For some reason, I vaguely remember their being nine fountains .. manifestations inspired. Don't really know. Do not particularly care ... just a random memory. I like fountains in general. In another location, I would enjoy it.
I am so glad my ABS was spent for the advancement of the word of God, I only hope that the statue is lighted at night.
If I might ask, can you provide a photo or link to this abboration of brass.
You mean the full sized bronze VP statue that they made little replicas of so that the aspiring moglets could have their own private idol on their desk?
That's in the auditorium lobby no?
Even more funny is counting the pools at the fountain of dying waters.
You mean the full sized bronze VP statue that they made little replicas of so that the aspiring moglets could have their own private idol on their desk?
That's in the auditorium lobby no?
Even more funny is counting the pools at the fountain of dying waters.
I want a plastic version of the vpw statue so I can glue it to my dash board.
Wow, vpw pushed idolitary of himself, would not that be the worst of all the sins?
Dotsie was buried in Pilger Ruhe cemetery, between NK & St. Mary's. Naomi I believe is buried in New Bremen, and Dorothy O. Is buried in IN where she and Ermal were from. I could be wrong as I am relying on second hand reports. But, NONE of them are anywhere near that stupid shrine with their waterlogged husbands AFAIK. SkyRider, do you know?
Dotsie was buried in Pilger Ruhe cemetery, between NK & St. Mary's. Naomi I believe is buried in New Bremen, and Dorothy O. Is buried in IN where she and Ermal were from. I could be wrong as I am relying on second hand reports. But, NONE of them are anywhere near that stupid shrine with their waterlogged husbands AFAIK. SkyRider, do you know?
DWBH.....yeah, that's what I've heard as well.
What a bizarre ending enshrining the wierwille legacy:
1) Wierwille made provisions to plant those seven maple trees....but no provision for Dotsie to be buried there?
2) Why the shrine near a public road? Why not a private, secluded family burial garden tucked away from public view?
3) Shrine symbolism? Wierwille burial spot is elevated and center above others in this only-men-are-recognized club.
4) Unless Dotsie was buried in Kipp family area, it seems strange that she was buried in a non-descript area.
5) Naomi was a non-factor in terms of twi, but Dorothy O. was deeply involved......yet, not buried alongside Ermal.
6) Maybe, it all had to do with symmetry......but geez louise, for a "ministry" that prided itself on detail???
7) And, if THAT is how the "top three ladies" were handled.....what does that say to the schlubs who row the boat?
Yeah, were there in 1978. What a trip that inrez stuff was.
But you were smart and exited. Good move.
I was in an international corps twig and Mil@gros Fl0res (miracle flower) from Venzuela
was my twig coordinator. What a beautiful young woman.....full of joy and excitement.
There were so many good-hearted people who simply wanted to love God and help others.
Yet, the man in charge.....wierwille was this snake in the grass.
1) swelling words of vanity, 2) alluring others, 3) lusts of the flesh,
4) in search of wantonness, 5) living in error, 6) promise followers liberty,
7) wierwille served corruption, 8) wierwille brought BONDAGE to followers.
What a deceptive mess.......ugh.
Sky, how sad to read about the evilness of VPW. Â He talked a lot about God, but in private, he lived like the Devil. Â I feel for those women he assaulted; I wonder how many of them recovered, and were able to move on with their lives. Â Many of us were broken, and thought we would be healed by the love of God; however, in some cases, this same love of God was used against us. Â
Looking back, it's embarrassing to realize a lot of the conspiracy theories being passed around The Way in the mid 1970's were actually propaganda that originated with Liberty Lobby. It's been documented here that Wierwille had direct ties to them. So, all that nonsense about getting this information or that by revelation was an outright perverted lie on Wierwille's part. The guy was more than simply a con artist, he was dangerous and undoubtedly on some government watchlist. I've sometimes wondered if there is a file, somewhere in the FBI archives with our names in it because of our association to The Way. That's not a conspiracy theory, it's just how data collection functions. VPW had a reckless disregard for our safety.
Sky, I am so happy that VB was sent to prison for 30(?) years. From what I understand, Child Molesters do not fare well in prisons. Â Nor should they. Â I have no sympathy for him, but I do feel for all of those young girls he victimized. Â I pray they will keep the help they will need to become functioning adults.
