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Wierwille's Resignation Letter


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This thread is in response to 'Twi's Celebrating 73rd Anniversary' announcement.

Wierwille's resignation letter was typed on church letterhead and dated August 7, 1957.

On the left, at bottom of page is "VPW/rb".....presumably Rhoda Becker typed it.

And, an additional "P.S. Accepted by unanimous vote of the Consistory....."

Why add that? 1)Favor from elders? 2)Defiance? 3)Narcissistic? 4)Other?

On page 215, Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve....is this resignation letter.


St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed Church

Corner of Main and Harrison Streets

Van Wert, Ohio

Victor Paul Wierwille, Th. D., Pastor

109 South Harrison Street

August 7, 1957

To the Consistory of The

St. Peter's E. and R. Church

and to

The Congregation:

Greetings to you in the precious Name of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ.

Because I believe God would have me devote more and more time to

the non-sectarian, interdenominational work of The Way, Inc., International;

to writing and teaching, and thus I would have to be gone from the local

Congregation for weeks and even months at a time, therefore, after all these

years of service in your midst, I lovingly tender my resignation as your Pastor

at this time.

Never has a minister appreciated His Congregation and people more

nor has a minister had more joy in serving a people. I shall forever

be indebted to Almighty God and you for His bringing us together and

for your accepting us and my ministry. It has been your love, prayer

and understanding that has allowed me the freedom to have the hours and

years of the disciplined study of His Word, which is responsible for

the ministry in The Word which God has seen fit to extend to us by His

mercy and grace. I have spoken of you to people the world over and I

shall continue to tell them of you. You have been to us a wonderful

congregation and it has been in your midst that our present ministry on

The Word of God has unfolded and come into fruition. May God's continu-

ed blessing be on you now, and may His reward be abundant to each of

you when we shall all appear before Him in the Resurrection.

Naturally we love you with a great love after these many years

with you, and we pray that you will send us forth with your love and

prayers, that our lives may be a blessing to His children around the



In His Service,

Victor Paul Wierwille


P.S. Accepted by unanimous vote of the Consistory, August 7, 1957. The

Consistory furthermore accepted December 6, 1957 or anytime previous

to this which would be most convenient to Dr. Wierwille as his final

Sunday in our Congregation.

I seriously doubt that wierwille was ever accepted back into this church

to give his final sunday sermon to the congregation......they willingly

(gleefully?) accepted his resignation UNANIMOUSLY.

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Note that in the upper right hand corner, Wierwille does, in fact, declare himself to be the recipient of a legitimate doctorate. (TH. D.)

It was 1957 and the falsehood had already been established.

(You do know he wasn't REALLY a Dr., don't you?)

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In Mrs. Wierwille's book, Born Again to Serve

on page 214, (the page before vpw's resignation letter)

she states:

"In August Dr. Wierwille submitted his letter of resignation from St. Peter's Church

to go into the full-time research, teaching, and fellowship ministry of The Way as of

December 1957. Of course, there was also a pressured undercurrent from the hierarchy

of the denomination to do so since the publishing of The Dilemma of Foreign Missions

in India."

Several things surface:

1) Mrs. W states that "The Way, Inc." will official begin in December 1957.

2) Cleary, the October 1942 origin was obfuscation and deception.

3) Vpw was taking heat from church elders about his foreign missions pamphlet.

4) Seems like a resigning/firing backroom heated discussion was ALREADY A DONE DEAL

before vpw (Rhoda) typed the resignation letter with snarky P.S.

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If we pay attention to the timeline of events, we notice a few things.

A) There's been a few years, and SUPPOSEDLY the objections were PRIMARILY

over vpw's pamphlet about the foreign missions.

B) In the last 5 years preceding this letter, vpw had traveled a lot with

their church paying for it.

C) In the last 5 years preceding this letter, vpw continued to draw a

steady paycheck from their church.

D) In the last 5 years preceding this letter, vpw had copied Leonard's

class and been teaching it, claiming he originated it.

E) In the last 5 years preceding this letter, vpw had retyped Stiles'

Holy Spirit book and been selling it, claiming he originated it.

F) In the last 5 years, vpw had used "his" class and "his" book and set

up an independent ministry, answerable PERSONALLY to him and to

give 10% of their incomes to him.


the family farm was sold to twi and became their base of operations,

subject to renovations.

