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VP's Visit to India


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John, have you a link to the article you are quoting? It's nowhere obvious.

HWF mentions in several places it is reprinting Dilemma. It costs 10 rupees.

HWF also attacks the "Islamization" of Indians and everything else that doesn't fit with their viewpoint. The forum appears to have four regular contributors. Or maybe they are the guiding lights. Anyway, not a big player, just a stirrer.

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  On 6/7/2012 at 8:23 AM, Twinky said:

John, have you a link to the article you are quoting? It's nowhere obvious.

Click on "New".

It's at the top of the menu, on the left side of the link in post #1. Then, click on the link entitled "Wierwille's Attack on Christian Ministries".

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  On 6/7/2012 at 2:44 AM, Steve Lortz said:

Given who Wierwille was, and what TWI was, what could have been.........NEVER COULD HAVE BEEN!



Steve......I, respectfully, disagree.

Was I the only one in twi who endeavored to live the Scriptures? who wanted my mediator and lord to guide my way?

who desired to praise the Lord God in song and worship? who was daily humbled that my savior saved a wretch like me?

Yes, year after year.....wierwille's twi was shown to have been led astray. That is perfectly clear. But I remember those

mid-70s when twi's songbook was filled with Jesus, and Christ, and "Lord I believe" songs. A time when prison outreach and

hospital visits were more common. A time when helping neighbors and others was the christian way of doing things.

Yet, twi ramped up into cult-mode as wierwille built his corps-cloning factory.

Maybe it was just me.....living in an "alternate universe," but I have several times testified of answers to prayer, healings,

and that still small voice of God on dozens of occasions. Specific results! And, it wasn't the formulaic methods of twi that

I applied.....it was simply walking with God. Listening humbly. Having an open heart. Willing to help. Maybe that walking

in love, walking in light, walking circumspectly (in Ephesians) is more pertinent that those "sixteen keys?" /sarc

Without talking about wierwille and his filth.......I know what was in my heart those years. More than anything, I wanted to

be a vessel for the Lord's purposes. I wanted to see HIM glorified. I desired with my whole being to submit as one of Christ's

disciples and see how "loaves and fishes" could be multiplied to feed thousands. And, healing.....to pray with those who were

burdened and witness God's healing power instantaneously!

I know, I know.....why did I stay so long in twi? It's complicated.

But, I do think that there were hundreds, if not thousands, like me who desired this to.......until the indoctrination of their

wierwille-droning talking points drowned out the motives of one's heart. Maybe I am totally wrong on this. Guess it doesn't

really matter now.

Anyhoo.......this is off-topic, isn't it? :B)

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  On 6/7/2012 at 10:59 AM, skyrider said:

But, I do think that there were hundreds, if not thousands, like me who desired this.....

Wierwille counted on that and purposely exploited it to his benefit.....That is, in part, what makes his actions so despicable.

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  On 6/7/2012 at 5:45 AM, johnj said:

I did not say that HWF published Dilemma recently, but the fact that they did reprint vpw is probably news to most everyone at greasespotcafe.

It's news to me and I found the links on your site very informative.

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I've seen that, OldSkool.

What I want is the original article, which the "New" item purports to critique. I want to know what HWF says, not what someone says HWF says.

In the same way that there has been a lot of misquoting (including by JohnJ) of WPV & TWI material, no doubt HWF may also be being misrepresented.

"Keeds, I wish you could read it in the original!"

I suppose I could go further, and say I want to read what VPW says...but frankly enough of his stuff/plagiarism has passed before my eyes. And if I had Rs10 there is probably a better use for it.

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  On 6/7/2012 at 10:59 AM, skyrider said:

Steve......I, respectfully, disagree.

Was I the only one in twi who endeavored to live the Scriptures? who wanted my mediator and lord to guide my way?

who desired to praise the Lord God in song and worship? who was daily humbled that my savior saved a wretch like me?

Yes, year after year.....wierwille's twi was shown to have been led astray. That is perfectly clear. But I remember those

mid-70s when twi's songbook was filled with Jesus, and Christ, and "Lord I believe" songs. A time when prison outreach and

hospital visits were more common. A time when helping neighbors and others was the christian way of doing things.

Yet, twi ramped up into cult-mode as wierwille built his corps-cloning factory.

