I admit, keeping up can be daunting. In addition to CW's five super-hero shows, Gotham, and Agents of SHIELD, I watch, weekly, NCIS (three versions), Bull, Designated Survivor, MacGiver, Timeless, Supernatural, Riverdale, Big Bang Theory, and Young Sheldon (and the shortly forthcoming Krypton). Add in cable series when they run (Suits, Strike Back, Outlander, Counterpart, the Alienist, and Ash vs. Evil Dead); and its amazing I get ANYTHING else done. I HAVE decided not to watch the current season of Legion, as the first season made no sense to me.
By the way, the pilot for Krypton is on tonight. A preview on SyFy showed that Brainiac will be the main villain, with a time-travelling Adam Strange helping Sig-el. Other spacefaring species will be seen, like the Thanagarians. I wonder if they'll ever throw in a Green Lantern, Tomar-re, perhaps?
I'm going to have to catch LoT on Netflix, because every episode just seemed odder and odder, and that Tickle Me Gizmo Marshmallow Man moment was nauseating.
I gave up trying to keep up with Arrow. I'm only missing the finale on Flash (aired last night here).
I kind of thought that the TMGMM was a cute way of tying up the whole season, since just about every OTHER character from the season made it in.
FYI, the real reason they got rid of Prof. Stein was that Victor Garber went back to Broadway.
Flash ending was good, if a little too tidy. "Let's wrap up a season of problems with an almost invincible baddie in 30 minutes." Kind of the same with Arrow, though it never made sense to me in the first place how a basic thug could acquire so much power, to begin with.
Agents of SHIELD had a good ending. Well, excluding the death of a main character.
Thank you so much for avoiding heavy spoilers. Here's where my approximate and specific shows are, in my schedule...
All the Marvel stuff, I'm currently not following. I finished Iron Fist, and started DareDevil. For some reason, it's not holding my interest. I think the bad lighting and street stuff are really a turn-off. (I do like martial arts stuff, so if they add some and I hear about it, that might change.) Eventually I hope to finish stuff. I'm behind on Agents of SHIELD by a few seasons. (Too much work, and too little fun.)
As for DC, the Mrs and I watch stuff, and I watch stuff without her. We watch LoT (and finished it), Flash (need 2 episodes, or 3 if there's another tonight), and Arrow (we're behind about 6 episodes.) I expect us to catch up to Flash this weekend. (No pun intended.)
I watch Black Lightning (finished), Gotham (AFAIK, I just saw the season closer), Krypton and Supergirl (behind on both, and will watch them over the next month.) I'm not really big on either, so I'll watch them when it's convenient.)
I enjoyed the time loop episode of Legends of Tomorrow.
Not feeling Black Panther. I may binge when I get a chance.
Not caught up on Punisher or Jessica Jones.
I am over Damien Darkh. Enough!
We enjoyed LoT. Black Panther's getting a show? Punisher has a show?
I REALLY hope this is REALLY the last we see of Damien Darkh. It was tiresome to see him again. He's just not interesting, and he's not smart enough to be a villainous mastermind. Frankly, Malcolm Merlin was more dangerous just because he thought ahead and planned ahead. With DD, they really wrote around him being powerful- as if that's enough to make a character interesting.
We actually liked the season finale of LoT. Either you hated it because it was incredibly cheesy, or you liked it because it was unabashedly cheesy in how they tied up the entire season. I wish Victor Garber hadn't wanted out (we figured that was why he left before even checking), but I did appreciate Stein's death was handled like a death (Jax and the Steins grieving, the team dealing with his death, etc. Len's idea lightened things up just enough so that they weren't TOO heavy but also not silly.) The show got cheesy, and that, IMHO, worked for it. As much as I like Arrow, it's freaking depressing a lot of the time. Can we have an episode where Ollie saves a basket of puppies or something?
I admit, keeping up can be daunting. In addition to CW's five super-hero shows, Gotham, and Agents of SHIELD, I watch, weekly, NCIS (three versions), Bull, Designated Survivor, MacGiver, Timeless, Supernatural, Riverdale, Big Bang Theory, and Young Sheldon (and the shortly forthcoming Krypton). Add in cable series when they run (Suits, Strike Back, Outlander, Counterpart, the Alienist, and Ash vs. Evil Dead); and its amazing I get ANYTHING else done. I HAVE decided not to watch the current season of Legion, as the first season made no sense to me.
