Interesting side note - at some point earlier in the Way, after the earth began cooling but before animals developed wings, the term "ex officio" was used in the language describing twigs being self governing, financing and propogatin'. The cooperation was described in the relationship between each of the next "ex officio:" levels.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one to ask what that meant. I recall it referred to those levels - twig leaders, branch leaders, limb leaders, bark leaders, forest leaders etc. and their non-employee status. In other words the Way was saying that the person designated at that next "level" up or down (or over, if you prefer) was a person who held certain rights and responsibilities without having been actually or formally hired, elected or appointed to that position. I understood their position on this as explained by JT and VP to be that it was to recognize the functionality of the position without potentially binding the Way Internationale Carnivale Inc. to the actions and decisions of that individual who was the ex o fish io. Person. Dude. Woman.
In many ways that makes sense and could be a correct way to describe the relationship so as not to make the Way Nash legally responsible for everything a person in that position might do.
However -
And when we start talking legal ese that's like unloading a bag of tics on a pig -
I think any thoughtful person - like someone actually interested in hosting an informal home, family style fellowship - will realize that the entire relationship with the supporting church, ministry or other entities they're involved with - it's completely by choice, non-obligatory and non binding by or to anyone other than the person hosting the fellowship and those who participate.
Thus - IMO - the position the Way developed of the "twig coordinator" who was a Way Corps person or "WOW" or someone otherwise representing different and additional non-ex-officio responsibilities to the Way - and "official" responsibilities to the Way - was a hybrid position that was essentially untenable.
You can't have an official position holding ex officio responsibilities and completely segregate the accountability and responsibilities of the parent/host/supporting levels.
Or at least there's a bundle of tics that would bite that way, IMO.
The cooperative effort would have to be without a lot of built in standards, regulations, requirements, rules, etc. etc. - or else that ex officio person/status would be in fact performing duties that were of an official nature, binding between them and the host organization, company, ministry, church, gaggle.
Which could actually be the case for a true "ex officio" position.
However it would be very difficult to disconnect the two from each other but still impose specific burdens of requirements on that person. Like with the $$$ - all of that. The Way's structure didn't really support a self-govern/finance/propogate unit, staffed by an ex officio position and a person who would be required to YES, HAVE accountability to collect money, donations, fees, registrations, etc. for the host company while NOT having any accountability to the host co. for their actions if either part was proven illegal, damaging, etc. Not sure if I'm expressing this clearly but -
For a group that had the vibe of being nothing more than a family style hang at people's homes -
They completely went the other direction, formalizing a business relationship -
That they didn't recognize officially - since if and when they did, they'd be liable up the yung yung. As with LCM - I'm sure if the right legal entities had smelled his blood in the air that year a case could have been made for the exposure to risk being damaging at all levels of the Way Treigh.
As time went on they may have dropped all of it out of sheer ego - why bother? But it was always a system built on trust and honor - anything else would be rife with the potentials for uh, abuse.
Humans being what we are, there's no "their mileage may vary" - it will only succeed until it fails and it will fail, eventually. Case closed.
I think this concept is more aligned with Jesus teachings than the mega-churches building edifices to men. Jesus came to bring salvation to the common man, the sinner. Not to provide a career path for those adept at swaying others.
chockfull......yeah, what a simple concept: 1) local families gathered together with open bibles and humble hearts,
2) healthy respect directed to fathers who shared in teaching scripture and worked alongside families in need,
3) loving, supportive mothers who raised kids, guardians of their homes, always teaching and multi-talented,
4) children see family and neighborly love exemplified day after day, year after year,
5) scripture comes alive as "loving God and neighbor as yourself" is right there in front of you.
6) no room for vaunting oneself above others as "the spiritual leader"
7) living thru challenges and hardships have a way of keeping the heart humble,
8) nature and harvest time have its own beauty of painting God's majesty.
Jesus came to bring salvation to the common man, the sinner. Not to provide a career path for those adept at swaying others.
thank you chockie. i think that's one reason i liked the little hole in the wall church i visited recently.
socks, what does way nash mean?
and thank you some of the words to that song
and your most recent post
i recall me and me other half taking money out of the big horn to help people who had put the money the horn, but never telling a soul for fear of well you know
That's the idea - don't remember when I started using that, but it was here or WayDoyle, one or the other. (See? WayDale could = WayDeal, or WayDoyle or WayDial or WeighDoll).
We are the People's Liberation Front for the Advanced Crass of The Way Nash Ambassadors
(PLAFftACoTWNA - simplified for you zombie minded ex-TWI greasespots.)
And we are in your face.
You've abused us, beat us, kicked and spun our tires, peeked down our radiators, tweeked our carburartors, made us run all over the darned place, given us minimal backyard maintenance, and run us into the ground for years
And we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it any more !!
