I amazes me that Rosalie was chosen to lead TWI. I can't think of anything more oppressive or BORING. Who in their right mind would want anything to do with that place? Are they deliberately bringing about their own demise?
twi was not carefully planned nor managed.
It was improvised around SIN.
vpw set things up the way he did because of his GREED (he wanted the tithes, no accountability, and no taxes),
LUST (well-documented by now, he set up the corps and grounds for lust)
SLOTH (the work of others, presented by vpw who didn't learn them for himself).
rfr knew the right words to say to vpw to stroke his ego and look useful, but planned all along
to get into power behind the scenes while doing no work (SLOTH), and enjoys lots of privileges
without paying for them while advocating privation for everyone ELSE (GREED, PRIDE).
I amazes me that Rosalie was chosen to lead TWI. I can't think of anything more oppressive or BORING. Who in their right mind would want anything to do with that place? Are they deliberately bringing about their own demise?
When I was in rez, LCM announced that he had nominated her as his successor, should he die (all of the trustees had, quite appropriately, nominated substitutes).
It is considered - here - that he nominated her because she knew too many of his secrets. She certainly knew of his physical abuse of women (read the legal papers), facilitated some of his physical abuse - and stopped him assaulting some women who might make trouble. The blackmail price for her collusion and silence? The prezzzidency. :sleep1:/> She wanted the pension pot.
She doesn't want TWI's demise, just doesn't care whether it happens - after her lifetime.
Where this purge was chronically listed.....I don't exactly remember. The purges were coming in waves and if I recall correctly: 1)loyalty purge, 2)homo purge, 3)non-productive purge, 4)debt purge, 5)mortgage purge, 6)wap class purge.
The first purge I heard of was the debt purge, enacted during word in business, spring of 1994. He gave all way corps until the ROA to get out of debt or else DFAC. Then the homo purge dominated the ROA that year. Wonder if Rosie and Donna will tie the knot now (special permission from God). Then soon after the ROA now comes the unproductive evil purge. That's the one that got me and my family out of twi. The loyalty purge sounds like the letter LCM wrote to corps and staff in 1986 demanding allegiance to him instead of "the man across the seas". The other 2 I wasn't around to enjoy.
None of us would've ever even taken pfal if this had been done by VP in the 70s.
Johniam, I understand what you are saying. But I don't understand why TWI did what they did regarding the purges. For example, I know people who have mortgages for their homes. Many of these mortgages are for 20, or 30 years. What were the Way Corps supposed to do if they had a long term mortgage?? Sell their homes, and live where?? Also, what is an "unproductive evil purge?" I was out of TWI by 1988, so I really don't understand why TWI had a lot of purges??
Johniam, I understand what you are saying. But I don't understand why TWI did what they did regarding the purges. For example, I know people who have mortgages for their homes. Many of these mortgages are for 20, or 30 years. What were the Way Corps supposed to do if they had a long term mortgage?? Sell their homes, and live where?? Also, what is an "unproductive evil purge?" I was out of TWI by 1988, so I really don't understand why TWI had a lot of purges??
The corps were not allowed to GET mortgages. They are to be prepared to move whenever twi says so, whenever twi says so, until they die. Even though it's less profitable for them to rent than own often, they're expected to rent so they can move whenever, wherever. The money for all that? The magickal "believing" is supposed to provide that- so if it doesn't appear, that's the fault of the corps person.
"Unproductive evil" was when lcm went on a rampage. People were supposed to give ALL their money and time to twi. If they didn't give ALL their money, they were failing to "plurality give." (How evil is it to be the only group with a term for the practice of "give all your money to us once you've paid your expenses and save none of it"?) If they didn't give ALL their time, they were guilty of "unproductive evil."
lcm was big on purges. vpw did small purges in private. lcm did large purges in public in imitation of vpw. vpw did it quietly with corps, lcm did it openly with the rank-and-file. If you weren't ready to follow lcm off a cliff, he wanted you purged. All the purges were about CONTROL and EGO. They were financial disasters for twi.
The corps were not allowed to GET mortgages. They are to be prepared to move whenever twi says so, whenever twi says so, until they die. Even though it's less profitable for them to rent than own often, they're expected to rent so they can move whenever, wherever. The money for all that? The magickal "believing" is supposed to provide that- so if it doesn't appear, that's the fault of the corps person.
