No, you don't want your Way books around. After all, everything "gives off something." ha ha I'd rather have Stephen King novels in my house.
And as for Corps Week & ROA, we were expecting to actually quit a job if we had to because Corps Week and the ROA were "spiritual priority." You were expected to use all your vacation leave if you had to, and quit if you coudn't.
No, you don't want your Way books around. After all, everything "gives off something." ha ha I'd rather have Stephen King novels in my house.
And as for Corps Week & ROA, we were expecting to actually quit a job if we had to because Corps Week and the ROA were "spiritual priority." You were expected to use all your vacation leave if you had to, and quit if you coudn't.
Yeah......the MOG dictates to QUIT YOUR JOB [if you have to] and get to every corps week and roa. With travel time and all, it consumed three weeks every, other long weekend corps meetings and advances and classes. And, finds out that ole veepee STAYED ON VAN WERT PAYROLL UNTIL AUGUST 1957 while running Leonard's class from October 1953 and onward AND later, heading off on his India itinerary.
When did wierwille QUIT HIS JOB? After he'd milked the church for all he could and AFTER he had "all his ducks in a row" to strike out with Leonard's class and skimmed off a number of the church faithful. Yeah.....WIERWILLE THE HYPOCRIT.
Yeah, and if you then had to find a new job, you had to make sure they would let you off for those 3 weeks in August, which was always a good thing to bring up in a job interview.
I just thought of something. Do you think that during the 1st century, when the believers in Rome had to meet in the catacombs, that there was some elite group who went ahead of everyone and did set-up? You know, like taking string and making sure all the rocks were aligned and were decent and in order? Then they'd get ripped by the Apostle Peter if a rock were out of place?
Peter: "Dammit! You call yourself Corps? How am I supposed to preach the gospel with a rock out of place?"
Peter: "Why is there dirt all over the floor? The lighting is terrible and there's a musty odor in here. Why's that?"
Believer: "Um, because we're meeting in a cave to hide from the Roman authorities who are trying to kill all of us."
Peter: "Well, I'm sorry, the Word just won't move without things being decent and in order. I can't teach here. I'd like to, but the Word can't be taught in such a dirty place. Sorry, I'm off to Galatia".
Yeah, and if you then had to find a new job, you had to make sure they would let you off for those 3 weeks in August, which was always a good thing to bring up in a job interview.
Only a sociopath like wierwille could start a corps program, set up more and more hoops,
kick the corps in the teeth daily and demand more slave servitude, demand they work for free,
or work for a pittance on staff with leadership that was ANTI-FAMILY.......and then incredulously
WONDER why in he!l the corps "won't faithfully keep standing on this corpse commitment."
Try upending your life EVERY YEAR and starting over.
Try convincing your new boss with that pot-hole resume to hire you.
Try looking yourself in the mirror and believing that its going to ever get better.
The corps were following in the steps of a lunatic.
I just thought of something. Do you think that during the 1st century, when the believers in Rome had to meet in the catacombs, that there was some elite group who went ahead of everyone and did set-up? You know, like taking string and making sure all the rocks were aligned and were decent and in order? Then they'd get ripped by the Apostle Peter if a rock were out of place?
Peter: "Dammit! You call yourself Corps? How am I supposed to preach the gospel with a rock out of place?"
Peter: "Why is there dirt all over the floor? The lighting is terrible and there's a musty odor in here. Why's that?"
Believer: "Um, because we're meeting in a cave to hide from the Roman authorities who are trying to kill all of us."
Peter: "Well, I'm sorry, the Word just won't move without things being decent and in order. I can't teach here. I'd like to, but the Word can't be taught in such a dirty place. Sorry, I'm off to Galatia".
I suppose that is possible, but one thing to consider is, that until the mid 1800s it took pretty much all the daylight hours for people to survive. Nobody cared about details like that. The first president to install a bathtub in the white house was Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) and most regular folks took baths once a week. You think EW Bullinger cared about stringing chairs when HE taught the word???
When I took the Advanced Class there was a point early in the class when the coordinator reproved our class for something being "not decent and in order". The coordinator then went off on a 15 minute oration about all the effort the class crew went through to make sure things were decent and in order, including stringing chairs. The coordinator said it was very important to God that every physical part of our life be decent and in order if we expected to hear from God and to be able to walk the walk of power.
