Maybe the heavy revvy has changed. Again. Or,... maybe the present truth was altered to fit into the ever-shifting present. Or,... maybe we lack the spiritual maturity to fully comprehend the shiftiness of the heavy revvy. It even comes with a map, which is new; heavy revvy didn't used to come with a map. It used to come with a verbal slap upside the head, but no map. The new heavy revvy shifting present truth has placed the world above the Word, which is new. It used to be the Word came first, but now the world is on top. Ah, but the Word, you see, is at the bottom because it is the firm foundation over which the flat world hovers. I think that about covers it. Unless you want me to go on...
And, taking us back to before the days of world exploration, we have a flat map. Because really, we need the heavy revvy present truth to reflect on the evil of modern technology, and a shift back to days when people were more controllable - when the earth was flat.
You see that way we can get beyond this whole "World Over the World / Word to the World" confusing bit of heavy revvy. If the world is flat, then we can change heavy revvy in the future to be "Word to the 4 Corners of the Earth" and thus make it present truth heavy revvy. Thus the shift in objective will be complete. (Along with firing everybody and absconding with the money, of course).
Does anyone know if they filled even the lower part of the auditorium this year?
They filled the "lower part" of the lower part of the auditorium. You see, it's like the Temple. There's the temple. Then there's the inner temple, which housed the holy of holies. The number of people qualified to be in the presence of the holy of holies - that is the current number of the attendance at the services in the auditorium.
Oh, I would go on, but I have received light revvy. Light revvy is antithiculearoun (Gr.) to heavy revvy, but it's lighter. I hope you have the spiritual maturity to understand that distinction.
My light revvy says, "Dude, Shine The Cheesy Art And Go To Bed."
So, there you are. Whoever you are.
OK wait. The other day, I decided to research the meaning of snow in dreams. You know dreams? I hope you have the spiritual maturity to understand what dreams are. Well, what with all the snow falling all over VP every time he tried to look out a window or hop a plane as a young man, I thought it important. Here's what I found.
To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises.
To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream.
To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt.
To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression.
Heh, no "appearance of illness" but actually severe illness.
Lots of sorrow and disappointment ... mostly because he didn't get the enormous respect his ego demanded.
Dirty snow - could that be, "the air was black with snow"?
Never any reconciliation, though.
Looking through a window - lots of very angry interviews...but not with sweethearts, only with the people he was supposed to care for.
Maybe there is some truth in this "dram" thing, after all.
More than 1,400 sounds embellished, since the auditorium only holds around 1,400. I would love to see a breakdown of their numbers. Usually, to fill the auditorium it took several states of people with freshly twisted arms. Or a few busloads from around the country where they chartered coaches from this or that limb.
Either way, I am sure it was a snorefest. Tom Mullin's was never an exciting teacher, but good at reading note cards and smiling.
Is that their slogan now? Prevailing word TO the world?
I thought it was Prevailing word OVER the world.
Yeah....a bit confusing. It implies they are the word to the world. Here I thought Jesus was the word. See, if you stick around long too can be the prevailing word to the world. They are about as subtle as a flying brick.
More than 1,400 sounds embellished, since the auditorium only holds around 1,400. I would love to see a breakdown of their numbers. Usually, to fill the auditorium it took several states of people with freshly twisted arms. Or a few busloads from around the country where they chartered coaches from this or that limb.
Either way, I am sure it was a snorefest. Tom Mullin's was never an exciting teacher, but good at reading note cards and smiling.
Who among us believes that 1,400 number? After all, we're talking about an organization whose founder
didn't even leave his van wert church until 1957. It's fuzzy math and deluded assumptions.
Did Walt Disney.....after drawing his first few animated cartoon characters declare he started Walt Disney Productions?
Nope. Yet, wierwille gets five little kids to sing and DECLARES STARTING HIS OWN MINISTRY.
And, Tom Mull!ns......the same guy who left twi for many years and was raked over the coals on corps night?
