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Thirty Years and thirty pieces of silver


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  On 6/1/2015 at 1:40 AM, Tzaia said:

I read the syllabus and decided not to take the advanced class. Actually, I only took one other class - maybe christian family and sex? IDK. I think it was because I remember thinking how ironic it was that they tried to keep me from bringing my nursing baby.

Now that is a class that was a complete let down, in every single incarnation...

I took the "original" VPW Christian Family and Sex class that had been cut down to make it more palatable in 1993 while I was WOW. I thought it was boring. My WOW sister and I kept making fun of how he talked about "BEEYOUTIFUL BREASTESES" afterwards.

Later that year we had the one LCM and Donna did - and I can't remember the name. That is just how much of an impact it had on me.

Then the most recent one - Biblical Principals of a Believer's Family ? something like that. My husband and I had not been able to take it because we were Way Disciple at the time - not married yet, either. We got engaged a few months after Way Disciple was over and were on staff, so we had to get married during the staff weddings - no choice on a date there. They decided to run the class the week after the wedding and we were "highly encouraged" to take the class INSTEAD OF GOING ON OUR HONEYMOON.

yes. It was God's will that we not spend time together as man and wife after just getting married so we could take a class on being man and wife.

We went on our honeymoon anyway.

The next year when we were back out on the field (because HQ was the worst experience of our lives) we ended up taking the class. It was so effing boring. Here's the stuff that stood out - BESTIALITY IS BAD. DON'T TOUCH A GIRL ANYWHERE HER SOCCER UNIFORM COVERS.


a major change in revelation...

....premarital and extramarital sex is WRONG.


* edited to fix typos

Edited by JavaJane
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  On 5/31/2015 at 11:35 PM, MRAP said:

Always felt I was a lesser of a believer for not having taken the AC. I had a life to live and funding did not allow me to travel to the places it was being offered - yes, not enough money to learn the word - yet, as I found out, as a Twig leader, we were doing more than folks in the Corp and many Corp grads.

One more thing, MRAP....

At some point, it may dawn on you that being a disciple of Christ will do FAR MORE than a twig leader [why do you capitalize "Twig" and not question it, yet you question capitalizing the word "corps?"]. Interesting, isn't it? And, here at Greasespot, we help each other to spot the *blind spots* in the seductive world of twi's indoctrination. Regaining critical thinking is a beautiful thing.

Glad to help. Have a good day.


Edited by skyrider
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Well skyrider, in my head I consider them proper nouns in addition to the past respect issue (the later is more so the case).

Nah Broken Arrow, I was Navy and then eventually retired U.S. Army - my natural brother was Retired USMC (Corp): should have seen the fights he and I had when I was Navy and we were both home on leave at the same time.

While on the national WOW (capitalized-take the joke) field back in 74-75 in Oshkosh, WI, all the seminars were made available (required attendance - I was O.K. with that at the time), to include CF&S (yes, it was mostly sex); it seemed to make alot of us folks a bit horny - like we really needed that at the time. There were traveling WOW corp folk who would stop into the branch every few months and run the seminars. In late 72 or very early 73 the CF&S was being run in Greenville, NC (ECU) at the NC limb HQ and those of us who traveled down there from Norfolk, VA Naval Bases were dissapointed we were not allowed to take it - we would have taken leave in order to attend - like a sailor needs to that. Sorry, I am just dragging on here.

Having been in twi in my youth was a learning experience and that's just how I rack it up: an experience. Luckily, no permanent harm for me, but for others, I now see they can not say the same.

As I said once, I am not really here so much for healing as I am for reading some of the great stuff on the Doctrinal Forum and to maybe find some ol'e folks I had met along the way - so far, no luck on the latter. Again, I am rambling.

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  On 6/1/2015 at 9:17 PM, MRAP said:

Nah Broken Arrow, I was Navy and then eventually retired U.S. Army - my natural brother was Retired USMC (Corp): should have seen the fights he and I had when I was Navy and we were both home on leave at the same time.

Sorry MRAP. I guess the fact that it says "U.S. Army" under your handle could have been my first clue!

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  On 6/1/2015 at 1:40 AM, Tzaia said:

I read the syllabus and decided not to take the advanced class. Actually, I only took one other class - maybe christian family and sex? IDK. I think it was because I remember thinking how ironic it was that they tried to keep me from bringing my nursing baby.

That's because they didn't care about babies. They were a hindrance to "Moving the Word."

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  On 6/4/2015 at 2:57 PM, outandabout said:

That's because they didn't care about babies. They were a hindrance to "Moving the Word."

Contrary to what was OCCASIONALLY said here and there,

twi was pretty anti-family and anti-community.

twi'ers who started a family or had ties to their community

had less time to devote to twi,

and twi considered/considers itself to OWN ITS MEMBERSHIP.

