When I was a wee lad, I used to take clothes pins and fasten baseball cards to my bicycle wheel. When the spokes passed over the cards, it sounded a bit like a motorbike. When you're 5 or 6 years old, you think someone may actually think you're riding a motorbike.
The Way reminds me of a little kid, repeatedly fastening old cards to their spokes, hoping someone will believe their deception.
When I was a wee lad, I used to take clothes pins and fasten baseball cards to my bicycle wheel. When the spokes passed over the cards, it sounded a bit like a motorbike. When you're 5 or 6 years old, you think someone may actually think you're riding a motorbike.
The Way reminds me of a little kid, repeatedly fastening old cards to their spokes, hoping someone will believe their deception.
Yeah......the deception of the spoke-flapping baseball cards.
Do they not realize that Mrs. Wierwille's book, Born Again to Serve, gives damaging insight to her husband's claims? In chronicling wierwille's life and ministry (from 1916-1961 -- and "20 years of vp's ministry").....she expounds on men and women who taught vpw. Radio broadcasts, India itineraries, Leonard's "Gifts of the Spirit" foundational class, seminars, speakers, etc....and young wierwille incorporated plagairism, deception, isolation and exploitation to frame his greatness. Yet, why isn't anyone at twi writing THE LAST 20 YEARS OF WIERWILLE'S MINISTRY? Those years, 1962-1982, is a big chunk of a man's life......what happened? Perhaps, twi is realizing that the more information they expose, the more vulnerable they are.
Born Again to Serve (BATS) was written by having a way publications staffer interview Mrs. Wierwille, taking notes with pen and paper. Much of the information for BATS was pulled from Mrs. Wierwille's journal. The notes were compiled by way publications and then sent to president's publications who wrote BATS based on the notes. BATS 2 was in the interview/notes stage by way publications but Mrs. Wierwille's deteriorating mental state derailed the book. That and way publication's staff being painfully slow and incompetent in the interview process. Rosie pulled the plug.
I don't think anyone realizes the damage the book does to Wierwille's credibility. Especially since books like The Way Living in Love are no longer available. Wierwille has been whitewashed. His teachings are not publicly available. Any STS presentation that are drawn from his sources are meticulously sanitized of all his outlandish claims. They present Wierwille as a great man of God who did miraculous things in compiling the store house of truth he left behind. He did the work so we don't have to.
Too bad a cursory internet search exposes the man behind the curtain. Rosalie does not realize the damage the internet has inflicted on them. She is too incompetent and out of touch to get it. Last I knew she didn't even have a computer in her office and had her secretary check and print her email.
Oh, and WAYGB monitor Grease Spot and print forum posts so she could read along, or forward it to their lawyers, or whatever she does with them.
...and here's the kicker....Mrs. W.'s book was the sanitized version....So, even the sanitized version can't stand up to scrutiny.
Yep. By the time any publication goes through all the departmental bureaucracy at HQ, you can bet it's been thoroughly cleansed of any "objectionable" material.
Yep. By the time any publication goes through all the departmental bureaucracy at HQ, you can bet it's been thoroughly cleansed of any "objectionable" material.
Yeah.....but in a twist of irony, twi's elite fail to deceive with Mrs. Wierwille's book.
Although fawning followers may not see the glaring details that unmask wierwille's deception,
there are a list of issues........character, laziness, stealth, fraud, pride, striker, etc.
that are in direct contrast to scriptural truths regarding holy men of God.
In twi terminology.....wierwille wasn't just "a" man of God, he was THE man of God.
Not just top-tier, but TOP of the top-tier. You know......THE MAN of God.
The smell of idolatry, twi's cologne.....splash it on. :o
I wonder if BATS was Mrs. Wierwille's passive aggressive way to expose VP. After all, she was mistreated by him througout their marriage and after his death called him a "mean mean man."
6) India trip with Rev. I.S. Williams as host opened all those doors to teach and meet high officials.
