"Things like family, traditions, reunions (relatives, classmates, fraternities/sororities, etc), and friendships matter."
Add....kicking around with college buddies, tailgating at football games, bar hopping, poker nights, etc. You know, "traditions" that were an important part of life and culture to a 20-year old.
Instead.....weirdwille had us sitting cross-legged on the floor like 3rd graders at Emporia, at nightowls,
while he sipped his Drambuie-coffee and bloviated his bullsheet. Gawd, what a wasted bunch of years as
that false pretender spewed his braggard-arrogance meeting after pathetic meeting.
All talk, all bureaucratic layering to suck life, living, resources, dreams, culture of all who enter
into an abyss of cult worship.
The longer one stays, the more the tentacles wrap around the very soul/
TWIexit....and don't leave them a forwarding address.
"Things like family, traditions, reunions (relatives, classmates, fraternities/sororities, etc), and friendships matter."
Add....kicking around with college buddies, tailgating at football games, bar hopping, poker nights, etc. You know, "traditions" that were an important part of life and culture to a 20-year old.
Instead.....weirdwille had us sitting cross-legged on the floor like 3rd graders at Emporia, at nightowls,
while he sipped his Drambuie-coffee and bloviated his bullsheet. Gawd, what a wasted bunch of years as
that false pretender spewed his braggard-arrogance meeting after pathetic meeting.
All talk, all bureaucratic layering to suck life, living, resources, dreams, culture of all who enter
into an abyss of cult worship.
The longer one stays, the more the tentacles wrap around the very soul/
TWIexit....and don't leave them a forwarding address.
The reasons for exiting twi might just be as vast as reasons for "jumping onboard" in the first place.
Sure, there's the obvious......1)legalism, 2)arrogance, 3)micromanaging, 4)spiritual abuse, 5)mog/false teacher,
6)obedience/blacklisting, 7)dead end opportunities for advancement, 8)sheer boredom, 9)blatant hypocristy, 10)etc.
But then.....there's YOU. If married, then there's another set of factors. If kids, more factors.
Is this the life you want or are you being herded forward toward autonomous generalities? No dreams.
No aspirations. No real goals. No genuine friends
To exit.....I think has a lot to do with reclaiming one's life and sovereignty. After being bullied and pushed
around for a number of years (decades), people want to stand up for themselves. Things like family, traditions,
reunions (relatives, classmates, fraternities/sororities, etc), and friendships matter. Who in the hell wants to be
an automaton way-bot for life? Subjected to a bureaucracy of monotony and servitude to overlords?
And then......railroaded into observing twi's skewed "holidays" [uncle Scary Day, Pseudo-Pentecost, Mog-Birthdays,
Bless or Treat Hallowed Saints, Thanksgiving in a cult, Ho-Ho-Re-Lo and Pray In the New Mog Year].
Gawd, I am so thankful that I exited that "mystery train" with a leap of faith.......to FREEDOM.
There is no sign that says "exit ramp one mile ahead".....its that instinctive knot in your gut
every time you attend another boring, regurgitated teaching that tells you to "Run Forest, Run!"
It's time to let your conscience, and gut instinct, be put to a vote. TWIexit.
On 6/25/2016 at 11:57 PM, skyrider said:
"Things like family, traditions, reunions (relatives, classmates, fraternities/sororities, etc), and friendships matter."
Add....kicking around with college buddies, tailgating at football games, bar hopping, poker nights, etc. You know, "traditions" that were an important part of life and culture to a 20-year old.
Instead.....weirdwille had us sitting cross-legged on the floor like 3rd graders at Emporia, at nightowls,
while he sipped his Drambuie-coffee and bloviated his bullsheet. Gawd, what a wasted bunch of years as
that false pretender spewed his braggard-arrogance meeting after pathetic meeting.
All talk, all bureaucratic layering to suck life, living, resources, dreams, culture of all who enter
into an abyss of cult worship.
