no Garribaldi didnt play drums for TAKIT. i thought the same thing until i started going to Daves fellowship in Northridge around 1988. i asked Dave about playing for TAKIT and he made it clear to me and his fellowship that he never was in TAKIT, he never drummed for TAKIT. he said people think he is but the drummer was a guy named Willie that looks just like him from a distance. Dave and some other believers put out and album called "wishful thinking". yeah that drummer could be Daves twin. i went to Daves fellowship for about a year and then Dave moved to san francisco. Daves fellowship consisted of about 10 drummers me being one a them. well , why not have an all drummer twig ?! LOL !
Just passing through, folks. I was asked to confirm this.
Yes, it is in fact true. In fact, the "Willie" noted was AKA "Willie B*" AKA Willey Brone AKA Willee Browne, all known aliases of the former Mayor of San Francisco. Yes, it's absolutely true, the former Mr. Mayor of SF was and still is a very talented but little known percussionist who did in fact work with the band "Takit" for a year or so there, don't recall if it was full tenure or not. But he definitely had some pop with the skins and at that time bore a striking resemblance to David, but only from a distance as shi t fthis has noted. Of course, upon closer inspection one would know the difference but from a distance - hardly tell 'em apart.
Added information bonus for those who are still reading - the band wasn't really named Takit, that too has been kind of a mix up. Their real name was Toolkit, but there was a misprint on some early promotional material, due to a bad phone line when the initial order was made and the person ordering sneezed...."AaaaaahTallllkaaaht!" and it was misunderstood to be "Takit". So yeah, the rest is history, form taking precedence over function or something to that effect. Or affect, take it or leave it, face value and all being what it is.
These statements are absolutely true as told to me by a former attendee of the Drumz and Thumbz, fellowship, a group of finger harp players who once double billed with Flower Tower, a cover band that does all TOP music, exclusively (except for their work with Rinse, a Beatles knockoff band of the cover group Raine).
But don't quote me. :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
That's true, excartesis. But really good at it, hey?
But I wouldn't tell a lie!
Takit was a fine band, a collection of talent that made some very good music.
Dave, Skip, Danny, on a whole 'nother level. Dean and Dan too, in different ways. Both extremely talented and dare I say "gifted" songwriters. As good as any, in their styles. The things the spirit speaks and the heart feels they were able to put out into words - what's the value of a moment of enlightenment, of healing, of warmth? They delivered more than once.
Danny is still at the top of his game, a great player and I'd say he flat out kills except it's probably more like life when he does it. Really good, by other words. Had dinner with him earlier this year. Nice as the day is long, love to talk shop with him.
Skip wrote some excellent music too, he was really multi-talented - sax, reed instruments, keyboards, songwriting, singing. I don't think he ever held an instrument he couldn't play. Geez, he picked up an accordion and within an hour was wailing and when he played it, it sounded cool. Anyone else - wassat? But Skip had his way of making gracious music out of anything and of course on the sax - beautiful. He was one-of-a-kind and so missed by those who knew him. But, there will come a day...
As for Dave G, fuggedaboudit. Top 10 of all time on the drums. Of course he played with Takit there, for the first year or two it was, then Michael stepped in, another really talented percussionist, and a great guy, a "class act" all the way.
I assume this was a joke post as it started. I like a good joke. See? Ha ha. See y'all! All my best.
i saw that TAKIT credit on that website. Dave said he never played drums for TAKIT but its possible he helped the drummer. he could have help mix , helped produce , etc and thats why hes credited.
i saw that TAKIT credit on that website. Dave said he never played drums for TAKIT but its possible he helped the drummer. he could have help mix , helped produce , etc and thats why hes credited.
Oh my gosh...why is it not possible that YOU misunderstood something. Talk about dogmatic in your stance of being argumentative or right! Once you decide something, eye witnesses [past or current] don't matter to you. Sheesh!
Yeh, we can put this one to bed. Nighty night, sleep tight! Something's amiss, knowing Dave and everyone in the first couple iterations of the Takethat band, yeah. While I respect the players and the efforts for Dave it is likely a part of a career that's had a lot of high points. It was one for me to have heard him with them. But it was a long time ago, too.
Wilie Grove, I don't think I know Willie. I've heard the name, people speak of him and I think it's all been good, but I don't think I know him personally or his playing. Sorry, vague on that.
