See......during his first year, Chris (and wife Barbara) would take any spare time and go to Anderson Library. They would diligently listen to EVERY teaching by wierwille and catalog their notes meticulously.
whoa back up a minute lol get the f outta here, but why in the world should i be surprised?
i'm wondering when geer had time to have sex with another woman which i know he was at emporia. maybe just part of the study of the man of god
as you know, psycho geer was the one driving the bus when i was sexually assaulted by psycho-w
and remember that time i told you all about.... wierwille and geerwille were delivering puppies and barbara was helping and wierwille lashed into her in a way that was worse that that girl in the exorcist talking to the priest
Yeah, I know.....lots of us 'rebels' came out of the 9th corps. :)
whoa back up a minute lol get the f outta here, but why in the world should i be surprised?
Some here might not realize that quite often CLASS FACULTY was derived from the elder corps. That's right, folks......many classes, select teachings and pertinent topics were taught by the elder corps on campus. Yep, that's how to scrimp on salary/overhead and position a campus with "proper accreditation" isn't it?
For me, it was ONE OF THOSE TEACHINGS that sticks in the brain cells.....because I vividly remember thinking "I didn't sign to be way corps to be following the man, wierwille." Yet, here.....right in front of me, Christopher C. Geer was confronting the 7th and 9th corps for NOT listening to EVERY TEACHING EVER TAUGHT BY WIERWILLE THRU THE YEARS ON TAPE.
And another thing.....we were scolded for NOT VOLUNTEERING for extra duties. Yet, Geer could sneak away to hide out in the library and meticulously take notes and file them away for later use. He had a plan to be *most valued bootlicker, valet, and bus driver......and it happened.
Maybe, in 1989......THAT is why I didn't hop on a plane to get to gartmore and seek geer.
I was in the 10th corps during the MAL pack fiasco and Geer and his wife had the room next to mine which means we shared a bathroom...
One day I was walking down the hall and Geer was going through his survival pack in the middle of the hallway...checking every detail to make sure he would be ready, no doubt, when the attack took place :) I passed him, I smiled and said "Hi Chris"...he grabbed his knife in his hand and glared at me like I was a mortal threat to him...This guy would have been a perfect fit for Hitler's gestapo. He made Tom Berenger's role in the movie Platoon look like Mr Rogers
During the 7th Corps Group Wedding in Emporia, I stood next to Chris Geer
the whole time. We were focused on two things.....wierwille and the piano.
With storm clouds building and darkening in the west, it was quite the evening. Of course, Geer kept one eye on case he needed something. But having a fast-moving rain storm drench the piano was something that we were very concerned as well. I'm not sure if wierwille gave Chris specific instructions ahead of time.....all I know is we were ready to make a mad dash to the piano, cover it or move it if need be.
At the time, I remember the intensity of how we viewed our task at hand.
What is it with rain and twi leadership?
Where's that ole "law of believing" when you need it?
Sort of ill advised to have a piano out in the open when it might rain, don't you think? I mean, it's not like 2 men can grab a piano and make a dash for it. Forget about the law of believing, what about common sense? Something ww was supposed to be gifted with to pass down to us keeds. Kind of like Yoda, and the force. Hey, I just thought of something. Do you think we're smarter now than Wierwille was then? Maybe all 50 plus year olds were smarter than Wierwille!
There were some Corps I knew who were snobbish. Most, though, seemed genuinely desirous of helping people. I could see real cognitive dissonance in some of them, because they were told from on high to be hard-a-s-s-es, when they really wanted to be tender with people.
That's a good observation. As a Corps Grad, I can identify with that. In my heart I wanted to let people grow at their own pace without interference but we were trained to make them tow the line as well as meddle with their lives.
Hey, I just thought of something. Do you think we're smarter now than Wierwille was then? Maybe all 50 plus year olds were smarter than Wierwille!
Well....when I think about all those hours spent listening to wierwille in nightowls, meetings, and 'sharing his heart'.....most all of it was just common, everyday stuff. No biggie. No revelation. No grand plan. No secrets to the universe.