Back in the early 90s, Tom and Brenda were Limb Coordinators of Michigan
Were the Lichts involved in any way? Or did they go to Michigan to replace the Mullins?
Licht seemed to get off on disposing of people, that's why I ask.
Back to Mullins. Very strange case of being reinstated. Rosie makes all dropped corps really tow the line before being allowed back. They even have to repeat the corps training. In fact, last I knew dropped corps (or corps that left) were only allowed to attend fellowships ran by other way corps. Sort of a probationary period where they could keep tabs on the person(s) returning from being out.
They are the highest form of Christianity on the planet.
How can I join?
You can't. So don't ask again. Well, unless you spend years being "trained" and then manage to be selected from on high by Frau Rivenbark and her mate Donna Martindale to sit on the board of dummies, thereby becoming an official member. Otherwise, all you can do is follow by attending a fellowship. Oh, and give 10% and more of your income to the way international in perpetuity.
We the Lichts in anyway? or did they go to Michigan to replace the Mullins?
Licht seemed to get off on disposing of people, that's why I ask.
Back to Mullins. Very strange case of being reinstated. Rosie makes all dropped corps really tow the line before being allowed back. They even have to repeat the corps training. In fact, last I knew dropped corps (or corps that left) were only allowed to attend fellowships ran by other way corps. Sort of a probationary period where they could keep tabs on the person(s) returning from being out. you know, the onslaught of ever-changing policies, teachings, leadership changes, people exiting,
debt purge, homo purge, non-productive evil and destructive evil suspicions, etc. etc. made for a whirlwind of
changing the twi-landscape forever. But yes, I believe you are correct.......the mullins replaced the lichts.
For years, the mullins were on twi's "watch list"........and, seemingly, leadership over them were reporting back to hq
on the mullins' "progress." In other words, the mullins had to jump thru a series of hoops to rebuild their integrity of
supporting twi. I do not recall whether they went back inrez......but they might have. These types of situations are
kept out of public view, of course. Twi does not want to put a spotlight on those leaders who split out.......and, years
later, debase themselves and let the alpha male dominate.
In more subdued fashion, Bill and Regina S@ge resigned from their region responsibilities and slipped away to work secularly
and raise their family. From what I heard, the s@ges had a tough time paying the bills and resolved to go back to twi.
In more subdued fashion, Bill and Regina S@ge resigned from their region responsibilities and slipped away to work secularly
and raise their family. From what I heard, the s@ges had a tough time paying the bills and resolved to go back to twi.
Everybody has got bills to pay. <_<
I was in-rez with the S@ges. Never met a more determined couple to regain what they perceived to have lost. You could never really get close to them either. They were ever on guard to not get caught up in the political machine. I believe he used to be a region coord. He had advanced to Limb last I knew.
I was in-rez with the S@ges. Never met a more determined couple to regain what they perceived to have lost. You could never really get close to them either. They were ever on guard to not get caught up in the political machine. I believe he used to be a region coord. He had advanced to Limb last I knew.
Yes, the s@ges were region coordinators in the mid-west region. They ran the region from Arkansas and
were the Arkansas limb coordinators in conjunction with running the region.
The s@ges........good folk.
Sad to see that they never were able to connect the dots of wierwille and company's evil. At one time,
I held high regard for their depth and insight. But, wasn't all that deep. Good folks, though.
I liked them as well. Though, B!ll was ....ed when I went on the cabinet. A lot of the veteran corps behave that way though, because they seem to think promotion is due to merit. It's due to whim. And from my experience you will never know the true reasons you were promoted, or demoted.
I liked them as well. Though, B!ll was ....ed when I went on the cabinet. A lot of the veteran corps behave that way though, because they seem to think promotion is due to merit. It's due to whim. And from my experience you will never know the true reasons you were promoted, or demoted.
Twi requested that my wife and I meet with our region coordinators when we resigned our limb positions.