H) A few years later, vpw had been running large camping events on

campsites and then began moving first himself, then their summer schools,

to the farm, eventually moving camping events there about a decade later.


Why were they so happy to see him go?

They were paying for a full-time pastor,

and had a part-time pastor who was spending at least 1/2 his time

on a side-job that was completely unconnected to them.

In fact, he was looking to empty their congregation and get everyone

to join his new group, if he could manage it.

Why WOULDN'T they be happy to see him go?

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  On 10/18/2015 at 3:54 PM, WordWolf said:

Why were they so happy to see him go?

They were paying for a full-time pastor,

and had a part-time pastor who was spending at least 1/2 his time

on a side-job that was completely unconnected to them.

In fact, he was looking to empty their congregation and get everyone

to join his new group, if he could manage it.

Why WOULDN'T they be happy to see him go?

Ding, ding, ding......we have a winner!!

1)In June 1944....wierwille accepts new pastorate at St. Peter's in Van Wert

2)In July 1944....vpw heads to E. Stanley Jones Ashram in North Carolina

"Rev. Wierwille, ever since his seminary years, had gone to meetings anywhere in the United States

where he thought he might learn more about God and His Word and learn more about how to present His

Word more effectively to the spiritually hungry. He went to Christian conventions, revival meetings,

Pentecostal conferences, healing meetings, and family camps. If places were near enough, he would

take our family and other interested people. All of us went to meetings in Indiana, Michigan, and

Ohio whenever we knew of them, believing we'd learn something, which we always did." page 51, BATS

3)Summer of 1945....wierwille attended the Camp Farthest Out at Lake Koronis, Minnesota [p.56]

4)In Sept. 1948.....vpw made public appearances and began broadcast in Lima, OH

5)Thru the years....victor and harry spent lots of time hunting and fishing

6)In April 1951.....vpw headed to Honduras [two wks] to observe mission work

7)In June 1951......wierwille heads to Tulsa, OK for "The Divine Healing Convention"

"Rev. Stiles was able to answer all of Dr. Wierwille's perplexing questions and to help him

receive into manifestation holy spirit by speaking in tongues." [p.80]

ALL of these men, and conferences, camps and ministries.....TAUGHT wierwille.

ALL of those bloviating claims of wierwille being the "man of God"......pppffffttt.

AT LEAST.....by 1951, after Stiles and vpw writing "his" book on receiving holy spirit,

wierwille was DISTANCING HIMSELF from his pastoral duties [while on THEIR PAYROLL].

Ethically and biblically......wierwille was STEALING from his employer!!!

8)In January 1952.....inviting guest speakers to Van Wert Church [spiritual 40 club]

9)In February 1953....wierwille takes Rev. B.G. Leonard's class The Gifts of the Spirit

10)In June 1953.......vpw, dorothy, don and some church congregants take Leonard's class

Gee....I wonder how the Van Wert Church felt about THAT?!? :biglaugh:/>

11)In October 1953....wierwille teaches LEONARD'S CLASS in the basement of St. Peter's Church

12)By June 1954.......after meeting with Pillai, vpw begins serious preparation for India itinerary

Planning to be gone for EIGHT MONTHS (1955-1956)

And, by this time.......(imo) the church elders were thoroughly disgusted :asdf:/>

Obviously, there was UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT to get wierwille out of THEIR pulpit.

And, soon thereafter.....wierwille's name was STRICKEN from St. Peter's clergy registry.


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Yet, it does seem so sincere, (his resignation letter) I bet he found some clergyman's resignation from yesteryear :who_me:/> and he pawned it off as his own too. It still comes off like he was plagiarizing Peter in the epistles. The master magician using his master stroke with his pen.

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  On 10/18/2015 at 6:32 PM, Human without the bean said:

Yet, it does seem so sincere, (his resignation letter) I bet he found some clergyman's resignation from yesteryear :who_me:/>/> and he pawned it off as his own too. It still comes off like he was plagiarizing Peter in the epistles. The master magician using his master stroke with his pen.