Sure, wierwille sprinkled in some scripture and all......but really, he was nothing special.
My grandfathers had the SAME insight.....SIMILAR stories. And, about every farmer in our county could spend hours
giving you the ins-and-outs about farming, weather, seasons, livestock, harvesting, family matters, etc. Of course,
wierwille knew how to embellish a story, and add dramatic flavor and all. But he was the average rural preacher....
nothing more.
Having an entourage of yes-men fronting his entrance, and a valet/bodyguard might have made him look like
a Michael Bloomberg billionaire......but really, if wierwille would have not added all the fanfare to his
posturing and mystique, he was just average. That's all.
Well....when I think about all those hours spent listening to wierwille in nightowls, meetings, and 'sharing his heart'.....most all of it was just common, everyday stuff. No biggie. No revelation. No grand plan. No secrets to the universe.
Sure, wierwille sprinkled in some scripture and all......but really, he was nothing special.
My grandfathers had the SAME insight.....SIMILAR stories. And, about every farmer in our county could spend hours
giving you the ins-and-outs about farming, weather, seasons, livestock, harvesting, family matters, etc. Of course,
wierwille knew how to embellish a story, and add dramatic flavor and all. But he was the average rural preacher....
nothing more.
Having an entourage of yes-men fronting his entrance, and a valet/bodyguard might have made him look like
a Michael Bloomberg billionaire......but really, if wierwille would have not added all the fanfare to his
posturing and mystique, he was just average. That's all.
Sort of ill advised to have a piano out in the open when it might rain, don't you think? I mean, it's not like 2 men can grab a piano and make a dash for it. Forget about the law of believing, what about common sense? Something ww was supposed to be gifted with to pass down to us keeds. Kind of like Yoda, and the force. Hey, I just thought of something. Do you think we're smarter now than Wierwille was then? Maybe all 50 plus year olds were smarter than Wierwille!
If one HAD to have a piano out in the open where it might rain,
isn't the SMART thing to set up a canopy over the thing, or even a
framework behind it that can be wheeled or carried a few feet forward
to cover it if you can't bring yourself to cover it before rain begins.
Corps Principle #1 was "acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and
awareness." Naturally, even though he wrote it, vpw was inconsistent
about what it meant. At one point, he told the corps it originally
said- and SHOULD say "....OF THE WORD" at the end of it.
"Acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness OF THE WORD."
He DERIDED the idea that the perception and awareness could apply to
anything else.
He also told lcm that "common horse-sense" was the most important part
of Corps Principle #1. So, by that thinking, "in-depth spiritual
perception and awareness OF THE WORD" would require "common horse-sense"-
and the man who said all that demonstrated none of it when setting up
a piano where rain was supposed to fall and did nothing to block the
rain. Naturally, it would be someone else's fault if the rain fell.
They would be blamed for not planning in contradiction to him (which, if
they did, was worth a yelling session). They would be blamed for failing to
hear Divine Revelation to get a tarp. They would be blamed for failing
to believe away the rain. And so on. Nothing was EVER vpw's fault.
That "blind loyalty" oath has been discussed here several times.....and viewed differently by those
corps and staff to which the letter was addressed. If I recall correctly, martindale bluntly stated
the terms and conditions as "to who do you stand with?"
For two years, there were limb and region coordinators corresponding with geer and/or distancing themselves
from twi and building splinter groups. For two years.....these guys were on twi payroll. At the Indiana
limb home, R. W@tkins was not even subtle about his allegiance to geer. The gartmore stuff was right near
the photocopy machine and ALL the pfal material was stored away in the attic.
Also, W@tkins had a couple of staffers (on twi payroll) at his disposal.....and they helped him
with his private boat. It was all surreal as they collected their bi-monthly twi-paychecks and
backstabbed twi-trustees in word and deed. Thus......after two years, I believe that martindale
had had his fill and drew the line in the sand. full disclosure, the BLIND LOYALTY was packaged and sold by the wierwille-corps indoctrination.
