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I think it's sinking, from the bow.

When my wife and I left in 1977 (though I still kept getting teaching tapes), we thought then the ship would sink within a decade, we were quite wrong.

There's an old saying by sailors: It's an ugly ship but will never sink. I think it applies.

The horror of it all is how many innocent folks does it take down with it - hitch your wagon to a falling star.

It's sad, not just from my wife and I but so many we personnaly loved, families with kids, sucked down to the depths with falling limbs, branches and twigs.

Folks we loved, very close personal friends, wanted us to come back - it was hard cause we knew if we declined, they would no longer be our friends. My wife and I declined, except for a few, we no longer had any friends in our life.

In hind sight reality, it all turned out better for us (ironic): we left twi and began living the more than abundant life.

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"The horror of it all is how many innocent folks does it take down with it - hitch your wagon to a falling star.".......mrap in the post above.

Funny you seem so horrified by how many innocents were taken down on the Twitanic, yet you are a self-confessed follower of two of the worst Twitanic offshoots on the planet....namely STFI (schoenheit/gallagher) and TLTF (jallyroll lynn and his boyz). Talk about sinking ships?!! You seem to hitch your wagon to one fascist Bircher cult falling star after another! You sure can pick 'em........LOL!

What are those bright falling stars teaching you? That SCOTUS is the devil's instrument in legalizing women's' choice and gay marriage? That the phoney religious liberty laws like their gubbner Mike pence tried to pass making it legal to discriminate against anyone in the LGBT community?

Obama is the Muslim Manchurian candidate? Vote for the Christian Dominionist fascist, Ted Cruz? Ban all Muslims from the USA? See all dem debbil spurts flittin' around everyone who doesn't believe what they tell you is their greatest package of rightly-divided pig manure? One piffle redux after another ad nauseum?? schoenheit and lynn are every bit the sons of their faddah in da woid that da forehead was, and worse. Worse? Oh yeah! And they're still struttin' their mog bs for all to see. At least the okie doofus is still too shamed to show his ignorant face anywhere. Their egos know no shame ONLY because, unlike da forehead, they've never had to settle anything out of court. He was proven to be a lying serial sexual and spiritual abuser, and couldn't lie about it anymore. They have yet to face their day in court but they're equally guilty. How many innocents have those imposters taken down with one sinking "ministry" after another? How many poor followers are still suffering from their Momentus alliance? How many innocents out there are still "blessed" by the "Godly" prophecies of those occult loving idiots who were "speaking into the lives" of people making up all these visions in their minds based on acid-flashbacks and calling it Personal Prophesy? How many naked have they clothed? How many hungry have they fed? How many homeless have they sheltered? How many self-serving and self-obsessed PFAL re-dos, books, tapes, videos, and jeeezus trinkets have they sold and called it "moving the word"? How many times have they paid themselves $106,000 a year salaries above having all their expenses paid, and let indigent followers fend for themselves by their "un-law" of believing? How many "volunteers" did they promise gas mileage and computer reimbursement to and NEVER give it? How many times have they fired each other, banned each other, and publicly humiliated themselves and others with their pathological shenanigans? DO YOU EVEN CARE? Or are you still too busy asking everyone else but THEM if their fictional "REV" is accurate or not, as if you really care?

IMO, your're just a STFI/TLTF troll. You probably think you're on some super-secret double spiritual probation mission to recon the facts pouring out of here about your falling stars and sinking (fellow)ships. They've always been too chicken to show up here for anything more than one or two fly-by looooong posts ending with "I'm never posting here again", or "call me"! That's why they use ditto-heads like you to troll the seas of the worldwide web to see how many places they can still pollute and destroy with their Bible fantasies. And I bet you probably think you're doing it all because "Da Woid" tells you, one of your Personal Prophets told you to, or God himself spoke into that space between your ears and told you. You don't fool me and neither do your cult leaders. I say you're a troll. TTFN.

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I'm just going to leave this right here:

The GSC Forum Rules

Be courteous, and please don't make it personal. Remember, others feel as strongly about their opinions as you do about yours. It's okay to disagree, but when doing so, criticize the message, not the messenger. For example, "I remember that event differently," is appropriate; "you're an idiot" is not. Also, don't assume someone is calling you a liar just because he/she disagrees with you.