I'm biased though as you can probably tell - if Willie played with any of these guys, he's good at what he does, I'm sure. Playing with great musicians is like a good ride on the dragonfly! No argument there, just on face value. And that being the case he wouldn't need me to validate that but 2 cents are cheap around here.
Dave - he would have to speak for himself. He's just so off the chart-good in his skills I'd almost have to agree that if he said he didn't play with Takit, I might actually consider that he'd gone back and changed the past through the use of some massive barrage of ghost notes played so fast that it bent time and space in such a way that he was able to go back and replace himself with someone else.
I'm joking. I think.
My impression of Dave over the years is that he's always been very careful and considerate of who he plays with and when. That appears to have served him well. As with his return to TOP - it's like gold and the music is top tier stuff.
But Takit had some talent, and yeah, it was a great effort in my opinion. Collect your .02 cents coupon,good for a free coffee!
I've been kind of a wise guy here, earlier, sorry, I don't mean to bend anybody out of shape. Live, well, long, prosper, all that stuff mah peeps! Peace out!
Why does nobody ever ask about the band Breakthrough, which released at least one album by the name of "A Thought Away" in 1985 through Higher Ground Music. Their address at the time was in Canoga Park, CA.
I have the cassette. I also have the Takit album but it is tucked away at this time and I cannot access it. I believe Socks however.
I think socks is too modest to overly toot his own horn, but I'm not. ;)
For those who don't know it, I first met Socks and his lovely lady back in the early seventies at twi headquarters, helped sponsor them through the corpse, and counted them as friends. Socks was one of the musicians seen playing onstage in the first Rock of Ages film, (1971) and was at the center of twi's musical endeavors throughout his time with the ministry.
Twi was full of talented musicians who played and sang from the love of God insired in their hearts. Beautiful music both equal and superior to anything you heard on the radio.
If he wanted, he could tell you of the ways twi used and abused them to make second rate (For them) propaganda music for twi. Even those efforts were excellent to us, the great unwashed twi masses. :D (I believe vp was afraid the musicans would have more followers than him.)
I was fortunate to have known a number of musians at the local and state levels and some corpses too. I went with them through those music competitions in the early 80's, there were many great works of the heart in them.
Again, Socks was one of them, he was in the center of it all, he knows whereof he speaks.
i don't know how to put a value on it. a saved soul, a healed heart, a crushed person put back together again
speaking from experience
love you socks
Beautiful :excl:
The second and third people I ever established in scripture were a natural born musician and his wife. He had made his own guitar by the time he was four, and had his own first Gibson gitbox by the time he was five, had his first band at twelve. When I met them he was running a club band in regional hotels and clubs.
They took the class and then he went back out on the road with his band.
One Friday night several of us went to see him play at this nearby club. During one of his breaks, he came and sat down at our table. He then told me that he felt bad, now being a christian hearted man, playing in bars seemed wrong to him, what should he do.
I pondered for a moment, and said: Look around you at the people here. They are laughing, dancing, having fun. For many of them, tonight is the only good time they have had all week. All the stresses and strains are being washed away for a while tonight, largely by your music.
The scriptures say that laughter doeth good like a medicine, another: music soothes the savage beast. In very real ways, you are blessing and healing people here tonight.
A great big smile came across his face which as far as I know, never left it.
Good music does wonderful things we will never fully know until God shows it at the throne. :eusa_clap:
Oh my gosh...why is it not possible that YOU misunderstood something. Talk about dogmatic in your stance of being argumentative or right! Once you decide something, eye witnesses [past or current] don't matter to you. Sheesh!
do what dude ?! are you on drugs ?! me missunderstood sumthin ?! if you read my post i clearly stated i was going to a fellowship run by Dave Garribaldi. i brought up TAKIT and during the conversation Dave said he never played drums for TAKIT. he told me that other believers thought he did to. i never asked if he was involved or not involved with TAKIT in other ways. you dig bro ?
Hi there shift. Dunno - I do apologize for the initial tone of my response if it seemed rasty, I did think this was a joke. Slap my asz and call me Judy, now we're serious and I want to clarify what I wrote.