Do you remember to schedule in eating and sleeping? We watch BBT and Young Sheldon off that list, (and whatever else I mentioned.) Usually we catch up on DC shows on the weekend (I catch up during the week if it's just me.)
Do you remember to schedule in eating and sleeping? We watch BBT and Young Sheldon off that list, (and whatever else I mentioned.) Usually we catch up on DC shows on the weekend (I catch up during the week if it's just me.)
I eat in front of the TV.
Sadly, I occasionally fall asleep in front of the TV. Just enough nodding off that I have to rewind the episode to see what I missed.
PS Krypton season finale was an interesting cliffhanger. The revisionist Zod, however, gives me all sorts of heartburn. (I've got no problem with a female Jax-Ur, though!)
Now that Supergirl is done for the season, all of the DC shows are wrapped up.
I'm sad to see that Winn and Mon-el are leaving, and M'yrrn (and J'onn?). They all added warmth to the show.
And Wally is leaving LoT (and Flash).
It's like watching your kids leave home.
With the World Cup skipping a day, I caught the Supergirl season finale. My thoughts, briefly... I didn't see the Winn connection sooner, and with Brainy in the room, perhaps I should have. M'yrrn, sadly, had to go, and he went aptly. J'onn COULD get his own show, but I doubt they'll do it. Too bad, I'd like it better than Supergirl. It shouldn't surprise too much that they found reasons for the white guys to leave, but seeing J'onn go is/ may be a surprise. (J'onn could easily remain a regular character.) I was SO glad to get the one line about Superman actually doing something during this emergency. (I don't ask much, I just ask for SOMETHING if he's not in the middle of something like this.) Wally is leaving BOTH? That's a shame. I think the writers have painted Jimmy Olsen into a corner. As for Lena, that was supposed to surprise someone, but she has a lousy poker-face and telegraphed the ending for the audience with that look. I AM curious about the end of the end of the episode ("48 hours earlier.") I imagine the DEO is going to have some growing pains. "We're getting rid of the actual weapons now, in the hopes we will have some high-tech designed by Winn to replace them soon." "Sorry to see some of you choose to leave as a result." "Winn is leaving instead. I'd worry about what to do with no weapons and no tech, but that's the headache of the new boss. Ciao!" Oh, and this "you can have everything without sacrificing anything" thing. I hope that gets discredited next season. BTW, I hope those DEO people leaving all took LEAVES OF ABSENCE rather than just resigning. That would make it easier to bring a character back. Or at least give J'onn a badge to flash if it's useful (it is better than having to solve problems with violence, after all...)
The surprise at the end of "Flash" wasn't much of a surprise, but glad it's been said so we can actually move on. The thing I'm hoping to follow up on is the symbolic language. Barry came back from the Speed Force with it, and that rhyming. Harry went into that rhyming briefly. That chick uses that language. I'm hoping someone ties all that together eventually.
Here's to me finishing Krypton and Arrow after the World Cup.
M'yrrn going isn't really a surprise, and having him essentially single-handedly beat the Worldkiller was as fitting a way to go as any. I just loved his interactions with Earth and with J'onn. And, I'll confess, I've like Lumbly's work since Mantis and Alias. The fact that he voiced J'onn J'onzz in the Justice League cartoons gave his appearance on Supergirl a bit of a nostalgic touch.
I REALLY hope that we see more of J'onn. One of my happiest moments in the first season of Supergirl was when "Hank Henshaw" revealed himself. Next to Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter has always been my favorite. Okay, so he's not Kryptonian strong, fast, or invulnerable; but he's way above human level AND can shape shift AND can be intangible AND is telepathic. (I remember a Detective Comic back in the 60's where JJ was exposed to some meteorite which made him unable to use his other powers (except maybe flight) when he was invisible. Clearly, this was just a gimmick to keep him from being TOO powerful, even with the weakness to fire.)
So, is Brainiac 5 staying at the DEO? That wasn't clear to me.
