There was a Justice League arc "Trial by Fire" several years ago (2004) where MM went a little nuts. Superman said that he was one of five beings in the universe he didn't want to go toe-to-toe with. Interestingly, they used Plastic Man to keep MM busy, because he could match the shape-shifting and because his "non-organic" brain was impervious to MM's telepathy. Okaaaaay...
I'm pretty sure that the Supergirl MM DID phase through a wall, at least once, to read the mind of someone locked in a cell. If I'm not mistaken, Max Lord caught it on video.
You're referring to when MM turned into "Fernus." I had the conclusion of that. Supposedly, Plastic Man was able to keep up with him due to his shapechanging ability and because Martians wer unable to read his non-organic mind. This is especially interesting in light of what happened with that Hyperclan business, when the White Martians tried to invade Earth. Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) was in combat with himself. Plastic Man saw both, but couldn't figure out which was the original. One GL: "Ok. O'Brian...." Plastic-Man said that only the real GL would know his name, and went to assist that GL. Same GL: "Or a telepath." *cuts Plastic-Man in half with Martian-vision* Oops. If I were begged to try to answer that one, I'd say that Fernus couldn't access Jonn's full telepathy.
*checks the TV show wiki* MM sure HAS phased through stuff, at least twice (once against Metallo's kryptonite heart, once in Season 1, Episode 7 somewhere, when Supergirl's powers were taking a weekend off or something.)
*keeps reading* Did I miss a lot about Brainiac 5? Is he supposed to be a full-blown shapechanger that can elongate, reshape his limbs, and so on?
" Being a Coluan, Querl is able to manipulate his limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit and turn his limbs into blades that can pierce into Martians. He is able to absorb bullets harmlessly into his body if shot. " Were all born Coluans shown to have these abilities? I thought he was using a device to hide his appearance, not that he was shapechanging. And iy may be interesting to see Querl learn how to MacGuyver the 21st century tech into something he can use, since he's used to the 31st century.
*checks* I'm pretty sure that whole section will be rewritten. It was lacking citations, and neither the Wikipedia entry on Colu nor on Brainy show anything of that kind. I think both we and the writers had the appearance changes as a holographic device in use. Seriously, if he could shapechange, there would have been an actual instance of it, even a minor one. Someone jumped to the conclusion that he's completely artificial, AND his body is totally malleable, AND that his consciousness can just jump into machines and stuff. Again, we saw no evidence of that. And, frankly, he would be able to fly the entire spaceship if he could do it cybernetically.
" Being a Coluan, Querl is able to manipulate his limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit and turn his limbs into blades that can pierce into Martians. He is able to absorb bullets harmlessly into his body if shot. "
Actually, this sounds like one of the "liquid" Terminators.
Flash: Wally gone, for all intents and purposes, so now we have XS and a weird family dynamic. And yet another version of Welles.
Black Lightning: I still have trouble following this one, but the effects are good.
Legends of Tomorrow: I like the addition of Constantine. The stories seem sillier every season, though. I don't mind light-hearted stuff, but not every week. (The first few seasons of Supernatural were good about alternating goofy with serious.) My understanding is that LoT will not be part of this year's cross-over.
Arrow: Apparently, we've had enough of flashbacks; now they're all flash-forwards. I admit that it took me a while to get that. I wasn't sure why they had a different, older actor to play William. I hope Ollie doesn't spend ALL season in prison.
Supergirl: Certainly the most liberal of the shows. I wonder if it's coincidence that the main alien-haters are all white, and mostly white men. I'm glad that J'onn J'onzz is still a major character, and even goes "full Martian" from time to time. Having Dox as a regular instead of Wynn works for me.
Your thoughts? (Or will I have to wait until you all binge at the end of the season?)
Ok, I'm behind on almost everything. I'm up on Flash and LoT (as is Mrs Wolf.) She's not watching the others.