("We don't have 'members', we have 'followers'" really meant

they didn't have members but rather SERVANTS, but that's a

much harder thing to get people to agree to if you're

being candid with them.)

So, corps were surprised to find out, after graduating, that twi expected them

to get up and move to another city or state whenever they directed.

They thought "a lifetime of service" meant a lifetime of serving God Almighty

at their discretion but obviously in some twi context, as a twig coordinator,

branch coordinator, runner of classes, etc.

twi actually meant "you serve US the rest of your life, entirely at our

discretion and entirely at your expense." Of course, that was never written

up anywhere. lcm himself considered "following him BLINDLY" to be the NORMAL

STATE OF THINGS once he was the head honcho of twi, and said so when asked.

But, yes, twi was made uncomfortable by children. Children are incapable of

the lockstep obedience twi expects. Children can't stay silent and still for

an hour or more at a time when twi wants them to. So they're considered a

liability for meetings of any size, and when twi opened their "Family Corps",

they were ill-equipped to do so and we ended up with horror stories of

children not permitted to see their parents on-grounds, and children who

could be beaten freely at any time by any adult on-grounds.

(Except for children of the top cadre-those children got away with all

kinds of things and probably came out worse off than the brutalized ones.)

twi has always had this nebulous vision of ideas that can be announced and

will somehow come to fruition, with the necessary tools, supplies and

skills just materializing when needed. We can all testify to how well

that worked....

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I will never forget the very last straw of my involvement with TWI... my fellowship coordinator showed up at my job unannounced (I hadn't been coming to fellowship for a week or two - my husband had stopped going completely at the point, and I was just trying to stay, but realizing I needed out.) I informed the fellowship coordinator that I was pregnant and he asked me "Is that a good thing?"

And that was it for me.

My daughter will never have to live through that hell that I went through as a kid. I will make sure of it.

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  On 6/5/2015 at 2:35 AM, JavaJane said:

I will never forget the very last straw of my involvement with TWI... my fellowship coordinator showed up at my job unannounced (I hadn't been coming to fellowship for a week or two - my husband had stopped going completely at the point, and I was just trying to stay, but realizing I needed out.) I informed the fellowship coordinator that I was pregnant and he asked me "Is that a good thing?"

And that was it for me.

My daughter will never have to live through that hell that I went through as a kid. I will make sure of it.

To be fair to the coordinator, a lot of women wouldn't consider a pregnancy a good thing. Even a woman who might NORMALLY be happy about a pregnancy might have circumstances that would make it less joyous. Perhaps the coordinator simply didn't know you well enough to predict your response.

Happy for your daughter. :)


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One of my twig leader friends had huge problems staying pregnant. She finally had a baby. Hubby wants them to do family corp, so they do. Miraculously, she gets pregnant in corp. Seriously. She was underweight and looked under nourished. He (the husband) was furious about it. She was devastated as all she ever wanted was to be a mother. So she had the baby. He was ....ed most of the time as it kept him from climbing the ladder.

The last time I saw her was at a ROA. Kids were dirty and ragged. She was ragged and under weight. He was king of the honey wagon.

He quit a $30k a year job (a very good job back then) to do this to his family. He was an almoster until everyone else left or was kicked out.

I hear they were dropped for the horrific mistake of wanting to buy a house.

That made me happy.

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  • 3 years later...
  On 5/19/2015 at 12:04 AM, skyrider said:

Why do I say "thirty years of seduction?"

Well, let me name the ways.....

1) Wierwille taught pfal-prosperity to the masses, but poverty/servitude to the corps.

2) Follow-the-chain-of-command wherein vpee was "the general in charge."

3) The corps indoctrination was a discipline-extraordinaire program.

4) Where was the walk in love, walk in light, walk circumspectly Ephesians doctrine?

5) Where were the gift ministries coming out of the corps training? Yeah, right :/

6) Even corps were reproved for "independent research" projects.

7) Why did wierwille demand the spotlight even unto death??

8) Those in research dept could NOT stray from pfal doctrine.

9) Isolation in the corps program facilitated the mog sexual predation.

10) There was no "true shepherds" leading twi......but hirelings.

11) Wierwille and his buddies lorded over us with heavy hand.

12) The Scriptures detail Simon-the-sorcerer "mog doctrine."

13) Why did vpee demand the mogship like Simon?

14) What vpee taught in pfal, he VIOLATED in his corps training.

15) In my 24-year involvement, I never saw wierwille do ONE THING via revelation.

So, wierwille stole BG Leonard's class......and ???????

He was hitchhiking thru life on another's ride.


Sky, and OPM!( Other People's Money.)

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