I haven't seen the latest Supergirl, I think. I do think that making a new character a namesake for Lucas Carr was a poor decision. I can see a link between the personality of Jimmy in the comics and the show's Jimmy (who seems to never wear bow ties), but there is NOTHING about Lucas Carr in the TV version. And he should be Jimmy's age.
I was thinking, more of a Perry White type. Of course, I don't think comic book Snapper was ever a newsman. I forget what he did for a living in the Hourman series.
Oh, and I was wondering when Miss Martian would show her true colors...
I was thinking, more of a Perry White type. Of course, I don't think comic book Snapper was ever a newsman. I forget what he did for a living in the Hourman series.
Oh, and I was wondering when Miss Martian would show her true colors...
Ok, I'm out of this thread until the season's over. I've had enough spoilers for the season.
Ok, I'm out of this thread until the season's over. I've had enough spoilers for the season.
Sorry. when you brought up Lucas/Snapper, I thought you were caught up. He had a fairly prominent role in the latest episode, though probably not more so than the previous week.
Monday's episode of Supergirl should have ended with Hillary Clinton coming out and saying "I approved this message."
Just finished watching that one. I agree. And the reference to the "other plane" at the end was cute, if 4th Wall-breaking. (I'll be impressed if there's an in-universe answer for that one.) Cute how they're changing certain characters, apparently to appeal to different demographics. Jimmy Olsen's black- supposedly to appeal to black viewers. Maggie Sawyer is still a lesbian but now she's a minority and a LOT more "feminine-looking" rather than 'butch"-supposedly to appeal to viewers who can relate to that (which, frankly, is unfair to the "butch" viewers who are STILL unrepresented despite all the lesbians in the DC live verse(s).) Apparently, Snapper Carr is now an angry old balding white guy to appeal to the angry, balding white guy demographic (yes, they're under-represented as well.)
At the risk of being tossed out by Modcat, I would point out that BOTH of the last two episodes were rather heavy-laden with liberal fol-de-rol. (Though, at least for the most part, characters expressing differing viewpoints were not played as caricatures.) When "President Olivia Marsdin" pulled out her Executive Order, I would have fried it, too. Congress? We don' need no stinkin' Congress!
I'll do what I can to catch up. I'm up-to-date on Gotham and LoT. I'm 1 behind on Flash, 2 on Arrow, 1 on Supergirl.
Me and Mrs Wolf (I showed her the little speech) were very interested in the idea that extee aliens were being offered not simply asylum, but CITIZENSHIP. I'm hoping there will be an episode where a super from another country fakes being an extee so they can fast-track getting US citizenship.
WW, if you don't get shows in this order where you live, you need to watch Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, LoT.
I like the contrast of Kara's buoyant optimism vs. Oliver's grimness. (He almost seems to be a Batman surrogate.) It seems, though, that Supergirl's main role is to smile and pose heroically. I also wish that they had pulled Martian Manhunter into "Arrow Universe," along with Supergirl. Then it would have been, to quote Felicity, "Best super-hero team-up EVER!"
LoT on tonight. I'll try to restrain myself from further comment until WW lets us know he's seen the string.
Ok, saw Flash. We disagreed on who should have come along. I would have liked Jonn, or at least Monel, but Mrs Wolf pointed out that Kara's kept Barry as a big secret. I still would have liked to have seen Monel get dragged off for a weekend. Mrs Wolf pointed out he's still recovering-and I said he was STILL more buff than most of the team that's taking the field, even walking wounded.
OMG, I totally expected someone to use that exact line at some point.
Arrow and Legends are fantastic as well. Enjoy the rest of this. (Just the tiniest bit confusing if you're not caught up on both shows, which I am not).
Mrs Wolf doesn't normally follow Supergirl, so I give her updates from time to time. She saw this one, and insists on trying to watch the series' in airdate order because she expects some degree of overlap and crossover (wait, didn't Diggle have a daughter? Why isn't he surprised? Why is Ollie wearing long sleeves?)
There's no way they could have really adapted "Invasion!" to the shows, but I appreciate the effort. I loved the comic story. At the end of part 1, the Alien Alliance had taken over Australia and issued a call to surrender all supers to them. The UN debated- if we hand over the supers and they break their deal, we handed over our best defense against invasion, is our best defense cooperation, etc.) The story ended with Jimmy and Perry White discussing the Daily Planet's front page.
"Earth to Invaders: DROP DEAD!" "World gears up for war!" "Story begins on page 2"
Now, THAT's a cliffhanger!
Perry said something to the effect of- I don't know how we'll do against them, but, by Caesar, at least we stand united!
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It was a direct quote of the LoT "Invasion!" episode,.at 6:20. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!" "I'll take that as 'have fun storming the castle." "Oh. For real? You're gonna use Princess Bride
That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.) George
How odd.
I'm way behind on Arrow. A week behind on LoT.
A season behind on Gotham
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That's an obvious danger when following a show on time-travel. *runs*
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Well, I saw Supergirl. Fodder for Politics 'n Tacks.
Oh, and some new takes on DC characters. No real complaints, but some things don't need to be changed.
