THANK YOU KIT!!! I've just been learning about these Indigo Children. Here is her bio, from her web page. Just click to enter and then click the About top menu tab;
i don't know -- heaven looks like the pope's house and jesus looks like a rock star ?--
if someone told me there is no after life, i would definitely feel like killing myself
when I read her web page showing those photos that Kit attached, what she said "I believe that in Heaven, each of us will be able to choose and create a sanctuary. This is the garden that I would like to create and plant."
Her art is as she gets senses and impressions. We are all some may want to create a desert oasis, some a mountain top home, others may want to exist on fluffy clouds. I love the idea of endless possibilities as unique as we are. Her painting of Jesus is drawn as her heart sees him. here is her website;
If I find out there is no more beer in the fridge, it would make me want to enjoy the one in front of me, not spill it down the drain.
Waysider. Some people (of whom I am one) do not experience their/our current "beer" as something to be savored. Some people have a sucky life, with more hurt and dirt than happiness and good times. I can understand why people without a longing for heaven and to see the face of Jesus Christ and to hear Him say, "well done" have no reason to live.
Didn't we have a song,
On Monday I was all alone
On Tuesday my sins to atone
On Wednesday well I cried and I cried
On THursday, well I thought I would die.
On Friday I took session one
On Saturday well the fun's just begun
On Sunday the heavens did part
I got the love of God in my heart.
No reason to sigh anymore
No reason to cry anymore
No reason to die anymore
I got the love of God in my heart.
I related to this. That's why I held onto twi so long. It wasn't Jesus Who rescued me but PFAL. vp never wanted to hand us to Jesus but wanted us in bondage to his cult.
However, some were able to see His face and those of us who are with Him still have that love of God in our hearts and the reason for living through this valley of tears no matter how bitter it is.
For years, I have said that I choose life over death ~ however, I would have chosen nonexistence over existence... if given a choice right before conception... I too, had a sucky life... (It is great now with Groucho, but in its total. I would have rather to have not been born)
For years, I have said that I choose life over death ~ however, I would have chosen nonexistence over existence... if given a choice right before conception... I too, had a sucky life... (It is great now with Groucho, but in its total. I would have rather to have not been born)
IMHO (Is my hearing aid on?) When you see His face, however that is, everything does pale in comparison -- the years of troubles do not compare to eternity with Him. You'll see. He does make it all worth while.
A wonderful guy, Txx Helxxr, gave us this on "The Way" yahoo group (used to be "One List"). I saved it because it sounded to me he mined and cared for precious gems fromall that Bible stuff, pondered and filtered by Holy Spirit corroboration for all these years.
...So, here is the deal. The stuff we do based on love lasts forever. God doesn't forget that, right? It stays. It builds. The more you do out of love, the more [xxx put your name here], new man, is defined. It really is who you are. I mean you say something cool on this list, people might say thanks. You know you did something cool to bless someone. Feels good, right? But you don't know really the grief it helped them bypass, or who they healed that day as a result of what you said.
But at the Bema, you will know - face to face, right. Awesome, right, knowing fully the result of every good thing you ever did - seeing it play out more & more in people's lives - FOREVER! It's part of the rewards.
You've done stuff not based on love, flesh stuff. That stuff doesn't make it into the kingdom where all is love. It gets ripped out of you at the Bema, like a fire was burning it up. It hurts. You suffer. You suffer LOSS, because it is part of you getting burned out of you. Time to fess up & say goodbye to the crap you let become part of your life.
You can fess up now, & then you won't have to, but one way or another, you will. That stuff is not making it into the realm of love where the real you dwells forever. That's judgment.
Seeing through a glass, darkly,
Then face to face,
Looking forward,
For me this compares to the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" as a reality in that we will get to see the kindness of God our lives brought into the earth, and that playback will last a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time, with no shadow of darkness in the playback.
IMHO (Is my hearing aid on?) When you see His face, however that is, everything does pale in comparison -- the years of troubles do not compare to eternity with Him. You'll see. He does make it all worth while.
Kit; that picture you posted of Jesus was included in the book "Heaven is for Real" about little Colton Burpo's near death experience. His father is a pastor, and spent a lot of time trying to understand what happened to his four year old son. In his library, the dad had many books with many drawings depicting what Jesus looked like. Longer hair, darker hair, longer beards, shorter beards, blue eyes, brown eyes etc.
Colton would always say, "That's not Him." But one day, dad stumbled across the works of the girl Akiane Kramarik, and when Colton saw her drawing of Jesus, Colton said, "There He is, that's Him!" That likeness is represented Jesus who Colton said held him for a time in his journey on the other side. Colton had never met the artist, and as a young boy, was too young to make up such a startling recognition...
Kit; that picture you posted of Jesus was included in the book "Heaven is for Real" about little Colton Burpo's near death experience. ...
"Heaven is for real" was given to me by a new non twi internet friend.