The longer one stays, the more the tentacles wrap around the very soul/
TWIexit....and don't leave them a forwarding address.
Good posts Skyrider – thanks!
Since you drew upon current events – Britain's pushback to globalization - that got me thinking of some contrasts with TWI.
I found this definition ofglobalizationonline:
the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets
I'm not sure if this will make any sense but I enjoyed brooding over the Tentacles' Wrap of Integration (or TWI for short - i marked your phrase in bold red) mentioned in your post (used it here with a little poetic license).
And perhaps it's the indomitable spirit within us all that at some point has had enough and wants out of this Wierwillization - the development of the various aspects of your life to be ever-increasingly linked or coordinated with the Wierwillian culture; it is marked especially by free trade (you trade in your freedom for TWI's agenda), free flow of capital (your money, time and resources should flow freely to Headquarters) and the tapping of cheaper labor markets (the way corps program).
And perhaps it's the indomitable spirit within us all that at some point has had enough and wants out of this Wierwillization - the development of the various aspects of your life to be ever-increasingly linked or coordinated with the Wierwillian culture; it is marked especially by free trade (you trade in your freedom for TWI's agenda), free flow of capital (your money, time and resources should flow freely to Headquarters) and the tapping of cheaper labor markets (the way corps program).
Wierwillization was a ruse of activity without accomplishment, busy-work.
Intense activity, busyness, haste, hurry, jump at command, hierarchy of spiritual elders,
class setup, attendance monitored, meetings upon meetings, always in a hurry to get nothing done....
Yep....the free flow of one's capital [your life, time, money and resources] to serve the borg
that never stops gorging at the trough of others' giving and ruse-induced support.
Wierwille devised a corps program that sucked every conceivable resource from that individual
until there was nothing left but an automaton way-bot programmed for next assignment.
This constant migration of vagabonds, moving constantly from place to place, made for a
wierwillian-culture always in flux.
The building blocks of one's life [marriage, children, career, home, traditions, culture,
interests/hobbies, extended family, community, etc] were irrelevant to the ruling elite.
Hi, I'm writing this to anyone considering whether to break ties with TWI: please keep reading threads like this at this website.
The Way sub-culture that Skyrider describes is real. It was real for hundreds of us, especially those of us in the Way Corps who gave everything to Wierwille's perverted, narcissistic, dangerous-thinking goal of Word over the world.
During my 17-year experience in TWI, I came to see (especially while on the research team) that there was no "Word" as VPW described it and no realistic way to "move it over" the entire world. That goal was an hallucination that emanated from a sick mind full of dangerous ideas.
Think about it. The Way ministry running the world! VPW's teachings dominating everyone's thoughts? Plagiarized books with VP's name on them for sale in every town? Yikes! The idea that we knew more of "the Word" than anyone else on the planet was very silly indeed. (that's an understatement in case you're wondering).
Besides, who wants to live in a world where everyone thinks and behaves the exact same way? That is the farthest thing from democracy that there is! That's a nightmarish world of science fiction.
So, TWIexit as soon as possible. You'll be glad you did, no matter how difficult exiting might be for you. You can find support here. You can search for resources at places like the International Cultic Studies Association.
Anyone reading these facts and truths about rosie rivenbark's way international knows more than enough to turn your life from the frenetic activity of accomplishing absolutely nothing for God or mankind or even one single neighbor. Rosie and Donna have hijacked the death spiral cult "founded" by dictor paul w. They kicked the hapless, ignorant, malignant paranoid narcissist, da forehead in leotards, out of his kingdom, took the 64 million vic amassed in the late 70s and early 80s, and keep their neo-Nazi war machine chugging along as if nothing were wrong. Kinda like, "We're all gone now", or "we're loving and moving da woud just like we used to." BWWAAAHAHAHA!
