Who saw Savitar's ID coming? When did you see it coming?
No spoilers...
We saw it when we first heard "I am the future Flash". Mrs Wolf dropped her list to 1 suspect. I began with the comic book list of Flashes, instantly dropped all the ones that didn't appear in the show so far, and immediately ended up with 2 suspects-the correct one I figured was correct and the longshot that I kept around just in case. As the evidence piled up for the last 2 episodes, Mrs Wolf said she was beginning to doubt because it was all really piling up and getting obvious, so it must be a smokescreen to throw us off the trail,. I replied that she was confusing "Sherlock" (brilliant mysteries in a show) with DC's TV shows (which are not geared for mystery fans and must dumb down mysteries so everyone can see the answer coming.) So, yeah, we had his name fairly early and kept checking if we missed a suspect. BTW, my thinking is that the sniper rifle won't have a bullet- it will have the anti-speed widget or the not-yet-invented thing.
I did. Mrs Wolf said that we've seen this a bunch of times. Then again, she's more fond of time travel stories than I am (she's a Whovian.)
I thought I responded to this. (Must have hit "Back" instead of "Submit Reply." I do that, sometimes...)
I never read "Strange Tales." This reminded ME of Hank Hall becoming Monarch in the Armageddon 2001 stories.
Of course, now we know it's not the "real" Flash who becomes Savitar, but a "time remnant." That would have to be the case, because future "real" Flash trapped Savitar without ever learning his identity. Not possible if current Flash, Savitar, and future Flash were the same being.
The "Savitar has Barry's memories" thing has brought up all sorts of anomalies. First, when Barry is stripped of his memories, so is Savitar. Why? If Barry never regained his memory, then Savitar would not exist; if Barry does regain his memory, it all happens before Savitar comes to be, so he should retain all of the memories. It's also bizarre that Savitar only remembers something as it happens in real time. Finally, if Barry's memory loss stops Savitar from coming into being and giving Wally super-speed, why would Wally notice that his super-speed was gone, when it never would have existed? I guess it's like Legends of Tomorrow (or other time travel stories), where somehow the person or group who distorts the time stream somehow retains memories of how it "should be."
Finally, the most recent Flash (week of 5/15). I did NOT see that coming, though I suppose it could be said that I've seen it since the beginning of the season.
As an aside, Danielle Panabaker and Candace Patton were at Comicpalooza, here in Houston, this past weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the con until their discussion panels were over.
Ok, all caught up on Flash, Supergirl and Legends.
Made it about halfway through Arrow before I got hopelessly left behind. Waiting for season 5 to show up on Netflix. Please feel free to post spoilers.
Agents of Shield: Never got anywhere near it this season. Again will have to wait for Netflix, though if I recall correctly, that won't take very long to happen.
Looks like I'll NEVER see Agent Carter unless Marvel finally decides to stream it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
But I'm all caught up on The Walking... oh, wait, you guys don't watch that.
Iron Fist benefitted greatly from my low expectations. I do not understand why, in an era when rewriting a minor character like that would have been understandable and acceptable, they couldn't just make him Asian.
I'm completely caught up on Flash and BBT, and obviously LoT and Powerless. I'll catch up on Gotham and Supergirl this week (1-2 episodes behind on each.) I haven't sat down to finish Agent Carter, and seriously behind on Agents of SHIELD.
I saw the first episode of Iron Fist. Not making him Asian made sense if it was Iron Fist. If they wanted an Asian, they should have picked Shang-Chi (Master of Kung Fu.) George asked about if it's faithful to the series. Well, all the names are correct-Daniel Rand and family, Meachum, Colleen Wing, Lei Kung the Thunderer, Shao Lao the Undying (whether shown or mentioned.) As for a faithful depiction of the guy who later joined with Luke Cage to start Heroes For Hire, I see no resemblance. I can't even prove DR actually has "the Iron Fist." And with that in question, he certainly isn't like "the Immortal Iron Fist" of the more recent series. My main problem is their inability to decide if they wanted to be faithful to the source material (all the names) or go in a completely new direction (almost everything about the first episode.)
Raf was wise to keep expectations low for the series. I kept mine low but not quite low enough.
And Danny DOES have the Iron Fist. He just doesn't use it for the first couple of episodes. It has a habit of showing up whenever he needs a really hard punch. :-)
And Danny DOES have the Iron Fist. He just doesn't use it for the first couple of episodes. It has a habit of showing up whenever he needs a really hard punch. :-)
You guys and your Super Hero shows! I get it. I never got into it as a kid, and do doubt I'm the lesser for it now. I watch some of them sometimes. Actually there's some pretty good graphics isn't there. Green Hornet, Flash, it's sort of kept's it's age! I feel like Alvin York. I speckin' I plum hit the bulleye pert in near the middle.