"Unproductive evil" was when lcm went on a rampage. People were supposed to give ALL their money and time to twi. If they didn't give ALL their money, they were failing to "plurality give." (How evil is it to be the only group with a term for the practice of "give all your money to us once you've paid your expenses and save none of it"?) If they didn't give ALL their time, they were guilty of "unproductive evil."
lcm was big on purges. vpw did small purges in private. lcm did large purges in public in imitation of vpw. vpw did it quietly with corps, lcm did it openly with the rank-and-file. If you weren't ready to follow lcm off a cliff, he wanted you purged. All the purges were about CONTROL and EGO. They were financial disasters for twi.
WW, thanks!! What a lot of garbage; Lincoln freed the slaves! And people wondered why I didn't go Corps. I think if I had gone Corps, I would have been kicked- out. I think my time in the Navy was hard, and full of dreck. I think people in the Corps were treated worse than I was in the Navy.
The corps were not allowed to GET mortgages. They are to be prepared to move whenever twi says so, whenever twi says so, until they die. Even though it's less profitable for them to rent than own often, they're expected to rent so they can move whenever, wherever. The money for all that? The magickal "believing" is supposed to provide that- so if it doesn't appear, that's the fault of the corps person.
"Unproductive evil" was when lcm went on a rampage. People were supposed to give ALL their money and time to twi. If they didn't give ALL their money, they were failing to "plurality give." (How evil is it to be the only group with a term for the practice of "give all your money to us once you've paid your expenses and save none of it"?) If they didn't give ALL their time, they were guilty of "unproductive evil."
lcm was big on purges. vpw did small purges in private. lcm did large purges in public in imitation of vpw. vpw did it quietly with corps, lcm did it openly with the rank-and-file. If you weren't ready to follow lcm off a cliff, he wanted you purged. All the purges were about CONTROL and EGO. They were financial disasters for twi.
To add more clarification........
In 1981/1982.....The Way Credit Union opened its doors to way-followers who needed financing for homes and automobiles. Dozens of Way Corps staffers GOT MORTGAGES......ie. finance personnel, security guys - (Linder & others), and others who were "safely ensconced at hq" and would NOT be sent out on the field. Indeed, there was this subliminal "code" that if you served the trustees and higher-ups directly.....they would "take care of you" (and not change your corps assignment to go do outreach on the field).
This in-house perk to staffers was low-key at the time......clearly there was no push to get field corps into long-term mortgages. But if I remember correctly, many field corps did establish a credit line thru the Way Credit Union for car payments.
Advanced Class grads took advantage of The Way Credit Union's lending policies as well.
The years quickly passed.......wierwille died in 1985, geer read his poop paper in 1986, splintering erupted in 1987 and by the early 1990s the debt policy was being taught as doctrine and became fully implemented in 1994. I remember this vividly, because this was prior to all corps going full-time in August 1995.....and if corps were in debt with credit or loan payments, then they were not allowed to go full-time.
Twi's "debt policy" gave the trustees/directors leverage and control over the corps who were coming of age and wanting to build equity and families. As always, it was the field corps.....those who DID the outreach.....who paid dearly. The corps staffers sat in their cozy chairs and paid down their mortgages all thru the 90s......maybe, into the 2000s. There has ALWAYS been a double-standard in the cult. ALWAYS.
I have no idea if The Way Credit Union is still open for business.
WW, thanks!! What a lot of garbage; Lincoln freed the slaves! And people wondered why I didn't go Corps. I think if I had gone Corps, I would have been kicked- out. I think my time in the Navy was hard, and full of dreck. I think people in the Corps were treated worse than I was in the Navy.
Grace , once again I thank you for your service to our country and even though I have never been in the service - over the years I've worked around enough military, former military, and I have even worked on military bases and defense contractor's factories as a security technician contractor - to get a sense of it all.
Now I have been in the way corps and would have to agree with you saying the corps were treated worse than if they were in military service. Because in the military there are set standards - standards of excellence, I might add - as well as protocols - that make sense! There's preparation and training for scenarios in the real world - the bottom line is that it's all geared to preparing men & women to provide much needed defense and support services for our country and even beyond our borders too!
Way corps training ......mmmmm...maybe wierwille's intent was to develop crack troops for God - but in actuality the standards, protocols, training etc. we're all based on one measly little narcissistic megalomaniac (wierwille) and bottom line the focus was always "what would wierwille do?"