How did the Vicster know the good Rev. I.S. Williams anyway? Was Williams from Ohio, New Bremen maybe, and not from India after all? When I was a staffer in the corn fields of New Knoxville, a lady in New Bremen used to cut my hair. When I told her I was in TWI, she said her grandfather was Rev. Williams who took Wierwille to India and her grandmother was still alive and lived with them. I asked her how she was doing, and she said she was crazy, had lost her mind. One day I walked into the salon and an elderly Indian woman was sitting in a chair by herself, mumbling. Then she got up and walked out. That was her, Rev. Williams's wife. So was Rev. Williams really living in the United States and took a trip to his home in India and took Wierwille with him?
How did the Vicster know the good Rev. I.S. Williams anyway? Was Williams from Ohio, New Bremen maybe, and not from India after all? When I was a staffer in the corn fields of New Knoxville, a lady in New Bremen used to cut my hair. When I told her I was in TWI, she said her grandfather was Rev. Williams who took Wierwille to India and her grandmother was still alive and lived with them. I asked her how she was doing, and she said she was crazy, had lost her mind. One day I walked into the salon and an elderly Indian woman was sitting in a chair by herself, mumbling. Then she got up and walked out. That was her, Rev. Williams's wife. So was Rev. Williams really living in the United States and took a trip to his home in India and took Wierwille with him?
I have to wonder if Wierwille was maybe playing one of his shell games, hoping that people would confuse Rev. I. S. Williams with THIS person. I realize the chronology is a bit off but, that never stopped VP on many other points.
What would have happened if I had done some of these things?
.....if I had secretly and deceptively married during my interim corps year -- disregarding corps policy?
.....if I had flat out admitted during my corps training that I did NOT believe the bible?
.....if I blatantly plagairized from others when doing my corps research paper?
.....if I would have, after corps graduation, went off on my own teaching pfal?
Would I be recognized and considered highly into twi's spiritual ranks? Absolutely not.
Corps grads and trainees have been given the bum's rush for far, far less.
The hypocrisy and idolatry in twi is nothing short of astounding.
In my years in-residentured, I heard it said that Wierwille did many these things out of ignorance - not knowing any better. Point was driven home the we know better because of the work he did. Therefore, these things were not tolerated of us because we knew better.
And in way international culture of Victoid worship, these men of God that Wierwille stole...err..I mean learned from were just pieces of the puzzle. It's as if God Almighty brought them to Vic in the same way he brought the animals to Adam. And from his many revelations, many teachers, he put together the word that had not been known since the first century church. THE TRUTH. End of story.
Oh, and of course God taught Wierwille. Not any of these various and sundry people he stole...err...I mean learned from.
The more you think about it, mull it over, then the more ridiculous it becomes.
There's another thread detailing Dr. I.S. Williams and NOT "Dr. J.S. Williams" in mrs. w's book.
I don't have time to find it right now......but it, even more, crystallizes how important
Dr. I.S. Williams was in Indian society and culture.
I haven't been able to find that thread, but when I googled "All-India Federation of National Churches" of which, in Mrs. W's book indicates that Dr. Williams is the president......this thread is listed. This is a report of the Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee in 1956.
Significant Claims: 1) Archbishop K. c. Pillay is noted, 2) Dr. I.S. Williams presided over the Jabalpur Conference in June 1955,
3) Disapproves of foreign missionaries working under the control of foreign administrative systems importing their denominational influence into India.
At the very bottom of this report, you can click on "back to contents page" and see the outline of this report.
The section regarding Dr. Williams is of interest only to those searching to uncover his significance with regards
to the wierwille itinerary in India.
Name.-Dr. I., S. Williams.
Occupation.-Arch Priest, Indian National Hindustani Church.
I am a Doctor of Divinity. I got this degree from the Indian Orthodox Church. Its headquarters are in Madras (South India). It is a registered body. I shall send a copy of the constitution of this body. Archbishop Rev. K. C. Pillay was the founder of the Indian Orthodox Church. There are 18 churches in South India and one church at Bombay with a congregation of 200.
