I don't necessarily agree with everything written...
I think there is a fundamental mistake when we take the "made in image of God" and look at it as something as we are valuable when it is God who declares our value.
Scripture is repetitive in declaring what is at the heart of man. Jesus even said what is in the heart of man is evil and Romans 1-3 gives a great detailed report about what the natural condition of man is....
If man is good why would Jesus tell Nicodemous that man needs to be born again? A new spirit given to man fulfilled prophecy from Ezekiel 23...
It just does not make any since.
You said what makes us more than animals is our godlike possibilities... We are made in his image any other possibility comes from the forbidden fruit. The knowledge of good and evil...
Again It is hard for me to see this not as pride.
I think the way to think about it is that we are at our hearts evil but God sees his image on us and desires us to be restored but he needs to do convert from Windows to Mac in order to do the Job... (lets be honest there is a lot of debate on what the image is)
Here is my short research I have done in the past with the whole Rob Bell thing
The word aionos you are defining as "age-lasting"
I think you need to look at all uses of the word αιωνος
Lets put your definition in other uses of the word
Romans 2:7 " "patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality he will give eternal life" ESV
αφθαπσιαν ζητουσιν ζωην αιωνιον
immortality seek life age-lasting (your definition)
Your definition does not work there...
1 Peter 5:10a
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ,"
αιωνιον αυτου δοξαν εν Χριστω
age-lasting him glory in Christ (your definition)
Please forgive non of the accent marks I am not good with those but I swear the definitions are good. I rechecked the words I don't know.
I think you get the point because there are a lot more verses like that...
the word αιων is best used as eternal or forever when compared to other scriptures... If you are talking about verses like 2:Thessalonians 1:9 by Paul who wrote Romans using the same word in Romans 2:7 to that of "They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" The word Eternal is the same word in Romans 2:7 αιωνιον...
I think it is good to realize that God sees value in us but it is also misleading for us to take away that to quote Paul "No one does good no not one" Rom 3.
I don't necessarily agree with everything written...
I think there is a fundamental mistake when we take the "made in image of God" and look at it as something as we are valuable when it is God who declares our value.
Scripture is repetitive in declaring what is at the heart of man. Jesus even said what is in the heart of man is evil and Romans 1-3 gives a great detailed report about what the natural condition of man is....
If man is good why would Jesus tell Nicodemous that man needs to be born again? A new spirit given to man fulfilled prophecy from Ezekiel 23...
It just does not make any since.
You said what makes us more than animals is our godlike possibilities... We are made in his image any other possibility comes from the forbidden fruit. The knowledge of good and evil...
Again It is hard for me to see this not as pride.
I think the way to think about it is that we are at our hearts evil but God sees his image on us and desires us to be restored but he needs to do convert from Windows to Mac in order to do the Job... (lets be honest there is a lot of debate on what the image is)
Here is my short research I have done in the past with the whole Rob Bell thing
The word aionos you are defining as "age-lasting"
I think you need to look at all uses of the word αιωνος
Lets put your definition in other uses of the word
Romans 2:7 " "patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality he will give eternal life" ESV
αφθαπσιαν ζητουσιν ζωην αιωνιον
immortality seek life age-lasting (your definition)
Your definition does not work there...
1 Peter 5:10a
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ,"
αιωνιον αυτου δοξαν εν Χριστω
age-lasting him glory in Christ (your definition)
Please forgive non of the accent marks I am not good with those but I swear the definitions are good. I rechecked the words I don't know.
I think you get the point because there are a lot more verses like that...
the word αιων is best used as eternal or forever when compared to other scriptures... If you are talking about verses like 2:Thessalonians 1:9 by Paul who wrote Romans using the same word in Romans 2:7 to that of "They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" The word Eternal is the same word in Romans 2:7 αιωνιον...
I think it is good to realize that God sees value in us but it is also misleading for us to take away that to quote Paul "No one does good no not one" Rom 3.
Thanks for the challenge
God Bless
The body is not something outward that clings to the real self of a person (the soul), but denotes the whole person. Man does not have a body; he is a body. The body can become an obstacle when it is used as an instrument of sin, but it is not a hindrance of itself. The new testament sees the body as an essential aspect of the whole person which is not detachable from the soul nor can be cast aside. No challenge just seeking insight, to bad the Way stopped doing research, I learned about this at a mission I am staying at. You take it easy buddy, Yahweh bless you, Robert.