Motto of the way corps "it is written" ?!?! That's only a partial rendition - I wish you could see it in the original - it's actually "it is written in PFAL".
The way corps training prepared men and women to provide a "much needed" defense and support services for wierwille's little make-believe world of the way international.
In the real military, you actually GRADUATE from boot camp. I'm just sayin'.
True....but being corps you could get booted out, dropped from active corps, marked and avoided, delivered unto Satan, excommunicated, terminated, erased, cursed and called-out beyond belief, blacklisted, have them put on your permanent record that they wish they could strike you from the record, no sack supper for you, forfeiture of Holy Spirit dove pin and corps name tag, do not pass go - instead go immediately to jail and witness to the spirits in prison...
On the blight side - you could start your own TWI-clone....
...or go legit and develop an honest career path, buy a home, etc. in which case you're raising yourself up by your own bootstraps while at the same time shoving a boot up the a$$es of those dumba$$es at HQ.
Grace , once again I thank you for your service to our country and even though I have never been in the service - over the years I've worked around enough military, former military, and I have even worked on military bases and defense contractor's factories as a security technician contractor - to get a sense of it all.
Now I have been in the way corps and would have to agree with you saying the corps were treated worse than if they were in military service. Because in the military there are set standards - standards of excellence, I might add - as well as protocols - that make sense! There's preparation and training for scenarios in the real world - the bottom line is that it's all geared to preparing men & women to provide much needed defense and support services for our country and even beyond our borders too!
Way corps training ......mmmmm...maybe wierwille's intent was to develop crack troops for God - but in actuality the standards, protocols, training etc. we're all based on one measly little narcissistic megalomaniac (wierwille) and bottom line the focus was always "what would wierwille do?"
Motto of the way corps "it is written" ?!?! That's only a partial rendition - I wish you could see it in the original - it's actually "it is written in PFAL".
The way corps training prepared men and women to provide a "much needed" defense and support services for wierwille's little make-believe world of the way international.
T-Bone, a lot of things in the military didn't make sense to me; sometimes the rules can be very petty. I have never been in the Corps, but a lot of people here at the GSC were. Sometimes I think members of the Corps didn't get enough sleep, or food. And the idea that once people graduated from the Corps, they were at the beck, and call of TWI I thought was Hog Wash!!!! I am in longer in the Navy; I did my time and have two Honorable Discharges to prove it. I remember when the Rock was held in August; the Corps was expected to drop everything, and go to Ohio to work for free, for two weeks. I couldn't believe it!! I know that many people were told not to give their children medications; I would have given the kid(s) the medications, and to Hell with what TWI thought. God, I don't see how anyone could have put up with the BS in the Corps. I would never had made it through.
True....but being corps you could get booted out, dropped from active corps, marked and avoided, delivered unto Satan, excommunicated, terminated, erased, cursed and called-out beyond belief, blacklisted, have them put on your permanent record that they wish they could strike you from the record, no sack supper for you, forfeiture of Holy Spirit dove pin and corps name tag, do not pass go - instead go immediately to jail and witness to the spirits in prison...
On the blight side - you could start your own TWI-clone....
...or go legit and develop an honest career path, buy a home, etc. in which case you're raising yourself up by your own bootstraps while at the same time shoving a boot up the a$$es of those dumba$$es at HQ.
Wow!! I really am glad I never went Corps. I can't believe that people actually paid to go into the Corps, and were treated like dirt. It seems to me, that people who wanted to learn how to serve God, were special beings; and should have been treated as such. I do know one thing; that VPW was not the man to have planned the Way Corps training. He didn't know one damn thing about the military; he skipped serving in WW11. The Corps could have been a great program, if it had been planned by people who knew what they were doing. Instead, it was planned and carried out by scum like VBW. I think about the 3500 people who graduated from the Corps, and think what a difference they could have made in the world, with their love of God, and a burning desire to serve Him.
A) What was it based on? vpw had no experience with the military (which he claimed to base it on), nor experience whatsoever with any programs of leadership training, whether national or local. His supposed understanding came from ideas gleaned from movies and television. Later, he added requirements that endangered people-which he never fulfilled (LEAD, hitch-hiking, etc.) He was like a Pharisee laying heavy burdens on people but not lifting a finger himself. The only thing where real professional training was given was not "counseling" or anything a normal Christian would prioritize. It was SALESMANSHIP. vpw had someone teach the Dale Carnegie sales course to the corps. He didn't pay their licensing fee as was required legally, but does this surprise anyone at this point?