Ya know Skyrider....."to the very end" is a loaded phrase for me because it is so stunningly literal.
Vic took his perverted pathological delusions with him to the grave. He put on his last production, his last ROA closing night, as his epitaph to himself. His athletes of the spirit to end it all with his staged "turning my face to the wall to die" routine. THAT's why he could only trust one guy on the whole planet it to be executive producer.....psychogeer.
I saw vic the day he came back from Gartmore in May of 1985. Or, I should say, I saw the icteric rotting shell of what was left of him. Met him at the airport, Logan, and was the only one of our small greeting party to go onto the coach, which Geer was now back in charge of, while Peter and Christie Edmond seved as complete human crutches. He had called me onboard because he brought me two six packs of my German grandfather's favorite a good-bye gift. All he was, was his paranoid narcissistic delusions smashed on morphine and Drambuie. The creep behind the curtain had been exposed. He turned out to be a wretched gnome of a creature.....Rumpelstilsken-esque....some medieval horror story caricature of a man of gawd. He was only his delusions now. No attachment to anything resembling reality or remorse. Nope! He was gonna commit suicide for God for all to see that Vic was the only true head of twit 4EVER, and the ONLY real mog of the 20th century, the last Paul of Tarsus. The greatest "teaching prophet" since Paul, and the only great king since David, "a man after god's own heart". You, my surrogates are to blame. YOU forced me to do this! YOU, in effect, killed me and my ministry!
Vic was the one who destroyed twi. If he couldn't have it nobody else could either. There was NEVER an ounce of remorse for the hundreds he had raped and abused. In his fog they were lucky to have been assaulted by him. Everyone who ever knew him was lucky as far as he was concerned. He built it all and now he was taking it with him. There was no guilt. There was no shame. There was no need to repent. He never did anything wrong! It was everybody else's fault. Vic was just a victim. He was living his dreams now. He had become the man he wished to be and he did it his way. Sociopathic, paranoiac narcissist, alcoholic neoNazi sexual predator, racist and misogynist extraordinaire. The mighty man'o'gawd Pauline style. Lying and cheating his way through life and now death. What an utterly detestable fraud.
And DWBH, unbelieverable!! Â He was much of a S--t than I realized. Â I hope he rots in hell forever!
You know from my POV, The Way wasn't really destroyed with VPW because, although I grew up in the way at the end of his life, I was in the Corps as an adult under LCM and later Rosalie. It was alive still in as much as it was still actively scarring those of us who were still around.
Anyway, this idea of destroying The Way is interesting to me because looking back from my perspective, Craig seemed to be doing that almost on purpose. I can definitely see the point you are making too. But with the craiggers, all that dumb purging stuff he did, all the mark and avoid, and putting ALL the Corps on the payroll. These things seemed so self evidently "bad for business". Looking back it makes me think maybe Craig was doing it intentionally.
Do you agree and if so, do you think Vic appointed him for this purpose intentionally as well?
Short, good question!! Â But, why would he destroy his Golden Goose??
Short, good question!! Â But, why would he destroy his Golden Goose??
When accepting a Totalitarian Mindset one confuses the belief system with one's identity. Â So without him, nobody can do anything right. Â Also, everything becomes a threat to him. Â Even the followers. Â Destructive decisions begin to flow naturally.
When accepting a Totalitarian Mindset one confuses the belief system with one's identity. Â So without him, nobody can do anything right. Â Also, everything becomes a threat to him. Â Even the followers. Â Destructive decisions begin to flow naturally.
Bol, wow!! Â You are a Smart Cookie!! Â Great post!!
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Ya know Skyrider....."to the very end" is a loaded phrase for me because it is so stunningly literal. Vic took his perverted pathological delusions with him to the grave. He put on his last productio
For those who attended PFAL '77...............wierwille was 60 years old. For those who attended AdvCl '79..............wierwille was 62 years old. For those who attended Living Victoriously....wier
It's also no accident that Wierwille and his doctrine attracted people connected to the John Birch Society and that various conspiracy theories from JBS spilled over into twi. JALvis' father (a key Wi
Thanks, I saw the fountains but did I not go far enough in the posts to see the bronzed god?