Back to the zombie apocalypse of way corpse and wows, now called "disciples". Their "minus-tray" remains toxic and deadly to human life as intended by the very God they disgrace every second their doors or microphones are open. Add the morons jallyroll lynn, professor Ludwig Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry overschmaltz wrenn, smarmy nostalgia to the nth degree. There are scores more of these wierwillized zombies brought to the bloody troughs of various TWIt spawn "ministries".
Listen to the wise words of SkyRider, Rocky, waysider, T-bone, and Penworks. Get out now! Cut those constricting tentacles of ignorance, arrogance, and slow painful life-drain that these liars and thieves have to offer. Your "abundant living" is a sham cult. It's run by a woman whose psychopathologies are totalist control over everything she sees as her own, including the private lives and personal preferences of all the zombies who allow rosie and her donna to intrude into every detailed nook and cranny of peoples' personal lives and tell them what to do and how to think.
It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.
It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.
Speaking of death and ruining peoples' lives.......
[Born Again to Serve, p.216...."Joan Williams, the daughter of our dear Indian friends, was developing a serious romantic relationship with a young man in her second year at Defiance College. Just before he left to go home for the December holidays, the young man broke off the relationship. Because of her great disappointment and her cultural background, she became very despondent and ended her life. This came as very shocking, very sad news to us on Christmas Eve, 1957."
Joan was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Williams, the hosts for the wierwilles during their India itinerary. Joan was in the first international PFAL class in Van Wert, (June 16-30, 1957). Six months later, she took her own life.
And perhaps it's the indomitable spirit within us all that at some point has had enough and wants out of this Wierwillization - the development of the various aspects of your life to be ever-increasingly linked or coordinated with the Wierwillian culture; it is marked especially by free trade (you trade in your freedom for TWI's agenda), free flow of capital (your money, time and resources should flow freely to Headquarters) and the tapping of cheaper labor markets(the way corps program).
After mulling over my previous post I would be remiss if I didn't revise the last part of defining Wierwillization "…and the tapping of cheaper labor markets (the way corps program)" to include every and all life-sucking programs of TWI and not just the corps program – i.e. WOW, Way College, Fellow Laborers, etc. and let's not forget TWI staff – they're probably the "cheapest" labor force of all! I apologize for that oversight – due to the tunnel vision of my own experience. What can I say…it's a whine of the times…(referring to my time in residence actually - - they really pushed that you-work-until-you-die-so-quit-thinking-about-savings-and-retirement attitude).
….say….while I've got your attention I just wanted to add something to Penworks' and Don't Worry's comments describing the parasitic / narcissistic leadership of TWI….one of the biggest challenges to me when I began having doubts about TWI was wondering how to separate truth from error. Which is kind of ironic since that was the benefit on the back of the green card that got me interested in taking PFAL. But some 12 years later – at Rome City, in-residence Family Corps program - not long after the passing of the patriarch was read - - I find myself in the maelstrom of lies, conflicts, hysteria, pseudo prophets and wannabes vying for power - – I am lost…confused…doubtful…worried.
I've learned a few things since leaving TWI in '86. Some of that involved developing critical thinking skills (still under development I might add); another thing was to realize that the pat answers, law of believing and all the other shortcuts to success taught in PFAL do NOT work in the real world. When it comes to reflecting on my time in TWI and the challenge of separating truth from error in those experiences – I would like to say it's always so easy now – but that would not be true; sometimes it has been a lot of hard work in the mind…and that's humbling work too…uncomfortable work…parasite-extracting painful work…cathartic work….is it worth it? Oh yes! You have no idea!!!!!
Well…enough about me…but before I finish I just wanted to leave you some food for thought…
In PFAL we heard VP say "the word" takes the place of the absent Christ. Do you believe that is true? What does that even mean? Did Jesus Christ ever show people how to separate truth from error?
I believe he did on a number of occasions – one of which is mentioned in Matthew 7:15 and following – Jesus Christ is warning people of false prophets and says you will know them by their fruit. Did you ever build something, fix something, organize a desk, plant a garden? Did you ever stand back and take a look at the fruit of your labor?