The best time going.. I just don't hope we have the best time coming..
well, if you believe that kind of thing..
1. I don't want to come from infancy, in this existence, in any form. At least until I am confronted with the alternatives..
2. I want every intellectual advancement I've struggled for, in this existence. Why in the hell should it be FAIR (though I don't ascribe to fairness, unless it REALLY exists) to go through the same damned six years of college to get primitive information about mathematic axioms, proofs, and such..
3. I don't want to make the same damned, stupid numbnuts mistakes.
4. I want the same children..
can't nullify what this incarnation cannot be undone..
Believers in literal, eternal hellfire assume that the weeping and grinding of teeth describes the conscious agony experienced by the lost for all eternity. But the context of the Bible suggests, however, that the weeping and grinding of teeth occurs during the separation or expulsion that occurs at the final judgment; the outcome which ultimately results in their extinction of the whole being, soul and body. When it comes to the punishment of the wicked, unending fire simply means until they are destroyed, total annihilation! The image of an unquenchable fire is a figure of speech designed to convey the thought of being completely burned up or consumed, and has nothing to do with the everlasting punishment of immortal souls. From a biblical perspective, the fire that consumes the wicked, annihilates them as human beings.
Believers in literal, eternal hellfire assume that the weeping and grinding of teeth describes the conscious agony experienced by the lost for all eternity. But the context of the Bible suggests, however, that the weeping and grinding of teeth occurs during the separation or expulsion that occurs at the final judgment; the outcome which ultimately results in their extinction of the whole being, soul and body. When it comes to the punishment of the wicked, unending fire simply means until they are destroyed, total annihilation! The image of an unquenchable fire is a figure of speech designed to convey the thought of being completely burned up or consumed, and has nothing to do with the everlasting punishment of immortal souls. From a biblical perspective, the fire that consumes the wicked, annihilates them as human beings.
VP was wrong in his teaching of the image of God.
I really believe you are missing what the 'fire' is and does here.
Until you are in the fire, you can't draw any conclusions.
Even then, the fire and you personally, is just part of what will be experienced.
Christ will be with each of us in our own time.
Your end of these worlds does not mean it's the end for everyones worlds.
A common misunderstanding that everything and everyone will experience this at the same time.
I don't believe this is what will happen.
Or any 'total annihilation' due to the lack of seeing what it is to be destroyed...as Christ was.
I really believe you are missing what the 'fire' is and does here.
Until you are in the fire, you can't draw any conclusions.
Even then, the fire and you personally, is just part of what will be experienced.
Christ will be with each of us in our own time.
Your end of these worlds does not mean it's the end for everyones worlds.
A common misunderstanding that everything and everyone will experience this at the same time.
I don't believe this is what will happen.
Or any 'total annihilation' due to the lack of seeing what it is to be destroyed...as Christ was.
Yahweh will resurrect the wicked mortal, but he will not give them that life Yeshua received within himself in order to inflect upon them a punishment of eternal pain. The wicked will receive ultimate annihilation.
WARNING: For the overly serious, the following instruction is presented with a thoroughly implanted tongue-in-cheek.
When I first showed up at WayDale, back when computers were a series of beads on a series of strings on a little square frame, I used to write like you. My paragraphs were pages long and hard to read because of the incredible density of all those letters in such a small space. Many feared me because they could not see the whites of my pages.
Finally some kind person had the unmitigated gall to inform me of the difficulty they had trying to read my blatherings and said it would be really nice if I broke the paragraphs down to small, simple, easy to read partitions so they didn't get lost before they got mid-way through even my small paragraphs.
So I grudgingly conceded to the great unwashed masses and broke down my massive super paragraphs into smaller mini-paras and not only found the masses loved me, but that I also suffered much less eyestrain reading my own prodigious printed ponderings.
(OK, they really only liked me a little bit more, and some even muttered: "So that is what he meant!")
If you are like me, you probably think in long paragraphs because to you, your subject matter is one big thought. Break it down even if it doesn't make paragraphical sense just so it is easier to read and thusly to understand.
Understanding is what you want to achieve.
