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I hope your "sabbatical" isn't too long.  Even bridge need four players.  :anim-smile:

Interesting turn on Arrow this week.  Knowing that WW is probably behind, I won't spoil it.  Just to hint that a DC character whom you wouldn't probably expect in the "Arrowverse" gets a rather solid mention.


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I'm catching up on some stuff. Almost caught up on Gotham, about a week behind on Arrow, Flash and Legends because I watch them with the Mrs. I will probably catch up on Supergirl, then drop the series and try to see Gifted and Inhumans and see if either is worth the time.  I'll need at least a season to catch up to Agents of SHIELD. For the slow seasons or if I catch up, I'll see the Marvel netflix stuff. I made it through Iron Fist at least.  (Bride of 9 Spiders was at least visually correct- I identified her when she appeared for the fight.)  BTW, it was nice to see Alexander Siddig on Gotham- especially because he looked EXACTLY like the character should be expected to look.

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Are you kidding?  I just showed Mrs Wolf some drawings of Ra's (from the "Legacy" storyline), and she agreed that Siddig had it down except for the chin-hair. Frankly, if someone told me Siddig had sat and posed for reference drawings of Ra's for that storyline (the only Ra;s stuff I have handy), I would totally believe it. He has the hair down to a tee,and  his facial structure and skin tone are a match.   I even think Ra's should sound either Middle Eastern or British, depending on the interpretation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really nice episode of Supergirl this week.  Far more "chick-flick"-ish than I usually go for, but it had a good backstory for Kara and Alex.

Some cute "Easter eggs."  Are "Smallville" and "Supergirl" in the same "universe"? And Erica Durance as "Agent Noel Neill" was another nice tip of the hat.  (Reminds me of Ray Palmer in LoT remarking that Supergirl reminds him of his cousin.) :beer:


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Ok, caught up on Arrow. It's getting a little long in the tooth, no?

But glad they picked Vigilante back up (this is LAST week's episode, by the way). Would have been strange if they just let that drop.

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Slightly behind on Gotham, behind on Supergirl, seriously behind on Marvel in general (I'll catch up on the off-season.)  

For the curious, I thought I'd toss in the comic canon on Slade Wilson just as a point of interest.

Slade Wilson was a US soldier who volunteered for experiments that went awry. (His abilities would crash or escalate unpredictably.) He was offered a desk job when they seemed to normalize out. He had 2 sons, 1 daughter (Grant, Joe, Rose.)   He spent a lot of time with big-game hunters and so on. When "Jackal" showed up and insisted "Deathstroke" give up a client's name, Slade came clean to his wife about his work as a mercenary/assassin, and elected to save young Joe rather than give up a name. He killed Jackal in the process, but Joe's throat was permanently damaged. (Grant wanted to be a soldier, Joe was the artist, musician and singer, now mute.)   When his wife found out, she took the kids and left-but she tried to kill Slade first. His reflexes saved him-he lost an eye only.  Grant later agreed to work for HIVE in exchange for them enhancing his abilities, (becoming "the Ravager") similar to Slade's but even moreso, in exchange for him taking down the Teen Titans. He tried-and Deathstroke showed up to assist, but Grant's enhancements burned him out and he died in combat. (Slade continued to try to fulfill Grant's contract, which was probably the idea the whole time- eventually succeeding in "the Judas Contract.")   We learned all of this except the Grant stuff during "The Judas  Contract", when Adeline Wilson showed up and explained why the Titans were missing. Dick Grayson, in temporary retirement as Robin, then put on his new "Nightwing" suit to rescue them- alongside Joe Wilson, aka "Jericho."

This was all part of the early days of the popular "New Teen TItans", reinvented by that star team that later gave us "Crisis on Infinite Earths". artist George Perez and writer Marv WOLFMAN.   (So the alias of "Cain Wolfman" may make more sense now.)


We're trying to figure out who the FBI investigator is working for. It's clear there will be a resolution because the story's going to be painted in a corner if she just reveals everything to the FBI.  Our current possibilities are:  works for a villain (doesn't fit so far), works for herself (possibly wants to blackmail the team into doing things for her), works for another government agency (ARGUS is decimated, so another group might be moving up to replace them, Task Force X or Checkmate or something), or my favorite gonzo idea, works for a retired superhero of the JSA era who's looking to see if he can recruit them to act as his field agents.   Statistically, I think she's working for another government agency, but I still prefer the last one.

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