He then told us that VPW was so spiritually in tune that VPW could walk into a meeting room and declare that something was wrong or out of order without actually seeing it. He just KNEW there was something out of order. Of course the crew eventually found whatever it was (dirt behind a piece of furniture or something broken) and fixed it. This exuded ohhs and ahhs from our class.
I thought of this recently as crews searched for the missing Malaysian plane. I was amazed at all the things they were finding that could have been a plane but turned out to be something else. If you are intently searching for something you may end up finding other things. I thought of VPW turning a whole setup crew into a search party to find whatever it was that was physically (and thus spiritually) not decent and in order. Oh they would find something.
Then as we were watching the videos there was a segment where VPW was teaching and How Weird Allen came out with his tool box to show how having the holy spirit is like having a tool box. We have to be willing to use the tools. BUT, as VPW and Allen went through the different tools they came across a carpenter's level. VPW laid the level on the desk and got down and eyeballed it with Allen, then declared that the desk was not level and that Way Builders would fix it before the next session. I thought "wait a minute, I thought VPW could just "know" when something was not decent and in order. How could he have sat at an unlevel desk for hours and not "known" it.
I thought "wait a minute, I thought VPW could just "know" when something was not decent and in order. How could he have sat at an unlevel desk for hours and not "known" it.
Well, there you have it, folks, the veepster was not on the level.
Oh geez these posts are a hoot. One thing that bugged me is that it seems like the apostles always had jobs. I mean, they did what they had to do in order not to be a burden on their flock. Heck, even Jesus was trained as a carpenter until he started his ministry, wasn't he? And HIS ministry was REAL work. But I am enjoying these posts, lol. :)
Oh geez these posts are a hoot. One thing that bugged me is that it seems like the apostles always had jobs. I mean, they did what they had to do in order not to be a burden on their flock. Heck, even Jesus was trained as a carpenter until he started his ministry, wasn't he? And HIS ministry was REAL work. But I am enjoying these posts, lol.
If pushed, no doubt VPW could call himself a farmer. Since he was raised on, and lived on, a farm.
Then he gave it up, just like the apostles gave up fishing, because of the greatness of the ministerial call on his life.
And that Paul? Obviously couldn't believe for the greatness of God's Word to support him hence he had to remain a saddle- or tent-maker (depending on your reading of his job title).
Oh my gosh twinks. You are reminding me when I pointed out that the apostles got their butts whipped sometimes. This was in response to some lady telling me about "sonship" rights, and how some believer got mugged or beat up or jumped or something like that, and that didn't have to happen. She told me that the apostles did a lot of things wrong. Holy Moses on a mountain. These people think they walk better than the first century apostles. And I was swallowing this stuff up.
i suppose craig had to find a job? boo hoo
all these off-shoot lazy hypocrites including accountant and wife make me sick
wierwille wasn't man enough to work on the farm i suppose
oh and rewards for all that physical detail stuff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i'd be happy to tell god and our lord that it wasn't worth it to me
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
sue me, i'm stupid, take away a crown !!!!!
i'd rather help a person in need than string a chair or line up a butter knife any day :evildenk:/>
Oh my goodness exie your killing me. And I don't even want to start a conversation about lining up a butter knife lol. I don't even want to know what that means lol. Take away a crown, lololololololol. :P I don't think you have to worry about that lol.
Table etiquette in the programs had to follow a strict set of rules called Christian Etiquette. There is even a booklet that outlines all the details. I still have a copy. All the eating utensils had to be precisely placed. There was an exacting protocol that had to be followed regarding seating, passing food,asking for seconds, and on and on. Now, I'm not saying that table manners are a bad thing, on the contrary. But, holy mother of pearl, every meal has to follow a strict regimen? In FellowLaborers, we ate with these same 50 people, day in and day out, year after year. Was it really necessary to say "mother, may I?" every time you wanted a second helping of deliciously steamed millet deluxe or wilted endive and flax seed salad? What was supposed to happen if you didn't follow the rules, spiritual flatulence or something?
Table etiquette in the programs had to follow a strict set of rules called Christian Etiquette. There is even a booklet that outlines all the details. I still have a copy. All the eating utensils had to be precisely placed. There was an exacting protocol that had to be followed regarding seating, passing food,asking for seconds, and on and on. Now, I'm not saying that table manners are a bad thing, on the contrary. But, holy mother of pearl, every meal has to follow a strict regimen? In FellowLaborers, we ate with these same 50 people, day in and day out, year after year. Was it really necessary to say "mother, may I?" every time you wanted a second helping of deliciously steamed millet deluxe or wilted endive and flax seed salad? What was supposed to happen if you didn't follow the rules, spiritual flatulence or something?