Yes, BLIND LOYALTY was packaged and sold by vpw originally, as was the "I'm kicking you out,
but swear a loyalty oath TO ME and you're back in." vpw did it on the zero corps with limited success.
lcm was stupid enough to do it on most of the rank-and-file and it backfired.
When I recieved the Loyalty letter in the mail I immediately called LCM and by some miracle after leaving a message he actually called me back. When I asked if this letter was a call to blindly follow him he said I had been doing this all along. I then told him thats what he thinks he could "kiss my @$$".
I think I was dropped from the rolls of the Way Corps that next morning.
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WW-----wow, you are correct....they taught one thing for a certain group, another for another group....Sometimes I have to wonder why I never saw this kind of thing....and it took coming here to reall
Yessss!!!! Keep them coming, we are on a roll. I remember one week in res where I was up a lot with little sleep due to nonsense (I know, I know, like always right?) I prayed for complete peace n
How could they condemn people who got sick? Aren't we all in corruptible bodies like The Word says? How come VPW could get sick and no one condemned him? Don't we all eventually succumb to disease
Yeah....I remember at Emporia sitting in Geer's teachings a couple of times.
He was my elder corps.....he was 7th corps, I was 9th.
Even then, Geer had to cite his credentials of zealous study for ALL THINGS WIERWILLE.
He confronted the corps are being lazy and apathetic when it came to vpee.
See......during his first year, Chris (and wife Barbara) would take any spare time and go to Anderson Library.
They would diligently listen to EVERY teaching by wierwille and catalog their notes meticulously.
Together, Chris and Barbara studied the habits, the likes and dislikes, the idiosyncrasies of vic and Dorothy.
EVERYTHING......what they liked to eat for breakfast, what kind of cup to sip their coffee or tea.
Family heritage, wierwille's passions, reading material, dog training, personal safety measures, etc.
When wierwille would like to take off his suit jacket after teaching so long......
Chris prided himself as the perfect servant.
No other corps could match his dedication and commitment to "the man of God." No one.
IMO, he build this mystical persona of wierwille and projected him as always walking by revelation.
On their interim year, Chris and Barbara were *selected* to be vpee's and mrs. personal valets. Surprise...(ha)
THAT was their obsessive side up next to the wierwilles.
They obsessed over it every waking hour.
This fixation on wierwille ESCALATED the psycho geer into the stratosphere of the sociopathic realm.
His eyes were fixated on every movement of the wierwilles. He took it to the furthest extremes imaginable.
And.....wierwille, obviously, allowed it to consume him in narcissism nirvana.
This association was toxic and unbiblical every way possible.
Vpw and geer had a toxicity to their companionship.....much like rosie and donna.
They each feed off each other. Now, the girls are in charge.
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What a strange, strange world we lived in. Maybe it was all just a bad dream.
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Maybe we were given a glimpse into somebody elses nightmare..
This was never my personal dream. It pretty much violates any agreement I made with anything way.
I demand my money, time and effort refunded.
Plus interest..
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"I demand my money, time and effort refunded"
Good luck with that...lemme know how you make out.
...but skyrider has it right with Geer...he was an obsessive sociopath...the guy always gave me the creeps
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Yeah.....there was a lot of scum in the corps 'training' to grovel at master wierwille's feet.
Johnnie T0wnsend was another one who always was holding on to vpee's coattails to be noticed.
Add the "spiritual protocol" to the mix, the head table posturing and a dozen chiefs to report to....
and what do you get? The corps indoctrination.
Everything in the practical sense of the program belied what they were teaching.
They said it was "the Word"......but the focus was to build wierwille's legacy.
The scriptures were just a springboard......the swimming pool was the twi-cult realm.
