Let's see, shall we count the ways: spamming (for who?), highy entertainment factor (is this entertainment for you?), been busted (sounds like an internal law), rudeness (read your own historical posts), laziness (sorry, not been here for years like some knowing the site mechanics).
Storm off in a huff, that's a good one: Yes, stay in the game and play against a stacked deck - is there a certain pride in driving off new folk who have either opposing or just plain ignorant concepts.
It actually is like sitting in on a poker game with folks who have been playing with each other for years - ain't seen any new players recently.
Again, sorry if I don't respond timely, I often take off to my folks for a week or so who are in their late 80's and have no net access.
I have read through many of the sub-forums in the doctrinal (and other) forums and have been astounded by the amount of knowledge and frequently, wisdom. Thus, I realize the gathering into which I am intruding.
So, take the shots, think of me as you do - I will not be detered from learning the facts.
Off topic: I read in some forum that someone was looking for original PFAL books, I think I still have some - anybody there who can help me find that person. Are they collector's items now?
Oh, WordWolf, As a canine, I find it strange that you would use the word: "fixed". If it don't work this time, I will foregow any future attempts at humor.
Off topic: I read in some forum that someone was looking for original PFAL books, I think I still have some - anybody there who can help me find that person. Are they collector's items now?
Oh, WordWolf, As a canine, I find it strange that you would use the word: "fixed". If it don't work this time, I will foregow any future attempts at humor.
There's always eBay. A couple of month ago, a friend of mine sold an entire TWI library on ebay. I think he may have gotten a couple hundred bucks for it.
The entertainment factor comes in when watching someone come here who thinks they've shaken the shackles of TWI, but are still into the whole "working the word" thing. Without a doubt the steps are all the same. We've ALL been there to some extent. We've ALL had to go through the process of being de-waybrained. There is a bit of an entertainment factor watching and helping someone go through the process - if you can stick it out. We really are trying to help you. Just not in the way you would like. Just think of it as god giving you what you need, not what you want.
waysider first came here looking for PFAL books. I can assure you that he is not looking for PFAL books now.
waysider, I love those lemon filled donuts covered with powdered sugar.
But anyway, I won't bother with JWS's new fangled NT. I don't doubt his sincerity, but it's still a vanity book.
unlike other Greasespot Avatars, I am actually a Squirrel, in real life. Just ask anybody. Perhaps more educated than most squirrels, but still a Squirrel, nonetheless.
unlike other Greasespot Avatars, I am actually a Squirrel, in real life. Just ask anybody. Perhaps more educated than most squirrels, but still a Squirrel, nonetheless.
Just a quick question for MRAP and the rest of you stiffies and tltfers here:
Do any of you still give any credence to that incredibly inaccurate and self-interpreted version of the King James translation? The authors say it's designed to support their own "rightly-divided", accurized version of the bible according to schoenheit and MRAP. Are you still trying to palm off your 3rd grade elementary school interpretation of the bible according to vic as anything else but a complete academic, scholastic, and "biblical research" fraud? Do you still think schoenheit has any valid, accredited, meaningful coursework in Biblical Greek and Hebrew let alone "textual research"? Do you approve of Gallagher and schoenheit's financial plan for STFI? You know, the one where they sell whatever they can of what's left of STFI, Jenivee schoenheit is her own real estate broker on the sale of camp vision, and Gallagher and schoenheit take the money and run. Nothing left for Jalvis and the Swa Tra Tras. What good is a phoney bible version from an uneducated egomaniacal academic and scholastic fraud without all the ripped off "seed faith" giving money you can coerce out of your old glassy-eyed wayfer base of support? You use the name of The Lord in vain and call private interpretation "research" worthy of giving your money to God through STFI to accomplish what exactly?
I think you owe us at least some kind of opinion regarding your REV pilgrimage MRAP. Is it anything but a complete academic, scholastic, textual and theological fraud? Or is it scheduled as a series for Comedy Central? You blew in here like a bull in a china shop MRAP, all hepped-up about how important your REVvie is to the world. What has your research brought you to conclude about the value of the REV in the world of biblical studies, exegesis, and theology? Out-house material, or revelation?
BTW.....how much did gallagher and schoenheit make away with from jenivee's sale of camp vision? Give anything back to those fleeced? What does the REV say about stealing and making merchandise of the saints?
