Hmmmmmm. We read of Elijah passing the mantle to Elisha. VPW passed the "mantle" to LCM. Elisha got (at his request) a double portion of that which had previously been allocated. The mantle VPW carried had a "stink" about it, so perhaps when it got passed to LCM, he also received a "double portion". And if it stunk, yep, could've come from a skunk.
The mantle, aka the skunk pelt was placed on Martindale's shoulders by Wierwille at the "inaugeration and installation" ceremony in October 1982. It was part of a three-part symbolism that included oil, salt and the mantle. Martindale also exchanged an academic hood from KU for a Trustee hood to hang on the back of his clergy robe as part of the same ceremony
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Goey ---- hopefully the skunk pelt is residing in a grave somewhere, and not on ANYONE'S shoulders. What happened in the past is soooooo reprehensible (sp?), that it should be buried, forgotten, and NEVER passed on to future generations. I realize that it has been passed on, but where it is now should be in a very deep, dark, hole where it will (hopefully) never ever see the light of day again.
The world has "survived" twi-1, twi-2, fog years, all of that, and I for one, wish that it will never surface again. By the Grace of God, this will be a reality.
why do you want to hide it dmiller? Its better for it to be in the open than to live with rose colored glasses. I'm much more happy and real for it all. That is just my opinion though.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Since we know LCM was a real butt head and VPW a sex pilgrim I wonder if he got aroused rubbing all that oil in LCM's scalp?
I'll bet you Rosalie gave a little shiver when LCM announced that she would be the official chief MOG or should that be WOG. She probably gave the panties she was wearing at the time to Donna for safe keeping you know. Now there's a real skunk pelt.
Since we know LCM was a real butt head and VPW a sex pilgrim I wonder if he got aroused rubbing all that oil in LCM's scalp?
Oh My God, we forgot all about the oil; "Le Parfum du Skunque" that was rubbed into Kraigensteins head.
:D--> :D--> :D-->
Slightly more seriously, I've never seen any evidence of the passing of the skunk pelt to the new president. Giving the Presidency to RosyLie was not done publicly and no mention was made of any ceremonies bestowing any honors other than the presidency to her.
I remember a couple times, VP saying in his later years, if he had a chance to do it all over again, he'd give the presidency to someone else. Let them take care of the physical side so he could concentrate on the spiritual side of the ministry.
So if Rosy is the physical head but not the spiritual head, then who is?
Has anyone heard of the tranfer of the skunk pelt or an anointing in oil du skunque?
quote:This ugly and dreadful totalitarian cult started fizzling and falling to pieces the second Mr. Weirwille passed the skunk pelt to the hesitating Mr Martindale
That wasn't the original, Grizz. There was a thread on Waydale about the passing of the skunk pelt. I'm thinking that thread was started by someone with a screen name starting with "rev."
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Dot Matrix
I just love the term since I heard Oak use it. Makes me laugh!
At the time, I thought Ralph D. should have gotten the mantle -- boy would things have been different!
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not so different
same BS different MOG in my humble opinion
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or should i say same pelt different skunk
i don't believe in any of these smells
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Dot Matrix
I think Ralph would have stopped the sex stuff and apologized -- IMHO.
I was very upset they choose that lunatic LOY!
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vpw chose out the most "faithful" (blindly obedient) member of his inner
circle that he could find.
As to the skunk pelt, if I remember correctly,
I learned here at the GSC that it was something lcm had made up for himself
to symbolize how special and holy he was, thus it was a later addition.
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Hmmmmmm. We read of Elijah passing the mantle to Elisha. VPW passed the "mantle" to LCM. Elisha got (at his request) a double portion of that which had previously been allocated. The mantle VPW carried had a "stink" about it, so perhaps when it got passed to LCM, he also received a "double portion". And if it stunk, yep, could've come from a skunk.
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Dot Matrix
Good point!
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The mantle, aka the skunk pelt was placed on Martindale's shoulders by Wierwille at the "inaugeration and installation" ceremony in October 1982. It was part of a three-part symbolism that included oil, salt and the mantle. Martindale also exchanged an academic hood from KU for a Trustee hood to hang on the back of his clergy robe as part of the same ceremony
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Not to derail this thread, but was the skunkpelt worn by the current stinker in the pres position?
Wasn't it on display in the WOW Auditorium (now called the VPW Prevailing Word Auditorium - or something likw that....)
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If RFR was installed as President with any kind of ceremony, including the transfer of the mantle, it was not made known to the rank and file.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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So if the skunk pelt does not rest on the Fox, then where does it offcially rest?
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
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Goey ---- hopefully the skunk pelt is residing in a grave somewhere, and not on ANYONE'S shoulders. What happened in the past is soooooo reprehensible (sp?), that it should be buried, forgotten, and NEVER passed on to future generations. I realize that it has been passed on, but where it is now should be in a very deep, dark, hole where it will (hopefully) never ever see the light of day again.
The world has "survived" twi-1, twi-2, fog years, all of that, and I for one, wish that it will never surface again. By the Grace of God, this will be a reality.
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In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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why do you want to hide it dmiller? Its better for it to be in the open than to live with rose colored glasses. I'm much more happy and real for it all. That is just my opinion though.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Since we know LCM was a real butt head and VPW a sex pilgrim I wonder if he got aroused rubbing all that oil in LCM's scalp?
I'll bet you Rosalie gave a little shiver when LCM announced that she would be the official chief MOG or should that be WOG. She probably gave the panties she was wearing at the time to Donna for safe keeping you know. Now there's a real skunk pelt.
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Oh My God, we forgot all about the oil; "Le Parfum du Skunque" that was rubbed into Kraigensteins head.
Slightly more seriously, I've never seen any evidence of the passing of the skunk pelt to the new president. Giving the Presidency to RosyLie was not done publicly and no mention was made of any ceremonies bestowing any honors other than the presidency to her.
I remember a couple times, VP saying in his later years, if he had a chance to do it all over again, he'd give the presidency to someone else. Let them take care of the physical side so he could concentrate on the spiritual side of the ministry.
So if Rosy is the physical head but not the spiritual head, then who is?
Has anyone heard of the tranfer of the skunk pelt or an anointing in oil du skunque?
If not, then who is left?
Way II much fun for one man.
love ya,
Bob Hansen
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The Mighty Spear of Oak:
has admitted he plagerized
the term skunk-pelt!!!!!
oh if you could only see the original!!!!!
oh wait you can!the original!
It was Larry P
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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thank you griz
where is larry p ?
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That wasn't the original, Grizz. There was a thread on Waydale about the passing of the skunk pelt. I'm thinking that thread was started by someone with a screen name starting with "rev."
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This is the GS original!
Or did LarryP plagerize whom????? rev2 comes to mind
and here I almost had a following
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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i love anyone with a rev. handle
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That's the guy, Grizz. I'm not saying he's the first, but he's the first I remember.
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I thought "skunk pelt" had become a bona fide part of the GS lexicon, I was surprised that some thought I had originated it.
Well, you unearthed my plagarism, what next, will you start doubting my doctorate?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Dr. Oakspear, BsD
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oak we all know you're a counterfeit
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