A) This movie was a take-off on horror movies. People went to a schlock movie festival, and ended up stumbling into the 80s horror flick that was playing. They were unable to escape without making it to the end of the movie, and it just looped back if they attempted to avoid arriving at the summer camp. One participant was the daughter of one of the actresses in that turkey, who of course looked like the character but didn't share the same memories or personality. They tried to kill the serial killer who was "killed" in the summer camp and now preyed on the too-stupid-to-live counselors readying the camp for use, while trying to keep the movie's cast alive. A decision was made to make this a take-off (thus, a comedy and PG-13) rather than a more straightforward copy (an R movie would limit the theater audience.) The title references a phrase that does not actually appear in horror films.
B) This horror movie takes place in an elevator. A number of bad people are trapped in an elevator, and a sort of monster is trapped with them- is the killer one of them? Although we do see the building and the sidewalk, the bulk of the movie takes place in the elevator (or with the building staff trying to get it moving again.)
I'm not sure of the movie characters, but we seem to have made Human disappear...
Give Human time. Sometimes life interferes with our fun. Human might be too busy right now, or unable to access the internet, or there may be some other minor inconvenience.
A) This movie was a take-off on horror movies. People went to a schlock movie festival, and ended up stumbling into the 80s horror flick that was playing. They were unable to escape without making it to the end of the movie, and it just looped back if they attempted to avoid arriving at the summer camp. One participant was the daughter of one of the actresses in that turkey, who of course looked like the character but didn't share the same memories or personality. They tried to kill the serial killer who was "killed" in the summer camp and now preyed on the too-stupid-to-live counselors readying the camp for use, while trying to keep the movie's cast alive. A decision was made to make this a take-off (thus, a comedy and PG-13) rather than a more straightforward copy (an R movie would limit the theater audience.) The title references a phrase that does not actually appear in horror films.
B) This horror movie takes place in an elevator. A number of bad people are trapped in an elevator, and a sort of monster is trapped with them- is the killer one of them? Although we do see the building and the sidewalk, the bulk of the movie takes place in the elevator (or with the building staff trying to get it moving again.)
C) This 2011 horror movie was a found-footage movie. The head of Dimension Films insisted that it was actually found, and not shot as a movie. This movie's premise was that the US space program continued where it left off, for one more mission, but the results were disastrous and covered up. The found-footage was of the mission. It was panned, and one critic said it felt very long at 90 minutes. The film played with the idea that a number of Moon rocks brought back to Earth have turned up missing- which is factually correct!
D) This 2014 horror movie was a computer-screen film, meaning that the entire film takes place with someone online and events reaching them either onscreen or in the room they are in. The main characters remember a girl (who was bullied and committed suicide) while they Skype together- and a mysterious stranger ends up in the group chat- and the horror elements proceed from there.
E) This 2010 British film was about five teenagers who meet on the Internet and encourage each other's bad behaviour. It was based largely on a stage play of the same name, and got a score of 9% on "Rotten Tomatoes."
A) This movie was a take-off on horror movies. People went to a schlock movie festival, and ended up stumbling into the 80s horror flick that was playing. They were unable to escape without making it to the end of the movie, and it just looped back if they attempted to avoid arriving at the summer camp. One participant was the daughter of one of the actresses in that turkey, who of course looked like the character but didn't share the same memories or personality. They tried to kill the serial killer who was "killed" in the summer camp and now preyed on the too-stupid-to-live counselors readying the camp for use, while trying to keep the movie's cast alive. A decision was made to make this a take-off (thus, a comedy and PG-13) rather than a more straightforward copy (an R movie would limit the theater audience.) The title references a phrase that does not actually appear in horror films.
"FINAL GIRLS." The "final girl", aka the "last girl", is the lone survivor, and she defeats the villain and escapes.
B) This horror movie takes place in an elevator. A number of bad people are trapped in an elevator, and a sort of monster is trapped with them- is the killer one of them? Although we do see the building and the sidewalk, the bulk of the movie takes place in the elevator (or with the building staff trying to get it moving again.)
"DEVIL." I actually liked it, as horror movies go. I thought it took originality to make this work.
C) This 2011 horror movie was a found-footage movie. The head of Dimension Films insisted that it was actually found, and not shot as a movie. This movie's premise was that the US space program continued where it left off, for one more mission, but the results were disastrous and covered up. The found-footage was of the mission. It was panned, and one critic said it felt very long at 90 minutes. The film played with the idea that a number of Moon rocks brought back to Earth have turned up missing- which is factually correct!