I was "in the Way" as they say from '68 PFAL, till about 1989, give or take. I met David earlier on in the SF Bay Area, and before going back there to Ohio. I'd met Skip M before that and we all knew some of the same people. Later I was in Way Productions at the Way Nash, Joyful Noise and played guitar and worked with that initial effort from it's inception through 1980. I left in 1980 but kept contact with the work over the years up till I left - the rest is water under the bridge. The development of "Takit" was influenced by many different people, the times and the inevitable change that occurs in an organization and it's efforts. When members were being discussed for that work DG was at the top of the list of course - his availability, etc. As it worked out he took it on and his leadership both musically and personally had a significant impact on it's initial successes. (as you'd expect).
I don't know what DG meant or what happened in your conversation. DG did was in fact the initial drummer for that band. The drum chair changed after a year or so - I'm fuzzy on the who/what/when's of his leaving, it's just been a long time since all this, but he did. Michael came in at a point, sounds like others did too but I wasn't in contact with them for most of the time they were down in L.A. and only got caught up on it all years later. Anyone who was around in the early 80's there when they were on the road with the production that year saw him with them, and he was always introduced by name, of course. But Dave was part of it. I don't know what he meant by what he told you, I'm sure it was correct in the context of the conversation you were having.
In some ways this isn't a big deal, definitely not to me. And while I respect their effort in that band and they did make good music that wasn't the sole goal of the effort - but it was a primary goal in why it was formed. DG was an asset and contributor to those goals - of course, he's a great musician. Like all of the Way's efforts though it wasn't completely reliant and built around single personalities. Members shifted. This isn't unusual at all in music efforts, bands, etc. TOP's roster over the years is a perfect example of that kind of dynamic. I'm sure Dave's List of Best Of's might already be loaded up - I'm sure it was meaningful to him in certain ways but he's had a busy career of great work.
I realized years ago that as time passes, information and history is going to get blurry on all of this Wayfer stuff. A lot of it is now, and there are many different perspectives on events. Hope this helps in some way. Either way, play long and prosper!
Hi there shift. Dunno - I do apologize for the initial tone of my response if it seemed rasty, I did think this was a joke. Slap my asz and call me Judy, now we're serious and I want to clarify what I wrote.
I was "in the Way" as they say from '68 PFAL, till about 1989, give or take. I met David earlier on in the SF Bay Area, and before going back there to Ohio. I'd met Skip M before that and we all knew some of the same people. Later I was in Way Productions at the Way Nash, Joyful Noise and played guitar and worked with that initial effort from it's inception through 1980. I left in 1980 but kept contact with the work over the years up till I left - the rest is water under the bridge. The development of "Takit" was influenced by many different people, the times and the inevitable change that occurs in an organization and it's efforts. When members were being discussed for that work DG was at the top of the list of course - his availability, etc. As it worked out he took it on and his leadership both musically and personally had a significant impact on it's initial successes. (as you'd expect).
I don't know what DG meant or what happened in your conversation. DG did was in fact the initial drummer for that band. The drum chair changed after a year or so - I'm fuzzy on the who/what/when's of his leaving, it's just been a long time since all this, but he did. Michael came in at a point, sounds like others did too but I wasn't in contact with them for most of the time they were down in L.A. and only got caught up on it all years later. Anyone who was around in the early 80's there when they were on the road with the production that year saw him with them, and he was always introduced by name, of course. But Dave was part of it. I don't know what he meant by what he told you, I'm sure it was correct in the context of the conversation you were having.
In some ways this isn't a big deal, definitely not to me. And while I respect their effort in that band and they did make good music that wasn't the sole goal of the effort - but it was a primary goal in why it was formed. DG was an asset and contributor to those goals - of course, he's a great musician. Like all of the Way's efforts though it wasn't completely reliant and built around single personalities. Members shifted. This isn't unusual at all in music efforts, bands, etc. TOP's roster over the years is a perfect example of that kind of dynamic. I'm sure Dave's List of Best Of's might already be loaded up - I'm sure it was meaningful to him in certain ways but he's had a busy career of great work.
I realized years ago that as time passes, information and history is going to get blurry on all of this Wayfer stuff. A lot of it is now, and there are many different perspectives on events. Hope this helps in some way. Either way, play long and prosper!
thanks for the info. i went to a fellowship DG was running for about a year. i dont know why DG told me and the other people in his twig he never played for takit. maybe he meant he didnt play on the album. i was shocked at Daves reply. i was going to DG's fellowship when he packed up and left to SF around 1988. i wish takit had put their names on the album cover. thanks for the info. btw the drugs reference is from the movie "my cousin Vinny" !