Besides what you see in my structure above, I will break up your starting work so you can see and consider the difference:
Paul’s usage of the Greek word for body is “soma.” “Soma” is not something external to a man himself, something he has, it is what he is. Indeed, “soma” is the nearest equivalent to our word personality. To believe in the resurrection of the “soma,” means to believe that my human self, the human being that “I” am, will be restored to life again. I will not be someone different from who I am now, but I will be exclusively myself.
God has committed himself to preserving my individuality, personality, and character. The term body “soma” is simply a synonym for “person.” The goal of God’s redemption is not the destruction of his first creation, but its restoration to its original perfection.
This is why the Scripture speaks of the resurrection of the body “soma” rather than of the creation of new beings. Both death and resurrection affect the total person “soma.” The resurrected persons “soma” will be the same individuals as those who existed previously on earth.
Being created in the image of God means that we must view ourselves as intrinsically valuable and richly invested with meaning, potentially and responsibilities. We are to be and to do on a finite scale, what God is and does on an infinite scale. By virtue of being created in the image of God, human beings are capable of reflecting his character in their own life;
animals possess none of these qualities. What distinguishes people from animals is the fact that human nature inherently has godlike possibilities. Omniscience omnipotence, or omnipresence, none of these other divine attributes have been ascribed to man as part of the image of God.
We have been created to reflect God in our thinking and actions, but the physical sustained by God and dependent upon him for our existence in this world and in the world to come. Developing a godly character in this present life, this will be our personal identity in the world to come. It is the character or personality that we have developed in this life, that God preserves in his memory.
Breath of life and the living soul; man’s soul is in his blood and indeed his blood is his soul. He is kept in being [alive] as a living soul by the inhalation of oxygen out of the air. Man’s soul depends on this intake of oxygen and the blood, but the cessation of breathing results in the death of the soul, because the blood, which is equated with the soul, no longer receives the oxygen that is so vital for life.
Breathing is seen as a manifestation of the sustaining power of God. Man became a living soul does not mean that at creation his body was endowed with an immortal soul, a separate entity, distinct from the body. Rather, it means that as a result of the divine inbreathing of the “breath of life” into the lifeless body, man became a living, breathing being.
The heart began to beat, the blood to circulate, the brain to think, and all the vital signs of life were activated. A living soul means a living being. Not through the implantation of an immaterial, immortal soul into his material, mortal body, but through the animating principle of life “breath of life” conferred on him by God himself.
In the Old Testament, the word “sheol” is the underground depository of the dead. There are no immaterial, immortal souls in sheol, simply because the soul does not survive the death of the body. Nowhere in the Old Testament is the abode of the dead regarded as a place of punishment or torment.
The concept of an infernal ‘hell’ developed in Israel only during the Hellenistic period. The condition of the dead in sheol, the realm of the dead, is one of unconsciousness, inactivity, a rest or sleep that will continue until they are resurrected. The prospect that one day a vast number of people will be consigned to the everlasting torment of hell is most disturbing.
Traditionalists read “eternal punishment” as “eternal punishing.” When the adjective “aionios” meaning eternal or everlasting, is used in the Greek with nouns of action, it has reference to the result of the action, not the process. The wicked will not be passing through a process of punishment forever, but will be punished once and for all with eternal results.
The destruction of the wicked is eternal “aionios,” not because the process of destruction continues forever, but because the results are permanent. “Eternal” often refers to the permanence of the result, rather than the continuation of a process. It is evident that the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is eternal, not because of its duration, but because of its permanent results.
“And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire” (Jude 23a). The fire to which Jude refers is obviously the same kind of fire that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah. It is evident that the fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is eternal, not because of its duration, but because of its permanent results.
It is important to note that the Greek word “aionios” literally means “lasting for an age.” Roman emperors being described as “aionios”; what is meant is that they held their office for life.
Unfortunately, the English words “eternal” or “everlasting” do not accurately render the meaning of “aionios”, which literally means “age-lasting.” The notion of the eternal torment of the wicked can only be defended by accepting the Greek view of the immortality and indestructibility of the soul, a concept which is foreign to Scripture. Everlasting torture is intolerable from a moral point of view, because it pictures God acting like a bloodthirsty monster who maintains an everlasting Auschwitz for his enemies, whom he does not even allow to die.
