WW and waysider..Thank you!!! :biglaugh: I could only listen to HALF of each song, because I'm at work and my boss was giving me a goofy look like I have 3 heads. So I will listen to it more when I get home, lol. But now I have the idea. I don't know, I had it in my head it was about rolling the dishes away, since somebody mentioned it was done while clearing the dishes. lol. You know, a working song, like I've been working on the railroad. Silly me. But thank you!
Yes, it was used as an ambiguous reference to clearing the table.... That's probably why it became ROLL Away instead of ROLLED Away. Just a guess on that part.
Yes, it was used as an ambiguous reference to clearing the table.... That's probably why it became ROLL Away instead of ROLLED Away. Just a guess on that part.
Hard to imagine he had time for that later when he was trying to get a married friend of mine to service him when he was at Emporia. The husband of the woman wanted her to go along with it so he would be able to move up in the Corps. That eventually let to their divorce ... I mean, how could someone really love his wife and let that b*st*ard anywhere near her? It amazes me that Mrs. TJ now is a marriage counselor ... what a joke! But I digress from stringing...
did anyone f'in g hear this?
i'm starting to get so mad that i feel like on every frikking post i'm just going to talk about ABUSE ABUSE LIES Bdang COERSION F'D UPNESS HYPOCRISY CRAP EVERYTHING THE STUPID WAYFER Bdang CULT STOOD FOR
i'm ashamed you all should be especially you people who are still IN IT didn't your mother raise you better you frikkin weaklings just like I WAS
i'm starting to get so mad that i feel like on every frikking post i'm just going to talk about ABUSE ABUSE LIES Bdang COERSION F'D UPNESS HYPOCRISY CRAP EVERYTHING THE STUPID WAYFER Bdang CULT STOOD FOR
i'm ashamed you all should be especially you people who are still IN IT didn't your mother raise you better you frikkin weaklings just like I WAS
I hear ya exie. I really love the expression used on here, referring to people still in this group as "still drinking the kool-aid." One of the many problems that I look back on with the offshoots, is the freaking blinders they put on when it comes to the reality of what really went down. They just pretend it didn't happen, and hush things up.
In that they are not alone though. The Catholic church hushed abuse up for years, until it finally exploded. And even some of the well known ministers, Heck, I don't know if anybody here watches Daystar, but Marcus and Joni Lamb, who run that station, Marcus had a 7 year affair with some woman, and only came out and admitted it, (like he was some big freaking hero) because it was about to be exposed. But you never hear him talk about it anymore, it was just like, okay, I had to come out and admit it, now lets just shut up about it. Man that guy gives me the creeps. I love his wife, but he is major creep-a-zoid.
Never cared for him, ever. with that creepy facial hair and he's got this really thin white-boy voice and he tries to preach like TD Jakes. You would have to watch him to see what I mean. It's pathetic. I guess it would be comparable to watching Craig Martindale dance, from what I've read on GS. Anyway...
I read that at least 3 poeple who had real integrity QUIT his show when that was going on.
I guess the point is, there will always be people who will drink the koolaid and not want to face the facts, because the facts get in the way of the pretend world they want people to believe they are living. Hell, it all comes down to money greed power and glory. all the stuff that got the devil in trouble.
I really don't like to knock JAL too much, because CES at the time was a good, temporary halfway house for me to de-waybrain me, years ago, but I remember him saying to me, "There is power to be had." And that struck me as rather odd. That somebody would want to follow God because of His power. Ya know? God aint no fool. He knows our hearts. And he isn't going to reward us if our motives are wrong.
Okay, I'm rambling now. I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with my new Kindle Fire and why it won't let me load apps on it. :(/>/>/>
Okay I have to comment on this...
You know, I could never again hear "Roll Away" and I would be just fine. That and "Happy Trails".
Happy TRAILS? The cowboy song? The Wayfers sang that??? Huh?
Wayfers would sing that to anyone who had been visiting and was leaving and wave their napkins at the end.