So, in our attempt to convey our growing discontent of twi's legalism.......we agreed to meet and address
these disturbing issues. The 15-minute time schedules and endless faxes were just over-the-top micromanagement.
According to our region leadership, martindale was extending to me a cabinet position at hq IF, in fact,
we would reconsider and stay onboard.
Was this a "promotion".......or a concealed plan to get us out of the state and away from this limb that we'd taken
oversight for six years AND then, demote us?
Through the years, many are "invited" to work in a leadership position at hq......only to be systematically
monitored and publically discredited for any dissent.
Twi requested that my wife and I meet with our region coordinators when we resigned our limb positions.
So, in our attempt to convey our growing discontent of twi's legalism.......we agreed to meet and address
these disturbing issues. The 15-minute time schedules and endless faxes were just over-the-top micromanagement.
According to our region leadership, martindale was extending to me a cabinet position at hq IF, in fact,
we would reconsider and stay onboard.
Was this a "promotion".......or a concealed plan to get us out of the state and away from this limb that we'd taken
oversight for six years AND then, demote us?
Through the years, many are "invited" to work in a leadership position at hq......only to be systematically
monitored and publically discredited for any dissent.
Wow. Their political evils really knows no bounds. And to me it sounds like what you say. Bring you guys to HQ as a preemptive damage control measure. Egads. I know of plenty of people who have been reassigned to various positions at HQ so they could be monitored. Some got in line with more fervor than before, while others eventually left anyway. And of course were defamed,slandered, and discredited as they left.
Wow. Their political evils really knows no bounds. And to me it sounds like what you say. Bring you guys to HQ as a preemptive damage control measure. Egads. I know of plenty of people who have been reassigned to various positions at HQ so they could be monitored. Some got in line with more fervor than before, while others eventually left anyway. And of course were defamed,slandered, and discredited as they left.
When martindale was called out on his sexual predation at the 1998 Advanced Class......the man who confronted craig
had undisputable evidence of twi's underbelly of evil. Martindale offered this guy the Way Disciple Coordinator position!
Bribery? Pay-off? Cover-up?
Makes you wonder HOW MANY of these "promotions" were given to buy-off silenced loyalty.
Back to Mullins. Very strange case of being reinstated. Rosie makes all dropped corps really tow the line before being allowed back. They even have to repeat the corps training. In fact, last I knew dropped corps (or corps that left) were only allowed to attend fellowships ran by other way corps. Sort of a probationary period where they could keep tabs on the person(s) returning from being out.
I don't think they were ever dropped. I think demoted to "twig coordinators", put through the wringer by the Fort/Lally leadership, then when those guys left/got demoted eventually they convinced probably Rosie of their undying loyalty and were advanced back to Limb, Region, then Trunk, now Sr. Officer positions.
When you boil it down it all comes back to one thing. The single criteria for advancement in TWI is exactly like LCM taught in "VP and Me" - he was perfect at "never forgetting who taught him the Word". I mean the whole VP and Me teaching was a roadmap for the Corps - you do exactly what you're told, exactly when, with no questions, no dissention, no discussion, and a perfectly compliant attitude. People doing that advance. People not going the absolute compliance route get run over.
Whenever one moves to hq......there are many dynamics in motion with this decision.
1) Removed from the state where you have inroads, job opportunities, contacts, support, etc.
2) Moving to hq, one has to adjust to the directors' archaic system of authoritian rule
3) Isolation at twi's headquarters inflicts more hardships to regain any footing
4) When demoted from hq......twi leadership herald *their version* far and wide
5) If you move to hq and down-size all furniture, equipment, you have to rebuild from scratch
6) Exiting hq and rebuilding one's life is a tough, rough road to walk
7) Does twi instigate all these roadblocks to stifle ANYONE FROM LEAVING TWI HQ?
8) For a's even more challenging to rebuild.
9) The kids, schools, rent and deposit money, travel expenses, in transition turmoil....
10) Why do so many who to nearby cities to rebuild? MONEY?