Consider the moral implications of the traditional view of hell, which depicts God as a cruel torturer who torments the wicked throughout all eternity. The thought of such a torment being deliberately inflicted by divine decree, is totally incompatible with the idea of God as infinite love.
Many Christians will be sorely disappointed to discover that their beliefs in the afterlife are a delusion. When this happens, it will cause personal crisis to Christians accustom to believing that at death their souls break loose from their bodies and continue to exist either in Heaven or in the torment of Hell. Redemption is the restoration of the whole person, and not the salvation of the soul apart from the body.
If at death the soul of the believer goes up immediately to Heaven to be with Jesus, one hardly can have any real sense of expectation for Jesus to come down to raise the dead believers that were in Jesus, and transform the living believers that are in Jesus.
Traditionally, evangelical and other religious persuasions teach, that at the resurrection, their material bodies are reunited with their souls, thus intensifying the pleasure of Heaven or the pain of Hell. Why are evangelicals so adamant in refusing to reconsider the Biblical teachings on the restoration of the whole person?
To abandon souls being reunited with their bodies, also entails abandoning a whole cluster of doctrines resulting form it. The total impact of dividing humans into body and soul has promoted all sorts of false dichotomies in Scripture. To be an “Evangelical” means to uphold certain fundamental traditional doctrines without questioning. Any one who dares to question the Biblical validity of a traditional doctrine can become suspect as a “heretic.”
It is impossible to estimate the far-reaching impact that the doctrine of unending hellfire has had throughout the centuries in justifying religious intolerance, torture, and the burning of “heretics.” The rationale is simple: If God is going to burn heretics in Hell for all eternity, why shouldn’t the church burn them to death now?
Anyway look at it and think it over. I think you will find this much easier for others and you to read.
(Some other paragraphic mega-builders might also consider this too.)
For the uninitiated, the movie K-PAX had an ancient alien visitor in a modern day US asylum who spoke to his doctor about how the universe operated.
K-PAXian theology taught that the universe ran in a ever continuing cycle of big bang, expanding, then collapsing back to the pre-bang. Then doing it over and over again in a never ending cycle. Every cycle is exactly the same, all history is the same. When it finally gets around to you, Attila , Napoleon and Hitler will have already made their contributions to society.
You will be be born in the same place at the same minute on the same day as you have for five thousand times already and will for countless infinities of times yet to come, over trillions of eons into the future. On such a day you will eat a bowl of grapenuts at 7:30, go to work at 8:59, spill coffee over your keyboard at 3:47 and beat your dog with the newspaper at 5:43 because of the endless repetition of the universe.
In spite of this revelation K-PAX tries to get his caretaker to reconcile with his estranged son, breaking with the preset destiny.
...or is it?!
The K-PAX theology given above is also from the Hindu religion. They have the same creation theory and even their chief gods do not know of the eternal re-cycling until he learns it from an older god.
So kids,...
Whatever happens has already happened and will happen again for countless eternities, so eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die and will be born again... and again...and again.......
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Steve Lortz
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I don't necessarily agree with everything written...
I think there is a fundamental mistake when we take the "made in image of God" and look at it as something as we are valuable when it is God who declares our value.
Scripture is repetitive in declaring what is at the heart of man. Jesus even said what is in the heart of man is evil and Romans 1-3 gives a great detailed report about what the natural condition of man is....
If man is good why would Jesus tell Nicodemous that man needs to be born again? A new spirit given to man fulfilled prophecy from Ezekiel 23...
It just does not make any since.
You said what makes us more than animals is our godlike possibilities... We are made in his image any other possibility comes from the forbidden fruit. The knowledge of good and evil...
Again It is hard for me to see this not as pride.
I think the way to think about it is that we are at our hearts evil but God sees his image on us and desires us to be restored but he needs to do convert from Windows to Mac in order to do the Job... (lets be honest there is a lot of debate on what the image is)
Here is my short research I have done in the past with the whole Rob Bell thing
The word aionos you are defining as "age-lasting"
I think you need to look at all uses of the word αιωνος
Lets put your definition in other uses of the word
Romans 2:7 " "patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality he will give eternal life" ESV
αφθαπσιαν ζητουσιν ζωην αιωνιον
immortality seek life age-lasting (your definition)
Your definition does not work there...