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It was a direct quote of the LoT "Invasion!" episode,.at 6:20. "Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra!" "I'll take that as 'have fun storming the castle." "Oh. For real? You're gonna use Princess Bride
That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.) George
I admit, keeping up can be daunting. In addition to CW's five super-hero shows, Gotham, and Agents of SHIELD, I watch, weekly, NCIS (three versions), Bull, Designated Survivor, MacGiver, Timeless, Supernatural, Riverdale, Big Bang Theory, and Young Sheldon (and the shortly forthcoming Krypton). Add in cable series when they run (Suits, Strike Back, Outlander, Counterpart, the Alienist, and Ash vs. Evil Dead); and its amazing I get ANYTHING else done. I HAVE decided not to watch the current season of Legion, as the first season made no sense to me.
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I enjoyed the time loop episode of Legends of Tomorrow.
Not feeling Black Panther. I may binge when I get a chance.
Not caught up on Punisher or Jessica Jones.
I am over Damien Darkh. Enough!
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You can never truly be over a time traveler.
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I never got over Macho Grande.
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By the way, the pilot for Krypton is on tonight. A preview on SyFy showed that Brainiac will be the main villain, with a time-travelling Adam Strange helping Sig-el. Other spacefaring species will be seen, like the Thanagarians. I wonder if they'll ever throw in a Green Lantern, Tomar-re, perhaps?
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I'm not sure that LoT can "jump the shark," but this season's finale sure gives it the college try.
I have to admit to a grudging smile for the way Mallus was defeated. (If this is a spoiler for anyone, did you think he WOULDN'T be defeated?)
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Flash has taken a rather distressing turn, but I expect it to be turned around by the end of the season.
On a different note, I see that CW is renewing all of its super-hero shows, but it appears that Gotham's future is in doubt.
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I'm going to have to catch LoT on Netflix, because every episode just seemed odder and odder, and that Tickle Me Gizmo Marshmallow Man moment was nauseating.
I gave up trying to keep up with Arrow. I'm only missing the finale on Flash (aired last night here).
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I kind of thought that the TMGMM was a cute way of tying up the whole season, since just about every OTHER character from the season made it in.
FYI, the real reason they got rid of Prof. Stein was that Victor Garber went back to Broadway.
Flash ending was good, if a little too tidy. "Let's wrap up a season of problems with an almost invincible baddie in 30 minutes." Kind of the same with Arrow, though it never made sense to me in the first place how a basic thug could acquire so much power, to begin with.
Agents of SHIELD had a good ending. Well, excluding the death of a main character.
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Just one?
Not half? ;)
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Thank you so much for avoiding heavy spoilers. Here's where my approximate and specific shows are, in my schedule...
All the Marvel stuff, I'm currently not following. I finished Iron Fist, and started DareDevil. For some reason, it's not holding my interest. I think the bad lighting and street stuff are really a turn-off. (I do like martial arts stuff, so if they add some and I hear about it, that might change.) Eventually I hope to finish stuff. I'm behind on Agents of SHIELD by a few seasons. (Too much work, and too little fun.)
As for DC, the Mrs and I watch stuff, and I watch stuff without her. We watch LoT (and finished it), Flash (need 2 episodes, or 3 if there's another tonight), and Arrow (we're behind about 6 episodes.) I expect us to catch up to Flash this weekend. (No pun intended.)
I watch Black Lightning (finished), Gotham (AFAIK, I just saw the season closer), Krypton and Supergirl (behind on both, and will watch them over the next month.) I'm not really big on either, so I'll watch them when it's convenient.)
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We enjoyed LoT. Black Panther's getting a show? Punisher has a show?
I REALLY hope this is REALLY the last we see of Damien Darkh. It was tiresome to see him again. He's just not interesting, and he's not smart enough to be a villainous mastermind. Frankly, Malcolm Merlin was more dangerous just because he thought ahead and planned ahead. With DD, they really wrote around him being powerful- as if that's enough to make a character interesting.
We actually liked the season finale of LoT. Either you hated it because it was incredibly cheesy, or you liked it because it was unabashedly cheesy in how they tied up the entire season. I wish Victor Garber hadn't wanted out (we figured that was why he left before even checking), but I did appreciate Stein's death was handled like a death (Jax and the Steins grieving, the team dealing with his death, etc. Len's idea lightened things up just enough so that they weren't TOO heavy but also not silly.) The show got cheesy, and that, IMHO, worked for it. As much as I like Arrow, it's freaking depressing a lot of the time. Can we have an episode where Ollie saves a basket of puppies or something?