B) What was the screening based on? lcm himself recorded it- people could enter and stay in the program "as long as their money held." People paid quite a bit of money to be in the program-and spend lots of time doing manual labor for twi, paying twi for the privilege! It was quite a profit center for twi.
C) People reported how they were told-in writing- that after graduating the program, they would have the OPTION to accept assignments from twi. Once they were on-grounds, they were then told that they'd signed up for a lifetime of service to twi, which was later revealed to mean "we own you for the rest of your life."
Hey T-Bone, I'll trade you half a ham salad sandwich for an apple and your brawn food bar.
Sorry - a little late for that...since that was part of my "severance package" I had the apple and brawn food bar freeze dried and rolled over to my ROTH 401K Post-Apocalypse Account.
now if you are still interested in trading - I might still have some Shepard's Pie or Pizza with chicken gizzards on it - hermetically sealed in space-age ziplock baggies of course - in my way corps memorabilia footlocker....I'll have to check - let me get back with you on that.
Sorry - a little late for that...since that was part of my "severance package" I had the apple and brawn food bar freeze dried and rolled over to my ROTH 401K Post-Apocalypse Account.
now if you are still interested in trading - I might still have some Shepard's Pie or Pizza with chicken gizzards on it - hermetically sealed in space-age ziplock baggies of course - in my way corps memorabilia footlocker....I'll have to check - let me get back with you on that.
Having trouble finding it? It's probably still in your MAL-PACK.
Having trouble finding it? It's probably still in your MAL-PACK.
And since I organize everything by association - my MAL-PACKs should be near my packs of Pall Mall and Pack Rats I found at the Mall. Thanks for the reminder !
And since I organize everything by association - my MAL-PACKs should be near my packs of Pall Mall and Pack Rats I found at the Mall. Thanks for the reminder !
T-Bone, I know people have mentioned Mal-packs on other threads, but would you please explain what they were??
T-Bone, I know people have mentioned Mal-packs on other threads, but would you please explain what they were??
yoo hoo - oh Waysider could you help us out please
I think it's a reference to packaging emergency essentials - usually you would place items on a pallet and then wrap with plastic to secure the goods in place
yoo hoo - oh Waysider could you help us out please
I think it's a reference to packaging emergency essentials - usually you would place items on a pallet and then wrap with plastic to secure the goods in place
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The corps were not allowed to GET mortgages. They are to be prepared to move whenever twi says so, whenever twi says so, until they die. Even though it's less profitable for them to rent than own oft
I remember a few things about the way corps. A) What was it based on? vpw had no experience with the military (which he claimed to base it on), nor experience whatsoever with any programs of le
Sorry - a little late for that...since that was part of my "severance package" I had the apple and brawn food bar freeze dried and rolled over to my ROTH 401K Post-Apocalypse Account. now if yo
twi was not carefully planned nor managed.
It was improvised around SIN.
vpw set things up the way he did because of his GREED (he wanted the tithes, no accountability, and no taxes),
LUST (well-documented by now, he set up the corps and grounds for lust)
SLOTH (the work of others, presented by vpw who didn't learn them for himself).
rfr knew the right words to say to vpw to stroke his ego and look useful, but planned all along
to get into power behind the scenes while doing no work (SLOTH), and enjoys lots of privileges
without paying for them while advocating privation for everyone ELSE (GREED, PRIDE).
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When I was in rez, LCM announced that he had nominated her as his successor, should he die (all of the trustees had, quite appropriately, nominated substitutes).
It is considered - here - that he nominated her because she knew too many of his secrets. She certainly knew of his physical abuse of women (read the legal papers), facilitated some of his physical abuse - and stopped him assaulting some women who might make trouble. The blackmail price for her collusion and silence? The prezzzidency. :sleep1:/> She wanted the pension pot.
She doesn't want TWI's demise, just doesn't care whether it happens - after her lifetime.
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lcm was dumb as a stone.
rfr cozied up to his wife as an inroads to getting into his inner circle, and,
apparently, convinced him he could trust her.
After that, it was only a matter of time while she positioned herself to be
at an advantage once the law inevitably caught up with lcm.
The man was convinced by vpw that some criminal acts were perfectly fine
and to be recommended-so he was surprised when he got busted for them...