So, I see this list of new CW shows, and "Valor" comes right after Supergirl. Naturally, I think to myself, "Cool. They've spun off Mon-el in his own show." Well, unless he's an Army helicopter pilot, this show isn't about him.
I also see that "Agents of SHIELD" is being replaced by "INHUMANS."
I've heard that they've filmed an episode of "Black Lightning," but I don't see it on the fall schedule. Maybe they'll use it as a replacement, if one of the new shows falters.
I'm waiting to hear who he is. Ralph Dibny was one of the people who was reported dead in the initial STAR Labs reactor event. Will this guy be someone else, was his death report a hoax, or did he tear himself free of his grave when his powers kicked in?
Vigilante's main job was to get people to wait for Adrian Chase to be revealed as Vigilante instead of as "Prometheus." It made sense for Vigilante to ask to cover up Detective Billy Malone's death, but not for Prometheus, so bad writing helped maintain his cover. Once Prometheus was unmasked, the writers either forgot about him or ran out of ideas for him. Right now, Rory Regan (Ragman) and Vigilante are both off the story radar, as is Roy Harper (Arsenal) and Ted Grant (Wildcat.)
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It was a direct quote of the LoT "Invasion!" episode,.at 6:20. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!" "I'll take that as 'have fun storming the castle." "Oh. For real? You're gonna use Princess Bride
That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.) George
We saw it when we first heard "I am the future Flash". Mrs Wolf dropped her list to 1 suspect. I began with the comic book list of Flashes, instantly dropped all the ones that didn't appear in the show so far, and immediately ended up with 2 suspects-the correct one I figured was correct and the longshot that I kept around just in case. As the evidence piled up for the last 2 episodes, Mrs Wolf said she was beginning to doubt because it was all really piling up and getting obvious, so it must be a smokescreen to throw us off the trail,. I replied that she was confusing "Sherlock" (brilliant mysteries in a show) with DC's TV shows (which are not geared for mystery fans and must dumb down mysteries so everyone can see the answer coming.) So, yeah, we had his name fairly early and kept checking if we missed a suspect. BTW, my thinking is that the sniper rifle won't have a bullet- it will have the anti-speed widget or the not-yet-invented thing.
Hey, George, when this unfolded, did you have flashbacks to the original conflict between Jim Starlin's Adam Warlock and Magus in Strange Tales, circa 1975? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Warlock#Other_versions
I did. Mrs Wolf said that we've seen this a bunch of times. Then again, she's more fond of time travel stories than I am (she's a Whovian.)
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I thought I responded to this. (Must have hit "Back" instead of "Submit Reply." I do that, sometimes...)
I never read "Strange Tales." This reminded ME of Hank Hall becoming Monarch in the Armageddon 2001 stories.
Of course, now we know it's not the "real" Flash who becomes Savitar, but a "time remnant." That would have to be the case, because future "real" Flash trapped Savitar without ever learning his identity. Not possible if current Flash, Savitar, and future Flash were the same being.
The "Savitar has Barry's memories" thing has brought up all sorts of anomalies. First, when Barry is stripped of his memories, so is Savitar. Why? If Barry never regained his memory, then Savitar would not exist; if Barry does regain his memory, it all happens before Savitar comes to be, so he should retain all of the memories. It's also bizarre that Savitar only remembers something as it happens in real time. Finally, if Barry's memory loss stops Savitar from coming into being and giving Wally super-speed, why would Wally notice that his super-speed was gone, when it never would have existed? I guess it's like Legends of Tomorrow (or other time travel stories), where somehow the person or group who distorts the time stream somehow retains memories of how it "should be."
Finally, the most recent Flash (week of 5/15). I did NOT see that coming, though I suppose it could be said that I've seen it since the beginning of the season.
As an aside, Danielle Panabaker and Candace Patton were at Comicpalooza, here in Houston, this past weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the con until their discussion panels were over.
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Ok, all caught up on Flash, Supergirl and Legends.
Made it about halfway through Arrow before I got hopelessly left behind. Waiting for season 5 to show up on Netflix. Please feel free to post spoilers.
Agents of Shield: Never got anywhere near it this season. Again will have to wait for Netflix, though if I recall correctly, that won't take very long to happen.
Looks like I'll NEVER see Agent Carter unless Marvel finally decides to stream it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
But I'm all caught up on The Walking... oh, wait, you guys don't watch that.
Iron Fist benefitted greatly from my low expectations. I do not understand why, in an era when rewriting a minor character like that would have been understandable and acceptable, they couldn't just make him Asian.