I'm finishing the previous season of Arrow now, and will continue until I watch the current episode. (I'm averaging 2 episodes a week.) Black Lightning will be the next show I watch that way, followed by Supergirl.
I'm sure that it's a total coincidence that all the good white guys are either written out or introduced as black. I'm sure that it's a coincidence that the black guys get to stay on as regular characters. I'm sure that it;s a total coincidence that we get white guy villains all the time in this show. I'm sure it's a total coincidence that any character with a hint of conservatism or even centrism is a bad guy.
Seriously, I'm shocked J'onn was allowed to stay. I thought we were going to have Brainy as a cameo character who did tech and all male superheroes would be banished now that they had the chance.
We're glad LoT isn't just depressing stuff with Damien D making everything gloomy and hopeless. I'm FINE if it gets funny. Arrow certainly got TOO gloomy, which is why I took some time off, and she just stopped watching. Having Constantine added to LoT makes a lot of sense. And if he keeps needing recipe ingredients, this could be funny here and there.
I'd forgotten that Iris had that XS costume from when she was Flash for 5 minutes once.
Something else about Supergirl: I'm amazed that the President's executive order of amnesty for aliens wasn't overturned in the courts. And now that it's been revealed that she's a Durlan and was not ever eligible to BE President, pretty much every EO should be tossed out. (Even if she WAS Lynda Carter.)
Something else about Supergirl: I'm amazed that the President's executive order of amnesty for aliens wasn't overturned in the courts. And now that it's been revealed that she's a Durlan and was not ever eligible to BE President, pretty much every EO should be tossed out. (Even if she WAS Lynda Carter.)
If, as a Durlan, she was actually BORN in the US (genetically Durlan, of Durlan parents, but born there), then she would be eligible to be US President. Apparently, that was not the case.
I remember a comic story, a Superman Annual during "Armageddon 2001", which looked to the future from then-present 1991 to 2001 (which all the "Armageddon 2001" stories did, for one character or another or many). (This was during the "Man of Steel" continuity done just after Crisis in Infinite Earths, and not the Golden Age "Kal-El was a baby on Krypton" nor the "Birthright/Smallville" continuity which came later.) When Clark saved Presidential candidate Pete Ross' life, Pete was still injured and unable to continue campaigning. He urged Clark to run, which he did. Lex began yelling at his TV about the now-revealed Superman (who deflected assassin bullets on national TV) being ineligible to be President because he was an alien. STAR Labs began an extensive analysis of the vehicle that brought Kal-El to Earth. It wasn't a spaceship. As was said in "Man of Steel" #1, it was a birthing matrix that Jor-El attached an engine to. The scientists said that, technically, he was conceived on Krypton, but was not BORN until he exited the birthing matrix, which happened in Kansas.
So, unless she was either born on US soil, or born to at least one US citizen who spent at least 5 years in the US before she was born, the Durlan chick should not be eligible to be a US citizen until she passes naturalization- citizenship tests, etc. A US President must either be born a US citizen (not naturalized), be a US citizen at the time of the adoption of the US Constitution (possible if she's actually more than 200 years old), or be a serving elected officer who becomes President due to one or more vacancies in the US government. (If she was Vice-President and the President had to leave office, she would become President legally. If Gerald Ford had remained Speaker of the House when VP Spiro Agnew left office, and when Nixon resigned/was impeached, then Ford would have gone from Speaker to President due to the order of succession. (He went from Speaker to VP when Agnew left, the President when Nixon left, thus becoming the only US Presiden never elected to President or VP, AFAIK.)
So, legally, that's all the options. Sounds like she had none of those options. If she really WAS that old, and she claimed to be her visible age, that's Fraud and some other things, because she never said "No, I've been a US citizen all this time. Look my Driver's License says I was born in 1742" or something. That would have gotten a lot of attention. Seriously. Her inability to produce a modern Birth Certificate would have been a big deal- and if she had produced a fraud, that would have been a BIGGER deal.