Yep, shiftthis, something along those lines makes sense. Glad to read you're a player, may all your endeavors be successful!
Thanks dabobbada and all, missed the earlier comments. Appreciate the kind words. And back at ya! Yes indeed.
Sat for a couple of fine hours last night with the poster previously known here as alfakat and his wife, sister and husband at a jam packed local spot. He is a fine fellow from the earlier years and he and his wife have lived quite a life, as have you! Great people, and so good to see. He said something I agree with completely - that amongst all of the things from these past years the one thing that stands out prominently, without question and is like gold is - the people that we met and knew and worked with.
Absolutely "the best", wonderful, concerned, interested, interesting, caring, hard working and down right swell-the peeps. You are amongst them. That we intersected brought honor and light to my life. I'm glad for all that remains that is good. Thanks for that to all! It's absolutely amazing in so many ways, more than I can count. Thank you!
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I thought Dave Garibaldi was Takit's drummer.
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no Garribaldi didnt play drums for TAKIT. i thought the same thing until i started going to Daves fellowship in Northridge around 1988. i asked Dave about playing for TAKIT and he made it clear to me and his fellowship that he never was in TAKIT, he never drummed for TAKIT. he said people think he is but the drummer was a guy named Willie that looks just like him from a distance. Dave and some other believers put out and album called "wishful thinking". yeah that drummer could be Daves twin. i went to Daves fellowship for about a year and then Dave moved to san francisco. Daves fellowship consisted of about 10 drummers me being one a them. well , why not have an all drummer twig ?! LOL !
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Just passing through, folks. I was asked to confirm this.
Yes, it is in fact true. In fact, the "Willie" noted was AKA "Willie B*" AKA Willey Brone AKA Willee Browne, all known aliases of the former Mayor of San Francisco. Yes, it's absolutely true, the former Mr. Mayor of SF was and still is a very talented but little known percussionist who did in fact work with the band "Takit" for a year or so there, don't recall if it was full tenure or not. But he definitely had some pop with the skins and at that time bore a striking resemblance to David, but only from a distance as shi t fthis has noted. Of course, upon closer inspection one would know the difference but from a distance - hardly tell 'em apart.
Added information bonus for those who are still reading - the band wasn't really named Takit, that too has been kind of a mix up. Their real name was Toolkit, but there was a misprint on some early promotional material, due to a bad phone line when the initial order was made and the person ordering sneezed...."AaaaaahTallllkaaaht!" and it was misunderstood to be "Takit". So yeah, the rest is history, form taking precedence over function or something to that effect. Or affect, take it or leave it, face value and all being what it is.
These statements are absolutely true as told to me by a former attendee of the Drumz and Thumbz, fellowship, a group of finger harp players who once double billed with Flower Tower, a cover band that does all TOP music, exclusively (except for their work with Rinse, a Beatles knockoff band of the cover group Raine).
But don't quote me.
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Geeze, I thought they derived the name from a fondness for passing off solos.
(They were originally called Takit Away!)
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Then there was vp's favorite band,... TOOKIT
Anything that he could,
as often as he could,
from whomever he could,
for as much as he could.
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vp also really liked NAILEDIT
he always liked to have them together. TOOKIT first, then NAILEDIT.
I think NAILEDIT was originally known as Scored.
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you're a bad boy socks
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That's true, excartesis. But really good at it, hey?
But I wouldn't tell a lie!
Takit was a fine band, a collection of talent that made some very good music.
Dave, Skip, Danny, on a whole 'nother level. Dean and Dan too, in different ways. Both extremely talented and dare I say "gifted" songwriters. As good as any, in their styles. The things the spirit speaks and the heart feels they were able to put out into words - what's the value of a moment of enlightenment, of healing, of warmth? They delivered more than once.
Danny is still at the top of his game, a great player and I'd say he flat out kills except it's probably more like life when he does it. Really good, by other words. Had dinner with him earlier this year. Nice as the day is long, love to talk shop with him.
Skip wrote some excellent music too, he was really multi-talented - sax, reed instruments, keyboards, songwriting, singing. I don't think he ever held an instrument he couldn't play. Geez, he picked up an accordion and within an hour was wailing and when he played it, it sounded cool. Anyone else - wassat? But Skip had his way of making gracious music out of anything and of course on the sax - beautiful. He was one-of-a-kind and so missed by those who knew him. But, there will come a day...