Well my first question DWBH is: what is/are "stiffies and titfers"? I see you create a plethora of words in order to dis folks with whom you disagree or just plain dislike.
So, in your statement I owe you an "opinion" regarding a pilgrimage to the REV: last I looked at all my accounts, I owe nothing to this world, all debts are up to date. Are you asking me why I read the REV? It's not the only Biblical translation/s that I reference but why is it that the REV and STF really lights a fire under your butt?
I don't know if you disagree with the "stuff" in the REV or if you just have an issue with the folks in STF or me and folks like me. So, what has been said in the REV that you have a tiff with? DWBH, throw out some examples and maybe we can have a discussion on the Doctrinal forum.
So far, all I see, which may include other readers, is that you attack entities that put forth Biblical information based upon the fact that they had prior affiliation with twi.
As far as folks in STF ripping off $ from folks, then please provide some credible proof. I would actually want to know the "FACTS", you know, court records, realestate transfers, tax info, etc. There are alot of Biblical groups out there who are more than willing to accept my donations so I would ask that you comment upon such organizations as the ADF, CRF, Open Doors, St.Joseph's, etc. I only say that because you appear to be all worried about folks ripping us off - are you or is it only relegated to those with past twi affiliation?
Is it about facts and such about all "Christian" charitable and out-reach organizations or are you only motivated to attack twi - well I understand that is the function of GS but that same attack mind set is also directed at twi splinter groups.
Well DWBH, if someone has a hunger for Biblical teaching and is also willing to donate/tithe to such organizations, whom would you suggest is the best source? You can't just dis without providing options - well, I suppose you can - that's what you do.
Just give it your best shot DWBH, I don't expect an honest response from you, your agenda is quite obvious: verbal abuse without providing any assistance.
I am not a Lutheran and not a Trinitarian but celebrated Christmas Eve at a Lutheran church: the pastor was fantastic. Yes, a bit of nostalgia but also it was part of good family time. Why do I bring this up if you ask: because I am looking for the Lutheran version of GS, you know, a recovering Lutheran cause I want to go on that site and dis Lutherans 24/7 - am sure some of you will get the joke but not all.
Lots of words with absolutely nothing said. Enjoy finding your church. Love your STFIs and TLTFers, your schoenheits and lynns, whomever. This is America. Worship whom you want. I could really not care less. Glad to see you enjoyed your Lutheran Christmas Eve service. Whatever floats your life raft.
Argue with someone else who wants to waste their time with your nonsense and phoney researchers and false teachers. I'm going to enjoy the rest of this life. Bye bye now.
My issue with the REV is that it is basically a vanity book. It is non-peer reviewed for accuracy, and since accuracy is the hallmark of STFI, then it should be happy to be picked apart by people who are smarter - provided that JS believes such a person, much less persons exist.
I have actually had a conversation with JS over this issue, and was immediately cut off with a look of utter revulsion that I would suggest such a thing as this being over his ability as a researcher.
At one time there was something written on the STFI online site that said he reworked the NT to support STF doctrine. At least he's honest. But the reality is that he always taught that minds should be changed to align with "the word" and not the other way around.
JS is no Bart Ehrman when it comes to education and overall scholarship, and not even he (Bart) has attempted such a feat.
But if you want to read it for entertainment purposes only, then fabulous. If you want to actually study the bible, then get a NRSV and learn Greek.
This is a late response: I have been working on renovating a house that I have been living in during the process and just got internet/cable set up here today; all prior access to the internet was relegated to crucial issues such as banking, important e-mailings and such.
That said, I want to thank you Tzaia for recommending the NRSV and I have been working on my Greek for a number of years: getting it right is on my bucket list - when I listen/talk/etc. I attempt to think and how I would say it in Greek (there's a big difference between the modern and ancient Greek as you well know).
Tzaia, since it is evident that you are familiar with the REV I am asking that you point out some of the problems with it and post a thread on the doctrinal site - as I said, since Iv'e not had internet access, there's alot of new stuff here on GSC that I have not gleaned yet and maybe stuff has been posted but did not see it yet, if I missed it, please direct me.
The "REV" request is not just addressed to Tzaia, if anyone else has issues with the REV (and that includes you DWBH), please post those on the doctrinal forum.
You never know, it might invite discourse from outside the GSC insiders (whom you know monitor GSC).
BTW all - Happy New Year! God bless you all and that includes you non-believers (gotta read that "is athiesm a religion" thread by RAF) - hope that's correct as I was just gleaning to catch up on GSC.