Please do not engage in insulting behavior, personal attacks, and inflammatory language. This includes:

calling fellow posters names

accusing them of "needing a therapist/shrink/meds"

labeling others with terms such as "Wierwille apologist" or "perpetual victim"

distorting another poster's name to insult or ridicule

making disparaging remarks about fellow posters' character, motives, intelligence, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), or life outside these forums.

Implying negatives about fellow posters is also not acceptable.

Be aware that sarcasm toward another poster can quickly turn a discussion into a flame war.

And by the way, "He hit me first" didn't work with your mom, and it won't work here.

We disapprove of comments that stifle discussion or label a particular viewpoint as unwelcome. Such comments hinder thoughtful and open discussions.

Do not accuse fellow posters of being "trolls." If you suspect someone is trolling, PM the moderators; please don't start a thread about it.

Do not "stalk" another poster from thread to thread to perpetuate an earlier disagreement (but don't accuse someone of stalking if he/she just happens to disagree with you often).

Do not talk negatively about a fellow poster in a thread where he or she is not participating or start a new thread to "call out" that person.

Do not challenge a fellow poster's personal recollections of his/her TWI experience. People deserve the freedom to share how TWI affected their lives and should not have to fear interrogation or feel pressured to "prove the unprovable."

Generalizations about how TWI affected everyone who was ever involved in the organization may be challenged, however. If you wish to question those generalizations, start a new thread.

This conversation has clearly been taking place over multiple threads. I am not reading closely enough to have an opinion about the substance of your disagreement with each other, and I'm not taking sides. But the next time you guys disagree with each other, if it's not on topic and if it is personal, it's getting moved to the Soap Opera Forum.

Look, I'm the LAST person to lecture anyone about letting emotions get the best of us. And I'm turning a blind eye to most of the posts where you seem to be slugging it out. We get it -- you're not in each other's fan clubs.

We want to keep this place somewhere EVERYONE can participate and work out their concerns with open-minded survivors, which we all are or should strive to be.

My inclination is to leave this post up as a warning for one day, then remove it and remove any post above that is not on topic. This thread is about TWI starting a Twitter account, for Pete's sake. We can be flexible with how we define "on topic," but I think we can agree that at this moment, we're not on topic even a little.

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OK Raf. Thanks for the warning.

I joined Twitter today so i could tweet to the TWI page that CD started this thread with. I'm already blocked from there within an hour after my first Tweet. Just hope it does"t happen to me here. Thanks for your work here. I know it's completely voluntary and I appreciate it.

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  On 4/1/2016 at 10:58 PM, DontWorryBeHappy said:

I joined Twitter today so i could tweet to the TWI page that CD started this thread with. I'm already blocked from there within an hour after my first Tweet.

You weren't expecting not to be, were you?

(Okay, you were probably just testing to see how long it would take them to find your little "canary in the coal mine" voice there, eh?)

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i have no clue how Twitter works.....obviously. I thought, that my tweets to them would show up right underneath their's on the public main page. Guess i was wrong about that! i did not know blocking happens on twitter too, or i never would have bothered.

Edited by DontWorryBeHappy
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Oh wow! Thanks for telling me CD. Checked @Bry@nMi++ler. All his followers are the kids of twits I remember from back in the day.....linder, kish, chavoustie. Can I write him if TWIt blocked me? I saw all my tweets on his page.........I know both his father, Roger who was a twustees, and his brother Arick who was banned from Howard Walker's Way Corpse FB page for being an atheist! Shows how great that page is! Can I write anyone at Twitter or are all those followers of Twi blocking me too?

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  On 4/2/2016 at 5:22 AM, DontWorryBeHappy said:

Oh wow! Thanks for telling me CD. Checked @Bry@nMi++ler. All his followers are the kids of twits I remember from back in the day.....linder, kish, chavoustie. Can I write him if TWIt blocked me? I saw all my tweets on his page.........I know both his father, Roger who was a twustees, and his brother Arick who was banned from Howard Walker's Way Corpse FB page for being an atheist! Shows how great that page is! Can I write anyone at Twitter or are all those followers of Twi blocking me too?

No, you only get blocked by one person at a time. ;)

But like (was it Raf?) said earlier, you don't have to use your real name.

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