Methinks Garth hath misunderstood something. Molest DOES NOT = Screw. The articles that Waysider posted for us to read stated that he fondled their breasts and touched their genitals. That is pretty bad itself, but they were not screwed.
Tell that to the girls. "You weren't screwed at all. (Just fondled.) ... You just misunderstand." ... *Please stop defending the vile scum*.
I would imagine that, deep down, they thought that they were screwed. ... (Like many of us in TWI.) _No_ misunderstanding here at all, dear.
I'm out. It's difficult, but I'm out. ... Have fun with your denial!
No brother should ever fondle his sister(s). That is 100% dead wrong. I'm not in denial - - I just prefer to call a "spade" a "spade".It should not be called a "club".
When you say 'the Duggers are vile" the inplication is that ALL Duggers are vile.
Is that 'all without exception or all without distinction'?
Do you feel the girls are vile? Do you think the small children are vile?
I personally find it abhorrent to condemn an entire family for what a few individuals did, but because of the hate and oppressive atmosphere for Christians that characterizes our culture today, I suppose it is to be expected.
I will continue to judge for myself those things that presume to know what is best for my life and dictates terms to me, but I will not judge those of whom I know nothing.
I am certain you will continue judging all and sundry that dare not fall into your preconceived notions because it is that voodoo that you do so well.
I would hate to think of how much grief I would get if my teenage misadventures came to light.
How many adult males are 'pure' of the sin of fondling a female not their wife? I am not pure of that sin. Let alone back when I was a kid.
Hey Galen! I have not seem you in a long time.
Anyway, a lot of it depends on who you are. If you are a Christian home schooler, you are vile. If you are a slutty feminist like Lena Dunham, it is perfectly acceptable and wholesome.
I would hate to think of how much grief I would get if my teenage misadventures came to light.
How many adult males are 'pure' of the sin of fondling a female not their wife? I am not pure of that sin. Let alone back when I was a kid.
Did you participate in sexual activity with people more than a year or so younger than you?
If not, then it's not the same thing as in this situation with a highly public family.
Additionally, I don't think bickering over the semantics regarding the relative evil of molesting vs intercourse is really relevant to the discussion... unless the intercourse resulted in pregnancy. Otherwise, it's still sexual activity most likely in violation of state laws, depending on which state they are or were living in.
The molestation is a big deal, no question. A far bigger issue, though, is how a concerted effort was carried out for 10 years to sweep it under the rug. Even the state police were involved. The TV series is a high revenue producing franchise. In addition, the Duggars represent a fundamentalist organization (Family Research Council) that preaches the values of honesty, purity and chastity. Not only is a loss of revenue at stake, hypocrisy looms ominously over their heads. Now, it seems that the police report has been uncharacteristically destroyed. Fortunately for us, nothing ever really disappears from the internet.
The molestation is a big deal, no question. A far bigger issue, though, is how a concerted effort was carried out for 10 years to sweep it under the rug. Even the state police were involved. The TV series is a high revenue producing franchise. In addition, the Duggars represent a fundamentalist organization (Family Research Council) that preaches the values of honesty, purity and chastity. Not only is a loss of revenue at stake, hypocrisy looms ominously over their heads. Now, it seems that the police report has been uncharacteristically destroyed. Fortunately for us, nothing ever really disappears from the internet.
I'm glad you posted that link, Rocky. I didn't really understand what it was so I spend much of yesterday afternoon checking it out. It looks pretty nasty to me!
I thought doc vic was "good" at twisting Scripture, but that group could have taught him a lesson or two!
I'm glad you posted that link, Rocky. I didn't really understand what it was so I spend much of yesterday afternoon checking it out. It looks pretty nasty to me!
I thought doc vic was "good" at twisting Scripture, but that group could have taught him a lesson or two!
Indeed. I think FRC may be based out of Colorado Springs. When I flew into that city (cheap airfare) to spend a week in Denver (July 2014), I was astounded at the pervasiveness of two things in that city.