I stated my issues with the REV. JS has dealt with every doctrinal disagreement issue by changing the text to support his view and not offered his version for peer review.
I've already posted everything I need to say about that piece of junk. No "doctrinal" discussions needed, ok MRAP? It's a sham and so is its author. No one other than STFI or TLTF gives it any credence let alone ever reading it or using it as an aid to anything but use of the toilet. That's the last I'm saying about your stupid waste of ink, paper, and ego. Why don't you invite schoenheit or jallyroll over to the doctrinal forum and have them answer all your stupid questions?? They might be happy to provide discourse from "outside the GSC" like you suggested. What's stopping them and you? FEAR of logical, reasonable counterpoint and
and facts? I'm sure Raf would be happy to give them the time and space to do so. Get your info straight from the authors. Why do you persist in asking us who obviously do not give a rat's foot about the rev or its authors. YOU'RE the one who keeps beating the dead sow. Do you just want to start fights so you can prove how little respect you get cuz you ain't corpse or whatever? Like Hape4me said, you're the only one who keeps bringing up your low self-esteem not any of us. So, bye bye on this rev topic for me. Stick a fork in it MRAP. It's done.
When I started this forum thread it was quite early in my experience with GSC, here's what I originally posted: I would like some feedback from folks who have read the REV or who were even involved in the research. I realize that some folks on GSC have no (P) love for John.S but if you respond, I would appreciate it if you would keep it objective...
Well, I made a mistake in thinking that responses would be objective - DWBH just proved that. There's way too much emotion and dislike for twi off-shoots to make that possible for objective evalution of the REV.
Addmitedly, there were some very good disertations on the thread topic and I thank those of you who provided them, thus, I will probably continue to monitor this thread since the REV consistently updates.
Now, DWBH, you said, " So, bye bye on this rev topic for me. Stick a fork in it MRAP. It's done.", thus, I would expect you will live up to your words, I don't anticipate hearing from you again on this thread.
I stated my issues with the REV. JS has dealt with every doctrinal disagreement issue by changing the text to support his view and not offered his version for peer review.
Tzaia, you seem to have an inside track with STF and the development/progression of the REV: can you ellaborate a bit more on the concept of the peer review that was expected? Thanks.
mrap.......you do not own nor moderate this site. i can post whenever and wherever i want. you're not the boss here. and yes, i do not expect to discuss it anymore on this thread.It all depends on how much disinformation and non-credible baloney may come continue to come up.. honestly, ask the "authors".
"Well, I made a mistake in thinking that responses would be objective - DWBH just proved that. There's way too much emotion and dislike for twi off-shoots to make that possible for objective evalution of the REV."
Again, one more time, this site exists to tell "the other side" of twi's fairytales and stories. offshoots are as much a part of twi history as vic was. your stfi and tltf groups are simply carrying on the plagiarism of the plagiarizer in chief. ALL their "stories" have been posted here for 9 years now. that's way before you ever graced us with your presence and foolish questions. no, you will not find very many supporters or followers of twit or any offshoot around here. We've heard so much of their side of the story that the counterpoint based upon actual FACTS and firsthand, eyewitness accounts is most necessary to be told. THAT'S why several of the offshoots have their own forums here. These guys have pumped out so much baloney that the other side of their stories needs to be exposed just like their faddah in da woid needed and needs to be.
Perhaps you confuse direct and transparent communication of FACTS with "too much emotion", or "dislike"? Or maybe YOU have a more "objective evaluation" since you stated in your profile back in March of 2015, that you are a happy "follower" of schoenheit and lynn, your objectivity is already questionable at best if it exists at all.
i find your questions and much of what you post here to be disingenuous. Why do you persist when those with anything to say in response to your questions have done so and no one really cares about what your doctrinal "questions" about that comic book are.
oh, and, i really do not care about what YOU expect or anticipate from me or anyone else around. Boss yourself around for awhile before you try to boss us all around and tell us what YOU "expect" or "anticipate" from us. Thank you very much. TTFN.
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My issue with the REV is that it is basically a vanity book. It is non-peer reviewed for accuracy, and since accuracy is the hallmark of STFI, then it should be happy to be picked apart by people who
Broken Arrow
I dunno, I don't think calling Waysider "Kermit" is that big of a deal. If Waysider has a problem with it he's a big boy, he can speak for himself. Besides, Kermit is kind of a nice frog isn't he?