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Do you remember to schedule in eating and sleeping? We watch BBT and Young Sheldon off that list, (and whatever else I mentioned.) Usually we catch up on DC shows on the weekend (I catch up during the week if it's just me.)
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I meant Black Lightning, not Black Panther.
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I eat in front of the TV.
Sadly, I occasionally fall asleep in front of the TV. Just enough nodding off that I have to rewind the episode to see what I missed.
PS Krypton season finale was an interesting cliffhanger. The revisionist Zod, however, gives me all sorts of heartburn. (I've got no problem with a female Jax-Ur, though!)
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I actually like the "So that's who she was" ending of Flash more than the actual resolution of the Thinker/Devoe storyline.
But what I really liked about this season was that they had SO much more fun than last year.
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That's what happens with Ralph Dibny in the mix. (Of course, Gypsy's dad was a hoot, too.)
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Now that Supergirl is done for the season, all of the DC shows are wrapped up.
I'm sad to see that Winn and Mon-el are leaving, and M'yrrn (and J'onn?). They all added warmth to the show.
And Wally is leaving LoT (and Flash).
It's like watching your kids leave home.
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I really should have remembered to stay off the thread. I won't finish the last episode or so, probably, until after the World Cup.
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I hate to be the spoiler, but it seems that some of you are so far behind that I'll never get to post anything, if I wait for you to catch up.
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Did you say the Green Arrow has a television show now? Wasn't he just on "Smallville?"
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With the World Cup skipping a day, I caught the Supergirl season finale. My thoughts, briefly... I didn't see the Winn connection sooner, and with Brainy in the room, perhaps I should have. M'yrrn, sadly, had to go, and he went aptly. J'onn COULD get his own show, but I doubt they'll do it. Too bad, I'd like it better than Supergirl. It shouldn't surprise too much that they found reasons for the white guys to leave, but seeing J'onn go is/ may be a surprise. (J'onn could easily remain a regular character.) I was SO glad to get the one line about Superman actually doing something during this emergency. (I don't ask much, I just ask for SOMETHING if he's not in the middle of something like this.) Wally is leaving BOTH? That's a shame. I think the writers have painted Jimmy Olsen into a corner. As for Lena, that was supposed to surprise someone, but she has a lousy poker-face and telegraphed the ending for the audience with that look. I AM curious about the end of the end of the episode ("48 hours earlier.") I imagine the DEO is going to have some growing pains. "We're getting rid of the actual weapons now, in the hopes we will have some high-tech designed by Winn to replace them soon." "Sorry to see some of you choose to leave as a result." "Winn is leaving instead. I'd worry about what to do with no weapons and no tech, but that's the headache of the new boss. Ciao!" Oh, and this "you can have everything without sacrificing anything" thing. I hope that gets discredited next season. BTW, I hope those DEO people leaving all took LEAVES OF ABSENCE rather than just resigning. That would make it easier to bring a character back. Or at least give J'onn a badge to flash if it's useful (it is better than having to solve problems with violence, after all...)
The surprise at the end of "Flash" wasn't much of a surprise, but glad it's been said so we can actually move on. The thing I'm hoping to follow up on is the symbolic language. Barry came back from the Speed Force with it, and that rhyming. Harry went into that rhyming briefly. That chick uses that language. I'm hoping someone ties all that together eventually.
Here's to me finishing Krypton and Arrow after the World Cup.
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M'yrrn going isn't really a surprise, and having him essentially single-handedly beat the Worldkiller was as fitting a way to go as any. I just loved his interactions with Earth and with J'onn. And, I'll confess, I've like Lumbly's work since Mantis and Alias. The fact that he voiced J'onn J'onzz in the Justice League cartoons gave his appearance on Supergirl a bit of a nostalgic touch.
I REALLY hope that we see more of J'onn. One of my happiest moments in the first season of Supergirl was when "Hank Henshaw" revealed himself. Next to Green Lantern, the Martian Manhunter has always been my favorite. Okay, so he's not Kryptonian strong, fast, or invulnerable; but he's way above human level AND can shape shift AND can be intangible AND is telepathic. (I remember a Detective Comic back in the 60's where JJ was exposed to some meteorite which made him unable to use his other powers (except maybe flight) when he was invisible. Clearly, this was just a gimmick to keep him from being TOO powerful, even with the weakness to fire.)
So, is Brainiac 5 staying at the DEO? That wasn't clear to me.
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