Unless, of course, Earth-29's US doesn't really resemble our Earth any more than Gotham's Earth does- and, frankly, I find Gotham's Earth feels closer (Black Lightning, also, for that matter.)
Well, the annual crossover starts this coming weekend (in the US). No Legends, just Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow. Supergirl and Arrow (so far, and presumably Flash, tomorrow) have a great teaser. Barry Allen (John Wesley Ship, in his old Flash uniform) crawls across a landscape strewn with bodies (fallen heroes, presumably) reaching for a book, which is picked up by a Monitor before he can reach it. The subtitle says Earth-90. Now, we all know that the DC Multiverse has only 52 universes (or maybe 53). Why "Earth-90"? Shipp's "Flash" started in 1990. Apparently, back on Arrowverse Earth, Barry Allen and Oliver Queen switch roles. It's an "Elseworlds" story. Aren't they all, really?
Well, the annual crossover starts this coming weekend (in the US). No Legends, just Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow. Supergirl and Arrow (so far, and presumably Flash, tomorrow) have a great teaser. Barry Allen (John Wesley Ship, in his old Flash uniform) crawls across a landscape strewn with bodies (fallen heroes, presumably) reaching for a book, which is picked up by a Monitor before he can reach it. The subtitle says Earth-90. Now, we all know that the DC Multiverse has only 52 universes (or maybe 53). Why "Earth-90"? Shipp's "Flash" started in 1990. Apparently, back on Arrowverse Earth, Barry Allen and Oliver Queen switch roles. It's an "Elseworlds" story. Aren't they all, really?
We're slightly behind on "Flash" but can catch up. I'm catching up on "Arrow" during the week. ("Supergirl", I'm not caring that much. I'll catch up when the season ends or something.)
In the Arrowverse, there were said to be 52 universes with easy access to each other, that were known of....which wasn't counting "Earth-X" which was denied a number. So, other Earths are harder to reach if they are found. (Like a place with no direct flights from you to them, but you can take a ship there or a connecting flight.) In the comics, that information keeps changing without warning. There are infinite Earths. No, there are 5- which were merged into one unified Earth. No, wait, Hypertime has alternate Earths. "Elseworlds" are imagined out-of-continuity. Oh, wait- here's that Earth now. Now Hypertime was merged into one Earth again- no, now into exactly 52 Earths.
Don't expect that to last, either. DC keeps putting infinite Earths back no matter what they say. Heck, they let the fans vote for Jason Todd to die, and his death had great significance...until one writer was allowed to bring him back, SENSELESSLY. (And not as in "Earth-Tomato's Jason Todd has traveled here and decided to stay" or something.)
Jimmy Olsen married Supergirl. "Don't forget-this is an imaginary story, which may or may not happen."
"Of course it's an imaginary story, aren't they all?" (I think Elliot S! Maggin said that one.)
Did they use the word "Elseworlds" in the show, or was that your explanation?
This week's Flash episode was very entertaining. Barry and Nora go back to a few recent timepoints in Flash show history, to gather various items. The re-staging of old episode parts was well done. I had a little trouble keeping track of the Wellses, though.
I assume that I'm the only one who has seen the crossover, so I'll try not to "spoil" anything of major relevance.
First, WATCH THE DARN THING! I thought it was quite well done, though why the Monitor would give the Book of Destiny to such a dweeb is not really explained. Correct sequence: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl. Some references to current Arrowverse events, but nothing that would keep you from watching the crossover before catching up on the other series.
Lots of "Easter eggs" in the Smallville and Gotham sequences.
Note, no Legends. The "mid-season finale" of LoT was quite entertaining, and also about alternate realities. A cute bit was at the beginning, when Steel asks Gideon if they missed anything while they were off the ship. Gideon: "You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-el." Steel: "Sounds like an annual crossover. Pass!"
It's already been decided that next year's crossover will be "Crisis on Infinite Earths." Two of the tragedies from that comic series were alluded to in the current crossover.