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9th here also, sky
whoa back up a minute lol get the f outta here, but why in the world should i be surprised?
i'm wondering when geer had time to have sex with another woman which i know he was at emporia. maybe just part of the study of the man of god
as you know, psycho geer was the one driving the bus when i was sexually assaulted by psycho-w
and remember that time i told you all about.... wierwille and geerwille were delivering puppies and barbara was helping and wierwille lashed into her in a way that was worse that that girl in the exorcist talking to the priest
and gierwille just sat back and let it happen
very very very disturbed people
yes much like donna and rosalie
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Yeah, I know.....lots of us 'rebels' came out of the 9th corps. :)
Some here might not realize that quite often CLASS FACULTY was derived from the elder corps. That's right, folks......many classes, select teachings and pertinent topics were taught by the elder corps on campus. Yep, that's how to scrimp on salary/overhead and position a campus with "proper accreditation" isn't it?
For me, it was ONE OF THOSE TEACHINGS that sticks in the brain cells.....because I vividly remember thinking "I didn't sign to be way corps to be following the man, wierwille." Yet, here.....right in front of me, Christopher C. Geer was confronting the 7th and 9th corps for NOT listening to EVERY TEACHING EVER TAUGHT BY WIERWILLE THRU THE YEARS ON TAPE.
And another thing.....we were scolded for NOT VOLUNTEERING for extra duties. Yet, Geer could sneak away to hide out in the library and meticulously take notes and file them away for later use. He had a plan to be *most valued bootlicker, valet, and bus driver......and it happened.
Maybe, in 1989......THAT is why I didn't hop on a plane to get to gartmore and seek geer.
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skyrider has everything to do with what comes out of that piehole of wierwille, doesn't it?
Kinda reminds me of that GS-poster who confronts us about needing to truly understand
the depth of wierwille's teachings/writings. PFAL is greater than scripture, doncha know?
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A memory I have of Geer...
I was in the 10th corps during the MAL pack fiasco and Geer and his wife had the room next to mine which means we shared a bathroom...
One day I was walking down the hall and Geer was going through his survival pack in the middle of the hallway...checking every detail to make sure he would be ready, no doubt, when the attack took place :) I passed him, I smiled and said "Hi Chris"...he grabbed his knife in his hand and glared at me like I was a mortal threat to him...This guy would have been a perfect fit for Hitler's gestapo. He made Tom Berenger's role in the movie Platoon look like Mr Rogers
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GEER was 'the man' who was supposed to get twi *back to the verd during the fog years*
.....and yet, he had a substantial stake in keeping the vpee legacy squeaky clean.
And.....Geer, admittedly, didn't go to the library to do INDEPENDENT biblical research.
He went there to consume every crumb that might fall from "the master's table."
Wierwille sends him off to Gartmore to start up a European Corps location......
gee, wonder how that's going to turn out with a sycophant, leader?
Every teaching by wierwille.....catalog and file.
Every mannerism of vp & mrs.....learn it, know it, teach it.
Every whim of lust and evil.....dismiss it, attack the whistleblower.
The corps program was run by psychos......
And, some wonder where all the Nazi-corps came from.....?
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Thanks Groucho.....
I, too, have a memory of Geer....
During the 7th Corps Group Wedding in Emporia, I stood next to Chris Geer
the whole time. We were focused on two things.....wierwille and the piano.
With storm clouds building and darkening in the west, it was quite the evening. Of course, Geer kept one eye on case he needed something. But having a fast-moving rain storm drench the piano was something that we were very concerned as well. I'm not sure if wierwille gave Chris specific instructions ahead of time.....all I know is we were ready to make a mad dash to the piano, cover it or move it if need be.
At the time, I remember the intensity of how we viewed our task at hand.
What is it with rain and twi leadership?
Where's that ole "law of believing" when you need it?
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Broken Arrow
Sort of ill advised to have a piano out in the open when it might rain, don't you think? I mean, it's not like 2 men can grab a piano and make a dash for it. Forget about the law of believing, what about common sense? Something ww was supposed to be gifted with to pass down to us keeds. Kind of like Yoda, and the force. Hey, I just thought of something. Do you think we're smarter now than Wierwille was then? Maybe all 50 plus year olds were smarter than Wierwille!