As one who 'bashes heads' with the 'mod squad' from time to time, my advice is to take a breather every now and then and enjoy a coffee and learn to agree to disagree !Again, something we were never a
I stumbled in here looking for a PFAL book. You just never know.
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The entertainment factor is rather high.
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Ah, never mind. Upon further review my comment wasn't very funny after all.
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Let's see, shall we count the ways: spamming (for who?), highy entertainment factor (is this entertainment for you?), been busted (sounds like an internal law), rudeness (read your own historical posts), laziness (sorry, not been here for years like some knowing the site mechanics).
Storm off in a huff, that's a good one: Yes, stay in the game and play against a stacked deck - is there a certain pride in driving off new folk who have either opposing or just plain ignorant concepts.
It actually is like sitting in on a poker game with folks who have been playing with each other for years - ain't seen any new players recently.
Again, sorry if I don't respond timely, I often take off to my folks for a week or so who are in their late 80's and have no net access.
I have read through many of the sub-forums in the doctrinal (and other) forums and have been astounded by the amount of knowledge and frequently, wisdom. Thus, I realize the gathering into which I am intruding.
So, take the shots, think of me as you do - I will not be detered from learning the facts.
Off topic: I read in some forum that someone was looking for original PFAL books, I think I still have some - anybody there who can help me find that person. Are they collector's items now?
Oh, WordWolf, As a canine, I find it strange that you would use the word: "fixed". If it don't work this time, I will foregow any future attempts at humor.
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There's always eBay. A couple of month ago, a friend of mine sold an entire TWI library on ebay. I think he may have gotten a couple hundred bucks for it.
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Stick around, MRAP.
We can get a bit salty at times but we mean you know harm.
Have a jelly doughnut. It's on the house.

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The entertainment factor comes in when watching someone come here who thinks they've shaken the shackles of TWI, but are still into the whole "working the word" thing. Without a doubt the steps are all the same. We've ALL been there to some extent. We've ALL had to go through the process of being de-waybrained. There is a bit of an entertainment factor watching and helping someone go through the process - if you can stick it out. We really are trying to help you. Just not in the way you would like. Just think of it as god giving you what you need, not what you want.
waysider first came here looking for PFAL books. I can assure you that he is not looking for PFAL books now.
waysider, I love those lemon filled donuts covered with powdered sugar.
But anyway, I won't bother with JWS's new fangled NT. I don't doubt his sincerity, but it's still a vanity book.
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waysider, I love those lemon filled donuts covered with powdered sugar.
You mean PÄ…czki?
You're a bit late. Those are the specialty on Fat Tuesday.
Edit: How come there isn't an off-topic emoticon with a smile on its face?
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Pics or didn't happen 🤓
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unlike other Greasespot Avatars, I am actually a Squirrel, in real life. Just ask anybody. Perhaps more educated than most squirrels, but still a Squirrel, nonetheless.
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Are you trying to say I'm not a real frog?
It's not easy being green. Ya know?
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Just a quick question for MRAP and the rest of you stiffies and tltfers here:
Do any of you still give any credence to that incredibly inaccurate and self-interpreted version of the King James translation? The authors say it's designed to support their own "rightly-divided", accurized version of the bible according to schoenheit and MRAP. Are you still trying to palm off your 3rd grade elementary school interpretation of the bible according to vic as anything else but a complete academic, scholastic, and "biblical research" fraud? Do you still think schoenheit has any valid, accredited, meaningful coursework in Biblical Greek and Hebrew let alone "textual research"? Do you approve of Gallagher and schoenheit's financial plan for STFI? You know, the one where they sell whatever they can of what's left of STFI, Jenivee schoenheit is her own real estate broker on the sale of camp vision, and Gallagher and schoenheit take the money and run. Nothing left for Jalvis and the Swa Tra Tras. What good is a phoney bible version from an uneducated egomaniacal academic and scholastic fraud without all the ripped off "seed faith" giving money you can coerce out of your old glassy-eyed wayfer base of support? You use the name of The Lord in vain and call private interpretation "research" worthy of giving your money to God through STFI to accomplish what exactly?
I think you owe us at least some kind of opinion regarding your REV pilgrimage MRAP. Is it anything but a complete academic, scholastic, textual and theological fraud? Or is it scheduled as a series for Comedy Central? You blew in here like a bull in a china shop MRAP, all hepped-up about how important your REVvie is to the world. What has your research brought you to conclude about the value of the REV in the world of biblical studies, exegesis, and theology? Out-house material, or revelation?