"Apollo 18." The Apollo series had 17 completed missions, then there were no more missions.
D) This 2014 horror movie was a computer-screen film, meaning that the entire film takes place with someone online and events reaching them either onscreen or in the room they are in. The main characters remember a girl (who was bullied and committed suicide) while they Skype together- and a mysterious stranger ends up in the group chat- and the horror elements proceed from there.
"UNFRIENDED", as George answered.
E) This 2010 British film was about five teenagers who meet on the Internet and encourage each other's bad behaviour. It was based largely on a stage play of the same name, and got a score of 9% on "Rotten Tomatoes."
"CHATROOM" was in no way related to "UNFRIENDED", except in using a chat in the story.
That was around when "Starship Invaders" was out, but that wasn't a comic book, nor did it have Marceau. French dude.... any chance this was some sort of "Barbarella" re-release?
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie.
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons...Steve Whitmire.... Eric Jacobson.... Dave Goelz..... Bill Barretta.... David Rudman... Matt Vogel.... Peter Linz .... Jerry Nelson
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie. I have to admit, I would never have guessed this song would have ended up in this movie, not if given 100 guesses to name a song for the soundtrack.
Towards the end, there was a musical number featuring a banjo. A lot of the audience started crying somewhere in the course of the song.
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons...Steve Whitmire.... Eric Jacobson.... Dave Goelz..... Bill Barretta.... David Rudman... Matt Vogel.... Peter Linz .... Jerry Nelson
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie. I have to admit, I would never have guessed this song would have ended up in this movie, not if given 100 guesses to name a song for the soundtrack.
Towards the end, there was a musical number featuring a banjo. A lot of the audience started crying somewhere in the course of the song.
Frank Oz refused to do this movie, and I think that was a shame.
Could be some Muppet movie, but I haven't seen any of them.
I'll take that as close enough, and CORRECT. This was "THE MUPPETS." There have been a number of movies with the Muppets. I would say that the first two - "The Muppet Movie" and "the Great Muppet Caper" were fun to watch, as was "The Muppets",, and I would recommend TMM and TM to anyone, preferably to watch in that order, since TM references TMM a number of times (the contract, "Jack", Kermit mentioning the other movie in passing....)
In the first one, we get the Muppets arriving for a private screening of their movie, a version of how they got together, "sorta approximately." Their movie opened with Kermit sitting on the log, playing the banjo and singing "the Rainbow Connection." Towards the end of the sequel, Kermit and Miss Piggy sing it- and the other Muppets join them onstage. A lot of parents in the audience, who saw the first movie as children, got misty-eyed during the song (either when it began, or when the other Muppets joined them, or when the drumming joined in.) Both movies were musicals, but Andy Williams wrote some original songs for the former which were perfect for it, including "the Rainbow Connection."
IMHO, "The Muppets" was done by people who knew and actually cared about the Muppets as well as The Muppet Movie. I've heard nothing about "Muppets Most Wanted" to suggest the same was true of that one. However, TMM and TGMC were done by Jim Henson's team, so they obviously cared. "The Muppets" proved it didn't HAVE to include Jim Henson to have the old magic (although it's not that easy to make a Muppet movie without him and capture the magic.)
The Great Muppet Caper was tons of fun. At the time, I thought the Muppet Movie was a bit slow. I have a Star Trek, Star Trek II feeling about the two movies. I guess I have to give TMM another chance.
For whatever reason, you left out The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas Carol (which was awesome) and Muppet Treasure Island. I never saw MTM or MTI. Pretty sure there was a space Muppet movie too. Didn't see it.
The Great Muppet Caper was tons of fun. At the time, I thought the Muppet Movie was a bit slow. I have a Star Trek, Star Trek II feeling about the two movies. I guess I have to give TMM another chance.
For whatever reason, you left out The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas Carol (which was awesome) and Muppet Treasure Island. I never saw MTM or MTI. Pretty sure there was a space Muppet movie too. Didn't see it.
I think everybody thought they phoned in "Muppets in Space." I didn't see MCC nor MTI. Apparently I should check out MCC. I thought the Muppets Take Manhattan was nice, but I didn't think it measured up to the first 2. I would still sit down to watch it, I just didn't think it needed recommending.
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Human without the bean
Why didn't you say that 2 days ago Mr. Wolf? Your right Rottie, They are pretty good. Makes it tough on me to get my 2 cents in.