I agree that all that etiquette stuff while you're trying to eat was sometimes a royal PITA - - BUT I loved it when we got to "Roll Away". Singing that almost always changed my mood!
I agree that all that etiquette stuff while you're trying to eat was sometimes a royal PITA - - BUT I loved it when we got to "Roll Away". Singing that almost always changed my mood!
Yeah, well, you probably didn't sing it 730+ days in a row. :(
I was never on setup at the Rock of Ages, but if I remember correctly, that setup crew had to string chairs for the entire Big Top (and I guess in all the other big tents with chairs, too) between teachings. What a humongous waste of manpower and people's time!
When I was at Gunnison in early 1985, our twig was in charge of setup in the meeting room above the dining hall in the Gunnison. I remember one night in particular that we had set up, checked, and rechecked the chairs, then went back to our cabins to get dressed for the meeting. We were called back by T*m Jen*in*son and yelled at because the chairs were all in disarray ... and they were! I think to this day that he did that himself just so he could yell.
Hard to imagine he had time for that later when he was trying to get a married friend of mine to service him when he was at Emporia. The husband of the woman wanted her to go along with it so he would be able to move up in the Corps. That eventually let to their divorce ... I mean, how could someone really love his wife and let that b*st*ard anywhere near her? It amazes me that Mrs. TJ now is a marriage counselor ... what a joke! But I digress from stringing...
Another place where all the tables had to be laid out in their perfect rows, and all the chairs in their perfect position, and all the cutlery on the table in its perfect position.
I don't remember stringing any of these - the chairs and the tables were always in exactly the same position (and someone's earlier tip about where the chair legs were always placed comes to mind).
It does look nice when the dining room is properly set and all the places properly set. All the knives with the blades facing the same way, all the dessert spoons and forks set up the same way, etc.
It was part of the "training" though, to ensure that we could set a table and thus always be able to get (low level) jobs in restaurants as wait staff on our WoW years - and in post-grad years when we had to have jobs that would fit in with ministry schedules.
Waysider: LOLOLOL! Thanks for the explanation. I totally understand your point! :)
WW: What a great response to exies comment. "So would Jesus." That sums it up alright.
And boy, thanks a lot krys, NOW I'm going to want to here ROLL AWAY!!! Was that just unique to the Way or is that like a real song? Perhaps a real song with "rightly divided lyrics?" ;)
I remember some 6th Corps guys got off their chairs and on the floor and literally "rolled away" during that song. I don't know how they got away with it.
Waysider: LOLOLOL! Thanks for the explanation. I totally understand your point! :)/>
WW: What a great response to exies comment. "So would Jesus." That sums it up alright.
And boy, thanks a lot krys, NOW I'm going to want to here ROLL AWAY!!! Was that just unique to the Way or is that like a real song? Perhaps a real song with "rightly divided lyrics?" ;)/>
Got it in one- it was an existing song with slightly altered,
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Broken Arrow
I just thought of something. Do you think that during the 1st century, when the believers in Rome had to meet in the catacombs, that there was some elite group who went ahead of everyone and did set-u
Broken Arrow
You think they sang that to Craig?
This one might have been a good choice:
No, you don't want your Way books around. After all, everything "gives off something." ha ha I'd rather have Stephen King novels in my house.
And as for Corps Week & ROA, we were expecting to actually quit a job if we had to because Corps Week and the ROA were "spiritual priority." You were expected to use all your vacation leave if you had to, and quit if you coudn't.
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Yeah......the MOG dictates to QUIT YOUR JOB [if you have to] and get to every corps week and roa. With travel time and all, it consumed three weeks every, other long weekend corps meetings and advances and classes. And, finds out that ole veepee STAYED ON VAN WERT PAYROLL UNTIL AUGUST 1957 while running Leonard's class from October 1953 and onward AND later, heading off on his India itinerary.
When did wierwille QUIT HIS JOB? After he'd milked the church for all he could and AFTER he had "all his ducks in a row" to strike out with Leonard's class and skimmed off a number of the church faithful. Yeah.....WIERWILLE THE HYPOCRIT.
The guy was a false teacher.
The guy was a snake oil salesman.
The guy was grade-A hypocrisy on a stick.