Maybe it was just me.....living in an "alternate universe," but I have several times testified of answers to prayer, healings,

and that still small voice of God on dozens of occasions. Specific results! And, it wasn't the formulaic methods of twi that

I applied.....it was simply walking with God. Listening humbly. Having an open heart. Willing to help. Maybe that walking

in love, walking in light, walking circumspectly (in Ephesians) is more pertinent that those "sixteen keys?" /sarc

Without talking about wierwille and his filth.......I know what was in my heart those years. More than anything, I wanted to

be a vessel for the Lord's purposes. I wanted to see HIM glorified. I desired with my whole being to submit as one of Christ's

disciples and see how "loaves and fishes" could be multiplied to feed thousands. And, healing.....to pray with those who were

burdened and witness God's healing power instantaneously!

I know, I know.....why did I stay so long in twi? It's complicated.

But, I do think that there were hundreds, if not thousands, like me who desired this to.......until the indoctrination of their

wierwille-droning talking points drowned out the motives of one's heart. Maybe I am totally wrong on this. Guess it doesn't

really matter now.

Anyhoo.......this is off-topic, isn't it? :B)

I understand what you are saying, skyrider, having been one of those thousands of people you describe who wanted, and still wants, to see God's love and power prevail in peoples' lives. We accepted the definition that is what would happen when the "Word moved over the world". I was active in Word and Culture, having designed the retemory game It Is Written. I spent several Rocks of Ages in the Hearts and Crafts tent. I coordinated a TWIG for two years and saw God work signs, miracles and wonders in it.

In PFAL, Wierwille talked about the church board that makes their plans, then prays "And thank you God for blessing what we've already decided." He was describing the difference between walking by the flesh and walking by the spirit. It wasn't until I was in residence training as member of the 16th Corps that I found out that "the Word moving over the world" was being planned and organized exactly the same way that church board operated in PFAL, walking by the flesh.

You wrote, "Yes, year after year.....wierwille's twi was shown to have been led astray."

Wierwille's TWI was never led astray. It withered as it began, the personal empire of a con-man. Wierwille had to mix some truth in with his poisonous brew. You have to cover the flavor of antifreeze to get a person to drink it. There was enough truth mixed into what Wierwille taught that God could work spectacular things when people believed the true parts.

But TWI culture, especially Corps culture, was designed to lead people to transfer their allegiance from the Lord Jesus Christ to VPW, and after his death, to the organization.

Looking back,I know that the wonderful visions of Word Over the World I imagined myself, and built for my twig-mates, could not have survived Wierwille's grasping micro-management.

I got hold of a copy of Dilemma of Foreign Missions in India shortly after I disassociated from TWI in 1986/'87, and was horrified to see how closely the Corps training duplicated the practices Wierwille decried in Dilemma.

God is honest and God is good. Weiwille and TWI were never, at heart, either, even though many of his followers were. Corps training weeded those followers out, or perverted them. That was what happened to me.



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  On 6/7/2012 at 2:33 PM, Steve Lortz said:

God is honest and God is good. Weiwille and TWI were never, at heart, either, even though many of his followers were. Corps training weeded those followers out, or perverted them. That was what happened to me.



Thanks for your post. All of it.....well spoken and so true!

What wholesale deception from the get-go. The corps program and staff only pulled the curtain back further.

To this day, it amazes me that I stayed so long even after seeing red flags after about 4 years.

But hey.....that's what INDOCTRINATION does, isn't it? <_<

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I did not look for a copy of Dilemma on line. I bought a hard copy, I think on Amazon. I can give page numbers for any quotes of Dilemma I included in my article if anyone wishes them.

Like Dilemma, most of VP's "books" were transcribed sermons he gave, a method which captured his sloppy, extreme, offhanded, and inaccurate manner.

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i saw some really wonderful loving godly things miracles whatever happen

i think it was because of people who loved god so much and his grace and kindness all that stuff. i don't know how else to explain. of course it was not a formula of any kind. it was heart of who was behind it and what was going on

do i have to credit vic? i don't think so

there are other bible verses along these lines but i can't remember them :)

anyway, in my opinion, nothing to lose sleep over

sorry if i sound like a jerk. i was/can be a "believer" with any help from vic thank you

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Among other things, the Balaam account showed us that even an @$$ can speak the truth if God wants.

Doesn't mean we should then elevate that @$$ and make him a minister or promote his class

or give him 10% of our income.

God worked with LOTS of Christians who were in twi IN SPITE OF their connections to twi.