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Grace Valerie Claire
Johniam, I understand what you are saying. But I don't understand why TWI did what they did regarding the purges. For example, I know people who have mortgages for their homes. Many of these mortgages are for 20, or 30 years. What were the Way Corps supposed to do if they had a long term mortgage?? Sell their homes, and live where?? Also, what is an "unproductive evil purge?" I was out of TWI by 1988, so I really don't understand why TWI had a lot of purges??
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The corps were not allowed to GET mortgages. They are to be prepared to move whenever twi says so, whenever twi says so, until they die. Even though it's less profitable for them to rent than own often, they're expected to rent so they can move whenever, wherever. The money for all that? The magickal "believing" is supposed to provide that- so if it doesn't appear, that's the fault of the corps person.
"Unproductive evil" was when lcm went on a rampage. People were supposed to give ALL their money and time to twi. If they didn't give ALL their money, they were failing to "plurality give." (How evil is it to be the only group with a term for the practice of "give all your money to us once you've paid your expenses and save none of it"?) If they didn't give ALL their time, they were guilty of "unproductive evil."
lcm was big on purges. vpw did small purges in private. lcm did large purges in public in imitation of vpw. vpw did it quietly with corps, lcm did it openly with the rank-and-file. If you weren't ready to follow lcm off a cliff, he wanted you purged. All the purges were about CONTROL and EGO. They were financial disasters for twi.
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Grace Valerie Claire
WW, thanks!! What a lot of garbage; Lincoln freed the slaves! And people wondered why I didn't go Corps. I think if I had gone Corps, I would have been kicked- out. I think my time in the Navy was hard, and full of dreck. I think people in the Corps were treated worse than I was in the Navy.
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To add more clarification........
In 1981/1982.....The Way Credit Union opened its doors to way-followers who needed financing for homes and automobiles. Dozens of Way Corps staffers GOT MORTGAGES......ie. finance personnel, security guys - (Linder & others), and others who were "safely ensconced at hq" and would NOT be sent out on the field. Indeed, there was this subliminal "code" that if you served the trustees and higher-ups directly.....they would "take care of you" (and not change your corps assignment to go do outreach on the field).
This in-house perk to staffers was low-key at the time......clearly there was no push to get field corps into long-term mortgages. But if I remember correctly, many field corps did establish a credit line thru the Way Credit Union for car payments.
Advanced Class grads took advantage of The Way Credit Union's lending policies as well.
The years quickly passed.......wierwille died in 1985, geer read his poop paper in 1986, splintering erupted in 1987 and by the early 1990s the debt policy was being taught as doctrine and became fully implemented in 1994. I remember this vividly, because this was prior to all corps going full-time in August 1995.....and if corps were in debt with credit or loan payments, then they were not allowed to go full-time.
Twi's "debt policy" gave the trustees/directors leverage and control over the corps who were coming of age and wanting to build equity and families. As always, it was the field corps.....those who DID the outreach.....who paid dearly. The corps staffers sat in their cozy chairs and paid down their mortgages all thru the 90s......maybe, into the 2000s. There has ALWAYS been a double-standard in the cult. ALWAYS.
I have no idea if The Way Credit Union is still open for business.
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Grace , once again I thank you for your service to our country and even though I have never been in the service - over the years I've worked around enough military, former military, and I have even worked on military bases and defense contractor's factories as a security technician contractor - to get a sense of it all.
Now I have been in the way corps and would have to agree with you saying the corps were treated worse than if they were in military service. Because in the military there are set standards - standards of excellence, I might add - as well as protocols - that make sense! There's preparation and training for scenarios in the real world - the bottom line is that it's all geared to preparing men & women to provide much needed defense and support services for our country and even beyond our borders too!
Way corps training ......mmmmm...maybe wierwille's intent was to develop crack troops for God - but in actuality the standards, protocols, training etc. we're all based on one measly little narcissistic megalomaniac (wierwille) and bottom line the focus was always "what would wierwille do?"
Motto of the way corps "it is written" ?!?! That's only a partial rendition - I wish you could see it in the original - it's actually "it is written in PFAL".
The way corps training prepared men and women to provide a "much needed" defense and support services for wierwille's little make-believe world of the way international.
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To this I would like to add:
In the real military, you actually GRADUATE from boot camp. I'm just sayin'.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Way, that is true!!