Ok, I caught up in "Arrow" and saw the teaser. I liked that the first 2 bodies I saw were recognizable- that was Stargirl and STRIPE. (Remember the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy? Well, Stargirl found the Kid's belt and went into action. Stripesy put on an exoskeletal armor to keep an eye on her. At least in the comics, where she how also carries Starman's cosmic rod/staff.)
I've not seen the conclusion, but I suspected CRISIS was coming when the Monitor showed up.
Yeah, in the comics, the only reason the Monitor appeared in Annuals and whatevers was to establish he'd been around, as a preparation for CoIE. Now there's a bunch of Monitors, which makes no sense if they're supposed to be anything like the original. So, we had Monitor cameos, and then CoIE where we saw a lot of him and his opponent.
I assume that I'm the only one who has seen the crossover, so I'll try not to "spoil" anything of major relevance.
First, WATCH THE DARN THING! I thought it was quite well done, though why the Monitor would give the Book of Destiny to such a dweeb is not really explained. Correct sequence: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl. Some references to current Arrowverse events, but nothing that would keep you from watching the crossover before catching up on the other series.
Lots of "Easter eggs" in the Smallville and Gotham sequences.
Note, no Legends. The "mid-season finale" of LoT was quite entertaining, and also about alternate realities. A cute bit was at the beginning, when Steel asks Gideon if they missed anything while they were off the ship. Gideon: "You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-el." Steel: "Sounds like an annual crossover. Pass!"
It's already been decided that next year's crossover will be "Crisis on Infinite Earths." Two of the tragedies from that comic series were alluded to in the current crossover.
We're going to power through the Flash episodes, then Crisis, THEN go back and watch the LoT episodes. I'm looking forward to the comment you mentioned.
We've seen references to the "red skies" and the Crisis since Eobard Thawne's newspaper headlines were displayed, at least in "Flash."
We're going to power through the Flash episodes, then Crisis, THEN go back and watch the LoT episodes. I'm looking forward to the comment you mentioned.
By "Crisis," here, I presume you mean "Elseworlds."
By "Crisis," here, I presume you mean "Elseworlds."
Yes. Although "crisis" might refer to how we're running around this particular week. Classes are ending for the year, and parents and teachers all want to end with something. Naturally, they pile all of that on us poor parents, who now have a doubled agenda on our plate.
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It was a direct quote of the LoT "Invasion!" episode,.at 6:20. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!" "I'll take that as 'have fun storming the castle." "Oh. For real? You're gonna use Princess Bride
That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.) George
There was a Justice League arc "Trial by Fire" several years ago (2004) where MM went a little nuts. Superman said that he was one of five beings in the universe he didn't want to go toe-to-toe with. Interestingly, they used Plastic Man to keep MM busy, because he could match the shape-shifting and because his "non-organic" brain was impervious to MM's telepathy. Okaaaaay...
I'm pretty sure that the Supergirl MM DID phase through a wall, at least once, to read the mind of someone locked in a cell. If I'm not mistaken, Max Lord caught it on video.
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You're referring to when MM turned into "Fernus." I had the conclusion of that. Supposedly, Plastic Man was able to keep up with him due to his shapechanging ability and because Martians wer unable to read his non-organic mind. This is especially interesting in light of what happened with that Hyperclan business, when the White Martians tried to invade Earth. Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) was in combat with himself. Plastic Man saw both, but couldn't figure out which was the original. One GL: "Ok. O'Brian...." Plastic-Man said that only the real GL would know his name, and went to assist that GL. Same GL: "Or a telepath." *cuts Plastic-Man in half with Martian-vision* Oops. If I were begged to try to answer that one, I'd say that Fernus couldn't access Jonn's full telepathy.
*checks the TV show wiki* MM sure HAS phased through stuff, at least twice (once against Metallo's kryptonite heart, once in Season 1, Episode 7 somewhere, when Supergirl's powers were taking a weekend off or something.)
