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Always and Forever Spotlighting Wierwille


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Go ahead Rosalie and the Old Guard......KEEP SPOTLIGHTING WIERWILLE.

This strategy has worked so well for twi since the '70s, right? Not.

Thousands of young, vibrant students walked thru twi's doors.....and exited.

Why? Wierwille was sucking up all the air and spotlighted incessantly.

Young bloods were rarily allowed to step up on the stage and participate.

Narcissist wierwille and his gang of idolizing-crazies never connected the dots.

What we were witnessing was NOT true Christianity....but rather, a cult.

Nothing else mattered, but the fawning of unbridled adulation to its leader.

So twi, you've reaped what you've sown. Enjoy.

Today's twi-leadership is grandma and her knitting club.

As a former teacher, she awaits the students to be sitting in their seats.

It's authority that fuels her agenda.....the class material never changes.

Yeah, that spotlighting wierwille has REALLY made an impact, huh?

Just look at the thousands upon thousands that go forward in the steps of Jesus Chist.

Oh wait. Umm....perhaps that should be rephrased.

"Just look at the NUMBER of twi-followers who have sat in foundational classes."

That's better.

Seems to me like that definition of insanity should be applied about now.....

you know, ....doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 5:44 AM, dmiller said:

You're kidding right?? How could old Docvic be "spotlighted"?

Let's see......

1) The Victor Paul Wierwille Prevailing Word Auditorium

2) Founders' Hall

3) VPW statue

4) Garden of Living Waters -- prominent burial spot

5) Entrance Marker -- as you head to fountain

6) BRC memorial

7) Founders' Room in Auditorium

8) LifeLines...quoting the man, vpw

9) Etc. etc.

But really, beyond all that.....the suffocating presence of vpee

when he ruled with heavy-handed authority. If truth be told,

he built a mystique of fear and intimidation to keep others

at a distance. In the words of Mrs. W, ".....he was a mean man."

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