1) Military installations (including the Air Force Academy) and 2) Dominionist and other self-described Religious Right churches/organizations.It's so thick there that the county refused to license any cannabis dispensaries.
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Methinks Garth hath misunderstood something. Molest DOES NOT = Screw. The articles that Waysider posted for us to read stated that he fondled their breasts and touched their genitals. That is pretty bad itself, but they were not screwed.
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Tell that to the girls. "You weren't screwed at all. (Just fondled.) ... You just misunderstand." ... *Please stop defending the vile scum*.
I would imagine that, deep down, they thought that they were screwed. ... (Like many of us in TWI.)
_No_ misunderstanding here at all, dear.
I'm out. It's difficult, but I'm out. ... Have fun with your denial!
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No brother should ever fondle his sister(s). That is 100% dead wrong. I'm not in denial - - I just prefer to call a "spade" a "spade".It should not be called a "club".
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I would hate to think of how much grief I would get if my teenage misadventures came to light.
How many adult males are 'pure' of the sin of fondling a female not their wife? I am not pure of that sin. Let alone back when I was a kid.
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Ron G.
When you say 'the Duggers are vile" the inplication is that ALL Duggers are vile.
Is that 'all without exception or all without distinction'?
Do you feel the girls are vile? Do you think the small children are vile?
I personally find it abhorrent to condemn an entire family for what a few individuals did, but because of the hate and oppressive atmosphere for Christians that characterizes our culture today, I suppose it is to be expected.
I will continue to judge for myself those things that presume to know what is best for my life and dictates terms to me, but I will not judge those of whom I know nothing.
I am certain you will continue judging all and sundry that dare not fall into your preconceived notions because it is that voodoo that you do so well.
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Ron G.
Hey Galen! I have not seem you in a long time.
Anyway, a lot of it depends on who you are. If you are a Christian home schooler, you are vile. If you are a slutty feminist like Lena Dunham, it is perfectly acceptable and wholesome.
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I would add that if it's an ADULT you do it with and they think it's cool, then it's fine.
Methinks Galen is more of a gentleman than that.
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Did you participate in sexual activity with people more than a year or so younger than you?
If not, then it's not the same thing as in this situation with a highly public family.
Additionally, I don't think bickering over the semantics regarding the relative evil of molesting vs intercourse is really relevant to the discussion... unless the intercourse resulted in pregnancy. Otherwise, it's still sexual activity most likely in violation of state laws, depending on which state they are or were living in.
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The molestation is a big deal, no question. A far bigger issue, though, is how a concerted effort was carried out for 10 years to sweep it under the rug. Even the state police were involved. The TV series is a high revenue producing franchise. In addition, the Duggars represent a fundamentalist organization (Family Research Council) that preaches the values of honesty, purity and chastity. Not only is a loss of revenue at stake, hypocrisy looms ominously over their heads. Now, it seems that the police report has been uncharacteristically destroyed. Fortunately for us, nothing ever really disappears from the internet.
HERE is the police report, all 33 pages of it.
edit: I chose this particular source because it ironically represents a part of our society (LGBT) that Family Research Center rails against.
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Oh my! now THIS is just awkward!
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FRC is a Dominionist organization (as well as being fundamentalist).
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I'm glad you posted that link, Rocky. I didn't really understand what it was so I spend much of yesterday afternoon checking it out. It looks pretty nasty to me!
I thought doc vic was "good" at twisting Scripture, but that group could have taught him a lesson or two!
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Indeed. I think FRC may be based out of Colorado Springs. When I flew into that city (cheap airfare) to spend a week in Denver (July 2014), I was astounded at the pervasiveness of two things in that city.
1) Military installations (including the Air Force Academy) and 2) Dominionist and other self-described Religious Right churches/organizations.It's so thick there that the county refused to license any cannabis dispensaries.
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