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Most of the DCU starts the week of Oct. 5.  Arrow starts a couple of weeks later.  Legends starts midseason.  (So will they be in the crossover?) 

Marvel will be running a sitcom starring Scarlet Witch and Vision, but it will be streaming on Disney+.

Agents of SHIELD is over, as are the Netflix Marvel shows.


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  • 2 weeks later...

News about the Crossover (from Yahoo!):

It’ll be raining (super) men this fall on The CW.

On the heels of news that both Tyler Hoechlin and Brandon Routh will be slipping back into their Superman tights for Arrowverse‘s “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, TVLine can confirm that Smallville vet Tom Welling will also reprise his signature Man of Steel role in the five-part event.

Per The CW, the crossover will “reveal what happened to Clark Kent almost ten years” after the conclusion of Smallville.

“For eight years, Arrow has stood on the shoulders of Smallville,” EP Marc Guggenheim said in a statement. “Simply put, there would be no Arrow, and no Arrowverse, without it. So when we first started talking about ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ our first, second and third priorities were getting Tom to reprise his iconic role as Clark Kent. To say that we’re thrilled would be a Superman-sized understatement.”

“Crisis on Infinite Earths” kicks off Sunday, Dec. 8 with an episode of Supergirl, then continues with a Monday episode of Batwoman and that Tuesday’s The Flash. After a month-long holiday break, (this sounds like a bad idea to me -- George) it concludes with the Jan. 14 episode of Arrow followed by a special installment of Legends of Tomorrow (which premieres at midseason).

Previously announced casting includes unspecified characters from Black Lightning, which to date has never fully been a part of the Arrowverse; veteran voice actor Kevin Conroy (Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond) as “Bruce Wayne from the future”; LaMonica Garrett (“Elseworlds”) as both the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor; Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch as Supergirl‘s Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane; Legends‘ Routh pulling double duty as the Kingdom Come version of Superman; Jon Cryer as Supergirl‘s Lex Luthor; and Batman‘s Burt Ward in an undisclosed role.


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I wish we could get some more variety if it's supposed to be CoIE.  I mean, the final 5 Earths in CoIE were:  Earth-1 (Justice League),  Earth-2 (Justice Society),  Earth-4 (Captain Atom, Blue Beetle, Charlton heroes),  Earth-S (Fawcett heroes like the Marvel Family and Bulletman),   and Earth-X (the Freedom Fighters.)       I'm not going to see representatives of "the Shazam Squadron of Justice", and I'm a little disappointed.   But if I was a big fan of Supergirl or Barry, I'd be a little worried- they both were the big casualties of CoIE (even if DC took it back later.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Batwoman:  two stars (out of five).  Good filmography, moderately interesting supporting cast.  Interesting that Batwoman's fighting style seems to be mostly brawling, rather than some of the more picturesque fighting on, say, Arrow.  I wonder if that's intentional.  I could stand a LITTLE less lesbianism.  Maybe they've made their point in the first episode and will tone it down in the future.  We'll see.

Flash:  4.5 stars.  I love the show.  It's interesting that the Monitor states unequivocally when the "Crisis" will occur.  (It just happens to be the date of the crossover on TV.)  New villains introduced:  we'll have to see if they wind up in the Crisis or are just plot devices in the meantime.

Black Lightning:  three stars.  I like the characters.  I just can never seem to figure out where the story arc is headed.

Supergirl:  4 stars.  I don't like the changes at Catco, but the other plot elements are solid. Supergirl's new hairdo:  Good.  New costume:   not so much.   My favorite line from the first episode:  "How do you all change so FAST?"


Edited by GeorgeStGeorge
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Not super-hero, but comic book, anyway.

How do you handle the death of an actor in a series?  If it's one of the main stars, maybe you find another actor to play the part.  If it's a continuing role, but not absolutely necessary, you can have the character "leave town" or "die."  I'm sure that the death of Luke Perry caught the Riverdale folks by surprise, but I think they did a great job with the tribute to "Fred Andrews."  I suspect that a lot of the tears were real, as the cast was quite fond of Perry.


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So, Arrow.

At first I thought the season premiere was some sort of dream episode.  Mild spoiler alert:  what is actually the case is made clear about 1/4 through the episode.

I was going to write my reactions, but I think I'll wait until whoever of you actually plans to watch the episode, in the near future, does so.  So, GET TO IT!