Have you ever looked at the fruit of VP's labor? If you've ever been involved in any of TWI's programs or worked as staff I would venture to say a primitive self-defense mechanism may have just kicked in – to where you mentally gloss over any of those little nasty incidents while being privy to the inner workings of TWI. We humans do have a knack for self-deception don't we. I think it was my long suit.
Is it possible that Jesus Christ's criteria of fruit could be applied to determine the validity of TWI?
I believe so. Matter of fact I think Jesus' criteria will work for saint and sinner alike – however, if the Christian happens to be a PFAL grad it will usually take them a lot longer to figure it out (that's a big change-up from the law of believing snafu in the aforementioned class); you know it doesn't take a theological genius to spot a hypocrite – and PFAL's cloak of invisibility does not work against unbelievers anyway. (really the only thing PFAL's cloak of invisibility is good for is hiding the real world from PFAL "enhanced" eyeballs)
Just a few more words from "the absent Christ": In Matthew 6:23 Jesus said If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!.... Are you absolutely sure PFAL and "the word" taught in PFAL takes the place of the absent Christ? What if the "light" of PFAL is actually darkness? How then could PFAL help you find a way out of that darkness?
Are you curious about that exit sign across the darkened room?
would it hurt to peek outside?
do you wonder what it would feel like if you momentarily stepped out the exit and turned around to look back in from the outside?
Giving plenty of leeway to "VP's labor".......I would tend to classify it in four categories: 1)Classes (namely PFAL),
2)WOW and Corps programs (others as well), 3)Rock of Ages and 4)Staffed Headquarters....SNIP
Joan's suicide was the first one in wierwille's upstart ministry in 1957......4 months after moving off church payroll.
Joan is pictured 4 times in Mrs. Wierwille's book. Dr. I.S. Williams opened every door he could for wierwille in India.
Joan was in the first international PFAL class in 1957.......where was the spiritual overseer, wierwille???
This tragic suicide should have been a 4-alarm bell to wierwille's spiritual alertness/oversight or lack thereof???
I tend to look at the classes, programs, etc. as the delivery system – a means of getting his "fruit" out to followers. And even thinking of his doctrines going beyond the confines of TWI I don't put a whole lot of stock in any offshoots either since they're using the "seeds" of VP's twisted theology.
Perhaps in the bigger picture the fruit of his labor was the insidious crop of crap produced on his own perverted and narcissistic heartland.
I believe doctrine is linked to practice and that actions speak louder than words – so for me there's a lot more to VP's "doctrine" than just what's stated in the physical material of PFAL (the books and audio/video of PFAL); yes – even more so it is the way he modeled it ! He showed followers how to "walk the talk"….by example! Indeed one of the ways he flaunted his supposedly spiritual maturity…his "freedom" in Christ...to portray himself as one who had mastered the renewed mind - was to indulge in the most licentious behavior around devoted followers….
There's no way that anyone can stay in for any length of time and not be affected by VP's "fruit".
I bet a lot of Grease Spot folks would agree that there was a time after leaving TWI when they began to suspect their powers of discernment, reasoning, decision making, etc. may have been compromised to some degree and in need of attention.
the following is a Not so subliminal message:
get out NOW before your "condition" gets any worse !!!
== == == == == == == ==
That account of Joan's suicide is sad and gut wrenching! Anytime I hear things like that I feel so creepy that I use to support and promote TWI.
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Okay, now that you've listed the reasons for joining, what about a list for leaving?
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"Things like family, traditions, reunions (relatives, classmates, fraternities/sororities, etc), and friendships matter."
Add....kicking around with college buddies, tailgating at football games, bar hopping, poker nights, etc. You know, "traditions" that were an important part of life and culture to a 20-year old.
Instead.....weirdwille had us sitting cross-legged on the floor like 3rd graders at Emporia, at nightowls,
while he sipped his Drambuie-coffee and bloviated his bullsheet. Gawd, what a wasted bunch of years as
that false pretender spewed his braggard-arrogance meeting after pathetic meeting.