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Yeah, and if you then had to find a new job, you had to make sure they would let you off for those 3 weeks in August, which was always a good thing to bring up in a job interview.
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And lotsa other books, many of which I burned. I didn't' want them falling into someone else's hands and luring them to investigate / join TWI.
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i suppose craig had to find a job? boo hoo
all these off-shoot lazy hypocrites including accountant and wife make me sick
wierwille wasn't man enough to work on the farm i suppose
oh and rewards for all that physical detail stuff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i'd be happy to tell god and our lord that it wasn't worth it to me
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
sue me, i'm stupid, take away a crown !!!!!
i'd rather help a person in need than string a chair or line up a butter knife any day
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Broken Arrow
I just thought of something. Do you think that during the 1st century, when the believers in Rome had to meet in the catacombs, that there was some elite group who went ahead of everyone and did set-up? You know, like taking string and making sure all the rocks were aligned and were decent and in order? Then they'd get ripped by the Apostle Peter if a rock were out of place?
Peter: "Dammit! You call yourself Corps? How am I supposed to preach the gospel with a rock out of place?"
Peter: "Why is there dirt all over the floor? The lighting is terrible and there's a musty odor in here. Why's that?"
Believer: "Um, because we're meeting in a cave to hide from the Roman authorities who are trying to kill all of us."
Peter: "Well, I'm sorry, the Word just won't move without things being decent and in order. I can't teach here. I'd like to, but the Word can't be taught in such a dirty place. Sorry, I'm off to Galatia".
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Only a sociopath like wierwille could start a corps program, set up more and more hoops,
kick the corps in the teeth daily and demand more slave servitude, demand they work for free,
or work for a pittance on staff with leadership that was ANTI-FAMILY.......and then incredulously
WONDER why in he!l the corps "won't faithfully keep standing on this corpse commitment."
Try upending your life EVERY YEAR and starting over.
Try convincing your new boss with that pot-hole resume to hire you.
Try looking yourself in the mirror and believing that its going to ever get better.
The corps were following in the steps of a lunatic.
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I suppose that is possible, but one thing to consider is, that until the mid 1800s it took pretty much all the daylight hours for people to survive. Nobody cared about details like that. The first president to install a bathtub in the white house was Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) and most regular folks took baths once a week. You think EW Bullinger cared about stringing chairs when HE taught the word???
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When I took the Advanced Class there was a point early in the class when the coordinator reproved our class for something being "not decent and in order". The coordinator then went off on a 15 minute oration about all the effort the class crew went through to make sure things were decent and in order, including stringing chairs. The coordinator said it was very important to God that every physical part of our life be decent and in order if we expected to hear from God and to be able to walk the walk of power.
He then told us that VPW was so spiritually in tune that VPW could walk into a meeting room and declare that something was wrong or out of order without actually seeing it. He just KNEW there was something out of order. Of course the crew eventually found whatever it was (dirt behind a piece of furniture or something broken) and fixed it. This exuded ohhs and ahhs from our class.
I thought of this recently as crews searched for the missing Malaysian plane. I was amazed at all the things they were finding that could have been a plane but turned out to be something else. If you are intently searching for something you may end up finding other things. I thought of VPW turning a whole setup crew into a search party to find whatever it was that was physically (and thus spiritually) not decent and in order. Oh they would find something.
Then as we were watching the videos there was a segment where VPW was teaching and How Weird Allen came out with his tool box to show how having the holy spirit is like having a tool box. We have to be willing to use the tools. BUT, as VPW and Allen went through the different tools they came across a carpenter's level. VPW laid the level on the desk and got down and eyeballed it with Allen, then declared that the desk was not level and that Way Builders would fix it before the next session. I thought "wait a minute, I thought VPW could just "know" when something was not decent and in order. How could he have sat at an unlevel desk for hours and not "known" it.
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Well, there you have it, folks, the veepster was not on the level.
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Oh geez these posts are a hoot.
One thing that bugged me is that it seems like the apostles always had jobs. I mean, they did what they had to do in order not to be a burden on their flock. Heck, even Jesus was trained as a carpenter until he started his ministry, wasn't he? And HIS ministry was REAL work. But I am enjoying these posts, lol. :)
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If pushed, no doubt VPW could call himself a farmer. Since he was raised on, and lived on, a farm.
Then he gave it up, just like the apostles gave up fishing, because of the greatness of the ministerial call on his life.