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I'm completely caught up on Flash and BBT, and obviously LoT and Powerless. I'll catch up on Gotham and Supergirl this week (1-2 episodes behind on each.) I haven't sat down to finish Agent Carter, and seriously behind on Agents of SHIELD.
I saw the first episode of Iron Fist. Not making him Asian made sense if it was Iron Fist. If they wanted an Asian, they should have picked Shang-Chi (Master of Kung Fu.) George asked about if it's faithful to the series. Well, all the names are correct-Daniel Rand and family, Meachum, Colleen Wing, Lei Kung the Thunderer, Shao Lao the Undying (whether shown or mentioned.) As for a faithful depiction of the guy who later joined with Luke Cage to start Heroes For Hire, I see no resemblance. I can't even prove DR actually has "the Iron Fist." And with that in question, he certainly isn't like "the Immortal Iron Fist" of the more recent series. My main problem is their inability to decide if they wanted to be faithful to the source material (all the names) or go in a completely new direction (almost everything about the first episode.)
Raf was wise to keep expectations low for the series. I kept mine low but not quite low enough.
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I've seen five episodes, now. I quite like it.
And Danny DOES have the Iron Fist. He just doesn't use it for the first couple of episodes. It has a habit of showing up whenever he needs a really hard punch. :-)
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Human without the bean
You guys and your Super Hero shows! I get it. I never got into it as a kid, and do doubt I'm the lesser for it now. I watch some of them sometimes. Actually there's some pretty good graphics isn't there. Green Hornet, Flash, it's sort of kept's it's age! I feel like Alvin York. I speckin' I plum hit the bulleye pert in near the middle.
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A lot of the old cartoons are still eminently watchable, from the 60s and 70s, to say nothing of the Batman and Green Hornet shows.
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Except for all of the Bugs Bunny, etc. cartoons, which have had all violence excised from them, to the point of being meaningless.
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So, I see this list of new CW shows, and "Valor" comes right after Supergirl. Naturally, I think to myself, "Cool. They've spun off Mon-el in his own show." Well, unless he's an Army helicopter pilot, this show isn't about him.
I also see that "Agents of SHIELD" is being replaced by "INHUMANS."
I've heard that they've filmed an episode of "Black Lightning," but I don't see it on the fall schedule. Maybe they'll use it as a replacement, if one of the new shows falters.
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Season 5 of Arrow is on Netflix. I'll be catching up soon.
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Agents of Shield isn't exactly being replaced by Inhumans. If I read it correctly, the shows will bounce off each other. Shield will be back.
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I don't know how many threads may be awaiting a response from me, but I'm going on vacation for a week. Feel free to "play through."
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um. ok.
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Coming to Flash this fall: Elongated Man
I hope they do the "Stretchable Sleuth" with the appropriate amount of tongue in cheek.
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I'm waiting to hear who he is. Ralph Dibny was one of the people who was reported dead in the initial STAR Labs reactor event. Will this guy be someone else, was his death report a hoax, or did he tear himself free of his grave when his powers kicked in?
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I'm through with the Ghost Rider segment of Agents of Shield. Now on LMD.
I wasn't nuts about Arrow. What happened to Vigilante?
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I don't think Chase killed him. He just sort of disappeared after Chase said that the Arrow was HIS target.
I don't think we ever found out who he was.
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What's LMD?
Vigilante's main job was to get people to wait for Adrian Chase to be revealed as Vigilante instead of as "Prometheus." It made sense for Vigilante to ask to cover up Detective Billy Malone's death, but not for Prometheus, so bad writing helped maintain his cover. Once Prometheus was unmasked, the writers either forgot about him or ran out of ideas for him. Right now, Rory Regan (Ragman) and Vigilante are both off the story radar, as is Roy Harper (Arsenal) and Ted Grant (Wildcat.)
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Life Model Decoy
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LMD is the second of last season's three story arcs on Agents of Shield.
The first was the Ghost Rider arc.
Second is AIDA becoming self-aware, creating an Agent May decoy, and reminding the team why Ultron was such a spectacularly bad idea.
I don't know what was third.
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I have a LOT of M's AOS to catch up on. It goes in the mental pile with "Elementary", and the Marvel Netflix stories (Daredevil, Iron Fist, etc.)
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I see that Marvel's Netflix heroes are teaming up this fall as "The Defenders."
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I thought that was common knowledge. Yeah, it debuts in like two weeks or so.
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I don't get Netflix. It was mentioned in my DISH Network TV Guide.
A lady friend has Netflix, so we've seen several Iron Fist episodes. None of the others.
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