Edited by Broken ArrowLink to comment
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That's a good observation. As a Corps Grad, I can identify with that. In my heart I wanted to let people grow at their own pace without interference but we were trained to make them tow the line as well as meddle with their lives.
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Well....when I think about all those hours spent listening to wierwille in nightowls, meetings, and 'sharing his heart'.....most all of it was just common, everyday stuff. No biggie. No revelation. No grand plan. No secrets to the universe.
Sure, wierwille sprinkled in some scripture and all......but really, he was nothing special.
My grandfathers had the SAME insight.....SIMILAR stories. And, about every farmer in our county could spend hours
giving you the ins-and-outs about farming, weather, seasons, livestock, harvesting, family matters, etc. Of course,
wierwille knew how to embellish a story, and add dramatic flavor and all. But he was the average rural preacher....
nothing more.
Having an entourage of yes-men fronting his entrance, and a valet/bodyguard might have made him look like
a Michael Bloomberg billionaire......but really, if wierwille would have not added all the fanfare to his
posturing and mystique, he was just average. That's all.
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The trappings of narcissism.
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And psychopathy.
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From indentured servitude......every which way AWAY FROM TWI is UP.
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The FOG years.....
vpw appointed lcm to replace him, the #1 groveler got the promotion.
lcm and everyone pushed vpw aside like vpw taught lcm to do by pushing
aside everyone else who wasn't critical.
vpw, feeling ignored and useless, went on a little road-trip and sought
validation. He went to Gartmore and talked to cgeer- #2 groveler.
He (allegedly) made grandiose predictions of horrible events,
prophet-style, that would befall twi because it
stopped kissing his posterior every five seconds
stopped putting God first- without explaining HOW they did it, what
supposedly went wrong and how it went wrong.
So, geer swallowed it all, then went and preached, prophet-style, how
twi was headed for disaster for forsaking God. Naturally, he never
got into specifics because there WERE no specifics to get into.
lcm, shaken that vpw had called him such a reprobate, spent the next few
years in "a fog"(his term), and geer supposedly was to get things in
order-without the slightest identification of the PROBLEM. So, there was
some minor staffing changes and some paper-shuffling, and eventually
lcm remembered he was president and demanded an oath of BLIND LOYALTY
from everyone in twi. (He confirmed that to one poster here who knew him
and asked if that's what he meant to do.)
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If one HAD to have a piano out in the open where it might rain,
isn't the SMART thing to set up a canopy over the thing, or even a
framework behind it that can be wheeled or carried a few feet forward
to cover it if you can't bring yourself to cover it before rain begins.
Corps Principle #1 was "acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and
awareness." Naturally, even though he wrote it, vpw was inconsistent
about what it meant. At one point, he told the corps it originally
said- and SHOULD say "....OF THE WORD" at the end of it.
"Acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness OF THE WORD."
He DERIDED the idea that the perception and awareness could apply to
anything else.
He also told lcm that "common horse-sense" was the most important part
of Corps Principle #1. So, by that thinking, "in-depth spiritual
perception and awareness OF THE WORD" would require "common horse-sense"-
and the man who said all that demonstrated none of it when setting up
a piano where rain was supposed to fall and did nothing to block the
rain. Naturally, it would be someone else's fault if the rain fell.
They would be blamed for not planning in contradiction to him (which, if
they did, was worth a yelling session). They would be blamed for failing to
hear Divine Revelation to get a tarp. They would be blamed for failing
to believe away the rain. And so on. Nothing was EVER vpw's fault.
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lcm ----- #1 groveler
geer ---- #2 groveler
johnie t. #3 groveler
john lynn #4 groveler
etc,. etc.
That "blind loyalty" oath has been discussed here several times.....and viewed differently by those
corps and staff to which the letter was addressed. If I recall correctly, martindale bluntly stated
the terms and conditions as "to who do you stand with?"