One of the chief tenets of the church is Apostolic succession Archbishop K. C. Pillay was consecrated Bishop by a synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church. The church in India owes allegiance to the patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church in Antioch. In the Bombay church the Anglican litergy with consequential amendments, is used, as most of the members originally belonged to the. Anglican church. The right, of managership of the Church is still in dispute. Originality it was an Anglican church and the property of the church vested in the Secretary of the State. I was a member of the Anglican church and so I and my congregation came into possession of that church. Later on we declared ourselves independent of the foreign church administrative system. The whole congregation without any dissident voice adopted the Orthodox faith. There is no foreign organisation which controls our church. The Indian organisation is known as All-India Federation of National Churches and all the independent churches in India are affiliated to this central body. None of the ecclesiastical dignitaries such as Bishops or Archbishops receive any salary. They all do honorary work. The building in Madras belongs to the Orthodox churches and is controlled by Rev. Dr. Pillay.
Those who are members of our churches claim to be National Christians; they am excluded from and deprived of the membership of the established churches.
We hold the doctrine that Jesus Christ is the personal Saviour and the only Saviour of the world and that baptism is necessary for salvation. We have preachers but not paid ones. They have their independent means of livelihood.
There was rally of the National Christians held at Jabalpur on the 4th and 5th June 1955. I presided over this conference. I do not believe in proselytization but I believe in conversion which means real change of heart. A Nationalist Christian does not believe in the control, domination and authority from any foreign body. It is because the foreign domination destroys initiative in the first place and tends to denationalise them. I say that the Christians with few honourable exceptions in India are not nationalistic. The loyalty of the Indian Christian to a foreign church implies a loyalty to the State to which the church belongs.
The Anglican Missions which are working in India believe that the ruling sovereign of England is head of the Church that is wrong because Christ is the head of the church and not the ruling king. The Anglican Missions working here also believe that the English Sovereign is the Defender of the Faith of the church.
I use the word “ordinary” subject to correction. The Indians who become members of the American church are influenced by American culture. To a certain extent it will affect Indian Christians’ loyalty to his country. To give an illustration if there is a war between America and India the Indian Christians who are under American church will not enthusiastically support Indian Nation. In the recent years I have noticed a trend in the attitude of Indian Christians in favour of Indian culture.
I presided over the rally of the Nationalist Christians held at Jabalpur on the 4th and 5th June J955. The resolution No. 3 passed at the rally disapproves of the continuance of the denationalising foreign church administrative system in Free India and considers it baneful to the national interest of the people in India in general and the Christians in particular. I do not mind a foreign Missionary working in India on the invitation of the Indian Nationalist Church, but I disapprove of a foreign Missionary working here under the control of his foreign church administrative system whereby he imports into India his denominational system. The foreign church administrative system results in the denationalisation of Indian Christians.
About six foreign Missionaries had come at our invitation and helped in the work of the National Church. They preached and went away. All they said was that they had come to India to share their faith with the Indian Christians.
Some of the methods adopted by the foreign Missionaries are not spiritually sound. They offer economic advantages to the poor as well as to the needy. The people gather round them with the hope of being sent abroad for education and even for sight-seeing. It is an inducement. I would not like any educational institution being under the guidance and administration of any foreign Missionary, because no independent country in the world will entrust the education of children to any foreigner. I dislike proselytization in any form. I will not approve and do not approve of hospitals being used for this work. I have no personal knowledge of hospitals being used for proselytization.