*keeps reading* Did I miss a lot about Brainiac 5? Is he supposed to be a full-blown shapechanger that can elongate, reshape his limbs, and so on?
" Being a Coluan, Querl is able to manipulate his limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit and turn his limbs into blades that can pierce into Martians. He is able to absorb bullets harmlessly into his body if shot. " Were all born Coluans shown to have these abilities? I thought he was using a device to hide his appearance, not that he was shapechanging. And iy may be interesting to see Querl learn how to MacGuyver the 21st century tech into something he can use, since he's used to the 31st century.
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Not having read the wiki, I also assumed Dox's appearance changes were holographic in nature.
Certainly, comic-book Coluans have no shape-changing ability. Maybe the writers are trying to have him sub for both Winn and J'onn.
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*checks* I'm pretty sure that whole section will be rewritten. It was lacking citations, and neither the Wikipedia entry on Colu nor on Brainy show anything of that kind. I think both we and the writers had the appearance changes as a holographic device in use. Seriously, if he could shapechange, there would have been an actual instance of it, even a minor one. Someone jumped to the conclusion that he's completely artificial, AND his body is totally malleable, AND that his consciousness can just jump into machines and stuff. Again, we saw no evidence of that. And, frankly, he would be able to fly the entire spaceship if he could do it cybernetically.
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" Being a Coluan, Querl is able to manipulate his limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit and turn his limbs into blades that can pierce into Martians. He is able to absorb bullets harmlessly into his body if shot. "
Actually, this sounds like one of the "liquid" Terminators.
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Ok, so...
Caught up on Agents of Shield. Would have made a nice ending to the series.
Caught up on Flash but we already knew that.
Now on Arrow. Better than I remembered while trying to keep up the first time.
Damn but Laurel is hot.
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So, new season.
Flash: Wally gone, for all intents and purposes, so now we have XS and a weird family dynamic. And yet another version of Welles.
Black Lightning: I still have trouble following this one, but the effects are good.
Legends of Tomorrow: I like the addition of Constantine. The stories seem sillier every season, though. I don't mind light-hearted stuff, but not every week. (The first few seasons of Supernatural were good about alternating goofy with serious.) My understanding is that LoT will not be part of this year's cross-over.
Arrow: Apparently, we've had enough of flashbacks; now they're all flash-forwards. I admit that it took me a while to get that. I wasn't sure why they had a different, older actor to play William. I hope Ollie doesn't spend ALL season in prison.
Supergirl: Certainly the most liberal of the shows. I wonder if it's coincidence that the main alien-haters are all white, and mostly white men. I'm glad that J'onn J'onzz is still a major character, and even goes "full Martian" from time to time. Having Dox as a regular instead of Wynn works for me.
Your thoughts? (Or will I have to wait until you all binge at the end of the season?)
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Ok, I'm behind on almost everything. I'm up on Flash and LoT (as is Mrs Wolf.) She's not watching the others.
I'm finishing the previous season of Arrow now, and will continue until I watch the current episode. (I'm averaging 2 episodes a week.) Black Lightning will be the next show I watch that way, followed by Supergirl.
I'm sure that it's a total coincidence that all the good white guys are either written out or introduced as black. I'm sure that it's a coincidence that the black guys get to stay on as regular characters. I'm sure that it;s a total coincidence that we get white guy villains all the time in this show. I'm sure it's a total coincidence that any character with a hint of conservatism or even centrism is a bad guy.
Seriously, I'm shocked J'onn was allowed to stay. I thought we were going to have Brainy as a cameo character who did tech and all male superheroes would be banished now that they had the chance.
We're glad LoT isn't just depressing stuff with Damien D making everything gloomy and hopeless. I'm FINE if it gets funny. Arrow certainly got TOO gloomy, which is why I took some time off, and she just stopped watching. Having Constantine added to LoT makes a lot of sense. And if he keeps needing recipe ingredients, this could be funny here and there.