So consider this thread HiJacked in protest of your treatment of The Way Nashes!
Lynder,.... set up a perimeter.....
RosyLie protect your as...., er,.. that big rear area.
All together now:
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
Where's the news media?
Is anyone looking??
No one?
Ahhh.... Puck it, let's get out of here.
Uncle Howard, go get VP's origional Way Nash Ambassador One....
.....And don't forget the WOW-mobile
We're outta here,.....
you may resume control of your keyboards.
we didn't accomplish much but I do feel better now......
Deputy Barney Fife, eh I mean John Linder, This is Sherrif Andy Taylor. You need to take your meds. now you and Roseylie comeout and let these nice men with butterfly nets present you with white strait jackets and take you to a nice resort, eh funny farm in nearby st. Mary's for a nice long vacation. Sergant Joe Friday will escort you. the following incident is true, the names have not been changed . duh duh duh dun duuuh. got to quit watching Dragnet, lol
Before I even took the class, and should have run when the running was easy, I brought a college friend to twig. The leader started us off with 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees , and Toes'. Of course my friend said WTF ? I was embarrassed, and wondered how this leader couldn't even realize that might not be the best way to interest grown men in this thing. As time went on, I became all too aware how some wayfers had a real disconnect with reality.
29, some had a disconnect with reality?? I think most of TWI was built on unreality; for example, the law of believing was totally unrealistic. God forbid you had problems in your life. People would snap at you, where is your believing? I sometimes felt being in Way World was agin to living in Never, Neverland.
those were the happiest times of life for me.. young children in the house..
Ham, one of the reasons I like living by myself, is because it's quiet, and calm. I grew up in a family where people screamed all the time, and I hated it. Nowadays, my home is calm, and peaceful.
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Kids songs are fine......for kids.
Steve Lortz
In a more serious vein, one of the things the Lord taught me when I first got serious with Him, years before I ever heard of TWI, was that freedom and responsibility are the same thing. They are the h
Grace Valerie Claire
Ham, one of the reasons I like living by myself, is because it's quiet, and calm. I grew up in a family where people screamed all the time, and I hated it. Nowadays, my home is calm, and peaceful.
Maybe they just OD'd on
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Interesting side note - at some point earlier in the Way, after the earth began cooling but before animals developed wings, the term "ex officio" was used in the language describing twigs being self governing, financing and propogatin'. The cooperation was described in the relationship between each of the next "ex officio:" levels.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one to ask what that meant. I recall it referred to those levels - twig leaders, branch leaders, limb leaders, bark leaders, forest leaders etc. and their non-employee status. In other words the Way was saying that the person designated at that next "level" up or down (or over, if you prefer) was a person who held certain rights and responsibilities without having been actually or formally hired, elected or appointed to that position. I understood their position on this as explained by JT and VP to be that it was to recognize the functionality of the position without potentially binding the Way Internationale Carnivale Inc. to the actions and decisions of that individual who was the ex o fish io. Person. Dude. Woman.
In many ways that makes sense and could be a correct way to describe the relationship so as not to make the Way Nash legally responsible for everything a person in that position might do.
However -
And when we start talking legal ese that's like unloading a bag of tics on a pig -
I think any thoughtful person - like someone actually interested in hosting an informal home, family style fellowship - will realize that the entire relationship with the supporting church, ministry or other entities they're involved with - it's completely by choice, non-obligatory and non binding by or to anyone other than the person hosting the fellowship and those who participate.
Thus - IMO - the position the Way developed of the "twig coordinator" who was a Way Corps person or "WOW" or someone otherwise representing different and additional non-ex-officio responsibilities to the Way - and "official" responsibilities to the Way - was a hybrid position that was essentially untenable.
You can't have an official position holding ex officio responsibilities and completely segregate the accountability and responsibilities of the parent/host/supporting levels.
Or at least there's a bundle of tics that would bite that way, IMO.
The cooperative effort would have to be without a lot of built in standards, regulations, requirements, rules, etc. etc. - or else that ex officio person/status would be in fact performing duties that were of an official nature, binding between them and the host organization, company, ministry, church, gaggle.
Which could actually be the case for a true "ex officio" position.
However it would be very difficult to disconnect the two from each other but still impose specific burdens of requirements on that person. Like with the $$$ - all of that. The Way's structure didn't really support a self-govern/finance/propogate unit, staffed by an ex officio position and a person who would be required to YES, HAVE accountability to collect money, donations, fees, registrations, etc. for the host company while NOT having any accountability to the host co. for their actions if either part was proven illegal, damaging, etc. Not sure if I'm expressing this clearly but -
For a group that had the vibe of being nothing more than a family style hang at people's homes -
They completely went the other direction, formalizing a business relationship -
That they didn't recognize officially - since if and when they did, they'd be liable up the yung yung. As with LCM - I'm sure if the right legal entities had smelled his blood in the air that year a case could have been made for the exposure to risk being damaging at all levels of the Way Treigh.