BTW.....how much did gallagher and schoenheit make away with from jenivee's sale of camp vision? Give anything back to those fleeced? What does the REV say about stealing and making merchandise of the saints?
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Well my first question DWBH is: what is/are "stiffies and titfers"? I see you create a plethora of words in order to dis folks with whom you disagree or just plain dislike.
So, in your statement I owe you an "opinion" regarding a pilgrimage to the REV: last I looked at all my accounts, I owe nothing to this world, all debts are up to date. Are you asking me why I read the REV? It's not the only Biblical translation/s that I reference but why is it that the REV and STF really lights a fire under your butt?
I don't know if you disagree with the "stuff" in the REV or if you just have an issue with the folks in STF or me and folks like me. So, what has been said in the REV that you have a tiff with? DWBH, throw out some examples and maybe we can have a discussion on the Doctrinal forum.
So far, all I see, which may include other readers, is that you attack entities that put forth Biblical information based upon the fact that they had prior affiliation with twi.
As far as folks in STF ripping off $ from folks, then please provide some credible proof. I would actually want to know the "FACTS", you know, court records, realestate transfers, tax info, etc. There are alot of Biblical groups out there who are more than willing to accept my donations so I would ask that you comment upon such organizations as the ADF, CRF, Open Doors, St.Joseph's, etc. I only say that because you appear to be all worried about folks ripping us off - are you or is it only relegated to those with past twi affiliation?
Is it about facts and such about all "Christian" charitable and out-reach organizations or are you only motivated to attack twi - well I understand that is the function of GS but that same attack mind set is also directed at twi splinter groups.
Well DWBH, if someone has a hunger for Biblical teaching and is also willing to donate/tithe to such organizations, whom would you suggest is the best source? You can't just dis without providing options - well, I suppose you can - that's what you do.
Just give it your best shot DWBH, I don't expect an honest response from you, your agenda is quite obvious: verbal abuse without providing any assistance.
I am not a Lutheran and not a Trinitarian but celebrated Christmas Eve at a Lutheran church: the pastor was fantastic. Yes, a bit of nostalgia but also it was part of good family time. Why do I bring this up if you ask: because I am looking for the Lutheran version of GS, you know, a recovering Lutheran cause I want to go on that site and dis Lutherans 24/7 - am sure some of you will get the joke but not all.
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Lots of words with absolutely nothing said. Enjoy finding your church. Love your STFIs and TLTFers, your schoenheits and lynns, whomever. This is America. Worship whom you want. I could really not care less. Glad to see you enjoyed your Lutheran Christmas Eve service. Whatever floats your life raft.
Argue with someone else who wants to waste their time with your nonsense and phoney researchers and false teachers. I'm going to enjoy the rest of this life. Bye bye now.
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My issue with the REV is that it is basically a vanity book. It is non-peer reviewed for accuracy, and since accuracy is the hallmark of STFI, then it should be happy to be picked apart by people who are smarter - provided that JS believes such a person, much less persons exist.
I have actually had a conversation with JS over this issue, and was immediately cut off with a look of utter revulsion that I would suggest such a thing as this being over his ability as a researcher.
At one time there was something written on the STFI online site that said he reworked the NT to support STF doctrine. At least he's honest. But the reality is that he always taught that minds should be changed to align with "the word" and not the other way around.
JS is no Bart Ehrman when it comes to education and overall scholarship, and not even he (Bart) has attempted such a feat.
But if you want to read it for entertainment purposes only, then fabulous. If you want to actually study the bible, then get a NRSV and learn Greek.
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This is a late response: I have been working on renovating a house that I have been living in during the process and just got internet/cable set up here today; all prior access to the internet was relegated to crucial issues such as banking, important e-mailings and such.
That said, I want to thank you Tzaia for recommending the NRSV and I have been working on my Greek for a number of years: getting it right is on my bucket list - when I listen/talk/etc. I attempt to think and how I would say it in Greek (there's a big difference between the modern and ancient Greek as you well know).
Tzaia, since it is evident that you are familiar with the REV I am asking that you point out some of the problems with it and post a thread on the doctrinal site - as I said, since Iv'e not had internet access, there's alot of new stuff here on GSC that I have not gleaned yet and maybe stuff has been posted but did not see it yet, if I missed it, please direct me.