What a treasure it was for me to read that. Made so much sense. Thanks for the reminder. I have so many people I have offended during my twi time, and "Heaven is for Real" is one book that might help overcome the wall of separation which my twi time built between me and family and old friends. (saving for Christimas presents)
"Heaven is for real" was given to me by a new non twi internet friend.
What a treasure it was for me to read that. Made so much sense. Thanks for the reminder. I have so many people I have offended during my twi time, and "Heaven is for Real" is one book that might help overcome the wall of separation which my twi time built between me and family and old friends. (saving for Christimas presents)
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Kit Sober
Here is a link to some pictures from Akiane Kramarik,
This is her view of heaven:
And her view of Jesus, which I find especially lovely.
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THANK YOU KIT!!! I've just been learning about these Indigo Children. Here is her bio, from her web page. Just click to enter and then click the About top menu tab;
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i don't know -- heaven looks like the pope's house and jesus looks like a rock star ?
if someone told me there is no after life, i would definitely feel like killing myself
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when I read her web page showing those photos that Kit attached, what she said "I believe that in Heaven, each of us will be able to choose and create a sanctuary. This is the garden that I would like to create and plant."
Her art is as she gets senses and impressions. We are all some may want to create a desert oasis, some a mountain top home, others may want to exist on fluffy clouds. I love the idea of endless possibilities as unique as we are. Her painting of Jesus is drawn as her heart sees him. here is her website;
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This is the part I don't understand.
If I find out there is no more beer in the fridge, it would make me want to enjoy the one in front of me, not spill it down the drain.
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Kit Sober
Waysider. Some people (of whom I am one) do not experience their/our current "beer" as something to be savored. Some people have a sucky life, with more hurt and dirt than happiness and good times. I can understand why people without a longing for heaven and to see the face of Jesus Christ and to hear Him say, "well done" have no reason to live.
Didn't we have a song,
On Monday I was all alone
On Tuesday my sins to atone
On Wednesday well I cried and I cried
On THursday, well I thought I would die.
On Friday I took session one
On Saturday well the fun's just begun
On Sunday the heavens did part
I got the love of God in my heart.
No reason to sigh anymore
No reason to cry anymore
No reason to die anymore
I got the love of God in my heart.
I related to this. That's why I held onto twi so long. It wasn't Jesus Who rescued me but PFAL. vp never wanted to hand us to Jesus but wanted us in bondage to his cult.
However, some were able to see His face and those of us who are with Him still have that love of God in our hearts and the reason for living through this valley of tears no matter how bitter it is.
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thanks kit. i was trying to formulate my answer on that
looking to the hope of christ is what gets me through this life
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I reserve the right to call all this "Indigo Children" stuff hokum.
Everybody wants a special title.
The second links shows that even people who are into psychic phenomenon call
"shenanigans" on this "Indigo Children" business.
If your kid has ADD, you can love your kid and work with them,
or you can decide the problems are really side-effects of being supernatural
and do NOTHING to help the kid fit in. This will make the kid feel entitled
rather than teach him to try to succeed.
I consider this label to be HARMFUL to the children.
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Dot Matrix
For years, I have said that I choose life over death ~ however, I would have chosen nonexistence over existence... if given a choice right before conception... I too, had a sucky life... (It is great now with Groucho, but in its total. I would have rather to have not been born)
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Kit Sober
IMHO (Is my hearing aid on?) When you see His face, however that is, everything does pale in comparison -- the years of troubles do not compare to eternity with Him. You'll see. He does make it all worth while.
A wonderful guy, Txx Helxxr, gave us this on "The Way" yahoo group (used to be "One List"). I saved it because it sounded to me he mined and cared for precious gems fromall that Bible stuff, pondered and filtered by Holy Spirit corroboration for all these years.
For me this compares to the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" as a reality in that we will get to see the kindness of God our lives brought into the earth, and that playback will last a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time, with no shadow of darkness in the playback.
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Dot Matrix
Well Kit, I am counting on that.
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me too. otherwise, being born and being here is a total loss
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Kit; that picture you posted of Jesus was included in the book "Heaven is for Real" about little Colton Burpo's near death experience. His father is a pastor, and spent a lot of time trying to understand what happened to his four year old son. In his library, the dad had many books with many drawings depicting what Jesus looked like. Longer hair, darker hair, longer beards, shorter beards, blue eyes, brown eyes etc.
Colton would always say, "That's not Him." But one day, dad stumbled across the works of the girl Akiane Kramarik, and when Colton saw her drawing of Jesus, Colton said, "There He is, that's Him!" That likeness is represented Jesus who Colton said held him for a time in his journey on the other side. Colton had never met the artist, and as a young boy, was too young to make up such a startling recognition...
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Kit Sober
"Heaven is for real" was given to me by a new non twi internet friend.
What a treasure it was for me to read that. Made so much sense. Thanks for the reminder. I have so many people I have offended during my twi time, and "Heaven is for Real" is one book that might help overcome the wall of separation which my twi time built between me and family and old friends. (saving for Christimas presents)
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I had the same reaction when I read it!

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