Our movement has been opposed by the churches controlled by the foreign Missionaries. Opposition is mainly from church workers and other stooges of Missionaries. We are welcomed by non-Christians, 'both by Hindus and Muslims. Even in Jabalpur an Aryasamajist, Hindu Mahasabhaite, welcomed our attitude in this matter. They did not mind expression of my faith that Jesus Christ was the only Saviour. I have not converted any one in the sense of baptism, but I did preach Jesus Christ and it is possible that people got converted in their hearts. There is a genuine respect for Christ among the non-Christians. Even when our foreign friends visited Bombay, 2 from America and one from Canada, the reception was accorded to them by non-Christians and that was attended by Jains, Aryasamajists, Parsis and others and Ramkrishna Mission and the Sanatani Hindus. The audience mostly consisted of non-Christians and Hindus. Only if we are freed from the domination of the Alien Church Administration would Christians be welcome in India by all sections of people. I can give an instance of how non-Christians appreciate the Christians and their religion also. When there was a funeral of one Mr. Kale, a Hindu, a Kshatriya by caste at Sonapur, Bombay, there was performance of rituals by Hindus, and speeches were also delivered, and before cremation I was requested to address the people, as also to offer a Christian prayer; and I did so very willingly, and there was an atmosphere of friendship between non-Christians and Christians. This will always be so between Christians and non-Christians if the foreign control is withdrawn.
p. 172.....Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve
"Dr. Wierwille had designated Dr. Williams as the general overseer of The Way of India, with its headquarters in Bombay, as had been voted at the convention held on February 9 and 10 [1956]. Branches for each state of India were to be established as soon as possible, all under and by the independent national Christians without a foreign system of control. Mr. James John was to be secretary for The Way of India."
p. 172.....Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve
"Dr. Wierwille had designated Dr. Williams as the general overseer of The Way of India, with its headquarters in Bombay, as had been voted at the convention held on February 9 and 10 [1956]. Branches for each state of India were to be established as soon as possible, all under and by the independent national Christians without a foreign system of control. Mr. James John was to be secretary for The Way of India."
So Wierwille goes to India as Williams' guest only to try and use their organization to promote his own? And who the h3ll was Wierwille to designate anyone to do anything?
So Wierwille goes to India as Williams' guest only to try and use their organization to promote his own? And who the h3ll was Wierwille to designate anyone to do anything?
Dr. I.S. Williams was president of the All-India Federation of National Churches.
And.....who was wierwille in 1956? A small-town pastor soon to receive unanimous resignation votes
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Or, is it?......Ash Heap of TWIST-ory? Whichever way (no pun intended) you want to look at it.....the "ash heap of history" is catching up with twi. The paltry numbers of twi's class enrollments, su
When I was a wee lad, I used to take clothes pins and fasten baseball cards to my bicycle wheel. When the spokes passed over the cards, it sounded a bit like a motorbike. When you're 5 or 6 years old, you think someone may actually think you're riding a motorbike.
The Way reminds me of a little kid, repeatedly fastening old cards to their spokes, hoping someone will believe their deception.
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Yeah......the deception of the spoke-flapping baseball cards.
Reality set in whenever I went uphill.
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Edited by waysiderLink to comment
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Born Again to Serve (BATS) was written by having a way publications staffer interview Mrs. Wierwille, taking notes with pen and paper. Much of the information for BATS was pulled from Mrs. Wierwille's journal. The notes were compiled by way publications and then sent to president's publications who wrote BATS based on the notes. BATS 2 was in the interview/notes stage by way publications but Mrs. Wierwille's deteriorating mental state derailed the book. That and way publication's staff being painfully slow and incompetent in the interview process. Rosie pulled the plug.
I don't think anyone realizes the damage the book does to Wierwille's credibility. Especially since books like The Way Living in Love are no longer available. Wierwille has been whitewashed. His teachings are not publicly available. Any STS presentation that are drawn from his sources are meticulously sanitized of all his outlandish claims. They present Wierwille as a great man of God who did miraculous things in compiling the store house of truth he left behind. He did the work so we don't have to.
Too bad a cursory internet search exposes the man behind the curtain. Rosalie does not realize the damage the internet has inflicted on them. She is too incompetent and out of touch to get it. Last I knew she didn't even have a computer in her office and had her secretary check and print her email.