For two years, there were limb and region coordinators corresponding with geer and/or distancing themselves
from twi and building splinter groups. For two years.....these guys were on twi payroll. At the Indiana
limb home, R. W@tkins was not even subtle about his allegiance to geer. The gartmore stuff was right near
the photocopy machine and ALL the pfal material was stored away in the attic.
Also, W@tkins had a couple of staffers (on twi payroll) at his disposal.....and they helped him
with his private boat. It was all surreal as they collected their bi-monthly twi-paychecks and
backstabbed twi-trustees in word and deed. Thus......after two years, I believe that martindale
had had his fill and drew the line in the sand. full disclosure, the BLIND LOYALTY was packaged and sold by the wierwille-corps indoctrination.
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When all this *selection for the president-elect* was swirling......
ONE of the behind-the-scenes considerations was THE WIFE, also.
From what I heard, wierwille was very concerned with the public appearances and presentations
of the next "first lady of the way." Women like Joyce C. and Barbara G. didn't seem to have
the full package that wierwille expected in the next prez & wife.
But, hey......didn't it all come down by revelation.
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As reported by posters over the years,
vpw wanted to hear who should replace him,
and PRIVATELY he had it decided long before any discussion began.
In fact, people kept telling him they either thought it should
be either Walter, or "not-Craig." After hearing a resounding response of
one or the other, vpw blew everybody off and chose lcm.
According to lcm, (in "vp and me"), when he wanted to find a wife, he
asked vpw to find one for him, and later said he'd decided on one
BEFORE ASKING HER. Before he did, vpw went off and all but told her
that lcm was going to be president next- after which lcm asked her
to marry him. There's 2 interesting things about this.
A) According to lcm's own account, they needed time to get to know
B) Donna had previously told friends she was going to marry someone
who was going to be at the top in twi no matter what or who...
and this was followed by vpw saying something like
"You're about to be proposed to by the guy who might be the next
president of twi after I step down." Then lcm asked her to marry
him. Despite needing to get to know him better, she accepted.
Of course, different people were told different things about how
vpw's successor was picked. The reality was that vpw did it
unilaterally. I was told it was done like in Acts 1, where they
prayed, and lots were cast, and Matthias was voted in. I don't
know who started that lie, but it traveled pretty far...
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Yes, BLIND LOYALTY was packaged and sold by vpw originally, as was the "I'm kicking you out,
but swear a loyalty oath TO ME and you're back in." vpw did it on the zero corps with limited success.
lcm was stupid enough to do it on most of the rank-and-file and it backfired.
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Geer, Martindale, T0wnsend, Lynn, etc.......were ALL "stupid enough" to think that they
could re-package the wierwille-mogship and expect to see spiritual business as usual.
Notable leaders, corps, and clergy had been leaving wierwille since 1975....[ie Peter J. W@de].
Limb coordinator, 4th corps, John Cl@y left in 1978.....Mike Sm!th, 1st Corps was dissenting
from wierwille's "blind loyalty oath" and headed to Alaska shortly after 1981. The number of
men thru the years......Gerald W., Wayne M., Richard T., etc. moved on.
We were NOT living in a time capsule.......WE WERE ALL GETTING OLDER, AND WISER.
Many refused to follow Geer because of his demeanor and abrasive thanks.
Many refused to follow lcm or twi's doctrines any longer.....enough was enough.
During vpee's era.....he had NO PEERS.
He was the grand poppa....Mog #1 and ONLY.
But really.....there's a HUGE difference between wierwille's "success" with 20 year olds [Zero Corps]
and geer/lcm trying to coerce a bunch of 40 year olds who had plenty of years in the trenches.
Heck, it seems fairly plain that many region guys were "building their own groups and loyalties"
as wierwille was stepping down in 1982. Ever notice how many of these guys STAYED PUT in the SAME REGION
where they had built inroads to relationships and loyalties?.....[ie Doug Se_d]
IMO, the gig was up in 1982 or so......and the "movement" was coming to a stop.
And, the biggest "activists" were on someone's payroll.....or planned to be.
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