So I do avoid public discussions of certain kinds of things because there's an element of people that try to smother the discussion and exchange of ideas with labels and constrictions and push everyone into a corner.
Yeah.......that's why some refer to politics as a 'contact sport.'
But.....if the loud and push elements get their way, doesn't that political bullying only intensify? What then? Where does the discussion (and legislature, and laws) go when there is a one-sided bully pulpit? From what I've gravitates toward mob rule, government unions, censorship of speech, confiscation of private property, state-run tv networks, website blackouts, etc. Places like Venzuela are a good study of 'tyranny served with a smile.'
If intimidation and verbal attacks are used to stop the discussion/opposition, then one is left with a choice.....Either, 1)Refrain from all discussions and let the political bullies run rampant, or 2)Try to smooth things over with 'friendliness', but still stay away from the political fray, or 3)Take the initiative to get educated, to learn the cornerstones of US governing principles, learn some history, read and stay abreast of issues, and engage in political discourse. Some say that freedom has to be maintained and fought for in each generation and passed down to the next generation.
Some believe that America is at a 'tipping point' in history. Alarming statistics bear out the fact that America cannot sustain the fiscal pathway that its on: a)48 million on food stamps, b)1 in 7 Americans live in poverty status, c)borrowing 10 Billion every 53 hours, d)medicare, medicaid and social security approaching insolvency, e)$16 Trillion debt, f)coal plant closures vs growing electrical needs, etc. etc. etc. All of this and much, much more is why, I believe, that only a small percentage of people engage in political discourse. It is so overwhelming.....and contantly swirling.
Often times, articles refer to a systematic onslaught as a political machine.....or, 'Chicago politics.' There is strength in numbers and political organizations and affiliations are the order of the day. Heck, I read where Muslim/political groups started in the U.S. in 1962 and have been growing rapidly for the past 50 years. It seems one could easily associate the close-cousin relationship of politics and religion. In numbers, many find a voice to addess their concerns and grievances or to assert upward clout and mobility. For some, government is like a god.
In politics, there seems to be no such thing as a lone wolf. Politics is all about interconnecting factions of people and society for a distinct cause. If you want to be effective, then it only makes sense that you join with like-minded devotees....the ole 'birds of a feather, flock together.' Flying alone is an easy way to be picked off by 'a bird of prey.'
If I had a time machine, I think I'd like to go back (briefly) to The Great Depression/Dustbowl days and get a sense of how people envisioned the future of America. John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath gives us a good glimpse into it but, there is still a certain sense of disconnect that comes with reading it in a book.
On FB I stay out of commenting on political stuff, and other controversial stuff. I don't unfriend people for being narrow-minded idiotic bigots. If I did I wouldn't have any friends Just kidding.
When I post on FB I consider that at some point somebody wanting to hire me is going to Google me and lead to that content. I don't trust companies like FB to keep anything private long-term in spite of controls they have in place.
I said I avoid public discussions of certain kinds of things - and specifically on "facebook", which is the part of this thread I'm taking as context.
I don't consider thrash and burn on facebook useful. Political involvement and participation in the process - yes. I prefer to engage under different conditions with people, where my time, money, intellect and influence can be felt and have some sort of measurable impact.
Facebook - or fookback as I sometimes call it - is fun and has it's uses. It does have an influence, and it can be measured by things such as "likes" and numbers of "friends" but it's not a serious tool or platform for business, financials, research, stuff like that. You can get just about anything going on twitter and facebook but they tend to serve communication where analysis and validation aren't required.
Politics is unethical as it's conducted today and largely serves the LCD in the population. We need to lift all discussions to higher levels, at the leadership level, to make significant progress. Something like facebook can be part of that. I avoid the crap-fests for the most part, although when I get a bee in my brisket buzzing I may burn a screed or two.
My facebook is a way to connect with friends and family. I have people on FB I went to grade school with, college roommates, former co-workers, some of my many many cousins. My sister, brother and I have our own little group which is much more intimate than FB at large and I am more up to date with them than I've ever been, In the past long distance was too expensive to chat daily.