11) Will twi write a glowing letter of recommendation for your next employer?
12) Twi holds all the advantages to anyone wanting to leave this isolated cult.
It's that simple!
Staff at TWI HQ is the utmost in lording control over people. Since the lawsuits there is at least some semblance of keeping personal or work lives separate. However, they get around that easily.
For example, there are policies as to living on grounds vs. off grounds. Living quarters many times share two families to a unit (read: trailer), and in any case of bringing someone into HQ for perceived disciplinary or reform reasons, the other couple in the living quarters is instructed to spy on and report on home behavior.
HQ is a fiefdom that has been set up for decades to run around one person, to be based off of one person's ideas and input. This is why TWI will never work to reform or clean up. The infrastructure in place was set up by the original false teacher and built from to make worse. It plays in to the worst in human nature - suspicion, control, micromanagement, whispering, and of course the shunning behavior.
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Skyrider, If you want to write your book, do it. Yes, there are many considerations about going public, but there are people who want to hear our stories. Who need our stories. If you feel you can pu
At this point, I don't know if I really want to go thru the painstaking task of resurfacing all these details. Honestly, it's quite embarrassing to admit that I got ensnared in twi's cult and how it
geisha.......first of all, you can't look at this thru carnal eyes. You see, "a few thousand" walking in prevailing power can shake the world of its spiritual slumber. And, all that "prevailing stu
And, taking us back to before the days of world exploration, we have a flat map. Because really, we need the heavy revvy present truth to reflect on the evil of modern technology, and a shift back to days when people were more controllable - when the earth was flat.
You see that way we can get beyond this whole "World Over the World / Word to the World" confusing bit of heavy revvy. If the world is flat, then we can change heavy revvy in the future to be "Word to the 4 Corners of the Earth" and thus make it present truth heavy revvy. Thus the shift in objective will be complete. (Along with firing everybody and absconding with the money, of course).
They filled the "lower part" of the lower part of the auditorium. You see, it's like the Temple. There's the temple. Then there's the inner temple, which housed the holy of holies. The number of people qualified to be in the presence of the holy of holies - that is the current number of the attendance at the services in the auditorium.
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Oh, I would go on, but I have received light revvy. Light revvy is antithiculearoun (Gr.) to heavy revvy, but it's lighter. I hope you have the spiritual maturity to understand that distinction.
My light revvy says, "Dude, Shine The Cheesy Art And Go To Bed."
So, there you are. Whoever you are.
OK wait. The other day, I decided to research the meaning of snow in dreams. You know dreams? I hope you have the spiritual maturity to understand what dreams are. Well, what with all the snow falling all over VP every time he tried to look out a window or hop a plane as a young man, I thought it important. Here's what I found.
I hope you have the spiritual maturity to understand the... oh hell, never mind. Luv ya, OldSkool!!
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Heh, no "appearance of illness" but actually severe illness.
Lots of sorrow and disappointment ... mostly because he didn't get the enormous respect his ego demanded.
Dirty snow - could that be, "the air was black with snow"?
Never any reconciliation, though.
Looking through a window - lots of very angry interviews...but not with sweethearts, only with the people he was supposed to care for.
Maybe there is some truth in this "dram" thing, after all.
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According to this article press release "more than 1,400 attended" the disaster.
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Belle.....good to see you.
So, in other, twi did NOT even fill the auditorium on their 70th (cough, cough) anniversary.
And, when twi claims "in attendance" what that means is anywhere within a one-mile perimeter of twi.....includes
all staff on grounds, security guys driving up and down wierwille road, bookstore workers, hamburger flippers,
children, nursing babies, and dogs named boo.
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More than 1,400 sounds embellished, since the auditorium only holds around 1,400. I would love to see a breakdown of their numbers. Usually, to fill the auditorium it took several states of people with freshly twisted arms. Or a few busloads from around the country where they chartered coaches from this or that limb.
Either way, I am sure it was a snorefest. Tom Mullin's was never an exciting teacher, but good at reading note cards and smiling.
