Are they still called WB shows, in your neck of the woods? WB and UPN merged years ago to make CW.
It's "Warner" here, but IIRC, the NYC channel wasn't using "CW" when I left, so I thought they were all just sort-of going with a Warner connection, so I guessed it was back to WB. And Supergirl started on Warner here and stayed here. Warner's got BBT, plus all the DC shows. Sony has SHIELD and Legion. Warner will premiere "Riverdale" soon, and nobody's airing "Powerless", I think. (But we're all caught up on it because we think it's cheese-tastic. I loved the explanation involving "Pedro.")
On the other hand, Day-O on Legends of Tomorrow was THE low point of the series.
We liked it. Then again, we've been watching "the Calypso Singer"- the cartoon someone made to Stan Freberg's audio skit of the Banana Boat song, for a few months. Every time they let Garber sing, so far it's been something we were recently caught up on. (We all saw "the Sound of Music" last year.)
Not all gags will appeal to all or even most of the audience. I still think "Darmok and Julad at Tenagra!" was one of the funniest moments of any DC series, but it obviously appealed to a very small audience.
We're still catching up all around, but we've seen "Duet" in Flash (and the Supergirl episode that led into it), Arrow's "Fight Fire With Fire", Legends "Moonshot", So we are approximately up on Supergirl and Powerless and Big Bang Theory. The others, it's a horse-race.
Not all gags will appeal to all or even most of the audience. I still think "Darmok and Julad at Tenagra!" was one of the funniest moments of any DC series, but it obviously appealed to a very small audience.
Personally, I thought it was Wentworth Miller saying "This isn't my first prison break," while plotting to get Dominic Purcell out of a Russian prison in LOT.
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure I saw a Justice League poster in Archie's bedroom, on Riverdale.
The Fellowship of the Spear episode of LoT was pretty good, although I did not like the ending. I expected different from Rory. That's as far as I've gotten.
Well, then I guess I still can't talk about the surprise secret identity...
Apparently, I don't know who's under the Vigilante gunman's mask, but I know who's under the Prometheus mask. BTW, the scene before they revealed that, I began to get suspicious because they dropped a clue in the dialogue.
I think I'm caught up with Supergirl and LoT, and exactly 1 behind on Arrow, Flash and Powerless. Since this will be a short week, we should have little trouble watching the remaining episodes and possibly any that air in the next few days.
I don't get Netflix, so I don't routinely watch Daredevil, et al. I DID see the first two episodes of Iron Fist at a friend's house, this past weekend. Good show! Much more enjoyable than Legion. I'm not really familiar with the character, though. If any of you have seen the show, is it reasonably true to the comic book?
Actually, It's a bit of a let down. I had heard mention that it was Ronnie Raymond, which would have made Caitlyn's response to seeing him more believable. (Is it a spoiler to rule out someone who probably wasn't considered by most?)
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It was a direct quote of the LoT "Invasion!" episode,.at 6:20. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!" "I'll take that as 'have fun storming the castle." "Oh. For real? You're gonna use Princess Bride
That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.) George
I meant to imply I WAS caught up on Supergirl.
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That's fine. Just letting the others know.
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Will try to be caught up on the WB shows as of next Friday. (Netflix can wait and wait.)
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Are they still called WB shows, in your neck of the woods? WB and UPN merged years ago to make CW.
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The musical episode was fantastic.
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On the other hand, Day-O on Legends of Tomorrow was THE low point of the series.
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It's "Warner" here, but IIRC, the NYC channel wasn't using "CW" when I left, so I thought they were all just sort-of going with a Warner connection, so I guessed it was back to WB. And Supergirl started on Warner here and stayed here. Warner's got BBT, plus all the DC shows. Sony has SHIELD and Legion. Warner will premiere "Riverdale" soon, and nobody's airing "Powerless", I think. (But we're all caught up on it because we think it's cheese-tastic. I loved the explanation involving "Pedro.")
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And utilized the 3 established singers in musical numbers. Barrowman was the best-but then he's done Broadway-level shows.
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We liked it. Then again, we've been watching "the Calypso Singer"- the cartoon someone made to Stan Freberg's audio skit of the Banana Boat song, for a few months. Every time they let Garber sing, so far it's been something we were recently caught up on. (We all saw "the Sound of Music" last year.)
Not all gags will appeal to all or even most of the audience. I still think "Darmok and Julad at Tenagra!" was one of the funniest moments of any DC series, but it obviously appealed to a very small audience.
We're still catching up all around, but we've seen "Duet" in Flash (and the Supergirl episode that led into it), Arrow's "Fight Fire With Fire", Legends "Moonshot", So we are approximately up on Supergirl and Powerless and Big Bang Theory. The others, it's a horse-race.
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Personally, I thought it was Wentworth Miller saying "This isn't my first prison break," while plotting to get Dominic Purcell out of a Russian prison in LOT.
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure I saw a Justice League poster in Archie's bedroom, on Riverdale.
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Jessie Martin is Broadway caliber too. Rent. Outstanding voice.
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The Fellowship of the Spear episode of LoT was pretty good, although I did not like the ending. I expected different from Rory. That's as far as I've gotten.
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Diabolos ex machina. Mick had to do what he did to set up the finale.
Ohhh kaaayyy
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Actually, in Latin it's Diabolus...
If time travel makes your head hurt, the season finale will bring a migraine.
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"But in Latin, Jehovah starts with an I"
I'm caught up on my main three. Time to catch up on Arrow. This may take a while.
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Well, then I guess I still can't talk about the surprise secret identity...
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I'm ok if WordWolf is
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Apparently, I don't know who's under the Vigilante gunman's mask, but I know who's under the Prometheus mask. BTW, the scene before they revealed that, I began to get suspicious because they dropped a clue in the dialogue.
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OK, then. From the comic books, one would have assumed that Adrian Chase was the Vigilante. In this universe, however, he's Prometheus.
Which does beg the question, Who's Vigilante? (I assume it's not some prairie troubadour.....)
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I think I'm caught up with Supergirl and LoT, and exactly 1 behind on Arrow, Flash and Powerless. Since this will be a short week, we should have little trouble watching the remaining episodes and possibly any that air in the next few days.
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I don't get Netflix, so I don't routinely watch Daredevil, et al. I DID see the first two episodes of Iron Fist at a friend's house, this past weekend. Good show! Much more enjoyable than Legion. I'm not really familiar with the character, though. If any of you have seen the show, is it reasonably true to the comic book?
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I haven't read the comic.
Who saw Savitar's ID coming? When did you see it coming?
No spoilers...
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Actually, It's a bit of a let down. I had heard mention that it was Ronnie Raymond, which would have made Caitlyn's response to seeing him more believable. (Is it a spoiler to rule out someone who probably wasn't considered by most?)
Where's the Spear of Destiny when you need it?
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Ok, so now we have one spoiler on who it wasn't. Now no more spoilers until we're sure it's been seen South of the Equator.
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