That's a real gem right there, I tells ya. A bonafide gem! :eusa_clap:

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  On 10/18/2015 at 6:07 PM, skyrider said:

"Rev. Wierwille, ever since his seminary years, had gone to meetings anywhere in the United States

where he thought he might learn more about God and His Word and learn more about how to present His

Word more effectively to the spiritually hungry. He went to Christian conventions, revival meetings,

Pentecostal conferences, healing meetings, and family camps. If places were near enough, he would

take our family and other interested people. All of us went to meetings in Indiana, Michigan, and

Ohio whenever we knew of them, believing we'd learn something, which we always did." page 51, BATS

The sausage-making of the mog......... :biglaugh:/>/> :biglaugh:/>/>

When I was a limb coordinator on twi's payroll, I wonder what twi would have thought

about me traveling to ALL KINDS of meetings, conferences, healing events in a 400-mile

radius and labeling it as "God was at work teaching me"........and still be in their

good graces? Still receiving a full paycheck no matter what?

And further......wierwille ADMITS that, oftentimes, he would take church congregants

to these conferences, classes, retreats, and events.

And further the further......I remember wierwille recapping his church/pastorate days

to us in-residence corps and ADMITTING that if he had it to do all over again, he would

HAVE TAKEN ALL of St. Peter's church congregants (to twi) if they wanted to go.


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quote: And further......wierwille ADMITS that, oftentimes, he would take church congregants

to these conferences, classes, retreats, and events.

Let me get this straight. If I attend any church ONE TIME, then they own my soul for eternity? Why didn't E&R church get rid of him sooner if what he was doing was so unethical? People who join cults aren't "brainwashed". Their previous churches weren't cutting it. VPs sure wasn't.

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  On 10/24/2015 at 12:12 AM, johniam said:

quote: And further......wierwille ADMITS that, oftentimes, he would take church congregants

to these conferences, classes, retreats, and events.

Let me get this straight. If I attend any church ONE TIME, then they own my soul for eternity? Why didn't E&R church get rid of him sooner if what he was doing was so unethical? People who join cults aren't "brainwashed". Their previous churches weren't cutting it. VPs sure wasn't.

You know, johniam, there are broadly recognized ethics that go along with ordination. When a person accepts responsibility over a congregation that is associated with the denomination that ordained the person, it is not ethical for the person to draw members of the congregation away from their ties to the parent denomination. Wierwille drew members of his congregation away from the denomination that ordained him, to have them send their money directly to HIM, instead of to the denomination that was ALSO paying him.

Wierwille was not interested in how well the E&R was serving its people. He was interested in how well everyone could serve HIM ONLY with their money!

What Wierwille was doing was dishonest to his employers, and dishonest to the people who decided to follow him instead of their bona fide church. Wierwille has always been dishonest, from the beginning of TWI to the end of his involvement (R.I.P.).

You need to stop and think about the things you say, johniam.



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"Let me get this straight. If I attend any church ONE TIME, then they own my soul for eternity?"

What? Who said that?

"Why didn't E&R church get rid of him sooner if what he was doing was so unethical?"

Who really knows? Just because they didn't get rid of him doesn't prove or disprove anything.

"People who join cults aren't "brainwashed"

Well, maybe not initially but long term exposure and adherence to the tenets of a cult can certainly alter one's thinking and behavior.

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"Rev. Wierwille, ever since his seminary years, had gone to meetings anywhere in the United States

where he thought he might learn more about God and His Word and learn more about how to present His

Word more effectively to the spiritually hungry. He went to Christian conventions, revival meetings,

Pentecostal conferences, healing meetings, and family camps." page 51, BATS

Oh, that sounds so noble and gentle in its sanitized version.


1) Wierwille was just another seminary graduate looking for advancement.

2) Vpw could easily see that he was a piker compared to men like JE Stiles.

3) Notice that wierwille does NOT inquire thru denominational hierarchy.

4) Looking at off-beat tangents and opportunities fit wierwille's "style."

5) All his life, vpw seemed to be evasive, arrogant and an outlier.

6) Marriage to Dorothy was kept secret....not permitted for pre-seminary students.

7) Going against the rules and plagiarizing others were "opportunistic ventures."

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  On 10/24/2015 at 12:12 AM, johniam said:

quote: And further......wierwille ADMITS that, oftentimes, he would take church congregants

to these conferences, classes, retreats, and events.