Where there 7 or 8 fountains: you know, spiritual perfection or new begining?
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Why not take some initiative to Google Earth it and just count 'em?
I'll even give you a shove in right direction:
40°28'26.85" N 84°19'37.50" W
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Symmetry suggests eight.
Like eight great statements in Acts.
What book is the Bible open to MRAP?
And what's the difference between LIVING water and HOLY water?
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For some reason, I vaguely remember their being nine fountains .. manifestations inspired. Don't really know. Do not particularly care ... just a random memory. I like fountains in general. In another location, I would enjoy it.
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You mean the full sized bronze VP statue that they made little replicas of so that the aspiring moglets could have their own private idol on their desk?
That's in the auditorium lobby no?
Even more funny is counting the pools at the fountain of dying waters.
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I want a plastic version of the vpw statue so I can glue it to my dash board.
Wow, vpw pushed idolitary of himself, would not that be the worst of all the sins?
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Strictly speaking,
vpw did not publish the ugly bronze statue or its collectible midget counterparts.
He died in 1985. Sometime around 1991, they made the big, ugly statue and greenlit
the little ones.
AFAIK, there were never plastic ones for the dash or little hula dancers,
just heavy, bronze statuettes.
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In terms of this thread, "To The Very End" [see what I did there?
Where were the wives buried? Mrs. Wierwille? Dorothy Owens? Naomi Wierwille?
For some reason, I seem to remember that they were NOT buried at the fountain area, right?
Bolshevik? CollateralDamage? Chockfull? Bueller? Who knows the details of this?
What, why and where? How did twi specify this distinction?
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Dotsie was buried in Pilger Ruhe cemetery, between NK & St. Mary's. Naomi I believe is buried in New Bremen, and Dorothy O. Is buried in IN where she and Ermal were from. I could be wrong as I am relying on second hand reports. But, NONE of them are anywhere near that stupid shrine with their waterlogged husbands AFAIK. SkyRider, do you know?
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DWBH.....yeah, that's what I've heard as well.
What a bizarre ending enshrining the wierwille legacy:
1) Wierwille made provisions to plant those seven maple trees....but no provision for Dotsie to be buried there?
2) Why the shrine near a public road? Why not a private, secluded family burial garden tucked away from public view?
3) Shrine symbolism? Wierwille burial spot is elevated and center above others in this only-men-are-recognized club.
4) Unless Dotsie was buried in Kipp family area, it seems strange that she was buried in a non-descript area.
5) Naomi was a non-factor in terms of twi, but Dorothy O. was deeply involved......yet, not buried alongside Ermal.
6) Maybe, it all had to do with symmetry......but geez louise, for a "ministry" that prided itself on detail???
7) And, if THAT is how the "top three ladies" were handled.....what does that say to the schlubs who row the boat?
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"He was a mean man."........Dotsie
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But burn the bones of a prophet?
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Grace Valerie Claire
Thank God for small mercies!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, how sad to read about the evilness of VPW. Â He talked a lot about God, but in private, he lived like the Devil. Â I feel for those women he assaulted; I wonder how many of them recovered, and were able to move on with their lives. Â Many of us were broken, and thought we would be healed by the love of God; however, in some cases, this same love of God was used against us. Â
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Grace Valerie Claire
And our sanity.
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Grace Valerie Claire
I think she would know!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Way, I thought it was known as Bulls--t.
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Grace Valerie Claire
DWBH, in my view, both JE, and VPW were misogynists.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Sky, I am so happy that VB was sent to prison for 30(?) years. From what I understand, Child Molesters do not fare well in prisons. Â Nor should they. Â I have no sympathy for him, but I do feel for all of those young girls he victimized. Â I pray they will keep the help they will need to become functioning adults.
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Grace Valerie Claire
And DWBH, unbelieverable!! Â He was much of a S--t than I realized. Â I hope he rots in hell forever!
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Grace Valerie Claire
Short, good question!! Â But, why would he destroy his Golden Goose??
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When accepting a Totalitarian Mindset one confuses the belief system with one's identity. Â So without him, nobody can do anything right. Â Also, everything becomes a threat to him. Â Even the followers. Â Destructive decisions begin to flow naturally.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Bol, wow!! Â You are a Smart Cookie!! Â Great post!!
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