Human without the bean
I was way off going with "The Terminal", except that it didn't have any articles of clothing in the title. I assume WordWolf is correct, but I'm not familiar with it. But that's not unusual.
Stallone. Also well-known for reprising his Rocky role. I can't see him in Eddie Murphy's role in BHC, though... George
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Electric Bugaloo
The unofficial subtitle of every unnecessary sequel. You're up.
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Ok, spooky movies. Get any to take the round.
A) This movie was a take-off on horror movies. People went to a schlock movie festival, and ended up stumbling into the 80s horror flick that was playing. They were unable to escape without making it to the end of the movie, and it just looped back if they attempted to avoid arriving at the summer camp. One participant was the daughter of one of the actresses in that turkey, who of course looked like the character but didn't share the same memories or personality. They tried to kill the serial killer who was "killed" in the summer camp and now preyed on the too-stupid-to-live counselors readying the camp for use, while trying to keep the movie's cast alive. A decision was made to make this a take-off (thus, a comedy and PG-13) rather than a more straightforward copy (an R movie would limit the theater audience.) The title references a phrase that does not actually appear in horror films.
B) This horror movie takes place in an elevator. A number of bad people are trapped in an elevator, and a sort of monster is trapped with them- is the killer one of them? Although we do see the building and the sidewalk, the bulk of the movie takes place in the elevator (or with the building staff trying to get it moving again.)
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I'm not sure of the movie characters, but we seem to have made Human disappear...
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Give Human time. Sometimes life interferes with our fun. Human might be too busy right now, or unable to access the internet, or there may be some other minor inconvenience.
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Ok, spooky movies. Get any to take the round.
A) This movie was a take-off on horror movies. People went to a schlock movie festival, and ended up stumbling into the 80s horror flick that was playing. They were unable to escape without making it to the end of the movie, and it just looped back if they attempted to avoid arriving at the summer camp. One participant was the daughter of one of the actresses in that turkey, who of course looked like the character but didn't share the same memories or personality. They tried to kill the serial killer who was "killed" in the summer camp and now preyed on the too-stupid-to-live counselors readying the camp for use, while trying to keep the movie's cast alive. A decision was made to make this a take-off (thus, a comedy and PG-13) rather than a more straightforward copy (an R movie would limit the theater audience.) The title references a phrase that does not actually appear in horror films.
B) This horror movie takes place in an elevator. A number of bad people are trapped in an elevator, and a sort of monster is trapped with them- is the killer one of them? Although we do see the building and the sidewalk, the bulk of the movie takes place in the elevator (or with the building staff trying to get it moving again.)
C) This 2011 horror movie was a found-footage movie. The head of Dimension Films insisted that it was actually found, and not shot as a movie. This movie's premise was that the US space program continued where it left off, for one more mission, but the results were disastrous and covered up. The found-footage was of the mission. It was panned, and one critic said it felt very long at 90 minutes. The film played with the idea that a number of Moon rocks brought back to Earth have turned up missing- which is factually correct!
D) This 2014 horror movie was a computer-screen film, meaning that the entire film takes place with someone online and events reaching them either onscreen or in the room they are in. The main characters remember a girl (who was bullied and committed suicide) while they Skype together- and a mysterious stranger ends up in the group chat- and the horror elements proceed from there.
E) This 2010 British film was about five teenagers who meet on the Internet and encourage each other's bad behaviour. It was based largely on a stage play of the same name, and got a score of 9% on "Rotten Tomatoes."
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I actually saw (D) (or, most of it) on cable recently, but I can't think of the title.
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Keep this up, and I may think you don't want to be buddies anymore....
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That was fast, and CORRECT!
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George's turn.
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The first full-length film (as opposed to serials) based on a sci-fi comic book.
The movie was re-released in 1977, after the success of the first Star Wars installment.
Featured Marcel Marceau in a very talkative role.
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That was around when "Starship Invaders" was out, but that wasn't a comic book, nor did it have Marceau. French dude.... any chance this was some sort of "Barbarella" re-release?
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The re-release was, in fact the Barbarella re-release.
You're up!
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Ok, I don't think we've done this movie before.
Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin
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Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal
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Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie.
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Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons...Steve Whitmire.... Eric Jacobson.... Dave Goelz..... Bill Barretta.... David Rudman... Matt Vogel.... Peter Linz .... Jerry Nelson
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie. I have to admit, I would never have guessed this song would have ended up in this movie, not if given 100 guesses to name a song for the soundtrack.