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Aw, shucks!
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Yeah....a bit confusing. It implies they are the word to the world. Here I thought Jesus was the word. See, if you stick around long too can be the prevailing word to the world. They are about as subtle as a flying brick.
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Who among us believes that 1,400 number? After all, we're talking about an organization whose founder
didn't even leave his van wert church until 1957. It's fuzzy math and deluded assumptions.
Did Walt Disney.....after drawing his first few animated cartoon characters declare he started Walt Disney Productions?
Nope. Yet, wierwille gets five little kids to sing and DECLARES STARTING HIS OWN MINISTRY.
And, Tom Mull!ns......the same guy who left twi for many years and was raked over the coals on corps night?
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Say what? Do tell.
And those who run the cult he left behind declare that:
It would be interesting to see a new thread that has VP's time line of when he did what.
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Back in the early 90s, Tom and Brenda were Limb Coordinators of Michigan (??) and there was a brouhaha
that erupted over twi policy issues and teachings coming from hq. Of course, we were given martindale's
version of details and scathing report on a corps night teaching. As most all know, whenever a Limb or
Region coordinator exits......DAMAGE CONTROL is of utmost priority. Resources are deployed from hq to
stop the bleeding.
If I remember correctly, Tom and Brenda left the leadership roles of twi from like 1993-1998....or thereabouts.
Martindale and trustees made it clear that they didn't have any salted commitment.
So, how did the mullins crawl back into the graces of twi? Simple.....they groveled.
Why? I have no idea.
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Were the Lichts involved in any way? Or did they go to Michigan to replace the Mullins?
Licht seemed to get off on disposing of people, that's why I ask.
Back to Mullins. Very strange case of being reinstated. Rosie makes all dropped corps really tow the line before being allowed back. They even have to repeat the corps training. In fact, last I knew dropped corps (or corps that left) were only allowed to attend fellowships ran by other way corps. Sort of a probationary period where they could keep tabs on the person(s) returning from being out.
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Sounds like a really loving sort of organization. How can I join?
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They are the highest form of Christianity on the planet.
You can't. So don't ask again. Well, unless you spend years being "trained" and then manage to be selected from on high by Frau Rivenbark and her mate Donna Martindale to sit on the board of dummies, thereby becoming an official member. Otherwise, all you can do is follow by attending a fellowship. Oh, and give 10% and more of your income to the way international in perpetuity.
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skyrider you know, the onslaught of ever-changing policies, teachings, leadership changes, people exiting,
debt purge, homo purge, non-productive evil and destructive evil suspicions, etc. etc. made for a whirlwind of
changing the twi-landscape forever. But yes, I believe you are correct.......the mullins replaced the lichts.
For years, the mullins were on twi's "watch list"........and, seemingly, leadership over them were reporting back to hq
on the mullins' "progress." In other words, the mullins had to jump thru a series of hoops to rebuild their integrity of
supporting twi. I do not recall whether they went back inrez......but they might have. These types of situations are
kept out of public view, of course. Twi does not want to put a spotlight on those leaders who split out.......and, years
later, debase themselves and let the alpha male dominate.
In more subdued fashion, Bill and Regina S@ge resigned from their region responsibilities and slipped away to work secularly
and raise their family. From what I heard, the s@ges had a tough time paying the bills and resolved to go back to twi.
Everybody has got bills to pay. <_<
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I was in-rez with the S@ges. Never met a more determined couple to regain what they perceived to have lost. You could never really get close to them either. They were ever on guard to not get caught up in the political machine. I believe he used to be a region coord. He had advanced to Limb last I knew.
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Yes, the s@ges were region coordinators in the mid-west region. They ran the region from Arkansas and
were the Arkansas limb coordinators in conjunction with running the region.
The s@ges........good folk.
Sad to see that they never were able to connect the dots of wierwille and company's evil. At one time,
I held high regard for their depth and insight. But, wasn't all that deep. Good folks, though.