. If something pops up in my feed I think Is too extreme I just hide it. Facebook for me is plain fun and I want to keep it that way. I love knowing what my niece is up too, and keeping track of my friend who moved to UK and travels a lot. I haven't deleted anyone.
I acquires two facebook friends who are rather avid political posters, on opposite sides of the spectrum. It wasn't by design, but seeing their political posts (which are a majority for each off all their posts), I became more adamant than ever about staying out of politics on FB. I see their posts, and of course they are not targeting me personally, but most of their posts are designed to demonize the other side to the extent that I have to be a complete idiot and/or morally bankrupt to believe other than what their post says. Or to put it another way, black is made to seem as white an d vice versa...and this reminds me too much of my deprogramming. In the process, if I don't watch myself, I CAN draw unintended personal insults from these posts...the worst of these actually happened a few years ago here on Greasespot, though I kept my peace about it. I also think that, wierdly enough, my work as a baseball umpire during the summer helps me see both sides of an issue. Not that I don't have political opinions or don't think political results are unimportant. But I guess I'm naive (did I spell that right?) thinking we should be able to have political discussions with respect, but as this does not seem to be the case, I pretty much stay out of politics on FB. But, I keep those polical friends to help remind me of the reason.
BTW, I did the only actual work I ever did in a political campaign 50 years ago this fall in Columbus OH, for a losing candidate, though he was the incumbent. Maybe another reason to avoid politics!
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Yeah.....the rhetoric and name-calling can certainly squelch a respectable, adult discussion of diverging viewpoints.
But for those who deal with substance and facts......hopefully, mutual civility will gain the upperhand.
For decades, I refused to enter a political discussion. Unless one becomes somewhat knowledgeable of a swath of issues,
I found that anyone with a strong opinion could 'slice-n-dice' my concerns with overwhelming ideology or talking points.
So, for me, the choice was clear.....1)Read, study and become knowledgeable of where I stood in my core beliefs, or
2)Stay clear of politics so that I wasn't tossed to-and-fro by opposing forces.
Yet, when one really thinks deeply about it......'politics' cannot be avoided. Citizens and non-citizens are affected
by a framework of laws, rights, ethics and constitutional privileges afforded to each, respectively. In March, I was in
New York City and visited Ellis Island, the gateway for millions of immigrants that came flooding into the USA. The museum
documents the stories and struggles of immigrants escaping tyranny, monarchies, and oppressive systems the world over.
Nor is 'politics' a is ever-changing society and the behavior of people. The executive and legislative and
judicial branches of government (local, state and federal) are consistently evolving and expanding. Policies implement laws
and directives....which modify and/or change human behavior.
If all the billionaire and millionaire money in the U.S. was confiscated, NOT just taxed at a higher would
only run the federal government for 9 days.
And, there is a reason why some Americans are getting very, very nervous......Click Here
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Yeah.......that's why some refer to politics as a 'contact sport.'
But.....if the loud and push elements get their way, doesn't that political bullying only intensify? What then? Where does the discussion (and legislature, and laws) go when there is a one-sided bully pulpit? From what I've gravitates toward mob rule, government unions, censorship of speech, confiscation of private property, state-run tv networks, website blackouts, etc. Places like Venzuela are a good study of 'tyranny served with a smile.'
If intimidation and verbal attacks are used to stop the discussion/opposition, then one is left with a choice.....Either, 1)Refrain from all discussions and let the political bullies run rampant, or 2)Try to smooth things over with 'friendliness', but still stay away from the political fray, or 3)Take the initiative to get educated, to learn the cornerstones of US governing principles, learn some history, read and stay abreast of issues, and engage in political discourse. Some say that freedom has to be maintained and fought for in each generation and passed down to the next generation.
Some believe that America is at a 'tipping point' in history. Alarming statistics bear out the fact that America cannot sustain the fiscal pathway that its on: a)48 million on food stamps, b)1 in 7 Americans live in poverty status, c)borrowing 10 Billion every 53 hours, d)medicare, medicaid and social security approaching insolvency, e)$16 Trillion debt, f)coal plant closures vs growing electrical needs, etc. etc. etc. All of this and much, much more is why, I believe, that only a small percentage of people engage in political discourse. It is so overwhelming.....and contantly swirling.
