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no truth no hope


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  On 4/20/2014 at 6:33 PM, year2027 said:

The first link won't work because it's a link to EDIT your video, so it sends us

to log in to try to edit it.

The second link works.

In either case,

the people here aren't the ones who can help you. You need to work with the professionals

you were working with. The people here could easily hurt you more than help you. They/we

are not licensed professionals, and we're not there able to do a professional evaluation

even if we were. We take this seriously enough that we know it takes training to handle

this sort of thing, and we don't have it. There are people who DO and are ready to work

with you, and that's your answer. We can pray for you in the meantime, but you should be

doing the things you CAN do (like follow any treatments they assign.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

God frist

yes ex is hard at times but get more time i know you so my i am up again love Roy

God is everything to me

I try over and over but I will keep trying


Over and over I try time again I fail but each time I almost at my straw it seem like I find another hope what the day bring I done know but I can is try. I watch my friend cry about things one has a problem with room mate while I would do anything to have room why do some about because it is biggest thing that have handle I understand. I had a problem with many mates but I still here I have learn how see everyone side these are friends my life.

Another friend has problem with money that they do have but I have to do I can and not about thing giving more than need one put things that needs and do away which they not need. My friends are many this part of life we thing the mountain is tall but in reality it in our ability but we just stop trying in truth has get and take another step toward the goal.

In truth there a hundred reasons we give up I somethings think are harding I can handle with things I have to handle being pick on from day one but overcame that easy than one would sure I still have night it but I up and keep trying. I am 54 old years today life has throw me curves than a person should have to handle I been in cult, I had thousand of job a year but my bipolar, Schizophrenia, that make it harder for to live in this world but I keep on trying.

I have heath problems than most would give but I am not a person that over one small in my way so all I can do is try again and again over and over. My doctor wants me to try to get in shape I will try but any goal I see it as more than I can do but I will try. You I have have will power than most because I already over came more than than a person can do so I might make it to group Wednesday may the 7th because I decided to come every other wednesday because I have decided to come other one and not everyone because of the cost but I will try doing as my ask me to do is try.

Most people would not even try but wednesday I going to make it to show the world there is nothing that one can do my only hope is one other will try. Sure I know that I might fail because it take 3 – 4 hours to walk it because of my heath today years ago I could done it thirty minutes but I am not as young as I once was and a little over weight too but I will try even if I have turn back and try another day.

Sure my blood pressure, heart disability, and strokes I have have in the passed will make it harder but I will try because most only cry about and never to overcome that thing blocking their path to their goal in life but no one going I did try. So on wednesday at the 7th at nine o'clock I will try once more a goal that seems impossible to most so I will try. Thank you everyone that reads that can not imagine they can get pass the things that hold them back we must try with everything we do in life with love of God and if do like god love me for I did and a holy kiss of friendship unto you all from Roy.

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oh dear roy, i pray for you a lot. tomorrow is the 7th. i guess you don't have the money for a cab to group? can anyone give you a lift? walking 3-4 hours just sounds like too much. i'm 57 and i couldn't do it. and i haven't had strokes or anything like that. i wish i had comfort and advice to give you. you are such a strong individual




Edited by excathedra
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something else i'm thinking about roy. i can't remember the bible verses but i'm sure someone here does -- our lord jesus christ came to heal the broken hearted, the down and outers, the outcasts, the people that don't "fit" -- like ME, like schizophrenics -- there is a day coming when we will be TOTALLY healed and happy -- but until then we have to try and go on because our lord wants us to and i don't understand the part about "by his stripes we've BEEN healed"? i think that refers to the future because this life mostly sucks. but he's with us all the time, you know? love you

did you click on my link above?

here's another one (same movie) but it helps me a lot :) :cryhug_1_:

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