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Name that Actor/Actress (or Role)


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Grandpa Joe Bucket        Ed Brown


This is a late actor, and he was a trained song-and-dance man. He may be best known for one movie and one television show.  Although his television show was doomed early because his co-star died, despite being the younger of the two.

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Ed Brown was on a TV show where was a grouchy old man who ran a garage and auto shop,  who was interrupted when this Latino ended up having misadventures with him.   Grandpa Joe Bucket is a character from a famous book and movie (and its remake), who was retired, but accompanied his grandson to the factory where he used to work, when his grandson managed to get a guided tour of the now-restricted factory.

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4 hours ago, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Is this an old version of Willy Wonka?


In this case, it's the "classic" version, with what looks like an actual factory in at least some of the scenes.

So, you know 2 roles, and can probably picture the actor.

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2 of the names ring a bell. I thought Phil Lemar may do voiceover work.  Do I have my Ferrer's correct, and Miguel is the one that played Cyrano, or is this Ferrer the son of the one that played Cyrano?

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Since I'm asking anyway, how about "FRIAR LAWRENCE"?  That is, the clerical fellow in "Romeo and Juliet" that gives Juliet the potion that puts her in a coma and makes her APPEAR dead until it wears off?   IIRC, that Ferrer was the son of the one that played Cyrano.

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I keep thinking of the Flash's Rogues Gallery- but only because Justin Hartley's name reminds me of Hartley Rathaway, who IS a Rogue.

ONE name would give it away immediately?  Then it's no Rogue, it's someone who has a recognizable actor playing them- and exactly one.   That narrows the field considerably. 

How about "AQUAMAN", with Jason Momoa being the missing name?  You've got another Pacific Islander type name in the list already posted.

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That Pacific islander played the young Aquaman in "Aquaman."  Yes. Momoa would have given it away.  The other actors were voices for Aquaman in various cartoons.  

Smallville had a mini-Justice League including Superman (Tom Welling); Green Arrow (Justin Hartley); Aquaman (Alan Ritchson); Cyborg (Lee Thompson Young); and Impulse (Kyle Gallner).  Other recurring roles included Black Canary (Alaina Huffman) and Martian Manhunter (Phil Morris).



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9 hours ago, WordWolf said:

I rarely watched the show, but didn't Impulse carry a bunch of fake IDs, including "Jay Garrick" and "Barry Allen"?

Yes.  The show often had little "Easter eggs."

One of the funniest exchanges happened when Bart was imprisoned by Luthor:

Bart:  "I want to be released!"

Luthor:  "I want a ponytail.  Disappointment abounds."  :biglaugh:


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