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What would Jesus say to the Churches of today

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God/the man of flesh the cunning serpent/Jesus the man was the illusion/

Christ the real man of God

What would Jesus say to the Churches of today?


Jesus would cry today if he saw evil that is done in the name of God what hate he would witness

first hand without destroying all of mankind? Have you witness the gay bashing by so called men of God with is pure hate no wonder there are some people who are atheist? Have you seem the greed they have for money which the bible says money is the root of evil?

Have you heard in the news where the Muslims kill and say it was in the name of God what vain actions they are doing? Have you heard where Christians leaders rape girls like there Muslims do everyday one wrong does not make it right? The hatefulness of both groups there is no love of God in either group they are full evil in every way.

The one thing they try to be more like God is far from both of them Jesus Christ would be sick at their sight what vain are all the different religion of today. Is there any group that is not full of some wrong prejudgment of other there are vain in their foolish actions. We judge ourself not the world around us the clearing must be done in our own house that why Jesus Christ said we were the temple of God not some vain building.

I judge myself because no other than God can I can only clean my house the dirt in my neighbor is his business unless my neighbor ask for my help. There might be dark areas where my neighbor is ashamed to talk about let them hide them until they are ready to show them because God will uncover all things. There is nothing hide that will stay hide our darkness lies will be reveled to every body thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.

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i wonder what he would say about all the child molesters in the roman catholic church and how their bosses bishops whatever have covered for them and moved them around time and time again to molest more little children

i wonder what he would say about the people he died for loathing homosexuals

i guess we'll find out one day

peace as ralph would say

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  • 2 months later...
  On 8/2/2012 at 12:26 AM, year2027 said:

God first

thanks excathedra

yes peace my friend excathedra

with love and a holy kiss Roy

Hi year. Ah, Excie, so good to see you :knuddel:

So what,you guys think Jesus doesn't see those people & what they're doing? He sees, & he is saying what he always says, "Come."

They just don't hear him.

And he said, "Let him who hears say come."

Come on. Say what Jesus is saying.


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