Oh, and WAYGB monitor Grease Spot and print forum posts so she could read along, or forward it to their lawyers, or whatever she does with them.
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When I sift thru Mrs. W's book......here are a few things that stand out.
1) In 1930, Rev. Charles E. Fuller began his radio-revival broadcast.....vpw copied (added youth singers).
2) Wierwille was secretly deceptive about his marriage. Pre-seminary students were not allowed to marry during training.
3) His master's thesis work was duplicated for his "doctorate" at Pikes Peak Seminary....on Peter the evangelist.
4) Time with Rosalind R!nker, wierwille admitted that he didn't even believe the written Word of God.
5) So, in pastoring a church....young wierwille was a fraud. He didn't believe the bible.
6) India trip with Rev. I.S. Williams as host opened all those doors to teach and meet high officials.
7) Wierwille was STILL on Van Wert Church's payroll in 1957 while building groundwork for twi.
8) Twi was NOT founded in 1942.
9) The powerful impact of E. Stanley Jones and how wierwille plagairized from him.
10) Rev. B.G. Leonard and the REAL foundational class that wierwille stole.
11) Albert Cliffe and the occultist roots of "the law of believing."
12) The "Audible Voice and Black Snowstorm" story that wierwille told to way corps to catapult his spiritual prominence.
Yeah, there are more.....but those 12 give clear evidence and insight into wierwille's character and building blocks to twi.
Every step along the way, wierwille hitched his wagon to a man of stature greater than himself. And then, when he stood
on the pedestal of "his own ministry"......he claimed that GOD TAUGHT HIM AND THAT THIS KNOWLEDGE WAS UNKNOWN.
The whole wierwille "man of God" schtick gets dunked into the toilet by mrs. wierwille's book. There was absolutely nothing
original about wierwille, nothing that he didn't mimic or steal from another source. Not one thing.
In the end, I seriously doubt that wierwille's speaking in tongues was genuine. <_<
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...and here's the kicker....Mrs. W.'s book was the sanitized version....So, even the sanitized version can't stand up to scrutiny.
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Yep. By the time any publication goes through all the departmental bureaucracy at HQ, you can bet it's been thoroughly cleansed of any "objectionable" material.
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Yeah.....but in a twist of irony, twi's elite fail to deceive with Mrs. Wierwille's book.
Although fawning followers may not see the glaring details that unmask wierwille's deception,
there are a list of issues........character, laziness, stealth, fraud, pride, striker, etc.
that are in direct contrast to scriptural truths regarding holy men of God.
In twi terminology.....wierwille wasn't just "a" man of God, he was THE man of God.
Not just top-tier, but TOP of the top-tier. You know......THE MAN of God.
The smell of idolatry, twi's cologne.....splash it on. :o
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I wonder if BATS was Mrs. Wierwille's passive aggressive way to expose VP. After all, she was mistreated by him througout their marriage and after his death called him a "mean mean man."
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Turning the tables on twi......
What would have happened if I had done some of these things?
.....if I had secretly and deceptively married during my interim corps year -- disregarding corps policy?
.....if I had flat out admitted during my corps training that I did NOT believe the bible?
.....if I blatantly plagairized from others when doing my corps research paper?
.....if I would have, after corps graduation, went off on my own teaching pfal?
Would I be recognized and considered highly into twi's spiritual ranks? Absolutely not.
Corps grads and trainees have been given the bum's rush for far, far less.
The hypocrisy and idolatry in twi is nothing short of astounding.
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What About It
How did the Vicster know the good Rev. I.S. Williams anyway? Was Williams from Ohio, New Bremen maybe, and not from India after all? When I was a staffer in the corn fields of New Knoxville, a lady in New Bremen used to cut my hair. When I told her I was in TWI, she said her grandfather was Rev. Williams who took Wierwille to India and her grandmother was still alive and lived with them. I asked her how she was doing, and she said she was crazy, had lost her mind. One day I walked into the salon and an elderly Indian woman was sitting in a chair by herself, mumbling. Then she got up and walked out. That was her, Rev. Williams's wife. So was Rev. Williams really living in the United States and took a trip to his home in India and took Wierwille with him?
