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Deja Vu

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  On 3/23/2016 at 2:01 AM, waysider said:

No, it's not spiritual. It's caused by electrical activity in your brain.

Or, did you mean


waysider, I should have expected that from you, I had a cassette version of CSN&Y's DJV albumn.

I have heard so many differnt thoughts on the subject. In my late teens until the early 30's I had weekly episodes of the DJV.

My mistake was while in twi was to tell anybody: I was immediatly informed that I was spiritually oppressed (not possessed).

Yes, I recall, Bill Weingardenerinski {intentionally mispelled} (I loved his folks) and the corp branch leader took me outside and had a really long evaluation of me (guess the WOK, WOW and DOS manifestations were off line that night). Bottom line was that I needed to stop playing with DS's and then they wanted to know if I was a homosexual - that was all quite a "revelation", stuff like that sticks with you for awhile until you understand they were full of it.

Still, my question stands, waysider says it's electrical activety in the brain, I can buy that, honestly, but - If so, how was I able to be totally awake and be able to hear and think things that happened nearly a minute in the future, I had to keep my mouth shut. It got to be so common that I just blew it off because if I hadn't, it would affect my daily activeties.

I do accept the concept that it's only the "feeling in your head" that you have been there before - though, I did push the envelope with the DJV having been exposed to it for so many years - yes, I played with it, thus, it was easy to accept the playing with DS's concept.

Yes, a strange topic, should it by in TWI because of their "criteria of DS", should it be in open or plain ol'e doctrinal.

I know, some folks here would say it needs to be in the mental health forum.

Now, I really am only curious as to what and if there is anything doctrinal/biblical that touches on this subject and anything you wanna add about what twi says about this is simpley entertaining at this point in time and if you are a shrink, never mind, ain't had an episode in 30 years but you never know.

Yes, yes, I understand that some of the perfect folks here on GSC will crap on me regarding this post/topic/thread.

If this is off the intent of GSC then I invite a mod to clear it off immediately, I would understand that decission.

I should have asked this first: Is it located somewhere else on GSC? and I don't wanna hear about google it first, I came here first.

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"Still, my question stands, waysider says it's electrical activety in the brain, I can buy that, honestly, but - If so, how was I able to be totally awake and be able to hear and think things that happened nearly a minute in the future, I had to keep my mouth shut"

There is speculation that it may be related to epilepsy.

"ain't had an episode in 30 years but you never know."

That's good.

Edited by waysider
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Thanks guys, I have read about this stuff previously, I probably am alot more versed in the matter since the advent of the internet - years after it stopped.

The initial post was directed at how twi took this djv matter and turned it into a ds matter; well, maybe they were correct since they got no WOK/WOW/DS revilation - yeh, and then the CYA statement: "stop playing with DS's".

So, I guess we can close on this doctrinal post: ain't nothing here in scripture.

Thanks again.

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