1 Peter 5:10a
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ,"
αιωνιον αυτου δοξαν εν Χριστω
age-lasting him glory in Christ (your definition)
Please forgive non of the accent marks I am not good with those but I swear the definitions are good. I rechecked the words I don't know.
I think you get the point because there are a lot more verses like that...
the word αιων is best used as eternal or forever when compared to other scriptures... If you are talking about verses like 2:Thessalonians 1:9 by Paul who wrote Romans using the same word in Romans 2:7 to that of "They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might" The word Eternal is the same word in Romans 2:7 αιωνιον...
I think it is good to realize that God sees value in us but it is also misleading for us to take away that to quote Paul "No one does good no not one" Rom 3.
Thanks for the challenge
God Bless
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The body is not something outward that clings to the real self of a person (the soul), but denotes the whole person. Man does not have a body; he is a body. The body can become an obstacle when it is used as an instrument of sin, but it is not a hindrance of itself. The new testament sees the body as an essential aspect of the whole person which is not detachable from the soul nor can be cast aside. No challenge just seeking insight, to bad the Way stopped doing research, I learned about this at a mission I am staying at. You take it easy buddy, Yahweh bless you, Robert.
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this is so very interesting, thank you, and i hope you all do go on
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Buddhists regard it as a place of refinement..
burning off all of the worthless crap you've accumulated along the way..
personally, I think a lot of that defines the person themself..
kinda hard to let go of..
takes something bigger than "self" to let go of it..
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This is "doctrinal" isn't it? So let's be "nuts"..
I had a preview of it..
one look into the Light..at least for long enough, and you will be GONE.
what if.. you woke up once, and found that EVERYTHING you believe was just, plain, WRONG.
another "nutcase" like me, actually a dear friend, a guru, a nutcase like me, asked me the same question..
what if everything burned off..
They think the burning is due to some kind of Divine Mercy..
I hope I take something of this with me..
otherwise, what was the purpose?
"we teach our people not to look into the light.. you will get BURNED.."
sorry, too late by the time you gave your advice..
if you survive, your eyes will become accustomed to the light.. eventually..
I hope this makes sense to somebody here..
other than me..
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maybe you just don't understand their language..
is that really a fact?
Why does God actually have to DO anything? Maybe.. maybe. It's an old movie..
a custom better honored by it's breach than by it's observance..
well then, you'll have the pay the Piper!
"the P P P P Piper?"
yes, you hear me, you .. (curses in Scottish).. you'l have to pay the Piper..
I would rather be a Friend of God.. there is only one human being given this name, that I know of..
I don't think so.. everything else, yes. Dissapointed, no.
Being dissoved in the Light is not exactly unpleasant..
They tried that a few times, didn't they?
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What if we get to Hell and find out it's not really there?...Well, we would have had the best time going.
Dat's Riiight!
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The best time going.. I just don't hope we have the best time coming..
well, if you believe that kind of thing..
1. I don't want to come from infancy, in this existence, in any form. At least until I am confronted with the alternatives..
2. I want every intellectual advancement I've struggled for, in this existence. Why in the hell should it be FAIR (though I don't ascribe to fairness, unless it REALLY exists) to go through the same damned six years of college to get primitive information about mathematic axioms, proofs, and such..
3. I don't want to make the same damned, stupid numbnuts mistakes.
4. I want the same children..
can't nullify what this incarnation cannot be undone..
I'd say more..
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So what happens to the animals?
Just wonder..
The universe folds into itself in existence.. the "humans" take some kind of detour or something..
what happens to the other 99.7 percent of Deity..
Closer to 99.999999 percent..
Humans are so damned arrogant..
"we" is "it"..
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May the circle be unbroken....or at least not seriously damaged.
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well, it can't be, can it?
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Maybe.. heh.
maybe the anaimals (at least the ones I know)
chose to be passive(?) observers..
well.. the cats here.. I've told some that they were sent by Cats from the distant future to observe human(?) civilization..
well, one of the cats certainly observes me..
herds me into the bathroom in the morning (no longer necessary. Mission generally accomplished). Makes sure I wash everywhere..
then we are done.
I do my best to pass inspection..