All talk, all bureaucratic layering to suck life, living, resources, dreams, culture of all who enter
into an abyss of cult worship.
The longer one stays, the more the tentacles wrap around the very soul/
TWIexit....and don't leave them a forwarding address.
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PREACH it, brother! Great post. Thanks.
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Good posts Skyrider – thanks!
Since you drew upon current events – Britain's pushback to globalization - that got me thinking of some contrasts with TWI.
I found this definition of globalization online:
the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets
globalization definition online
I'm not sure if this will make any sense but I enjoyed brooding over the Tentacles' Wrap of Integration (or TWI for short - i marked your phrase in bold red) mentioned in your post (used it here with a little poetic license).
And perhaps it's the indomitable spirit within us all that at some point has had enough and wants out of this Wierwillization - the development of the various aspects of your life to be ever-increasingly linked or coordinated with the Wierwillian culture; it is marked especially by free trade (you trade in your freedom for TWI's agenda), free flow of capital (your money, time and resources should flow freely to Headquarters) and the tapping of cheaper labor markets (the way corps program).
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Wierwillization was a ruse of activity without accomplishment, busy-work.
Intense activity, busyness, haste, hurry, jump at command, hierarchy of spiritual elders,
class setup, attendance monitored, meetings upon meetings, always in a hurry to get nothing done....
Yep....the free flow of one's capital [your life, time, money and resources] to serve the borg
that never stops gorging at the trough of others' giving and ruse-induced support.
Wierwille devised a corps program that sucked every conceivable resource from that individual
until there was nothing left but an automaton way-bot programmed for next assignment.
This constant migration of vagabonds, moving constantly from place to place, made for a
wierwillian-culture always in flux.
The building blocks of one's life [marriage, children, career, home, traditions, culture,
interests/hobbies, extended family, community, etc] were irrelevant to the ruling elite.
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Hi, I'm writing this to anyone considering whether to break ties with TWI: please keep reading threads like this at this website.
The Way sub-culture that Skyrider describes is real. It was real for hundreds of us, especially those of us in the Way Corps who gave everything to Wierwille's perverted, narcissistic, dangerous-thinking goal of Word over the world.
During my 17-year experience in TWI, I came to see (especially while on the research team) that there was no "Word" as VPW described it and no realistic way to "move it over" the entire world. That goal was an hallucination that emanated from a sick mind full of dangerous ideas.
Think about it. The Way ministry running the world! VPW's teachings dominating everyone's thoughts? Plagiarized books with VP's name on them for sale in every town? Yikes! The idea that we knew more of "the Word" than anyone else on the planet was very silly indeed. (that's an understatement in case you're wondering).
Besides, who wants to live in a world where everyone thinks and behaves the exact same way? That is the farthest thing from democracy that there is! That's a nightmarish world of science fiction.
So, TWIexit as soon as possible. You'll be glad you did, no matter how difficult exiting might be for you. You can find support here. You can search for resources at places like the International Cultic Studies Association.
Check out some of these videos:
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Excellent posts you all!
Anyone reading these facts and truths about rosie rivenbark's way international knows more than enough to turn your life from the frenetic activity of accomplishing absolutely nothing for God or mankind or even one single neighbor. Rosie and Donna have hijacked the death spiral cult "founded" by dictor paul w. They kicked the hapless, ignorant, malignant paranoid narcissist, da forehead in leotards, out of his kingdom, took the 64 million vic amassed in the late 70s and early 80s, and keep their neo-Nazi war machine chugging along as if nothing were wrong. Kinda like, "We're all gone now", or "we're loving and moving da woud just like we used to." BWWAAAHAHAHA!