Let me get this straight. If I attend any church ONE TIME, then they own my soul for eternity? Why didn't E&R church get rid of him sooner if what he was doing was so unethical? People who join cults aren't "brainwashed". Their previous churches weren't cutting it. VPs sure wasn't.

Ok, let's see what's being completely re-written here.

No, nobody mentioned visiting a church a single time- these were the "regulars."

No, nobody mentioned "owning anyone"-but trying to get people to convert from

one group to another is a big deal. How do YOU feel when someone supposedly is

in the staff for your group, but quietly tries to get them to leave it and

join another? Right- double standard. It's fine if it's to JOIN your group,

to get them to LEAVE your group it's unprincipled. And no, I wouldn't buy it

for a second if you claimed you'd actually be fine with it. You'd yell.

Why didn't they fire vpw?

Speculating here, but they were probably nicer people than him, and considered

the consequences to a minister of firing him from his employment. Also, he

never announced "I'm looking for something to REPLACE your group and I'm trying

to take the congregation with me,"- he was quiet. Also, as an accomplished liar,

it's obvious he had a pious SPIN to tell people if he was caught.

"Oh, I want to bless this congregation more so they have more reason to stay,

so I keep looking." That's his style. So, they were slow to think he was just

in it for the paycheck, and he had ready answers that made him sound sincere.

Nice people are easier to con.

Nobody said his congregation was "brainwashed". He WAS trying to draw them

away and have them loyal to HIM and answerable to HIM EXCLUSIVELY, so call

that what you will. As for their previous church, it's always possible to

improve on something or at least add an interesting change of pace.

(A one-shot, interesting event isn't necessarily a bad thing, in and of

itself.) vpw, naturally, got people to show up partly by convincing them

they WERE "lacking" something in the congregation- and sold a few of them on

the idea that's what he was doing-looking for what they lacked. Looking

coldly at the facts and results shows he was looking for a MARKETABLE PRODUCT

and stopped when he found it- while saying something different. Once he had

Leonard's class to counterfeit and claim was his own, and Stiles' book to

counterfeit and claim was his own, the next time he did ANY real search was

to grab the hippies to get them to MARKET his counterfeit products.

vpw was NOT in it for the benefit of others- if you view his actions. If you

only go by his own press releases, however, that's all he ever wanted.

Few of us are that gullible now, but you're free to believe what you want.

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  On 10/24/2015 at 10:59 AM, skyrider said:

"Rev. Wierwille, ever since his seminary years, had gone to meetings anywhere in the United States

where he thought he might learn more about God and His Word and learn more about how to present His

Word more effectively to the spiritually hungry. He went to Christian conventions, revival meetings,

Pentecostal conferences, healing meetings, and family camps." page 51, BATS

Oh, that sounds so noble and gentle in its sanitized version.


1) Wierwille was just another seminary graduate looking for advancement.

2) Vpw could easily see that he was a piker compared to men like JE Stiles.

3) Notice that wierwille does NOT inquire thru denominational hierarchy.

4) Looking at off-beat tangents and opportunities fit wierwille's "style."

5) All his life, vpw seemed to be evasive, arrogant and an outlier.

6) Marriage to Dorothy was kept secret....not permitted for pre-seminary students.

7) Going against the rules and plagiarizing others were "opportunistic ventures."

He wanted to "get ahead" but always tried to skip putting in the work, in research

or anything else. He was a lightweight compared to Stiles- but was good at performing

so he could FAKE Stiles and just repeat what Stiles said and pretend he came up with it-

and that's exactly what he did. He used the denomination for a paycheck and a platform

(they gave him an initial audience and prestige as a pastor), but spent his actual

EFFORTS outside the hierarchy so he could find something separate. He wanted something

successful but separate so he could avoid both accountability and the need to split

the money and credit with anyone else- so that's what he did.

By his own admissions to the corps, he viewed ministry as a possible career path,

and approached it exactly that way- for money and a steady paycheck. He was perfectly

happy breaking the law and being unethical as long as he got away with it,

and came up with rationalizations as to why it was fine for him to do it but wrong

for everyone else. All of that's demonstrated by what he actually DID.

Naturally, if one wants to ignore what the man DID and only go by what he SAID he did,

one is free to do that. One would be a fool, but one if free to BE a fool.