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Believers in literal, eternal hellfire assume that the weeping and grinding of teeth describes the conscious agony experienced by the lost for all eternity. But the context of the Bible suggests, however, that the weeping and grinding of teeth occurs during the separation or expulsion that occurs at the final judgment; the outcome which ultimately results in their extinction of the whole being, soul and body. When it comes to the punishment of the wicked, unending fire simply means until they are destroyed, total annihilation! The image of an unquenchable fire is a figure of speech designed to convey the thought of being completely burned up or consumed, and has nothing to do with the everlasting punishment of immortal souls. From a biblical perspective, the fire that consumes the wicked, annihilates them as human beings.
VP was wrong in his teaching of the image of God.
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Well, he was wrong in his teaching of the image of himself, as well. So, what else is new?
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I really believe you are missing what the 'fire' is and does here.
Until you are in the fire, you can't draw any conclusions.
Even then, the fire and you personally, is just part of what will be experienced.
Christ will be with each of us in our own time.
Your end of these worlds does not mean it's the end for everyones worlds.
A common misunderstanding that everything and everyone will experience this at the same time.
I don't believe this is what will happen.
Or any 'total annihilation' due to the lack of seeing what it is to be destroyed...as Christ was.
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Yahweh will resurrect the wicked mortal, but he will not give them that life Yeshua received within himself in order to inflect upon them a punishment of eternal pain. The wicked will receive ultimate annihilation.
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WARNING: For the overly serious, the following instruction is presented with a thoroughly implanted tongue-in-cheek.
When I first showed up at WayDale, back when computers were a series of beads on a series of strings on a little square frame, I used to write like you. My paragraphs were pages long and hard to read because of the incredible density of all those letters in such a small space. Many feared me because they could not see the whites of my pages.
Finally some kind person had the unmitigated gall to inform me of the difficulty they had trying to read my blatherings and said it would be really nice if I broke the paragraphs down to small, simple, easy to read partitions so they didn't get lost before they got mid-way through even my small paragraphs.
So I grudgingly conceded to the great unwashed masses and broke down my massive super paragraphs into smaller mini-paras and not only found the masses loved me, but that I also suffered much less eyestrain reading my own prodigious printed ponderings.
(OK, they really only liked me a little bit more, and some even muttered: "So that is what he meant!")
If you are like me, you probably think in long paragraphs because to you, your subject matter is one big thought. Break it down even if it doesn't make paragraphical sense just so it is easier to read and thusly to understand.
Understanding is what you want to achieve.
Besides what you see in my structure above, I will break up your starting work so you can see and consider the difference:
Anyway look at it and think it over. I think you will find this much easier for others and you to read.
(Some other paragraphic mega-builders might also consider this too.)
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Pretty good work, by the way.
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Ham and waysider,
You must be true believers of K-PAX.
For the uninitiated, the movie K-PAX had an ancient alien visitor in a modern day US asylum who spoke to his doctor about how the universe operated.
K-PAXian theology taught that the universe ran in a ever continuing cycle of big bang, expanding, then collapsing back to the pre-bang. Then doing it over and over again in a never ending cycle. Every cycle is exactly the same, all history is the same. When it finally gets around to you, Attila , Napoleon and Hitler will have already made their contributions to society.
You will be be born in the same place at the same minute on the same day as you have for five thousand times already and will for countless infinities of times yet to come, over trillions of eons into the future. On such a day you will eat a bowl of grapenuts at 7:30, go to work at 8:59, spill coffee over your keyboard at 3:47 and beat your dog with the newspaper at 5:43 because of the endless repetition of the universe.
In spite of this revelation K-PAX tries to get his caretaker to reconcile with his estranged son, breaking with the preset destiny.
...or is it?!
The K-PAX theology given above is also from the Hindu religion. They have the same creation theory and even their chief gods do not know of the eternal re-cycling until he learns it from an older god.
So kids,...
Whatever happens has already happened and will happen again for countless eternities, so eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die and will be born again... and again... and again.......
:blink: :wacko:
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Do not click link unless you need a little musical (semi related) diversion!
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Thanks Waysider,
That was good, kind of a blend of jazz, blues, country. they had some nice Gibsons.
I listened to several other songs too, the man is seriously funny.
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