I'd forgotten that Iris had that XS costume from when she was Flash for 5 minutes once.
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Something else about Supergirl: I'm amazed that the President's executive order of amnesty for aliens wasn't overturned in the courts. And now that it's been revealed that she's a Durlan and was not ever eligible to BE President, pretty much every EO should be tossed out. (Even if she WAS Lynda Carter.)
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If, as a Durlan, she was actually BORN in the US (genetically Durlan, of Durlan parents, but born there), then she would be eligible to be US President. Apparently, that was not the case.
I remember a comic story, a Superman Annual during "Armageddon 2001", which looked to the future from then-present 1991 to 2001 (which all the "Armageddon 2001" stories did, for one character or another or many). (This was during the "Man of Steel" continuity done just after Crisis in Infinite Earths, and not the Golden Age "Kal-El was a baby on Krypton" nor the "Birthright/Smallville" continuity which came later.) When Clark saved Presidential candidate Pete Ross' life, Pete was still injured and unable to continue campaigning. He urged Clark to run, which he did. Lex began yelling at his TV about the now-revealed Superman (who deflected assassin bullets on national TV) being ineligible to be President because he was an alien. STAR Labs began an extensive analysis of the vehicle that brought Kal-El to Earth. It wasn't a spaceship. As was said in "Man of Steel" #1, it was a birthing matrix that Jor-El attached an engine to. The scientists said that, technically, he was conceived on Krypton, but was not BORN until he exited the birthing matrix, which happened in Kansas.
Newspaper headline: "Born in the USA!"
So, unless she was either born on US soil, or born to at least one US citizen who spent at least 5 years in the US before she was born, the Durlan chick should not be eligible to be a US citizen until she passes naturalization- citizenship tests, etc. A US President must either be born a US citizen (not naturalized), be a US citizen at the time of the adoption of the US Constitution (possible if she's actually more than 200 years old), or be a serving elected officer who becomes President due to one or more vacancies in the US government. (If she was Vice-President and the President had to leave office, she would become President legally. If Gerald Ford had remained Speaker of the House when VP Spiro Agnew left office, and when Nixon resigned/was impeached, then Ford would have gone from Speaker to President due to the order of succession. (He went from Speaker to VP when Agnew left, the President when Nixon left, thus becoming the only US Presiden never elected to President or VP, AFAIK.)
So, legally, that's all the options. Sounds like she had none of those options. If she really WAS that old, and she claimed to be her visible age, that's Fraud and some other things, because she never said "No, I've been a US citizen all this time. Look my Driver's License says I was born in 1742" or something. That would have gotten a lot of attention. Seriously. Her inability to produce a modern Birth Certificate would have been a big deal- and if she had produced a fraud, that would have been a BIGGER deal.
Unless, of course, Earth-29's US doesn't really resemble our Earth any more than Gotham's Earth does- and, frankly, I find Gotham's Earth feels closer (Black Lightning, also, for that matter.)
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Well, the annual crossover starts this coming weekend (in the US). No Legends, just Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow. Supergirl and Arrow (so far, and presumably Flash, tomorrow) have a great teaser. Barry Allen (John Wesley Ship, in his old Flash uniform) crawls across a landscape strewn with bodies (fallen heroes, presumably) reaching for a book, which is picked up by a Monitor before he can reach it. The subtitle says Earth-90. Now, we all know that the DC Multiverse has only 52 universes (or maybe 53). Why "Earth-90"? Shipp's "Flash" started in 1990.
Apparently, back on Arrowverse Earth, Barry Allen and Oliver Queen switch roles. It's an "Elseworlds" story. Aren't they all, really?
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We're slightly behind on "Flash" but can catch up. I'm catching up on "Arrow" during the week. ("Supergirl", I'm not caring that much. I'll catch up when the season ends or something.)