As time went on they may have dropped all of it out of sheer ego - why bother? But it was always a system built on trust and honor - anything else would be rife with the potentials for uh, abuse.
Humans being what we are, there's no "their mileage may vary" - it will only succeed until it fails and it will fail, eventually. Case closed.
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chockfull......yeah, what a simple concept: 1) local families gathered together with open bibles and humble hearts,
2) healthy respect directed to fathers who shared in teaching scripture and worked alongside families in need,
3) loving, supportive mothers who raised kids, guardians of their homes, always teaching and multi-talented,
4) children see family and neighborly love exemplified day after day, year after year,
5) scripture comes alive as "loving God and neighbor as yourself" is right there in front of you.
6) no room for vaunting oneself above others as "the spiritual leader"
7) living thru challenges and hardships have a way of keeping the heart humble,
8) nature and harvest time have its own beauty of painting God's majesty.
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socks, what does way nash mean?
and thank you some of the words to that song
and your most recent post
i recall me and me other half taking money out of the big horn to help people who had put the money the horn, but never telling a soul for fear of well you know
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Way Nash = Way International HQ
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Oh! Yea, the Way InterNASHional. Just an abbreviation I use.
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ohhhhhhhhhh duhhhhhhhhhh having been in nashville, i thought i missed something
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That's the idea - don't remember when I started using that, but it was here or WayDoyle, one or the other. (See? WayDale could = WayDeal, or WayDoyle or WayDial or WeighDoll).
My mind is an odd place.
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Hey, Socks
Did you ever jam with
"I sure am glad I got a chance to say a word about the music and the mothers from Nash---ville."
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This is a Way Nash HiJack
Take your fingers off the keyboard !!
SIT quietly and you may survive this !
As I said this is an off topic thread hijack !!!
We are the People's Liberation Front for the Advanced Crass of The Way Nash Ambassadors
(PLAFftACoTWNA - simplified for you zombie minded ex-TWI greasespots.)
You've abused us, beat us, kicked and spun our tires, peeked down our radiators, tweeked our carburartors, made us run all over the darned place, given us minimal backyard maintenance, and run us into the ground for years
And we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it any more !!
So consider this thread HiJacked in protest of your treatment of The Way Nashes!
Lynder,.... set up a perimeter.....
RosyLie protect your as...., er,.. that big rear area.
All together now:
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
We are The Way Nash Ambassadors and we aren't gonna take it any more !!!
Where's the news media?
Is anyone looking??
No one?
Ahhh.... Puck it, let's get out of here.
Uncle Howard, go get VP's origional Way Nash Ambassador One....
.....And don't forget the WOW-mobile
We're outta here,.....
you may resume control of your keyboards.
we didn't accomplish much but I do feel better now......

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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Baby, you can drive my car
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Lynder to RosyLie,... Lynder to RosyLie:
Dammit! while we were out raidin', Da Forehead snuck back in wearing his athletes of da spurt outfit.
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Don't laugh, the song is more real than you think. We used to humiliate GTO's and other muscle cars all the time.
Yes, just as I had entered those embarrassing teen age years, and dad bought one of those puke green '56 Nashes just like I depicted above.
He did really buy one.
And we did pee off goat drivers,...
no end. :ph34r:
(no foolin')
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Deputy Barney Fife, eh I mean John Linder, This is Sherrif Andy Taylor. You need to take your meds. now you and Roseylie comeout and let these nice men with butterfly nets present you with white strait jackets and take you to a nice resort, eh funny farm in nearby st. Mary's for a nice long vacation. Sergant Joe Friday will escort you. the following incident is true, the names have not been changed . duh duh duh dun duuuh.
got to quit watching Dragnet, lol
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Grace Valerie Claire
29, some had a disconnect with reality?? I think most of TWI was built on unreality; for example, the law of believing was totally unrealistic. God forbid you had problems in your life. People would snap at you, where is your believing? I sometimes felt being in Way World was agin to living in Never, Neverland.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Ham, one of the reasons I like living by myself, is because it's quiet, and calm. I grew up in a family where people screamed all the time, and I hated it. Nowadays, my home is calm, and peaceful.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Out, foo foo on that damn bunny!
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Isn't the whole draw of a cult the idea that you can remain a child?
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You have your Father in The Word instead of God the Father.
Christ is absent, so there is no hero to fight the unknowns of life. You know, like and adult.
And we are more than super-conquerors ready for our eternal rewards! Vegas Baby!
No work to be done either!
Except for all the work. Cause, you know, reality.
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