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I liked them as well. Though, B!ll was ....ed when I went on the cabinet. A lot of the veteran corps behave that way though, because they seem to think promotion is due to merit. It's due to whim. And from my experience you will never know the true reasons you were promoted, or demoted.
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Twi requested that my wife and I meet with our region coordinators when we resigned our limb positions.
So, in our attempt to convey our growing discontent of twi's legalism.......we agreed to meet and address
these disturbing issues. The 15-minute time schedules and endless faxes were just over-the-top micromanagement.
According to our region leadership, martindale was extending to me a cabinet position at hq IF, in fact,
we would reconsider and stay onboard.
Was this a "promotion".......or a concealed plan to get us out of the state and away from this limb that we'd taken
oversight for six years AND then, demote us?
Through the years, many are "invited" to work in a leadership position at hq......only to be systematically
monitored and publically discredited for any dissent.
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Wow. Their political evils really knows no bounds. And to me it sounds like what you say. Bring you guys to HQ as a preemptive damage control measure. Egads. I know of plenty of people who have been reassigned to various positions at HQ so they could be monitored. Some got in line with more fervor than before, while others eventually left anyway. And of course were defamed,slandered, and discredited as they left.
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When martindale was called out on his sexual predation at the 1998 Advanced Class......the man who confronted craig
had undisputable evidence of twi's underbelly of evil. Martindale offered this guy the Way Disciple Coordinator position!
Bribery? Pay-off? Cover-up?
Makes you wonder HOW MANY of these "promotions" were given to buy-off silenced loyalty.
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And, one more thing......
Whenever one moves to hq......there are many dynamics in motion with this decision.
1) Removed from the state where you have inroads, job opportunities, contacts, support, etc.
2) Moving to hq, one has to adjust to the directors' archaic system of authoritian rule
3) Isolation at twi's headquarters inflicts more hardships to regain any footing
4) When demoted from hq......twi leadership herald *their version* far and wide
5) If you move to hq and down-size all furniture, equipment, you have to rebuild from scratch
6) Exiting hq and rebuilding one's life is a tough, rough road to walk
7) Does twi instigate all these roadblocks to stifle ANYONE FROM LEAVING TWI HQ?
8) For a's even more challenging to rebuild.
9) The kids, schools, rent and deposit money, travel expenses, in transition turmoil....
10) Why do so many who to nearby cities to rebuild? MONEY?
11) Will twi write a glowing letter of recommendation for your next employer?
12) Twi holds all the advantages to anyone wanting to leave this isolated cult.
It's that simple!
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I don't think they were ever dropped. I think demoted to "twig coordinators", put through the wringer by the Fort/Lally leadership, then when those guys left/got demoted eventually they convinced probably Rosie of their undying loyalty and were advanced back to Limb, Region, then Trunk, now Sr. Officer positions.
When you boil it down it all comes back to one thing. The single criteria for advancement in TWI is exactly like LCM taught in "VP and Me" - he was perfect at "never forgetting who taught him the Word". I mean the whole VP and Me teaching was a roadmap for the Corps - you do exactly what you're told, exactly when, with no questions, no dissention, no discussion, and a perfectly compliant attitude. People doing that advance. People not going the absolute compliance route get run over.
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Staff at TWI HQ is the utmost in lording control over people. Since the lawsuits there is at least some semblance of keeping personal or work lives separate. However, they get around that easily.
For example, there are policies as to living on grounds vs. off grounds. Living quarters many times share two families to a unit (read: trailer), and in any case of bringing someone into HQ for perceived disciplinary or reform reasons, the other couple in the living quarters is instructed to spy on and report on home behavior.
HQ is a fiefdom that has been set up for decades to run around one person, to be based off of one person's ideas and input. This is why TWI will never work to reform or clean up. The infrastructure in place was set up by the original false teacher and built from to make worse. It plays in to the worst in human nature - suspicion, control, micromanagement, whispering, and of course the shunning behavior.
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