If you played "telephone" and followed back "who witnessed to who", I'm confident nearly all of

the deliverance people got were because they learned from people who learned from people

(and so on) who were part of the Jesus People/House of Acts whom vpw recruited when he hijacked

the hippies from their spontaneous work with God to vpw's regimented religion.

God blessed those people no matter what group they spoke of.

Lots of us were distant "descendants" of them, and many of us did things God would like-

but not because of twi or becauae of vpw.


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Among other things, the Balaam account showed us that even an @$$ can speak the truth if God wants.

Doesn't mean we should then elevate that @$$ and make him a minister or promote his class or give him 10% of our income.

i liked that. it would be like following francis the talking mule or mr. ed. yes, i know i'm old
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  On 6/9/2012 at 7:59 PM, excathedra said:

i liked that. it would be like following francis the talking mule or mr. ed. yes, i know i'm old

I'm old too, excie. Francis and Mr. Ed could certainly be sarcastic at times. I liked them. They weren't smarmy like Wierwille.



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There were some incidents concerning vpw's visit to India that we've discussed before.

There's what vpw SAID, and what HAPPENED.

For example, vpw said something about there never before having been a minister who

traveled there with his whole family- saying he was the first.

Supposing there were none before him, he wasn't the first because he left his

youngest son separated from his entire nuclear family for several months when

he was tiny.

vpw also claimed he had entre to all sorts of things there. This is true.

His host, Dr Williams, had entre and walked vpw through everything.

vpw responded by swallowing Williams' line of talk about missionaries-

which vpw later spoke on and had someone transcribe into "his book"

"The Dilemna of Foreign Missions."

vpw claimed that his entre into things all over India was the result of

some miraculous healing he performed. The truth is that Dr Williams opened

all the doors- as Mrs W's account clearly stated in her book.

vpw told us all that it was all because he supposedly was standing on the

back of a train as it was preparing to pull out, and there was a man with

a withered arm there, who was not a Christian. He asked the man if he wanted

vpw to pray for him and if he believed he would be healed if vpw prayed for him.

The man supposedly replied 'yes' to both, but was clear he did not believe in

Jesus. vpw supposedly prayed and the man received a miracle of healing, his arm

suddenly becoming whole and strong in a few seconds, just as the train was pulling

out. Supposedly, vpw was shouting to him about him receiving his healing in the

name of Jesus. Then someone came up to vpw on the train, said he was representing

some official who saw the entire incident that happened back there, and was

responding to such a healing, gave him the keys to his city, and said the doors

to "the East" would always be open to him as a result.

Mrs W's account of the train incident said he was asked to perform a special

blessing for the people there, Christian and non, and he prayed publickly.

Then a man came up on the train and said he represented an official who saw

the prayer, and was impressed a Christian minister would pray for non-Christians.

Later, Dr Williams arranged for vpw to get a key to a city and speak at the


Mrs W's account skips this entire supposed miracle. No surprise, since a poster

who knew her and saw her notes said there was no such miracle in her notes of the


The entire supposed incident was ridiculous, and cinematic. vpw supposedly is on

the back of a train, and is permitted to hang off the back as it's prepared to

move, and a crowd is allowed to surround the back of the train. As the train begins

to pull out, vpw is in physical contact with someone on the ground, and the train

is beginning regardless. Furthermore, he's with NO support, standing at the back

of a train, bent over the back as it's moving, and he is immune to the laws of inertia

and general physics because he's shouting slogans rather than struggling to stay

onboard a train.

So he obviously lied about what happened, and Mrs W refused to include that lie in

her notes and in her book.

An interesting side-note is that one poster who knew her claimed she pointed to a man

in photos and said that was the man- but there's no such account in her notes and her

OFFICIAL accout of what happened skipped over it. Does that mean she told ONE person

the truth, and hid the truth from the rest-who wanted to believe it?

Or did she lie to one person and tell the truth to everyone else even though it would

have been easier to just give the lie they expected?

I think we all would draw the same conclusions.


Some threads that touched on this:

wierwille's stories in pfal

The Indian that was healed on the train by VP

Keys to the city

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WW, that's not quite what this particular thread is about. That topic has been discussed many times.

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  On 6/11/2012 at 8:32 PM, Twinky said:

WW, that's not quite what this particular thread is about. That topic has been discussed many times.

Go easy on us newcomers. I usually have crappy luck with the search feature and this is the first time I read the different accounts between Mrs. WW and Victoid.

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