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I haven't seen the latest Supergirl, I think. I do think that making a new character a namesake for Lucas Carr was a poor decision. I can see a link between the personality of Jimmy in the comics and the show's Jimmy (who seems to never wear bow ties), but there is NOTHING about Lucas Carr in the TV version. And he should be Jimmy's age.
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Aw, c'mon. Call him Snapper. Everyone does!
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Snapper's fingers snapped when he was happy. This guy looks like he's never happy. He's a caricature of Lou Grant.
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Interesting take.
I was thinking, more of a Perry White type. Of course, I don't think comic book Snapper was ever a newsman. I forget what he did for a living in the Hourman series.
Oh, and I was wondering when Miss Martian would show her true colors...
Edited by GeorgeStGeorgeLink to comment
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Monday's episode of Supergirl should have ended with Hillary Clinton coming out and saying "I approved this message."
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Ok, I'm out of this thread until the season's over. I've had enough spoilers for the season.
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Aww, that's no fun.
No spoilers until a week after the episode airs!
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Sorry. when you brought up Lucas/Snapper, I thought you were caught up. He had a fairly prominent role in the latest episode, though probably not more so than the previous week.
You'll be really glad I didn't mention --
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Just finished watching that one. I agree. And the reference to the "other plane" at the end was cute, if 4th Wall-breaking. (I'll be impressed if there's an in-universe answer for that one.) Cute how they're changing certain characters, apparently to appeal to different demographics. Jimmy Olsen's black- supposedly to appeal to black viewers. Maggie Sawyer is still a lesbian but now she's a minority and a LOT more "feminine-looking" rather than 'butch"-supposedly to appeal to viewers who can relate to that (which, frankly, is unfair to the "butch" viewers who are STILL unrepresented despite all the lesbians in the DC live verse(s).) Apparently, Snapper Carr is now an angry old balding white guy to appeal to the angry, balding white guy demographic (yes, they're under-represented as well.)
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You're a week behind
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At the risk of being tossed out by Modcat, I would point out that BOTH of the last two episodes were rather heavy-laden with liberal fol-de-rol. (Though, at least for the most part, characters expressing differing viewpoints were not played as caricatures.) When "President Olivia Marsdin" pulled out her Executive Order, I would have fried it, too. Congress? We don' need no stinkin' Congress!
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I'll do what I can to catch up. I'm up-to-date on Gotham and LoT. I'm 1 behind on Flash, 2 on Arrow, 1 on Supergirl.
Me and Mrs Wolf (I showed her the little speech) were very interested in the idea that extee aliens were being offered not simply asylum, but CITIZENSHIP. I'm hoping there will be an episode where a super from another country fakes being an extee so they can fast-track getting US citizenship.
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Well, the BIG CROSSOVER is underway.
WW, if you don't get shows in this order where you live, you need to watch Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, LoT.
I like the contrast of Kara's buoyant optimism vs. Oliver's grimness. (He almost seems to be a Batman surrogate.) It seems, though, that Supergirl's main role is to smile and pose heroically. I also wish that they had pulled Martian Manhunter into "Arrow Universe," along with Supergirl. Then it would have been, to quote Felicity, "Best super-hero team-up EVER!"
LoT on tonight. I'll try to restrain myself from further comment until WW lets us know he's seen the string.
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Minor spoiler: you can skip the Supergirl episode if you need to save time.
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True. The crossover part is only the last three minutes, and it all appears on Flash, too.
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Figures. We just finished watching the Supergirl one and saw the Flash flag at the end.
Which makes sense because I had them numbered, with SG as 1 and Flash as 2 and so on.
Next stop, Flash.
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Ok, saw Flash. We disagreed on who should have come along. I would have liked Jonn, or at least Monel, but Mrs Wolf pointed out that Kara's kept Barry as a big secret. I still would have liked to have seen Monel get dragged off for a weekend. Mrs Wolf pointed out he's still recovering-and I said he was STILL more buff than most of the team that's taking the field, even walking wounded.
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice....
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OMG, I totally expected someone to use that exact line at some point.
Arrow and Legends are fantastic as well. Enjoy the rest of this. (Just the tiniest bit confusing if you're not caught up on both shows, which I am not).
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Mrs Wolf doesn't normally follow Supergirl, so I give her updates from time to time. She saw this one, and insists on trying to watch the series' in airdate order because she expects some degree of overlap and crossover (wait, didn't Diggle have a daughter? Why isn't he surprised? Why is Ollie wearing long sleeves?)
There's no way they could have really adapted "Invasion!" to the shows, but I appreciate the effort. I loved the comic story. At the end of part 1, the Alien Alliance had taken over Australia and issued a call to surrender all supers to them. The UN debated- if we hand over the supers and they break their deal, we handed over our best defense against invasion, is our best defense cooperation, etc.) The story ended with Jimmy and Perry White discussing the Daily Planet's front page.
"Earth to Invaders: DROP DEAD!" "World gears up for war!" "Story begins on page 2"
Now, THAT's a cliffhanger!
Perry said something to the effect of- I don't know how we'll do against them, but, by Caesar, at least we stand united!
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Well, now we know that Mick and Sara have the same taste in women.
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"Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!"
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