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"Why didn't E&R church get rid of him sooner if what he was doing was so unethical?"

Who really knows? Just because they didn't get rid of him doesn't prove or disprove anything.

It sure begs a question or two. The first post makes it sound like VP spent the whole time joyriding on their dime and they didn't have a clue. How did he do that? Lots of unfilled in blanks here.

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quote: "Let me get this straight. If I attend any church ONE TIME, then they own my soul for eternity?"

What? Who said that?

Who? How about any church whose main motivation is the love of money. Notice how quickly twi dropped off the cult radar AFTER VP died and twi subsequently lost all their people...their MONEY??? Nobody considers them a "dangerous cult" anymore except here.

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  On 10/25/2015 at 1:29 PM, johniam said:


Who? How about any church whose main motivation is the love of money. Notice how quickly twi dropped off the cult radar AFTER VP died and twi subsequently lost all their people...their MONEY??? Nobody considers them a "dangerous cult" anymore except here.

TWI seems to have dropped off the radar because the only presence they ever had was as a tiny blip. TWI did not lose "all" their people, as evidenced by even a cursory search of sources. Their money? Last I heard it was somewhere in the 50-60 million USD range. That's not a fortune in today's economy but it's still a lot of dough, especially when you consider that some of it came out of our wallets. Whether or not anyone considers them dangerous is irrelevant. What makes them dangerous is that their doctrinal DNA continues to influence peripheral organizations like SOWERS, TLTF and so on.

None of this, by the way, has anything to do with VPW's resignation letter. I'm just sayin'

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  On 10/25/2015 at 1:24 PM, johniam said:

It sure begs a question or two. The first post makes it sound like VP spent the whole time joyriding on their dime and they didn't have a clue. How did he do that? Lots of unfilled in blanks here.

Johniam......the first post says that? Go back and re-read the first post in this thread.

My first post highlighted wierwille's resignation letter and the "p.s. factor" that the

church consistory UNANIMOUSLY ACCEPTED his resignation on August 7, 1957.

Now, with regards to "VP spent the whole time joyriding on their dime".....

in my #5 post, I detailed FROM MRS. WIERWILLE'S BOOK her exact quote regarding vp's extensive

traveling and gave a specific timeline of his various trips. Thirteen years (13) on

E&R payroll [June 1944- August 7, 1957].......and Mrs. Wierwille highlights the E. Stanley Jones

Ashram, conferences, mission trips, camps, etc. that vpw attended to learn and apply what OTHERS

were doing.

With Mrs. Wierwille's book, Born Again to Serve......it is quite easy to see how wierwille

"cut-and-pasted" his conference/class ministry apparatus like SO MANY OTHERS were doing. Page 48

shows young victor at the very back of nearly 210 attendees of this E. Stanley Jones Ashram in

North Carolina.

Time after time after time......Mrs. Wierwille details how others were INSTRUCTING victor in his

early pastorate days. It just blows A WIDE HOLE in vpw's claim as "THE man of God" doctrine

that permeated the whole of twi.

But listen, johniam......I understand how truly upsetting this might be for someone

who has wrapped their whole life, theology and being into believing that twi was/is

"THE true household of God"......of which, anyone who has left the fold, is NOT.

Maybe that's why you struggle....attempting to prove, to yourself,

that you've NEVER LEFT TWI. In your mind, you are a "true believer."

But according to twi.....a "true believer" never leaves.

You claim....you are right.

Twi claims...they are right.

Your struggle is not with greasespotters.

Your constant struggle is with twi.

Are you with them.....or against them?

That is the question.


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I've been loosely following the recent news event detailing the beating death of a 19 year old man who expressed a desire to leave his cult's fold. Here, in contrast, we have an incident in which a congregation "shook the hand" of a man who wanted to leave and symbolically said "Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya".

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But listen, johniam......I understand how truly upsetting this might be for someone

who has wrapped their whole life, theology and being into believing that twi was/is

"THE true household of God"......of which, anyone who has left the fold, is NOT.

Maybe that's why you struggle....attempting to prove, to yourself,

that you've NEVER LEFT TWI. In your mind, you are a "true believer."

But according to twi.....a "true believer" never leaves.

You claim....you are right.

