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John Lynn sick?

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  On 4/17/2014 at 4:19 PM, JumpinJive said:

Anybody hear anything about John Lynn. I thought I read somewhere that he was diagnosed with lymphoma. Anyone else hear that?


If it's true, what will he do, now that he's denounced "the law of believing"?

edit: I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm just saying you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Edited by waysider
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I've spent the past few hours processing this, as I went about my chores. I have to say my response is mild grief. Not just for the lymphoma, but for the fact that John drank Wierwille's kool-aid, both doctrinally and organizationally, and has never spit it up...

Many people left TWI when Toto drew the curtain back, but not John. He didn't leave on his own, he was fired, and he still believes that Power For Abundant Living was the revealed Word and Will of God for this our day and time. He rejected a few of Wierwille's teachings, such as the law of believing, but he is still committed to Wierwille's definition of the mystery first revealed to Paul as an "age of grace" when Christian's CANNOT sin against God.

As a person, I like John very much. I attended his home fellowship regularly for a number of years, and he gave me permission to teach his fellowship when he was on the road. I did not part ways with him until it became obvious that he was totally dismissive of the damage his leadership had done by getting his followers involved with Momentus.

He's not deliberately malicious. He still thinks he has the greatest "package" of truth around, and he cannot recognize his own arrogance. I just feel sorry for him...



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Yeah...I agree with Steve. John is facing some horrible experiences in his near future and I really don't want to kick the guy when he is down. I'll say that John Lynn has spent his life trying to be the best bible teacher he could be and I believe that he has probably helped a lot of people...Is he arrogant? Does he have his own sins in life to deal with? Has he ever deliberately lied to people for his own gain?...Probably so...but as we all draw closer to old age and the end of life, I have no bitterness towards him and I wish him well. I will pray for him not because he "called in his markers" but because he is need of prayer...I give my prayers unconditionally. May God be with him...and may He be with all of us as well.

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I noticed his letter still included advertisements for a book and for a class,

both of which can be purchased,

while he explains his situation and asks for prayer.

Even the prospect of approaching death can't get a leopard to change his spots.

For so many reasons, JAL could use some prayer, and he has requested it,

so I think that's better than if he hadn't. He may have gotten a little more

humble with everything else.

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  On 4/19/2014 at 2:08 AM, waysider said:

I'm sorry my post seemed so callous. I know this must be an extremely difficult time for him and I certainly wish him all the best. I hope you will accept my apology.

Waysider I've read plenty of your posts..I still lurk here from time to time even when I'm not posting...and You don't have a callous bone in your body. Sometimes we need to just get out what we are thinking you know? And I agree with your post anyway. You are NOT callous!!! You are a caring person. I don't want to get mushy with you so I'll leave it at that, lol. :cryhug_1_:

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...The bottom line is that so many of the leaders of the splinter groups went out and applied the organization ideas that Wierwille instilled in them. It may well have been better if TWI had never fragmented like it did...at least then all the false ministers were in one place and they were easier to target and warn people about. Today there are numerous "ministries" across the country with former TWI leaders at the head...they all have different names and they all teach their own version of the bible, which usually resembles Wierwille's teaching quite closely.

Even as Wierwille's enormous ego fueled his insistence on being the "man of God", the various splinter group leaders take on similar roles. Their organizations are usually pyramid echelons with a centralized power base...classes and tapes are the order of the day and revenue is generated by the same methods that VPW taught them...As far as I'm concerned they are all big frogs in little ponds. They generally make enough money to avoid from having to find a real job and oftentimes they end up fairly wealthy. Most of them profess to have broken free of the corruption that was rampant in TWI but in the final analysis they are still in the "God business"...They may be fooling their followers and even themselves but as far as I'm concerned they can all kiss my foot.

Profiting from a religious organization is a cowards way to con your way through life...unlike other businesses they do not produce any tangible goods or manufacture anything useful that can be measured in any real way other than in the amount of .... they can get people to swallow...they prey on people's hunger for truth, desire to know God and fear of death...they exploit naive and hungry people for their own egos and their own bank accounts.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of sins in my own life but I have never knowingly lied in God's name for my own self serving purposes...God is everywhere around us and in us...you don't have to pay money to know Him...and if you DO know anything about God, sharing it with others should not be turned into a business...IMHO

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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In my opinion, John is too naive himself to pull off a successful con like Wierwille or the folks at Hill Song. Watching him try to imitate Toccini's attitude of "repentence" at Momentus was just pathetic. John is transparent to every one except himself. He really believes what he's dishing out, and that's a shame... It's also why I stopped following him in '96.



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I've always liked John. He gets my prayers regardless of what he has (or hasn't) done.

If you (whomever YOU are) feel qualified to judge him as "sunk so low" in this his time

of prayer request - - here's hoping you never find yourself in the same situation looking

for "help from others". Of course there's always - - "Believing equals receiving".

If you're a cynical sort of person - - try that instead. Nuthin I'll pray can make a difference, eh?

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take it easy. do you know how many people went over the f'ing edge because they were talked into momentus?

i'm not here to judge lynn, geer or even wierwille, but i, as others, am free to have an opinion

i don't begrudge who the heck you pray for

i think we're supposed to even pray for enemies - correct me if i'm wrong

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  • 2 months later...

I found this 116 year old Gertrude Weaver cited three factors for her longevity: "Trusting in the Lord, hard work and loving everybody."

Upon ruminating over this I think that we were made to love, and that loving is the only thing we are good for. Everything else is wasted effort.

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