Often times, articles refer to a systematic onslaught as a political machine.....or, 'Chicago politics.' There is strength in numbers and political organizations and affiliations are the order of the day. Heck, I read where Muslim/political groups started in the U.S. in 1962 and have been growing rapidly for the past 50 years. It seems one could easily associate the close-cousin relationship of politics and religion. In numbers, many find a voice to addess their concerns and grievances or to assert upward clout and mobility. For some, government is like a god.
In politics, there seems to be no such thing as a lone wolf. Politics is all about interconnecting factions of people and society for a distinct cause. If you want to be effective, then it only makes sense that you join with like-minded devotees....the ole 'birds of a feather, flock together.' Flying alone is an easy way to be picked off by 'a bird of prey.'
The harsh reality of life? Yep.
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If I had a time machine, I think I'd like to go back (briefly) to The Great Depression/Dustbowl days and get a sense of how people envisioned the future of America. John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath gives us a good glimpse into it but, there is still a certain sense of disconnect that comes with reading it in a book.
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On FB I stay out of commenting on political stuff, and other controversial stuff. I don't unfriend people for being narrow-minded idiotic bigots. If I did I wouldn't have any friends

Just kidding.
When I post on FB I consider that at some point somebody wanting to hire me is going to Google me and lead to that content. I don't trust companies like FB to keep anything private long-term in spite of controls they have in place.
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I said I avoid public discussions of certain kinds of things - and specifically on "facebook", which is the part of this thread I'm taking as context.
I don't consider thrash and burn on facebook useful. Political involvement and participation in the process - yes. I prefer to engage under different conditions with people, where my time, money, intellect and influence can be felt and have some sort of measurable impact.
Facebook - or fookback as I sometimes call it - is fun and has it's uses. It does have an influence, and it can be measured by things such as "likes" and numbers of "friends" but it's not a serious tool or platform for business, financials, research, stuff like that. You can get just about anything going on twitter and facebook but they tend to serve communication where analysis and validation aren't required.
Politics is unethical as it's conducted today and largely serves the LCD in the population. We need to lift all discussions to higher levels, at the leadership level, to make significant progress. Something like facebook can be part of that. I avoid the crap-fests for the most part, although when I get a bee in my brisket buzzing I may burn a screed or two.
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My facebook is a way to connect with friends and family. I have people on FB I went to grade school with, college roommates, former co-workers, some of my many many cousins. My sister, brother and I have our own little group which is much more intimate than FB at large and I am more up to date with them than I've ever been, In the past long distance was too expensive to chat daily.
. If something pops up in my feed I think Is too extreme I just hide it. Facebook for me is plain fun and I want to keep it that way. I love knowing what my niece is up too, and keeping track of my friend who moved to UK and travels a lot. I haven't deleted anyone.
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Linda Z
Thanks for all the interesting comments and insights.
I like to keep FB for fun and for catching up, too, but every now and then, I feel strongly enough about something political to put in my 2 cents.
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Lifted Up
I acquires two facebook friends who are rather avid political posters, on opposite sides of the spectrum. It wasn't by design, but seeing their political posts (which are a majority for each off all their posts), I became more adamant than ever about staying out of politics on FB. I see their posts, and of course they are not targeting me personally, but most of their posts are designed to demonize the other side to the extent that I have to be a complete idiot and/or morally bankrupt to believe other than what their post says. Or to put it another way, black is made to seem as white an d vice versa...and this reminds me too much of my deprogramming. In the process, if I don't watch myself, I CAN draw unintended personal insults from these posts...the worst of these actually happened a few years ago here on Greasespot, though I kept my peace about it. I also think that, wierdly enough, my work as a baseball umpire during the summer helps me see both sides of an issue. Not that I don't have political opinions or don't think political results are unimportant. But I guess I'm naive (did I spell that right?) thinking we should be able to have political discussions with respect, but as this does not seem to be the case, I pretty much stay out of politics on FB. But, I keep those polical friends to help remind me of the reason.
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Lifted Up
BTW, I did the only actual work I ever did in a political campaign 50 years ago this fall in Columbus OH, for a losing candidate, though he was the incumbent. Maybe another reason to avoid politics!
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