Twi claims...they are right.

Your struggle is not with greasespotters.

Your constant struggle is with twi.

Are you with them.....or against them?

That is the question.

This is a misrepresentation. You know this.

True household of God? Israel was the true household of God at times in the OT. When they were, they had the Red sea parted, manna from heaven, hornets assist them in battles, Jericho deleted, etc. When they weren't they went into captivity. I don't remember VP calling twi the "true household of God". Part of the body of Christ? Yes! Eligible for God to bare his mighty arm for us? Yes! He never said we were the only Christians.

Twi became the "denomination" they ridiculed. More and more rules God doesn't require. And what a 'coincidence' that the purges of 1994 left them with only people who made money. Maybe not rich, but consistent. They became too spiritually cool to bother with taking care of people who were in desperate need anymore. They practically admit this. Not an open door ministry anymore. Personally, I'd rather laugh with the "sinners" than cry with those "saints" any day.

I believe God was involved in twi. Still can be. The question for me is that: is God involved? Can he be? Not which man made group to point the finger at. We're all vanity, remember?

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"I don't remember VP calling twi the "true household of God".

Apparently you're suffering from selective memory. That basic concept is scattered throughout the tapes, books, classes and various class materials. Why do you think Wierwille said you would never find the rightly divided word anywhere else like you would in The Way? What do you think all those teachings were about that differentiated between the household and the family? What did you think it meant in the Advanced Class when VP taught about needing to be in fellowship (with God and with the believers) to receive revelation? Why do you think he said your life would be a miserable failure if you ever left the fold? He must have stated some variation of that very idea literally hundreds of times.

On another note:

What's that got to do with the letter being discussed?

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  On 10/26/2015 at 1:26 PM, waysider said:

"I don't remember VP calling twi the "true household of God".

Apparently you're suffering from selective memory. That basic concept is scattered throughout the tapes, books, classes and various class materials. Why do you think Wierwille said you would never find the rightly divided word anywhere else like you would in The Way? What do you think all those teachings were about that differentiated between the household and the family? What did you think it meant in the Advanced Class when VP taught about needing to be in fellowship (with God and with the believers) to receive revelation? Why do you think he said your life would be a miserable failure if you ever left the fold? He must have stated some variation of that very idea literally hundreds of times.

I remember a lot of time spent on the distinction between "household" (TWI) and "family" (Christians, in general); but I think most of that was in the LCM years.


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  On 10/26/2015 at 2:09 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

I remember a lot of time spent on the distinction between "household" (TWI) and "family" (Christians, in general); but I think most of that was in the LCM years.


I wasn't around for much of the LCM years. Most of my memories and experiences are from TWI#1. I took the class in 1972.

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  On 10/26/2015 at 1:26 PM, waysider said:

"I don't remember VP calling twi the "true household of God".

Apparently you're suffering from selective memory. That basic concept is scattered throughout the tapes, books, classes and various class materials. Why do you think Wierwille said you would never find the rightly divided word anywhere else like you would in The Way? What do you think all those teachings were about that differentiated between the household and the family? What did you think it meant in the Advanced Class when VP taught about needing to be in fellowship (with God and with the believers) to receive revelation? Why do you think he said your life would be a miserable failure if you ever left the fold? He must have stated some variation of that very idea literally hundreds of times.

EXACTLY. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Apparently, some have NEVER grasped the full essence of wierwille's ministry to the world.

The full impact of wierwille's inner-sanctum doctrine came INTO FULL VIEW

when wierwille called any corps or clergy who left twi as cop-outs.

What is NOT to grasp in this "line in the sand?" If you left twi,


Remember......"The Word is the Ministry and the Ministry is the Word." [vpw]

If you leave the twi-ministry......YOU leave "the word." Get it?

Apparently, some still have not thought this all thru.

There was NO GRAY AREA with the "wierwille doctrine"......either you were IN twi

or you were OUT. Do you wierwille-apologists REALLY THINK that wierwille would

approve of all the splinter groups??? Hell.....wierwille didn't even support

the fellow-laborer program because it had a command center that went to the Limb

leader, not hq.

I STILL get gawd-smacked that so many apologists STILL have not figured this out.

This did NOT start with LCM......this was wierwille, thru and thru.

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