Towards the end, there was a musical number featuring a banjo. A lot of the audience started crying somewhere in the course of the song.
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No idea whatsoever.
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I don't recommend many movies. Once again, I recommend this movie.
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Mickey Rooney....... Dave Grohl....... Judd Hirsch...... Neil Patrick Harris....... Selena Gomez....... Whoopi Goldberg....... James Carville...... Emily Blunt....... Donald Glover...... Sarah Silverman...... Ken Jeong....... Zach Galifianakis...... Alan Arkin..... Rashida Jones..... Chris Cooper..... Amy Adams..... Jason Segal...Jim Parsons...Steve Whitmire.... Eric Jacobson.... Dave Goelz..... Bill Barretta.... David Rudman... Matt Vogel.... Peter Linz .... Jerry Nelson
Mrs Wolf later said that the point where the stage lights went dark should have coincided with Wayne and Wanda taking the stage. She was right, but very few people would have gotten the joke, although I would have fallen out of my chair.
It should surprise no one that this movie was a musical. It also references the first movie (and ignores all the others, obviously.)
This movie represented the international standardizing of the names of these characters. Now, they all have their original English names, so Rene, for example, isn't Rene anymore. I realized that when I saw the promotional posters go up, with the names I recognized. Correction: In Spain, he was still "Gustavo."
The songs in this movie's soundtrack include "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard," "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Gary Numan's "Cars", AC/DC's "Back in Black", "Bad to the Bone", "(I'v e Had the) Time of My Life", and Starship's "We Built This City".
The role of Tex Richman was originally written for Alan Rickman.
The moment in a Google office was filmed in an actual Google office in Zurich, at least as of the filming.
The auto being worked on in the children's classroom was a British "Morris Minor." I'll have to play the DVD again, since I've wondered what they look like. (Black 47 mentioned that model in their breakout song "Funky Ceily" and I've never known what they looked like.)
Courtney Love was outraged about the way "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was sung and played. Dave Grohl was happy with it (and I was quite entertained.) Grohl probably heard about it before she did, since he was actually IN the movie. I have to admit, I would never have guessed this song would have ended up in this movie, not if given 100 guesses to name a song for the soundtrack.
Towards the end, there was a musical number featuring a banjo. A lot of the audience started crying somewhere in the course of the song.
Frank Oz refused to do this movie, and I think that was a shame.
"Mahna, mahna."
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Could be some Muppet movie, but I haven't seen any of them.
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I'll take that as close enough, and CORRECT. This was "THE MUPPETS." There have been a number of movies with the Muppets. I would say that the first two - "The Muppet Movie" and "the Great Muppet Caper" were fun to watch, as was "The Muppets",, and I would recommend TMM and TM to anyone, preferably to watch in that order, since TM references TMM a number of times (the contract, "Jack", Kermit mentioning the other movie in passing....)
In the first one, we get the Muppets arriving for a private screening of their movie, a version of how they got together, "sorta approximately." Their movie opened with Kermit sitting on the log, playing the banjo and singing "the Rainbow Connection." Towards the end of the sequel, Kermit and Miss Piggy sing it- and the other Muppets join them onstage. A lot of parents in the audience, who saw the first movie as children, got misty-eyed during the song (either when it began, or when the other Muppets joined them, or when the drumming joined in.) Both movies were musicals, but Andy Williams wrote some original songs for the former which were perfect for it, including "the Rainbow Connection."
IMHO, "The Muppets" was done by people who knew and actually cared about the Muppets as well as The Muppet Movie. I've heard nothing about "Muppets Most Wanted" to suggest the same was true of that one. However, TMM and TGMC were done by Jim Henson's team, so they obviously cared. "The Muppets" proved it didn't HAVE to include Jim Henson to have the old magic (although it's not that easy to make a Muppet movie without him and capture the magic.)
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The Great Muppet Caper was tons of fun. At the time, I thought the Muppet Movie was a bit slow. I have a Star Trek, Star Trek II feeling about the two movies. I guess I have to give TMM another chance.
For whatever reason, you left out The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Muppet Christmas Carol (which was awesome) and Muppet Treasure Island. I never saw MTM or MTI. Pretty sure there was a space Muppet movie too. Didn't see it.
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I think everybody thought they phoned in "Muppets in Space." I didn't see MCC nor MTI. Apparently I should check out MCC. I thought the Muppets Take Manhattan was nice, but I didn't think it measured up to the first 2. I would still sit down to watch it, I just didn't think it needed recommending.
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