Back to the zombie apocalypse of way corpse and wows, now called "disciples". Their "minus-tray" remains toxic and deadly to human life as intended by the very God they disgrace every second their doors or microphones are open. Add the morons jallyroll lynn, professor Ludwig Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry overschmaltz wrenn, smarmy nostalgia to the nth degree. There are scores more of these wierwillized zombies brought to the bloody troughs of various TWIt spawn "ministries".
Listen to the wise words of SkyRider, Rocky, waysider, T-bone, and Penworks. Get out now! Cut those constricting tentacles of ignorance, arrogance, and slow painful life-drain that these liars and thieves have to offer. Your "abundant living" is a sham cult. It's run by a woman whose psychopathologies are totalist control over everything she sees as her own, including the private lives and personal preferences of all the zombies who allow rosie and her donna to intrude into every detailed nook and cranny of peoples' personal lives and tell them what to do and how to think.
It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.
Edited by DontWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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Speaking of death and ruining peoples' lives.......
[Born Again to Serve, p.216...."Joan Williams, the daughter of our dear Indian friends, was developing a serious romantic relationship with a young man in her second year at Defiance College. Just before he left to go home for the December holidays, the young man broke off the relationship. Because of her great disappointment and her cultural background, she became very despondent and ended her life. This came as very shocking, very sad news to us on Christmas Eve, 1957."
Joan was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Williams, the hosts for the wierwilles during their India itinerary. Joan was in the first international PFAL class in Van Wert, (June 16-30, 1957). Six months later, she took her own life.
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After mulling over my previous post I would be remiss if I didn't revise the last part of defining Wierwillization "…and the tapping of cheaper labor markets (the way corps program)" to include every and all life-sucking programs of TWI and not just the corps program – i.e. WOW, Way College, Fellow Laborers, etc. and let's not forget TWI staff – they're probably the "cheapest" labor force of all! I apologize for that oversight – due to the tunnel vision of my own experience. What can I say…it's a whine of the times…(referring to my time in residence actually - - they really pushed that you-work-until-you-die-so-quit-thinking-about-savings-and-retirement attitude).
….say….while I've got your attention I just wanted to add something to Penworks' and Don't Worry's comments describing the parasitic / narcissistic leadership of TWI….one of the biggest challenges to me when I began having doubts about TWI was wondering how to separate truth from error. Which is kind of ironic since that was the benefit on the back of the green card that got me interested in taking PFAL. But some 12 years later – at Rome City, in-residence Family Corps program - not long after the passing of the patriarch was read - - I find myself in the maelstrom of lies, conflicts, hysteria, pseudo prophets and wannabes vying for power - – I am lost…confused…doubtful…worried.
I've learned a few things since leaving TWI in '86. Some of that involved developing critical thinking skills (still under development I might add); another thing was to realize that the pat answers, law of believing and all the other shortcuts to success taught in PFAL do NOT work in the real world. When it comes to reflecting on my time in TWI and the challenge of separating truth from error in those experiences – I would like to say it's always so easy now – but that would not be true; sometimes it has been a lot of hard work in the mind…and that's humbling work too…uncomfortable work…parasite-extracting painful work…cathartic work….is it worth it? Oh yes! You have no idea!!!!!
Well…enough about me…but before I finish I just wanted to leave you some food for thought…
In PFAL we heard VP say "the word" takes the place of the absent Christ. Do you believe that is true? What does that even mean? Did Jesus Christ ever show people how to separate truth from error?
I believe he did on a number of occasions – one of which is mentioned in Matthew 7:15 and following – Jesus Christ is warning people of false prophets and says you will know them by their fruit. Did you ever build something, fix something, organize a desk, plant a garden? Did you ever stand back and take a look at the fruit of your labor?
Have you ever looked at the fruit of VP's labor? If you've ever been involved in any of TWI's programs or worked as staff I would venture to say a primitive self-defense mechanism may have just kicked in – to where you mentally gloss over any of those little nasty incidents while being privy to the inner workings of TWI. We humans do have a knack for self-deception don't we. I think it was my long suit.