And that Paul? Obviously couldn't believe for the greatness of God's Word to support him hence he had to remain a saddle- or tent-maker (depending on your reading of his job title).
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Oh my gosh twinks. You are reminding me when I pointed out that the apostles got their butts whipped sometimes. This was in response to some lady telling me about "sonship" rights, and how some believer got mugged or beat up or jumped or something like that, and that didn't have to happen. She told me that the apostles did a lot of things wrong. Holy Moses on a mountain. These people think they walk better than the first century apostles. And I was swallowing this stuff up.
Oh my goodness exie your killing me. And I don't even want to start a conversation about lining up a butter knife lol. I don't even want to know what that means lol. Take away a crown, lololololololol. :P I don't think you have to worry about that lol.
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Lining up a butter knife:
Table etiquette in the programs had to follow a strict set of rules called Christian Etiquette. There is even a booklet that outlines all the details. I still have a copy. All the eating utensils had to be precisely placed. There was an exacting protocol that had to be followed regarding seating, passing food,asking for seconds, and on and on. Now, I'm not saying that table manners are a bad thing, on the contrary. But, holy mother of pearl, every meal has to follow a strict regimen? In FellowLaborers, we ate with these same 50 people, day in and day out, year after year. Was it really necessary to say "mother, may I?" every time you wanted a second helping of deliciously steamed millet deluxe or wilted endive and flax seed salad? What was supposed to happen if you didn't follow the rules, spiritual flatulence or something?
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Broken Arrow
Hmm, maybe that's my problem.
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Actually, vpw WASN'T man enough to work on the farm. He shirked his chores,
and ran off alone for HOURS instead. His own father thought he was a bad choice
for ministry work because he wasn't even diligent enough to do chores on a farm.
vpw himself documented all that, between "The Way: Living in Love" and the
other biographical books.
So would Jesus.
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Shortest verse in the (WRV) Way Revised Bible:
"Jesus strung."
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I agree that all that etiquette stuff while you're trying to eat was sometimes a royal PITA - - BUT I loved it when we got to "Roll Away". Singing that almost always changed my mood!
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Yeah, well, you probably didn't sing it 730+ days in a row. :(
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I was never on setup at the Rock of Ages, but if I remember correctly, that setup crew had to string chairs for the entire Big Top (and I guess in all the other big tents with chairs, too) between teachings. What a humongous waste of manpower and people's time!
When I was at Gunnison in early 1985, our twig was in charge of setup in the meeting room above the dining hall in the Gunnison. I remember one night in particular that we had set up, checked, and rechecked the chairs, then went back to our cabins to get dressed for the meeting. We were called back by T*m Jen*in*son and yelled at because the chairs were all in disarray ... and they were! I think to this day that he did that himself just so he could yell.
Hard to imagine he had time for that later when he was trying to get a married friend of mine to service him when he was at Emporia. The husband of the woman wanted her to go along with it so he would be able to move up in the Corps. That eventually let to their divorce ... I mean, how could someone really love his wife and let that b*st*ard anywhere near her? It amazes me that Mrs. TJ now is a marriage counselor ... what a joke! But I digress from stringing...
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Ah, the dining room.
Another place where all the tables had to be laid out in their perfect rows, and all the chairs in their perfect position, and all the cutlery on the table in its perfect position.
I don't remember stringing any of these - the chairs and the tables were always in exactly the same position (and someone's earlier tip about where the chair legs were always placed comes to mind).
It does look nice when the dining room is properly set and all the places properly set. All the knives with the blades facing the same way, all the dessert spoons and forks set up the same way, etc.
It was part of the "training" though, to ensure that we could set a table and thus always be able to get (low level) jobs in restaurants as wait staff on our WoW years - and in post-grad years when we had to have jobs that would fit in with ministry schedules.
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Waysider: LOLOLOL! Thanks for the explanation. I totally understand your point! :)
WW: What a great response to exies comment. "So would Jesus." That sums it up alright.
And boy, thanks a lot krys, NOW I'm going to want to here ROLL AWAY!!! Was that just unique to the Way or is that like a real song? Perhaps a real song with "rightly divided lyrics?" ;)
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I remember some 6th Corps guys got off their chairs and on the floor and literally "rolled away" during that song. I don't know how they got away with it.
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Got it in one- it was an existing song with slightly altered,
"rightly divided lyrics."
It's "Rolled Away."
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