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True....but being corps you could get booted out, dropped from active corps, marked and avoided, delivered unto Satan, excommunicated, terminated, erased, cursed and called-out beyond belief, blacklisted, have them put on your permanent record that they wish they could strike you from the record, no sack supper for you, forfeiture of Holy Spirit dove pin and corps name tag, do not pass go - instead go immediately to jail and witness to the spirits in prison...
On the blight side
- you could start your own TWI-clone....
...or go legit and develop an honest career path, buy a home, etc. in which case you're raising yourself up by your own bootstraps while at the same time shoving a boot up the a$$es of those dumba$$es at HQ.
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, a lot of things in the military didn't make sense to me; sometimes the rules can be very petty. I have never been in the Corps, but a lot of people here at the GSC were. Sometimes I think members of the Corps didn't get enough sleep, or food. And the idea that once people graduated from the Corps, they were at the beck, and call of TWI I thought was Hog Wash!!!! I am in longer in the Navy; I did my time and have two Honorable Discharges to prove it. I remember when the Rock was held in August; the Corps was expected to drop everything, and go to Ohio to work for free, for two weeks. I couldn't believe it!! I know that many people were told not to give their children medications; I would have given the kid(s) the medications, and to Hell with what TWI thought. God, I don't see how anyone could have put up with the BS in the Corps. I would never had made it through.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Wow!! I really am glad I never went Corps. I can't believe that people actually paid to go into the Corps, and were treated like dirt. It seems to me, that people who wanted to learn how to serve God, were special beings; and should have been treated as such. I do know one thing; that VPW was not the man to have planned the Way Corps training. He didn't know one damn thing about the military; he skipped serving in WW11. The Corps could have been a great program, if it had been planned by people who knew what they were doing. Instead, it was planned and carried out by scum like VBW. I think about the 3500 people who graduated from the Corps, and think what a difference they could have made in the world, with their love of God, and a burning desire to serve Him.
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Ok maybe I exaggerated a little in my last post...I think you might get one last sack supper as part of a severance package
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Grace Valerie Claire
Wow! Big deal!
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Some thought Way Corps was TWI's version of the Peace Corps, not Wierwille's perverted version of the Marine Corps
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I remember a few things about the way corps.
A) What was it based on? vpw had no experience with the military (which he claimed to base it on), nor experience whatsoever with any programs of leadership training, whether national or local. His supposed understanding came from ideas gleaned from movies and television. Later, he added requirements that endangered people-which he never fulfilled (LEAD, hitch-hiking, etc.) He was like a Pharisee laying heavy burdens on people but not lifting a finger himself. The only thing where real professional training was given was not "counseling" or anything a normal Christian would prioritize. It was SALESMANSHIP. vpw had someone teach the Dale Carnegie sales course to the corps. He didn't pay their licensing fee as was required legally, but does this surprise anyone at this point?
B) What was the screening based on? lcm himself recorded it- people could enter and stay in the program "as long as their money held." People paid quite a bit of money to be in the program-and spend lots of time doing manual labor for twi, paying twi for the privilege! It was quite a profit center for twi.
C) People reported how they were told-in writing- that after graduating the program, they would have the OPTION to accept assignments from twi. Once they were on-grounds, they were then told that they'd signed up for a lifetime of service to twi, which was later revealed to mean "we own you for the rest of your life."
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Hey T-Bone, I'll trade you half a ham salad sandwich for an apple and your brawn food bar.
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Sorry - a little late for that...since that was part of my "severance package" I had the apple and brawn food bar freeze dried and rolled over to my ROTH 401K Post-Apocalypse Account.
now if you are still interested in trading - I might still have some Shepard's Pie or Pizza with chicken gizzards on it - hermetically sealed in space-age ziplock baggies of course - in my way corps memorabilia footlocker....I'll have to check - let me get back with you on that.
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Having trouble finding it? It's probably still in your MAL-PACK.
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And since I organize everything by association - my MAL-PACKs should be near my packs of Pall Mall and Pack Rats I found at the Mall. Thanks for the reminder !
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, I know people have mentioned Mal-packs on other threads, but would you please explain what they were??
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yoo hoo - oh Waysider could you help us out please
I think it's a reference to packaging emergency essentials - usually you would place items on a pallet and then wrap with plastic to secure the goods in place
malpack corp.
but i may be wrong
see also Grease Spot thread below:
new and improved mal-pack
added info
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Grace Valerie Claire
T-Bone, like food, and water?? Clothes??
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