Is it possible that Jesus Christ's criteria of fruit could be applied to determine the validity of TWI?
I believe so. Matter of fact I think Jesus' criteria will work for saint and sinner alike – however, if the Christian happens to be a PFAL grad it will usually take them a lot longer to figure it out (that's a big change-up from the law of believing snafu in the aforementioned class); you know it doesn't take a theological genius to spot a hypocrite – and PFAL's cloak of invisibility does not work against unbelievers anyway. (really the only thing PFAL's cloak of invisibility is good for is hiding the real world from PFAL "enhanced" eyeballs)
Just a few more words from "the absent Christ": In Matthew 6:23 Jesus said If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!.... Are you absolutely sure PFAL and "the word" taught in PFAL takes the place of the absent Christ? What if the "light" of PFAL is actually darkness? How then could PFAL help you find a way out of that darkness?
Are you curious about that exit sign across the darkened room?
would it hurt to peek outside?
do you wonder what it would feel like if you momentarily stepped out the exit and turned around to look back in from the outside?
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Giving plenty of leeway to "VP's labor".......I would tend to classify it in four categories: 1)Classes (namely PFAL),
2)WOW and Corps programs (others as well), 3)Rock of Ages and 4)Staffed Headquarters.
And further, as you noted T-Bone.....was there light in PFAL? Was there power to overcome darkness?
If so, then why did Joan Williams succumb to ending her life less than 6 months after taking PFAL?
Mrs. Wierwille details in her book "despondence over a relationship and her cultural background"......
Joan's suicide was the first one in wierwille's upstart ministry in 1957......4 months after moving off church payroll.
Joan is pictured 4 times in Mrs. Wierwille's book. Dr. I.S. Williams opened every door he could for wierwille in India.
Joan was in the first international PFAL class in 1957.......where was the spiritual overseer, wierwille???
This tragic suicide should have been a 4-alarm bell to wierwille's spiritual alertness/oversight or lack thereof???
So, what about VP's "labor" again? Was it just to get students thru the classes and move on?
This precious daughter didn't have enough "light" from pfal to ward off an ending relationship?
Or......what about that all-mighty revelation that the "man of god" walks with every day? pppfftt.
I don't know.....guess it just frosts me to think that this precious daughter's suicide
didn't send wierwille to his knees and humble his freakin' arrogance. Sheeesh.
A precious "little lamb" is slain nearby, and yet.....the "man of gawd" is busy patting himself on the back
for putting together such an incredible class that its light penetrates all the darkness around it. ppfffttt.
Well....it didn't help her to overcome, now did it?
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I tend to look at the classes, programs, etc. as the delivery system – a means of getting his "fruit" out to followers. And even thinking of his doctrines going beyond the confines of TWI I don't put a whole lot of stock in any offshoots either since they're using the "seeds" of VP's twisted theology.
Perhaps in the bigger picture the fruit of his labor was the insidious crop of crap produced on his own perverted and narcissistic heartland.
I believe doctrine is linked to practice and that actions speak louder than words – so for me there's a lot more to VP's "doctrine" than just what's stated in the physical material of PFAL (the books and audio/video of PFAL); yes – even more so it is the way he modeled it ! He showed followers how to "walk the talk"….by example! Indeed one of the ways he flaunted his supposedly spiritual maturity…his "freedom" in Christ...to portray himself as one who had mastered the renewed mind - was to indulge in the most licentious behavior around devoted followers….
There's no way that anyone can stay in for any length of time and not be affected by VP's "fruit".
I bet a lot of Grease Spot folks would agree that there was a time after leaving TWI when they began to suspect their powers of discernment, reasoning, decision making, etc. may have been compromised to some degree and in need of attention.
the following is a Not so subliminal message:
get out NOW before your "condition" gets any worse !!!
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That account of Joan's suicide is sad and gut wrenching! Anytime I hear things like that I feel so creepy that I use to support and promote TWI.
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edited for clarity
Edited by T-BoneLink to comment
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