In the Arrowverse, there were said to be 52 universes with easy access to each other, that were known of....which wasn't counting "Earth-X" which was denied a number. So, other Earths are harder to reach if they are found. (Like a place with no direct flights from you to them, but you can take a ship there or a connecting flight.) In the comics, that information keeps changing without warning. There are infinite Earths. No, there are 5- which were merged into one unified Earth. No, wait, Hypertime has alternate Earths. "Elseworlds" are imagined out-of-continuity. Oh, wait- here's that Earth now. Now Hypertime was merged into one Earth again- no, now into exactly 52 Earths.
Don't expect that to last, either. DC keeps putting infinite Earths back no matter what they say. Heck, they let the fans vote for Jason Todd to die, and his death had great significance...until one writer was allowed to bring him back, SENSELESSLY. (And not as in "Earth-Tomato's Jason Todd has traveled here and decided to stay" or something.)
Jimmy Olsen married Supergirl. "Don't forget-this is an imaginary story, which may or may not happen."
"Of course it's an imaginary story, aren't they all?" (I think Elliot S! Maggin said that one.)
Did they use the word "Elseworlds" in the show, or was that your explanation?
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"Elseworlds" is used in the teaser. I think it's the name of the crossover (as, "Crisis on Earth-X" was, last year).
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The Arrowverse wiki agrees with you.
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This week's Flash episode was very entertaining. Barry and Nora go back to a few recent timepoints in Flash show history, to gather various items. The re-staging of old episode parts was well done. I had a little trouble keeping track of the Wellses, though.
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I assume that I'm the only one who has seen the crossover, so I'll try not to "spoil" anything of major relevance.
First, WATCH THE DARN THING! I thought it was quite well done, though why the Monitor would give the Book of Destiny to such a dweeb is not really explained. Correct sequence: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl. Some references to current Arrowverse events, but nothing that would keep you from watching the crossover before catching up on the other series.
Lots of "Easter eggs" in the Smallville and Gotham sequences.
Note, no Legends. The "mid-season finale" of LoT was quite entertaining, and also about alternate realities. A cute bit was at the beginning, when Steel asks Gideon if they missed anything while they were off the ship. Gideon: "You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-el." Steel: "Sounds like an annual crossover. Pass!"
It's already been decided that next year's crossover will be "Crisis on Infinite Earths." Two of the tragedies from that comic series were alluded to in the current crossover.
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I've not seen the conclusion, but I suspected CRISIS was coming when the Monitor showed up.
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Ok, I caught up in "Arrow" and saw the teaser. I liked that the first 2 bodies I saw were recognizable- that was Stargirl and STRIPE. (Remember the Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy? Well, Stargirl found the Kid's belt and went into action. Stripesy put on an exoskeletal armor to keep an eye on her. At least in the comics, where she how also carries Starman's cosmic rod/staff.)
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Yeah, in the comics, the only reason the Monitor appeared in Annuals and whatevers was to establish he'd been around, as a preparation for CoIE. Now there's a bunch of Monitors, which makes no sense if they're supposed to be anything like the original. So, we had Monitor cameos, and then CoIE where we saw a lot of him and his opponent.
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We're going to power through the Flash episodes, then Crisis, THEN go back and watch the LoT episodes. I'm looking forward to the comment you mentioned.
We've seen references to the "red skies" and the Crisis since Eobard Thawne's newspaper headlines were displayed, at least in "Flash."
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By "Crisis," here, I presume you mean "Elseworlds."
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Yes. Although "crisis" might refer to how we're running around this particular week. Classes are ending for the year, and parents and teachers all want to end with something. Naturally, they pile all of that on us poor parents, who now have a doubled agenda on our plate.
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Ok, we saw the 3-parter a few days ago.
Are we all OK to discuss all of it, or is anyone concerned about spoilers of any kind?
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I'm good, so I guess it's up to Raf.
Human doesn't seem too interested in this thread.
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