OH my gosh,!! Now that is funny. I Love it! I can almost picture it in my mind. I'll have to use that sometime for myself when somebody is leaving the office or something, lol.
sometimes i can laugh at this stuff most especially at myself
but lately i find i'm disgusted
when you are a teenager and the ones you are looking up to (no matter how wrong you are) are so corrupt, i don't find excuses for them any longer. good god almighty i am now 57 years old
i'm 57 did you hear me?
wierwille vp raped me
wierwille harry felt me up and laughed with delight how young and firm i was
finnegan outcasted me for drinking at a christmas party in new knoxville
tom jenkinson wanted to throw me out for partying in crested butted colorado
pat lynn wanted to throw me out in emporia for partying at christmas party in ohio
craig got involved of course. now he was pure white
i was a pfal teenager,corps 21 to 23 years old, and they wiped the floor with me big time
i called my mom. she said get out, but i didn't until later
oh my god
you damn hypocrites
i guess i didn't get thrown out because wierwille still was after me
i could go into detail about these above "leaders" and what they did on their "leadership watch"
there was this really lovely girl on here who got raped hitchhiking on LEAD. she isn't here anymore. i worry every day she might have killed herself.
and the guy who was hitching with her, probably as bad off as she from the guilt
lovely wonderfu cult
ken barden died and i don't think we blinked
why did pat lynn and whats his face pat powell go on a trip together?
why did john lynn and nancy wh*ipple get together?
why were these "people" so mean to so many of us?
why was chris geer having sex with other women in emporia?
and then throwing people out of the way corps in britain? calling them up in front of clergy and exposing their maritial sexual problems?
why when i told wierwille about it did he say "how long do i have to suck your corps asses"?
what nasty nasty people
and i hate to tell you but rosalie rivenbark is even nastier than these men, but i guess she and donna lombardi will lively happily ever after -- hopefully in hell
sounds terrible, but they really need to get a grip
if they are in heaven and some of these others when i get there, dear jesus, allow me just one spit
there was this really lovely girl on here who got raped hitchhiking on LEAD. she isn't here anymore. i worry every day she might have killed herself.
and the guy who was hitching with her, probably as bad off as she from the guilt
lovely wonderfu cult
ken barden died and i don't think we blinked
why did pat lynn and whats his face pat powell go on a trip together?
why did john lynn and nancy wh*ipple get together?
why were these "people" so mean to so many of us?
why was chris geer having sex with other women in emporia?
and then throwing people out of the way corps in britain? calling them up in front of clergy and exposing their maritial sexual problems?
why when i told wierwille about it did he say "how long do i have to suck your corps asses"?
what nasty nasty people
and i hate to tell you but rosalie rivenbark is even nastier than these men, but i guess she and donna lombardi will lively happily ever after -- hopefully in hell
sounds terrible, but they really need to get a grip
if they are in heaven and some of these others when i get there, dear jesus, allow me just one spit
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
So sorry you had to go through all that, excie. I was clueless about all that evil. It wasn't until I was out and hearing it from ExWayfers and reading about that stuff on Waydale and here that I became aware. Blows my mind.
Excie.......I am glad that you shared all of that even though I'm sure it was painful and the anger rose in you when you did. And the reason I say that is SO MANY PEOPLE are in denial about leaders that were in TWI........I think people could see the reality with VP or one or two others.....but the truth of the matter is that most leaders were corrupt and followed in the footsteps of VP.....but no one but a few really knew that and some, only thought it was a couple of people in leadership that was corrupt.
I'm sorry you endured what you did in TWI......So many could repeat some of your stories as being true in their experience in TWI.
I have prayed and will continue to pray for your healing. I know God is the only one who could of put my life back together again and I'm so thankful he did. I believe total healing will come at the Return.
Hugs to you Excie!!
And so all these things, stringing of chairs, picking up pieces of paper, getting the silverware just right and on and on......These things were blown up to be the most important things that we would have to master if we were truly spiritual. I wonder how many of the leaders ever did what they had others do??? And here's another thought I have, I wonder how many of them NOW think back to those times they demanded things done like this and are ashamed they did..........I wonder.
good points new life and outs. Exie, I hesitate asking you this, but I'm wondering if you have ever seen Joyce Meyer's testimony. I mean HER testimony about her life growing up? It's very painful to watch, but damn, I think she does quite a service to people about being so transparent and honest. Plus she was doing this while her dad was still alive, which he's not anymore.