The "REV" request is not just addressed to Tzaia, if anyone else has issues with the REV (and that includes you DWBH), please post those on the doctrinal forum.
You never know, it might invite discourse from outside the GSC insiders (whom you know monitor GSC).
BTW all - Happy New Year! God bless you all and that includes you non-believers (gotta read that "is athiesm a religion" thread by RAF) - hope that's correct as I was just gleaning to catch up on GSC.
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I stated my issues with the REV. JS has dealt with every doctrinal disagreement issue by changing the text to support his view and not offered his version for peer review.
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I've already posted everything I need to say about that piece of junk. No "doctrinal" discussions needed, ok MRAP? It's a sham and so is its author. No one other than STFI or TLTF gives it any credence let alone ever reading it or using it as an aid to anything but use of the toilet. That's the last I'm saying about your stupid waste of ink, paper, and ego. Why don't you invite schoenheit or jallyroll over to the doctrinal forum and have them answer all your stupid questions?? They might be happy to provide discourse from "outside the GSC" like you suggested. What's stopping them and you? FEAR of logical, reasonable counterpoint and
and facts? I'm sure Raf would be happy to give them the time and space to do so. Get your info straight from the authors. Why do you persist in asking us who obviously do not give a rat's foot about the rev or its authors. YOU'RE the one who keeps beating the dead sow. Do you just want to start fights so you can prove how little respect you get cuz you ain't corpse or whatever? Like Hape4me said, you're the only one who keeps bringing up your low self-esteem not any of us. So, bye bye on this rev topic for me. Stick a fork in it MRAP. It's done.
Edited by DontWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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When I started this forum thread it was quite early in my experience with GSC, here's what I originally posted: I would like some feedback from folks who have read the REV or who were even involved in the research. I realize that some folks on GSC have no (P) love for John.S but if you respond, I would appreciate it if you would keep it objective...
Well, I made a mistake in thinking that responses would be objective - DWBH just proved that. There's way too much emotion and dislike for twi off-shoots to make that possible for objective evalution of the REV.
Addmitedly, there were some very good disertations on the thread topic and I thank those of you who provided them, thus, I will probably continue to monitor this thread since the REV consistently updates.
Now, DWBH, you said, " So, bye bye on this rev topic for me. Stick a fork in it MRAP. It's done.", thus, I would expect you will live up to your words, I don't anticipate hearing from you again on this thread.
Tzaia, you seem to have an inside track with STF and the development/progression of the REV: can you ellaborate a bit more on the concept of the peer review that was expected? Thanks.
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mrap.......you do not own nor moderate this site. i can post whenever and wherever i want. you're not the boss here. and yes, i do not expect to discuss it anymore on this thread.It all depends on how much disinformation and non-credible baloney may come continue to come up.. honestly, ask the "authors".
"Well, I made a mistake in thinking that responses would be objective - DWBH just proved that. There's way too much emotion and dislike for twi off-shoots to make that possible for objective evalution of the REV."
Again, one more time, this site exists to tell "the other side" of twi's fairytales and stories. offshoots are as much a part of twi history as vic was. your stfi and tltf groups are simply carrying on the plagiarism of the plagiarizer in chief. ALL their "stories" have been posted here for 9 years now. that's way before you ever graced us with your presence and foolish questions. no, you will not find very many supporters or followers of twit or any offshoot around here. We've heard so much of their side of the story that the counterpoint based upon actual FACTS and firsthand, eyewitness accounts is most necessary to be told. THAT'S why several of the offshoots have their own forums here. These guys have pumped out so much baloney that the other side of their stories needs to be exposed just like their faddah in da woid needed and needs to be.
Perhaps you confuse direct and transparent communication of FACTS with "too much emotion", or "dislike"? Or maybe YOU have a more "objective evaluation" since you stated in your profile back in March of 2015, that you are a happy "follower" of schoenheit and lynn, your objectivity is already questionable at best if it exists at all.
i find your questions and much of what you post here to be disingenuous. Why do you persist when those with anything to say in response to your questions have done so and no one really cares about what your doctrinal "questions" about that comic book are.
oh, and, i really do not care about what YOU expect or anticipate from me or anyone else around. Boss yourself around for awhile before you try to boss us all around and tell us what YOU "expect" or "anticipate" from us. Thank you very much. TTFN.
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