As for Dave G, fuggedaboudit. Top 10 of all time on the drums. Of course he played with Takit there, for the first year or two it was, then Michael stepped in, another really talented percussionist, and a great guy, a "class act" all the way.
I assume this was a joke post as it started. I like a good joke. See? Ha ha. See y'all! All my best.
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Willie Grove, if I recall correctly.
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i saw that TAKIT credit on that website. Dave said he never played drums for TAKIT but its possible he helped the drummer. he could have help mix , helped produce , etc and thats why hes credited.
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Oh my gosh...why is it not possible that YOU misunderstood something. Talk about dogmatic in your stance of being argumentative or right! Once you decide something, eye witnesses [past or current] don't matter to you. Sheesh!
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Yeh, we can put this one to bed. Nighty night, sleep tight! Something's amiss, knowing Dave and everyone in the first couple iterations of the Takethat band, yeah. While I respect the players and the efforts for Dave it is likely a part of a career that's had a lot of high points. It was one for me to have heard him with them. But it was a long time ago, too.
Wilie Grove, I don't think I know Willie. I've heard the name, people speak of him and I think it's all been good, but I don't think I know him personally or his playing. Sorry, vague on that.
I'm biased though as you can probably tell - if Willie played with any of these guys, he's good at what he does, I'm sure. Playing with great musicians is like a good ride on the dragonfly! No argument there, just on face value. And that being the case he wouldn't need me to validate that but 2 cents are cheap around here.
Dave - he would have to speak for himself. He's just so off the chart-good in his skills I'd almost have to agree that if he said he didn't play with Takit, I might actually consider that he'd gone back and changed the past through the use of some massive barrage of ghost notes played so fast that it bent time and space in such a way that he was able to go back and replace himself with someone else.
I'm joking. I think.
My impression of Dave over the years is that he's always been very careful and considerate of who he plays with and when. That appears to have served him well. As with his return to TOP - it's like gold and the music is top tier stuff.
But Takit had some talent, and yeah, it was a great effort in my opinion. Collect your .02 cents coupon,good for a free coffee!
I've been kind of a wise guy here, earlier, sorry, I don't mean to bend anybody out of shape. Live, well, long, prosper, all that stuff mah peeps! Peace out!
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"I've been kind of a wise guy here, earlier, sorry, I don't mean to bend anybody out of shape."
Well, it's all about "the bend". Gives it that special flavah. Ya know what I'm sayin'?
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Why does nobody ever ask about the band Breakthrough, which released at least one album by the name of "A Thought Away" in 1985 through Higher Ground Music. Their address at the time was in Canoga Park, CA.
I have the cassette. I also have the Takit album but it is tucked away at this time and I cannot access it. I believe Socks however.
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i don't know how to put a value on it. a saved soul, a healed heart, a crushed person put back together again
speaking from experience
love you socks
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Ya know, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought maybe it was about one of Jerry Garcia's early bands...Toke-It.
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Amen excie!
I think socks is too modest to overly toot his own horn, but I'm not. ;)
For those who don't know it, I first met Socks and his lovely lady back in the early seventies at twi headquarters, helped sponsor them through the corpse, and counted them as friends. Socks was one of the musicians seen playing onstage in the first Rock of Ages film, (1971) and was at the center of twi's musical endeavors throughout his time with the ministry.
Twi was full of talented musicians who played and sang from the love of God insired in their hearts. Beautiful music both equal and superior to anything you heard on the radio.
If he wanted, he could tell you of the ways twi used and abused them to make second rate (For them) propaganda music for twi. Even those efforts were excellent to us, the great unwashed twi masses. :D (I believe vp was afraid the musicans would have more followers than him.)
I was fortunate to have known a number of musians at the local and state levels and some corpses too. I went with them through those music competitions in the early 80's, there were many great works of the heart in them.
Again, Socks was one of them, he was in the center of it all, he knows whereof he speaks.
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Beautiful :excl:
The second and third people I ever established in scripture were a natural born musician and his wife. He had made his own guitar by the time he was four, and had his own first Gibson gitbox by the time he was five, had his first band at twelve. When I met them he was running a club band in regional hotels and clubs.
They took the class and then he went back out on the road with his band.
One Friday night several of us went to see him play at this nearby club. During one of his breaks, he came and sat down at our table. He then told me that he felt bad, now being a christian hearted man, playing in bars seemed wrong to him, what should he do.