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Broken Arrow
I just thought of something. Do you think that during the 1st century, when the believers in Rome had to meet in the catacombs, that there was some elite group who went ahead of everyone and did set-u
Broken Arrow
You think they sang that to Craig?
This one might have been a good choice:
Broken Arrow
You know, I could never again hear "Roll Away" and I would be just fine. That and "Happy Trails".
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WW and waysider..Thank you!!!
:biglaugh: I could only listen to HALF of each song, because I'm at work and my boss was giving me a goofy look like I have 3 heads. So I will listen to it more when I get home, lol. But now I have the idea. I don't know, I had it in my head it was about rolling the dishes away, since somebody mentioned it was done while clearing the dishes. lol. You know, a working song, like I've been working on the railroad. Silly me. But thank you!
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Yes, it was used as an ambiguous reference to clearing the table.... That's probably why it became ROLL Away instead of ROLLED Away. Just a guess on that part.
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AHHH. Gotcha, lol. Gotta love it, lol.
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did anyone f'in g hear this?
i'm starting to get so mad that i feel like on every frikking post i'm just going to talk about ABUSE ABUSE LIES Bdang COERSION F'D UPNESS HYPOCRISY CRAP EVERYTHING THE STUPID WAYFER Bdang CULT STOOD FOR
i'm ashamed you all should be especially you people who are still IN IT didn't your mother raise you better you frikkin weaklings just like I WAS
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I hear ya exie. I really love the expression used on here, referring to people still in this group as "still drinking the kool-aid." One of the many problems that I look back on with the offshoots, is the freaking blinders they put on when it comes to the reality of what really went down. They just pretend it didn't happen, and hush things up.
In that they are not alone though. The Catholic church hushed abuse up for years, until it finally exploded. And even some of the well known ministers, Heck, I don't know if anybody here watches Daystar, but Marcus and Joni Lamb, who run that station, Marcus had a 7 year affair with some woman, and only came out and admitted it, (like he was some big freaking hero) because it was about to be exposed. But you never hear him talk about it anymore, it was just like, okay, I had to come out and admit it, now lets just shut up about it. Man that guy gives me the creeps. I love his wife, but he is major creep-a-zoid.
Never cared for him, ever. with that creepy facial hair and he's got this really thin white-boy voice and he tries to preach like TD Jakes. You would have to watch him to see what I mean. It's pathetic. I guess it would be comparable to watching Craig Martindale dance, from what I've read on GS. Anyway...
I read that at least 3 poeple who had real integrity QUIT his show when that was going on.
I guess the point is, there will always be people who will drink the koolaid and not want to face the facts, because the facts get in the way of the pretend world they want people to believe they are living. Hell, it all comes down to money greed power and glory. all the stuff that got the devil in trouble.
I really don't like to knock JAL too much, because CES at the time was a good, temporary halfway house for me to de-waybrain me, years ago, but I remember him saying to me, "There is power to be had." And that struck me as rather odd. That somebody would want to follow God because of His power. Ya know? God aint no fool. He knows our hearts. And he isn't going to reward us if our motives are wrong.
Okay, I'm rambling now. I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with my new Kindle Fire and why it won't let me load apps on it. :(/>/>/>
Okay I have to comment on this...
Happy TRAILS? The cowboy song? The Wayfers sang that??? Huh?
Edited by RottieGrrrlLink to comment
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Wayfers would sing that to anyone who had been visiting and was leaving and wave their napkins at the end.
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OH my gosh,!!
Now that is funny. I Love it! I can almost picture it in my mind. I'll have to use that sometime for myself when somebody is leaving the office or something, lol.
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Oh now that's funny. Can you imagine a Way Revised Bible? Good grief waysider, THAT is a thread in itself!
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Broken Arrow
You think they sang that to Craig?
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I didn't even know the guy and the mind picture is giving me giggle fits!!!!
