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Joseph Campbell

Seth R.

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Has anyone here read or enjoyed Dr. Campbell's work like The Hero with a Thousand Faces, or The Power of Myth?

Just some very awesome stuff to discover.


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  On 5/24/2013 at 3:56 AM, Seth R. said:

Has anyone here read or enjoyed Dr. Campbell's work like The Hero with a Thousand Faces, or The Power of Myth?

Just some very awesome stuff to discover.


The Power of Myth is occasionally broadcast on PBS. I watched part of it once.

power of myth

If Bill Moyers endorses him, Campbell's got something good going on.

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I just listened to a snip of the Moyers show. Very interesting. I'm definitely going to check it out in greater detail as time permits. I think resistance to this sort of thinking ("Having done all, STAND!") sorely deprives the fundamentalist/advocate-of-inerrancy of an opportunity to explore new and maybe greater horizons.

Edited by waysider
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  On 5/24/2013 at 3:56 AM, Seth R. said:

Has anyone here read or enjoyed Dr. Campbell's work like The Hero with a Thousand Faces, or The Power of Myth?

Just some very awesome stuff to discover.


"Read OR enjoyed?"

I guess the PBS viewers (mentioned above) have enjoyed it without reading

it, and a manadatory school assignment can mean someone read it without

enjoying it.

I've owned a copy of "Hero With a Thousand Faces" since the early 1990s.

It's an interesting read for fans of "the monomyth".

  On 5/24/2013 at 12:23 PM, waysider said:

I just listened to a snip of the Moyers show. Very interesting. I'm definitely going to check it out in greater detail as time permits. I think resistance to this sort of thinking ("Having done all, STAND!") sorely deprives the fundamentalist/advocate-of-inerrancy of an opportunity to explore new and maybe greater horizons.

I think people tend to decide where to cut off their horizons-

often while claiming they have no such cutoffs.

As a student of Psychology or Sociology, I found "A Hero With a Thousand

Faces" to be an interesting read, especially the last chapter.

Judging from your reaction to a small clip of the Moyers show,

I'd recommend sitting down with the actual book or books and seeing

if you still like it/them after reading it/them for yourselves.

A well-read and well-educated fundamentalist can find such a book

as I read enriching without finding it troubling.

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  On 5/26/2013 at 10:08 PM, excathedra said:

i'm sorry bored in less than 3 minutes

Well the videos I shared aren't the best intro. The Power of Myth is better, what you get for free is often not as good as that you have to pay for.

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I think a healthy response to Campbell's work is a healthy response to just about everybody's work,

including mine.

Read it over, consider it, evaluate it, and where there's value, use it, and where there's error,

correct it and discard it (or correct it and use it.)

Otherwise you can end up doing something like fleeing vpw and endorsing Campbell like he's

some sort of guru, even though he was wrong in many places. What he wrote, IMHO, is interesting

and has value, but it doesn't seal up the sum. Or you could survive vpw, then endorse lcm,

then reject lcm and endorse ccg or v2p2 or someone else.

We've got a lot of people who left twi and reject SPECIFIC gurus but retained the ERROR that

one NEEDS a guru to do their spiritual thinking FOR them.

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