I pondered for a moment, and said: Look around you at the people here. They are laughing, dancing, having fun. For many of them, tonight is the only good time they have had all week. All the stresses and strains are being washed away for a while tonight, largely by your music.
The scriptures say that laughter doeth good like a medicine, another: music soothes the savage beast. In very real ways, you are blessing and healing people here tonight.
A great big smile came across his face which as far as I know, never left it.
Good music does wonderful things we will never fully know until God shows it at the throne.
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do what dude ?! are you on drugs ?! me missunderstood sumthin ?! if you read my post i clearly stated i was going to a fellowship run by Dave Garribaldi. i brought up TAKIT and during the conversation Dave said he never played drums for TAKIT. he told me that other believers thought he did to. i never asked if he was involved or not involved with TAKIT in other ways. you dig bro ?
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"Just when I thought I was out...."
Hi there shift. Dunno - I do apologize for the initial tone of my response if it seemed rasty, I did think this was a joke. Slap my asz and call me Judy, now we're serious and I want to clarify what I wrote.
I was "in the Way" as they say from '68 PFAL, till about 1989, give or take. I met David earlier on in the SF Bay Area, and before going back there to Ohio. I'd met Skip M before that and we all knew some of the same people. Later I was in Way Productions at the Way Nash, Joyful Noise and played guitar and worked with that initial effort from it's inception through 1980. I left in 1980 but kept contact with the work over the years up till I left - the rest is water under the bridge. The development of "Takit" was influenced by many different people, the times and the inevitable change that occurs in an organization and it's efforts. When members were being discussed for that work DG was at the top of the list of course - his availability, etc. As it worked out he took it on and his leadership both musically and personally had a significant impact on it's initial successes. (as you'd expect).
I don't know what DG meant or what happened in your conversation. DG did was in fact the initial drummer for that band. The drum chair changed after a year or so - I'm fuzzy on the who/what/when's of his leaving, it's just been a long time since all this, but he did. Michael came in at a point, sounds like others did too but I wasn't in contact with them for most of the time they were down in L.A. and only got caught up on it all years later. Anyone who was around in the early 80's there when they were on the road with the production that year saw him with them, and he was always introduced by name, of course. But Dave was part of it. I don't know what he meant by what he told you, I'm sure it was correct in the context of the conversation you were having.
In some ways this isn't a big deal, definitely not to me. And while I respect their effort in that band and they did make good music that wasn't the sole goal of the effort - but it was a primary goal in why it was formed. DG was an asset and contributor to those goals - of course, he's a great musician. Like all of the Way's efforts though it wasn't completely reliant and built around single personalities. Members shifted. This isn't unusual at all in music efforts, bands, etc. TOP's roster over the years is a perfect example of that kind of dynamic. I'm sure Dave's List of Best Of's might already be loaded up - I'm sure it was meaningful to him in certain ways but he's had a busy career of great work.
I realized years ago that as time passes, information and history is going to get blurry on all of this Wayfer stuff. A lot of it is now, and there are many different perspectives on events. Hope this helps in some way. Either way, play long and prosper!
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You're a gracious man, Mr. Socks.
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thanks for the info. i went to a fellowship DG was running for about a year. i dont know why DG told me and the other people in his twig he never played for takit. maybe he meant he didnt play on the album. i was shocked at Daves reply. i was going to DG's fellowship when he packed up and left to SF around 1988. i wish takit had put their names on the album cover. thanks for the info. btw the drugs reference is from the movie "my cousin Vinny" !
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Yep, shiftthis, something along those lines makes sense. Glad to read you're a player, may all your endeavors be successful!
Thanks dabobbada and all, missed the earlier comments. Appreciate the kind words. And back at ya! Yes indeed.
Sat for a couple of fine hours last night with the poster previously known here as alfakat and his wife, sister and husband at a jam packed local spot. He is a fine fellow from the earlier years and he and his wife have lived quite a life, as have you! Great people, and so good to see. He said something I agree with completely - that amongst all of the things from these past years the one thing that stands out prominently, without question and is like gold is - the people that we met and knew and worked with.
Absolutely "the best", wonderful, concerned, interested, interesting, caring, hard working and down right swell-the peeps. You are amongst them. That we intersected brought honor and light to my life. I'm glad for all that remains that is good. Thanks for that to all! It's absolutely amazing in so many ways, more than I can count. Thank you!
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