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I have to wonder if Wierwille was maybe playing one of his shell games, hoping that people would confuse Rev. I. S. Williams with THIS person. I realize the chronology is a bit off but, that never stopped VP on many other points.
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In my years in-residentured, I heard it said that Wierwille did many these things out of ignorance - not knowing any better. Point was driven home the we know better because of the work he did. Therefore, these things were not tolerated of us because we knew better.
Uh....double standard, anyone?
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A quick summation......in the summer of 1953, wierwille's brother harry was in Tennessee. He stopped
to visit a Christian children's camp and an Anglican bishop from India, was the guest speaker. This
speaker was Bishop K.C. Pillai. Harry invited him to meet with vic in Van Wert, OH.
Pillai's church and connections back in India set Dr. I.S. Williams (and family) to host the wierwilles
during their stay in Bombay. Another thread, years ago gives more details.
Click Here - Narcisstic Self-Promotion
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There's another thread detailing Dr. I.S. Williams and NOT "Dr. J.S. Williams" in mrs. w's book.
I don't have time to find it right now......but it, even more, crystallizes how important
Dr. I.S. Williams was in Indian society and culture.
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And in way international culture of Victoid worship, these men of God that Wierwille stole...err..I mean learned from were just pieces of the puzzle. It's as if God Almighty brought them to Vic in the same way he brought the animals to Adam. And from his many revelations, many teachers, he put together the word that had not been known since the first century church. THE TRUTH. End of story.

Oh, and of course God taught Wierwille. Not any of these various and sundry people he stole...err...I mean learned from.
The more you think about it, mull it over, then the more ridiculous it becomes.
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I haven't been able to find that thread, but when I googled "All-India Federation of National Churches" of which, in Mrs. W's book indicates that Dr. Williams is the president......this thread is listed. This is a report of the Christianity Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee in 1956.
Significant Claims: 1) Archbishop K. c. Pillay is noted, 2) Dr. I.S. Williams presided over the Jabalpur Conference in June 1955,
3) Disapproves of foreign missionaries working under the control of foreign administrative systems importing their denominational influence into India.
Click Here
At the very bottom of this report, you can click on "back to contents page" and see the outline of this report.
The section regarding Dr. Williams is of interest only to those searching to uncover his significance with regards
to the wierwille itinerary in India.
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"None of the ecclesiastical dignitaries such as Bishops or Archbishops receive any salary. They all do honorary work."
"We have preachers but not paid ones. They have their independent means of livelihood."
"I dislike proselytization in any form."
Apparently, he and Wierwille were miles apart on these issues.
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Links to threads where stuff came up....
Keys to the city
Weirwille's Credentials and the Vetting Process
VP's Visit to India
Wierwille and his friend...drambuie
On both sides of the table
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From linked thread:
p. 172.....Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve
"Dr. Wierwille had designated Dr. Williams as the general overseer of The Way of India, with its headquarters in Bombay, as had been voted at the convention held on February 9 and 10 [1956]. Branches for each state of India were to be established as soon as possible, all under and by the independent national Christians without a foreign system of control. Mr. James John was to be secretary for The Way of India."
But...but...but....The guy was opposed to proselytizing! Here's what he said:
"I dislike proselytization in any form."
I guess there really was a dilemma. How can you establish branches if you are against witnessing?
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So Wierwille goes to India as Williams' guest only to try and use their organization to promote his own? And who the h3ll was Wierwille to designate anyone to do anything?
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Dr. I.S. Williams was president of the All-India Federation of National Churches.
And.....who was wierwille in 1956? A small-town pastor soon to receive unanimous resignation votes
from his own church board members.
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So much for protocol.
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