioid addicted (codeine and oral MS04).
Now, ANYONE can pick up a good dictionary and look up these words, again, chosen carefully and purposely, (sorry if you take that as a "homework assignment" WordWolf....LOL). Look at what they mean! THAT's what and who dictor paul, da forehead, coward, ding-dong, rosie and donna and TWIt were all about. Tell me where that's wrong, ANYONE!
You're correct WordWolf. I am an adult. I am 65 years old and I certainly will dial nothing back now! If it crosses lines the mods think are uncrossable, which is THEIR responsibility, I am faithful to my commitment as an active member here, to allow them to censor me according to their best judgement. That doesn't happen very often, but I have given Raf carte Blanche to censor or edit any post of mine for which he thinks such action is necessary. He does an excellent job, and all volunteer. I trust him, but I don't want to tie him up judging what I post. He's got enough to do, but, as I said, I gave him that license and he lets me post. TY. So, again, thanks for the input WordWolf. Have a great night, and...........peace.
[mod statement: Thank you for your trust. Now PLEASE knock off the namecalling. There are ways to imply TLC is too sympathetic toward VPW without calling him "thin-skinned for vic," etc. Argue against the position, not the man]
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DWBH, the problem for me with some of your posts is that in TWI we got so used to bile and vile spewings and name-calling that when someone starts up with this line of speech, it moves me (at least) into "closed ears" position. It washes over me and just leaves me feeling annoyed, and disappointed at the person yelling. So I miss whatever pearls there might be. That's whether it's someone physically shouting, or "shouting" via written material. The shouting makes it seem too personal - an "I don't like you" kids' name-calling.
Whereas Charlene, for example, has a more dispassionate (ie, detached, not that she's not passionate!) approach. She can be just as excoriating, but does it quietly and very pointedly: no name-calling but lots of facts. And I "pin back my ears" to hear what she has to say.
You have a lot to say and to share about the inner workings of TWI. A calmer, more reasonable, factual, approach just might get you heard more, by some people who lurk and post here.
Be quietly deadly. It's more painful
Revenge, as the saying goes, is best served cold. Deadly cold. You can still be a clarion call, a wise warning. Heh heh.
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I've been looking at some of these letters at random.
Jeepers, the whiny tone of the letter of Dec 28, 1981. And the duplicity. About love of money, two-drink limit, and sexual addiction. Barf!!
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Hi Twinky! Always good to read you.
As I said before, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. If you prefer Charlene's style of writing more than mine, then don't bother reading anything I post. She's a great writer and has plenty of info on the early years of TWIt-n-vic. She was there for 17 years. She's spent years collecting and collating lots of material about it all. Her book, "Undertow" will be terrific I'm sure. I plan on buying it.
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I will repay." I seek no revenge Twinky. No fruit in or from that. I don't "serve it hot or cold". That's the Lord's prerogative, not mine. I ascribe rather to the adage, "The best revenge is a well-lived life."
I've posted my thoughts and opinions about all this kerfuffel often here at GSC. I'm not doing it again. If what I write and how I choose to express myself bothers you, the resolution is simple......don't read them. That's simple and it's completely within your ability to choose what you want to read.
As I mentioned to WordWolf, I'm old enough now, imo, to not dial back anymore on anything I choose not to. I am sorry if that disappoints you. I respect your input Twinky. Thank you. Have a great day, and.........peace.
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You've met angels???
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skyrider's my perspective on your writing, input and delivery, never dial it back.
I absolutely enjoy your posts. Your bold and descriptive exposure/confrontation of mogs/mogettes and their lieutenants
reminds me of Matthew 23 when Jesus "laid it all out there" concerning the Pharisees (whited sepulchers, etc.).
No one on these boards has seen what you've witnessed up close and personal. No one. And, where are the other 420 clergy
that were once a part of the wierwille-deceptive-machine? A few dozen of them are in splinter groups living off the façade
of the wierwille "foundation."
Personally, I come to Greasespot to hear the OTHER SIDE.....and DWBH, you indeed shout it from the rooftops!!
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As do you Skyrider! Thank you for your encouragement, and more importantly, thank you for reading my posts. I love you bro!
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