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They probably didn't, since the "Happy Trails" thing was done for people
we liked, and lcm slipped out the back door rather than draw attention
to the lawsuits some more. Still, it's a funny image.
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This one might have been a good choice:
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"there is power to be had"
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
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and you are absolutely correct excathy
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Great song, Waysider. Most appropriate.
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Yes that is a nice song waysider. I never heard it before. And amen exie and a double pffffttt!
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sometimes i can laugh at this stuff most especially at myself
but lately i find i'm disgusted
when you are a teenager and the ones you are looking up to (no matter how wrong you are) are so corrupt, i don't find excuses for them any longer. good god almighty i am now 57 years old
i'm 57 did you hear me?
wierwille vp raped me
wierwille harry felt me up and laughed with delight how young and firm i was
finnegan outcasted me for drinking at a christmas party in new knoxville
tom jenkinson wanted to throw me out for partying in crested butted colorado
pat lynn wanted to throw me out in emporia for partying at christmas party in ohio
craig got involved of course. now he was pure white
i was a pfal teenager,corps 21 to 23 years old, and they wiped the floor with me big time
i called my mom. she said get out, but i didn't until later
oh my god
you damn hypocrites
i guess i didn't get thrown out because wierwille still was after me
i could go into detail about these above "leaders" and what they did on their "leadership watch"
they make me puke all of them
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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donna lombardi ok'd my abortion
there was this really lovely girl on here who got raped hitchhiking on LEAD. she isn't here anymore. i worry every day she might have killed herself.
and the guy who was hitching with her, probably as bad off as she from the guilt
lovely wonderfu cult
ken barden died and i don't think we blinked
why did pat lynn and whats his face pat powell go on a trip together?
why did john lynn and nancy wh*ipple get together?
why were these "people" so mean to so many of us?
why was chris geer having sex with other women in emporia?
and then throwing people out of the way corps in britain? calling them up in front of clergy and exposing their maritial sexual problems?
why when i told wierwille about it did he say "how long do i have to suck your corps asses"?
what nasty nasty people
and i hate to tell you but rosalie rivenbark is even nastier than these men, but i guess she and donna lombardi will lively happily ever after -- hopefully in hell
sounds terrible, but they really need to get a grip
if they are in heaven and some of these others when i get there, dear jesus, allow me just one spit
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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So sorry you had to go through all that, excie. I was clueless about all that evil. It wasn't until I was out and hearing it from ExWayfers and reading about that stuff on Waydale and here that I became aware. Blows my mind.
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Excie.......I am glad that you shared all of that even though I'm sure it was painful and the anger rose in you when you did. And the reason I say that is SO MANY PEOPLE are in denial about leaders that were in TWI........I think people could see the reality with VP or one or two others.....but the truth of the matter is that most leaders were corrupt and followed in the footsteps of VP.....but no one but a few really knew that and some, only thought it was a couple of people in leadership that was corrupt.
I'm sorry you endured what you did in TWI......So many could repeat some of your stories as being true in their experience in TWI.
I have prayed and will continue to pray for your healing. I know God is the only one who could of put my life back together again and I'm so thankful he did. I believe total healing will come at the Return.
Hugs to you Excie!!
And so all these things, stringing of chairs, picking up pieces of paper, getting the silverware just right and on and on......These things were blown up to be the most important things that we would have to master if we were truly spiritual. I wonder how many of the leaders ever did what they had others do??? And here's another thought I have, I wonder how many of them NOW think back to those times they demanded things done like this and are ashamed they did..........I wonder.
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Yeah and the so-called leaders didn't even have to clean their own houses.
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good points new life and outs. Exie, I hesitate asking you this, but I'm wondering if you have ever seen Joyce Meyer's testimony. I mean HER testimony about her life growing up? It's very painful to watch, but damn, I think she does quite a service to people about being so transparent and honest. Plus she was doing this while her dad was still alive, which he's not anymore.
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i will check her testimony out, rottiedear
i wasn't interested in her because someone i trusted who betrayed me liked her a lot
but i guess that's not reason not to check her out
mwah and thanks
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