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Impressed as hell with Arrow's episodes this season (8.1 and 8.2). The reveal at the end of episode 2 was mind-blowing, and I truly wish I had done my homework earlier because we all coulda and shoulda seen that coming. Talk about hiding a significant (if not major) character in plain sight!!!

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On 9/19/2019 at 8:41 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

My suspicion is that Ollie will take one for the team, not Kara and Barry.


Having just sat down to watch the previous season finale,  I'm about 25% that will happen, and about 75% that everyone except Felicity is told Ollie took one for the team, and they go into retirement like Earth-2's Superman and Lois Lane at the end of CoIE in the comics.   (The nice ending that "Infinite Crisis" later tried to retcon into something bad.)

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Did anyone else watch the first episode of Watchmen?  I haven't read the original series.  I saw the movie, but I don't know how well it kept with the series.  I barely recognize any of the characters in the new show.  I think it's basically supposed to be about new "Watchmen."


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The idea behind the comic was a "deconstruction" of the superhero.  They wanted superheroes who were anything BUT "heroic."   I gave that a miss from the beginning.  I wasn't able to stay awake for the movie, either.         You probably know that DC has the modern rights to use the old Charlton heroes, and that Moore was planning on using those until they realized he was going to destroy them all, so he made expies of all of them.   Instead of Captain Atom, we had Dr Manhattan.  We had Rorschach in for The Question,  Nite Owl in for the Blue Beetle,  Silk Spectre replaced Nightshade,  Ozymandias was in for Peter Cannon/Thunderbolt, and The Comedian replaced The Peacemaker.





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Finished the first Arrow episode.  I must say I did NOT see that ending coming.   I was calling for red skies crossovers around the 6th or 7th episode, in time for the mid-season, and Legends of Tomorrow to start its late season.   Then again, it makes perfect sense.    I wonder if Psycho Pirate is still in Arkham Asylum.    Mrs Wolf speculated that Ollie's putting together another team, one hop at a time, and hopes we get another Snart out of it. 

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2 hours ago, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Ratings are poor.

LGBTQWERT activists are in an uproar, because, it appears, all TV watchers are homophobic, transphobic, deplorables.  Or maybe people don't want yet another social justice show shoved down their throats.


We already had Supergirl doing that.  Apparently, the new show has less story and more lecturing, and even the target audiences had enough.  Or maybe it's because they got the wrong actress.   She didn't look anything like Kate Kane.  She's not known for being a good actress.  She's not known for being a good martial artist/acrobat/whatever.   If they wanted an actress to fill a quota, they should have gotten a COMPETENT actress who did so, and not just the first one they found.  (Seriously, they could have found others without too much work.)      Or maybe the writing just isn't that good.  Or maybe the audiences are tired of all the DARK shows that are being offered, and want something more cheerful.    Or maybe it's a mix of all of the above.   Seriously, if you're going to pander to a group, you can do that.  However, it's on you if the resulting show ONLY appeals to them,  and if that group doesn't have enough people to support the show.     There's legitimate things to do to improve the show or increase who they pander to.   I imagine they just focused on the pandering and putting episodes out, and supposing people would automatically tune in based solely on that.    No surprise an uproar like that isn't driving more people to the show- people aren't attracted to a show by being insulted or ordered to watch it.    

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On 10/9/2019 at 10:15 AM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Batwoman:  two stars (out of five).  Good filmography, moderately interesting supporting cast.  Interesting that Batwoman's fighting style seems to be mostly brawling, rather than some of the more picturesque fighting on, say, Arrow.  I wonder if that's intentional.  I could stand a LITTLE less lesbianism.  Maybe they've made their point in the first episode and will tone it down in the future.  We'll see.

Flash:  4.5 stars.  I love the show.  It's interesting that the Monitor states unequivocally when the "Crisis" will occur.  (It just happens to be the date of the crossover on TV.)  New villains introduced:  we'll have to see if they wind up in the Crisis or are just plot devices in the meantime.

Black Lightning:  three stars.  I like the characters.  I just can never seem to figure out where the story arc is headed.

Supergirl:  4 stars.  I don't like the changes at Catco, but the other plot elements are solid. Supergirl's new hairdo:  Good.  New costume:   not so much.   My favorite line from the first episode:  "How do you all change so FAST?"


The fighting is limited to what they can do with the actress.  Street brawling is the default for the untrained, unskilled fighter.  Preparing for a role like this with A martial art would have been smart.   Too much work for the actress? 


Do I need to rush to catch up with BL or Supergirl because they're doing Crisis teasers already?  If not, let me know when they do.

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